The CEO Playground

The CEO Playground - Caroline D'Amore Interview

August 11, 2023 Chris Kanik & Aaron Valentine Season 1 Episode 15
The CEO Playground - Caroline D'Amore Interview
The CEO Playground
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The CEO Playground
The CEO Playground - Caroline D'Amore Interview
Aug 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 15
Chris Kanik & Aaron Valentine

Step into the eye of the storm as we sit down for an exclusive interview with the enigmatic and polarizing figure, Caroline D'Amore. Loved by some, loathed by many, Caroline's presence on Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars has stirred a relentless storm of opinions and emotions. As the interview unfolds, we explore the reasons behind her divisive reputation, delving into the controversies that have made her a lightning rod for criticism.

From her unfiltered social media posts to her public feuds with fellow cast-mates, Caroline has carved a path that leaves no one indifferent. In this candid conversation, we confront the allegations and accusations that have made her a subject of intense scrutiny. We also explore the psychology behind internet hate, seeking to understand the origins of the vehement backlash she has faced.

Known for her unapologetic and defiant demeanor, Caroline opens up about her perspective on the issues at hand, providing insight into the motivations behind her actions. As the interview unfolds, viewers will grapple with their own perceptions, challenged to confront the complexity of a controversial character.

In an era where public figures can rise and fall with a single viral moment, this interview with Caroline D'Amore promises to be an exploration of the blurred lines between fame, notoriety, and the high stakes of internet culture. Brace yourself for an honest and unfiltered encounter with a personality that has sparked fiery debates across the online world.

Show Notes Transcript

Step into the eye of the storm as we sit down for an exclusive interview with the enigmatic and polarizing figure, Caroline D'Amore. Loved by some, loathed by many, Caroline's presence on Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars has stirred a relentless storm of opinions and emotions. As the interview unfolds, we explore the reasons behind her divisive reputation, delving into the controversies that have made her a lightning rod for criticism.

From her unfiltered social media posts to her public feuds with fellow cast-mates, Caroline has carved a path that leaves no one indifferent. In this candid conversation, we confront the allegations and accusations that have made her a subject of intense scrutiny. We also explore the psychology behind internet hate, seeking to understand the origins of the vehement backlash she has faced.

Known for her unapologetic and defiant demeanor, Caroline opens up about her perspective on the issues at hand, providing insight into the motivations behind her actions. As the interview unfolds, viewers will grapple with their own perceptions, challenged to confront the complexity of a controversial character.

In an era where public figures can rise and fall with a single viral moment, this interview with Caroline D'Amore promises to be an exploration of the blurred lines between fame, notoriety, and the high stakes of internet culture. Brace yourself for an honest and unfiltered encounter with a personality that has sparked fiery debates across the online world.

Today we have Caroline de Morais, owner of Pizza Girl and contestant on Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars. Caroline, how are you doing? I'm good. I'm so good. I just love the way you looked at me. You said that, but I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking. And thank you for having me here, guys. How's your mental health doing? You know, it's always been a rollercoaster ride since I was a little kid, so really. We can't. Tell. No. I've always been an uphill battle to be genuinely happy. And I think a lot of people out there can relate to that if they're not, you know, lying or, you know, you go, Yeah, which. Is the consensus. Yeah. No. Okay. So we're super stoked to have you. I think that in store, you know, you're you're the most popular contestant on Gordon Ramsay's. You are. You are. I'm sitting in the presence of a celebrity right now. I mean, I'm. I'm in awe. I'm in awe right now because you are the biggest star on food stars right now. You are the food star. Yeah. You might be more important than Gordon Ramsay himself on the show right now based on the things that I'm reading on the Internet. Well, all I have to say is when Gordon Ramsay talked about chicken as pink as Caroline's hair, that was the moment of all moments for me. Anyway, that was just awesome. And I knew that I made I had to set stuff to do with the pink chicken, which technically is bad, but the fact that I got a comparison to Bad Food by Gordon Ramsay made my day. I'm telling you, I'm just the background white guy with the mohawk in the back, right? Everywhere I go. You're. Yes, I am. Yes, I. Am meeting you. All of those speeches. I'm not charming. I'm not that guy. You have the funny thing to say. Always at the right time. All right. Everywhere. Being honest. Don't blow smoke up my ass everywhere I go. The first question I get is, is Caroline really like that in real life? Seriously, I finish people's sentences. They go, Holy crap, you're the guy from Food Stars. And I'm like, Yeah. And they go, I have a question for you. And now I just go, Yes. She's like that in real life. She's like that in real life. Then they're like, How did you know I was going to ask that? Because everybody I've gotten this question over a thousand times. I went to go get Starbucks one morning. They asked me about you. I went to get a haircut. They ask me about you. I went to the fucking bank. Chase, you are a celebrity at Chase. They're like, Is Caroline really like that? I'm like, Can I just make this transaction and get the fuck out of here? Yes, she's like that. So yeah, you know, I will say you. Owe me an apology, Caroline. So it's like. Everybody's asking about you. I'm so sorry. I definitely. But I will say this is. This is what I say. Yeah. And you're a great sport. Yeah. Thank you. You are a great sport. I tell people. Yes, she's really like that. She's a hot tempered Italian woman. Yeah, she has opinions, but at the end of the day, she's actually a really nice person. And I never had any problems with Caroline. Yeah. Probably because I married into a crazy Italian family, and I know how to navigate through those murky waters, but I get it. How do you feel about how people are reacting to you right now? You know, here's the thing. Like I, I do really understand and edit for television so I can see and totally understand all of their feelings. Yeah. Because this is not your first rodeo on TV, right? It's not my first rodeo, but in a lot of ways, it's the first time I've ever done anything like this where I actually didn't think this show was going to be as heavily based on dramatic things that happened, which I was kind of excited about for once in my life. It was. Caroline. Is excited about drama. You heard it here first. Folks are excited about lack thereof because I feel like my whole life has been one big drama. Truthfully, from the day, you know, I turned five and, you know, my mom died and me and my little sisters are just fighting to survive every day. And I did. I built this kind of protective shell around me, shall I say, to survive. And that's become this kind of, you know, hot blooded, tell you how I feel. I don't need everybody to be my best friend because I've been left over a lot in my life and I've truly had to, you know, figure out how to be a scrappy kid in this town. And that's that's and that's what people don't know about you. Right. So you just said something there. Yeah. And I think people see you on the show. They see some of the interactions, some of the fighting that you've had with some of our contestants. Right. Right. Or competition. Right. Because at the end of the day, this is a competition. Absolutely. They don't know. They saw the segment where you talk about, you know, you were friends with Perez Hilton and Kim Kardashian. Which, by the way, if you look at the edit once again, I never mention their names. That was the TV show that did a Google search. I said, oh, yeah, I personally was a party girl. I personally partied with the best of them. That is all I ever said. The TV show decided to go deep into Google Dive. I didn't send them photos of me wasted dancing on tables. I'm trying to run away from that part of me, right? I've been trying to prove to people that I'm not just this wasted party girl for my whole life. So this show was supposed to be a moment for me to prove otherwise, right? So that's why I was interested in the first place, in being on a show about my business and about what I work so hard for every single day of my life. But of course, like, listen, I was this wild, crazy party girl, and that was also part of. Who hasn't been. Right in. Their lives, right? Who hasn't been a wild, crazy person. And any person that sits back and criticizes you for hanging out with Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. Right. From 15, 20 years ago. Right. Fuck off. Right. Because and by the. Way, they would have. Done it nice, awesome people. So yeah, they would have done it 15, 20 years ago. Right? Yeah. But you said something. You're a survivor. Yeah. You've learned how to survive. You've learned how to protect yourself. You lost your mom? Yeah. At a very young age. Yeah. People don't know that side of you. People don't know what drives you as a business owner. They see what they're shown on TV. But who are you as a real person? You know, losing your mom at a young age must have molded your character, molded your drive, your ambition, what you wanted out of life. Talk a little bit about that. Yeah. And you know what? Thank you. That's thank you for actually giving me that opportunity, because it has been such a weird. Well, that you need it right now. Thank you. I needed it. So for me, like, Yeah, like, you know, my mom, I'm super sad. She she got the AIDS virus from a blood transfusion. And my father, you know, he had opened his first pizza shop. And when people want to say and even I heard you on one of the episodes and I totally get it, we were like, Well, she comes from money, right? My dad has a pizza shop. Do you guys know what the margins are on a pizza shop in Malibu with four little girls? And you know what I mean? Like it is, that's blue collar work, right? So when people started saying like, oh, the pizza heiress and stuff, because I was friends with legitimate heiresses, it was mindblowing to me. I am such a that is such a we I've grown up in this weird world of I was the girl from the wrong side of the beach. Okay, you guys, where does that? Sounds like I was at. Malibu High is a public school. You live in Malibu. You can afford to go there. My dad moved us there. He opened his hole in the wall. If any of you guys have ever been there, you know, it's. It's delicious and tiny. And my dad is a rough and tumble, Italian, scrappy dude who did everything he could to keep food on the table for four little girls. Me and my little me and my sisters were 11, seven, four and five when my mom died. We had no nannies, no babysitters, not all the stuff. Everybody thought so I lived with my dad in the pizza shop catering movie sets, which was really interesting, like because after school, you know, we'd be the last kid picked up from school because my dad's still doing a delivery, waiting on the curb. Dad picks us up, we're doing our homework in the car, on the pizza truck, or all of a sudden on the set of 902 or no wearing these horribly embarrassing shirts that say pizza kid serving and working. Right. That's definitely not how I planned on meeting Jason Priestley for the first time. Okay, But like, if you don't know who that is and come on, Heidi, from no to no, but like I was a hard working kid, pizza girl. And then when I became a teenager and a lot of these people that I knew just from going to high school with them, you know, like I went to high school with Brody Jenner and a lot of these kids, which is how I ended up on the hills and stuff. Right. So while these kids became my friends, I didn't have the same backing, financial help, nepotism, which I'm seeing a lot of that a lot of those comments on, you know. Different people. People think, right. That you've been handed everything in your life and that's why you're getting into arguments with everybody, because you're a spoiled little. Brat. Right. And you're not. What you are is a girl that was surrounded and grew up around those people. But you were kind of the black sheep of that. Right. Demographic. Yeah. Because you were hardworking. Your father was blue collar. I'm sure kids are driving up to school in high school in $100,000 cars, and you're probably driving a rundown piece of shit. Oh, absolutely. What car did you drive in high school? So my first car was a used jeep and I loved it. It was a clunky, you know, jeep. It was a Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was bought, used, you know. And I had it for so many years. I'm still right now driving a Prius that says pizza girl on the side of it. So it's like I understand that people and here's how I really got into the world is because I was a deejay, you know, I dropped out of high. Okay? So high school was rough for me. I dropped out of high school. You know, my dad did the best he could, but four girls is hard to handle, right? Like on your own. I've got. I've got. I'd be perfectly honest with you. Yeah. I want to meet your father and shake his hand. The fact that we're all alive is, like. Because. Thing. Because I have one daughter and she's going to drive me insane. Yeah, she's five years old. I can't imagine having four fucking daughters all. By yourself and your wife. Without my wife. Right? I. I mean, if it weren't for my wife, right, my kids would be eating their own boogers and dingle berries. Oh, God. Oh, God. It's true. It's true. Without my wife. My wife controls how my kids are presented. They're kept clean, they do their homework, all that stuff. And it allows me to do my job and provide. But your father had to do everything. And a blue collar. And it