Chick Chat Collective

006: Black Hole Moments with Nichole Eaton author of Rock Your Soul and Rock Your Comeback

June 28, 2023 Kacey
006: Black Hole Moments with Nichole Eaton author of Rock Your Soul and Rock Your Comeback
Chick Chat Collective
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Chick Chat Collective
006: Black Hole Moments with Nichole Eaton author of Rock Your Soul and Rock Your Comeback
Jun 28, 2023

Hi everybody! I am so excited for you to hear this conversation today with the amazing Nicole Eaton. Nichole is the author of the books Rock Your Comeback: The Down to Earth Guide to Reclaiming Your Power and Rock Your Soul: The Down-to-Earth Guide to Mastering Your Mind. She is an Intuitive Therapist, Podcaster, and an overall rule breaker, here to help you burst through your own limits and defy beliefs holding you back from being more successful, happy, or living a life you're passionate about.

Find Nichole:
IG : @nichole.Eaton.xo

I hope you guys enjoy our conversation together, and I hope that you guys give her a follow and reach out to her if she can help you in any way.

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Show Notes Transcript

Hi everybody! I am so excited for you to hear this conversation today with the amazing Nicole Eaton. Nichole is the author of the books Rock Your Comeback: The Down to Earth Guide to Reclaiming Your Power and Rock Your Soul: The Down-to-Earth Guide to Mastering Your Mind. She is an Intuitive Therapist, Podcaster, and an overall rule breaker, here to help you burst through your own limits and defy beliefs holding you back from being more successful, happy, or living a life you're passionate about.

Find Nichole:
IG : @nichole.Eaton.xo

I hope you guys enjoy our conversation together, and I hope that you guys give her a follow and reach out to her if she can help you in any way.

Please subscribe to the podcast and if you leave a review, that helps so much! Tell your friends about the podcast and invite them to listen!

If you have a story to share, please reach out to me at

Let's connect on IG @kacey.n.laird

 Well, hello everybody. I am so excited. This is Kacey with the Chick Chat Collective and today's awesome guest is Nichole Eaton. She is the author and podcast host of Rock Your Comeback, and she's gonna, we're really gonna start with, you know what led her to these amazing things that she's offering for women now.

Uh, women and men, I guess. Is it only women or, yeah, I'm, I'm an equal opportunity employer. Perfect. Yeah. Love it. And we're really just gonna dive in. She has so many things going on. Um, we're featuring her at an event for Ladies Lifestyle Network. She's. Amazing in this manifestation journaling space. So we are very excited for that.

And I really just want you to tell people, you know, what kind of led you in this direction because it's very inspiring. It's very helpful, it's very impactful. You know, I watch your Instagram, your reels and stuff that you post, and it's just full of wonderful information. And so I think it's important for people to hear like, what led you.

You know, to where you are and kind of how you started out. Yeah. Well, thank you for first of all, having me on. I always love an opportunity to like, sit down with like-minded friends and, you know, it's kind of a wild story. Like, I hope you're, I hope you're ready. Um, so just in terms of like, what is Rock Your Comeback?

Rock Your Comeback is kind of an add-on to my first book, rock Your Soul. And it kind of came about because Rock Your Soul was really the, um, how to master your mind, the down to earth guide to master your mind. Like, how do we get our thoughts right? But the reality was is when I was writing Rock Your Soul, I was on a whole different journey.

And so Rock Your Comeback is helping people reclaim their personal power through their mind, through their intuition, and through collaborating with the universe. So how does one go from being a therapist to getting into this woo shit? Um, so I actually, I got married when I was 19, um, and I found out that I was pregnant maybe three weeks after I turned 20.

Wow. And I, I was finding out I was pregnant in the heat of my parents' divorce. So my mom had moved all the way to Florida. I was in New York at the time. And I found out I was pregnant. I had a ton of professors telling me that I should probably put my college life on hold because the coursing for the psychology stuff I was doing was just way too intensive and they didn't think I would pass.

