Cydni and Sher

The Power Found in the Scriptures

April 23, 2024 Cydni and Sher Season 2 Episode 52
The Power Found in the Scriptures
Cydni and Sher
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Cydni and Sher
The Power Found in the Scriptures
Apr 23, 2024 Season 2 Episode 52
Cydni and Sher

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Imagine being invited to eat at the most delicious all-you-can-eat buffet, then asking only for a simple cup of ice! We are promised actual heavenly power on Earth if we feast on the words of Christ, but so often we settle for just a little scripture nibble, leaving so much left on the table. Cydni shares the story of Derek Prince, who had room for only one book during World War II, and what happened when he made the decision to pack the Bible. Sher brings it with her newest Sherant, inspiring us all to fix ourselves, our family, and our nation. Today's episode is  'The Power Found in the Scriptures,' and we are so glad you are here."

This Week's Challenge
Sher’s father carried a scripture in his wallet that meant the most to him. We challenge you to study the scriptures in search of a verse that you can carry in your heart or in your wallet! Take it to the next level and memorize your new favorite scripture.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
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Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
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© CS Productions

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Imagine being invited to eat at the most delicious all-you-can-eat buffet, then asking only for a simple cup of ice! We are promised actual heavenly power on Earth if we feast on the words of Christ, but so often we settle for just a little scripture nibble, leaving so much left on the table. Cydni shares the story of Derek Prince, who had room for only one book during World War II, and what happened when he made the decision to pack the Bible. Sher brings it with her newest Sherant, inspiring us all to fix ourselves, our family, and our nation. Today's episode is  'The Power Found in the Scriptures,' and we are so glad you are here."

This Week's Challenge
Sher’s father carried a scripture in his wallet that meant the most to him. We challenge you to study the scriptures in search of a verse that you can carry in your heart or in your wallet! Take it to the next level and memorize your new favorite scripture.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
Be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.
Take the first step to peace of mind now.
Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
Click here

© CS Productions

Episode 52 - The Power Found in the Scriptures

Cydni: [00:00:00] this is Cydni and 

Sher: I'm Sher. And each week we get together to share with you a message of hope.

Cydni: It is through our own study and our personal experiences that we offer the reminder to not only seek the light, 

Sher: but be the light. You can find peace and there is hope

Cydni: and as long as one of us is slightly caffeinated, there will be laughter. 

Sher: Today's topic is the power found in the scriptures.

Cydni: And we're so glad you are here 

Sher: Today we're going to be talking about power that's found in the scriptures. So Cydni, what have you got for us? 

Cydni: Was I supposed to go directly into the topic because I was just wanting to say that I was thinking of the power of middle aged hobbies. I'm going to tell you what happened today because recently on social media, what?

It's being put out there, all of these women who say they know they're hitting middle aged because they started to bird watch? [00:01:00] Bird watch? Yeah. Do you bird watch? 

Sher: No. 

Cydni: Okay. So I thought, unrelatable. I'm never going to bird watch.

I'm not going to do it. You're rebelling. I am not going to birdwatch. Who does that? But let me tell you what happened today. This is a confession. Do not mind these tears in my eyes right now. I have allergies. Not regret. I was outside of my mother in law's home and I saw the most beautiful yellow bird in the tree and I pulled out my phone and I video recorded it and zoomed in on it and I sent it to my son and then when I pressed send, I thought to myself, Oh my gosh, I just birdwatched.

You're there. I can't fight it. 

Sher: No, I'm just have to embrace it. 

Cydni: And I just don't know what happened. I don't know what the power was that overcame me to stand in someone else's yard and to pull out my phone and press play and zoom in. I was that old boomer. That was me. I did it. 

Sher: Oh, boomers are past middle age.

Cydni: No, not to kids that are like rocks age. It's all the same. , [00:02:00] all those old people bird watch. I sent it to Rock and he said, Oh, I'm going to show this to one of my teachers. She loves bird watching. And I thought, Oh, freaking crap. I did it. I have been like, Oh, who bird watches?

And I watched a bird. I took a picture. I did some videos of it. I felt so ashamed. Some things you can't fight. I don't want to be a bird watcher. 

Sher: I'm getting on the tail end of ages, so I feel that I can take a picture of a bird and send you videos all the time now. So I'm just going to do it. 

