Fate Shifter

Money - Navigating Financial Struggles and Creating Fulfillment

August 03, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 12
Money - Navigating Financial Struggles and Creating Fulfillment
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
Money - Navigating Financial Struggles and Creating Fulfillment
Aug 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 12
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

In this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez welcomes Martin Altherr to discuss the topic of money. Together, they explore the various transformations money undergoes, from digital data to physical bills, and delve into the different perspectives and expectations people have regarding money based on their upbringing. 

The conversation delves into the concept of money as an amplifier of who a person truly is and the fear associated with having too much money and what it could amplify within individuals. 

The episode also explores the idea of money as a form of energy and its unconditional nature of distribution. 

Gratitude is another key aspect discussed, highlighting its importance in bringing happiness and creating a sense of being alive. 

The conversation then shifts to financial struggles and the importance of making conscious and self-responsible decisions to prevent unwanted outcomes. 

The episode concludes with a discussion about work ethic, the pursuit of passion, and the significance of realistic goals and putting in energy and effort to achieve financial success. 

Throughout the episode, the idea of being mindful and intentional with money decisions is emphasized, urging listeners to avoid impulsive actions and to make choices that align with their true desires and values.

Tune in to Fate Shifter 12 for an enlightening and thought-provoking discussion on money, gratitude, and self-responsibility.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez welcomes Martin Altherr to discuss the topic of money. Together, they explore the various transformations money undergoes, from digital data to physical bills, and delve into the different perspectives and expectations people have regarding money based on their upbringing. 

The conversation delves into the concept of money as an amplifier of who a person truly is and the fear associated with having too much money and what it could amplify within individuals. 

The episode also explores the idea of money as a form of energy and its unconditional nature of distribution. 

Gratitude is another key aspect discussed, highlighting its importance in bringing happiness and creating a sense of being alive. 

The conversation then shifts to financial struggles and the importance of making conscious and self-responsible decisions to prevent unwanted outcomes. 

The episode concludes with a discussion about work ethic, the pursuit of passion, and the significance of realistic goals and putting in energy and effort to achieve financial success. 

Throughout the episode, the idea of being mindful and intentional with money decisions is emphasized, urging listeners to avoid impulsive actions and to make choices that align with their true desires and values.

Tune in to Fate Shifter 12 for an enlightening and thought-provoking discussion on money, gratitude, and self-responsibility.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez and together with Martin Altherr, we're going to be discussing the nature of money. 

Hi, Martin. How's it going?

Martin Altherr
Thank you very much. How is it going for you?

Esteban Baez
Oh, man, I'm having a great, great day. I had an amazing weekend. I traveled to see my daughter. I'm so happy that I got to see my daughter this weekend. And today I'm excited about today's topic, which is about money because I love the topic of money because I really like money.

Martin Altherr
Who does not like money, actually?

Esteban Baez
Right, exactly. So I want to know what your take is on the nature of money.

Martin Altherr
Okay... I mean, we make it a bit specific with that expression, "the nature of money". And comes a bit because so many people always think when they think about money, that money does something very bad to people, or that money is a bad thing even. 

Or of course, many people are through that now. They know no, money is not a bad thing. They know it somehow. 

And although... That is very interesting, when I work with people, suddenly I discover that there is still something hanging and suddenly there is something like an aversion to money. 

And that, of course, is hanging in the imprints, as we have spoken already through the other sequences, what imprints are doing. And so the nature of money is very much what you believe about money. 

And on the other hand, we have a true nature of money, what money could be, and what money is.

Esteban Baez
Yeah. So let's talk about what money really is, because some people might say, well, it's pieces of paper, right? 

Other people say, well, no, it's the number that shows up in the bank account. 

What is money? 

What is the nature of money and how can we make more of it? That's what I want to know.

Martin Altherr
Money is everything that you said and stated already. It's true. 

It's a figure on the bank account. It's the bills you have in your pocket. It's the thing you use for your daily exchanges, for experience, et cetera. 