Um, I stayed and I passed, but I had basically this moment in time where, Every dream that I had for myself felt really fucking hard to get to. Yeah. And once I had my daughter, and she's just like the biggest blessing, but at the time it was like, you know, you wake up, you go to school, you drop her off a daycare, you come home, you make dinner, you, you start all over the next day.

And it just was soul draining and exhausting. And I just felt like everything that I had worked so hard for up until that point was just, Off in the distance and it really started to impact my mental health. Like who was, I even, I'm watching my friends turn 21. They're off partying, they're carefree. Some people are still living in their parents' basement and I'm, my husband and I at the time, were just, We were trying so hard to get me through school.

He was working at a commission-based job, which if you know anything about working a commission-based job, it is so unpredictable. Financially. Yes. There were weeks where we were like, what utility do we keep on? You know, what, what, what, uh, do we need lights more this time of year? Do we need heat more this time of year?

And we're doing this with a small, you know, three month old, four month old baby at the time. It just felt like, okay, I'm far away from my friends cuz we're not in the same f playing field of life. They don't wanna hear about, you know, breastfeeding and me pumping in the bathroom during the middle of my school breaks.

Like they don't wanna hear about any of that. So I kind of like lost touch with friends and I felt like, you know, my family had already split up and fallen apart because my mom moved and my dad was, you know, doing whatever he was doing and we were so. Fucking broke, and I just felt like shit, this is what my life will be like.

This is my new reality. And I fell into this really serious depression where I was going to college for psychology. I was going for mental health counseling, but I was barely keeping my head above the water. Yeah, it's really interesting because even now I look at, I look at people and they're like, Really stuck in their thought patterns.

And at the time I was so stuck in my thought patterns and I was in school for psychology. I was in school for mental health counseling, and I knew what to do to help other people get out of their thought patterns. I knew what to do. And the problem was, is that I couldn't find the belief and the hope in myself to do it.

So one of the cool things that happens when you're in a dark place is that sometimes you'll get this. Knowing, and even if it's small, and even if it's just a little nudge, it's like a knowing that this can't be it. And that's exactly what happened for me is like at one point I was just like, this, this is not what I, what I signed up for.

This is not what I wanted my life to be. Um, and I stepped out of the victim mode of all this things, all these things around me were happening to me. And I started to get curious about, okay, what am I gonna do? To change it, and there's really something magical that happens when you open up to the universe like that.

There's really something magical that when you get out of your own way, long enough to say. I'm wondering, and I'm curious of what else is more for me. I remember somebody gave me a book called The Secret by Rhonda Burn. It was like a Christmas gift. I had never heard of manifestation before in my life, but it was interesting because it played a lot in psychology.

So I was like, okay, there might be something to this. Mm-hmm. And we were so broke at the time, so in the book it was like, oh, you can manifest a check. And I was like, no one's gonna send me checks, but I'm willing, because I was in such a desperate spot, I was willing to believe that it could be possible for me.

You know? So I remember like kind of setting it and forgetting it, and a couple weeks later I got this pretty big check in the mail for me. At the time, it was a big check. It was like $700. Yeah, it was a retail store that I worked at like seven years prior that was being like audited and they owed me $700 and this light bulb went off in my head of like, okay, if that's possible, what else is possible?

And that's amazing. It kinda trickled into every other area of my life. So the more I started to be willing to believe, and I, I don't teach people to manifest for things. Um, I'm very big on, I've, I've realized that that's kind of a base level manifestation. It's really about who you are and how you show up in the world and the energy you approach the world.

So I teach people manifesting how to feel about themselves because it all trickles out anyway. Um, but at the time, that was like a needed, tangible like thing. Yeah, the idea happened for me. Um, and at the same time I was working as a counselor in an, in a not-for-profit setting. And, um, I remember being so locked in and so present with people that I was starting to know them more than they were telling me.

