Cydni and Sher

The Power Found in the Scriptures Check-In

April 25, 2024 Cydni and Sher
The Power Found in the Scriptures Check-In
Cydni and Sher
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Cydni and Sher
The Power Found in the Scriptures Check-In
Apr 25, 2024
Cydni and Sher

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Welcome to the Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
Sher’s father carried a scripture in his wallet that meant the most to him. We challenge you to study the scriptures in search of a verse that you can carry in your heart or in your wallet! Take it to the next level and memorize your new favorite scripture.

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Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
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© CS Productions

Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome to the Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
Sher’s father carried a scripture in his wallet that meant the most to him. We challenge you to study the scriptures in search of a verse that you can carry in your heart or in your wallet! Take it to the next level and memorize your new favorite scripture.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
Be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.
Take the first step to peace of mind now.
Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Show Notes

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
Click here

© CS Productions

The Power Found in the Scriptures Check-In

Cydni: [00:00:00] this is

Sher: Cydni and I'm Sher.

Here we are again with another challenge check in where Cydni is reminding me why I left middle school. Hear, hear. , Alright, AI Don, get us started.

Don: Welcome to Cydni's Wandering Minds Weekly. Our first category is " Lessons Learned from a Country Song "

Cydni: In this segment, we'll share with you a lesson we've learned from a country song.
Sher: Yee haw! Cydni I couldn't decide, so I had AI write it for me. What? Here it is. A. I. helping me

out. This is what I learned from a country song.

Cydni: Okay, so did you write what have we learned from country songs to A. I. and they wrote a song? Yes. And they picked a woman. Good for them. I picked a woman. And you picked a woman.

Sher: Good for you. I think the chorus that's coming up, Sums it up. Here you go right now. Chorus.

Cydni: [00:01:00] There you go, that's what I learned from a country song. I'm disappointed that no animal died, no truck was scratched. Where was the beer? keep listening, and you'll get most of it. Alright, well that needs to be your first release. Share and on. Goodbye, Sid. You've been replaced. I'm gonna go home, and I'm gonna write the best country song that I can, okay?

I know that AI did it immediately, but

Sher: thank you. Don's. Sister.

Cydni: Well, , I know we said country, but I had to go to the first time I heard rap.

You're killing me.

The Georgia patrol was making their rounds, so they fired a shot just to flag them down. A big bellied sheriff grabbed his gun and said, why'd you do it?

Sher: That's Reba. It's not rap.

Cydni: It was rap to me when I was eight. I was like, what is this fast paced? What? And it's crazy. There's guns, murder. as far as I'm concerned. It's rap. But what I learned from that's the night when

the lights went on in Georgia, which I know every single lyric But what I learned is you cannot trust the government When I was eight

And that I should be a really good sister because in [00:02:00] the story, the sister kills the wife for sleeping around and her body will never be found.

And I thought, what could I do better to be a better sister? Which goes perfectly into our next segment where we will talk about our brothers in the segment called,

Don: From the Minds of Bros
Sher: my big brother Randy wrote a very beautiful poem that he would like to share with all of us here.

It is.

Hell's too good for him. The angel said, let's give him life and make him wish he were dead. I must've been worse than the average deceiver because they put me on earth and gave me hay fever. Beautiful. Randy. Well done, Randy. Very well done. Especially if you knew that he does have severe hay fever. I swell up watery.

That was written from his heart, and I know it mm hmm. It

Cydni: was so thank you. Beautiful. Thank you big, bro And I'm gonna go with a little bro. I have recently deleted all I had Oh, I don't know maybe 200 voicemails on my phone that I needed to delete, but I did not delete my little brother Grady's those were the only ones that [00:03:00] remained and a few from my kids The reason I do this and this is what we're gonna go with is that when Grady calls me and I don't answer I get verbally harassed and sometimes they're hilarious and random and sometimes they're quite mean and so I'm just going to go ahead and play for you what I get from my middle child brother.

Oh, I'm so excited.
Cyd's Brother: I know you're not that stupid. You have three kids. You have a beautiful home.