Cydni: Okay. Part of me is like, I know where your heart is on this and it's so rude, but also it's going to be a good reminder to not do that. If I see a bird, I'm going to have the power to look the other way. I will not give in to those fluffy feathers, those the bright yellow feathers that drew me in. I will not. I will say not today, Satan. I'm not a middle aged bird watcher, but I did it. I felt so embarrassed for myself. I'm keeping the story to myself. Then I posted it on Instagram and I'm sharing it with you. 

Sher: Welcome to being an old lady, Cydni.

You can't fight it. . 

Cydni: But let's talk about the power found in [00:03:00] the scriptures. I was really happy you came up with this title. Which I don't remember coming up with the title. Which just proves even more that it was. From an angel and said this because I don't remember it because you did say, I would love to take credit, but I'm too busy birdwatching to take credit for things, you did come up with this idea.

And I've enjoyed so much just feeling revitalized and my desire to read the scriptures. And I thought, you know, we leave a lot of power on the table. We just leave it there. We don't take it. We don't take advantage of the power. That's in the scriptures. We just dabble in it. 

Sher: Just dabble with the power.

Cydni: Just dabble with that power there's a buffet before us and we're like, can I have a cup of ice please? That's what we're doing. 

Sher: Yeah, I do it too. 

Cydni: The chances are if someone's not doing that, they're not listening to our podcast.

They're like, that is a drought 

Sher: We're lucky to know how to push record on this thing. I get 

Cydni: out sometimes, to other people's basements to record. But to get started [00:04:00] on this, I want to tell you about Derek Prince, who is a preacher who loves the Bible. I loved his story so much because he was talking about that when he was growing up, he had to go to chapel.

It was part of his schooling. You had to spend a certain amount of hours every day in chapel. You had to study the scriptures, but he dabbled in it and then he graduated and. He said to himself, you know, as far as I'm concerned, Christianity does not have the answers that I'm seeking. He said, since he was a young child, he wanted to know what is the meaning of life.

He remembered feeling that way from one of his first thoughts, and he just had this desire of understanding in his heart. He wanted to know Why are we here? What is the purpose of all of this? And after his schooling in high school and elementary days, he just said, you know, Christianity doesn't have the answers for that.

So I'm going to go to Cambridge and I'll study philosophy. so he spent years studying philosophy and he said he did really well in his studies, [00:05:00] but he also did not find the answers. That he was seeking of what is the meaning of life, and then World War Two came along and he knew he would be drafted. He knew also that he would have one bag. provided to him, and he could put his belongings in one bag. And he said it wasn't a concern to very many other men, but to him, he was like, what book will fit in my bag? he said, I've read so many books, Greek, Latin, Russian, French.

 He had spent so much time reading so many different books, but there was one That was pretty popular that he hadn't spent time reading and that was the Bible. So as far as philosophy went, he decided he would bring a Bible. And he said at first he was made fun of a lot, so he stopped reading it.

But then due to lack of activity he picked up the book and he started reading it again. And he said out of all of the books that he read, he just could not make sense of the Bible.

He didn't know what category to put it into. And he said after about nine months, something changed. He said the author of this [00:06:00] wonderfully written book himself came to him and he said one night in an army room around midnight. Revealed Jesus Christ himself to me in such a way that from that night to this, there are only two things I have never doubted. One, that Jesus Christ is alive and two, that the Bible is True. It's relevant and it's up to date. His life would change after this. He went from being a complete doubter and wondering is the Bible poetry is a philosophy to Jesus Christ is alive and he is my Savior. And this book is relevant. And that would change his entire direction. He would then go on to preaching and teaching the Bible for the next 50 years.

 He says this about the Bible. When you are reading the book and letting it do its work in you. All the creative power of the almighty God is at work in you 

Sher: is beautiful that shows us there is so much power in reading the scriptures that's incredible.

I love that quote. 

Cydni: I love it too. And he also went on to get sick and he said the second [00:07:00] part of his testimony came during his illness. He shared two scriptures that deepened his testimony even further. In Proverbs four, it says. My son, attend to my words, incline thy ear unto my sayings, let them not depart from thine eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart, for they are life unto those who find them, and health to their flesh. 

Then he read this one next from Psalms 107, then they cry into the Lord and their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. He sent his word and healed them and delivered them. And he says right there, God is telling us that. In his word, what is his word scriptures that you can be delivered, that you can be healed, that you can be saved.