And on the other hand, money has really a true nature. And most people know that even as well as a context, that money is energy. 

But for those, and I like to go a bit backward with that because those who have not yet really gotten the concept of why money is energy, I would like to very briefly go through it, so everybody is on the same page. Is that okay for you?

Esteban Baez
Yeah, let's do it.

Martin Altherr
Okay, great. Then let's start like this. 

If you have a $100 bill and you put that in your bank account, so you come to the counter, you give it over the counter, right? The lady takes it and put it into a drawer and does something on the computer. 

And from then on, it's actually nothing else than digital data. Right? 

Now, how you were able actually to create this $100 bill? You have taken energy, you have done work, and for that, you got equivalent to your work a $100 bill. 

That might be different for some people. Some get for five minutes $100. Some get for 1 hour $100. Some get for 10 hours $100. Some even get in one week $100. 

So there is already a big difference. But let me talk about that, a bit later. At the moment, we just assume you have this $100 bill. You bring it to the counter to the bank, and you give it in there. 

Now you travel to another country. Then when you are in the other country, then you think, I need some money, okay? 

So you go to the bank, to the counter, and you say, I would like to withdraw my money. You say I want to have $100 in the exchange rate of the currency from that country. So, what's happening now? 

The lady at the counter is going to the computer to check at your bank if there is enough money in your account, right? And she's actually demanding that money to her account in order to pay it out as a paper bill. 

So what is happening throughout this process? 
Actually, digital data goes down to a server, becomes light, goes then over the fiber wire, and sometimes even goes to a relay station, gets to space, and to the satellite, where it is suddenly a wave. 

Then in the satellite, it converts again to data. Then it converts again to the wave, which is sent down then to the Earth in that country, goes again in transmission to light because it's going now again through the fiber wire. And then from there, it becomes again digital data. 

So it's changing actually all the time, it's status from wave to energy to light, back to an energetical wave, then back to energy, like in the computer, the digital data. And then at the end, it is confirmed. Yes, this is the $100 we exchange it for... let's say when you're in Switzerland, it's like 91 Swiss Francs. 

So you have the money exchanged and you have it in your hands again as a bill. The paper is actually nothing else than the frozen energy, which always changes its status from wave to light to whatever it is. And at the end, you hold it again as a paper in your hand. 

That's the first circuit to understand, actually, it's just something you use to exchange energy. Your energy, you've put in to get it. 

Wherever you bring it, it just changes its forms of energy. But in the end, the only thing you can do with it is buy food, experience, et cetera. And most people are in a situation where they see money as a survival thing. 

Money is not meant to survive. Money is meant to experience. It is actually something that gives you freedom, freedom of choice, and freedom of doing things you want to do, right? 

And if you look at money like freedom of choice, it's a totally different story than if you look at it as something you have to survive with it. 

But sometimes all those who have now very less money in their pocket will maybe say: "Hey, listen, I have to survive and I need the money to survive. So what's happening actually in their life that they have just money to survive and not the money for the freedom of choice? 

What's going on actually in their thought processes and in their perception of money? Why do they have just that little money? Why do they have to use it as a survival mechanism? 

And that is then actually the next question we have here on the table, right?

Esteban Baez
Right, yeah. How do we get out of this survival mode? 

But before we answer that question, I just want to say, man, that whole explanation about money being an energy source and actually when we get the bill, it's a frozen energy, right? 

It's like it's coming back to you in the frozen form of a dollar bill, of the energy you did to obtain that bill. And I've never heard an explanation like that before. So that was very helpful for me just to see and ingrain in my brain that money is energy. 

And that's amazing. And then now how do we get away from this whole concept of I need money for my survival?

Martin Altherr
hat has a lot to do with how I grew up and what kind of imprints I got from my environment, how my parents taught me what money is. 

If you ask somebody who was growing up in riches, he has a completely different... or she has a completely different understanding of how to deal with money, to understand money, and even has a different expectation of how money is in that person's life. 
Alone from there, we have already a big difference. 

