Fate Shifter

Breakthrough or Transformation? Discover the Difference!

July 13, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 9
Breakthrough or Transformation? Discover the Difference!
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
Breakthrough or Transformation? Discover the Difference!
Jul 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 9
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

In this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez and Martin Altherr delve into the differences between a breakthrough and a transformation. 

They give examples of how a breakthrough and a transformation can affect someone's life, using the topic of money issues as an example. 

They also share a story of a personal experience of a transformation that resulted in a profound change in perception and subsequent shifts in their life. 

If you're looking to understand the intricacies of life-changing moments, tune in to this episode of Fate Shifter. 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez and Martin Altherr delve into the differences between a breakthrough and a transformation. 

They give examples of how a breakthrough and a transformation can affect someone's life, using the topic of money issues as an example. 

They also share a story of a personal experience of a transformation that resulted in a profound change in perception and subsequent shifts in their life. 

If you're looking to understand the intricacies of life-changing moments, tune in to this episode of Fate Shifter. 

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello everyone and welcome to the Faith Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez and together with Martin Altherr, today we're going to be discussing what is the difference between a transformation and a breakthrough. Hi Martin.

Martin Altherr
Hey, Esteban. How are you?

Esteban Baez
I'm doing great. Very happy to be here. Very excited about today's topic.

Martin Altherr
It is a big one because there are so many confusions between transformation and breakthrough. Many people believe they have a transformation, but actually, they made a breakthrough. Right?

Esteban Baez
I used to think that a breakthrough and transformation were the same thing. What are the differences between the both?

Martin Altherr
Okay, actually we can say it in one word and then the podcast is over for today. Or we explore it a bit deeper. And I would like to do so because it gives you more... more meat on the bone. On the other hand, it gives you a deeper understanding of why it is in fact a big difference between the both, right?

Esteban Baez
Yeah. So let's define them. What's a breakthrough in your definition? How do you define a breakthrough?

Martin Altherr
Okay, a breakthrough is actually everything you have in a day. When you realize something new and you can implement it as something new and understand it and act upon it, that is like a breakthrough.

For example, when you are thinking all the time like you actually had when we were discussing that up front, you had a breakthrough by understanding that there is a difference between the both. Right?

That's a breakthrough.

So you come forward to the next step, to the next level, but you are not completely in a different place. You just came forward to the next step.

And that I realized also a bit less than 22 years ago. That was, let's say in the beginning when I started with my practice and those who have heard already about my story about opening the practice... but that's a very different story... That's not the life story I was sharing in the first episode of this podcast... They know that in this special scenario, I started to realize that there are clients, who have very, very big and intense transformations as I had that time in my life story.

And others, they didn't have so intense and so big transformations and it was bothering me because I wanted everybody to have the same strong and intense transformation, right?

So I was searching and researching in my client's files because I make my notes, right? And I was researching what could be the difference. And I figured out after a while that those who made already some personal work, some personal transformational work, but had breakthroughs by doing so, they were like absolutely on the Spot and then they could have a super strong transformation, which was a completely different thing then.

And that is where I started to realize there is really a big difference between breakthrough and transformation. Okay?

Esteban Baez
So how do you define a transformation?

Martin Altherr
Okay, transformation is something that happens by guidance or by incidents can happen that you completely shift something in your life. For example, when you have, money issues and you make transformational work. And after that work, money flows differently in your life.

In fact, if you have relationship issues after a transformation, you look completely different toward a relationship. And the relationship also reacts to you differently. I mean, also family relationships, right? It's not only in the romantic section. It's also when it's about families when families suddenly react differently to you.

That is because you have had a transformation. And not only a breakthrough or not only not exceptionally a breakthrough, because also breakthroughs are something amazing. They bring already some value to your life. They really enhance your life. But the transformation that shifts your life, in other words, shifts your fate.

