Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

How to Grow Your Art Business to 10k (Secrets to Create Freedom and Joy)

September 27, 2023 Jenna Webb Episode 24
How to Grow Your Art Business to 10k (Secrets to Create Freedom and Joy)
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
How to Grow Your Art Business to 10k (Secrets to Create Freedom and Joy)
Sep 27, 2023 Episode 24
Jenna Webb

🌈 Click to Learn more about: Artpreneur Academy 

Get ready for a mindset shift that will transform your art career! Learn from our special guest how to go from emerging artist just starting at $0 to thriving entrepreneur the very next year at 10k! 

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredibly talented Chelsea Glanz. We dove deep into her journey as a successful artist and uncovered three priceless secrets that transformed her art business from ground zero to a remarkable $10,000.

Chelsea highlights the role of self-reflection in her journey. It's all about taking a step back and recognizing where you might be stretching yourself too thin - but that’s just the beginning. 

Chelsea also noted the significance of paying close attention to what truly resonates with your audience. After all, understanding your ideal clients' preferences is key to crafting a winning art marketing strategy.

Chelsea's story is a testament to how focusing on a niche, in her case, pet portraits, can lead to not only consistent revenue but also an increase in commissions.

Learn Chelsea's secrets to success and how you too can create a more focused and thriving art business. 


✓ To reflect on your art business and make better business decisions as a result

✓ How to learn more about your ideal client and connect with them

✓ Hone in on what’s working

✓ Create what your audience loves

00:01:00Secret #1

00:04:00Secret #2

00:07:00Secret #3

00:09:00Importance of saying no and letting go

00:11:00Creating pet portraits and capturing animal spirits

00:13:00Results of creating a mindset shift 

00:13:00Results of honing in on art marketing

00:14:00Benefits: Increased free time for other styles of painting

00:15:00Focusing on a niche creates a sweet spot for clients and artists

00:16:00Hesitations about selling out or boxing in

00:17:00Consistent revenue and activity in art business

00:18:00Charging big bucks for commissions

00:19:00Where to find Chelsea Glands online

00:20:00The power of collecting feedback and rewriting artist stories

00:21:00Embracing the journey and alignment

Featured Guest: 

Chelsea Glanz Art Website 

Follow Chelsea @chelseaglanzart and @haveyourjoygasm 

Share this Episode

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

🌈 Click to Learn more about: Artpreneur Academy 

Get ready for a mindset shift that will transform your art career! Learn from our special guest how to go from emerging artist just starting at $0 to thriving entrepreneur the very next year at 10k! 

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredibly talented Chelsea Glanz. We dove deep into her journey as a successful artist and uncovered three priceless secrets that transformed her art business from ground zero to a remarkable $10,000.

Chelsea highlights the role of self-reflection in her journey. It's all about taking a step back and recognizing where you might be stretching yourself too thin - but that’s just the beginning. 

Chelsea also noted the significance of paying close attention to what truly resonates with your audience. After all, understanding your ideal clients' preferences is key to crafting a winning art marketing strategy.

Chelsea's story is a testament to how focusing on a niche, in her case, pet portraits, can lead to not only consistent revenue but also an increase in commissions.

Learn Chelsea's secrets to success and how you too can create a more focused and thriving art business. 


✓ To reflect on your art business and make better business decisions as a result

✓ How to learn more about your ideal client and connect with them

✓ Hone in on what’s working

✓ Create what your audience loves

00:01:00Secret #1

00:04:00Secret #2

00:07:00Secret #3

00:09:00Importance of saying no and letting go

00:11:00Creating pet portraits and capturing animal spirits

00:13:00Results of creating a mindset shift 

00:13:00Results of honing in on art marketing

00:14:00Benefits: Increased free time for other styles of painting

00:15:00Focusing on a niche creates a sweet spot for clients and artists

00:16:00Hesitations about selling out or boxing in

00:17:00Consistent revenue and activity in art business

00:18:00Charging big bucks for commissions

00:19:00Where to find Chelsea Glands online

00:20:00The power of collecting feedback and rewriting artist stories

00:21:00Embracing the journey and alignment

Featured Guest: 