And I would say things, I'd be like, they'd be like, did I tell you that? And I'm like, well, you must have. But what was happening at the same time that I was unlocking this part of me that was aware of manifestation, I was also luck unlocking this piece of me that was really intuitive. So I actually went and trained with a psychic medium for two and a half years and.

Um, it changed my life. It changed my depression. I started to look at just being open and willing to believe different things about my depression. I remember having a doctor tell me like, this, this is just genetic. This is, this is what it will be like. You know, once people are depressed, that's how they are.

And I just remember posing the question like, well, what if it doesn't have to be true? Right. Posing questions when you're in a stuck space is one of the most powerful things you can do because if you start to believe anything, you'll begin to process and, and gain momentum around the thoughts that prove it to be true.

And your brain is really only looking to prove you're right. So it was kind of a. Series of things of learning energy and learning intuition and learning how energy impacts thoughts and learning how thoughts are created in, in sticking points by energy. And so I began to combine my knowledge of mental health and neuroscience with intuition and the metaphysical, and now I really teach people how to step back into their power.

But I really believe that in order for me to really, truly have. Do that in a way that's authentic. I had to figure out how to do it for myself first, so I know it's all was purposeful and I, and I just wanna comment to anybody who is in one of those early spaces that I was in, like if anybody would've told me like I standing over that sink crying at that pregnancy test, what my life would look like now, I would've never believed them.

Yeah, like I have so much to be grateful for. I have built a business and more importantly, like I feel so good about who I am and what I have to offer and just be in service of the world, but I don't know if I would've been able to hear it back then. So I just wanna like say to anybody who is listening that it does get to get better.

Yes. Well, and I just, I want to thank you, right, because people who would just look at you now would just be like, oh, she's beautiful and well spoken and smart and successful and just, you know, Of course she's a wonderful business owner and you know, and it's like, no guys, I started off in a very hard spot.

I mean, trying to decide what utilities to pay with a baby like that is a very scary place to be. I'm sure you and your husband were like, Shit, you know, do, do we keep the heat on or the electricity, like we've got a child here to take care of, you know, and, and so for you to be able to, that nudge, right, your intuition to, you know, in your head like, this isn't it, this isn't what my life is going to be like.

It's just, it's the thing that kind of had to propel you. Onto the next step. And I just thank you for sharing that because I feel like a lot of times people don't like to share kind of the really hard moments that got them to where they are. It's like, it wasn't that hard. Or like, no, don't, don't work like so hard, you know, and, and all these things.

And it's like, that's all kind of misleading. And so just your honesty and your realness about it. I, I thank you very much. Like, I'm super grateful for it. I mean like in total transparency, because I think this is important to say, is. Nobody was a bigger hater of me than me. You know? And I think that's, it's so funny because people are like, oh, you're a powerhouse and you're confident.

And I'm like, Ooh, it took me a lot of fucking work to get here. Like it took me a lot of intention and like that's when I fell in love with manifestation and is when I realized that the power of my thoughts was to reshape my reality and reshape how I felt about myself because the messages were before I was like, you're stuck.

This is hopeless. Um, I was so insecure about everything I was doing and everything I was putting out that. Even when I did get to do it, it didn't come from a place of being really authentic. It came from a place of like, God, I hope people like me. Like, yeah. And so I had to really rewrite my inner thought and actually this is what I'm teaching it.

I'm telling you, if you guys come July 8th, I am teaching you the technique. That absolutely changed everything. It changed the trajectory of my life. It's something I still do to this day, every single day. I did it before this um, podcast because I swear by. The importance of repetition of thought and how to do it in a way that feels good and helps you to, uh, you know, just tap into your future version of you and really shift your I identity in, in a really powerful way.

But that's what we're teaching on, uh, July 8th. So, oh my gosh, what a gift. Like that is awesome. I'm so excited. Um, and you know, of course you were thinking that like. Every, is everyone judgment? You were 20 years old. I mean, you were, it's not like you had had all these life experiences yet, and you kind of had those to go off of.

