Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

Art, Profit, and Joy - How to Make Money as a Full-time Artist with a Healthy Money Mindset (Required to thrive)

July 05, 2023 Jenna Webb Episode 12
Art, Profit, and Joy - How to Make Money as a Full-time Artist with a Healthy Money Mindset (Required to thrive)
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
Art, Profit, and Joy - How to Make Money as a Full-time Artist with a Healthy Money Mindset (Required to thrive)
Jul 05, 2023 Episode 12
Jenna Webb

Learn how to change your thoughts about money so you can make a full time living with your art.

Imagine what it will feel like when  you sell your art without giving a discount, buy art materials that inspire you without looking at the price, stop worrying when your next piece will sell, and build a future you love.

Leave behind a past where you felt stuck, or unworthy, or lived by someone else's rules.

When you view money as an exchange of energy, you open yourself up to abundant living, and more earning potential as an artist. Yet, artists have a particularly difficult time with money-mindset. 

We’ve been taught some nasty, FALSE things about money and art by older generations that did not have access to the resources we have today - hello internet! Many artists I talk to feel guilty making money from their passion.

And I HATE this. 


✓ How we feel about money is a choice

✓ How to be better at actively choosing your thoughts about money

✓ How to pre-program your money mindset for abundance so you can make more money as a full time artist selling your art online

✓ Positive money affirmations for artists

✓ Profit and joy can go hand and hand


00:00:00Introduction to the false beliefs about money and art

00:01:00Importance of a healthy money mindset for artists

00:02:00Tips and tricks to change your thoughts and feelings about money

00:03:00Benefits of viewing money as a tool and an exchange of energy

00:04:00Artists' difficulty with money mindset due to societal beliefs

00:05:00Profiting from art does not diminish joy in the creative process

00:06:00Importance of changing money mindset for a thriving art business

00:07:00Believing in your worth and setting high financial goals

00:08:00Personal experience of overcoming financial struggles in art business

00:09:00Money as a trigger for emotions and the need for reprogramming


🌈The Artpreneur Academy🌈

✓ Work with me personally inside my signature program to adopt a healthy money mindset 

✓ Get a fully comprehensive, customizable blueprint to becoming a financially self-reliant, empowered, art business owner

✓ Join 750 other artists turned artpreneurs

✓Transform your life with actionable steps to a more financially secure future

⬇Learn more about Artpreneur Academy⬇


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LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

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Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

Learn how to change your thoughts about money so you can make a full time living with your art.

Imagine what it will feel like when  you sell your art without giving a discount, buy art materials that inspire you without looking at the price, stop worrying when your next piece will sell, and build a future you love.

Leave behind a past where you felt stuck, or unworthy, or lived by someone else's rules.

When you view money as an exchange of energy, you open yourself up to abundant living, and more earning potential as an artist. Yet, artists have a particularly difficult time with money-mindset. 

We’ve been taught some nasty, FALSE things about money and art by older generations that did not have access to the resources we have today - hello internet! Many artists I talk to feel guilty making money from their passion.

And I HATE this. 


✓ How we feel about money is a choice

✓ How to be better at actively choosing your thoughts about money

✓ How to pre-program your money mindset for abundance so you can make more money as a full time artist selling your art online

✓ Positive money affirmations for artists

✓ Profit and joy can go hand and hand


00:00:00Introduction to the false beliefs about money and art

00:01:00Importance of a healthy money mindset for artists

00:02:00Tips and tricks to change your thoughts and feelings about money

00:03:00Benefits of viewing money as a tool and an exchange of energy

00:04:00Artists' difficulty with money mindset due to societal beliefs

00:05:00Profiting from art does not diminish joy in the creative process

00:06:00Importance of changing money mindset for a thriving art business

00:07:00Believing in your worth and setting high financial goals

00:08:00Personal experience of overcoming financial struggles in art business

00:09:00Money as a trigger for emotions and the need for reprogramming


🌈The Artpreneur Academy🌈

✓ Work with me personally inside my signature program to adopt a healthy money mindset 