Chelsea Glanz Art Website 

Follow Chelsea @chelseaglanzart and @haveyourjoygasm 

Share this Episode

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Hi friend, welcome to a special guest episode of the empowered artists. We have Chelsea Glanz who is going to share her three secrets from growing her art business from zero to 10 K. Welcome to the Empowered Artist Podcast, where you will get all the strategy to sell your art online. I'm Jenna Webb. I've turned over 750 artists into artpreneurs. I'm an artist, marketing expert, coach, founder of Artpreneur Academy, chronic illness warrior, and your new art business bestie. When I retired from corporate to live my dream life as an artist there was no example for me to follow. But as I started to grow a six figure art business, I was able to map out a complete step by step blueprint for successfully creating and marketing online art businesses. If I can learn how to be an artist in my 30s, I can teach you how to run a business now. As the how to girl, I'll give you the tips and tricks that will actually grow your art business. So tune in each week as we simplify art marketing, make selling your work fun. And elevate your artpreneur mindset so that you feel like the baddest artist that you are, even on the tough days. I am on a mission to transform the mindset and income of artists everywhere. So if you're ready to live your dream life as a full time artist, let's do the damn thing. Listening to this conversation back today. I know there's some amazing takeaways that you're going to be able to use in your business right away, but also listening back. I want to kick myself because I did not turn on the professional mic. My audio quality is less than the best, but you can hear Chelsea perfectly well. So lesson learned to me. And away we go.

Track 1:

Hi Chelsea. Thank you for being here with me today.


Hi, Jenna. Thank you for having me.

Track 1:

You are so welcome. I know we were just talking about how excited I have been to have you on the show ever since I created it. I knew you were the one


Aw, well, I'm honored.

Track 1:

I am so honored too. I love working with you. So, let me tell the listeners a little bit about you. So, Chelsea Glanz is from Fort Collins, Colorado. She is a painter. She paints primarily whimsical oil paintings on live edged wood. It's really cool. If you're watching on YouTube, you could see a gorgeous pet portrait behind her She also creates small paintings in watercolor and acrylic. Chelsea and I, we know each other because she was in the Art Preneur Academy, a plus student She grew her business from zero to over 10 K the next year. So big kudos to you Chelsea


umHmm. thank you,

Track 1:

You're so welcome. So you've had pivotal growth in your art business since we've met, and you're here to share your secrets today. I know you prepared your three secrets to success for our listeners. So with that in mind, can you tell an artist who wants to have the same growth that you did, zero to 10 K what would you recommend another artist do in your situation?


Yeah, definitely. So I kind of broke these three steps down to the first one that I would say that really helped me is to reflect. So, reflect on Specifically where you're spreading yourself too thin. And so what I mean by that is I, I used to have this thought and maybe if you're listening for our listeners, like you might be experiencing this too. And that is, I just wanna paint what I want. I. As an artist, like I just wanna create what I want, but nobody buys my work. And so I was having the thought and as a result I was painting anything, all different styles. I was taking any commission that came my way. Even if it wasn't really something even if the commission wasn't really what I wanted to paint, I was just like trying everything. And I was so, but the, the thing is I was so afraid to miss out on income or opportunity. That I actually ended up doing artwork I didn't enjoy when my original intent was just to do what I love. And so, the result was I had all this art sitting around that like never got purchased and never got shared. So step one is to reflect reflect on if that's you, are you wanting to just paint what you wanna paint, but you feel like it's not selling? You feel like there's not movement? And so step two is to notice. And this is what I really started to realize when I was taking Jenna's part of Jenna's Artpreneur Academy, is to notice what notice what your ideal clients, or even just fans or people that are seeing your work, notice what people like and what they're saying about your work and what they're resonating with. Specifically like what style of painting, what subject matter notice, what people like and what they're drawn to. And this is something that Jenna teaches us how to do in the Artpreneur Academy with really like simple, easy to understand action steps. And she teaches like a, a process for collecting that feedback that's really actionable and that's really tangible. So,

Track 1:

Absolutely. It doesn't even have to be work that you've sold that you said it yourself. It's what are people noticing and you're getting your artwork out there on social media or you're selling it at an art market or a fair, what are people resonating with? And you're, like you said, you're taking notice that is step two.