But I want to share something that just popped up in my mind while you were talking about this, how it helped you understand that money is energy. I want to give here an inspiration. 

We were talking before about money turning into a wave that comes from a relay station to the satellite and from the satellite back to the relay station, right? 

So when we imagine that money is actually a form of wave whenever it is transmitted by radio waves, what does that actually in fact mean? 

If we understand that billions of transactions are being done every single day on the whole planet, meaning actually you are bathing... if you want or not, you're bathing every single day in waves of money that are floating through your room because they are just using the space to transmit and do transactions. 

Just imagine this. What does it do with you to feel... wow, actually, it's true. If money is used to have a transaction by kind of radio waves, it's actually floating through my room like another radio wave. Right? 

You're bathing in money every single day.

Esteban Baez
I love that! Money is coming my way all day, all the time, like water, like when I'm taking a bath. Right? It's just pouring.

Martin Altherr
Yes. And that is actually the inspiration I want to give to get actually to the next point and the next point before we go about how to get out of lack of money. 

The next point is when I understand suddenly that money constantly surrounds me, then I start to understand that money is the same, abundant on this planet as everything else in nature. 

If you look at it... When you put a seed to the ground, what's going to happen? Something grows from that seed and has a minimum of five, six, or seven more seeds, if not hundreds more seeds after growing to a plant, having the fruit, right? 

So if you take, for example, a field of wheat, you put a lot of thousands of seeds, but you have millions of trillions of seeds coming back. It's abundant. 

And we have not learned... often we have not learned that everything which has to do with energy, which belongs to this matrix, to this planet, is abundant all the time. 

Of course, first you can just only understand it intellectually and it makes somehow in the heart no sense, because it doesn't reach there, although you want it to reach there, somehow it makes not click yet.

But just to hear it... everything is in abundance all the time. And if you start to access this by feeling it, you start to expect it. 

I mean, a plant just grows and the plant just doesn't care if the rest, it just grows and has in the end the multiple power of being multiple times, this plant. 

And so it is with us, humans, and so it is also with energy or with money. Because money is just a form of energy, it's just an aspect of energy. And that is what leads us also to the nature of money, which was an insight I once had when I did a meditation and suddenly it made "bam". 

It was like adrenaline was shooting through my body when I realized that actually, money doesn't care to whom it goes. So that means if it doesn't care to whom it goes, it means it's unconditional. If it is unconditional, what else is unconditional on this planet?

Esteban Baez

Martin Altherr
We have only one thing, and that one thing is unconditional love. 

If money is unconditional as well, it must be an aspect of unconditional love. 

And through this, it becomes one of the highest spiritual tasks we have to learn.

Esteban Baez

Wow. I've never related those two words together, money and love. In that sense, usually love and money don't relate right? 

But you just connected them by saying that it is the same energy.

Martin Altherr
Everything is actually at the end the same energy. And if we go deeper and dig deeper into the truths of our reality, we start to realize that the basic energy that holds everything together is based on unconditional love. 

Because it doesn't care if so or if so. It just gives. It's always there to give, it's always there to hold together. Doesn't matter what. It's always there. 

In spiritual teachings I often hear you have to say no to money, you have to let go of money, you have to learn to live very moneyless and in askesis. I don't know if that is the right English word because in German we say "askese". That means living actually like a priest somewhere in the mountains without any money. And then you will have your spiritual enlightenment. 

I say it is a way to get spiritual enlightenment. No discussion. I absolutely agree with this. 

And I say if you master money, then you have actually reached the highest potential of spiritual activity and so far you also have enlightenment through it because then you deal totally differently with it. 

And here we come to the next point of the nature of money, which is... money is an amplifier. 

Money amplifies everything. It amplifies who you truly are. 

This means if you were a bad guy with less money, you could not really have an impact. But with a lot of money, you become a big bad guy. Right? 