✓ Get a fully comprehensive, customizable blueprint to becoming a financially self-reliant, empowered, art business owner

✓ Join 750 other artists turned artpreneurs

✓Transform your life with actionable steps to a more financially secure future

⬇Learn more about Artpreneur Academy⬇


Share this Episode 

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

we've been taught some really nasty, false beliefs about money and art, by older generations, that were not given the same resources and tools that we have today. Hello, internet. Many artists. Feel guilty about earning money from something that they're so passionate doing. But let me tell you something profit and joy go hand and hand. A healthy money mindset is essential to becoming a thriving full-time artist. I am dead serious. I have witnessed it in my own business. I've witnessed it in the almost 800 Artpreneur students I've coached. It changes everything from the way you think about yourself, to the way you price your art, the way you carry yourself, the way you invest in your future. It is a game changer to your life. How we feel about money is actually a choice because the thoughts in our head are something we choose. I know that's a lot easier said than done, but today I'm going to teach you tips and tricks to start thinking about money and feeling differently about money and step into your power. Imagine when you start selling your work without giving a discount. You buy art materials without looking at the price. You stop worrying about when your next piece will sell. You start investing in your art business and building a bigger, brighter future for yourself. You build a future you love and you leave behind a past where you felt stuck, and unworthy, and you lived by someone else's rules. This is my favorite part about being an Artpreneur. And the first part about that is you have to change your money mindset. We have to choose our thoughts about money differently. And when we choose those thoughts differently, we will feel differently about money and we'll love money. A couple things happen when you start viewing money differently. When you view it as a tool, you open yourself up to earning more money. When you view money as an exchange of energy and you don't put emotion around it, it's just an exchange of energy. You open yourself up to abundant living in the ability to live as a thriving full-time artist. Artists have a particularly difficult time with money mindset. And I really hate this in the community of entrepreneurs. That artists seem to have the hardest time with it. And I know exactly why it's, because we've been taught some really nasty, false beliefs about money and art, by older generations, that were not given the same resources and tools that we have today. Hello, internet. Many artists. I talk to feel guilty about earning money from something that they're so passionate doing. It's hard to think about something that feels so good that's a hobby becoming your full-time income. But let me tell you something profit and joy go hand and hand. I don't think Michael Jordan loved the game of basketball any less. When his contract went up by the millions each year. And I don't think Oprah Winfrey loved money, any less, the more soulful conversations that she had. Profiting from our art does not take an ounce of joy out of the creative process. Sharing your artwork with many collectors amplifies the joy that you get to feel from creating art. I love this quote from Andy Warhol."Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art." This episode is so important to me. I'm sure it's something that we're going to come back to. And I just want to remind you that as questions are coming up, please leave me a podcast voicemail. Please leave me a comment or question on Instagram and come and join our private and free facebook community for the Empowered Artist. All of these resources can be found@jennawebbart.com podcast. This episode is so important to me. Art money mindset is something that we have embedded into the Artpreneur Academy, into every single module. I really want you to believe in your worth and make the profit that you deserve. I'm on a crusade for every artist to raise their art prices and be so proud of what they do. But if you don't believe that you deserve money, you're not going to take action to get it. If you don't believe you deserve money, you won't set high goals for yourself. If you don't set high goals for yourself, you're not going to achieve more or get out of your comfort zone. You won't get unstuck from a reality that you hate. Reprogramming our mindset around money is difficult, but the rewards are so beautiful. Because when you change your thoughts about money, you can make a full-time living with your art and your whole life can change. In the beginning, my art business was struggling and I could not pay the bills. I remember this visceral moment of sitting on my kitchen floor, sipping a very warm cup of coffee, petting Gus and Lola, which is usually such a moment of peace and gratitude and serenity. But not in this case. My heart and my mind were just in total disarray because I was looking