Fate Shifter

Imprints? Why Mindset is limitted

June 29, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 7
Imprints? Why Mindset is limitted
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
Imprints? Why Mindset is limitted
Jun 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

In this episode of Fate Shifter, you dive into the fascinating topic of imprints and how they affect personal transformation. You learn that imprints are all the conscious and unconscious experiences stored in the brainstem from conception until around age seven, and how they can form automatic beliefs and behaviors that can hold you back.

Martin Altherr discusses mindset work that can lead to breakthroughs, but it may not always result in long-lasting change. He suggests that to create sustainable transformation, individuals need to access and change imprints at the brainstem level.

By changing imprints, people can open up choices and act differently, creating new possibilities and opportunities.

Martin and Esteban Baez also discuss how imprints create patterns that lead to a person's reality, and changing imprints shift one's reality. 

Tune in to this intriguing episode of Fate Shifter to learn more about this critical aspect of personal transformation.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of Fate Shifter, you dive into the fascinating topic of imprints and how they affect personal transformation. You learn that imprints are all the conscious and unconscious experiences stored in the brainstem from conception until around age seven, and how they can form automatic beliefs and behaviors that can hold you back.

Martin Altherr discusses mindset work that can lead to breakthroughs, but it may not always result in long-lasting change. He suggests that to create sustainable transformation, individuals need to access and change imprints at the brainstem level.

By changing imprints, people can open up choices and act differently, creating new possibilities and opportunities.

Martin and Esteban Baez also discuss how imprints create patterns that lead to a person's reality, and changing imprints shift one's reality. 

Tune in to this intriguing episode of Fate Shifter to learn more about this critical aspect of personal transformation.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello everyone and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez and together with Martin Altherr, today we're going to be discussing the topic of imprints. Hey, Martin. How's it going?

Martin Altherr
Hi Esteban, I'm good. How are you?

Esteban Baez
I'm doing fantastic. Feeling good and ready to cover the topic of imprints.

Martin Altherr
Yes, it's a powerful one, and many people believe when it comes to changing something in their lives, with the mindset and the work at the mindset, everything is done and they are cool with it and it's really way the opposite.

And often when they come to me, working with me, asking for my expertise, they say: "I did so much mindset work and I did so many things. But again and again, I trap into situations where I cannot change how I behave, I cannot change how I do things, I cannot change how I even think about things. Although I did so much on mindset work,"

Esteban Baez
I can relate to that because as you know my story, I'm a student of...
a longtime student of personal development and I've read the books and gone to seminars and I can personally relate to having breakthroughs in my life.

But there are times that I feel like I never really made a transformation. I've had breakthroughs. I'm aware of my condition, I become aware of what I need to change and I do all kinds of stuff to try to reprogram my mind and I'm sure that everything that I've done has helped.

But let's talk about it. What is change about? How can we really make a long-lasting change which is what I believe is known as a transformation, right?

Martin Altherr
Yes, really long-lasting... Let's say sustainable change is transformation and it's happening somewhere else than where the mindset is happening.

I have to get a bit clinical, not too much, I will break it down very simply. But the mindset and everything you envision, you plan for your life, that is what is mindset going aligned with, happens in the frontal cortex, in the frontal lobe.

When it comes to transformation, that has to do with the brainstem because there are the imprints located and imprints are actually all the experiences, the conscious and unconscious experiences you have made between conception, before birth, and after birth, until seven years to eight years old.

It depends a bit. Some are a bit earlier, some a bit later. But approximately in that time span you are in specific theta waves with your brain where you just copy-paste what you are observing from your environment, how your parents handling the relationship, how your parents deal with money, how your parents deal with anything that keeps you alive, that helps you to live a proper life, right?

The brainstem is the one that is responsible to keep you alive. He is the one that takes care that you will survive. Fight, flight, and freeze are the three functions the brainstem has. The fourth is reproduction.

These functions he's working on all the time when he got his program, which is the coding of conscious and unconscious experiences. Then he acts the whole rest of your life exactly like this. And he even deals with your environment. He deals with the experiences you make in life.