It's like you were a kid yourself, you know? And. So that's just amazing. It really is. And is that what inspired the first book? Was you then kind of doing the training with your medium and then being like, oh my gosh, this stuff is really powerful. Like, you know, it's funny because I always felt called to write.

I mean, even when I was little, if you would ask me what I wanted to be, I wanted to be a writer. Yeah. Um, so I always felt that calling, but my first book was a safe option. This book is not a safe option. I know that I'm gonna get pushed back on it. I know it's gonna touch on some people's stuff that they don't wanna hear.

Yeah. But my first book was really just like, I know all these tools to master your mind. I know how the mind works. I know the power of, you know, if you, if you look around the room for something, read. And then you close your eyes and try to remember what's blue. It's not gonna happen because we really see what we're looking for.

Our brain is simply a Google search bar, and it is an obedient one at that. I mean, if you type in anything, it will look for proof in your external world, in your internal world, and it will help you find evidence. So we have to be wildly conscious about what we're putting in for it to search up. And we can really change any aspect of our life by deciding what that gets to look like and what that gets to be.

But rock your comeback really, uh, came with, okay, so now I'm ready to talk about. Intuition and the fact that everybody has an internal guidance system, and now I'm ready to talk about manifestation. And a lot of people hate on manifestation, but the way I teach it is so wrapped in with the power of the brain.

Like yes, I believe in the power of the universe and the power of energy. And I believe that when we are in a good space, we invite in good opportunities. And when we're aligned with ourselves, when our thoughts and our feelings and our behaviors match up, really, really awesome stuff happens. Like that's the, that's the golden mark, but.

I really have something in rock Your comeback for every phase of where you're at in your comeback process. Whether that's that black hole moment where you're just like sucked in and you don't know how you're coming back from it. Whether you're just kind of starting to undo some old rules or limiting beliefs that you have, um, whether you are starting the process of like starting to hear your soul speak to you or maybe you're recognizing that man when I.

Go into a room with somebody who's sad. I feel sad, even if I wasn't feeling that before. And we can recognize energy, um, or whether you're just like in a space where you're like, I feel like life could be a little more fun. I feel like it could be a little better that there's a part in there, uh, for you as well.

But it actually took me a lot of getting over my own fear of what people think about like the spiritual aspects of myself, because that was something that. I always say, it found me, I didn't find it. I didn't go out searching for this, like mystical little life. I live like it was something that literally got shoved into my face to the point where I could no longer even pretend to deny that it was real, you know?

And I think that's like what intuition does, right? Is it just keeps tapping until it's like, huh, I felt that way, and here it is. And developing your intuition. And you just wanna hear your soul speak to you. If you have a, a thought, a feeling, a gut response, just write it down. You don't have to listen to it or follow it right away, but just let it serve as evidence.

Oh, I had this feeling and there it is, or, I thought that was gonna happen and now I'm seeing it, or I really felt like I should have gone with this option and I went with this one and it was the wrong option. If we start to develop actual evidence, we'll see that our intuition is correct. A hundred percent of the time if we're listening to it.

Yeah, and I love that you said that cuz I was actually just gonna ask you, you know, if people aren't sure or how, you know, if it's their intuition or if it's, you know, their ego talking or whatever, all of these different things. What are these kind of little practices in place? And that is perfect. Just jot it down.

It's not even saying that you need to listen to it. There were so many times, you know, going through my. Kind of the last year of my marriage where I cannot tell you how many times I knew that I was being cheated on. It's like I knew in my brain, but yeah. But it was like I. I kept being lied to about it and I kept not listening to my intuition cuz I was like, oh yeah, he's right.

Like I'm crazy cuz I'm pregnant. And he would never do that. And that makes total sense that he slept in his truck and didn't come home. You know, just like with my alarms or like going off, but. You know, further we are away from ourselves. The harder it is to hear, but it's also harder to trust. And I think that trust, like when we think about intuition and we think about manifestation, there's two components, right?