 He said that next. He said to himself, well, I'm going to take God's word as my medicine. And then how do you take medicine? Well, usually you take it three times a day after a good meal. And so he said he would do that. And he would always pray before, because [00:08:00] as it is said that when you pray, That's you talking to God, and when you read the scripture, that is how God will talk to you.

But he added, if you pray and read the scriptures, that is communion with God. so that is when you start to feast, And he said that three times a day take his medicine and he would pray and he would say, God, I know what you've said. I know that you said if I. read your word, and I study your word, and I pray, and I have faith.

If I be believing, these words will heal me, they will save me, and they will deliver me. And he said with that, his life changed, and his health never was better. 

Sher: That is a lot of faith. If I put that much time and energy into reading the scriptures, And truly feasting on the word of God. How different would my life be 

Cydni: I love that you said that Sher because I forgot that he mentioned something else he said, if you truly want to be a spiritual giant in your life, exchange the amount of time that you're using for television, because this is a very [00:09:00] old talk, exchange that time with the amount of time you're spending reading the Bible.

And if you do that, your life will change. And I thought, Oh my gosh. Actually, it hurts my soul to think about it. If I gave up the amount of time I spent scrolling or Googling, checking emails for nonsense mostly, but I thought I spent so much time listening to music, scrolling Instagram, so much time doing this, this and this. And I've always had this thought in this. Fear that one day God is gonna show me the difference of you spent this much time here. And you spent this much time with the Word of God, where the power is.

You've dabbled with the power of God, and you've indulged in the power of man. Feast on hell. Well 

Sher: done. I will be right with you. Both of us will be well done. 

Cydni: Okay, so I became a huge fan of Derek Prince and his story and how sincere he was. And one more thing, that I love so much was that he just bore [00:10:00] a very simple testimony and he said I'm not ashamed of the Bible. I'm an educated man, but I have spent so much of my life in darkness and I'm not ashamed of God's word.

I am not embarrassed that I believe in the book and I'm not embarrassed that I believe in God. I have felt the power and it's healed me. It saved me. It delivered me. It's beautiful. 

Sher: That is beautiful. I'm going to go opposite direction. When I thought about power in the scriptures, I thought of my dad, who was definitely not a scriptorian. He didn't read the scriptures a lot. I never caught him, sneakily reading the scriptures. I did with my mom.

But my dad No, it wasn't really his jam. However my dad lived the teachings found in the scriptures on a daily basis. That's where my dad was a spiritual giant, is how he lived his life. when he passed away, my mom and I were going through his things and she wanted me to help her clean out his wallet

so I was pulling things out of his wallet. And one of the things I pulled out was a piece of paper [00:11:00] that he had written a scripture on. . And the scripture was in second Nephi. Chapter 31 verse 16 and it said and now my beloved brethren I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end And following the example of the son of the living God.

He cannot be saved that explains my dad he did endure to the end and every day he really did try to follow the example of Christ even though maybe he wasn't a scriptorian, my dad understood he needed to follow the Savior and endure to the end to get back home.

And my mom loved that we found that in his wallet so much. She actually had me put it on the headstone. Which I think is super cool that that's there and ironically while I was typing this, a song came on and it was I'd never heard it before.

It's by Scotty McCreary and this is what it says. Where can you go when you ain't getting nowhere? Love those country songs. Yeah, me too. It's good. Every turn is a dead end road. The rain starts to fall and you're so [00:12:00] lost out there. Really only one place I know when your whole world falls to pieces and you don't know how to build it back.

There's a red letter blueprint in King James Black. I love that because this is the power that's in the scriptures is that when you're lost or if you're found, if you're happy, you're sad, if you need hope, you need light, you need comfort, you need peace, you need God to talk to you, read your scriptures.

that's The power that can be found in the scriptures is like it says in that song when your whole world falls to pieces you don't know how to build it back Read the scriptures and let God talk to you. 

Cydni: When I was studying this, I asked myself if I believed in the power in the scriptures because I feel like I gained a testimony of different things before I came to the scriptures, and I think the scriptures can be intimidating to get started.

And that was something else that Derek Prince said was he had no idea how to read the Bible. And so you started on page one and I loved that his philosophy, since that was his [00:13:00] education was to be simple, to be simple with your relationship with God, be honest and be real about your problems, about the lack of understanding or the lack of faith that God only wants us to be simple and honest.

