Cydni and Sher

The Power of Play Challenge Check-In

June 27, 2024 Cydni and Sher
The Power of Play Challenge Check-In
Cydni and Sher
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Cydni and Sher
The Power of Play Challenge Check-In
Jun 27, 2024
Cydni and Sher

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Welcome to our Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
We challenge you to actively and deliberately have more fun. Experience more joy right now, no matter your circumstances. Come up with your own idea to encourage others to have fun, or leave an anonymous positive note for someone to find that will brighten their day.

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Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
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Welcome to our Challenge Check-In!

This Week's Challenge
We challenge you to actively and deliberately have more fun. Experience more joy right now, no matter your circumstances. Come up with your own idea to encourage others to have fun, or leave an anonymous positive note for someone to find that will brighten their day.

Finley Law Firm -  Comprehensive Estate Planning
Be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.
Take the first step to peace of mind now.
Click here for a free consultation with Chris Finley.
Be sure to ask him how he behaved in Sher's 9th grade class!

Drip-Drip Drop, Words and  Music by  Matt Hoiland
Click here

The Power of Play Challenge Check-In

Cydni: [00:00:00] this is 

Sher: Cydni and I'm Sher.

Here we are again with another challenge check in where Cydni is reminding me why I left middle school. Hear, hear. , Alright, AI Don, get us started. 

Don: Welcome to the Seeking the Truth Challenge Check-In

Cydni: But before we get into this week's challenge check in, we will share with you a few thoughts that have been on our minds. 

Sher: Your mind, Not my mind. Please leave me out of this.

Don: Our first category is "The Book Bonanza"

Cydni: In this category, we will share with you a book we've recently read that we highly suggest. Adding to your shelf 

Sher: recently. I didn't know it was recently. 

Cydni: This will be a book that we've read 

Sher: So the book that I chose is a book I used to read to my students when I taught geography I'm just going to share the first page and the last page with you. That's how I read books, actually. It's a lot faster and more efficient. This is Oh, the Places You Go by Dr. Seuss. 

Cydni: I love this one. Me We picked the same vibe. 

Sher: We did. That's why I was laughing when I [00:01:00] saw the book that you brought, you thought that I was going to choose a history book, didn't you? I thought you were judging me when you looked at my book. No, I was laughing. I thought it was funny. Okay. the first page says, congratulations. Today is your day. You're off to great places. You're off and away. And the last page says, so be your name box bomb or Bixby or Bray Mordecai, Ali, Van Allen, you're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way. I thought that was a good vibe for us in general, Cydni

Cydni: I love it. Yes. Thank you to listen to Dr. Seuss. Yes, we do. I did think because you share Dr. Seuss, I wanted you to know that in our family we have battles, or we used to when we'd read the little Dr. Seuss ones to the children. Like for example, when beetles fight their battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottles on a poodle and the poodles eating noodles. Have you heard that one? I think so. Ben and I once, it's one of the times I probably am the most mad at him is that we decided to have a tongue twister off in front of the kids, like who [00:02:00] could read it the fastest. Ben was perfect. And I was like, perfect. on fire. I was trying so hard. I took every ounce of joy out of it. And I was like, I could do this. And I was just like, game face on, never more serious in my life. And I failed miserably. And it took me a week to get over it. He was so good. I'm still mad. 

Sher: I can tell. I wish you could see her right now. Her face is red. She's sweating. 

Cydni: It's like feeling hot. Good grief. Cause I was like, I'm the one who's reading the kids, these books all the time. I'm good at this. I've got this. I would just be like when Beatles battles bottle and Ben was just like flow. Oh, it's hot in here. I'm so mad right now. 

All right. My turn. With my real one. Rock just got Ben a Father's Day book, so I know Father's Day is past, but I had to share this one because we had a great time reading it, but it's called There Are Dads Way Worse Than You, like Breaking Bad. The dad in one, he said, what if at a barbecue, your grill dad's skills are green? As long as what you're cooking isn't methamphetamine. Way to go, Ben. At least you're not doing that. And then it goes through like different, [00:03:00] like, Luke Skywalker's hand getting chopped off. That kind of stuff. It's really funny. But then at the end it says that dads can suck as we've all seen, but moms are also liable . Carrie's mom thought she was cursed and smacked her with a Bible. Anyway, next year when you need a good book for your dad. They're a dad's way worse than you. That really inspired Ben. He had a great time reading it. 

Don: Our next category is, "Did You Know?"

Cydni: In this category of did you know, we're going to share with each other something we don't think the other person knows about, whether it's an event or a thing or a fact. So go ahead. 

Sher: you know that there are a group of Native Americans called the Hopewell? And that they're mound builders. Did you know about this?

Cydni: No, is this where you went on a recent trip? 

Sher: No, I have never been to any site. with the mound builders. I drove past it and said, Oh, look. And that was about the extent of it. But they lived throughout the Midwest. Some of the mound builders went to the South, although they weren't the Hopewell, but mound builders were in the Midwest and in the South. But I'm going to focus just on the [00:04:00] Hopewell for right now. 100 BC. To the year 400 AD. they built mounds like pyramids and they served as burial grounds. And then they also built other structures on top of the mounds because their mounds were made of dirt. And if you look it up, there's a lot of artifacts they found from the Hopewell and they're super cool. So look it up and just see all the artifacts they've been finding. I will do that. 