ain't. Easy. No, but you're amazing. But you said something. Getting your period for the first time and having no one to talk to about it and being like my debt. My poor father, he's at the supermarket. I Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like. He's like wings. Do you need the one with wings? And I'm like, Dad, that's a pad. You know what I'm talking about? A tampon. It was a nightmare. If I'm being honest. With you, I can imagine. You're the baby girl. Yeah. Hey, what's the sauce you got in your pants? Oh, my God. Trust me. There were so many awkward moments growing it. He's, like, calling his sisters or whatever. He's like, Hey. So, yeah, Carolina. Aggie, She got some bulletins in her pants and, Oh, what the hell am I supposed to do? Here you are in visual for me, but my point was, was that what happened to me was that I created I ended up in a lot of situations that were either and not my dad's fault. You know, I, as a teenager, were hard to control and without especially without a mother. And I ended up in a lot of kind of dangerous situation ends. And I really learned to fend for myself and defend myself and defend others who were not as strong as I am. Right. So when I lived in New York City, like I dropped out of high school, I moved to New York City. I used to walk up and down the streets with my keys between my knuckles like I was a 17 year old. I would do the same thing. I still do the same thing, right? I do, Yeah. Okay. So you feel me? So I and there were so many occasions when when I needed to protect myself, Right? I had some really bad encounters with some really scary people. And I think I yeah, I definitely just built up and I really learned. Like, I can tell when people are fake, I can tell when people are the real deal. I can tell when we're butting heads because we're both strong women or I can tell. And then I respect that. It's weird, like with lan, like I immediately respected her after the fact, right? It was weird. It was like, I know they're showing that it's like three and four episodes that we don't get along, which how they're doing that is brilliant. That's brilliant editing, because Lin and I will both tell you that we made up like pretty quickly after and have had like a mutual respect for each other and for the businesses we've built and just, you know, all of that. So with me, like, I just don't take anybody's bullshit and I'll call it out exactly how I feel. And, you know, what is so true to me all of a sudden is like if you look at Gordon Ramsay and you hear and you go back and you listen to the way he spoke to people and the way he talks to people and the way he says this is garbage or you are yucky or, you know, it's. No different than what you. Do, by the way. Exactly. But because I'm a woman. So Gordon Ramsay does this and he's praised. He is put on a pedestal and he is Gordon fucking Ramsay, right? I do not even a smidgen of it. And I am a bitch or a mean girl. And it's such a sexist way to go about it. Do you know what I mean? Because ultimately, I'm not saying anything other than I think that, you know, the scientists, the pharmacist and the pizza girl selling. I think it's garbage. Right? So. Ouch. I know, right? So I. About it. And you know what, Gordon? Same fucking thing. Yeah. So it's just like I don't I'm not concerned about if I was truly like a mean person or somebody who couldn't get along well with others, my business wouldn't be in the position it's in. I wouldn't have built all the relationships that I have. I wouldn't have, you know, I mean, we just trip pulled our sales. My my business with every single partnership is so solid because there's such a there's no fakeness because. Your relationship base. Right. Our relationship, your relationship base. Right. And so and that happens because you lost your mom at a young age and people don't know that about you. And if you're listening or you're out there and you're judging Caroline or you're assuming something about her, you have to understand, unless you're a parent, you need to understand parenting is not easy. And when kids get older, if they don't have two parents, they will stray off and they'll fucking get in trouble. Yeah. But you've done pretty well for yourself because you have your own business. Yeah. And I will say, though, Chris, it took me a long time to get here, and I love the idea of being able to tell the younger generation, don't go down the path that I did go down. I think I was trying to mask my sadness for so long. Like when you lose a parent at a young age, there's like this, like painful yearning that I've never felt in any other facet of life. Yeah, nothing ever like that. Where there just be dreams or days, you're just missing this person, you know, your wedding, your first visit, everything. You just. It feels like pain. So you're. So you want to cover that pain, right? You want to mask that pain with. I went through this major phase of I my therapist called it fucking mentality, like, okay, you're suffering from Phuket mentality where I just go, fuck it and I just do whatever I want to mask the fact that I haven't healed from my childhood trauma, which is what I'm actually figuring out now in life. But I took a detour down Party Girl Lane for about 20 years. So did I. And I was a party girl. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Luckily, I figured out how to pay my own way. You know, I was start deejaying before anybody was really deejaying. And, you know, I was doing two nights a week, you know, getting a couple of grand a night. And then that's however many, you know, it's like for four grand a month, I'm able to get an apartment and like live modestly. And then it just grew from there. And then I got, you know, Paris Hilton asked me to deejay her record release tours. So that's why we're traveling around the world together. I'm like, hired help. You know what I mean? I was like, 18, like, Yeah, like 17, 18. And that's admirable. You're paying your own way, right? And people are assuming that you're a spoiled princess, but what they don't realize is that you're a hard working girl who's had the stack, everything stacked against you. And you've still overcome everything. Yeah. To have some amazing pink hair. This is great, you know. But you're a mom now. Yeah. You're a mom. Yeah. You have a daughter. You know how important a mom is to a child's life? Yeah. Mother's Day has to have a special meaning to you. It does. And you must love your daughter and want to give her stuff that you were never provided as a child. And that's probably instilled in you. How old is your daughter? She's eight. She's eight. Okay, So I got an eight year old boy. He actually yesterday he turned nine, but. So he's nine now. Yeah. Yeah. So he's not a gray. But Mother's Day must have a special meaning to you. And you must understand, because for me, growing up poor in a tumultuous household where people think, Oh, you know, he went to Ivy League schools. Oh, he, you know, he. Oh, yeah, he's great. He's polished this and that. He's a nerd, right? No, I grew up hard. You're you're you're molded by your environment as a child, and that's what makes you who you are, right? I wouldn't change my childhood for anything, right? Because that's who I am. But I also want to provide my kids better so that they don't have to go through what I went through. So for you, you probably are fueled by that, your experiences as a child and you want to be the best mom in the world. And Mother's Day for you probably is a special day. Yeah. And so talk a little bit about that. Yeah. I mean, listen, it used to be the hardest day of the year, right? You go to school, everyone looks at you with sad eyes, like, how are you doing today? And I'm like, Shut up. You know what I mean? And you really do. You start to build this protective wall. And I yeah, Mother's Day was the worst day always. We would spend it at a graveyard staring at a stone, crying on a rock. You know what I mean? And then I stopped going to the graveyard because I just didn't want to believe it. That's where she was, you know? And they did like, Oh, God, Catholic. Sorry if this is going to cause a big thing, but open casket to a five year old. Seeing her mother laying there, I think has damaged me in a lot of ways, which is something that's big in the Catholic community. And when I saw her laying there with this makeup that didn't look like hers, and I remember her fingernails and I tried to reach in and grab her. And this is really like because you're. Five years old. Yeah. Where I see my beautiful mother sleeping there. And I it's just and that always played in my mind. And then thinking about her in the ground and just it just didn't work for me. So I just wanted to, like, figure out another way to process. And I'm definitely, I definitely want to be cremated in my own time and like, spread across the ocean or something because I don't I don't know. That was messed with me for sure, but so as far as like moving on and like trying to do better than what I had for my daughter. Absolutely. And one of the things that I she won't need to have as many walls up as I do, right. Because I lived alone at 17. I was, you know, I mean, it's a story that I'm telling, but there was a really bad man who I ended up in the crosshairs with when I was only 17 years old Ish. And Bella will never be in that position. Right. So she doesn't half my biggest thing is for her to be kind to everyone and be sweet to everyone, but also stand up for yourself when the kids are already mean. At school, I have taught her to stand up for herself. She doesn't do it as harshly as Mommy does, but you know, she's definitely learning instead of me saying, you know, say this to them, I don't do that. Instead, you know, when the kids are mean, I told her, just go find something and make it like the most fun thing ever. And then I promise you, those kids are going to come running right back. Right. And she came home and she was like, Mommy, it worked. They were so mean to me. They said they weren't going to talk to me today anyhow. Mean kids are right. So I'm giving her these, like, really weird tools to, like, you know, deal with how hard it is, you know, rather than what I had my dad, my dad would you know, I watched him slam a couple of faces on some cement in my day, you know what I mean? So that is how I grew up, you know. Yeah. And you said you've said a couple of things here that I want to touch on. I know what it's like to have a daughter. I have two boys and I got one daughter. Yeah, right. The boys could go disappear. And I'm like, They'll come back. They're like cats. I'm not afraid of it. Right. My daughter walks away. I got eyes on her all the time, like we're at a restaurant last night. And she went to go walk and sit next to a guy. I'm staring at her the whole time to make sure she's okay. Girls have it harder than boys. Without. And. And they will be taken advantage of. Easier than boys with that, right? Especially small girls. And so there's always that fear. Yeah. Right. And men will prey on that. Yeah. And you went through some certain certain things in your life that molded you the way that you are and made you tough. Do you think? And you said it, my daughter is not going to have to go through that. Right? Do you think your daughter is going to be softer than you? Absolutely. Without a doubt. She she already is softer than me already. Yeah, without a doubt. Because she has a protection. She has a mother. Um, mothers teach you the soft side, right? Like my dad did the best he could, But I. I always wondered what it would be like. And sure, I love. I do love who I am. I love that I am aware of my issues. I love that I'm always working on them. I love that I stand up for myself. But I also love that, you know, I will look at myself, you know, when some of these haters reach out to me and spew hate all over my page, I look back to some of them and I'm like, Hey, in a nice way, talk back. I mean, I'm like, Hey, guys, like, totally feel you get where you're coming from, you know, I spend some more time on my page and maybe you'll get to know me a little better, you know, like it is what it is. And some people have written back and been like, Wow, like, what a great way to talk to a hater. And they did it. And then I'm like, Well, I don't really think of you as a hater. You're getting the story you're getting. And here's here's the thing. Here's here's my perspective on it, because there are people on the Internet saying shit like, you know, they they're so misinformed about what smart Cubs is or about who the fuck I am, right? I take a step back and I'm like, Hmm, if you have that time to go on the internet. Right. And spew hate like that, you yourself have to be in a very dark place, right? You have to be a very unhappy place. Right? And for me to sit back and then get sucked into that dark place. No, I kind of have to take a step back and go have and have empathy towards those people and say, what is that person going through and why did they take time out of their days to say that I'm a bald zero with a landing strip haircut? You know. What? I'm a little bitter. I'm sorry. You know. Helped me is Brené Brown somebody who I just really love and look up to? She made this point. She was like, do you think everybody is doing the best they can with the tools they were taught? And once I wrapped my head around that, that, yes, they are I believe that everybody is it kind of freed me from this. Like it almost makes me sad for them that that is the best they can do today is feel bad enough about themselves that they want to reach out to somebody they don't know and tell them how much they hate them or they're ugly or whatever it is. Because never in my life have I gone to somebody's page and said I didn't like them ever. I just don't associate with them. I just don't follow them or whatever it is, you know? So it is an interesting world of people who will go out of their way. I've gone out of my way to tell people I love them or admire them. Absolutely. But definitely never, ever as bad as you guys want to say I am, I've never gone to anybody's page to say like, you suck and you're ugly. And I, you know, whatever it is. So I, I almost. Why not? Oh, God. For them. Come on, Caroline, live a little. Well, what they don't realize that they're doing, like you said, being the most talked about person on the show. If you really hate me, what you should do is just. Ignore. You. Ignore me? Yeah, Because then I'll go away. But you know what's funny is when everybody is talking about you, some people see the chatter and the talk and they go, you know, like I said, everybody wants to see the car accident. They want to see the big, crazy thing. You know, that's why traffic slows and they're all looking. And that's why the focus of the show is some of the drama. Right. Because they know that's going to get ratings. But what that does is, is people see the chatter and then they're going to go check me out. Right. And now the people that check me out see who I really am, and they love it. And thank you for sending them my way by talking shit. So, so all the baby. So all those people on the internet saying, I'm never going to buy pizza girl, I hope her company goes down. Yeah, they're miserable. Fox And your company is actually thriving also. Thank you very much. It absolutely is. And have you ever looked at those people's pages who are saying that stuff? Oh, it's cat memes. Yeah, it's just nothing. So it's like I it's got me. I have a rule of. Thumb for somebody who doesn't do anything themselves. I have I have a rule of thumb. Yeah. If you're a miserable fuck on the internet, chances are. And I go to your page, there's a picture of a cat. You are fucking crazy, all right? You are fucking out of your mind. I will fucking kill you. Yeah. Fuck you and your cat memes. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. The cat, the catch it. If you look at all the haters on the internet, they all have pictures of cats on their profile. I don't know. But Tiger King is real and that is a real fucking condition, right? And what they don't understand is that it makes them look bad. But by you know, you're basically doing exactly what you're accusing me of doing, like unto me like you're accusing me of being a bitch. And then you just came to my page to tell me that I'm a bitch. Yeah, this and that. When I was actually, like, in a competition, fighting for a win, being told you have 5 minutes left. Let's hurry it up and stand up for yourself. And if you don't, you're out. That's right. What are you guys coming to my page for? To tell me that? No, because you fighting for Gordon Ramsay's laid back right now. These people that are criticizing you, they're just reacting miserably. But honestly, these people, they're like, I hate Caroline. She's such a bitch. She's so mean. You know what? I'm going to get back at her. Let me be the same way she is. Let me be mean to her on the Internet. So everybody in the world can know that I'm the fucking same thing that I fucking claim I. Hate, right? It's so bizarre. It's quite funny, you know what I mean? And I'm actually, like, not just attacking somebody for the sake of attacking them. I said, Well, when it comes to certain people on the show, I don't like the way you behave. I'm going to let you know when it comes to a project or something I didn't like and now we have to turn it in and I've got to take responsibility for it. I'm going to let you know, you know what I mean? So if that's the worst of of me and what you can find on me, then fine. And if all of you go and honestly, I really learned to, like, just be Zen with it. Like my sales at Pizza Girl have tripled in revenue in the past year. We are being asked to go into every major supermarket. That's awesome. Yeah, that's awesome too. A massive facility. And I know we have the best product. And that's the funny thing. It's like when people I have had to, without a doubt, push this whole thing up the mountain because of my reputation, because of the party girl thing. People are like, Well, this is just some novelty source, right? She's just some party girl who was on the hills and whatever. But once they try it and then they realize I grew up in it and there actually is this authentic story. So I'll tell you, I was just at this big food show last week in Chicago, and there's this guy. It's it's a it's a market that I've been wanting to get for a long time. And, you know, it's a saturated market, the sauce industry, it's everybody told me, don't go into it. You're insane. You're going up against these giants. They have so much money they can pay for all the shelf space and caps, blah, blah, blah, they're going to crush you. And of course, knowing me, I go, bring it on because I'm sick, right? So I'm like, yes, that fuels my fire because I'm insane. Because they told you you couldn't. Do. It. You shouldn't do it. And you decide because you're a rebel. You're a rebel. So I see the rep from the supermarket walking by. He's about to walk by my booth and I go, Here I go. My business partner got so freaked out because she was like, Oh my God, you're really going to do this? Like he said, no. Three times. I was like, Okay, hey, what's up? We got to talk. You haven't tried myself yet. You're saying no to that because you haven't tried to go, blah, blah, blah. And I totally got in his face. I like jumped out of the booth like a crazy person. Like, y'all know I am. And I got the sauce in his damn mouth and he goes, Shit. He was literally pissed off. It was like, good. He was pissed. Off that he, like. Looked at his buddy and he goes, Oh, he goes, It's better than Rao's. And he gave me the stores right there on the spot. That's how I got Aaron, That's how I got Whole Foods. That's how I got all of the stores. Bristol Farms and growing. Yeah, that's awesome. That's an awesome story. Yeah. Tell me. I can't do something. Watch me do it. I can tell you you can't do something. You can't figure it out. Sit in a room with Megan and lan and not get into an argument. I think. Well, I could definitely do it with lan. Without a doubt. Lan and I talk all the time. There's definitely a misconception about you and hearing you talk and hear your story. I'm like, Damn, dude, Caroline got me stopped in my tracks, like. Oh. It's super cool. And I think that, you know, anybody who looks at you and sees this thing, I even believe that we're sitting, you know, when we first found out who these contestants were, we're in the the hotel, the show. I was like, Holy shit, guys, this this party girl, Perez Hilton lady. And I'm texting my friends. I'm like, She's super famous. I was so, like, just jaded by your personality and then, you know, getting to interact with you over the course of a few weeks. I told you multiple times, I said, You remind me of my mom like. You smile. Like joy. And I was like, It throws me off because you guys have a lot of the same tendencies, your upbringing, you know, you guys struggled, but you're both fucking dogs, dude, like you guys work in. I have a lot of respect for you and people like that. You know, I think growing up I did a similar thing where I would throw walls up because I would get in fights with my mom. But as I've gotten older, I've learned to realize that people can have their differences. You can still have respect for them. And I've learned that, like bashing my mom is not what's going to get me what I want, right? It's like respecting the person and understanding where they're coming from because they have their own story. And so hearing your story, yeah, you're kind of crushing my expectations. It's really cool. You know, that is a funny thing, right? It's like everybody's suffering. Everybody has something. Everybody came from somewhere. And when you start to look at the world like that, like, yes, I am rough around the edges. It's like in everybody. And I will say my whole life people have either loved me or hated me. There is no in between and I'm totally okay with that. I'm lukewarm. You know what? Okay, You're the first person. I'm neutral. You love me, Chris. Whatever. I definitely had a bond with both of you throughout the whole the whole show, I think. Anyway, I mean, I just found you both to be just, well, inspiring in two totally different ways. You know, even the fact that you guys are working together now is super cool to see, you know, and the fact that you've made this journey, Aaron, like out here and you're trying to figure your shit out at this age, this you're like the person that I literally want to tell. Don't go down the path I went down. It's not cool to be cool. What's cool is to figure your shit out and to start your work early in life and you're going to have failures. I've had a million and once you accept who you truly are and you put that into your product and your business, everything's going to come together. And the fact that you're doing it this young is like it makes me emotional because I wasted 20 years of my life and I'm so impressed with you. You look at it. I mean, Aaron's having a Freudian moment. He thinks you're his mom. And I'm like his acting father here. So he's in between his two parents at the moment. Get grounded. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but just don't piss me off. Put me right in your room. No, that's where I am. Yeah, It's almost like we got to touch on this, too, because as much shit as you're getting, the next person who's getting just as much shit is this guy. Yeah, And like any of it, to be honest, if you're not. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. If you're. What's going on. Well, no, because if, if you're on the fucking Internet, you're watching the show and you're. They're getting pissed off at you, and then they're getting pissed off at you, I sit back and I go. How can they get pissed? How can they get pissed off at him? He's 20 years old. Fucking crushing is the only thing I know that was probably the big thing was big fish, right? That was the big thing. Oh, boy. The fish. Oh, Miss Carolina Vegan. I don't want to fish. I didn't want to hurt them. I couldn't, honestly. And I'm being totally honest, seeing a fish. I've never gone fishing in my life. Right. But seeing it dangling there and flopping with this thing in its mouth. That's Italian. Every holiday they make big like seafood dinners. I eat it now. I was a vegan for seven years. Hypocrisy. Just because I don't want to physically. You're right. I agree. Actually. Totally agree. I totally agree. I now eat fish. I don't kill it. I don't kill it, though. And I think that that is lame, Right. I think that you should be able to kill what you eat. I personally can't do it because I struggle so badly with it. Yeah, I do. I try to look the other way and eat meat. You know, what happened was I was a vegan for six years, slowly went to vegetarianism, got pregnant and then smelt the fried chicken at Whole Foods. And I was literally like the cartoon character that followed the sent to the fried chicken right? I have my brand new car. I'm on Sunset, I have this bag of fried chicken. I'm like, No one's going to know. It's just me and the chicken. And I open the bag and I start eating the chicken and I have the window down and I'm going, Oh, my God. Like, what have I been missing? Like, I was screaming, Oh, my God. Like, I'm having an orgasm with this bag of chicken on sunset. I'm throwing chicken bones out the window. And ever since then, I've been eating meat, But I've been ashamed of it. And this is why you're such great friends with Luther. Remind you, that's why you and Luther got along so well. Because he took you back to your pregnancy when you defaulted on your veganism. Exactly. Yeah. So now it all makes sense. I got this visual of you just pregnant in the car. Yeah, with pink hair. Just with a bucket of chicken going. What the fuck are you looking at? Yeah. No, don't judge me. It's delicious. I'm pregnant. Yes, I remember this car that came up next to me, and I just remember thinking, What is this guy thinking right now? I'm going, Oh, my God. And I'm throwing chicken bones out. Let me ask you a. Question, Sanchez. How long were you did you feel guilty for after that? How long did you feel guilty? A while, because I like to hide it. I'm looking in your eyes. You see, you were like hiding like chicken underneath, like your pillow underneath the bed. It was very. Cruel to. Know that I'm one of those people that was like a full blown vegan that physically couldn't because not. What happens when you become a vegan. You start collecting vegan friends, right? And they can. Start they start smelling the chicken on your. Breast. My ex-husband was a big he played in bands that were like sponsored by PETA. Okay. Not only that, Alicia Silverstone was at my wedding and she's like the biggest vegan person on the planet. You guys, She just sent me a voice note. Can I play it for you? Yeah, she literally just sent me a voice note the other day. Clueless. We go, Here we go. Literally. This was the other day. So you're. You're trying to hide chicken breast from Alicia Silverstone, correct, At your wedding? Look at all of our voices. Right. She just sends us the other day. Hi there. I'm at the grocery store, and I see all of your pizza girl makes me happy, so I'm buying it. But do you prefer. Do you think I should I always get the marinara or should I get the RBI or the vodka? Or just stick with marinara? So, like I tell you, when I say that I have this whole vegan troop of homies, right? And everybody loves the sauce, but then she's talking about the vodka, and the vodka has a little organic cream in it, right? So I had to so I sent her this message back and I'm all like, So, yeah. So it has organic cream in it. But wait, here's my message back where I'm like, very trying to please her, right? So if you like spicy and that. But yeah, the vodka does have a little organic cream in it. And I know you don't do dairy. I am looking to find a good alternative. See, next I need to find make an almond alternative. Really love that actually tastes great. Like anyway I'm not going to go into my, like trying to figure out this whole vegan thing right now but like yeah trust me, it's been you grow up in L.A., there's a lot of vegans running. But also for me, it's about the animals, right? Like I personally love animals way more than I love people right now. So what you're saying is that if Food Stars was Animal Farm. I would have gone along with everybody. You would have gotten along with everybody. Come over here, you little wanker. Look. Got a little face and got your belly. I just think it's so funny. This thought of you hiding meat breath from your vegan friends. Yeah. And they're like, Is Caroline on drugs? She's acting really weird. No, she went to McDonald's earlier and she had a Happy Meal. I got a. Six piece