There's the ability to trust yourself. And there's the ability to trust the universe, like trust that there's a bigger plan in place, that you have three out of 10 puzzle pieces and you still have to be open to listen, to see where it shapes up and in, in shifts out. But I think trusting yourself is the biggest.

Part of reclaiming your power is being able to say, I'm somebody I can rely on. I always show up for myself. I follow through. And I think the best way to do that, and this is hard for moms, this is hard for moms, but if you can create any amount of time in your day, even if it's 10 minutes in the morning or 10 minutes after the kids go to bed, that it's just about you putting your hand over your heart and just tuning into what do I need?

How did today go? Who do I wanna be? And asking those questions where you can start to really develop a relationship with your own energy, but also a relationship where you're tapping into your soul and you're saying, Hmm, what's going on here? What's my truth? Where am I at? What would feel a little bit better today?

Like that process of just coming back within, even if you only have five minutes in your day, only even if you only have 10 minutes where you're sitting in the car before you go get the kids at daycare or camp like. Use it. Get to know yourself. Get to know your energy, because the more outside of ourselves we are, the more we're caught up in the external, the harder it is to create a reality.

And instead, you're just responding and reacting to everything. The best place to find real control in your life is to come back and find some level of alignment or peace within yourselves. And that's tricky. Like I said, I understand. I was a young mom. I, I know. And, but I'm telling you that if you want a saving grace, and even if you want a better relationship with your kids in a more calm and centered relationship with your kids, that has to come first.

You have to be a priority in your day. Yeah, for sure. And I love that. That is definitely something that everyone can start doing today. You know, just take that time and. You know, and I also wanna say to people who may be listening, who do feel like their intuition is telling them something and they're kind of going against it, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I feel like it's something you will learn from. You know, all of these things happen and then, right, you look back and you're like, damn. Like I should have listened to myself. I should have followed my intuition. But you learned something. So important from that experience and, and I feel like it'll make you trust yourself even more moving forward.

You know, write it down so you remember it. Like that's the thing is we have those gut feelings whether we follow 'em or not. We have the like, oh, I knew, but when you write it down, you have proof, like our brain needs evidence and needs proof. That is how it like starts to. Really buy into a new thought or a new belief system is by developing some level of proof.

So you can do that with your intuition. You can do that with like just before and after of your energy. If you feel like, man, I feel really great, and then I'm going around this person, or in this space, or this office building that I go to every day and suddenly I'm drained, like this is all part of tuning back into yourself and saying, okay, what is it that I need?

What is it that's my energy, and how do I. Shore myself up so that I can go into these scenarios and not be impacted and not be taken out and trust myself enough to know when to leave and trust myself to, um, follow through on those small impulses. Cuz that's like, the thing about intuition is like a lot of people want it to be like some big, like, hug go here.

Like it's not that it's a subtle repetitive, but subtle n it's like a pull, like. Drive down this street instead of that main street. Just see what's over there like. I was actually telling this story on my Instagram the other day. Um, I used to be a runner. I haven't really run in a while. I do aerial silks now, but I was out for a walk and I was like, I just felt the urge to run and I'm like, This is weird, but I'm like, okay, maybe I just have extra energy today.

So I started to run and because I was running, I, I veered off into a different part of the neighborhood that I don't go in cuz I was moving faster and I just, I came to this area and I stopped to walk again. Um, and when I stopped to walk, I looked down and the in the pavement was carved into the pavement that said, God loves you.

And I was like, love notes from the universe. When you start to notice the magic, when you start to be open to the magic, it will find you, and it will remind you every single time that you are okay and that you're in the right place, and that you have the universe to fall back on. And that's my favorite, favorite, favorite part about showing people that it's there guiding you and trust you.

Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in Allah, or whether you like the idea, the higher power is that it explains the unexplainable and it's, you know, It's up to you whether you don't, but I believe there's so much magic in at least being curious. You know, I'll never push any religious belief or anything on anybody, but there's magic.