Esteban Baez
Okay? So it seems like the big difference here is that when you have a breakthrough, it opens up your awareness about something and it also can shift your behavior, right? In a way. But when you have a transformation, it can happen accidentally. You said it could just be something that shifts. Everything changes and it's a deeper change. It's almost like your whole world gets turned upside down. But for the better.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. And actually, we can take again the money as an example. When you have a breakthrough in money, then you understand, I thought differently before. Now I think the right way about it. But you still have issues with it, right?

So that is when a breakthrough happens and you have... Sometimes it's like you apply then your breakthrough, but somehow it's not doing for you what you want. The result is not that suddenly really the ceiling is open and you really can go in a new direction.

When you have a transformation, then you go in a new direction, then you have a new perception, then you have suddenly money floating in. And that's a big difference.

Esteban Baez
Yeah. And I can relate to that, Martin, because I know you never asked me to share this on the podcast, but I feel impressed to share it because I've been doing sessions with you, private sessions with you.

And I was very skeptical because all my life I've been a student of personal development and I've done all kinds of rituals to try to create breakthroughs and transformations in my life.

And I think when you describe the difference to me, when you said to me, well, there's a difference between a breakthrough and transformation, I can understand it only because I went through an experience with you.

Like all my life I've been to seminars, I've read books, and see my big bookshelf in the background. And I've had breakthroughs in mindset, right?

So I've had Mindset Breakthroughs, where my philosophy changed about life, and my beliefs about certain things changed. Talking specifically, I'll give a very specific example about money, right?

So I understand the mindset of wealth and abundance, right? But I believe that I never had a really strong transformation in that department. I've had little breakthroughs, right? And little, I would say mini transformation. But after working with you, it was almost instantly when I became free from, I would say, past identities, and past beliefs.

We did the process of going back and doing a systemic entanglement, releasing from systemic entanglement. And that exercise that we did, I can tell you that it was almost like giving me permission to live my life. And instantly, I won't say specific, but literally instantly, it was like instead of me chasing after money, it was like money was chasing me.

People were looking for me to hire me in ways that I could have never imagined. And it happened right after I did that exercise with you. And it was just like I removed a block. And I felt like it wasn't just a breakthrough. I felt like I had a transformation.

It's hard to define it with words because I had the experience of actually having a person chase after me that could hire me for what I believe I was worth. And it was just like I wasn't even looking for it. So I know what you mean when you have a transformation because you no longer keep chasing things.

Because when you have a transformation, you become someone, something else, and then it's like you're a beam of light and the people see it and it's just incredible. So I felt impressed to share that.

Martin Altherr
Thank you so much for opening that up and sharing that, because that gives me allowance. Also to dig even a bit deeper on that, when you said in money section, right, if that happened in the money section, still some critical minds could say, okay, that was an incident, or that was accidentally in the row of he had the session and then he had this, but we did even something else.

Suddenly in your family and I will not go deeper into these issues, something in your family changed profoundly, and even there suddenly things were completely different than you ever, ever experienced throughout your whole life.

And there we can say, okay, two things, it still could be called kind of incidents. And then there was the third thing that was also shifting in your life.

And there, I must say... Now we know, okay, it has really to do with that transformational work and with transformation, with real transformation. And let me explain it maybe also a bit physically how that actually happens.

Many people are working on the mindset, right? Mindset is a very, very famous word in coaching. Now you have to have this mindset. And when you change that mindset, everything falls in place and everything is going the right way. Although so many mindset workers in the end still have similar issues than before.

Some things they go out, some things they really work out and some things totally don't. And why is that so? Why they can't break through and transform them?

The simple thing is actually this. When you have your brainstem... A bit simply said. When you take your brainstem, which is responsible for your survival... Fight, flight, freeze... and reproduction, that's the fourth "F".

Then you start to realize, okay, when that is so, and the patterns which are helping me to survive are built up in the first seven years, then I start to understand, okay, this is going to happen all the time.

This brainstorm shoots in and says: "Now it's me, my responsibility to overtake." And what is he doing? He's actually shooting a hormone cocktail to the frontal cortex. And the frontal cortex is the place where your mindset is placed.

