Fate Shifter

Spiritual Consciousness - Fact or Fiction?

June 06, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 5
Spiritual Consciousness - Fact or Fiction?
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
Spiritual Consciousness - Fact or Fiction?
Jun 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez and Martin Altherr discuss the importance of spirituality and science merging to unlock powerful new information and findings. 

They delve into the idea of spiritual consciousness, discussing its benefits for everyone, regardless of religion. 

Martin shares personal experiences and offers guidance on growing spiritually and attaining higher consciousness, emphasizing that it's important to allow intuition to guide oneself. 

He believes that understanding the laws of spiritual consciousness is vital to creating our reality and finding happiness. 

The episode also touches on the biological and energetic connections we have as part of our spiritual journey. 

Tune in to explore consciousness and energy fields and how they affect our existence and reality." 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez and Martin Altherr discuss the importance of spirituality and science merging to unlock powerful new information and findings. 

They delve into the idea of spiritual consciousness, discussing its benefits for everyone, regardless of religion. 

Martin shares personal experiences and offers guidance on growing spiritually and attaining higher consciousness, emphasizing that it's important to allow intuition to guide oneself. 

He believes that understanding the laws of spiritual consciousness is vital to creating our reality and finding happiness. 

The episode also touches on the biological and energetic connections we have as part of our spiritual journey. 

Tune in to explore consciousness and energy fields and how they affect our existence and reality." 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez, and together with Martin Altherr, we're going to be discussing the topic of spiritual consciousness. Hey, Martin. How are you?

Martin Altherr
Thank you. I'm doing very great. Thank you very much. How are you doing?

Esteban Baez
I'm doing fantastic. So happy to be here as always and ready to share and learn with you about spiritual consciousness. So I guess we can dive right in. What is spiritual consciousness?

Martin Altherr
That can be defined in very different ways, right? And so it makes really truly sense that we make, like, let's say, a borderline to say, or a boundary to say there in between we move. And that is what we say or what I say is the concept of spiritual consciousness. 

When I'm talking about spiritual consciousness. And the first, most important thing for me is that people understand it has nothing to do with religion because spiritual consciousness is a treasure for every human being, for every existence. 

And in my point of view, when I talk about spiritual consciousness, I talk about actually the rules and the laws of our existence, of our reality. 

Like gravity is an existence here, a physical existence. And so in spiritual consciousness, there exists also laws, right? And that is one important part. When I talk about spiritual consciousness, then, of course, we have also, let's say, the aspects, of how you create them with these laws, your life, because we are in direct interaction with spiritual consciousness. 

We are spiritual beings, actually. We are in higher consciousness, having a physical body and not the other way around. So this is what I would say short said, what is spiritual consciousness?

Esteban Baez
In my eyes, I remember a teacher that we had I don't know if you know of his work, but I'm sure you do. His name is Dr. Wayne Dyer. 

He used to always say in his writings, we're not human beings having a spiritual experience. He used to say, we're spiritual beings having a human experience.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. First of all, yes, I know him, and second, yes, that's in my eyes, the same truth. And what I have learned over the years is that when I talk about spiritual consciousness, I only talk about experiences I made for myself and experiences I did, in fact. 

Meaning when I say this is so and so and so, that means I have made this experience. So for me, of course, it is like that. And none of the truths are the ultimate truths, right? 

Because we can create reality and we cannot invent anything that is not in any way already existing, which is one of the laws, by the way. But what I mean to say, just when somebody listens now and they say, hey, look, that is like this, like this, I see we are a higher consciousness, having a human body that is not bubbled from somebody who said it already before, although there are many who said it already before. 

It is an experience I made for myself. And I can say, yes, that's the truth, because I experienced it. Which means, of course, many people. And also, I had first to believe, to get to the point, to make the experience, to then know that it's the truth. Right? 

But also, when I work with clients, I always say, do not believe me any word. Go out there, and make the experience. Because then, you know, and here with the spiritual consciousness, it's the same thing.

Esteban Baez
So how can one begin to explore that idea? Let's say someone that's listening or watching the idea of getting familiar with their own consciousness or spiritual consciousness. 

