Fate Shifter

How to Create Desired Outcomes In Life

August 17, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 14
How to Create Desired Outcomes In Life
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
How to Create Desired Outcomes In Life
Aug 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

On this thrilling episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban and Martin dive deep into the power of belief and self-transformation. 

Martin shares his personal journey of overcoming doubts and poverty to discover the secrets of creating a new reality. 

He does not only believe in the ability to shift someone's fate, he knows how to do it and teaches the transformative Self-Transformation Code that has been passed down to him as a gift to help thousands of people succeed in their lives. 

You might ask: “Wait, are there hidden codes that hold us back?”

Tune in to find out as we unravel the mysteries of manifesting abundance and crack our own code to live a truly extraordinary life. 

Stay tuned for an exhilarating discussion on the law of attraction, the importance of imagination, and the surprising truth behind the concept of "fake it until you make it."

Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and ready to take control of your destiny. 

Don't miss this mind-bending episode of Fate Shifter!

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

On this thrilling episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban and Martin dive deep into the power of belief and self-transformation. 

Martin shares his personal journey of overcoming doubts and poverty to discover the secrets of creating a new reality. 

He does not only believe in the ability to shift someone's fate, he knows how to do it and teaches the transformative Self-Transformation Code that has been passed down to him as a gift to help thousands of people succeed in their lives. 

You might ask: “Wait, are there hidden codes that hold us back?”

Tune in to find out as we unravel the mysteries of manifesting abundance and crack our own code to live a truly extraordinary life. 

Stay tuned for an exhilarating discussion on the law of attraction, the importance of imagination, and the surprising truth behind the concept of "fake it until you make it."

Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and ready to take control of your destiny. 

Don't miss this mind-bending episode of Fate Shifter!

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez, and together with Martin Altherr, we're going to be discussing the topic of what is the difference between knowing and believing. 

Hi, Martin. How are you?

Martin Altherr
I'm doing great, thank you very much. Esteban, how are you?

Esteban Baez
I'm feeling fantastic. I'm ready to dive into this concept. We've been having conversations about this without recording, so I'm just super excited to let our listeners and our viewers into our conversation. 

So let's go ahead and get started. Martin, what's the difference and why is this important? 

Martin Altherr
Okay, let's tackle that shortly. But then really let's go into what makes the difference, and why it's important. 

Important it is because, to everything you know, you have a completely different approach than to something you just believe. 

And of course, there are also beliefs, you believe, you know them. 

And through this, you subconsciously create your reality. And that is why knowing and believing have a very, very important part in your life, in everybody's life, in ours, in the listeners, in the watchers. 

Everybody who listens and watches this must know... Knowing and believing are similar things, but have a completely different impact and approach to your life.

Esteban Baez
All right, so what's the actual difference between knowing and believing?

Martin Altherr
Okay, that is actually like really obvious. What, you know, you have experienced. 
I mean, that is something you really know. 

And what you believe, you can actually believe the same strongly as something you know. 

And there is a difference. Something you believe, you have always also this energetical push to believe, and something you know, you're very relaxed. 

You just know because you just know. And because you just know, it is very clear for your life. 

And that is why it's constantly repetitive happening in your life as you know.

Esteban Baez
Okay, so when I'm operating under knowing, it's something that happens even when I'm relaxed because it's knowing something that I know. 

But when I'm believing something you said, there's like this push. What is that push that drives me to the belief?

Martin Altherr
The belief is something I ritually regenerate again and again because, let's say the belief in God, as a belief in God, I say, yes, I believe in God. 

I just maybe don't even have yet an experience. That is why I don't yet know. But I believe. So I have to reinvent my belief again and again. I have to recreate my belief again and again until I make my first experience. 

And when I make an experience, then I know. And what is very important here and now comes the really interesting thing. 

The belief can be the same strong, as knowing, and the knowing can be the same catastrophe as believing. 

So that means if I know something which I've experienced, and that is why I know, it can be wrong, cannot anymore serve my life. But I experience it like that. That is why I know that is what is meant for me. 