around at this house I'd purchased. I loved my house, but I was wondering, how am I going to pay for it? My art business was my entire income. I had not just taken a toe dip into the art business. I had taken the full plunge. And I was wondering how I was going to even pay to keep the lights on and pay the mortgage. Not to mention I have daily, chronic migraines. So in this moment, everything truly felt impossible. Talk about overwhelm. That moment felt really shitty. So when I tell you I get it, I really get it. Money is one of the most emotionally triggering things for people because it is our security. But staying stuck is a choice. I believe money can always be made. And challenges can always be figured out. So in this moment, when things felt impossible, I invested in doing just that, figuring it out. And now I run a six figure art business and I teach hundreds of other artists just like you how to do exactly the same. If you change how you think and feel about money, I promise this can be true for you too. When I was planning this episode, I asked you to weigh in, in our Free Empowered Artists Facebook group. I love hearing what your thoughts and questions and what's on your heart about what we're going to talk about on the show. So definitely come join the conversation there I love it when it's a two way conversation. So when I asked about money, in the Facebook group, you all said things like I enjoy art, so I feel guilty being paid for it. I basically give it away. I create art for the enjoyment, but I price it to move. But it takes money to make art. And I want to sell the art in order to make money, to make more art. I price way low in order to sell. On the few pieces I've sold, but I've been told I'm basically giving it away. These things hurt my heart, and this is why we're talking about art and money on the show today. We all have scripts in our head about money and these beliefs have been ingrained in us by our environment, by society, by our parents and our childhood. Ever since we were very little, this is when it started. And these scripts about money are either positive or negative, but you can think of them as a record tape like a broken record, if you will, and they're either positive or negative. So I actually thought I had a very positive money mindset. And when I went to explore the thoughts I had about money, it turns out that I had. More negative beliefs than I initially thought. So doing this work. This pre-programming actually has helped me because every time I have reached new Heights in my business or needed to invest in things that took significant more mounds of money I have needed to re-examine my money beliefs, or as things have fluctuated, I have needed to re-examine my money beliefs. So if you're listening to this episode and you're like, I got it. I don't need to do this. Just. Look at this with a beginner's mindset and. Be as open-minded as possible, because I assure you that 100% of your money beliefs are not all gung ho. I love money. Because stuff happens. Money is emotionally triggering. So our money scripts are going to align with either abundance or scarcity and they have a huge impact on the financial decisions that we make. Wealth consciousness is the idea of getting rid of all the limiting beliefs. That we have about money and replacing them with healthy money scripts. That way we can take powerful action to achieve abundance in our lives. Our beliefs about money, like I said, are deeply rooted from our upbringing and our environments. So think about what did you grow up believing about money? What did your parents teach you about money? What money scripts, where you hearing over and over again in society as you were raised. So a lot of common negative money beliefs are: money doesn't grow on trees. I have to be lucky to make money. It's wrong to talk about money. All artists starve. You have to work really hard to make money. And rich people are greedy, selfish, or shallow. Now these beliefs shape our views on money today either actively or subconsciously. Remember we can choose our thoughts. We can reprogram this. It's easier said than done. So that's why we're here. And we're going to be better at choosing our thoughts about money from now on. Here are some examples of positive money affirmations. Money can always be made. There is unlimited money in the world and unlimited money is coming to me right now. And I am deserving of it. Money affords me the lifestyle and freedoms I value most in life. That's one that's really saying money is a tool. Money is an exchange of energy. Um, how about this one? I deserve to earn a profit from my artwork. I really believe that most of us hold thoughts and fears about money that we're not aware of. And it takes some journaling and introspection to explore these. The negative money scripts are really serving as money blocks. Mental blocks holding us back from earning our full potential. We have to reprogram our brains to earn more money. It's not fun work, but it's so important. And the rewards are beautiful. I'm not kidding. We have to do the work because what you tell yourself on repeat consciously or subconsciously