Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

Email marketing in your art business - The #1 art marketing tool to increase art sales [and how to start!]

June 07, 2023 Jenna Webb Episode 8
Email marketing in your art business - The #1 art marketing tool to increase art sales [and how to start!]
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
Email marketing in your art business - The #1 art marketing tool to increase art sales [and how to start!]
Jun 07, 2023 Episode 8
Jenna Webb

How would you like to sell out an art collection before the paint is dry?

Email marketing is the most cost effective marketing tool to promote your art. 

Even if that “dollar spent” is your time in creating that email, you do get a return on that “dollar” you’ve spent. Your open rate is likely to be above 21%. But on social media only 5% of your followers see your posts. With email you have more control, better customer engagement, and more art sales. 

I would not create one more work of art, 1 more social media post, or go to one more art show without setting up my email list to start a profitable art business as a full time artist. 

An email list is your client list of raving fans. 

Email marketing is a proven method to help you build a prospect base, make sales and grow your art business. Building the email list to serve my customer regular offers was one of the biggest keys to my success.

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✓ the value of email marketing in your art business

✓ increasing your profits using this marketing tool from day 1 (avoid my #1 business regret!)

✓ 8 email marketing industry facts

✓ 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales

✓ how to Build Your List of Eager Art Buyers Instantly with my free download

✓ a done-for-you email campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now

✓ 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales


📖 - FREE Email Guide📖

✓Build Your List of Eager Art Buyers Instantly

✓Learn About email service providers

✓Not your gmail!!! 

✓Why i DON’T recommend mailchimp, 

✓2 other service provider options that are better how to create an opt-in page for subscribers to sign up for your list and you won't need a website to do it

✓the software I use also has a built-in email service provider

✓Download my done-for-you campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now.

⬇Download the Free PDF Guide⬇


LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

How would you like to sell out an art collection before the paint is dry?

Email marketing is the most cost effective marketing tool to promote your art. 

Even if that “dollar spent” is your time in creating that email, you do get a return on that “dollar” you’ve spent. Your open rate is likely to be above 21%. But on social media only 5% of your followers see your posts. With email you have more control, better customer engagement, and more art sales. 

I would not create one more work of art, 1 more social media post, or go to one more art show without setting up my email list to start a profitable art business as a full time artist. 

An email list is your client list of raving fans. 

Email marketing is a proven method to help you build a prospect base, make sales and grow your art business. Building the email list to serve my customer regular offers was one of the biggest keys to my success.

[Share Episode ]


✓ the value of email marketing in your art business

✓ increasing your profits using this marketing tool from day 1 (avoid my #1 business regret!)

✓ 8 email marketing industry facts

✓ 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales

✓ how to Build Your List of Eager Art Buyers Instantly with my free download

✓ a done-for-you email campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now

✓ 3 ways artists can use email marketing to increase their sales


📖 - FREE Email Guide📖

✓Build Your List of Eager Art Buyers Instantly

✓Learn About email service providers

✓Not your gmail!!! 

✓Why i DON’T recommend mailchimp, 

✓2 other service provider options that are better how to create an opt-in page for subscribers to sign up for your list and you won't need a website to do it

✓the software I use also has a built-in email service provider

✓Download my done-for-you campaign that requires ZERO technical knowledge so you can start collecting valuable email subscribers now.