For example, somebody who is born in a poor environment and never had the experience of being rich, always had the experience of being poor, knows I am destined to be poor. That's my fate. I'm poor. That's what it is. That's a fact. I know it. It's my experience. 

But that's not the truth. It's only the existence that is created through the knowing, through the experience. 

So if you change the experience, guess what? Also your knowledge changes. And then you have a different knowing, and that might serve better what you really want in your life. 

With the belief, it's the same story, a belief you can believe so strongly, and you can recreate that belief because somebody told you, you have to believe that, that will help you. 

And you just create and recreate and recreate. But you never get there where you want until you make experiences that let you not only believe but knowing. 

And then suddenly the creation happens, like at a speed of a second.

Esteban Baez
So this reminds me of... I think it's the Roger Bannister concept. He did the four-minute mile, I hope I'm saying it right. I think it's a four-minute mile. No one believed that it could be done, but he went away. No one believed it, but then he did it. 

So shortly after he did it, there were cases of people that started doing it, right? 

Maybe like a week later, people started breaking the barrier because now they had evidence that it could be done. 

So I guess it was a belief before it was known, right?

Martin Altherr
In that scenario, either or... as either the belief was a belief that led to a knowing, or it was a knowing that in the end came to a point where you understood that your knowing doesn't serve you. 

And then you had to create a new belief, which led you then to a new knowing which served your life. 

And here comes a very important distinction that popped up once in my life when I suddenly understood the quote, "Fake it until you make It".

Esteban Baez
I've heard that a lot, too.

Martin Altherr
Yes, and we hear it still a lot. 

And many, many people still understand it completely wrong. 

They understand, okay, I'm going to rent a Lamborghini and take pictures with it and fake to people that I'm rich. 

You're not going to make it with that. Definitely not. Although you fake it and although you believe "I fake it until I make it". 

Or you're going to tell people that you're extraordinarily rich, but you're not. It's not going to happen for you. I mean, you are truly not going to make it. 

Maybe you can catch some people and can cheat on some people. And those people will give you some money. And in the short term, you have some money, but you're going to lose it and it is not sustainable. 

So if you really want to have it sustainable, you must go in a completely different approach to that quote. 

"Fake it until you make it", actually it means nothing else. Believe until you make the experience. 

When you have made the experience, teach because now you know it.

Esteban Baez
Okay, so believe until you create the experience. And when you have the experience, you said teach it. Is that what you said?

Martin Altherr
That is correct. Then you can teach it to others and not before. You can teach it now because now you know. 

Esteban Baez
So "Fake it to make it" simply means believe until you create the experience. Which then becomes knowing, right?

Martin Altherr

Esteban Baez
You believe until you know it. Now, when you know a thing, it's almost like you have permission to teach because now you've experienced it. It's not only a belief, it's actually a knowing. 

Because I know these things interchange, right? 

Knowing and belief can go back and forth. But is there an order? Do you believe first and then you know? 

But then there's also if you're born in a situation, then you know. And that's why you believe.

Martin Altherr
I experienced it's both. It's like this. 

There are experiences you make in your life and you made in your life, in your past life that totally serve you today. And there are experiences they absolutely do not serve you today. 

Those who do not serve you today are also experiences, which means you know that it's that way or you believe to know that it's that way. Right? 

So this knowing doesn't serve. The knowing that serves is perfect because that helps you to go forward where you want to be, but the one who doesn't, there you have first to realize that this is knowing which is actually not helping and not true because you could also experience it differently.

 And here comes actually the core of the wisdom. And the core of wisdom is actually there doesn't exist something like knowing is the truth or believing is the truth. There is just what you want to create becomes the truth. 

And to experience this, what you want to create is the factor to know that you're on the right way to believe that that's the right way for you. 

And to know through believing and believe through knowing. And then you move forward and you get to create what you wanted to create.

Esteban Baez
Okay, so we're talking about like a heart's desire, right? 

If you have a desire to create, to become something else, to be more or better than where you come from, like if you were born let's use the illustration of poverty or if you were born here in the United States, say middle class. 

But you're not rich, you know you're not rich, right? 

