Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb

Empowered Artist Going Live - Join The Community and Get the NEW eBook

June 20, 2024 Jenna Webb
Empowered Artist Going Live - Join The Community and Get the NEW eBook
Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
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Empowered Artist - Sell Art Online with Jenna Webb
Empowered Artist Going Live - Join The Community and Get the NEW eBook
Jun 20, 2024
Jenna Webb

To join the Empowered Artist Facebook Group CLICK HERE πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨ - exclusive live trainings, Q&A Sessions, and more. 

To get the NEW Social Media for Fun and Profit eBook on Sale Now  CLICK HERE 🌈 - The Ultimate Guide for Creating Content That Converts


βœ“ What to expect in Season 2

βœ“ Intention and interaction (learn how you can help shape the show)

βœ“ How to participate in the artist Q&A sessions, Live trainings, and events

βœ“ What NEW resources are available to you while you wait 

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❀️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Show Notes Transcript

To join the Empowered Artist Facebook Group CLICK HERE πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨ - exclusive live trainings, Q&A Sessions, and more. 

To get the NEW Social Media for Fun and Profit eBook on Sale Now  CLICK HERE 🌈 - The Ultimate Guide for Creating Content That Converts


βœ“ What to expect in Season 2

βœ“ Intention and interaction (learn how you can help shape the show)

βœ“ How to participate in the artist Q&A sessions, Live trainings, and events

βœ“ What NEW resources are available to you while you wait 

LEARN WITH ME: jennawebbart.com 🌈


Watch the Show: youtube.com/@jennawebbart

Follow me: @jennawebbart

Never miss an episode! Follow + Rate the Show 5 Stars! It means the world to me when you share the show with friends! ❀️

Love and Positive Vibes,

Jenna Webb:

Hey, beautiful souls. What an incredible first year. Thank you so much for being a loyal listener. It means the world to me. I can't believe I've been podcasting for a year. I really couldn't done it without you. So, no, I didn't disappear. I wanted to touch base with you about season two and why you can get pumped about it. And also let you know about live events and resources you'll want to sign up for while you wait. I've been reflecting a lot. And I want to take everything I've learned from a year of podcasting and apply it to a very intentional season two that you will absolutely love. So that means. Incorporating your feedback. And in bringing in guests that you'll absolutely love. So, if you have any suggestions or want to be on the show, please get in touch. The biggest reason to get pumped for season two is the element of interaction. Now, the biggest thing I learned from a year of podcasting is just how much I love doing this. And I love connecting with you. But I love connecting with you live so much more. And I think you feel more empowered that way and that's the mission. So I'm going to create some space to do just that. One way we're going to make season two more interactive between you and me is through our empowered artists, Facebook community. And our private community, we can hold space for Q and a sessions, live trainings and events each month. And we're going to start this in July. Before season two, even arrives. To make sure you get the special invitation to our community, go to Jenna web art.com and then click on resources. Scroll down and sign up for the Facebook community. Or just go to the link in the show notes, easy peasy. Once you sign up through that special link, we will send you our private invitation to the Facebook group. Now all members on our newsletter, we'll get our Monday inspiration and resource emails. And you get an email. Every time we release a new podcast episode. If you're already on the newsletter, we sent you that link today. So I thought about what can I provide you while you're waiting for season two? What resource will get you fired up and also get you results. And then it clicked. My new social media for fun and profit ebook. This is the ultimate artist's guide to create content that converts to sales. It's so good. I know you're going to love it. It's everything from post to profits, how your account should look, how to post with purpose, engage with customers and build a steady income. This ebook is really perfect for you. If you are experienced with social media, but yet to see the results you really want. It's also perfect for the social media beginner. Just getting your feet wet. But ultimately, if you want to ditch social media overwhelm and make more sales now. And the best part, I put this ebook on sale for you right now. And it's only$27. To get the social media ebook while it's on sale. Click the link in the show notes, or you can visit Jenna webb art.com and click on social media courses. Before we're even official for season two. You'll be getting newsletters from me, like always with a dash of inspiration to keep your mindset super strong, super empowered. And the Facebook group about any live events. I love you. Lots. I will catch you soon.