Small Pods
Lilly, Adrian and their Dad sit down for a chat which includes book recommendations for kids, fun trivia, updates on the latest games and gadgets, movie reviews, topics of the week and much more.You can also drop us suggestions, questions or comments at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au or subscribe to our Fan Page at buymeacoffee.com/smallpods link on this site.
Small Pods
Small Pods Episode 31 - Back Again for 2021!
Welcome to 2021 and we are back with our Small Pods show.
On todays show we discuss Christmas, New Years and the holidays along with new books we have been reading and give reviews on Back to the Future and the new Wonder Woman 1984 movies we watched.
Adrian has a new gibberish word we have no idea what he is talking about and how his eating habits keep changing.
Enjoy the show and don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook page and Podcast channel for more content.