chicken nugget. So. So I will say this. So I am a snob when it comes to food and I will not eat fast food. The closest thing to fast food. I will do is in and out, which we all did together, which was super fun. That was a cool experience. That was fun. We learned a lot on that trip. What We. Learned a lot on that trip. We did. Yeah. Yeah. And I just try to stay away from bad food in general. So my whole look, my whole outlook on food right now is try to be, you know, grass fed, clean, organic because all the other stuff is causing so much cancer and well, you know, it's like direct links to cancer in a lot of ways. It's funny because you and my wife share a lot of similarities because I'll open up my fridge. Everything's gluten free, organic. We've got like five different types of milk in the fridge. Yeah, I was lucky if I had one kind of real milk in my fridge. Yeah, right. I grew up eating shit and look at me. I'm fine. Maybe my height was stunted a little. Bit, but. Other than that, I'm good. Well, I'll tell you something, right. I'm a cockroach, and I think all the food allergies have come out more. Yeah. Because we're so. Scared. Of eating shit. Eat a. GMO. They ain't going to kill. You know they do. Eventually they hurt you, I promise. So, like, for instance, my dad. Only Jurassic Park dinosaurs will kill you. That is a good will. They will kill you, right? They will. I remember. We're in the show. We're on the show. And you're talking about your love for animals. And I'm sitting in the van. You're just sick of your shit. I'm sorry. I'm just sick of your vegan bullshit. And I turned around and I. Because for those of you that don't know, we would sit in a room and we'd watch movies because we weren't allowed to do certain, you know, talk or anything like that. So we put on a movie. So we watched all the Jurassic Parks as a cast. And I would look at, you're talking about your love for fish and your love for this and how much you love animals and you love them more than people. And I'm so sick of your shit. I turn around, I look at you and I go, You would have fucking let those dinosaurs out free, wouldn't you? And you're like, Well, yeah, because they're dead. They fucking eat your daughter. And then you looked at me, you're like, Yeah, they would, but they deserve to be free. Jason Leigh I'm also the girl that rescued a pit bull from the street. And then that pit bull killed my other dog. Oh, shit. Yeah, it was awful. And everybody told me to put him down. He was also quarantined on several occasions and I did everything I could to keep that damn dog alive. So, yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me. All right, so then all you people are is ain't Caroline the bitch? She just gave you insight as to who she truly is. This pit bull that she rescued killed her real dog. Yeah. And then she, like, snuggled up with it and was like, no, as the pit bull is trying to fucking kill her. That's all I see. While you're eating a bucket of chicken, I. Will say I did finally find a home for the pit bull when I had my baby. Because that's when you just. Yeah, Yeah. Supply line. Yeah. That line needs to be. She's solid. Yeah. You do love a human being more than you love animals. You love your daughter more than you love that pit bull. Absolutely. Without a doubt. Yeah. But I do love I, you know, my dad used to call me LMA Clampett when I was little, so I don't know if anybody knows who that is because you're all too young with that. You have no idea. But that's. Yeah, that's from the Beverly Hillbillies. So I watched I grew up on all that stuff. Like all the old school I Love Lucy and Bewitched and all that stuff. Anyway, they called me Ellie Mae Clampett because she just loved animals and had animals around her all the time. And that was me, you guys. I had a Chinese water dragon growing up. I had a iguana, I had a tortoise, I had a snake. I've had so many different, you know, kind of mice. And I've had every kind of animal you could possibly have in your house, birds. I've had, you know, all kinds of different dogs and cats. And it's so interesting. So why would you say that you have this affinity for animals? Because you didn't feel you could connect to people as well as you could connect. Animals, maybe. Yeah. They just love you no matter what. I think it's just interesting because when I was younger, I literally had like a fucking zoo. People would come over to like, see my zoo of all the different reptiles and different birds, like, I love the birds. Yeah. But I think a lot of it was in the way I got so into like I was going to go to college for wildlife Ecology because I just felt there was a peace to animals and nature that there wasn't. And psychopaths, humans in this world. Well, yeah. So I don't know. You're right. And that's how I feel too. You know, what's sad is my cat also eat my bird. Uh. When you have, like, an ecosystem in your house, you know, it just kind of sometimes ends in gore and sadness. I, I'm going to reveal something. I'm not an animal person. I have dissected probably every kind of animal that's in existence. Right. You're a sick scientist. From starting at, like age 12, right? By 14, I had killed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of lab mice. Oh, my God. See, I would have left the lab. I would have. And this is going to be terrible, but I'm an asshole. 16 year old in a lab. Don't even tell me that you did some weird shit. At a college, So hold. On. Okay? Don't judge me, okay? Okay. I just mean, like, I can't hear you. We've all made our know. We've all made our mistakes in life. Right? And so this is my mistake, okay? I wasn't a partier. I actually. I wasn't a partier. I wasn't. I never did drugs. I never drank. As a kid. Party girl that was me fucking around. Not really a party girl. You're just a liar. Oh, shit. You're know what I am is being facetious and there's tongue in cheek. I'm 16 years old. There's a girl in my lab that I want to get her attention. She's older. She's like, maybe three, four years older than me. We're dissecting a rat. I don't know how to get girls attention, so I pull out the intestines of the rat, and I start jumping rope in the lab with the rat intestines. That's not true. It is. And that to in there was so appalled and everybody got I got everybody's attention and I was like, oh, they're like, get out. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, but it got me attention, but it got me the wrong type of attention. However, I will say this I'm not an animal person. Clearly, my kids, I have three kids. They've begged me for years for a dog, begged me. And I'm always like, No, if you want a dog when you're 1821 and you leave the house, you can go buy your own dog. And those dogs. And that's it. Finally, my wife guilted me good. We got them a dog for Christmas. We got a golden doodle as a Christmas gift. My oldest son begged me. He actually did a PowerPoint presentation giving me all and I was I saw this. Did you guys post this? No, I don't think I did. But he, like a year ago, he did a PowerPoint presentation on the benefits of having a dog, how it would improve our quality of life. And I was so impressed I caved in to my wife based on his PowerPoint presentation. And I said, you know what? He had the initiative to go out of his way to do that. All right, that looks good. Now we get the dog. Nobody wants to take care of the dog. We realize the kids realize that we're not really dog people. And we got a puppy. Yeah. So my wife starts talking about, hey, let's give the dog to a proper home or stuff like that. Now we take great care of the dog, don't get me wrong, but it's a lot of work. Yeah, it is. Yeah. And I, for whatever reason, get this. And I called over and I was telling him yesterday I was walking the dog yesterday. This is like two weeks ago I looked at my wife and I was like, I don't want get rid of this dog. I look in her eyes and I feel bad for it. She loves us and I love it too. And I hate myself for this bullshit now. I hate myself. Like, Oh, so do you have the dog? Is this the happy ending? Yeah, we have the dog. I pet her, I feed her, I take her on walks and. Good. I hate it, but. Her name's Stella. Oh, that's such a cute name. Stella. We love it. So. Yeah, because they were like, What are we going to call the dog? This is Christmas Day. What are we going to call the dog? They're coming up all these fucking names. And I'm like, Call it Stella because I'm going to be yelling the fucking name all the time, like Marlon Brando. Stella. But I love the dog. Now. I never thought in a million years I would be emotional attached to a creature. And here I am. I'm shocked. Just two weeks ago, you said it was God. I did. I did. And I'm here in this total one area of perspective. Which shows you that people can change. Yes. True. Yes. Yeah. When you feel safe and have a good environment around you and you have the time to, like, evolve, trust me, trust me. I have three kids and I'm married. I didn't I never feel safe or protected. I feel like there are little dinosaurs clawing at me at all times. They're like, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Shut the fuck up. Anyway, I digress. What lucky children. I'd be terrified if you were my father. Scare me sometimes. All right, So. He basically is, though I realize that. By choice. Good thing is, the only shows up like two or three days out of the week here. So I am fatherless for the rest of the week. I'm like an absentee father. You might be just like my real father. Yeah. Oh, no. You said it was funny. I know it was funny, but. Yeah, Yeah. To me, that was then. No, it's. It's life, man. It is life. All right, so enough of my daddy issues. We went to grow a little bit, but I want to dive into it a little bit more. Okay. Where did the name for Pizza Girl come up? Yeah, because pizza. Pasta sauce. Correct? Yeah. So? So. Yeah, Yeah. Come on. It's a pasta sauce, But you name the pizza girl. Once again, my friends. We're talking about it, aren't we? You're misleading. You're misleading. Us. So let me tell you, I feel misled. Well, let me tell you something. So, of course, I've had this question a million bajillion times. So the pizza girl is because I was called pizza girl my whole life and I just never lived it down. And it's sauce. It's a gravy, right? We had to put what kind of sauce on the packaging because people need to be marketed to, Right? That's just how they buy things. But my grandmother, she would make a red sauce in the morning and use it for absolutely everything, like a gravy pizza, pasta, chicken dishes, veggie dishes, you name it. Right. Eggs and Theresa, you can do anything with these sauces. A great sauce is a great sauce. And to be honest, pizza sauce is kind of a marketing scam. So don't kill for saying it. But it is. I mean, that sauce I just had a pizza truck out of Illinois, used pizza girl on their pizza truck and they said it's never tasted better. So these courses are made by the pizza girl, but you can use them for whatever you damn well please. And it's going to be delicious. Because I made a pizza with it and it was fantastic. But then it threw me off because I was like, pasta sauce. But it's just about what you were tasting, right? Like, how did you feel about it? Like, did it taste Fanta? It was fantastic. It's awesome. Personally, my favorite. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But no, it was delicious. And then I made some other just random one. She lives with it and it was great. My mom loved it, my sister loved it. No shame in it at all. But that's a miss. I get that question and I see that question a lot. Yeah, but you know what? It's also been a weird positive for me. Again, it's been a a contradiction that makes people never forget it, which is very interesting. I've had a couple of people say, Well, I just don't know. Actually, that one guy that I mentioned from the supermarket that wasn't taking it, that was one of his biggest issues. But I said, But you never forgot it, did you? And he was like, No, never. And it's because it's attached to a story. It's about a girl who grew up in a pizza shop and pizza girl. The name will make more sense as we roll on because we have so much innovation coming out. It's very exciting. We have something very special coming out at the end of this summer and we're going to be doing everything you can imagine under the pizza girl name. So not. Anything like a product line and. Correct? Yeah. So not just sauces, but, you know, spices and kitchen equipment and all kinds of things under that school name. Yeah. You see one thing while we're shooting the show, everybody, a lot of people couldn't get you right? Right. They didn't get you. I got you. I got you. Because I married into a crazy Italian family, right? That owned restaurants that made Italian food they own. I mean, my father in law is one of the best Italian cooks I've ever come across. And I get that lifestyle. I get how they think. Yeah, it's a lifestyle. Growing up in the restaurant business. Yeah, you're you're you're just you're yeah. You deal with haters and people all day, every day, no matter what. Think about a drunk, disgruntled customer or a, you know, a person. You know, you just learn to and you. And you grew up in Malibu, whereas my wife grew up in Orange County, right? So it's kind of the same. Very. Similar fabric. It's the same kind of I mean, you just were surrounded with by a lot more celebrities. Right? Right. But my wife will tell me stories where people wanted to hang out with her just to get free food. Yeah. Oh, my God. You guys want to know the craziest stories? The only reason I have friends. That's right. Yeah, because they want. Yeah. So? So for me, like, so what happened is, I remember one time for my 18th birthday, Paris Hilton had my dad's pizza truck parked right outside her house. And so then the pizza thing became a thing and all the parties and it was always like, let's get the pizza truck, let's get Caroline, let's call. The other day, Diana Ross son couldn't get us to deliver a pizza. So he goes to call me and I and his mom, Diana Ross, stops him and goes, Don't you dare. That is so spoiled of you. Don't you dare text the pizza girl because you can't get a delivery right now. You go and pick it up, boy, you know. And he tells me this whole story. I was like, Did you call me and then not call me? You know what I mean? Like, that was weird. He was like, Yeah, So I wanted to hit you up because. But my mom was like, Don't you dare. That's like, you know, But so it was weird. So people would start to. There's a couple of times I went to some parties in Malibu and I was in my little brat phase of life, and I was like, I'd call the restaurant and I'd be like, I need 20 pizzas to this party right now. And other people would hear me do that at the party. And people started calling Des Moines pizza, pretending to be me getting deliveries for Malibu. My poor father. Yeah, it was so crazy. Like I had to get separate myself from the restaurant because I caused more problems than I helped when I was a teenager. For sure. I mean, I was delivering pizzas I would deliver to Pepperdine, the college in Malibu and the, you know, cute older college boys would be like smoking weed and hanging out. And they would invite me and my girlfriend in and then we'd all of a sudden be stoned. And there's like three other deliveries in the car. And now you're eating the pizza now, like, sorry, Dad, You got. That before, too? Yeah, absolutely. You know, worst pizza delivery person ever hungry? I said to my dad, I said, I'm. I don't want to deliver pizzas, but I had to. That was my job. I got better at it when I was like. Go to deliver pizzas. You get stoned and then you eat the pizzas. Yeah. And then I'd have to go back and get another one and. Oh, that's so college. You didn't go to college. You guys. My last completed grade was ninth grade. Really? You didn't graduate high school? High school dropout. You're a high school dropout. Neither did my mom. And you just keep getting scared. Yeah. Holy shit. High school dropout. So, like, did you ever take algebra? I couldn't. I don't know what I'm going to do when my daughter needs help. Somebody else is is in that pizza jar sauce. 