But you desire to be rich. What will be the process? We start with the belief, right? 
Because you said you believe first until you know until you have an experience. 

Now you have a knowing and now you know what it's like to be rich.

Martin Altherr
Exactly. And that is also what I ask often clients when they ask for my expertise and ask me how they can make a million. 

My first question is if they can imagine a million. 

They say, yeah, that is one with six zeros. 

But that is the description of it and I ask if they can imagine it, feel it, and understand it because they had it already once in their hands or maybe saw it already on a pile. I mean really true. 

Then I ask again if they have made an experience with a million.

Normally they say that they never had such an experience. 

Then my question to them is how they can really actually get there to that experience when they haven't yet somehow an understanding of it. 

So better they go maybe a baby step, a shorter step, like when their income is like two, three, or four thousand. Or like five, six, or seven thousand. And I ask again if they can imagine that. 

If they say: "Yes. That I can imagine. I had that in my hands."

Then I say:  "Okay, now we are talking because now you have something where you can go towards where you know already something about because you have made an experience with it and that seems way more realistic." 

So it's very easy to get there. Sounds easy, but of course, you have to formulate it. You have to get there. You have to put your focus, your attention on it. And by putting your constant attention on it, it's going to happen anyway. And then you have the experience and there we actually touch also the law of attraction, right? 

Law of attraction. Ask, believe, receive. 

Ask means actually saying that is where I want to tap in. 
Believe means I know where I tap in is going to happen. At the moment, for many this already is a belief, not yet a knowing, but knowing it from somebody or hearing it from somebody who made the experience and says, listen, I made that experience, that's going to happen, gives you at least a stronger belief. 

Then you hold this belief, you hold the attention, you hold the focus, and you're going to reach it. 

Now you made the experience. And by making the experience you know it works, which absolutely empowers you, motivates you, pushes you forward to go ahead and then you know what you know. And with this, you create with easiness because now you know it's not anymore something you have to recreate again and again and motivate yourself again and again because you know it works. 

You don't have any single doubt because you experienced it, that it worked. And the same is actually with God or however you want to call it. You must not be Christian, you must not be Muslim, you must not be a Native American. 

It doesn't matter which church or which philosophy you follow. It matters that you understand that you are the creator of your reality. You are the creator. And if you are the creator, when you have made that experience and I tell you, it blew me away that day when I made that experience, that I am a creator. 

In fact, when you are a creator, then you know how to do it, because you got the techniques, you got the systems, you get the steps, and you became the understanding of who you truly are. And by understanding it, you knew it. 

By knowing it, it's just easy then to be right, right?

Esteban Baez
Yeah, that makes me think of a lot of people who want to have the experience or want to have things we always want to have. 

And many times we tend to start in the having. I want to have the car, I want to have the house. But in reality, I guess what you're saying is we need to start in the being. 

We need to first, really, like you said, can you imagine a million not seeing the number, but the lifestyle? 

Can you really feel what that's like? And it's better to start where you can really truly feel it. And sometimes we try to make too big of a jump. 

I really like that practical advice, Martin. I think a lot of us need that. We need to have a little check-in with reality, with the reality of our minds. 

We need to be able to grasp through the imagination and feel in the heart. If we cannot do those first two steps, then we're probably making too big of a jump.

Martin Altherr
Absolutely. And I remember very much my childhood when I collected I had 50 cents a week pocket money. And I was that time about eight years old. And 50 cents was for me, the world. 

And having this 50 cent every single week, that makes two Swiss francs a month. When I had then my first 20 dollars, I felt like a millionaire. I felt like I could buy the world. I could have everything I ever imagined and dreamt of and for my tiny world as an eight years old. 

Yes, that was the big money that made my world goes round. So I was already that time in this feeling of a millionaire.

 And if you want to start to understand this feeling, then the best is you go back in your memories when you maybe once had pocket money and you suddenly felt like you could buy the world. 

Or when you found... like if you never had pocket money and you suddenly found on the street like 5 dollars or 1 dollar, it was suddenly you could buy the world. It was like this emotional feeling, this bubbling through your whole body, this joyful feeling of excitement, this feeling to generate until you are in that situation until you experience that situation also for bigger things. 

