Fate Shifter

Finding Your Genius and Living a Purposeful Life

April 27, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 4
Finding Your Genius and Living a Purposeful Life
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
Finding Your Genius and Living a Purposeful Life
Apr 27, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez invites Martin Altherr to discuss the topic of "manifesting your genius." 

The conversation begins with a common misconception that genius is only meant for world-changers like Einstein. They explore the concept that everyone has their own unique genius, and it's not necessarily about changing the world, but rather developing your talents. 

Martin shares how he discovered his own genius and is now inspiring others to tap into theirs by removing negative influences and systemic entanglements. However, Martin clarifies that personal genius is unique to each individual and can be found by tapping into one's specific talents and abilities. 

The discussion moves towards the difficulty in recognizing one's own genius and ways to discover it, including deep reflection and removing negative imprints.

Martin shares his personal brand "Martin Altherr Global" which assists individuals in untangling their life map and manifesting their genius. He emphasizes the importance of removing limitations and letting one's true essence shine through. 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez invites Martin Altherr to discuss the topic of "manifesting your genius." 

The conversation begins with a common misconception that genius is only meant for world-changers like Einstein. They explore the concept that everyone has their own unique genius, and it's not necessarily about changing the world, but rather developing your talents. 

Martin shares how he discovered his own genius and is now inspiring others to tap into theirs by removing negative influences and systemic entanglements. However, Martin clarifies that personal genius is unique to each individual and can be found by tapping into one's specific talents and abilities. 

The discussion moves towards the difficulty in recognizing one's own genius and ways to discover it, including deep reflection and removing negative imprints.

Martin shares his personal brand "Martin Altherr Global" which assists individuals in untangling their life map and manifesting their genius. He emphasizes the importance of removing limitations and letting one's true essence shine through. 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez, your host, and as always, I am with Martin Altherr. And today we're going to be talking about manifesting your genius. Hey, Martin, how are you today?

Martin Altherr
I'm great, thank you. How are you?

Esteban Baez
I'm doing fantastic. So happy to be here. So let's go ahead and talk about manifesting your genius. What is this whole concept of manifesting your genius about?

Martin Altherr
Okay, most people, when they hear manifest your genius, they get a bit frightened because they believe "I'm not a genius like Einstein or all the other geniuses we know in the row". 

And then they believe, okay, I don't have a genius, which is absolutely not true because when you think about genius and when you think about what does this actually mean? 

The words "your genius" mean nothing else than where you are you yourself very specific, good at. Maybe not for the whole world... to change the whole planet, but good at maybe in your environment, in your relationship or in your family or in your village or in your country or globally. 

It doesn't matter if you are moving the whole planet or not. It means that you have a genius. And this genius is meant to be exactly there where you are and where you develop it. The way you develop it.
The only thing which is actually behind, let's say, a big challenge is when you have everything covered. Like there are so many imprints, there are so many systemic entanglements. We were talking in the other podcast already about it. When they are covering this, then you cannot shine with your genius because it's holding you constantly back from manifesting your genius.

Esteban Baez
Okay, so your genius is referring to your abilities and your gifts, and your talents. Is that what this is?

Martin Altherr
I would say so. Your personal gift, even the gift only YOU have, where you are fantastic at and nobody around you is fantastic about this. Of course, you could say, oh my gosh, I don't have something like that.

Esteban Baez
You only believe that. That was my first thought. It's like every time I think about gifts and talents, I always think there's nothing that I have that is unique to me.

Martin Altherr
That happens when you refer to a genius like Einstein when you try to compare yourself with somebody else at that moment. You will always find somebody that is better or even way better than you at something.

But there is one thing you are the best at because that's your unique story. That is your unique experience, and that is why only you genuinely and uniquely can present it to the world, and that is your personal genius.

And I'm not talking here about superpowers or about your higher purpose, although your superpower and higher purpose could align with your genius, which is very powerful then.

Esteban Baez
So how does one go about discovering what their genius is?

Martin Altherr
So the first thing actually is in fact... You have to figure out if there are things holding you back in your life means is every area in your life so comfortably positive running?

Is everything flowing, then I'm pretty sure you must not even search because it's just popping up.

My experience with my clients is... at that moment when they have all the imprints transformed... when they have all the systemic entanglements transformed, they must not even search anymore for their genius.

They sit suddenly there and say: "Now I see it very clearly. That is what I'm good at. I had it always in front of my eyes but I didn't see it because I was covered with all this let's say "crappy stuff" that was holding me back."

Esteban Baez
Holding me back... like you said "crappy stuff" or a big dark cloud so they couldn't see it, right?

Martin Altherr
Yes, actually it's like a coat. Actually, you could see it like a coat when you interact with a person and everybody who is listening right now can surely agree to that.