24. Yeah, sure. Don't mess with me. I know my business. All right. So she knows her business. Yeah. Don't fuck with Caroline. She knows her. Vino is my business and I know it in and out, all around every which way. I'm not just a person who put her face on a brand and thinks it's going to do well. Like I am in every pitch meeting, every development session, every time we're making a new batch of sauce, I'm there with. The You're in the fact. I'm in the factory fucking Oh, my God with that guy. And so but yeah. Like hazards, you. Going. Oh, yeah. Testing every batch, making sure it's perfect, the viscosity and how it just slowly slides off this. But I mean, there's so much that you need to just be very involved. You're not just a face. No. God, no, I do. Absolutely I do. When you're an entrepreneur and you're in the beginning stages of your business, like anyone will tell you, you have to do everything. You have to have your hands in everything. And eventually that shifts and changes. And I'm actually in a big shift right now where we're bringing on some more people. And, you know, I have these two incredible partners and we're starting to talk to, you know. What did it go like? So you're starting up Pizza girl. Where was that switch? I was like, I want to start the pizza girl sauce. Like, where were you at in life? How long ago do you start it? Truthfully, I. I started it about four years ago, not that long ago. I've been thinking about it for years. But the truth is, I wanted to do everything I knew I was capable of for mores pizza for my dad's restaurant that truthfully, he just wasn't capable of, which was scaling it to a level beyond the store. He's an Italian guy who loves just sitting in his store and doesn't want anybody to tell him what to do. You know what I mean? You know that guy, right, who's like, wants this in the back, wants to talk to all the customers, wants to do all of that. But when I come in with my, like, knowledge for social media and, you know, getting us big catering jobs, you know, for huge events, he's looking at me like I'm crazy. Right? Right. Like, I got us massive events and I started bringing in a lot of PR for the restaurant and we were expanding and I was finding locations. And my dad's wife and I battled the bet and that's kind of like, okay, because we get along now. But we definitely battled a bit and I just was never going to be able to do what I wanted to do. For two mores like these labels would say. De Moraes If I was allowed to do what I wanted to do with the family business, but I was told no. So Pizza Girl ultimately was an F-you to my family to show them that I was actually capable of doing what I had always said I was capable of. But because similarly to everybody out there, because of my wild party girl days, my dad didn't take me seriously. But it became it came to a point where I was like, Listen, I'm a grown up. I have a child. Like, I need to prove myself and I can do this. And when he said no, I was like, Watch me. And now my dad is so proud of me. He is like just over the moon. It was a struggle for a while there. But now he's selling my sources that de Moraes, He's telling everybody about it. He's so happy. You know, just to keep the family legacy going on a whole nother channel. That's a great story. And that provides a layer to who you are and what you do that I think people need to know because that's admirable. I mean that. Thank you. That's cool, because I mean that we share that in common. I think you you have the same shit in you. Like you're either have that or you don't in life. And that's the entrepreneurial spirit, right? Like you don't need a college education. And I will say, Chris, like, I was nervous. Like I was like, Besides you, did you go to college? No. No. Okay. Yeah. So besides you, like, I was up against all these people like you who were, like, graduating. Where did you graduate from at, like, 12? I mean. You know, my story gets crazier and crazier every time it gets repeated. Yeah, Yeah, Come on. So what I'm saying is, is like the high school dropout over here, Like, I just have to be scrappy, street smart, and rely on the ability to think quickly on my toes and believe in my brand and, you know, just do it that route. But I will say this, though. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met in my life are on the campuses of Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, And like I'll tell you this story, like people look at me like you assumed. Oh, there is Chris. He graduated from so-and-so. You know, he's really smart, Booksmart, but I'm going to outwit them with my street smarts. And it was like. You have it all, though. But like, I'm more street smart than I am. Booksmart Right. I remember and my roommate called me the other day from Cornell, my roommate and I were sitting on the steps on campus and I go look at all these idiots walking around with their backpacks. They're like lemmings. They're just walking around. And he's like, No, they're all really smart. I was like, No, no, they're not. He's like, Oh, how are you going to prove it? I go, watch this. So I get up, I start walking up to random kids walking through campus and I go, Excuse me, sir, I'm the wallet inspector. I'm on campus just inspecting people's wallets. Can I see your wallet for a second? And these Cornell students would go into their pockets and hand me their wallets to allowing me to inspect their wallets. And I'd be like, okay, thank you. And one of the kids I took a dollar from and I looked at my room and my roommate's in tears. I probably did this like ten, 20 times. My roommate's in tears and I felt bad for one kid and I ran back to him and I was like, Here's your dollar back. Don't give your wallet to anybody. The life lesson. I went back and my roommate looks at me. He's like, Okay, you proved your fucking point. Okay, you prove your fucking point. I go, Yeah, because there's a difference. These people are going to go into the real world. No. How smart you are. They're going to get eaten alive. Eaten, fucking alive by some hustler who will fucking spend them every which way. And so, you know, like, people perceive you a certain way, People perceive me a certain way. And then when people get to know me, they're kind of like, Oh shit. Like he's he's. He's not just a goofy scientist guy, mad scientist. I guess that's the name of the whole story here, right? Like you could judge Aaron for being from a small town, not knowing much, you know, how did he even get on this show type thing? But honestly, you've totally when you get to know the people, you realize there's so much more to than layers to layers to everybody. And and Aaron, you're I got to say, like the kids really have someone to look up to right now because. That's what I've gotten a lot. And, you know, I think at the end of the day, no matter what kind of experience I do or don't have, that's like why I do everything that I do, especially at this age. And it's like you hand it down my throat. Everybody does. They're like, Man, I wish I was you know, had the smarts that you did when I was your age. That's, you know, it's stuff like that. It's like, well, if I can just be that example for Owens kid, for Chris's kids, Chris's son, Vito's like, I swear, thinks I'm a superstar or something. Yeah, and you are. It's cool to me. And sometimes I battle with myself because I feel like all my friends are, like, 12, you know, they're all like middle school age kids. But at the end of the day, it's because they look up to me and and to me that's admirable. And I think that when I get older, I will appreciate that. I think my future will appreciate that. And I can't be mad at it. No, it's weird now. It puts me in a weird spot because it's hard to relate to others my age because most people at my age are either already having kids or in their party phase, right? I'm just like, Nah, fuck. Both. So yeah. I'm trying to do something different. Yeah. You're trying to build a life that will provide you stability for the rest of your life, and that's so admirable. And I think, you know, it'll be a cool story to tell. And I've already built, like, a really cool network over the last few years since I've graduated high school. Just. You know, when you are, you're doing the best you can. You're doing a damn good job. I appreciate that. He is. Yeah. You are. Not me. I'm a fucking schmuck. Yeah, I know. And you're the self deprecating one. But let me tell you, you are you for a reason. You have this incredible building that we're standing in right now for a reason, and you're building something that will change the future. So the reason is I don't take no for an answer, Right? That helps. Yeah, I do. Sometimes. There's also a nodding his head. I don't I don't take no for an answer most times. And if I say I'm going to do something, I always do what I say. Yeah, there's. Oh, nodding his head. There's no one on this planet that knows me better than that fucker sitting over there. And he knows that if I say I'm going to do something, I will fucking do it. Whether even if it kills me. And that's important, like being true to your word is important. I'm the same way. Look, when I say I'm going to do something, I do it, I show up. I tell my wife I have an idea. I'm going to print alcohol in a cup. And she looked at me like I was crazy. Like I had, you. Know, these cups I need. I need all these cups. They're all over this place. But like, you take something from idea and you build it, right? Yeah. And so, like, it's been a process here. Yeah. And it hasn't been easy. And one day people are going to read about it and they're like, Oh, it's an overnight success and people aren't going to know all the little struggles to get to where each one of us is going in life, right? And 10 to 15, sometimes 20 year. Cycle. Overnight success. Overnight success. So tell us. So look at smart cups. At smart cups. You know, we've had to scale, right? And it's been painful to scale because we're developing a technology that's never existed before. So we've never there's nothing off the shelf. Like you just can't go to an equipment manufacturer and say, hey, you know, give me this. Yeah, let me get this and this and that. Right. We actually had to invent it. All right. And so for you, so our path struggles, but for you to scale, like you go from home to now mass manufacturing. Talk about that struggle. Yeah. So it's it's interesting because you're doing something that nobody's doing, right? I'm doing something that a shitload of people are doing right? So there's good and bad in both, right? Like you have to spend a ton of money educating the market on what the fuck smart cups is. One question I get a lot is I still don't get it. What is it? I've gone to his page. I still don't get it. That's the question I know that you've been dealing with and which is why you went on the show to have that explained more with me. It's like, okay, well, what's the difference between yours and the 50 other sources? It doesn't. Matter. Doesn't that irritate you? You still. But all have to do is open the jar and taste it, and then you can tell what the difference is. The difference is, is that I I'm not going to cheapen my quality for my margin, which is scary for investors to hear. But it's true because I care so much about it. I love it so much that we're going to continue to make in these kettles, no matter how big we have to scale, no matter how many facilities I have to I have to get because it tastes better. When you sauteed the ingredients, you have to pay for cook time. So a lot of these companies, what they're doing is they just take all of their ingredients. They loaded in into the into the cooker. They heat it up to the regulated amount of heat, get it out quick and get it in the jars. Right, because that's cheaper. But it tastes like shit. It can be organic and, still have all the good qualities of no sugar added. But there's no taste like my grandmother's house cooked all day long. So you have to. Really what I do is I put love into every jar I really care about every single jar, and you can tell when you taste it. So it is hard. It's hard to be like, Well, what's the difference and what's better? But you won't know until you try it. And honestly, a lot of people are buying this sauce right now because they want to hate it. And then they go, Oh shit, I, I can't tell you how many DMS I'm getting of people who have bought the sauce because they hate me. And for some reason it led them to the supermarket to buy pizza girl. And then they try it and then they reach out and they're like, I really wanted to hate it. I really