⬇Download the Free PDF Guide⬇


LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

How would you like to sell out an art collection before the paint is dry? In this episode, I'll teach you the value of email marketing in your art business. Not using this tool in my business was my number one regret because once I did my profits increased. In this episode, I'm going to share eight email marketing industry facts. Three ways you can use email marketing as an artist to increase your sales. How to build an eager list of art buyers instantly with my free download. I'll even hook you up with my done for you campaign that requires zero technical knowledge so that you can start collecting those valuable email subscribers today. Welcome back to the show, beautiful soul. If you are new here or you haven't listened to episode one yet that's the trailer. I encourage you to go back and check that out. In that episode you'll learn about joining our free empowered artists' community facebook group. That's where you can weigh in on future episodes and submit questions that I'll answer on this podcast. You'll also hear my story about how I grew my own six-figure art business and why I am so passionate about helping you do the same. If I was starting my art business over again today, the number one thing I would do differently is start building my email list. I would not create one more piece of art, go to one more art show, or create one more social media post without setting up my email list where my subscribers and raving art fans could sign up. I made this episode, so you could avoid my number one business mistake and get started today. An email list is a collection of your raving fans. Email marketing is a proven method to help you build a prospect base, make sales and grow your art business. Building an the email list to serve my customer regular offers was one of the biggest keys to my success. It helped me automate my sales by sending offers to my customers who said,"Hey, Jenna, I love your art so much that I want to be on your email list and receive updates every time you have. New paintings, new arrivals, I want to hear about it first." This is one of my biggest regrets because I stalled on it so long. And you know why I sought on it. Because I was scared. The biggest fear that stopped me from doing this was I was scared because I thought I had to be ready to send a newsletter. And I didn't know what to write in that newsletter. I thought I had to be ready to send a newsletter in order to start collecting those email addresses from the people I was meeting. Out in public from the people I was meeting online. So I missed out on a ton of warm leads who were ready to hop on any offers I made in my business and warm leads are the best kind of leads to purchase your work and make sales in your art business. Email marketing allows you to collect the names, emails, and physical addresses of potential clients online as well as customers that you're meeting at art shows, craft fairs, galleries, and other places. So the problem in my business was my social media presence was growing really fast, but unfortunately this was a big missed opportunity for me. You don't actually have to start writing newsletters in order to start collecting the email addresses. Of course, you're going to want to start doing that. As soon as you're ready, but. Let's get you collecting those email addresses as soon as possible. In the Artpreneur Academy Program I show you exactly what to say in your newsletters word for word, when you are ready to send them. I tell all of my students to start an email list immediately, no matter what stage their businesses in. And then we work on the marketing and what to say in the newsletter letters later in the course. We work on that together because email marketing allows you to nurture those personal relationships with your long-term customers. You're here to build an art business for the long game. You're not here to create some artwork and put it out there for a couple days or a week. You may be wondering the same thing that Cheyenne asked and our free empowered artists Facebook group. Do people really want another email? Is email marketing effective? And the answer is 100%. Absolutely. Yes. Artists should absolutely use email marketing to generate sales and get customer engagement. Let's talk about why that is. Here are eight industry facts. Fact number one. 99% of email users are checking their email daily. That's huge. I don't check my social media daily. Fact two. There are 4 billion daily email users. This number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion. By 2025. Mobile devices account for 60% of emails that are opened. Fact three. Email generates$42 for every dollar spent. That makes email marketing the most cost effective marketing tool to promote your art. So even if that dollar spent is your time creating that email, you do get a return on that money that you've spent. It's more effective than the time you're spending on social media. Fact four. The average open rate for all industries. Is 21.33%. Email marketing software for artists ensures a high inbox delivery, which ultimately builds up your fan base. Fact five. You own your customer list. Those that are on your email subscriber list. You always own them and you can download them in what is called a CSV file. Even if you change email service providers, you own that list. You do not own your social media followers. That can disappear at any time, you know, who owns that? The social media platform. And chances are that only 3 to 5% of your Instagram followers are actually seeing your posts right now. The platform owns and controls the content that they see. And with a glitch in the platform, your followers can be wiped away. But email open rates for artists tend to be higher than that. 21% average that we talked about. In your email ecosystem, you have the control. Fact number six. 89% of marketers use email as their primary channel of generating leads. Fact seven. Professional marketers have found a 760% increase in revenue from building email list. Fact number eight. 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. So the stats show that this is so important for you. This is definitely something that you should be doing in your business. Right now. And if it's not, this is something that you need to put into your action plan now. If the big companies are doing this. And the small businesses are doing this. It's proven. And you should be doing it. It's a personal way to be in touch with your raving fans and have control of your own ecosystem and send out the right. Vibes in the. Environment, you're creating in your email list. Here are three ways that artists can use email marketing to increase their sales. Number one. Email marketing allows you to promote your artwork to your subscribers. Because people are expecting sales focused messages in an email, and they're far less likely to click away from a sales focus email than they are on social media. By including links to your online store, artists can make it really easy for subscribers to purchase your work. Number two. Email marketing allows you to build relationships and communicate with your subscribers regularly and consistently which can help you maintain those relationships and nurture them. And people buy from others that they know, like, and trust and email is that perfect. Curated ecosystem to cultivate these experiences with your customers. And number three. Email marketing allows artists to develop long-term interest in their artwork by regularly sending out emails and newsletters to fans and friends and potential art buyers. It's very clear that email marketing is something that you need right away. And it was the biggest game changer for me. I don't want you to live in regret or wasted time like I did. So I'm going to hook you up with my free email guide. The link is in the show notes. You can also get it@jennawebart.com/emailguide. Inside the free email guide, you will learn about email service providers. And that an email service provider is not your g-mail or your regular email account. You actually need to sign up for an email service provider. So I will tell you the two providers I recommend. And why I do NOT recommend MailChimp. The two service providers options that I give you are way better. I'll teach you how to create an opt-in page for subscribers to sign up for your list and how you don't need a website to do it with the options I give you. The software that I use also has an built in email service provider. And here's the best part. One of the options I give you, you can actually download my done-for-you campaign that requires zero technical knowledge so that you can start collecting those valuable email subscribers today. Collecting emails from your raving fans today is so crucial don't go to one more art show create one more social media post or even create one more piece of art without setting this up. If you dream of having a pre-sold art collection before the paint is dry Go and download my free email guide at jennawebbart.com/emailguide or click the link in the show notes