If you're a good guy with less money, you can do your tiny impact. With a lot of money, you can make a big impact as a good guy. 

So it amplifies just who you truly are.

 And that is also part of the nature of money. It amplifies who you are. And here we come to a very interesting aspect. 

When I work with people, I often see that they don't want to have too much money, although they want of course, but they don't want to have too much money because they are afraid what it could amplify within them.

Esteban Baez
Wow. And this is why a lot of people end up sabotaging their opportunities. 

They get opportunities to create more money or more wealth, but they end up because they're afraid. Maybe because they know who they really are inside.

Martin Altherr
Maybe they know or they are just afraid. Often I see they're just afraid of who they truly could become if they would have a lot of money. 

And if the opportunity pops up to have a lot of money, suddenly they start to sabotage it crazily. I mean, that's just one aspect to understand me the right way. 

That is not the only thing that everybody who doesn't have money is afraid of having. That's not true. But it's an important aspect to understand, especially when you are somebody...

if somebody out there who is listening right now, or watching right now is thinking about what is it why I'm struggling with money. What is going on with me that I'm struggling with money? 

That could be one aspect that is hindering you to break through the limit and having what you desire in your life.

Esteban Baez
Yes. So money is an amplifier. That's another nature of money. Money is energy, money is also an amplifier. What else is money?

Martin Altherr
Money is a good friend. And if you understand this, then you start to treat money differently. 

I'm someone when I go to buy something and the cashier says then at the end that's the amount x to pay, I say yes, gladly and I give it. 

Sometimes they look at me and ask: "Really? Gladly, really?" And I say yes gladly! Then they say: "But you have to pay money." And I said then: "Yes because I want what you offer. So I gladly give you in exchange the money. I'm really glad to give it to you." 

They are often very puzzled and baffled because they don't get that concept yet. So if you're listening and you say oh, come on, friend and money, I heard that so often. 

Yes, it's true. Money is a good friend. And if you treat money like a good friend, money behaves like a good friend. 

That's very interesting, because when you expect, then something happens within you. And when you give something good, you expect also that you get treated well, right? So when you have a good friend and you treat your friend well, you expect your friend to treat you as well good, right? 

It's not that you just treat your friend and you don't care how that friend will treat you. You expect that you also get treated well and that is with money the same story. 

If you start to treat money like a good friend, then money will also treat you like a good friend. And I often say also when I have a bill... a money bill to give out, I say have a good trip and come back with your friends.

Esteban Baez
I like that, that's excellent. So, money is also a friend. Treat money like a friend and be happy to use money, right, I guess for the things that you're receiving in exchange and making the exchange of money, right? 

So we're using money to exchange for goods. And I like what you said gladly. I would gladly give you my money for what I'm paying for here. I love that...

Martin Altherr
And it has a lot to do with self-responsibility. When I say yes, gladly, it means seriously gladly. And I don't say it just because I try to trick you that I maybe might have later than energy-wise some more money. 

No, it has to be heartfelt. And when you buy something in a store and you don't like to pay at the cashier station, then you should not buy it. If you have bought, let's say, an apple for $5 and you find it way too expensive and you buy it, why? 

When you find it too expensive, put it back. You don't need to buy it. Now, it might be that you like an apple and you didn't find another opportunity, but because you didn't find another opportunity, you had to buy that apple for $5, and you actually don't like to pay. 

But if you like that apple so much, there must be somewhere a response within you saying, although it is $5, I like so much that apple right now that I'm going to pay these five dollars. 

So you can also pay it gladly because you want the apple, and now the price is fixed because you don't find another opportunity, so you have to take it for that amount or you have to let it. 

But it takes you into your responsibility to decide. And this decision is very important when it comes to money. 

Most people never do really conscious, clear decisions with their money. They just have money. 

They just somehow spent money, and at the end of the month, they somehow have no money anymore.

Esteban Baez
So it's important to be in tune with our emotions as we use the energy of money, right? Because if our emotions don't feel good as we're spending money, then that creates a message. 