Maybe they're just listening out of curiosity and they're wondering, I don't know, if I, you know, if I'm a human being having a spiritual experience or If I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. You know, that might be kind of confusing to them.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. And I would understand that totally. If somebody says, hey, listen, I hear that the first time that I should be something else than my physical body. 

And I think the first thing you should do or makes sense that you do is to understand yourself in a more holistic concept, which means, first of all, make an experience of yourself. Who are you? What do you feel? What do you feel when you are just aware? What do you feel then when you feel your physical body... which is like when you sit next to somebody you like or dislike, you maybe don't even know that person. 

And then how do you reflect that you like or dislike this person? What is it? What makes it that you felt pushed away or felt drawn to? And then you realize, aha, there is something else around you like, let's say, an energy body that gives you information already way earlier than your awareness. 

Or let's say, your brain can register, or your nervous system can register. And when you start to get into that, then you can start to make a differentiation between what I perceive energetically and what I perceive physically. 
And when you have made that distinction, then maybe you can start to feel what actually thinking is. As we know from neuroscience, your brain is actually processing pictures and is not thinking in that way. 

So, until today science cannot exactly tell where thoughts are coming from. So if we assume... let's just put it as an experiment... 

if we assume that what makes you conscious and what makes conscious thoughts is something else, then we have to lean back, like going backward, backward, backward, and feel if there is something we could dive into that feels the same energetical as if I feel somebody drawn to or pushed away from, like, energetically? 

If yes, then maybe I have to dive more into that and see what's happening next. And there we come, of course, very quickly to meditation and all these techniques that help you to make the distinctions.

Esteban Baez
Okay. Wow. So it seems like having or being a spiritual consciousness. Being spiritual consciousness or being a spiritual being. Right. 

It has a lot to do with the invisible world. It has a lot to do with also the emotional world, or maybe, like you said, the spiritual body. Because we can feel and have intuition or intuitive thoughts when we're in a room or when we're around people, there's unconscious communication happening in the room. 

So, someone that's beginning to tap into this, can start becoming aware of all those things. Maybe they only never gave it any thought before, but now, hopefully, by us sharing these ideas and concepts, they can become familiar with them.

Hey, you've always had this, you've always done this. And it's interesting that you say about science that there's still a level of science that they can't really prove, like thinking they can't really prove where the thoughts are coming from.

Martin Altherr
Yeah, absolutely. And it's actually amazing because I love it when science and neuroscience and spiritual science are working together because they're coming all as experts from their fields, bringing together immense, tremendous strong information and new findings, and to develop it through this, that would be the most powerful.

And slowly, it's starting to happen. Sometimes it's dividing again, and the opinions are going left and right. But in general... I just had a thought while you were talking, because at the moment goes a joke around, but a very true joke. 

When somebody says, I don't believe in God because I cannot touch Him, I cannot feel Him, I cannot see Him. The answer is then, okay, can you touch your brain? Can you see your brain? And can you feel your brain? And the answer is no. But you still believe that it exists, right? 

It's a choke, but there is a tiny truth in it because if you start to learn to feel your body, you can learn to feel your right tiny finger. You can learn to feel your left index finger separately. You can learn to feel your brain separately. But it takes time. It takes time until you are able to make this distinction, and you can start to feel everything actually within your body. 

And when you start doing this, you start to realize and you start to explore that there is something else. You feel it again and again, and you have no clue what it is. And at the moment, the simple answer is that's your energy field, and that is actually who you truly are. 

You are this higher consciousness, this energy field that makes this beautiful machine, called body, work. You are this higher consciousness that is way bigger than you are at the moment in physical terms. You are way bigger and way more powerful. 

At that moment when you start to explore this, you start to feel it. And the more you feel it, the more you can lean into it. The more you can lean into it, the more you can take action from that point of view and not anymore from the limited point of view of your human body. And that is an amazing experience.

Esteban Baez
I like that. And I think if we... you know as I learn... because I know I'm on this journey to tap into that, I've noticed that I'm experiencing less fear in my life. 

I'm not operating from being afraid anymore or from avoiding a negative outcome. I'm exploring the possibility of good things and good outcomes happening to me and really focusing there and not operating from fear. And also I don't have to know everything. 