Yeah. Yeah. And becoming a pro, like at asking for feedback and I think that's something that maybe, at least for me, it didn't come naturally at first, or it felt a little strange, but it's it's so valuable to, to become to crave that feedback so that you know what people are liking. So

Track 1:

I mean a thousand percent. I love it. I love it that you've really become an expert in doing that because customer feedback is truly the driving force in your business. Once you. Understand that there's no single piece of better valuable information when your customers are telling you what they like because you have the opportunity to double down on it.

Creating a natural and frequent feedback channel between you and your ideal client is so crucial for your business. I'm so glad Chelsea is talking about this today. In Artpreneur academy, we have a deep dive and Ideal Client Mastery Workshop so that you can understand who your ideal client is in the first place, where to find them online, and how to sell to them. If you want to master your art, marketing, your branding, your artist's statement, and so much more just like Chelsea and hundreds of my other Artpreneur academy students. Click the link in the show notes or visit Jenna Webb art.com/artpreneur academy. And jump your business to the next level today. It's all broken down an easy, actionable steps for you, and you will leave with a huge confidence injection, just like Chelsea I can't wait for you to check it out. Now, back to the show.

Track 1:

And I think you're about to tell us more about that, but it creates a deep well of wealth for you when you can zero in on exactly what they're telling you. So can you tell us a little bit more about how that worked for you or how. Tell, tell us secret number three,


Yes. Yes, definitely. So, secret number one, reflect if you're, where you're spreading yourself too thin. Secret number two, notice what your people are resonating with and like. And number three is to hone in. And this is where I feel like the action really starts to happen, and at least the kind of like Aha did for me. And so hone in on what's working. And I think Jenna, at one point you said like, pump that baby up, like double down, you know? Hone in on what's working and what people are drawn to. And so what that means, I wanna clarify, like, what I really realized, what that means is to allocate time to creating what's working. So it doesn't mean like that you're you know, saying no to everything else you wanna do, but you're allocating consistent time to creating what's working in your business.

Track 1:

Absolutely. You have to, when you double down, it's your, your spiritual energy and your time, energy. It's really that investment when you, you're making a commitment to, Hey, that's working. I'm gonna go for it and I'm gonna run at it hard.


yeah, yeah. Totally. And it does, it also means, what I really realize is it means saying no to projects or commissions that don't align with that. I. Again, it didn't mean for me, you know, it doesn't mean you can't still explore another style on the side. It simply means that to grow your business and revenue it's so helpful. Like you really need to commit to showing up consistently and saying no to what doesn't align. And at first I was so afraid to do this. I was so afraid because I didn't wanna miss out on opportunities, especially when I like needed money and I wanted to grow my art business. I was so afraid to say no. And I used to do everything from children's books to murals to book covers, to just everything. But it wasn't growing my business like I was taking these things, but it wasn't growing.

Track 1:



Jenna's course clarified that I needed to let some things go and that's actually helpful and that

Track 1:

Yeah. And. Saying yes to things and being hungry because there is a balance when you're a new artist that's there, you've gotta be hungry and say yes to things and test the waters, and that's what you were doing. But you had become so busy in doing that, it was time to shed some skin of what wasn't working and getting aligned. Is exactly what you're saying. It's not creating less opportunity. It's creating more fulfilling opportunity where your soul can really sing and be happy, and just every day you can have a full cup. Then spread yourself thin with things that you're not truly passionate about, and when you're focused in that way, the money and the joy will flow as well.