We're broadcasting that we don't feel good spending money. So it's like a relationship.

As you said, if money is my friend, but I don't feel good hanging around my friend, eventually my friend's not going to want to hang out with me, right?

Martin Altherr

Yes, absolutely. And your friend will disappear. If you don't decide, conscious and self-responsible, of course, you're going to constantly make decisions that lead to an end you actually do not wish for, and that leads you then finally also having less money. 

Now somebody can say, come on. I have, let's say $800 to pay my rent. I have then insurance that actually eats another $100, and I have $1,100 a month in salary. I cannot do anything else than just kind of trying to survive by getting the money around the corner here or maybe just trade somewhere else just to get a bit more money to have my food on the plate. 

So but here is the next question. 

If you are in that situation, and if $1,200 is not enough, what could you do to make it more? And of course, that takes effort, that takes time, that takes maybe even sweat, but you are able to change something, maybe not from one day to the other. 

And that is also something I observe very often. People say, so what is the quick deal? Tell me how and I do it. And then I have. No, it's not going to happen that way. You have to grow into it. You really, truly have to grow into it. 

You need to learn to hold it. That you are like a vessel that maintains the quality where this amount of money can come in. And that is something that happened also throughout my life. 

Of course, I had also, by seeing or finding specific techniques, big leaps within my curve throughout my life. But I started also with a lower amount and it grew. 

And then suddenly it made a big leap again because I learned something from mentors, I never would have thought it works that way. And so they taught me things that made me having a big leap. 

But in general, you have to grow into it. You cannot just think I earn now ten thousand dollars and before you earned one thousand dollars. You rarely can just live with the ten thousand because you have to learn first to hold it and to deal with it, to have it constantly again. That energy and that vessel that holds and contains actually this value of ten thousand dollars. 

Most people then like to jump from ten thousand dollars to a hundred thousand dollars a month and that's again an almost impossible task because here you better jump from ten to fifteen thousand, from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand. Then you do that again for a few months. Fifteen thousand a few months twenty thousand a few months.

When you are able to hold it, then you go to the next step, and so on and so forth. And that is what also happened in my life when I tried to go too far...

It's like leaning backward out of a window on the fifth floor and there is nothing that holds you and you start to fall because you took too much in one bite and then it doesn't work.

Esteban Baez
Making more money, it's almost like building muscle or exercising. It requires some level of time because if you're not a bodybuilder, you can't get a bodybuilder's body in 24 hours. You have to work at it.

Martin Altherr
Yes, and often people say yeah, he's rich, he's born rich, is just a lucky guy. I don't have that luck, right? 

First of all, luck is actually the reward of being prepared and working hard and smart. Second of all, people see only the result, the work behind it to get to that result mostly nobody sees and that is what makes people understand and believe that it's a lucky thing. 

They believe luck is like a tiny fairy floating over the meadows and then kissing you by the incident. But it's not true. It has something to do with constantly working on something you really desire to achieve, you really desire to be. 

And then by growing into that earlier or later, you create your own circumstances and everybody would say that's luck. But actually, it's nothing else than what you have done and you have prepared and suddenly it starts to match, and by matching, of course, it explodes in a positive way so that you suddenly have money streams coming towards you, you never had expected before. 

So it is not just a lucky punch. And yes, there are people, who are born very rich. They never had really... we call it here in Europe, they are born with a silver spoon in the mouth, right? 

But it's a very bad saying because I know very rich people, who lost everything from that moment on when they had to overtake their parent's wealth. I know really a few and I realized there, it has nothing to do with being born rich, it has to do with learning how to maintain riches. 

And yes, people who are born rich, potentially learn faster how to maintain such a vessel. Because their parents are rich, they have learned to maintain that vessel and they teach it to their children and these teachings get into their children like imprints. And then they already have these imprints. 

They have other struggles in life. Often there is then in the relationship... Or in another area of their life, there are struggles. 