That's the other thing. Because I like to know everything. But now I'm open to the possibility of I don't have to know everything and it's okay. I can trust in the process. And that has taken time. 

That's not something that happens right away. And I think that comes by doing these types of exercises that you're talking about, like meditation and doing all those becoming aware of your energy and just becoming familiar, like you said, with all the parts of you, like becoming whole. I think you use the word wholeness, right?

Martin Altherr
Yes, I guess I was not using the word whole, I was using holistic... but it's true. You start to understand the whole part of existence and not only the separated one. 

And of course, our brain wants to explore, wants to know, and explore the behind and collect pictures, and so on. Of course, our brain wants that. We want to understand everything. And that's okay. That's a good part. 

It's not a bad thing. It's just in the levels of spiritual consciousness, in the level of awareness of who you truly are, it is massively influential when you start to learn to look at things through that point of view, from that perspective. 

It's actually... let me make a comparison. When you run in a maze, there are certain techniques you can use to get as easiest out of this maze, right? But if you have the view of a bird's eye and you can look at the maze, you can lead through that maze with ease. And that is how I experience it. 

When I lean back and have a look from my higher consciousness towards my life, I decide completely differently. I live completely differently. I experience life more intensely, smells are more intense, and all experiences are more intense.

Whatever I do is way more intense and beautiful and filled with happiness. And this happiness and joy is something I wish so much for every human being. To experience it, to explore it, to enjoy life, to enjoy even also sometimes when struggles are coming up. To find ways to enjoy even the struggles, and to overcome them easily. 

Because you see it from a point of view where you know you're going to make it and you are not anymore in that fear as you said, of struggles, of focusing on this "oh, there is the problem". And the more you hold on to the problem, the more you create the problem, right? We know that all. 

We said when we left our house as youngsters: "I will not be like my parents." I mean, most of us said, I will not be like my parents. And by saying that constantly somewhere also unconsciously, guess what? We started to become like our parents, right? We suddenly began to identify "Oh... I do the same like my father, or Oh..., I do the same like my mother." 

And when you can get through this adolescence of yourself to have this relationship with your parents as a resource, then it's a different story. Because my father, for example, he tended to rub his index finger on his thumbs every time watching a critical situation in football. 

It became exciting and they were almost shooting a goal, my father was always sitting there and rubbing his thumbs. And suddenly once I was actually looking at a completely different sport, but it was very exciting and my favorite athlete was almost winning. 

And I realized suddenly me doing the same and I was looking like what am I doing here? And then I remembered, oh, that's like my father. But I could remember in joy. I could say: "Wow, that's like my father. I am part of my father." 

And these are all laws of our spiritual consciousness that we are connected, we are energetically connected, we are biologically connected, and we are interconnected on so many levels. 

And to differentiate all these levels, to become aware of all these levels, to have the experience of all these levels and then knowing the laws, how to create your reality, I mean all the laws, not only the Law of attraction or the Law of Vibration, there are so many more. To have them all together and understand them, that is for me, spiritual consciousness.

Esteban Baez
That's powerful. So where can someone, learn a little bit more about this topic? Should they be reading any type of book?

 Should they be going into meditation, or should they start taking yoga classes? What should someone do if they really want to tap into this?

Martin Altherr
The best advice I could give here is because everybody is on a different level of experience, everybody is on a different level of knowledge and spiritual experience.

So it would be wrong to just say read that book or go there and do this. It's more allow yourself to be guided and ask yourself if you would like to have the next key that leads you to the next experience of your unconscious path. 

And you can just tap into this as an experience. Like, I wish to experience the next key. And then you do not formulate it as "I wish to have" because that's a future and a lack statement. It is just: "I am experiencing the next key." Then you just connect yourself with this sentence and the next book or the next voice or the next information and the next action you have to take will automatically come into your life. 

You just need to be aware of what's dropping into your life. And then you take it and you grab it and you will have the next step. I would say go that way because that's the fastest and the easiest way.

Esteban Baez
love that. So in other words, allow yourself to be guided by your higher consciousness, by your spiritual consciousness.

Martin Altherr
You say by your spiritual consciousness. Say, guide yourself with your higher consciousness, which you are. 