In that second, he experiences something that is different from what he was used to, different than it should be, he switches on because the brainstem can only switch on or off. And then when he switches on, he shoots a hormone cocktail toward the frontal lobe, which sets the frontal lobe off.

When the frontal lobe is off, guess what? All the mindset, all the plans, all the envisioning, everything you prepared actually for your life is set off.

The Brainstem acts accordingly to what it has learned in the early phases because that is for the brainstem the best way to survive. And that is why often when people come to me and ask that, I say: "Look, the mindset, that's the end of the pearl string. The beginning is the brainstem, with the imprints. Because in the imprints there you build your belief system, what you believe, what you think, and how you act and react.

Esteban Baez
And there it leads to your mindset and what you really think about life. And when you start to change something in your mindset, you have breakthroughs.

Martin Altherr
This is true. You have breakthroughs, but not yet a transformation. And of course, not all imprints are bad. There are also good imprints. But those imprints that are holding you back, to change those imprints, you have to access actually the brain stem and transform them.

Esteban Baez
So the brain stem level seems a lot like the subconscious mind. Right? A lot of these books that I've read and studied, they call it the subconscious mind. Is there a difference between the subconscious mind and the brain stem?

Martin Altherr
I would say the brain stem is one part of the subconscious mind. There's, of course, also the higher consciousness, which you actually are. I mean, you are a higher consciousness having a body. You're not the body having a higher consciousness.

Esteban Baez
So the higher consciousness and the brain stem, are two aspects of the subconscious?

Martin Altherr

Esteban Baez
Okay, perfect. Thank you for clarifying that. So if we work on the brain stem, right, then we're basically training our fight or flight mechanism. Is that what it is? Is it our nervous system?

Martin Altherr
Actually, we are adding information that was missing at that time. Let me explain it that way.

If you observe how your father or your mother is treating the partner in a very specific way, let's say in a negative way, then you build up this experience of a woman treating a man or a man treating a woman that way, and you learn this is what my parents do in the relationship, to sustain the relationship.

But if that is, let's say, a distorted way of dealing with each other because they have also their own imprints and they have also their different mechanisms, how they act and react to each other, then you overtake potentially a system that doesn't help your relationship when you're grown up.

So you start then, in your future as a grown-up... you start suddenly to act in a relationship... when you're a male, then you react like your father and when you're a female, you act and react like your mother did.

And suddenly you are confronted with a new system that has completely different angles and perspectives which would be your partner, right? And then it becomes very complicated if you don't go back to transform what was missing and add actually information that was missing.

By adding this information you do nothing else than opening up the choice you should have. Because at the moment you're imprinted without transformation, you have no choice, you have to act and react according to your imprint. You have to react as the brain stem got trained through the conscious and unconscious experience, right?

At that moment you add information and you transform this old imprint, then you suddenly have the freedom of choice again because then you can act however you want.

A tendency can be that you react again the old way because you're used to reacting like that. That is why you have to be very aware and conscious after a transformation to choose a new path. You feel through the transformation ready to choose a new path. When you constantly choose this new path, you get used to it and then the transformation has done the full cycle.

Estaban Baez
So we got to work on the full cycle and the way to do that is we have to go to the source. And the source of most of our current problems is like you said, the result we want is the pearl but the root cause is in the imprint. So we have to make a shift in the imprint, we have to change the imprint.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. And if you are familiar with the concept that what you think, believe, and act towards reality is your reality, means you create your reality conscious or unconscious by thinking, believing, and acting toward reality. And that mirrors then back what you think, believe, and act, right?

And then when you're familiar with this concept, then you know when your imprint starts to act. Because of this, of course, you will have consequently all the time the same reaction. And that is why often people say: "My gosh, I bumped into the wrong guy..."

Let's take a client of mine who was every time bumping into narcissistic guys, right? And she said: "I bumped into that guy and I promised when I could leave that guy, I promised myself I never ever will anymore mate with a guy who has narcissistic tendencies. And what happened? The next guy I met, I was 100% sure he was not narcissistic in his structure, and boom, he was.
I'm bumping all the time in that, although I'm actually alert and aware of the signs. Somehow, strangely, I again bump into them."

