Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

Claim Your Incredible 2024 - Master this 1 Skill to Grow Your Art Business

January 17, 2024 Jenna Webb Episode 37
Claim Your Incredible 2024 - Master this 1 Skill to Grow Your Art Business
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
Claim Your Incredible 2024 - Master this 1 Skill to Grow Your Art Business
Jan 17, 2024 Episode 37
Jenna Webb

✨Jumpstart January ✨Series.  Do you want to receive personalized help with your goals? Join the Artpreneur VIP January Live Goals Coaching Session with me. Sign up for Artpreneur Academy today and get your first month of VIP Coaching FREE

Artpreneur Academy VIP 

It’s time to kick off 2024 as the BEST you: gorgeous, purposeful living, high vibes, high income. Let's Go Empowered Artists!

Jumpstart January is all about intentions, beliefs, and setting goals for an incredible year ahead. Moving you toward a life you love as an artist and human.

Join me in the January Jumpstart series to kick off the year with purposeful living and high-income potential! I’m sharing my personal story of conquering setbacks in 2023 and conquering my own personal challenges. 

I talk about Part 3 of the SWOT method for analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and the one big skill to master in the coming year. 

Through a series of 6 questions, I will encourage you to identify your goals and the skills needed to achieve them. You will learn to identify a single skill to master this year, ensuring that the chosen skill is transformative and aligned with your values. 


✓ Why I felt panicked last new year and how things really turned out

✓ SWOT for creative business - what it is and what it isn’t

✓ Identify your 1 big skill to master this year

✓ Why it's never too late to claim a new beginning

✓ The 6 questions to help identify the goal and skill to focus on


00:00 Explanation of the SWOT method

01:00 Story about the previous year and starting late

02:00 Announcement of the January Jumpstart series

03:00 SWOT analysis and its purpose

04:00Identifying the one big skill to master

05:00 Personal story of starting a podcast despite setbacks

06:00 The arbitrary nature of the new year

07:00 How to identify the one big skill

08:00 The 6 Questions 

11:00 How to pick a skill that aligns with your values and motivates you long-term

13:00 Share your goals with me!

14:00 Want personalized help from me? Join me in a session! 

🎨  Artpreneur Academy VIP 

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LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

✨Jumpstart January ✨Series.  Do you want to receive personalized help with your goals? Join the Artpreneur VIP January Live Goals Coaching Session with me. Sign up for Artpreneur Academy today and get your first month of VIP Coaching FREE

Artpreneur Academy VIP 

It’s time to kick off 2024 as the BEST you: gorgeous, purposeful living, high vibes, high income. Let's Go Empowered Artists!

Jumpstart January is all about intentions, beliefs, and setting goals for an incredible year ahead. Moving you toward a life you love as an artist and human.

Join me in the January Jumpstart series to kick off the year with purposeful living and high-income potential! I’m sharing my personal story of conquering setbacks in 2023 and conquering my own personal challenges. 

I talk about Part 3 of the SWOT method for analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and the one big skill to master in the coming year. 

Through a series of 6 questions, I will encourage you to identify your goals and the skills needed to achieve them. You will learn to identify a single skill to master this year, ensuring that the chosen skill is transformative and aligned with your values. 


✓ Why I felt panicked last new year and how things really turned out

✓ SWOT for creative business - what it is and what it isn’t

✓ Identify your 1 big skill to master this year

✓ Why it's never too late to claim a new beginning

✓ The 6 questions to help identify the goal and skill to focus on


00:00 Explanation of the SWOT method

01:00 Story about the previous year and starting late

02:00 Announcement of the January Jumpstart series

03:00 SWOT analysis and its purpose

04:00Identifying the one big skill to master

05:00 Personal story of starting a podcast despite setbacks

06:00 The arbitrary nature of the new year

07:00 How to identify the one big skill

08:00 The 6 Questions 

11:00 How to pick a skill that aligns with your values and motivates you long-term

13:00 Share your goals with me!

14:00 Want personalized help from me? Join me in a session! 

🎨  Artpreneur Academy VIP 

Share this Episode

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❤️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Jenna Webb:

If you answered no to question four or five. Pick another skill. Because it must be deeply important to you and the transformation must excite you. Otherwise just like goals. That must be uniquely purposeful to you. To motivate you. If it's not, you will fail to commit to developing this skill throughout the year.

Welcome to the Empowered Artist Podcast, where you'll get all the strategy to sell your art online. I'm Jenna Webb. I've helped thousands of artists realize and achieve their dream. I'm an artist, marketing coach, founder of Artpreneur Academy, chronic illness warrior, and your new art business. When I retired from corporate to live my dream life as an artist, there was no example for me to follow. But as I started to grow a six figure art business, I was able to map out a complete step by step blueprint for successfully creating and marketing online art businesses. If I can learn how to be an artist in my thirties, I can teach you how to run a business. Now, as the how to girl, I'll give you all the tips. and tricks that will actually grow your art business. So tune in each week as we simplify art marketing, make selling your work fun, and elevate your artpreneur mindset so that you can feel like the badass that you are, even on the tough days. I am on a mission to transform the mindset and income of artists everywhere. So if you're ready to live your dream life as a full time artist, let's do the damn thing.