If you are curious, it will keep finding you. Yes. I love that. I just got goosebumps when you told the ending of that story. That's incredible. And so I would like to know, you know, you're talking about building this business that you have, what, what is this business? What do you do? You know, how do you serve people?

I would love to know more about that for any anyone too who's listening if they wanna, you know, reach out and, and get more info. If you wanna just give us a little kind of overview of that, cuz. If it has anything to do with all of this, then it is amazing. And I'm sure people are like, how do I get more of this?

Yeah. So I'm an intuitive therapist, so I've really combined my expertise in mental health and neuroscience with intuition. So what you could expect from that is a little bit of traditional, um, mental health. Thoughts, challenging that kind of stuff. But we also talk about your energy and, and understand and read your energy and any blocks that are in there.

And we talk about combining, how do we combine action and thoughts in manifestation and energy, like it's really personal to whoever I'm working with and whatever they're ready for. Um, but I do sessions like that. I also just started a membership online called The Comeback Club. It's $22 a month and it gets you every course I've ever made.

I mean, hours and hours that I've charged. Hundreds and thousands of dollars for all in one spot. Um, and I do a live q and a, so you can sit down and ask me your questions once a month. I do weekly journal prompts, so if you're somebody who's like, how do I stay accountable with this personal work? I've got you covered there.

Um, and it's just a really great community. It's really set up like social media, but without all the negativity. So it's. It's been a lot of fun and every month there's a new training. So even if you joined for a month and you got through all the trainings, like you're just die hard. There's something new every month coming.

So that is, uh, probably the best way and most fun way to interact cuz you can kind of do the trainings on your own. Um, and then Rock Your Comeback is coming out August 22nd, so I am thrilled about that. Uh, it is again, a really powerful book. I've had to read it 9,000 times. Because of all the editing, but it's one of the things I oddly don't get sick of it.

I really am just. Felt like that spirit guided that whole process, and it just feels really, really good to read. Um, and it really meets you wherever you're at. So even if you're just not in a black hole, you can kind of skip around and find the parts that resonate and feel really, really good to you. They, they stack on top of each other, but they also can read individually.

So, um, that, and also rock your comeback. My podcast, uh, is another great way and if you follow me on Instagram, I put, or, or TikTok, I put free content out. All day, every day because I always think to serve the version of me that needed. A shift. And so I always, I actually was just got off the phone with a client and I said, um, she said something about one of my posts and I go, I talk to myself just loud enough for other people to hear.

And um, I always, when I, when I do my content, it is inspired, uh, by just things that I needed to hear or lessons or tools or whatever. So if you're like, I don't have money right now, I'm in that dark space, um, there's so much free content. So please follow me. Um, if you wanna dive into the Comeback Club, $22 a month, you don't have to, you don't have to commit to anything more than a month if you wanna just play and see how it feels.

Um, But yeah, it's been an absolute blessing to remind people of their power. Um, somebody actually asked me this morning if I, I was doing a little bit of business coaching and she was like, you really should get into this. And I'm like, my calling is to remind people of their power to do whatever they feel called with it, whether that's to leave a relationship that sucks, whether that's to change a job or start a business, or whatever.

I'm just here to activate your power, so I hope I can serve and connect with the right people here through you. And again, If you guys come July 8th, I'm giving you literally the most powerful manifestation technique that I've ever learned that is fully responsible for changing my life. So I hope to meet you all, uh, in July too.

Yes. And just I wanted to ask you, because you talked about these black hole moments, which, you know, you've had, I've had, and what. Piece of advice or what is like the top one or two things that you would say if someone listening now is in a black hole moment and they're like, man, I feel that, like I feel that definition of that space in my life.

What, what would you say to someone listening, you know, to kinda help them? Two really big things. Um, when you're in that space. I mean, it just feels like you're walking through. I think we talked about the other day, it feels like you're walking through a fog, right? So one of the things that's really important when you're in that space is to get back to the basics.