is puppeteering the decisions that you're making and your entire life. Don't you want to be the one in control? If you do want to be in control, you need to choose your thoughts every single day. If you believe you deserve money. You believe in the bigger possibilities for yourself. Then you are more likely to set higher financial goals and you'll be more likely to achieve them. Money is just a tool. It's not a dirty word. We are simply using it to trade one asset for another equally valuable asset, just like the caveman did back in the day. It's all about your mindset around money. Because in reality, money is just a measure of how we value our time, our talents and our skills by assigning a dollar amount. Money is an exchange of energy. When you have a healthy money mindset, you can view money simply as that. An exchange of energy. Rather than surrounding it with a lot of negativity. Uh, emotion or anxiety. It takes practice. But reprogramming your mindset will allow you to move away from the scarcity mindset and move towards abundance. Appreciate money. Take action to get money. And make good investments. So I have a really simple money mindset exercise for you. We're going to rewrite one of your negative money scripts into a positive one together right now. And then on your own, you can rinse and repeat the process as you sit down and do some introspection and really evaluate all of your negative money scripts that are going to come up. So that they don't haunt you till the, your end of days. So. My parents, especially my dad had very traditional views on money. How to make it, how you spend it. He even had this saying that he would sing and you know how attune sticks in your head. He would sing around the house. When you kiss a dollar bill, it does not kiss you back. And I'm sorry, you had to listen to my voice. So you can imagine that tune sticking in my head. One of the money scripts in my household was you have to do something practical to make a living. So today, together with you, I am going to rewrite that negative money script into a positive money affirmation. Instead of you have to do something practical to make a living. I rewrite that to say. You can be rich by following your passion. So step one and the exercise: write down all of your thoughts and your beliefs about money. Just do a brain dump. Step two. Rewrite each script into a positive money affirmation. Then you have to practice it in order to believe it. Because, like I said, it does take practice and these things will come up. They can either haunt you or you can rewrite them and start living a new life by choosing your thoughts. If you believe you deserve money. You are more likely to reach your financial goals. You can happily accept payment for your beautiful artwork. You can raise your art prices. You will earn more money. You will take action to get money. You will value your time. You will be more productive. And you will make good investments like high quality art supplies, education, training, coaching,advertising, investments that will move your art business forward and change your life. Let me leave you with three tips today. Don't feel guilty about making money. You care deeply about the artwork you create. Your art serves a purpose and without it, there is a giant hole in the universe. Number two. Good people do good things. And the more money you make, the more good things you can do with it. And the third tip. If you feel guilty at all from earning a profit from something you love to do, that was once a hobby. Go deeper into your why? If your, why is powerful, and you really hone in on it and practice your why you'll joyfully accept money for the artwork you create. After you do your money script homework today. Because action is the key to success. Your next step is to invest in the next thing that will take your art business to the next level. The best thing you can ever invest in is yourself. That's one investment you will never regret. Uh, whether it's a laptop, a course, a mentor. Take that next step. Start practicing your new money beliefs. Then the universe will show you evidence of that money belief at work. If you're not following me on Instagram yet, and you're loving these little tips and quotes, go get me a follow at Jenna Webb Art on Instagram, and you can save some of these quotes as reminders for yourself. These money affirmations. Every week on the podcast, I have some of these tidbits saved for you on Instagram, and I'd love for you to see them. This is a great place to communicate with me about the episodes as well. My DMS and my inbox have been filling up with this one question. If you would like to work with me personally, we can do that together inside my signature program, Artpreneur Academy. The Artpreneur Academy is a fully comprehensive, customizable blueprint to becoming a self-reliant empowered. Art business owner. It's worked for over 750 artists and it can work for you too. You can visit jenna web art.com/art preneur academy to learn more or click the link in the show notes. I hope you've loved today's episode and you feel more empowered now go make some money honey! i believe in you.