You meet somebody and you say this person has such a unique, very difficult attitude I really didn't like that person. For sure you meet once in your life somebody and you will say, but that person in that case is a crappy person.

But that's not true because, in the core of the soul, this person isn't crappy because the soul is always healed and doesn't even need to be healed because the soul is always healed.

It's the essence of you that comes here to make experience in this world, right, with this human body. And the experiences you make, they start to imprint on you, which mainly happens in your brain.

They entangle you in family systems where you're born and that gives you a coat of behaviorism that let you make things you normally would from the core not do. But the core is covered by it so it cannot shine.

And then you start to remove the imprints and transform them and you start to transform the systemic entanglement, suddenly they are gone, which means the coat is away and suddenly the pure light or the pure genius shines and then you see it automatically.

Esteban Baez
Okay, so it's not something that you can force...

Martin Altherr
Reveal... it's something you reveal. Exactly.

And it is something actually you must not even think for hundreds of hours about what could be my genius. You will detect it and if you look at your life, how life was forming you, you will see suddenly you made like a fitness center, like a training towards your genius to empower that genius at that moment when it's time to shine.

Esteban Baez
Now what are some of the clues that you can have?

Maybe because it sounds like it's easy for other people to see your genius but it's hard for you to see it. So what are some of the clues that can help me see my own genius? How can I tap into it?

Martin Altherr
So actually, one thing I every time recommend, especially if you still have your coat on, is going really deep within yourself and just going to that place where you can say, "That is a place I'm really okay with myself." That's a place where I would say "There I love myself." This aspect I love myself. That might be the place where you're the closest to your core.

And on that place, start to look there, just to feel how you think there, to feel what you would like to do, to feel what you would like to express, to feel what you would like to give as a contribution to your environment.

And as I said, not everybody is meant to be a world changer. I even don't consider myself a world changer. If it happens, it happens, because then it happens through the flow. But I'm not forcing myself to be it.

I just take my genius, what I discovered over the last 20 years, helping people to shift their fate, because they literally shift their fate when they work to untangle their life map, to crack their code and then manifesting their genius, that makes a completely different life. So they shift their fate.

And doing this... that is my genius. I figured that out after first being an actor, then being a wholesaler and retailer of jewelry. And then first I tapped into my genius because suddenly it opened up.

And guess what? During this jewelry time, I was taking lessons, I was going to mentors, I was taking therapy for myself to untangle this stuff, to crack this code. I mean, that time I was not calling it like this. I was just getting therapy. But then after my insight...

I was telling in the very, very first episode of this podcast series my personal Story, how I detected the self-transformation code...

When I started to apply that, my genius just opened and came to shine. And then I started first to impact my environment.

Then it was Swiss-wide and Europe-wide. And now already I have clients in Australia, I have clients in the USA, I have clients in the Asian states. I have everywhere on this planet clients. So it goes bigger and bigger. If that goes global, we will see.

I call this move Martin Altherr Global. This is My brand. So it might go, but it doesn't mean I need to. I just follow the flow and help where I can help.

Esteban Baez
So we can take that from you and just kind of try to tap into our core so that we can learn what our flow is. 

Martin, thank you so much for sharing today because this topic of manifesting your genius I think is important for all of us, and I think it's important for all humanity to realize that we all have greatness within us, right? 

We have a genius inside of us and all of us have a unique ability that only we can manifest into the world. So thank you so much for that. 

So if you've been watching this and you truly enjoy our content, we really appreciate it if you can, like, subscribe, and share this content as well. 

Martin, where can people find you on the Internet?

Martin Altherr
Actually, everywhere. You find me on Instagram, you find me on Facebook, you find me on LinkedIn, you find me at martinaltherr.com, actually, you find me also on TikTok.

So you find me actually everywhere if you want to connect with me. And then we get very quickly into a conversation if you want.

You can send me a friend request on Facebook, I will take you in. I mean, these possibilities are there. We have groups on Facebook. You can apply there first to get a bit slowly, a closer touch. Right? But I want to add here something which is very important for me, that people get this information again and again.

Maybe they heard it already 100 times, and I'd gladly repeat it a thousand times.

You are born unique. Every human being is born unique. Even if you are born as a twin, you are born unique. And all the experiences you make throughout your life form you into a special, unique human being. And this special, unique human being that is you.

If you can remove everything that was holding you back, if you can really let shine who you truly unique are, you are already manifesting your genius.

Esteban Baez
I love that. 

So if you want to learn more about Martin Altherr, simply visit his website: martinaltherr.com 

And again, thank you so much for tuning in, for listening, or for watching our podcast. And we'll catch you on the next episode.

Manifesting Your Genius
Discover Your Unique and Fantastic Gift
Your Personal Genius Beyond Comparison
Overcoming Life's Obstacles
"Peeling off the Coat"
It's Already Within You
Find Your Inner Genius and Shift Your Fate