I know you know how to put an Ikea desk together. So if you call me in the middle of the night again asking how to put an Ikea desk together We're going to have issues. You're smarter than that. You don't have for brains. So Handle your business put the dadgum Ikea Desk together so you could do whatever you need to do with the desk I don't know why you bought a desk in the first place, Give me a call if you can, bye.

For brains.

Cydni: I love that one so much. Grady leaves me a message every time I don't answer, which is why I don't answer, because I love those, and I collect them, and they're so funny, and I play them [00:04:00] for my children, especially the ones where he calls me a total brat, because my kids love to hear that from a sibling. It's the best.

Sher: I enjoyed it. I think you should add that every week, because I want to hear him actually call you a brat. He does. I'll play another one for you after.

Cydni: Okay. And I would just like to state for the record, there was no IKEA desk ever. That was all made up, which makes it even better.

I was like, what in the heck? Okay, moving right along , partner. Don: Super Charge Your Vocab

Cydni: and in this segment, I share a new word with Sher who has to use it in a sentence before she knows what it means. The word from Urban Dictionary is dankrupt.

Sher: Dankrupt.
Cydni: D A N K R U P Dankrupt.

Sher: it a noun or a verb? It's a verb. Okay. Cydni excels in dank rup. It's like she's got a PhD in dank rup ness.

Cydni: Dank rup, to be out of marijuana. And I am dank rup Dang rup ed.
Sher: Wait. we're doing a family show, and you're saying that [00:05:00] we're out of marijuana.

Yeah, dink rupt. Because that's family show. You want to always be dink rupt. Yeah, you want to be dink rupt. Families can be forever together, and you together can be dink rupt.

Cydni: Okay, but I have a bonus for you, Sher
I looked up your name, , in Urban Dictionary. Oh

Sher: gosh.
Cydni: Do you want to know what it says about the name Sher? Please. All those who have their names

similar to Cher are usually good looking persons, especially the eyes and lips.
And have one hell of a character. They never give up. And they're difficult to resist.

Never underestimate the friendship of a share. So a bonus challenge is to look up your own name and. Move forward with caution on that one.

Sher: .Did you look up your name? I did. What is it?

Cydni: Sydney, someone who is relatively short with dark, crazy hair. She never wears pants always wears heels. She's a ball of energy bouncing from person to person with the crazy run, a bit scatterbrained, but loved anyway. Did you write that yourself?

Sher: ma'am. I don't [00:06:00] believe
Cydni: it. Moving on from dinkrupt, let's move on to our challenge.
Sher: Oh, hallelujah. I didn't think we'd ever get here today.
Cydni: This week's challenge was to find a scripture that you could memorize or carry with you.

Sher: This is my favorite scripture, which I did have in my wallet for years and years until I lost it, but here's the scripture. It's in Ether 12 verse 6, And now I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things. would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen. Wherefore dispute not because you see not, for you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. I love that scripture. I

Cydni: love that one too.

Sher: Did you memorize it?

I did memorize it.

Cydni: Okay.

Sher: Mm hmm. Sher look at you. I don't mess around, Cydni. I also memorized mine. if you say, he dwelt in a tent, I know that's what you're doing.

Cydni: I'm not going to say that. I will say I forgot to do the challenge. Can we have a moment of honesty? I did. I forgot what it was and I forgot to do it.

That's fair. Okay, but it's not too late. No, it's not too late. Sher: Okay. [00:07:00] I appreciate the honesty.

Cydni: but I did, quickly recover and repent because there is a scripture that I feel is highly underrated in Jacob six, because I feel he says this with complete exhaustion and like on the verge of just like, strangling someone's neck.

in verse 12, it says, Oh, be wise. What can I say more? And I love that scripture because really what else like you're burying your soul and begging people to do the right thing and they're not listening basically ever. And you're just like, could you just be wise? What can I say more? And I memorize that one right now.

Sher: What else? What's there to say more? Nothing. And with that, we'll say no more. Have a good week! Yee haw! I'll

Cydni: Is that [00:08:00] [00:09:00]

Works Cited

“Ether 12.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Accessed 24 April 2024.

“Jacob 6.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Accessed 24 April 2024.

McEntire, Reba. “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia.” Youtube, Accessed 24 April 2024.