So, It might be fun to look at all the mind changing stuff, but you're probably not there yet. And that's okay. So we accept where we are instead of fighting or feeling guilty about where we are, and we also take really fucking good care of ourselves. So that might look like, um, just being really diligent about like a sleep, sleep routine, maybe listening to some sleep hypnosis, eating a little bit better, drinking more water.

Getting outside and getting fresh air and sunlight on your eyes in the morning can do wonders like, Those very basic little things, uh, are the most important when you're in a black hole moment. It's just treating yourself like somebody you love, um, and accepting where you're at. The other thing is taking it day by day.

You have to really be disconnected from the future in the sense of having to have it figured out. You're not going to. But each day can build upon the next, and you can put all of your intention into what might feel just a little bit better today. What might bring me just a little joy today? Who might I connect with that lifts me up?

Even if it's not a person, in person, maybe it's like, um, you know, I love Joe to. Benza. I love his books. I love, uh, you know, Amanda Francis. I love just different people in the spiritual and mental health realms because anytime I can connect with somebody who knows their power, and if you need a little boost, like if you're an empathic person, you can pull on energy, whether it's bad energy or good energy.

So tap into the people who you're like, Ooh, I feel really, really powerful when I hear them speak, like something about them just brings that out in me. You pull that. So back to the basics. Accept where you are rather than fighting it, and then getting into a place where you're just taking it today only just for today.

I'm going to put myself in a little bit and being willing to believe it can get better. I think that's important too, just being open to be willing to believe. It's a powerful phrase. It's and, and it's so true, you know, and like. Your moment of having that, like what bills do we pay? And just knowing, knowing like this isn't my permanent situation.

You know? I think even just the knowing that you are gonna come out of it can help. Yeah. And you know, it's so funny cuz when I look back on that time period, I was so carried. I didn't even believe in the universe at the time, but I just, I know that. Like we just had wild experiences with opportunities coming in or money coming in or things like, I never, it never got to like the depths of despair that it very well could have.

And I just feel like I was always being carried and I was always being taken care of, even when I didn't know it or didn't accept it or didn't ask for it. Mm-hmm. So I'll also just remind anybody who's there you are being carried, you are being taken care of, and if you lean back into that and open up to that.

It can be a really powerful thing. Like I didn't move out of my heavy space overnight and I don't ever wanna make it look like that, right? But what I did was I started to feel a little bit better, and as I felt a little bit better, better things started happening and better opportunities came into my existence.

And I remember even just something as simple as my daughter, we had to pay for daycare. And obviously that was. You know, if you've ever paid for daycare. That was a lot. Um, and I remember we had her on a wait list for a pre-K and the minute I started to say, I wonder if that will open up. Like, wouldn't that be great if that opened up?

It opened up and it was a free pre-K program and that like saved us $16,000 a year by her just getting into that. So it was like little small shifts started happening and those. Build on one another, and you start to not only find gratitude for all of that stuff, but look for where more things could be open or different.

And I think that's your power is those small shifts. It doesn't have to be a massive big leap. And I don't, and again, I don't ever wanna make anybody be like, oh, Nicole is like this overnight. It came with intention work and it came with caring enough about myself and about my kids and who I was to them to see a difference, you know?

Yeah. That's amazing. Well, thank you so much, Nicole. Can you please let everyone know where they can find you and connect with you and reach out to you if they want to? Yes. Well, thank you first of all for having me. Like, this was so much fun. I just, I love your energy and I love what you guys are creating with the, you know, with this podcast and the Ladies Lifestyle Network.

But, um, you can find It is with an H, so n i c h o l e e a t o N. That is where you can find my book. You can learn more about the Comeback Club, um, and you can book a session with me if that feels right and aligned to you. And also on Instagram, Nicole Eaton dot xo, and TikTok. Yay. And definitely follow her on Instagram guys.

It is. I watch her Instagram every day. It's very inspiring. So, yay. Thanks girl. So happy to have you. You, too