Cydni and Sher

Heeding to the Call of Your Adventure Challenge Check-In

April 04, 2024 Cydni and Sher
Heeding to the Call of Your Adventure Challenge Check-In
Cydni and Sher
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Cydni and Sher
Heeding to the Call of Your Adventure Challenge Check-In
Apr 04, 2024
Cydni and Sher

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Welcome to our Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
If God can turn Saul, the great persecutor, into Paul, the great missionary, then He can turn you into the greatest version of yourself!  Our challenge this week is for you to ponder the call that is in your heart and to take it seriously.  Accept that it is from God and do something that will show you are saying yes to the adventure.

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Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
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© CS Productions

Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome to our Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
If God can turn Saul, the great persecutor, into Paul, the great missionary, then He can turn you into the greatest version of yourself!  Our challenge this week is for you to ponder the call that is in your heart and to take it seriously.  Accept that it is from God and do something that will show you are saying yes to the adventure.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
Be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.
Take the first step to peace of mind now.
Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
Click here

© CS Productions

Your Adventure Challenge Check-In

Cydni: [00:00:00] this is 

Sher: Cydni and I'm Sher.

Here we are again with another challenge check in where Cydni is reminding me why I left middle school. Hear, hear. , so Don, get us started.

Don: Welcome to Cydni's Wandering Minds Weekly. Our first category is, "Did You Know?"

Cydni: In this category, we will share with you things that you might not know. That's why it's called Did You Know? Because you might know. You get to go first. 

Sher: Cindy, did you know that in 1905 that Theodore Roosevelt had a summit to save football? I'm a sports fan. I'm glad he saved football. I like football. In that year alone, 19 players had died and hundreds had been seriously injured. Universities wanted to ban it all over the United States.

But Theodore Roosevelt stepped in to save it. The rules were changed. No more holding no more unnecessary roughness. A team needed to get 10 yards instead of 5 yards, and the most radical change, the introduction of the forward pass. [00:01:00] The first forward pass was by St. Louis University quarterback, Brad Robinson, who of course went on to become the mayor of St.


Cydni: I loved that and I did not know. . Sher. Did you know baby carrots don't exist? They are regular carrots shaved down to the size and appearance. of baby carrots. Ah. Did you know the bricks of the Great Wall of China are held together by sticky rice? Sticky rice? Yeah, truly. They use sticky rice. They made a sticky rice soup they used other things as well, but it's in there.

Like their bones. I only know about the rice. I only read the first sentence of every paragraph , so that's all you get. All right. Did you know that if you eat blue cheese before you go to bed, that your dreams will be more vivid? I don't believe that. I googled a few of these to find out if they were real or not. I'm not going to tell you which ones I fact checked. But I did fact check some of them Did you know? Do you want me to just keep going? never going to stop. Did you know that your fingerprints will grow back to their original pattern even if some sort of. [00:02:00] severe injury happens, they will grow back.. Did you know that there's a group of people, their tribe is the Bajau, and they live by the water in the Philippines. And because of where they have lived by the water for generations upon generations, that they could hold their breath for 13 minutes underwater.

They could dive 200 feet. 

Sher: 200 feet? Yeah. I'm throwing a penalty flag. What about 13 

Cydni: minutes? I can last 13 seconds.

 And then the last one, did you know your right ear is more responsive to speech and your left ear enjoys music more, are you more left eared or right eared? I'm right eared. I think I'm left eared. There's the did you know. 

Don: Super Charge Your Vocab

Cydni: Sher, your word today that you don't know what it means, but you must use in a sentence is, cornobble.

Cornobble. It is a verb. Okay.

Sher: Cydni cornobled at church on Sunday when she got up in front of all the ladies. 

Cydni: to slap someone with a fish. You slapped them with a fish. [00:03:00] I would. I'd slap some of those women at church with a fish.

 I don't 

Sher: want to go to church with you anymore. I'm out. I'm probably going to be the first one cornobbled. 

Cydni: The Lord multiplied fish. Cyd smacked people with fish. I mean, corn nobbled. just another little check in, check in with the word Clutch Oven, which for those who missed it.

Go back and listen. But one of our, young listeners, a 13 year old youth who carpools with me, listened to that episode and he has encouraged everyone in carpool to practice clutch eboning. You deserve that to happen to you. You deserve every fume of that. Carpool has gotten wild.

Don: This Week's Observation

Cydni: this category is something that we observed this week that stuck out that may have given us laughter or deep meaning to our soul.

Sher: Something I observed this week is sometimes when you're coming out of church, people behind you are not very kind even though they are leaving the church parking lot.

They honk at you and speed and go through red lights. [00:04:00] On the Sabbath after church, 

Cydni: I think I might know something about this and I would just like to say I was not the driver. I would like to say I was with the driver and I would like to say that whoever this driver was did have a family, did a family sitting in the car yelling at him.

Sher: I just would like to say, Ben, I defend you on this podcast week after week from Cydni's little Barbs, and then you treat me like that. It's on Ben. It is on. 

Cydni: That was Ben's love language. He was showing you admiration. . He would never do that to someone He doesn't care about , 

And what I observed this week was when I was driving carefully and the speed limit through our neighborhood, I noticed a group of women from church who always walk together and they take with them a woman who does need a little extra care and a little extra watchfulness.

I watched today the most beautiful thing as I was slowly approaching them and they were walking away from me. I watched two of the women. Fully embrace and [00:05:00] grab the woman who needs extra care into their arms, wrap their arms around her and made sure she was safe. It was such a beautiful, simple moment to see the loving care and awareness that they took with her.

Sher: That is beautiful. And these are the women you want to corn nobble at church. I will 

Cydni: too. 

Sher: You're a monster. 

Okay, now let's actually get to our challenge check in. 

Cydni: Our challenge this week was to say yes to an adventure or if you have already said yes to an adventure, to take it more seriously and put forth more effort and work into it. I think we have the same one.

Sher: That's okay. What I chose to work on this week for my adventure is I chose to do this podcast with Cydni, which is quite the adventure. So we'll see what happens and where it ends up, but it's really helped me in a lot of ways.

This new adventure. I have a new friend. I get to study and learn a lot more. about the gospel and about history, but most importantly, I feel like I'm getting closer to God and I'm really grateful for that. 

Cydni: Same [00:06:00] one podcast was also my pick for an adventure, but we've had some very honest conversations in the last few weeks about things that actually help us to improve.

We've had really wonderful feedback. So thank you to those who have been willing to be honest with us and told us things that we could improve, things they'd like to see, things that they wouldn't mind if we change, which it didn't hurt our feelings. We didn't spend a lot of time crying.

Definitely not at all. I will corn nobble you, but it's helped us so much. And then we've been able to sit down, talk openly and honestly about things that we need to improve things that we have a desire to improve. And ultimately the feeling for this adventure was that the Lord will bless our effort, but he'll bless how much effort we put in.

And we both feel like we need to put in more effort so that the Lord can bless us more. And I'm excited to continue this adventure of podcasting with you Sher. 

Sher: Me too. Good luck on all of your adventures this week. This is our prayer. 

Cydni: From Cydni and Sher hurrah! Hooray!

[00:07:00] One adventure you could follow. Is our new adventure on social media. We are adventuring out on social media. You can follow us on Instagram at Cydni and Sher podcast. 


Sher: Do it. Have a good week.