Your plans, your planning, your future vision, everything is in the frontal cortex, placed also simply spoken, but just to keep it simple, right? So when that hormone cocktail comes to the frontal cortex, boom...

You do what the brain stem says, and not anymore what the frontal cortex has planned and worked out as mindset. That is what I mean. In the mindset, there are happening breakthroughs. In the brainstem, there are happening transformations.
When you start to transform how you are imprinted.

Esteban Baez
Wow, that's powerful. And I think that's the best explanation you could ever give between breakthroughs and transformation. That's awesome. So the breakthrough happens in the mindset, but the transformation happens in the brainstem.

And that's why I think people that are not trained in that, in understanding that concept, it's very difficult for them to give you... That's the difference between you and other workers, Martin, is that you understand the brainstem and you know how to go there and shift things that will definitely shift your fate.

And you're absolutely right. I didn't only have a transformation in my finances, I had more than one transformation after that. And it was a transformation. It was a huge transformation. It wasn't just the money, it was the family. Situations that you know about that I have gone through were shifted instantly after doing two sessions with you.

I mean, it was just incredible. And I can't say more. And by the way, anyone listening or watching, we did not talk about this. I was not intending to share my personal transformation today. I just feel impressed with Martin's work. And Martin, I really appreciate the work that you do. And I know that you truly, truly help people have transformations.

Martin Altherr
Thank you so much. Appreciate that. And I'm very used because when I talk to people, when they hear it the first time, they say, oh, come on, that's impossible. You cannot shift fate. Fate is written in stone or in iron or whatever, but it's fixed.

Or even sometimes worse. They say a higher power has created their fate. And they have just to run down now that program, right? And I understand that because if you are taught like that, I mean, if you got from your parents, from your environment this information, that this is the truth, guess what, you're going to believe this truth.

And guess what? You're going to live your life according to that situation and that logic you got taught. And when you got taught such logic and you want that you can identify yourself with yourself, then you have to create situations that prove you that you're right.

Because through proving that you're right with what you believe, you can say, I am.

And now somebody else comes and says, no, you can shift that fate. That would mean, first of all, you have dabbled all the time with other things, believing something which seemingly was wrong, but actually, it was not wrong, it was just different.

And it didn't help where you want, that it helps. But that you stumbled upon the information now in your life means that you're ready, that your time has come now to rethink your concept, how you live, that you have now the chance and the choice to choose something that helps you, literally to shift your fate, that really helps you to get there where you want.

If you would not be in the state of being ready for it, you would not even have listened to the fate shifter podcast. You would have listened to everything, but not to me. You would have even skipped away in the introduction of Esteban already.

You would never, ever have gotten the touch point to this information if you're not ready now, and I say all the time, there is nothing more powerful than a human being that understands its time to shine has come.

And then you can shift your faith.

Esteban Baez
That's powerful. So if you're watching or listening, whichever platform of your preference, you can learn more about having a transformation by visiting martinaltherr.com. 

Martin, thank you so much for today's podcast and message, because the message today, I believe, is going to help everyone understand that, especially if you've been in the world of personal development or spiritual development and you've been really searching for something else, something that can give you more meaning. 

Or maybe you're stuck in your journey, maybe you're about to give up. You're like, man, I've read all the books already and this is the best that I can do for myself. There's probably another level there. 

If you're stuck, please consider checking out Martin's content because I tell you from experience, he definitely guided me and showed me that there is more in my life that I can shift and I literally shifted my faith. 

So thank you, guys, for watching. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to like and share it and stay tuned for our next episode. We'll catch you on the next one.

How to define a breakthrough
How to define a transformation
A breakthrough can fall back to default
Esteban's spontaneuous share of an own experience with transformation
Esteban: "Money began chasing me!"
After having three shifts in one specific exercise it is not incidence anymore
The physical difference between breakthrough and transformation
In the beginning people often believe I'm crazy
Your time has come to shift your fate