Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

Is Social Media a Waste Of Time? 3 Keys To Success Despite Algorithm Changes For Artists

November 15, 2023 Jenna Webb Episode 31
Is Social Media a Waste Of Time? 3 Keys To Success Despite Algorithm Changes For Artists
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
Is Social Media a Waste Of Time? 3 Keys To Success Despite Algorithm Changes For Artists
Nov 15, 2023 Episode 31
Jenna Webb

💌 Click here to Join my FREE Live training: Beat the Algorithm: Sell Art Better and Faster. Grab your spot now!

If your posts aren’t getting seen and you're frustrated by the algorithm, listen closely, my friend… 

In this episode, I’ll reveal 3 keys to success in today’s ever-changing social media landscape. Organic social media reach is not only possible, but it's absolutely vital to your art business. 

I have developed a proven system called the Sell Art On Social System, which provides artists with a customized content plan to authentically sell artwork on social media. 

My goal is to help artists build trust and relationships with customers, ultimately driving art sales and success on social media. 

Social media is THE most unique marketing environment to let customers get to know the real you. There is no other marketing tool like it. 

Customers don't want to purchase from a curated brand or an ad. They will purchase from real people they feel they know, like, and trust. Social media is a vital tool for building trust and connection with art buyers. 


✓ Social media is a powerful tool for artists to build trust and connection with art buyers online.

✓ Selling artwork on social media only requires artwork and a desire to sell.

✓ Following a proven content plan is crucial for success on social media.


00:00Why social media is important for artists

02:00Announcement about podcast prize cash

03:00Why social media is NOT a waste of time

04:00Showing up on social media as your authentic self

05:00Social media helps with building trust and relationships

06:00Social media is an easy point of entry for selling art

07:00No need for a defined art style to start selling on social media

08:00The importance of following a proven content plan

09:00Introduction to the Sell Art on Social System

09:00Join the live training "Beat the Algorithm"


🆕🌈 Click here to Join my FREE live training called: Beat the Algorithm: Sell Art Better and Faster. Limited seats available, so grab your spot now!

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LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

💌 Click here to Join my FREE Live training: Beat the Algorithm: Sell Art Better and Faster. Grab your spot now!

If your posts aren’t getting seen and you're frustrated by the algorithm, listen closely, my friend… 

In this episode, I’ll reveal 3 keys to success in today’s ever-changing social media landscape. Organic social media reach is not only possible, but it's absolutely vital to your art business. 

I have developed a proven system called the Sell Art On Social System, which provides artists with a customized content plan to authentically sell artwork on social media. 

My goal is to help artists build trust and relationships with customers, ultimately driving art sales and success on social media. 

Social media is THE most unique marketing environment to let customers get to know the real you. There is no other marketing tool like it. 

Customers don't want to purchase from a curated brand or an ad. They will purchase from real people they feel they know, like, and trust. Social media is a vital tool for building trust and connection with art buyers. 


✓ Social media is a powerful tool for artists to build trust and connection with art buyers online.

✓ Selling artwork on social media only requires artwork and a desire to sell.

✓ Following a proven content plan is crucial for success on social media.


00:00Why social media is important for artists

02:00Announcement about podcast prize cash

03:00Why social media is NOT a waste of time

04:00Showing up on social media as your authentic self

05:00Social media helps with building trust and relationships

06:00Social media is an easy point of entry for selling art

07:00No need for a defined art style to start selling on social media

08:00The importance of following a proven content plan

09:00Introduction to the Sell Art on Social System

09:00Join the live training "Beat the Algorithm"


🆕🌈 Click here to Join my FREE live training called: Beat the Algorithm: Sell Art Better and Faster. Limited seats available, so grab your spot now!

Share this Episode

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Jenna Webb:

