Cydni and Sher

Write it Down Challenge Check-In

June 13, 2024 Cydni and Sher
Write it Down Challenge Check-In
Cydni and Sher
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Cydni and Sher
Write it Down Challenge Check-In
Jun 13, 2024
Cydni and Sher

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Welcome to the Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
This week, we challenge you to take some time to write something down. Write in a journal, or write a nice note or text to someone. If something has been causing you grief, we challenge you to write it down with the intention of tearing it up.

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Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
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Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome to the Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
This week, we challenge you to take some time to write something down. Write in a journal, or write a nice note or text to someone. If something has been causing you grief, we challenge you to write it down with the intention of tearing it up.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
Be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.
Take the first step to peace of mind now.
Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
Click here

© CS Productions

Write it Down Challenge Check-In

Cydni: [00:00:00] this is 

Sher: Cydni and I'm Sher.

Here we are again with another challenge check in where Cydni is reminding me why I left middle school. Hear, hear. , Alright, AI Don, get us started.

Don: Welcome to the Write it Down Challenge Check-In

Cydni: But before we get into this week's challenge check in, we will share with you a few thoughts that have been on our minds. 

Sher: Your mind, Not my mind. Please leave me out of this.

Don: Our first category is, "What's on that cheeseburger?"

Cydni: And this category of what's on that cheeseburger is inspired because it's Father's Day on Sunday. And I thought to myself, what says Father's better than a cheeseburger?

Sher: That's what America was thinking. Nothing says it better. 

Cydni: Maybe a bacon cheeseburger, bacon double cheeseburger. To me, that says Father's Day. So I thought, okay. Obviously, the thing to do is to talk about the beginning of a cheeseburger. the Romans were the first to write down the recipe, but they made it more like a meatball and it stayed like a meatball for a very long time. But what I wanted to really get into was the [00:01:00] ingredients that you put on a cheeseburger and what would be your top three choices if you could only put three toppings on a cheeseburger. Three toppings. But the cheese is already there because it's a cheeseburger. 

Sher: . Pickle, mayo, and lettuce. Pickles. if I could squeeze in a mushroom, I would do that. 

Cydni: A mushroom? 

Sher: I love sautéed mushrooms on a hamburger. Mmm. 

Cydni: Never thought about that. What? no. Okay. I don't really like mushrooms. First off I wanted to say to think about mayo. But then I read about it and it was really boring, so I'm skipping the history of mayo. So what we're going to do is skip to something I found more exciting, ketchup. this might surprise you. The origins of ketchup actually comes from fish in Asia.

Ew. I know. What happened is they'd catch a bunch of these little fish and they were too little for them to do much with them. So they'd let them sit. And they'd add salt to them and then they'd mush together and they would do a fish sauce and the soldiers and people would carry them around because they said that they lasted a long time while traveling.

Sher: Whatever, it probably kept people away from them because it stunk so bad. 

Cydni: That's what I was thinking. I [00:02:00] was like, they traveled well because when you smell it, it can't get worse than what it is. So ketchup starts in Asia from a fish sauce. 

And then they slowly added more to it like mushrooms and other things and mostly it was just a big pot of whatever you had and it created a sauce and eventually we turned it into tomatoes and sugar.

That's where we are. Next time you have a french fry dipped in that ketchup or your cheeseburger for Father's Day, just know that it came from rotting fish. The most important thing to me would be the cheese and this, did you know that cheese comes before empires and pottery and weapons and writing?

I did not know that, but that was a good choice to have cheese first. I think that if we would have focused more on the cheese, we wouldn't need empires or pottery or weapons or writing. We could just all have cheese. This dates back to 8000 BCE, a long time ago, And they would get the milk from sheeps and goats, but they didn't really have a system obviously to keep things cool the, the milk would sour and then there'd be these soft clumps [00:03:00] and what they found was they could eat them. And I just wonder who was it that was like, look at that clump in the milk.

I'm going to eat it. 

Sher: They had to have been really hungry or adventurous. 

Cydni: That is true. I just think that we have to take more risk in life because you don't know what you're going to get. Somebody was willing that day to take a risk and they ate that cheese spread and look at where we are of that.

The last one we're going to tell you about is mustard. This started off as an ointment to heal, originally, and then they started to mix the mustard with wine, and then eventually it became mustard for a while.

Other items. So I thought, what if we just went back to wine? 

Because I really don't like mustard anyway, 

Don: . Our next category is advice from dad. 

Cydni: In this category for father's day, we will both share a story about our fathers. I'll go first Sher. Something I love so much about my dad is that he is a man who's doing what he dreamt of doing. When he was in third grade, he would not listen to the teacher, which I believe is where I get this from.

He would sit and draw what a dream pig farm would look like. He wanted to [00:04:00] know where he was going to put everything and designed it. And that man is pig farmer today. And I have always loved that about him. 

Sher: That's awesome. I love that he just. Went after his dream. 

Cydni: Me too. Because they say success. is the man or woman who is doing what they truly want to do.

And he is. Cheers to you, Father. 

Sher: that's a great story. something that I love about my dad is that my dad loved to work. He truly enjoyed working. But also, I think my dad might have been an elf because my dad also loved to build and create and make toys and things out of wood.

But also, his main food diet, was sugar. He loved Coca Cola. pie. ice cream. anything with sugar in it. That's what he would eat. And I think that's what he lived on for the vast majority of his life. His main staple was sugar and more sugar and more sugar.

Cydni: What a good, well rounded man. Did he love a good cheeseburger? Of course he did, as long as there was dessert. That's fair. 

Don: Now it's time to super charge your vocab

Cydni: In this category, I will tell you a [00:05:00] word and you will have to guess how to use it in a sentence. Your word to use is trash Luke. 

Sher: Luke is an upscale version of dumpster diving. That wasn't a sentence, but a definition. 

Cydni: I think that's better. Trash Luke is a funny person, might be a little crazy and also really stupid sometimes, but it's a person you will never forget. And now I'm going to give you one more for a bonus. What do you think this means? Get out of my car now. I 

Sher: think it means you want me to get out of your car now.

Cydni: It's an expression used to direct persons to the outside of one's motor vehicle immediately, rather than later. I never would have guessed that one. I just appreciated it was there and I wanted to share it with everyone. 

Sher: Thank you. 

Don: And now it's time for the challenge check-in

Cydni: This week's challenge was to spend time writing something down, we've been talking about journaling or using writing as a tool to get through some grief or to help you clarify some feelings or thoughts. So that was our challenge this week. Do you want to [00:06:00] go first? How did you do with this one? 

Sher: Well, I, don't know if you'll count this, does writing podcast outlines count, Cydni? Because I did a lot of that yesterday. 

Cydni: I can't think of anything more important. I wrote down. My schedule and this is a huge accomplishment for me because we're in summer and there's a lot going on and I Decided to physically write things out on a calendar and I've only messed up big time once out of two days So even with a calendar, but I'm impressed.

Thank you And I also wrote Handwritten notes to my children on a post it that had their chores for today on it And they all did them except for one But still. 

Sher: It's two out of three. You're doing well. 

Cydni: But I do have a deep desire to journal, though. I'm going to do that. So I did do some portion of the challenge, but I have a desire to do another aspect of our challenge. So I'm going to. And you can, too. 

Sher: before we close, I just want to say to my family, since it's Father's Day, get in the back, Grandpa! 

 Have a great week. 

Cydni: Bye. 