wanted it to be bad. And then it's great. So you know what I have yet to taste. I'm glad that you brought your sauce. Can't believe that because. I've yet to taste it and I'm going to taste. It. You just dip your finger in it, right? That's right. Yeah. We're doing vodka. Yeah. Yeah. Why not. Shake it? Shake it? Oh, yeah. Because there's all different when you use the cream. It's a shake for everybody. Yeah. Duggar Oh, my God. All right, here we go. Listen to that pop. Ooh, you're. Right off the top. It's actually really good. It's good. Shit. Have you had it before? Yeah, she sent me some right after we got back from the show. And I, like, cooked a bunch of different food with that medicine. Why don't you send me some? I don't know. Cause you were doing. He was doing his Munchy Lab videos, and I was like, I'm a genius marketer. I was like, Let Me, get this kid with all these followers my sauce and see what he comes up with. And I slap myself in the face with the tenderloin. Yeah, it was awesome. People loved. It. That's really good. Yeah. Where do you try it? On your pasta or, you know, with chicken and veggies or it's. Only 100 calories per half a cup. It's really it's really one of the best. And you can understand all my ingredients. Is there sugar in it? Zero added sugars in any pizza girl products. Really? Yeah. All organic ingredients sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, only the best ingredients. And you compare my to your favorite sauce. I promise you, it's better. It's colorful. It's eye catching, like the color different than your typical rice sauce. And I think, yeah, like you said. It's only the reds and the greens. And I was like, everyone's like, You're crazy. You're putting pink on your pasta sauce. I was like, Yeah, no, but it stands out. But I'm an Italian. And that's another. I said. Yeah, right. It stands out. And same with the name Pizza Girl. Once people figure out what it is, then yeah. No, it's really good. I'm going to, I'm going to take these home and I'm going to see how it you know, what I'm going to do. What are you going to do? I'm going to bring these two bottles of sauce back to the house and I'm going to pretend like I cooked. You can do that with the. Girl made sauce from scratch. I don't want to surprise everybody in my family and see how they react. And I got to be like, Dad, this is delicious. They're going to be blown away. You need to do that for me. Yeah, that's. I do. Okay, good. All right, so business is booming. You bootstrap this stuff up to the point that you're at now. You're in mass manufacturing. You can find it. Are You almost nationwide or what we're doing. So, yeah, we're slowly growing across the country right now. We are at we're in Texas at Central Market, we're in Seattle at town and country. We're in Chicago at Fresh Thyme and Centex. Where are you now? What I'm doing is I'm I'm going to give a little tip to CPG people there right now because a lot of people think you need to be at the finish line immediately to be successful. But I'm watching a lot of these companies and I'm going through all the data and a lot of these companies are they're getting some funding, they're scaling across the country and then they have they don't have the brand awareness to get those those products sold across the country where they are not able to push it and push it and push it. And then they're falling off the shelves and then you lose every time. You go to a new supermarket, it costs you like $30,000, $50,000. You lose that within six months if you're not turning velocity. Right? So what I am doing is a controlled growth and I am going into stores where I know that there are values aligned with mine right now where they actually care about women lead, they care about organic, they care about what they're putting in their bodies in a lot of these stores. And that's where we are doing really well right now. And I hope to be able to scale and bring my costs down so that I can go into every store in America at some point and provide such a delicious project product for everyone. But I also know that I'm not going to do that until I'm ready because, yeah, like I said, I'm watching so many CPG companies here today, gone tomorrow because they think that they need to be, you know, Whole Foods Global or, you know, national at Kroger. And you do that and then you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and nobody's buying your product. Right? So I'm being very strategic. I know it's going to take me longer, but like I told you, I can't. That was almost a spoiler. We can cut that out. But I, I wrapped recently wrapped an RV this like RV company did a sponsorship deal with me and I wrapped it in Pizza Girl and I drove and lived in this RV camper van and I drove across Utah and went from Harman's to Harman's to Harman's to Harman's and introduced my brand to everybody and did demos everywhere. And we are killing it at these stores now. So it's like, I know that I can't scale myself, but in the meantime, that's just the way that I'm going about it. So that's what that was going to be. My next question Are these demos that you've been doing over the last year really adding that the brand awareness massively plays across these different look massively? What people don't realize is, okay, so I'm going to tell you a quick little story. There's this girl who came up to me at a at a demo at Erewhon. She kind of belittled me in a way and was like, Oh, cute. I used to do these things and I was like, Oh, well, your company must be massive. What are you doing if you don't have to be in here doing it yourself anymore? She was like, Yes, have this milk. She has like a flaxseed milk company. And she she said, Well, babe, I don't know if I'm going to be here next year. And I go, Well, why not? And she goes, Well, because I need to raise. And I was like, You need to raise money, and you're too good to be doing a demo. I'm confused. Like, Tell me about your business. And she was like, Well, I was like, How much have you raised so far? And she was like, Well, raised $4 million. Okay, I've done all of this on half a million dollars, right? And I'm in more stores than her. I have more, more product development than her. And she's going to go out of business next year. And I go, What are you spending your money on? You know, like I run a lean team. Like, well, I don't understand what you're spending your money on then. And she was like, well, I have an office and I have employees and I have all this stuff. And I'm like, You literally don't need all of that. You know what I mean? Like, that is just for show. And now your business is now you're going to go out of business like I there was it was really hard to raise capital in CPG for the past couple of years. So rather than panicking every day, my partners and I decided to completely restructure the company to where we just focus on velocity. You can make more money raising your velocity at less stores than going across the country and more stores and not selling shit. So we changed our entire outlook and I am just in the stores raising my sales at each store. Tomorrow I'm going to be at the Erewhon in Calabasas. The next day I'm going to be at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills, and then I'm doing Whole Foods all of July. And because they say, Blow up in your backyard, do everything you can every single day, every time somebody tastes it and they meet the founder, they go tell five people. There's a personal connection. That's correct. It's an experience to talk about. Right. And they hear the story and they taste it from from me. And it's just something that they'll never forget. And that's priceless. So as long as I can do that, I will do that. But I also know I can't do that when I go into a Kroger or an Albertsons, right? Yeah, I'm going to do this very strategically because I'm just I'm so many companies just disintegrate. So your day to day is basically doing demos and just pumping marketing. My day to day experiences. Yeah, it consists of marketing materials. It consists of always making sure that the product is first and foremost and perfect flying to the factory and, you know, looking for ways to innovate. I I'm the one that creates every product. But also, you know, I take every single meeting with every single supermarket. I, you know, we're making decks and pitching, pitching all the markets and figuring out strategy and figuring out our, you know, sales and dealing with the distributors. And yeah, I'm involved in all of it. Yeah, yeah. No, that's super cool. And all the people that we've talked to on this podcast and interviews we've done one thing that continues to get highlighted between amongst all of them is the brand experience. Yeah, I think the overarching thing is if you can offer an experience that's undeniable, that's good and can be talked about, it seems like that's what's giving the people the best success. So for the people that are listening and you know, in a similar realm, focus on the experience, because at the end of the day, word of mouth is going to turn extra volume in comparison to anything else you can put your money into. Without a doubt. So let that be a note to do that. Yeah, your customers are the most important thing. And I've noticed there's been like third party sellers of Pizza Girl lately. I don't know how keeping getting the sauce, but I guess I'm not asking things properly or something because I guess when people are Googling me from watching the show, they're finding some other seller first before Pizza girl dot com and they're getting their product sent in a crappy big box with a bunch of bubble wrap. That's not how we do things and their jars are cracked and this and that. That's why I got off of certain platforms that were treating my product poorly and developed my own recyclable box shipping boxes that don't take any bubble wrap. I created these corrugated inserts to completely eliminate that. There's zero breakage. It's a wonderful experience. So make sure out there you're you're buying from pizza Growcom because unfortunately yeah there's some people. They're counterfeit. Product there's counter there's no counterfeit yet thank God. I hope wait until China gets a hold of you. Right? Yeah. You're going to be making pizza girl sauces in a sweatshop. Yeah. Next to Apple microchips and Nike's terrible thought. That's a terrible thought. That's a good comment. Come on. Oh, it. We're just crazy for the pizza girl nationwide. But I didn't say anything. That's controversial. That's the truth. No. No, it's. Amazing. So you have this thriving business. I want to touch on the show just a little bit. You got this business running high. How did you get into the TV show? So reached out to you? Yeah, uh, yeah, through. Through Instagram. Same. Yeah Yeah. So they reached out to you with interest. What was your, like, initial thoughts? You're like, Okay, reality TV, I already know what I'm doing. I'm a fucking rock this. No, not at all. Was terrified. Like, yeah, the thought of being on a Gordon Ramsay show, for one is very scary. Um, number two, just putting up your business, which is your baby against all these other businesses really scared me just because I just would never want anything to harm what I've worked so hard for. And yeah, I mean, it was very scary and I think I just went with it at the time, you know, I really had nothing to lose, like. Right. Yeah, I really needed the, the bump, you know? Yeah. So I was. I'm just going to go for it. What else do I have to lose here? No, absolutely. So you get in and I think one of the things that I've talked about with other is that, you know, the shows edited into the drama, did you expect it to be more business focused? Do you feel like your business is getting highlighted in the way that you wish it? You know, what's interesting is most people on the show have had their business highlighted, right? Right ones I just got highlight in the last episode, which I thought was cool and amazing. And you definitely see the bump in sales whenever they highlight the business right? Um, yeah, right away. So I think that that's great. However, I think that there was this impression that there would be more of this like Shark Tank element that takes your company to the next level a day or two, which isn't the case. They're really getting to know the people and the drama more than they're getting to know the business which is a little bit disheartening, I'd say, but I'm hopeful that that'll turn around. But I don't think that it's fully I asked a couple of the contestants that have already been kicked off if they felt like it was positive. You know, um, and I think that there's mixed emotions on that. Yeah, absolutely. No, I think that's been sort of the consensus I know that I had going into it. I was like, Oh, this is going to be like a shark tank, but it's going to be a more prominent shark tank. You get ten episodes, right? That's what I thought, too. If I can go all ten episodes, ten episodes of Shark Tank would like blow anybody's business. Yeah. And so that's where my head was going into it. And I think, you know, talking with some of the other contestants, that's sort of where they thought, too. Yeah. Definitely. But at the end of the day, you're getting traction, right? And so, yeah, it's not a bad experience for me. No, not at all. No It's been super positive. I'm super grateful for the experience. Yeah, it's been super positive. Yes. And I think in a lot of people's minds you thought it was going to be more of like a business related Shark Tank vibes. Um, you know, really, because I remember in a lot of my interviews I went into depth on like the actual infrastructure of my business and I went into deficit like my, my projections and my plans and none of that seems to have any relevance to the show, which was a little interesting to me, you know? Yeah. Like how that would have come out as opposed to you arguing with people. I mean, I am. Absolutely, of course, of course. I didn't want the whole thing to be about me arguing with people. I'm disappointed in that. And I actually did. Of course, knowing me, I let everybody know that I do wish for everyone, not just for me, for everyone. You know that there was a little more on people's businesses, right? Or that Gordon actually sat down and went through the business with you to figure out the business, right? Like even with, like. Kagan