If you've ever wondered if social media is a waste of your time, this episode is for you. Welcome back to the empowered artist. I'm always so excited to have you here. If your post aren't getting seen on social media and you're getting frustrated with the algorithm, listen very closely, my friend. Today, I'll reveal three keys to success in today's ever changing social media landscape. Quick announcement. Our podcast prize cash is still up for grabs. A winner will be drawn from the next eight apple podcast reviews. You can win by leaving a five star written review on apple podcasts. So if you love the show, it gets you jazzed and excited to work on your art business. Pause the show right now to leave a five star review for a chance to win an Amazon gift card. And I would be so grateful. Here's my short answer to the question is social media a waste of time. My answer is no social media is not a waste of time. It is more important for your business than ever. My goal. When you leave with today's three keys to success is to have a new outlook on social media and get excited to use it again in your business to drive results and get art sales. Chances are that you were seeing amazing results, but overnight the algorithm turned the tables and like an elephant on a Seesaw you were down. And that leaves you wondering why did my engagement drop? Why are only a fraction of my followers seeing my posts? It feels like a ghost town. Do people not like my art anymore? And let me tell you, it's not, you. And it's definitely not your art. But the rules of the game have changed. And when you play with a winning formula, social media can work beautifully for you. And that's why I created my new free live training. Just for you. It's called beat the algorithm, the secret formula to sell artwork better and faster. If you haven't saved your seat, hurry now to do so. The link is in the show notes, or you can visit. Learn dot Jenna Webb art.com/sell art class. So the first key to success is to show up on social media. Exactly. As you are. So you can build trust and relationships with your audience. Organic social media is not only possible, but it's absolutely vital for your art business. Social media is the most unique marketing environment to let customers get to know the real you. There is no other marketing tool that allows you to do this. Because customers don't want to purchase from a curated, perfect brand or an ad. They want to purchase from a real person. They want to purchase from you because they feel like they know you they like you and they can trust you. And this is especially true for what you're selling. You are selling art. Selling artwork is all about two things. emotion. And connection. That's why having a social media presence is a non-negotiable for your art business. Social media works in tandem with all the other systems and marketing tools you have going in your business. Let's say you're going to art fairs or you market yourself in a gallery or you're meeting people in public social media helps. You say top of mind with the customers you're meeting out in public. You're meeting at dinner parties. That way you can be memorable to everyone you're meeting and they can come back to you and make repeat purchases. Otherwise, without a social media account, that relationship is really a broken bridge. Key number two. Social media is such an easy point of entry to selling your art. Now algorithms may change, but social media is free. And it is not going anywhere. Social media is always going to be a staple marketing tool in your business. You only need one piece of artwork, old or new, and a desire to sell it. To start selling your artwork on social media, you don't need a website. A logo. Or any other shiny object, or any other arbitrary thing, some lists on the internet told you, you need to have to get some made up permission to start a business. I'll repeat that. To start selling our artwork on social media. All you need is. Artwork, either older, new, and a desire to sell it. Social media is the easiest point of entry to start selling your artwork. You also do not need a defined art style or more time perfecting your craft. Having an audience to talk to online and to sell to at the same time is amazing feedback that will help you evolve as an artist. And keeping your audience in the loop and showing them how you progress as an artist will make you so fascinating to your audience and will boost your engagement. I promise you. You don't have to be perfect to get started. Social media invites you and welcomes you to be imperfect and just show up anyway. So I'll repeat social media is free and it is the fastest way to get started selling your artwork. Key number three. Social media is not a waste of time. If you follow a proven content plan. You need to post daily to work with the algorithm and to build a loyal fan base. But don't just post for the sake of posting. That will lead to burnout fast. Instead, you need to post content that will capture your audience's attention in the first two seconds. And encourage your audience to engage with your post. Engagement is a big factor in winning with the algorithm. And there are strategic calls to action. You can use to get your audience to engage. And to grab their attention quickly. This is all part of my larger framework called Sell Art on Social System. If you aren't seeing results on social yet, and you want to 10 X your progress and get a content plan to guide you. That's where the Sell Art on Social System comes to the rescue. It's the complete system to transform your social media sales and content planning workflow forever. I designed it for artists, just like you to give you fully customized content to authentically sell your artwork on social. It's all done in minutes. Just like Monica who finished the course and four hours, planned her content for the rest of the year, and made her first sale within one week. She didn't think she had any content to post when she first signed up, but the course taught her how to use what she already had. And then she found six months of content ready to go. There is nothing like this for artists anywhere else. First i'll teach you how to master the Artpreneur selling on social framework and leverage ai and social media technologies. The Sell art on social system is for busy artists who want a strategy that makes selling on social fast and fun. That's what social media should be it should be fun. I will tell you exactly how it works in my brand new LIVE training called beat the algorithm the secret formula to sell art on social better and faster. Seating is limited so grab your seat right now. Click the link in the show notes to save your seat or go to learn dot jenna Webb art.com/sell art class you're going to love it and i'll see you there