And then the body does it for you. The body just follows the rules. I have here a really strange story. For some, it might seem strange, for others it might seem logical, especially those who have made already some experience. I was looking for an old tiny book and I knew it was not available any more on the market, so I had to find it somewhere else. But I didn't. And I didn't, but I wanted to have it. 

It was "The Three Lights of the Holy Veronica" and I wanted to find that book, but it was nowhere. And one day I was walking through the streets in the city we have here near the city Basel, We have there the old town part, very small tight pathways to walk. And suddenly I fell the length to the floor and I thought oh holy crap, that's painful. 

Why did this happen? And while saying "why", I turned my head and I was looking at a wooden box. You know, these potato boxes where you can see inside the box. And there was the title of the book. 

It was an old library which has old books and selling them. And at the bottom, where you could see from the side inside the box there was the title of the book "The Three Lights of the Holy Veronica". I found it! 

So now you can say it was an incident, but you can also say there is more, it leads you to the right space. And that's my experience and my understanding of it. And I'm 100% sure it led me there. I had to fall to find the book, and I found it.

Esteban Baez
That's a great story. I think a lot of us, if we really look, we have very similar situations where we can explain something and then it happens and we're like wow, it almost feels like magic. 

It happened magically. We didn't really know how it was going to happen, but it did happen. And that's a great story, man. That's awesome. That's awesome...

Martin Altherr
It is a powerful one...Sorry, I have just to add here something because it started for me very early. I was lucky and gifted that I was born with parents that are actually supporting these thoughts. 

They were supporting my research and search for spiritual consciousness. I was there in the grade seven. That means I was about 13 years old and I was running because we were trying to catch each other in school and I was running away and was running around the corner and then my body was running straight ahead, running into the wall. So I said, "Whoa, what happened right now?"

I was again back in my body through the pain, but it was like something ran around the corner while my body was running straight into the wall. That was a tough experience.

So I had the next experience when I was sitting at the train station waiting for the train, the same age, a few weeks later. And the fast train came to pass by so it would not stop right. And I was looking at it. It came and it was passing by and suddenly I experienced myself sitting on that train, watching me sitting at the train station. 

That freaked me out. I tell you, I was really literally freaked out. And I was telling that to my mother. My mother was telling it to my grandfather because he was a doctor. Some might know him, maybe when they are a bit familiar with the German area. 

It's Dr. Heinz Hartmut Vogel, he was co, creating with Dr. Rudolf Hauschka the anthroposophic medicine and the company WALA. He was very popular in that area. He said: "Yeah, it's very clear what is happening here and we need to give you this and this and this. 

It was like tiny sugar balls these globules. Many people say this doesn't help, but these globules did help because since then it didn't happen anymore to me. But later in life, I remembered this experience and that was actually the start of my journey with higher consciousness, spiritual consciousness, and all these awareness things that are actually enriching our lives.

Esteban Baez
Wow, that's powerful. Thank you so much for sharing that, Martin. And for you guys that are watching and listening, thank you so much for tuning in to our podcast. This is called the Fate Shifter podcast because we want to assist everyone that's listening to really tap into their lives and create a new future for themselves and we want to share the message that it is possible to shift your faith. 

So if you want more information about Martin and his work, please visit martinalther.com. Martin, thank you so much for sharing this very powerful message about spiritual consciousness.

Martin Altherr
It's a pleasure. And for all out there who are maybe asking for an additional idea or what they could do right now. Just when you wake up in the morning, look at your life with the eyes of a child, with this excitement and astonishment and astoundment of how beautiful life is and how full of experience it could be. 

And allow yourself to be completely open to see things you would never ever have seen anymore because you're so locked into what you have to do. Try to keep this view on life throughout the day and it makes a huge difference.

Esteban Baez
Powerful. Thank you, Martin. And thank you, everybody, for tuning in. And please stay tuned for our next episode. And again, thank you for tuning in to our Faith Shifter podcast.

Experience is truth, spiritual consciousness exists
A holistic view through meditation, perception, differentiation
Spiritual- and neuroscience experts blend knowledge
Spiritual Consciousness leads to intense joy
Higher Consciousness guides to desired outcome
Early spiritual experiences shaped my consciousness journey
View life with childlike wonder and openness