Like there should have been an initial maybe sit down and go over the businesses. I mean, if I was a producer, maybe I would have thrown in there. But that shit's boring. You think. It's. Boring? People that watch Shark Tank, there's no drama. Shark tanks watered down. I mean, that's not like shark tanks watered down deal negotiation. Right. And they they create but they create this like fabricated negotiation style. So everybody is like walks around and they're like they think they know how to negotiate a deal based on Shark Tank. Right? Like, that's the dumbest fucking shit. It's not how it works. If there's one thing I've learned in the last three or four months since I moved to California, I've been in some of these meetings, like with Chris and then like the negotiations happened on Shark Tank or nothing like the negotiations that Chris has like, know for sure. I don't know if it's a strategy or what, but I've learned the. But I will. Businesses operate a lot differently than shark Tank does. But the way that they tell the founder story that connects to the audience that's watching is unmatched on a lot of levels right. That's true because I can't tell you I just bought a coffee that I am obsessed with that. Fat milk. Works. Now. No, but it actually has a similar like, you know, story where it's based on, you know, the farmers and and all of that. So it it it's it's at Trader Joe's and I was like, oh my God, I already buy this. And then I saw the beautiful woman who creates it and her story, you know, about helping the farmers. And I was really attached to that. And I feel like I do hope that more of that shows on this show than just the drama. Right. But how do you guys feel about it? I think that's pretty much the same that I've thought about it. Um, you know, I obviously, since I've left the show and we've been back, I've started doing a little bit other things. I've started the CPG company, the snow cone, sirups, and so I understand where I'm not getting the what I want out of it, but like as far as I know, cool cats back home talking to Dave, my business partner, their duties like it were busy every night, you know, putting on the show town when you have 8000 people and I know for all my small town people back home, Missouri, you know, I went home for a week and I was like, shit, dude. My celebrity, like. Like here it's a lot different. The markets a lot more saturated. But back home, especially in that small town. Yeah, dude, cool cats is buzzin. They're getting all kinds of events. They're booked out with the trailer as much as they can run as one person. He's bringing new people onto the team, which if you know Dave, Dave does not like working with people. I was like a rare goose. And so I was just the operations, I ran the people. But now he's like finding it upon himself to hire new people and start a team. He's recognizing what's possible with scaling a business and doing it kick ass. You know, with my time that I spent at cool cats, that's all I wanted was to do something like that for them. And so if this show is going to be what provides that for him, that awesome. That's really and you. Know, it's cool in a small town these people like Jordan in a bigger market, it might be a little bit different story, but I know that Cool Cats is having a heyday. So in every newspaper when you go back to small town Missouri, like, Wow, my fucking face, it's weird. That's really cool. I just went to Jordan's restaurant for the second time and to be honest, he doesn't need the publicity. His restaurant is. He's crushing. It. You know, the Jimmy Pepe over there? I don't know that. I met. I can't believe you didn't meet. Pepe, but I did get to go see the new venue. I mean, the new space. And it is incredible what he's doing. I mean, he doesn't have enough room for all the customers, so he just got a bigger moat, like, incredible spot that has, like, a speakeasy and like a hidden doors and, like, the whole vibe. And it's so and his food is so incredible. And I asked him, I was like, Jordan, are you regretful? You know, like everyone asks, like, are you sad that you left? And, you know, he he goes both ways about it a little bit. You know, of course, he would have loved to, like, stay longer, but he also had to do what was best. You know, it's what's putting food on the table for his family. And they did need him. When you start a restaurant, you're needed in there. Yeah. You know, Gordon has a million people taking care of his his stuff, right? But, like, Jordan didn't have that start up. But he's killing it, and I'm really proud of him. Yeah. Anyway, perfect. Yeah. Are you waiting for my take on it? I didn't know if you had one. Yeah. If you have a take on how you. I got a mouthful of gummy bears. Because. That's how I live. But yeah, if you wish that there was more business focus. No, I mean yes and no. At the end of the day, the way I am, I would negotiate a deal would be boring for viewers. Yeah. No one's going to pay attention to the way I negotiate unless I sensationalize it or how I, you know. So it's the truth and I get what it is. I knew what were signing up for, Right. I think ultimately, though, they put you in this pressure cooker. And I've said this to every guest that we've had, every contestant that we all were competing against. Yeah. And I think what they were really trying to do is who's the true person under there? What is that person going to be like under pressure? Because that's what business is all about. And very rarely in investment opportunities do you get to see that out of the people that you're investing in. Right? And so here's an opportunity to see what is I'm not a cook. What is a non cook going to do in a cooking situation? Is he going to fold? Is he going to crumble or is he going to figure out a solution? Because in business, that's what it's all fucking about. Yeah, it's figuring out a solution to a problem that you've never seen before, that there's no blueprint, there's no manual. Are you going to freak out and start pointing the finger and start blaming other people for something that went wrong? Failure is part of business, right? How do you deal with failure? I think that's what the show ultimately does a good job of showing viewers. Right. You know. And I think one of the lines that Gordon rounds down throughout the course of the entire show is all about are you in adaptable entrepreneur? And so I think when he's throwing us into this situation where I look like a clueless fuck. That's. Already adaptable and are you going to figure something out on the fly, right. And actually make yourself useful? Because if you can't do that, all of us know when you're running a business, one day you might be fixing the ice cream machine, the next day you might be having investor meetings, the next day your machine breaks. You know, there's so many different challenges and if your team can't figure it out, you have to ask the operator and the owner The biggest challenges fall on you, right? And you never know what the fuck it could be. You could get. Scammed. Yeah. And then how do you deal with that stuff? That was really hard. You know, like, that's that's one of those challenges that you never think about when operating a business. But When they come, you have to fucking figure it out. Otherwise it all goes belly up. I feel like you've been tainted during your time here. It's mark ups because I'm always talking about like, Yeah, great, you've got your business plan and everything. What happens when you get scammed? What has happened to me? I think if you guys knew about. Yeah, that's why I. Referred to it, because it's something like that that you just. Totally a person who impersonated an investor worked on me for six months, made me think he was my mentor and yeah, he was going to invest$2 million in pizza girl He had somebody impersonate the CEO of Whole Foods and I thought I had a meeting with the CEO of Whole Foods. Wait'll you guys hear the whole story. It's coming out on my podcast called Once Upon a Con, and it is so insane. I ended up digging deep into this person's life. You also don't want to fuck with me. To be honest, I'm kind of like the worst person. I knew that going into the challenge. Let me stop you right there, because I knew that on day one and I looked at I looked around the room and I just go, okay, Caroline, hot tempered, crazy fucking Italian bride. I am not. I am not getting on her bad side. Smart man. Yeah. And we did it right. No, we didn't. Because that was my strategy in there was don't get my ass kicked by Chanel and don't get into a fight with Caroline. Right. It right. No, because. Yeah, now it's like I've, I've gone so far as to I've rallied about who I've definitely spoken to at least 30 other victims. I have called every restaurant in this town that is now had him blackballed I've protested at the district attorney's office and created a rally. I met with the district attorney after trying time and time again, I've given all of piles of evidence, police and to the FBI, and I'm working every single day until this man is behind bars. I feel bad for this guy because could you imagine him just craving fried chicken just like you did while you were pregnant, pulling up? And then they have his picture right there and they're like, no, we can't serve you fried chicken. Yeah, I would drive me nuts. Yeah, Yeah. No, just people reach out to me now because my story went viral and they reach out to me now and they're like, just met him. You. Your story literally saved me. Thank you so much. He was working on me for two months. The last family that. Oh, wow. Yeah. So by you? Yes. So people who watch you and see the stance that you've taken on the Internet. Right. And they're going. Caroline, you got taken. Let it go. Fucking shut up. Move on. No way. You're actually by doing this, you're actually saving other business people, other individuals from getting scammed themselves. I have now saved at least 15 to 20 people that I know of. Holy shit. Yeah. And actually, last week I. How much did you get taken for? 35,000. Dollars. 35. But that's nothing compared to compared to what he actually put me through mentally, which is what does the the guy from L.A. Times called it mental gymnastics is what he does. And he absolutely breaks you down to a place of of just desperation. Yeah. He preys on vulnerable people. He promises you the world. He also knew I was just getting out of a divorce. He knew, you know, you can Google and find a lot of things about me, you know, unfortunately for everybody. Right. But especially. Well, yeah. Yeah. And he's really good at finding out whatever it is you love, whatever you're good at, and then pretending like he knows all of the all of the ways to be the perfect guy. And in everybody else I ended up interviewing on my podcast, I found that he does the exact same thing for. Everyone for the Russian tour, he's telling him he has a new vacant restaurant space for him for the for the with me. But but yo. And you know but he also becomes a really good friend. Like he met my daughter. He came to her birthday. He met my father in all these other relationships. Like I had his own I had his ex wife on telling me her story on my podcast. So she came down to protest with me. His ex wife of ten years is like, This man needs to be in jail. And she protested alongside me and all these other victims that, you know, you're giving up until this man's in jail. Let's just say that he met your daughter. Yeah. Came to her birthday party. That's. And knew I had nothing and knew I lost everything in my divorce and that I was struggling and told me. I remember when I'm sitting in Texas and he tells me just when you when you're hustling and when you're fighting, you stay on that couch. You do what you have to do. You fight to you spend your last dollar. And I have I just yeah, let's just say that's like. Cape Fear type shit. Yeah. You're like, it gets personal. Yeah, very personal. And. And the last person that just reached out to me, this was last week, he tried to scam this person. They packed up their whole house thinking that they have a brand new baby, packed up their whole house, thinking that they're going to move into a brand new house that David helped them get a down payment for and a good deal on come to find. That's next level con man shit. Oh yeah but but if you Google him you guys he's been convicted twice in New York. His name is David Bloom. Let's just put it out there to the universe. Bloom, I couldn't find anything because there's 50 million. David Bloom's But thanks to the awareness that I brought to it, now everybody Googles him and they find my fucking story. Yes, exactly. So now they're reaching out to me. But think about it. Let's just take law of averages here. You say you saved, what, 10 to 15 people. At least the ones that have come to tell me to. Tell you. So. Yeah. So let's say ten for easy math. Easy, man. Yeah. Took you for 35,000. Yeah. You saved that. You paid for 70 and my other neighbor for another 40, but also six months. So let's say let's say ten people on average. He takes people for about $40,000. You prevented that guy from earning a living of $400,000 this year. Yeah. And I'm paralyzed. You're scared. Like, aren't you scared that he could, you know, have you murdered? And I'm like, I'm going to still go for it. And that's just and that is the hard, hard nosed hustler. I ain't taking shit. Yeah, Caroline, That people need to know. Yeah. You know, so. Yeah, yeah, that sucks in business. You got to watch out because you get scammed, you know, left and right. Yeah, definitely. That's why. Watch out. Watch out for snakes. Watch this big scene. The grass in the grass, everybody. There's snakes. There's a snake in the grass. Oh, really? Sweating and dying in that moment. No. Okay, so you're, you're adaptable, you're great entrepreneur. And I. I'd say that's why you have gone as far as you have in this challenge. And it's undeniable. I think from this podcast, people are going to get to see a side of you that they probably honestly don't want to know, but they're going to fucking find. Out. Because it really kills the story. But this is I feel it's liberated me and I feel like it's. A Do you feel like bondage has been lifted off of you just by getting to know Caroline a little bit. Better? I'm like. You let go. You've got closure in your life. Love you. I do. Because I feel like whenever people start questioning me about the only thing people talk about in the show is fucking Caroline. I know what to say now. I'm like, Well, she's not batshit crazy. Here's her life story if you really want to know about it. That's so funny. This guy who was pulling up next to me down on the street was like, I'm watching you right now. I did it. I'm rooting for you. I was like, Yeah. I was like, I'm not that bad, right? He's like, You're not that bad. He's like, You're not that bad. So that's like the whole funny story. It's like, you're not that bad. Though. So we're we're excited to see what happens. You know, you've made it all the way up until the finale. You know, we've been through all of these challenges week one through nine, and you've performed you've continued to make it past every single week, even when you probably and everybody else wanted you to get kicked off. Right. Inspired, you know, like episode six, they tried to throw you under the bus and it wasn't the first time it happened. It's not the last time it happens. Like, how does this feel to be one step from getting Gordon's investment? Did you think you'd make it this far? You know, I have a I have a belief in myself where I know that I'm worthy of making it that far. I think that will people see past all the stuff that is out there? I know that that's an uphill battle for me. But ultimately, like, I'm absolutely worthy of Gordon Ramsay's investment and. What would his investment do to your life and your company? It would change everything. I mean, it would I mean, it would just take it to it would fast track it for one and just give it that recognition that. But you know what? I already feel like I got that from him. And, you know, let's be real.