Cydni: Sher do you know about Action Park, a New Jersey theme park that existed? In the eighties? 

Sher: No. 

Cydni: Okay. My baby brother introduced me to a podcast where they talked about this and I had a great time learning about this. in the 1980s Action Park was opened by a man who originally had a skiing resort, but wanted to make money in the summer. So he slowly, added to his ski resort. He added, Alpine slides, then slowly added more and more rides and things like that. The great thing about this is that, so this is the 80s and our life was different in the 80s. This theme park was known for being [00:05:00] extremely dangerous, so dangerous that they had an ambulance on staff.

No way. Yes, in 20 years they had six people die and hundreds of people injured every year. Yeah. But they kept it open. read through comments on a documentary and people were like, I actually went there and I broke my arm. It was so funny. I should not be laughing about this, but the alpine slide, the brakes didn't work on the cart. So it was a daily occurrence that a cart would fly off of the slide. People were wearing swimming suits because it was a water park. And so they would get scratched up, broken bones. oh, also the alpine slide was made of concrete, fiberglass, and asbestos. The water slide had a big loop in the middle of it, and there's a reason you don't see that anymore.

Yes. Because it doesn't work. So people have broke their backs on this slide. No. There was also a wave pool, and they said on a given weekend, at least 30 people would need to be rescued from drowning. 

Sher: my goodness. 

Cydni: And then my favorite was the Tarzan swing. They said as long as the person would let go at the exact right [00:06:00] time, they would land in the pool. But if not, they would hit a concrete wall. But the pool was freezing cold and often people would freeze up and the pool need to be rescued. this 

was an amusement park for the people watching. I guess. I don't know. The guy was like up in a tower laughing his head off. I know. I want to research more about this man and his childhood. I need to know. So anyway, several people died, several were injured, and it was extremely dangerous. The podcast my brother had me listen to, they also were laughing, but the documentary was called like, Places of Terror in the United States.

And they were a little more serious, but I still laughed because I was like, that is insane. The parents like, oh, it's 20 for a good day. And then it's like 200, 000 because your kid's bones are broken. 

Don: Now it's time to super charge your vocab! 

Cydni: And now we'll move on to the word of the week. But I'm going to do this a little different because I really liked it last time when you just guessed what it meant. I thought that was fun. So I have three for you today is that cool? I'm ready. These 1900s. Snake's hips. 

Sher: That's when [00:07:00] you are a really good dancer and you can really your hips back and forth really fast. Slither your hips? 

Cydni: No. It means something excellent. It's positive. That's the snake's hips. This steak is the snake's hips. I 

Sher: don't like that at all. My definition was better. 

Cydni: Okay, full of prunes.

Sher: Full of prunes? It means that you're constipated, like even with your mouth, like what you're saying is constipated.

Cydni: Yeah, I like that. . But No it says you're crazy. You're wrong. That sister so and so is full of prunes. You should say that at church when you give lessons actually, cause nobody will know, but you and me and probably Anna, what it means. And so you could just say, Thank you for that comment. You're full of prunes. 

Sher: That's a really good idea. I'm just going to say it to you and Anna. And Shelly. 

Cydni: To us? Like, to me, that I'm full of prunes? Yes. You're crazy. You're wrong. I liked the definition. The last one, to ride the goat. In the 1900s, if someone said, to ride the goat, what do you think that referred to? 

Sher: That means you're not smart enough, or brave enough, or talented [00:08:00] enough to ride a horse?

Cydni: It means that you have been initiated into a secret society. Ooh, that's scary. Is that good? No, it's scary. I loved it. I was like, ooh, that's crazy because they call great athletes the GOAT now. I was like, this started in the 1900s. that. I like the 1900s words. I'm all about this. All right. Now what we all came for is a check in on our challenge.

This week's challenge was to be deliberate with your fun, have more fun and play more. Do something that will bring about joy in your life right now. Now, don't wait. And one idea was to leave a post it for somebody anonymous in the grocery store or wherever but you could do whatever you want.

Sher: What'd you do? I didn't leave the post it, but I just wanted to share something that I try to do every single day. I hope it fits in the play category because it really helps me is I try to go swimming every single day. When I'm swimming, it's like all the yuck just disappears. And it makes me feel better, it rejuvenates me. I think you should add something to it, like throw water balloons at people from your [00:09:00] pool. That is a great idea. I'll get you. I will add that to my list of things. Let's elevate 

Cydni: that play. I like it. I am determined to leave a secret post it on the next cardio machine that I use. I forgot to do it this morning. I was so disappointed, but I did leave a post it on Ben's car this morning and it said, Hey, call me for a good time. Your wife doesn't need to know you're so hot. And then I left my phone number and then I got worried later. I was like, what if it blows in the wind? And then our neighbor is like, Is this Sid's phone number?

Sher: Please tell me that Ben got it. I don't know. 

Cydni: I should have put Ben's name too because now, now it's just me with my phone number and I didn't think that out. So, I better check in with Ben. So much for this challenge.

Our new neighbor is going to be like, huh, they were very nice, but now I know why. It was for Ben. It was playful. And on that note. Have a great week. 


Book Recommendations and Fun Facts
Dangerous Theme Park and 1900s Vocabulary
Mischievous Post-It Note Mishap