We don't have to know the scriptures inside and out. If that's your gift, because Ben is like that, it's. It's amazing. He knows scriptures exactly where they are. And I am like, I don't even actually know where they are, in my app, I'm confused but he knows where verses are and he knows the history and the lineage.

 so if that's your gift, It's really great. But if it isn't, it doesn't mean you never open them and try or have one scripture that really does bring peace and power to your heart. And then when I was asking myself this, I was reminded that I do believe in the power in the scriptures to heal and save and to be delivered.

Ben and I had this experience together because after our third baby, our marriage struggled so much. It was really difficult. We had so much going on from postpartum depression and a house project and just [00:14:00] life and just marriage. I guess you don't need anything fancy going on to have marriage be hard. We added to it though. at that time, there was a call from the prophet for the women to read the scriptures and to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.

And I thought, you know what? Why not give it a shot? Then Ben asked about it and I told him I was going to do it. And he said, well, I'd like to do it with you. And at first I was annoyed because I was like, I never get alone time. Let me be alone with God. But then we read it together and we read it page one to the end together and our entire marriage changed.

It was a miracle. It did give me a testimony of the power in the scriptures our hearts were softened. Our relationship changed a hundred percent in a completely different direction. And I do credit that to the power in the scriptures.

 That lesson was amazing for Myself individually to learn and to see that I do have a testimony of the power in the scriptures. And it was amazing for our marriage.

And I hope that it will be a lesson for our children because I hope that I can tell [00:15:00] them that what has gotten me through difficult times has been to turn to the power of God, to turn to his words, to turn to him in prayer. And I'm just hoping I could pass down my testimony because that's what the scriptures are. it is passed down generation to generation. And Jeffrey R. Holland talks about this. he asked the question, why do we believe in God? Where did this all begin? And the answer, he says, it's because of people.

It's because of people's experiences that they had a real experience with God and they wanted other people to know. And they wrote it down and they've been passing it down from generation to generation. And in second Nephi 25, it says, and we talk of Christ.

We rejoice in Christ. We preach of Christ. We prophesy of Christ. And we write according to our prophecies that our children may know to what source they may look for. A remission of their sins. And to me, the Bible, the scriptures, it's [00:16:00] generation to generation that this is important, that this is the way.

Do you want peace? You're going to need it. There's going to be difficult times. Where can you turn for peace? God. 

Sher: Exactly. And that's one of the reasons why we have the scriptures is because it is advice from our parents and our grandparents and our great grandparents, our ancestors.

 It's 6, 000 years of wisdom passed down from each generation saying, Hey, this is what I learned. When I think of my parents, they love to give advice. My mom and dad were always handing out advice for free. All the time. My mom was more of the make sure you read your scriptures and pray and my dad was more like the make sure you have a heavy duty flashlight in your car door, which you got to see.

Cydni: did. I saw that weapon. . I was like, you would get arrested Sher. They'd be like what is this for? The craziest thing I think you should tell people is that the flashlight portion didn't even work. No, it 

Sher: didn't. So it was supposed to work. You're like, 

Cydni: this is a flashlight, but it didn't offer any light. Yeah. And then I just like obeyed anything you [00:17:00] told me to do. I was like, she has a weapon right there. 

Sher: Kind of looks like a baseball bat, 

Cydni: but it feels like a boulder. It is very heavy. 

Sher: Well, that was the advice from my dad. He said, promise me you'll always have a heavy duty flashlight in your car door. And so I've, Obeyed. 

Cydni: Anyway, that's how I got my free ping pong table. Thanks Sher. Because of my flashlight? Yeah, you're like put the ping pong table in the truck or else and then you like whacked it on your hand all aggressively , and they were like you could have it and we took it from the old man's home exactly how it went down. And he took his potato chips too. 

Sher: That's great advice from my dad of how to shake people down. So, this advice that your parents want to give you because they want their children to have a better life. They want to say this is what I've learned and they want to pass it on to you.

This is what our scriptures are. even if you were to take God out of it and you said the scriptures were not divinely inspired. It still has the best advice of how to create and make a productive life and society. It does. [00:18:00] because all the scriptures are, it just repeats over and over again the rise and fall of nations, how they come to power and how they fall.