$250,000 is a lot of money, but it's not going to make or break any of our businesses. Right. Because that's gone in three months. Right. Right. So so but what he brings to the table is so much more valuable than that. It is, you know, just the notoriety, just, you know, just making it as far as, you know. I do. And in spite of all the other shit, you know, just shows that that you know, that I have something here, you know, do you feel validated? Yeah. Now that you know, you, me and lan are in the final and it's going to come down to us three. Do you feel validated? I know. Like your nephew to your family right now. They didn't think you could do it right. And here you are. With Gordon fucking Ramsay. Like every chef, every cook. They love. Gordon. Yeah. Your father, Pizza place restaurant. There's a picture. And here you got all of my dad and Gordon. When my dad catered something from a million years ago, so. And here. Here you are. Yeah. He told you you couldn't do it. Yeah. And here you. Are. Yeah. At the one yard line of getting Gordon Ramsay's$250,000 investment. Yeah, it's a dream come true, Honestly. I mean. You did it. Yeah, Just. Regardless of whether. Looking at that closely, at whoever. Ends up winning. Right? Yeah. Whoever ends up winning. You did it. Thank you. You Fucking did it. Yeah. Pink hair, crazy. Whatever they want to call you. You fucking did it with you. I mean, you guys are so awesome. I just feel like how lucky I am. Believe it or not, people. I'm friends with 90% of the people on this cast. Yeah, we've. All pretty much remained. Close. Yeah, we have. We all talk regularly. Yeah, I mean, we talk. I mean. But here's the thing we all experienced something together. Right? That. No, And it's a bond that we will always share that no other person from the outside could ever begin to understand. Yeah. No one understands the stress, No one understands the anxiety. Nobody understands the circumstances. Also, remember, it's not like we just walked on and were annoyed with people. We also had to be on busses with these people. We had to hear them in other worlds. There's things that happened off camera that definitely, you know, make you like or dislike a person. Yeah. And I knew Meghan was a snake. Yeah. When I was very emotional and sad that I was going to be missing my daughter's birthday. And by the way, that all happens in the episode that we all just solved the ghost kitchens. So on the sidelines, I'm crying because it's my daughter's birthday that day and they weren't going to let me go see her even though she was having a birthday party, literally right down the street. They said that they were going to help me out and send her a big, beautiful bouquet of balloons. I get a video from my daughter's dad and it's a fucking six. She's turning seven. Oh, so not only am I the mom that isn't there. Oh. Which is a touchy subject for you. It's to begin with. But now I don't know how old my kid is, thanks to this show. So I am so angry and livid while I'm having to do all this other stuff on camera. And people don't see that, right? And then there was a night I'm sitting in the hotel and Meghan, who has never been nice to me, never had said anything friendship wise to me, sees me crying in the living room, like contemplating if I'm going to leave or not. She tells me, Caroline, if you want, I'll just open the door for you and I'll. I'll. You can sneak out and you can come back in and I'll open the door for you. And I knew right then in there she was going to encourage me to sneak out of this show and make sure I got caught by the time I got back. Why Yeah. And that's the truth of why I wasn't into her. Wow. Yeah. And also, there were other things that happened very similarly. You know. Me, I think we all have stories like that. I think we all have stories like that. Yeah. So there's more to what you're watching, right? And that's what I'm saying. Like, genuinely, Megan and I are not friends, right? But everybody else, like, even Ashley, follows me on Instagram, which I thought was interesting, I was like, if you're going to hate on somebody, it's interesting that you come to follow me on Instagram. Eventually I followed her back because I don't want enemies, but we're not friends. She hasn't reached out to say, Hey, you know, screaming at you on stage in front people when it wasn't a grilling. Yeah. Don't you think that that probably hurt her? Instead, she thought she was getting at you. And I've I've spoken about this a couple of times. I think that didn't really make you look bad. I think that made her look bad, because if I'm an investor. Yeah. And whoever I invest in is an extension of who I am. I need to be able to trust that person in public. In public. Okay, So that's my biggest thing. And this is why I'm a little bit livid about this part of it, because in front of all of the people, you as a team and as a business, you want to say, I'm not a team player because I was telling Sydney that it looked like shit and we need to redo it. Fine, say what you want. But I say that in my own business, if we're about to put out some garbage right on stage as a united front in front of the guests that come to do this tick tock, you're going to call me out and say all the shit that went bad in front of these guests. What kind of business person are you? I'm sorry, but you run all these big businesses, you say, and you work with all these people, but you never because. She cracked under pressure, which is my this is what this show is in. Wanting to get me kicked off. This show is intended to test you to your limits to see where you will crack. And and. That's and she's. Right crack. The facade of professionalism broke and she attacked you. And I think that ultimately, if I'm an investor, a brand that's in the public light all the time, that would concern me. Right. And when we have her on the podcast, I will bring that to her attention and I will have that conversation with her in person. And that's what I'm saying. I'm just saying like it wasn't a grilling. We were still performing in that moment. And you attacked me on a stage in front of Gordon's prolific chef, guests that were still performing for her. But on that note, I'm going to I'm going to call you out. Please do. Because Episode nine, we're in Vegas. Yeah. There is miscommunication between me and you. Yep. You flip out on me while. We got guests. Backstage. Unfortunately, I was loud enough for them to hear me, but I didn't know you're loud. But I did not do it in front of them like Ashley did. I waited till we got backstage to tell you you're a fucking asshole who threw me under the bus. Which I get why you did it. But I didn't throw you under the bus. Why? You did it, homie? Yes, you did. Yeah, I still have. I still have my notes. Okay, okay. I still have my notes. Okay. I see how you missed your call. You let me say how I feel about this. Go ahead. I stayed up all night. Yes, I wrote notes. I thought it'd be easier to give to everybody. Right. But I looked at you and I said, no matter what, make sure the meat is there. By this point, that was like a skeleton of like, hey, this is how it's going to go. But also you also kind of kind of know what to do. Right as well. Like kind of, like you said, pivot, act in the moment. So things went by a little bit faster. I said, just whatever you do, make sure the meat gets there at this time, no fucking meat gets there. You're standing there with your fucking twiddling your fucking thumbs. I'm carrying a plate of steaks on swords. Okay. Waiting for my cue. Yeah. And the cue never fucking comes. Okay. So don't you think I'm. Waiting for at least something you and it never happened? Well, that's certainly how it's going to look. But I want you to know. Okay? Yeah, I get it at the end. Regardless, it's eat. And I just want you. I just want you to know because you said something and you just threw something. I'll just the same way my fucking wife does. All right? I want you to know. No, I want. You to know that I did not do that on purpose. I know it's important because you. You asked why you did that. It was a strategy of my. No, I literally standing there going, Where is my. When's my cue going to come? Once my cue going to come, When is my cue going to come? And then you you didn't my cue didn't come. I said to you, I said, no matter what, make sure the meat is here at the table. By this time, by this moment. Yeah. Well, I just want you to know that it was not a strategy. I did not do it on purpose. But it. Wasn't. I wasn't trying to sabotage you. But what I did in that moment was pivoted on the spot where I used one person as the demonstration because nobody else had their food. So instead of me tripping out like Ashley did in front of the judges, I made it work in front of the judges, went behind stage and then gave you a piece of my mind. Hence how it should be done. Hey, thank you, Mike. Drop Mike. Drop the fuck Fucking! You guys are late with my drinks. I'm standing there like an idiot, waiting for the drinks to come like we. And I didn't flip out on. Anyone during your. During, during my drinks in Vegas. I didn't flip out on anyone. I didn't say a peep to anybody because I know I should. Have heard you don't. Remember How convenient. I know it is convenient. I have selective memory. Yes. She does. She does. Okay. What can I say? I have. No, it's important for me. Like shit happens in the heat of the moment. I could understand why you were upset. Yeah, I think that was the only time that it was very heightened. It was by the end. It was. The end was like dressed to be eaten. Yeah. I will say this, and I don't know if we can say this or not, but I remember the image I always remember is we all got grilled episode. Nine and you're sitting out in that in the holding area and I'm standing just getting fresh air and we're on hard ice and we can't talk. And you always broke hard ice. That was your thing. That was my thing. And and you turn around you like, who would you say should go? And I, like, looked at you and I want you. And you turn around. You're like, you fucking motherfucker. I thought we were fucking friends. And I looked at your I'm like, You yelled at me. Of course I'm fake you at the TV show. Hey I am afraid of losing to either you or Lynn. I will be perfectly honest, Right? And I am. And I am afraid of losing to either you or Lynn. I knew that I wasn't going to lose to Ashley. I mean, that performance. There you have it. I mean, I may have been emotional about mine, but that's because I cared so much about it. You know? Right. So I am I'm an emotional Italian. You can read me like a book, which is how, you know, I'm not fake. You can tell when I'm upset and you can tell when I'm happy. I wear all of my emotions on my sleeve and take it or leave it. Love it or hate it. That's Caroline D'Amore, the pizza girl. Caroline The boy. The pizza girl. Yeah, man, I'm stoked for the finale. I was stoked to get to watch episode nine. Um So sad I can't be there, but I'm glad that you two were there. I know it's funny. I was going to be sick and you guys are going to have some sweet pop up shops that come up, and so I hope that you guys are excited. I hope that we're vying for Gordon's investment and I can't wait to watch the episode on Wednesday. Caroline, where can we find you on social media's so I can go leave hate com or no? So yeah. Yes because I need to win this so let's leave more hate comments. Look at her face. Gordon is going to make that decision based on hate comments. He just has a full team deleting all of his, you know. Oh. Let's be real. Everybody has hate comments. But no, you can find me and follow me at Caroline tomorrow. And for my business it's at Pizza Girl official on Instagram. And your pizza sauce can be ordered online. Or pizza Growcom for my delicious gravy that you can use for pizza, pasta, chicken dishes, veggie dishes, anything. Yep. I'm going on the floor and you're on the West coast. You might be in a supermarket. Few locations in the Midwest. So. Yeah, check it out. Try out the pizza sauce, man. Caroline, I'm so glad you came on today. I hope that the listeners resonated with your story, and I hope that someone puts this shit on Reddit so people can come and find the real Caroline. And because it will ruin their day in some fashion for our podcast little bit. But I appreciate you coming on the great story. A lot of respect for you and the best person when I guess it's up to Gordon. But in my opinion, I think all three of us are winners in this. No. So and honestly, I have so much respect for both of you. Always have, always will. And I love our little friendship. Yeah. All righty. Caroline, have a safe drive home. We enjoyed having you all.