So earlier or later you start to realize if you are either born here or born there it doesn't matter. 

Because either you are born here, then you have these challenges and you can grow into a beautiful life or you are born very rich and you have other challenges and you can grow into a beautiful life. 

Both must work on it to grow into a beautiful life, right?

Esteban Baez
So it really doesn't matter. So it seems like money doesn't judge people by the color of their skin, by their careers, by how they were born, or where they were born. 

It doesn't judge. It's a way of being that creates a character that can now hold a certain amount of money. So it really comes down to a character and a person. And I guess that's why we really have to do the work with our imprints. 

Because whatever you got in childhood, if you grew up with wealthy parents or if you didn't, that's usually where your information about how to hold the amount of money comes from.

Martin Altherr
I mean, a very often told story is that one generation said you have to work hard. The next generation says you have to work smart. The next generation says you don't have to work at all. 

But here is something that was valid over all the generations. And it doesn't matter when in time. 

If you do something that comes from your heart if it is something you're passionate about, something you could stand up every morning and say, I jump out of bed from excitement to go ahead with it, then for sure you're on the right path. 

And you're on a better path than if you have to stand up every morning and think, oh my gosh. Again, this treadmill today. 

And the first thing everybody has to consider if it comes to the question of what can I do to get out of where I am stuck or where I feel stuck. Like having no money, being just around somewhere in misery. 

The first thing is you have to sit down to look at your reality and write down what is not working. And then you have to make a list of what is working very well. 

Because I'm pretty sure you're going to find a lot of things that are working very well. But because the number of things that are not working well is overwhelming you, you lost the focus of seeing them. 

That's the first step you should do. I really highly recommend that you just write down what is not working so that you can first let it out and then start to focus on what is working well, and what is good in your life. 

So then you have already this measurement. Now the next question you should ask yourself is, what can I do to get there where I want to be? And for that, you need to know where you want to be, right? 

And if you start from being in misery saying you want to be a millionaire, that's a too-high step. Maybe you just say I want to live a life where I can say I have the freedom of choice even in tiny things. 

That I guess would be the first step when you are really truly in misery with money. And if you have done this, then from there you can take the next step, what you want to get.

And that is, I think, the best advice I could give you.
I saw many people, they even came to me wanting to work with me and they said I cannot pay that money. 

And I said, okay, then come later again, find a way to create that money, and then come back because I know somebody who does that will come back and will be successful.

Because the energy that is put in is so high that this person comes with completely different attention and with a completely different energy.

That happened just lately again. This person came after almost a year, saying I saved every single cent until I had the money together to work with you. And I said, wow, that impresses me. Normally I have a waiting list, but I take you and I work extra for you. I take this extra hour a day into the next weeks. 

You did your job so well, then I do my job for you. And we started to work and now already after these four or five sessions we had, I must check in the calendar how exactly if it's the fourth or the fifth, but doesn't matter. 

Between the fourth and fifth session, we see already results money-wise. It's already changing. There is a new job with more money and a better apartment. There are already so many changes in so short terms. I mean, that is five weeks. 

Five sessions are five weeks. And there is a huge change just by applying what I have learned. Applying what I went through because I was also born into a family of an artist, a painting artist, and his secretary. 

They had no money, they had nothing at all. And they could not teach me how to make money. I had to learn it on my own, the hard way, and I did. 

But nowadays I can help people to go through that way faster because of all the mistakes I did, they don't need to do.

Esteban Baez
That's beautiful. So if you're listening to this, and this is your first time hearing this approach of money, right, the nature of money, and you want to learn more about Martin's work, please visit Martin's website. That's martinaltherr.com, so you can learn more about how you can work with your imprints or eliminate imprints that are not serving you in your life at all.

And like Martin said, if you're struggling with money right now, make sure you do the exercise that he talked about in this podcast in this episode. 

Again, if you're watching, please remember to like and subscribe to our podcast so you can get a notification when we publish a new one. And also, if you know someone that might benefit from this information, please share it with them as well. Martin, before we let everyone go on this episode about money, are there any final thoughts you want to share?