And it repeats itself over and over again. this leads us to our next question, which is what is the power found in the scriptures for our communities and for our country? I thought of two points with this question. And. I'm excited about it because they're true and for 32 years of my life I wasn't able to say all the things that I'm going to say because of the rules in public education.

So I'm actually excited I get to teach truths all of it, not just part of it. 

Cydni: I'm excited too. Is this a charrant or is this not quite a charrant? 

Sher: I don't know. You can decide by the end. Is that fair? 

Cydni: Or to not to be a charrant. We will find out. 

Sher: We'll find out if it is a charrant, but the first point I want to make is that the founders of the United States were very well read. They understood the scriptures and they understood the history of government. They studied all of it. founders also understood that if you want to be free, [00:19:00] you needed to be a moral and a virtuous person and country. our founders said this over and over again, that I'm just gonna give one quote because I could list hundreds of them. Okay. Maybe not, but John Adams said our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.

It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. So I want you to notice that he used the word moral and religious and I'm going to throw in one more word virtuous and these are the three words that are used over and over and over again.

they were trying to explain to us that if you're out of control as a person or your community is out of control or your country is out of control, you're out of control. All of that creates chaos. If you're out of control, it creates chaos in your life. Your community is out of control.

It creates chaos in your life. And dictators, they love that chaos. They love chaos because the community then cries out and says, Oh my gosh, just make it stop. And dictators, people that want power, they love to hear that because they're more than happy to take all the [00:20:00] power to make it stop. so we want to get rid of the chaos and we want to create order.

In your own life and create order in the community. You get control of yourselves. So someone else doesn't get the opportunity to do it for you. I want you to remember that. our founders understood that if we wanted to be free, we needed to be a moral, virtuous, and religious people.

And know how to control ourselves. So the second point. Is the Declaration of Independence was written to explain why the United States was leaving Britain and why our founders wanted to start their own country.

So that's the first point. how we protect our why and make the why happen, the how is the Constitution., So why am I telling you about the Declaration of Independence and that it's the American why, why we left Great Britain?

Abraham Lincoln is going to explain it to us. You knew I was going to throw in some Abraham Lincoln. Our founding fathers established these great self evident truths that their posterity might look up again to the declaration of independence [00:21:00] and take courage to renew that battle, which their fathers began so that truth and justice and mercy could be found.

And all the humane and Christian virtues might not be extinguished from the land. Now, my countrymen, if you have been taught doctrines conflicting with the great landmarks of the Declaration of Independence, let me entreat you to come back, come back to the truths that are in the Declaration of Independence.

 I've mentioned this before, that Abraham Lincoln, he was so brave because he had the courage to say that we. We needed to reset and go back to our founding documents because we were way off course with slavery and all the nonsense that was going on. We needed a reset. Now, I am reading out of the book, The American Story.

It's by David Barton, and this is what he writes after Abraham Lincoln said that. He writes, The Constitution cannot be properly understood or applied [00:22:00] apart from the biblically based principles set forth. in the Declaration. The question is then, how is the Declaration of Independence biblically based?

That's a good question. This is a charrant. Okay, let's charrant. It says, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There's an example of how it's biblically based. It is saying we're equal before God. We are all his children, and he has given all of us the gift of life, of liberty, the right to make our own choices, and the consequences that come from that, and the opportunity to pursue our own happiness.

Again, we get the consequences from that, good and bad. In the book, the 5, 000 year leap, it explains it further. All things were created by God. Therefore upon him, all mankind are equally dependent and to [00:23:00] him, they're equally responsible. Now remember, this is our why the declaration of independence explains the why of the United States of America. Our why is recognizing God. and that we're dependent on him and we'll need to explain all of our actions in front of him one day. That's our why.

Holy crap. That's a big why. It's almost too much though. It is. So if we don't understand that is our why as a country. We don't understand how to apply our constitution and what our constitution is actually protecting. Our founders wanted Americans to understand our why and why this nation was created. And how to keep freedom. Okay, so this leads me back to the first point. The first point is where do we learn how to be a moral, virtuous, and religious people to maintain freedom? Where, Cydni? 

Cydni: From the word of God, Sher. Bam! I'm so nervous. I'm sweating. You did it. I'm going to have a dream [00:24:00] about high school tonight. I just know it. It's like not passing. 


Sher: So this is the power of the scriptures is Reading the scriptures is what literally will keep us free our founders knew this and they knew it was important And this is the part where my heart starts to just break a little bit And so they wanted public schools to teach three things religion, morality, and knowledge.