And I say then: "Okay, that's typical for an imprint because you are imprinted that way because... Look at your parent's relationship." That was the moment she got pale and she said: "I never looked at it that way. I never thought about that. But you're right. My father had also narcissistic structures and I was just searching for that subconsciously. It was like that's my reality. That is what I have to follow."

After transforming this with her, guess what? She bumped into the right guy.

Esteban Baez
Because it seems like an imprint is like a blueprint. No matter how you try to get away from the blueprint, you always end up there.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. That's it. That's what it is. It's your blueprint, you got by observing your reality, by getting your reality. Then you start to project that imprint to the world. You start to project it into your life and then you receive that reality because it's important for you when you say that is the truth, that it is your reality.

That the reality is accordingly so that you can say, you see, I'm right. My reality is as I believe it is. And that makes me say I am. Through this I feel well, I feel kind of oriented. I have the feeling of control over everything, but actually, I'm totally out of control.

Esteban Baez
Yeah, right. Because what's controlling is the imprint. Right?

Martin Altherr
Yes, and the thing is, people believe then when the reality is as it is, they believe that's my fate, my fate is to live like that. My fate is to live with less money. My fate is to live with the wrong partner. My fate is.. and so on.

But in fact, it's not. It's just the blueprint that leads you at the moment to that experience. And if you transform this experience and you add the information... that means the imprint is transformed, then you literally shift your fate because then you have a new experience in life, a completely new experience in life just opens up in a completely different way.

That is actually why we call this also faith shifter here, this podcast because we are talking about how to shift your fate and that it's possible and we can show it here in very simple aspects of how human physiology and psychology works, how it is possible to shift your fate.

Esteban Baez
Martin, how is it possible? Let's talk a little bit about the possibility. I know we can't get into all the details, but if someone is listening and they realize, okay, all of this makes sense to me, I want to get to my imprint.

I am kind of aware of what's going on with my... I know what my blueprint is, leading me most of the time. So what can I do if I'm just listening or watching and I want to start changing the imprints? What are some of the fundamental things someone needs to do to start creating real everlasting transformational change?

Martin Altherr
Okay, that is actually one of the best questions you could ask. And actually, you gave already the answer by asking the questions while you said when somebody is aware that there are imprints, when somebody is aware of his own or her own blueprint when somebody knows all that and how then to go...

Of course, get in touch with somebody who knows how to transform this! I mean, someone who really knows how to access the brainstem, who knows how to transform the code in the brainstem, and who truly can help to have the freedom of choice. Someone who knows how to shift your fate. That would be my advice to do.

And it's not so easy to find somebody because I was searching for myself for a few years. Those who know my story a bit or if you go some sequences back, I guess in episode number one we were talking about how I actually found the self-transformation code, which led me then to be an expert in doing exactly this and helping people to shift their faith to get from life what they want.

So, of course, I would invite everybody who feels comfortable working with me, just get in touch with me. Somebody who doesn't know if there is an imprint leading, somebody who is not yet aware of the blueprint that is happening. I can only highly recommend looking at your life.

Look when you have an overview of your life and look at what is good for you and what you don't like, what is absolutely cool for you, what is absolutely uncool for you, then check your relationship is my relationship and I take it from zero to ten, is it a nine or is it even a ten? Or is it more likely a five, a four, a three, a two, or a one, or actually a minus zero?

I mean, that can all be and I'm still together because some imprints are holding me in that relationship because I have to be the good guy or the good girl to keep maintaining that relationship. Although it's actually not serving my life and also not serving my partner's life, by the way... except serving each other's imprints. But that is the one thing.

Then the other thing, how am I with money? Is it a zero or is it a ten? Where is it? Where am I? And then how is this with my career or my business? Is it a zero or is it a ten?

Or I can even ask about my self-esteem and there I would go, not in zero to ten, there I would go in percent, is it 0% or is it 100%? I mean, nobody is 0%. If you reach 0%, you're going to commit suicide. But if it's somewhere, let's say 20, 30%, but not 100, then you know there are things going on in your life you never took action upon or you were not aware of it.