Jenna Webb:

Happy new year empowered artists. I hope your new year is starting out incredibly. And if it's not, if you're feeling a little bit shaky on your goals, A little bit lost in direction or behind then let me make you a promise. It's never too late to claim your beginning. I know you're going to have an incredible year. And I'll be here supporting you every step of the way. I felt totally panicked last new years. I definitely thought my new year was doomed on January 1st. But that's not how it turned out. And in fact the opposite. And I'll share that story with you today. Couple of announcements on what to expect from today's episode and in January. We've been honing in on the planning and strategy to grow your creative business using the SWOT method in the last two episodes. So essentially the SWOT method is reviewing what went really well in your business last year and what didn't and how you can use that information to inform what's going to fill your soul and your wallet this year. Remember to review your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities from the SWOT S w O T covered in episodes 35 and 36. And especially learn these by watching the episodes on YouTube. And quick reminder, we still have Amazon cash up for grabs. When we reach 88. Five star written reviews on apple podcast. I appreciate all your reviews so much. Love hearing from you guys. I am super excited about today's show. We're going to identify your one big skill to master this year. And we're going to do it together through six straightforward questions. Today is part of our January jumpstart series. Which is all about intentions, beliefs, and goals for an incredible year. Moving you toward a life that you love as both an artist and a human. I have been in deep study of my goals and intentions for the year. And I've been circling back to what helped me reach my highest potential in the past. And I've been devouring, new books, podcasts, and other high value content, all of which I am going to be pouring into you this month for our January jumpstart series. So are you ready? It's time to kick off 2024 as the best you with gorgeous, purposeful living. high vibe and high income. Let's go empowered artists. So here's a story about why I panicked at the turn of 2023. First, you should know. I don't do resolutions cause I'm a goals gal. I fully believe in choosing your own destiny and going after what you want by setting goals. Last year I started my year five weeks late. You see, I had long COVID and it started at Christmas unknowingly. I had re gifted COVID to my entire family for Christmas. Oops, how sweet of me. So as January 1st rolled by then week two and then week three. Everyone else was busy, declaring their fancy dreams on social media. I felt so stagnant and sweaty. I was totally weak. Laid up in my bed with COVID. what, you have to know about me is I am an Enneagram seven and a Sagittarius through and through. So downtime to me feels like a mental prison. And as an entrepreneur, five weeks laid up in bed, feels like an eternity because I am such an overachiever. But 2023, it turned out to be incredible despite the so-called late start. At the turn of the new year, a podcast wasn't even on my mind because of my own mental blocks of what was possible for myself and my business, with my chronic health issues. But that's the year that I conquered myself, started a podcast that I never dreamed of, and recorded over 33 weekly episodes. And despite the late start on the new year and all of the panic and gloom and doom, it all worked out. And in fact it was one of my most purpose filled years. Doing what I loved and leading others to do the same, chasing their dreams. You see the ring of the new year is arbitrary. That's someone else's timeline. It wasn't mine. Because once I turned on the engine, it was up to me to accelerate. And you can choose your new beginning any time. So I promised you a part three to the SWOT analysis, and we're going to do that right now. And the last two episodes we did our SWOT analysis and our reminder, SWOT stands for S strengths. W weaknesses O opportunities. And the T typically stands for threats in the SWOT analysis, but not ours. Our SWOT is not gloom and doom or threatening. Because we are going to focus on what we can control. Which are the skills that we can learn to leverage and grow our business. So that T and our SWOT stands for in capital letters. THE skill that you don't have yet. Which is the perfect segue for the one big skill that you want to identify to master this year. So here are the six questions you can ask yourself to identify the one big skill that you can master this year to move your business and your life forward. So number one, we're going to start with. What is your goal? And number two is. What knowledge, skills and abilities to someone who has already reached that goal possess. And whatever you answer for number two, these are all opportunities for you. You're going to list a lot of them. So in number three, What is the one most important skill on the list for you to master this year to get you to your goal? If you were going to pick just one thing, what's going to be the most important. Question number four. Is the skill you picked transformative enough. Will this skill completely transform where you are today and help you reach the next level and where you want to go. That means the skill you're choosing is challenging. To transform the way you have to show up every day. That should excite you. So number four and five, we're going to make sure. The skill that you're picking is going to be the right skill. And it's going to. Be what you should focus on. So number five is, is this skill you picked. Important to you. It's learning this skill. Important to your values. Is it aligned with your purpose? Are you picking it because you want to do it, not because someone else told you to and you feel obligated. So make sure it's something that's important to you. Number six. If not. If you answered no to question four or five. Pick another skill. Because it must be deeply important to you and the transformation must excite you. Otherwise just like goals. That must be uniquely purposeful to you. To motivate you. If it's not, you will fail to commit to developing this skill throughout the year. So I want you to answer this question for me as you're listening. What is your goal? And what is your skill? You can answer the Q and a on Spotify. You can leave me a comment on YouTube or Instagram. What is your goal and what is your skill? Choosing the right goal and sticking to it, is incredibly difficult for a whole year. Especially if you don't have the right support with all the ups and downs and challenges, the solo journey can feel more like torture than excitement. So here's where I can help. If you want to step into your full potential and get personalized, help with your goals from me. I have great news. There is just a little bit of time left to join us in the Artpreneur, monthly, VIP, January live goals, coaching session with me. This is exclusive to Artpreneur academy, VIP students. When you sign up for the art prenuer academy today@jennawebart.com you get your first month of VIP coaching for free. At today's episode felt on your heart. I would love it. If you would share it with a friend. It really means the world to me, when you spread the mission of the empowered artist. Thanks for listening, following and dropping a five-star written review. See you next week.