Cydni: When I think of my son's middle school, I definitely think of those three things. Right? We might be doing something a little wrong. 

Sher: Maybe, you think? A little bit. A little bit. Daniel Webster, who was a politician before the Civil War started, he explained it further. He said that the Bible is a book of faith and a book of doctrine. And a book of morals and a book of religion and of revelation from God.

But it is also a book which teaches man his own individual responsibility, his own dignity, [00:25:00] and his equality with his fellow man. Doesn't that sound great? That last part, like the Declaration of Independence, that's what we learn in the scriptures, we learn everything that he just said.

Individual responsibility, equality with our fellow men. It teaches of our own dignity and the dignity of others because we are all children of God. That's what the scriptures are teaching us. And this is what the Declaration of Independence was trying to capture. Our founders they understood that everyone had different religious beliefs, so they wanted to keep what religion, the three things taught in school, religion, morality, and knowledge, they wanted to keep the religion Just very simple and very basic.

 So Benjamin Franklin five points. And these are the five points that Benjamin Franklin said should be taught in schools. One, there exists a creator who made all things, and mankind should recognize and worship Him. Two, the creator has revealed a moral code of behavior for happy living, which [00:26:00] distinguishes right from wrong.

3. The Creator holds mankind responsible for the way they treat each other. 4. All mankind live beyond this life. And 5. In the next life, mankind are judged for their conduct in this one. So that's how they wanted to keep it simple. So be any religion you want, but they thought this would cover what most religions teach. 

Then , 5, 000 year leap. I want to read what the author wrote after this from Benjamin Franklin. He said, all five of these tenants run through practically all of the founders writings. These are the beliefs, which the founder sometimes referred to as the religion of America.

 And they felt these fundamentals were so important in providing good government and the happiness of mankind that they wanted them taught in the public schools and there's just an example of how they wanted to do this. the reason I wanted to talk about this is because this is how This is how we fix ourselves, this is how we fix our country, and [00:27:00] this is how can remain free as individuals and as a country. If we want to save our community, our families, our country, ourselves, we need to read the scriptures.

the scriptures teach us everything I just read that Benjamin Franklin wanted taught in schools. It teaches us about religion and morality. It teaches us that we should gain knowledge in this life. That's what the scriptures teach us. And going back to where we started if you look at the scriptures, it's advice from our ancestors, from our grandparents, explaining over and over again, how to be free. And how to create a prosperous society. The founders, they understood this and they pointed us that direction, Again, it's great advice. but I know that sometimes we with things that are maybe going on around you.

But. The most important thing is to fix ourselves as individuals and let the chips fall from there. If we can fix ourselves individually, maybe it will start to spread. That's how we fix our community and our country [00:28:00] and everything else. That's how we stop the chaos.

Read the scriptures, get control of yourself, and work from there. That's where we start. So, was that a charrant? 

Cydni: That was a charrant. 

Sher: I don't know why I've been charranting so much. It's a new thing, it's staying. I think it's because my head's feeling better.

Cydni: Because you've been reading the Bible? You're being healed, delivered, saved? I guess so, I don't know. That a girl! Well done. I loved that you talked about being powerless because as a mother with three children in the public school system, you can't just go in and demand what you want to be taught with them actually doing it.

 It does feel very powerless. But I loved that you said it starts as an individual.

And I was thinking, and it starts in our home. The five fundamental points that you mentioned should be taught in our schools should be taught in our homes. And we can do that as parents, it should be taught in our neighborhoods, and we can do that as examples, and if we taught our children That there is a God and that there's a certain way that we could live to live after the manner of [00:29:00] happiness and that we have to be responsible for our own actions and that there is life, there is hope after this life and that we will be judged for how we act.

If we teach our children that how much better is their life and if we don't teach them how many generations before all of this is lost. We are proving not very many. One generation. And things change fast. So it does start with us individually and it does matter what we are teaching our children. And something Derek Prince also said is that the word of God comes in as a light and it shows us what our real problems are, that if you need fixing in your own personal life, and you're not sure where to start, that reading the Bible with faith and with communion with God, if you do that, you are opening yourself up to personal revelation.