Yeah, totally. Totally. Yeah. It's really is that power of, of saying no and not being afraid to let go because that it, I, it's almost ironic, but I feel like the power of saying no opens up more like you're saying, space and freedom for me to actually do art that I wanna do and enjoy and that my clients are happy with. And so that's where I actually ended up honing in on creating pet portraits. I grew up on a farm, so I love animals and that just like comes naturally and I wanna help connect others to nature and, and kind of the healing medicines of nature. So I really honed in on animals and pet portraits and just like capturing their spirit. I. And as a result, I'm getting to do what I'm good at and enjoy. I charge more for it. People know me as that, and then my clients have a better experience as a result, instead of just feeling scattered and not really having a portfolio that represents, you know, what I specialize in.

Track 1:

right? Yeah. Honing in is about finding that marriage between what you're truly beautifully wonderful at and your what your clients are noticing, liking, and buying. Hey.


Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yep. Totally.

Jenna Webb:

The main reason she was so primed to succeed is because of the mastery she gained in Artpreneur academy. She had a full understanding of who her ideal client was, what her purpose is as an artist and exactly the Artpreneur mindset it takes to succeed. If you want to master your ideal client, your artist's statement and your confidence, just like her and hundreds of my Artpreneur academy students, Then click the link in the show notes to learn all about Artpreneur academy and how it can bring your art business to the next level. Or visit Jenna Webb art.com/Artpreneur academy. Now back to the show.

Track 1:

So tell me about the results you got by making this big pivot and honing in in your business.


Yeah. So like I said, it, it felt really scary at first, so I wanna acknowledge that to anyone that's listening. Like

Track 1:



feel scary to hone in. And so that's okay. That's okay. And trust the process of that, you know? So it, it, I think there's a tendency to feel like, oh, honing in might box me in. But you're actually, also, the results from this is that instead of it's like a Venn diagram, so I, you find the overlap between what your clients love and what you love to create. So rather than boxing yourself in, you're actually finding that sweet spot and you can still play with things on the side. And so as a result, it opened up more like free time for me to do other styles that I wanted to play with. Like in the morning, sometimes I start with abstract or free flow painting as a like kind of meditative thing. And then I have my time blocks. For painting what my clients love. So it opened up kind of this space and this security of like, I know what is going to sell. And by focusing and creating that better quality work, I was able to like just allocate my time more efficiently and charge more. So that was sort of like the intangible. And then I'll talk about the, the tangible numbers too.

Track 1:

Yeah, I like what you mentioned about how you knew what was working so you felt secure. You felt secure by. Spending that time on what was working, but then because you felt secure, you also had the freedom to explore in your free time. So this is, oh my gosh, it's so beautiful like that, that you just, you said it so beautifully. Rewind, everybody. Rewind how she found that, and I think the Venn diagram imagery. Is also really what artists need to hear because I think you hit the nail on the head. Most people think that niching down or honing in is boxing you in, but no I, I'll raise my hand. I am a prolific painter and artist who works in several mediums, so, you know, I did all that before I started zeroing in like we're talking about. But it gives you that space and freedom too.



Track 1:

Continue to just like you said,


Yeah, totally. Totally. And it's, it's that I, I think the other word I've, we've used in conversation, or that I've heard artists use is being afraid. I've heard artists say, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to sell out. To meet the desires of my clients. And it, it's like, it really is like, yeah, you don't, it's, it's so, and you can see it like finding that overlap and then pumping up what's working. You can still go do your fun stuff on the side, but you're showing up consistently to what's working.

Track 1:

You're only selling out if that's what you think you're doing. You're only boxing yourself in if you believe that. But if you are finding a sweet spot that's so beautiful and fulfilling, then you're creating that beau that beauty and freedom in your own life. So, it's really a perspective. I'm so glad that you came on today to talk about this. So, yeah. Let's get tangible results of what honing in has done for you.