And then you should dig deeper to figure out, okay, if that is all here, potentially there are imprints. There is maybe even one thing more, which is systemic entanglements or epigenetic coding. These are actually the three sisters or three brothers, how you want to name it. And these are the ones who are doing everything that is holding you back from what you want to reach in life, what you want to get in life, and what you want to experience in life.

And when you have this picture and you see, wow, okay, money is good, relationship, not so much. Self-esteem, also not so good, then already you are on the pathway where you should maybe get in touch with somebody who is used to reveal imprints, who is used to reveal systemic entanglements and epigenetic codings in order then to transform it and then to get from life what you want and what you are meant for.

Esteban Baez
Good. Thank you, Martin, for shining a light on that. So a quick question. If someone's trying to do this by themselves, is it possible to do it by themselves? Do you always have to use a guide, a coach, or a mentor?

Martin Altherr
What I experienced and I tried it on myself, there are tiny things and hiccups in your life you can deal on your own with, and you learn that also. That is why I call it the self-transformation code.

You learn also to self-transform. But there are things in life, they are so mighty, they are so powerful, leading you in life that you need somebody who knows all the angles and all the traps you have in your maze in order to support you, to guide you through that maze that you safely find your exit. In order to thrive, and in order to shift the fate you want to shift.

Esteban Baez
I love that. Thank you, Martin. I asked that question intentionally because I was one that I wanted to do all the work myself. And that was actually an imprint that I have from watching my father. He never ever hired anyone to do anything. He always tried to do everything himself and never went to the doctor, never did anything. Everything was, I take care of myself. I don't need anyone.

And I asked that question intentionally because a lot of people that are in self-transformation work are looking to improve their lives. It's all about self-improvement, right?

I could do this myself, but I realized that I personally needed someone to help me get to where I needed to be. And believe it or not, the person is you. I know you didn't ask me to talk about this.

You were the person that I believe has helped me with the self-transformation code to really not just have breakthroughs, because I've had plenty of breakthroughs in my life, but to really feel like I really enter into a transformation phase in my life.

This happened recently, and you know my story. I was stuck in certain things, certain areas, and we did some work together, Martin. And like I said, my life literally, it's completely shifted and changed. It's not the same whatsoever. And all that happened in two sessions.

I remember the first time we only had a conversation, and then the second time, we actually did some transformation work, and it was incredible. So if anyone's out there and listening and you got value from today's conversation and you know you're someone that's really looking for that transformation, really look into Martin's work because he really is the real deal.

So if you have questions, please reach out to us. You can visit Martin's website at martinaltherr.com. Martin, is there anything else you want to share before we let everybody go?

Martin Altherr
I would love to because we have talked a lot now about the unhealed part, and there is also a part that is always in a healed state. Always. Everybody who's listening, everybody who's watching. You all are whole at your core. You are safe in that core.

Every human being is at his core, absolutely whole. The thing is, what we experience in life goes like a coat around us. And this coat is what imprints are, what systemic entanglements are, which are our actions and reactions toward people. And this coat can be quite dirty, and sometimes it needs just to clean up, to shine like the core.

Esteban Baez
Thank you, Martin, and thank you so much for today's message. Man, it's powerful. Imprints are a real, very important topic we covered. 

And please go back and listen to our topic on systemic entanglement and all the other topics that we have that relate to the imprints. Again, thank you so much for watching or listening, whichever platform you're in. 

And if you really, truly enjoyed today's podcast, please remember to like, share, and subscribe. And thank you again for listening and watching. And we'll catch you on the next episode of Fate Shifter.

Why working on mindset did not work
How to create sustainable change
The Brain stem is part of the subconscious mind
Adding missing information is key for having the choice
Close the cycle of transformation
Imprints and a clients relationship with a narcissistic partner
Imprints are like a hardwired blueprint
The reason why reality feels like fate
What you can do if you realized that you have undesired imprints
What to do if you don't know if you have undesired imprints
Does it always need a Therapist, Coach, or Mentor?
The Self-Transformation Code on the Test Bench
Your Core is always whole