You're filling your mind with light, and that will reveal to you your problems that you need to fix, and it will reveal unto you your weaknesses, and it [00:30:00] will give you the answers that you are seeking, and it will make your life meaningful. It will shine light where you need to see it. 

Sher: And what's so amazing about the scriptures is you can read the same verse over and over and over again. And, depending on where you are in your life at the time, you will find the meaning that you need to hear at that moment. From the same verse, getting a different answer.

It never ceases to amaze me how many times I can read the same scripture and God will help me get a different answer that I need at that time. it's miraculous. 

Cydni: I also think along those lines, that I didn't read the scriptures very much as a youth, and when I put forth a little bit of effort, I found answers to problems when I read the scriptures, even with giving a little bit of effort. And I think that the Lord will bless our efforts with reading the scriptures, that if it feels intimidating or you're completely out of habit, it's not too late.

 You can start and going along the lines of feasting on the words. Of Christ are going to a [00:31:00] buffet and that we're just asking for ice that Derrick Prince also talks about that you could start with some milk, some of God's milk. It's okay that when a baby is first born, the baby needs nourishment and that is some milk.

It's simple. They don't get a full on steak yet and you don't have to start with a full steak. A baby would never start with a steak. Maybe some. They live in Idaho. 

Sher: My family really liked that joke. It's half of them live in Idaho.

Cydni: Okay, then they can stay. but you can start your feast with a small, simple thing. A baby starts with milk. And he says that can be the same, that you start simple. And if you need a suggestion of where to start, he suggests John.

Start with John. Read John Just pray and let the power of the almighty work through you. 

Sher: This brings us to our final thoughts. The scriptures are a collection of advice from our Heavenly Father. Our Savior and his holy prophets of how to be a religious and moral [00:32:00] people. The scriptures teach us right from wrong. The scriptures teaches how to create and build our best life, our best family, our best community, and our best country. The scriptures teach us how and why it's important to endure to the end, to follow the example of our Savior so we can return back to our heavenly home.

 Following the example of Abraham Lincoln, we invite all of us to reset and understand the importance of scriptures. Peace, hope, and joy are found throughout its pages.

God's voice is there talking to us. He's guiding us, helping us to get back home. And what an amazing gift and blessing that we have the power, the word of God that's found in the scriptures.

Cydni: We're using Sher's dad this week for the inspiration for our challenge. Find one scripture this week that you can carry with you. Maybe consider even memorizing a new scripture that is meaningful to you. When our family has done this, when we have taken time to pick out a [00:33:00] family scripture for the year, it has blessed our lives. We challenge you to find a scripture and remember from Proverbs 4, attend to my words, incline thy ear unto my sayings, let them not depart from mine eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart.

Sher's father kept it in his wallet. Maybe you write it down and keep it in a safe place for yourself, or maybe you keep it close to your heart. This is our prayer from Cydni and Sher I'm done with sound effects. I'm done. I heard myself. Okay. It was like, the only thing I liked was the pew pew. That was it. That was it? Done. Well, wait, wait, wait, wait, what did he have? Who is he? I don't know. Some YouTuber? [00:34:00] sorry, Cher. I'm saying sorry to your future self editing this. Okay. one more thing, and then you can, you can talk. 

Sher: Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. You can't let it out Okay, i'm not going to it's not because I think you're dumb, it's because I didn't explain it well. I want to emphasize that. I don't care. I'm offended. I'm gonna get my flashlight. 

Cydni: It's not even a flashlight! My kids are fighting. They are. Why did I give them technology? Bad idea. 

Sher: So you could listen to them fight without actually being them. I'm gonna tell him right now to read the Bible.

That will be my answer. What do I do? Read the bible honey 

Cydni: I lost my train of thought. Sorry. So where the word of God, I got an A plus. Oh yeah. You said I was the best student you've ever had. Best student ever. And then. Yeah, 

Sher: this is when my students are laughing at me. This is when I start bird watching. Stop it. Scriptures. 

Cydni: Scriptures. 

Sher: Scriptures. See? Wow. Scriptures. 

Cydni: You got two times. Scrip tures. You should use Don. Scriptures. He could say it. He never [00:35:00] fails us. 

Sher: Scriptures. 

Cydni: Have a good week. Bye.


The Power of Reading Scriptures
The Power of the Scriptures
The Importance of Biblical Principles
Individual Responsibility and Spiritual Enlightenment
Importance of Scriptures and Moral Guidance