Yeah, so it's really, it. It's, it's so cool again,'cause I used to think, I can't say no, but honing in has allowed me, I still have to remind myself. Well, that's so cool how this worked. Honing in has allowed me to have more consistent revenue and activity in my art business than I. Ever did prior. So like for example, in before 2021, I think it was 2021, I had one commission. So I used to get like one or two commissions a year and maybe like a couple thousand a year sometimes, or like zero. I my art business was like, you know, just kind of in limbo. And then in 2022, yeah, 2022 I did seven pet portraits and then sold many originals. And in this year, in 2023, I've already booked and done seven commissions and I'm still booking for the winter and I've sold other originals. So it's really created this consistency,

Track 1:



predictability, which is really exciting.

Track 1:

When she says commissions, guys in Artpreneur Academy, we show you how to charge what you're worth and charge big bucks for those commissions. So when she's telling you she's booked all these commissions, I. She's bringing in some dough, okay. And we also teach you how to do commissions to where you're being creatively fulfilled and you have freedom to express yourself, even if it's abstract in a way that your client signs off on giving you that creative freedom. And They are satisfied at the end too. So I just wanna say even I think some artists think that commission work boxes you in because you're doing it to someone else's specs. No, no, no, no, no. It's even more beautiful because they're hiring you to do what you are. Amazing at and only you can do. So I just love hearing that you're doing this and I love you guys. Gotta watch this on YouTube'cause Chelsea's got an amazing dog portrait behind you. I know where I'm going when I'm ready for a portrait of Gus my Boston Terrier. I think it's gonna have to come from Chelsea glands So, I cannot wait for our listeners to be able to look you up online. So tell, tell us where can we find you online?


Yeah, so you can find me online and you can find also examples of more of the pet portraits and the wood paintings. Jenna was mentioning at Instagram. It's at Chelsea Glands Arts, and my website is also chelsea glands art.com and Facebook. Chelsea glands. And I also kind of a separate brand is I teach free flow painting classes that really are intended to help people tap into their own creative potential and unleash your expression. And if you're interested to learn more about that, you can find me on Instagram at Have Your Joy Chasm,

Track 1:

Have your joy. Yes.



Track 1:

Love that memorable name. Okay, I'm just making sure everyone heard. It's at Chelsea Glands Art. That's where you can find her. We will link all of these links in our show notes. Do you have any final words for the Empowered Artists listeners?


I think, yeah. You know, just to summarize, like really the big takeaway from Art Preneur Academy was it helped me realize the power of collecting feedback so that I can, like that feedback is the most valuable thing, so I can continue to revise my offers based on the feedback. That I'm getting. And again, find that overlap. And that feels really important because the core of my message too, and, you know, the creative empowerment work, kind of the other brand I mentioned is helping artists of all types realize that they're powerful creators. And so we don't have to be stuck in the like, story of artists don't make money. At least that was the story. That was my old story. And so Realizing the power of honing in kind of was a tangible way for me to realize, like, I can rewrite my story from artists, don't make money to, I get to create an abundant career for myself. And it might take a winding journey, it might take these steps, but like I get to create it and it's possible. And that happens by, at least for me, the most powerful thing from our preneur academy was by honing in on what's working and not being afraid to let go of what's not so.

Track 1:

Yeah. I love that. You embraced the journey wholeheartedly with your action and your mindset, and wow, did it pay off from zero to 10 K. And I love how aligned you have been with your art journey. I love seeing your work. I love what you're doing. I love just looking at this painting behind you, but I think Chelsea Chelsea and I have spoken offline a whole lot. She is one of my good friends and I think alignment alignment's actually one of my words of the year. But I think that. Why you and I get along so well is because we both really care about that in our hearts and our careers. And I'm just so glad we found each other. So thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your art journey with our listeners. I think there are some great takeaways for the empowered artists. So everyone that's listening, if this episode fell on your heart, please share it with a friend. Write a five star review and definitely give Chelsea a shout out and a look. She will be shared in our show notes. Everyone. Thanks Chelsea. It.


Thank you so much. So fun. Yes,

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