Martin Altherr
Yes, I would like to. And I just was thinking while you were closing, I thought, okay, we close here. And then suddenly I thought, oh, hopefully, you ask me. And thank you for asking, because this so often said gratitude...

Kindly bear with me, it's so important. Gratitude is the most important thing in your life. You can imagine. You don't know maybe yet, the power of gratitude. And when we talk about gratitude, I'm not just saying, look around and say, oh, I'm so thankful for what I have, or I'm so thankful for where I am. 

It's about looking around in your environment and detecting what is in my environment I really like, and what is in my environment I don't like. And when you see the things you don't like, take them out of your environment, and gift them to somebody who can use and need them and who is grateful for having them. 

Keep only what you really like in your environment. Through this, you can stand up every morning looking at it and saying, I'm so grateful for having this in my life. And I tell you why I find gratitude so powerful. 

Many people have told you why it has to be and why the theory, etc. 

I like to share an experience I made in my life, which was... I get already emotional only thinking of it... 

It was when I met for the first time in the Philippines... We landed and we were flying in over the ghetto of Manila, and I was looking down there and I said, oh my gosh, they told me it's horrible, but seeing it was way more horrible. 

And I decided to visit that place and everybody was telling me, don't go there, it's dangerous and you should not go there. You are a foreigner, you can be killed, et cetera. And I said, no, I want to go there. 

I took off everything, which was kind of, let's say marking that I could have money. I took my eldest pants, my shorts on, I took an old T-shirt on and I went in there. By walking there in Binondo it was close to the Smoky Hills, which is the trash mountain in Manila Bay. 

I was walking there and suddenly I saw over the street a girl with a tiny child on the back walking. And the eyes, they were like sparkling stars looking at me. And I thought, wow, that is a very special approach, a very special sign for me. 

Since I'm looking very much for signs and when life gives me signs, I followed. So I crossed the road and went to that girl and tried to speak to her.

She was speaking a bit... a few words in English, but the rest in Tagalog. I speak a bit of Tagalog, so I was talking with her and I was asking her how she was doing and if the baby on her back is her sister. 

She told me no, she is now 14 years old and that is her baby. And that was for me like, wow, that was like a shock... I asked how do you do that? You are living here in a very dangerous zone with your baby and you actually have nothing. 

She looked at me and said, no no, and made the sign follow me. So I followed her and we went to Smoky Hills and we went up there on top and there she showed me... 

you could oversee the ocean... And there she showed me... 

and said: "You know, every morning I come here with my child, with my baby, and I look how the sun rises, and when the first rays of the sunlight come to touch my face, I feel happy that I'm healthy, I feel happy that I'm alive, I feel happy."

And that was so enormously impactful for me. It was touching my soul as it touches right now. It's really touching me so much because this 14-year-old girl having her own baby on her back, saying the sunlight touching my face makes me happy. And that's enough. 

I learned what gratitude is, and that's powerful.

Esteban Baez
Gratitude keeps coming around all the time in my world. That's the key to life, gratitude.

Martin, thank you so much for sharing that story. That's a powerful story. When we can become grateful for the little things, I think we can have the ability now to have more resources in our lives, but we have to learn to appreciate the little things. 

So again, Martin, thank you so much. 

And for those of you watching or listening to this podcast, thank you for being part of the Fate Shifter community and for listening and supporting our podcast. 

Stay tuned because we're going to come out with another episode as well. So again, thank you, everybody, for watching. And thank you for tuning in to the Fate Shifter podcast. 

Money is energy that changes form
Money represents freedom of choice, not survival
Money is abundantly available
The deeper tuth of money
Money is an amplifyer of who you are
Money is a friend; treat it well
Growing income requires steady progress, not quick fixes
Luck is the result of hard and smart work
Exercise to take a first step towards wealth
The most humbling experience in Martin's life