Guess what? Then you know, then you have it. Then you make the experience constant. And there is this saying: "There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way". And that's exactly the same here. There is no way to riches, being rich is the way. 

You need to feel rich every single step. Because if you do not feel rich, guess what? You create a thought of lack. By creating the thought of lack, what will you focus on then? You focus on lack and what is going to happen. You create a lack in your life. So you need to create a positive view. 

You need to create this feeling, this exciting feeling of "I earn $1,000 a month", I can buy my world, which is just my world at the moment. 

And being excited and focusing on doing bigger amounts to experience the next step, because I focus on my next step and not so much on the amount. Suddenly I generate this amount and I experience having this amount again, experiencing, buying the whole world. 

And that's actually going up to whatever figure you want to create in your life, right?

Esteban Baez
As you said, $1,000 a month can't buy the whole world with $1,000 a month. But you got to start somewhere, right? 

Especially if you're at zero. A lot of people that might be listening, they may have lost their job, they may be making the transition from working in the outside world, I call it the offline world, to now starting a business online. 

And I think that's a great exercise to do to start at 1000, can you create $1,000 working from home? Maybe you have a job, but you also want to create a side gig, something that can help you create an additional income. 

But it starts with believing, imagining, and feeling. You got to be able to feel it. 

I really like that you talk about that now. I have a question, Martin. How does knowing and believing relate to the Self-Transformation Code?

Martin Altherr
Very much! Because actually what we do is we create a new reality by shifting the fate, right? 

I mean, shifting fate means your fate. You had in front of you, you believed, you're going down the road. We shift to a completely new one where you suddenly have the horizon, a completely new horizon that suddenly opens up and you have suddenly the experience of new horizons and you go that path. 

And that is how it is related to the Self-Transformation Code. Because that is not something that I have invented on my own with the believing and then going into the experience and by experiencing, having it easy to create, that is something which is already taught thousands of years ago and from generation to generation. 

You can even read it on the emerald plates. You can find it everywhere. That's the thing that I find so beautiful. 

And that was, by the way, something I was struggling with very much in the very beginning. I was not daring to get out with the Self-Transformation Code as I mean, I tell it, I got it and then I checked it with my mentor. 

My mentor checked it on me and I spread it to the world. That's the short story. But there was also a hesitation in it, my quality about myself. Because let me tell you something, I was using that example from $1,000 a month because one day in the past, through life circumstances, my mother and I had a Yogurt and an Apple a day. 

We were really, really poor people. We had so-called nothing. We had a big-hearted person who gave us a flat to live in and we almost had it for free. Of course, my mother went to clean here and there and to give some bucks as a contribution. 

But we had it actually almost for free. That was the gift we got. That was our trust in life, that we are always safe. 

And that was the experience we made by trusting in this and making the experience then that we are always safe. 

Even if we have almost nothing, we are safe. 

We had every time a bit to eat, we had the clothes on our bodies and I was able to go to school. So I had actually everything that was needed. 

And from there I built up my life and from there I came to certain circumstances. And of course, I had also in the beginning when I was there, then with the Self-Transformation Code in my hands, I was also hesitant.
"Am I good enough to bring that to the world?" I had also this thought conflict and this belief conflict that I might not be the one because I'm just born in a poor situation and just grew up there. 

"Why should it be me?" And to grow into this, to not only believe but understand that it's me who is meant because otherwise, I would not have gotten that gift of this Self-Transformation Code in my hands. 

To understand this and then suddenly standing in front of three- to five-hundred people. Me saying: "Look, that's the Self-Transformation Code and I shift your fate. The Self-Transformation Code is able to do that with you." 

I mean I'm just helping apply it. But the Self-Transformation Code is able to do that according to experience. I saw it with enough clients and so on.

From then on my power grew. And nowadays, of course, I see all these concepts, I made life experiences I never ever believed I ever would experience them. 

But I have them now. And by having them now as an experience, I know them and I know about me. And I know that we all are creators.  

I understood the idea of why I am born... I mean, there is a saying there are two meaningful moments in your life when you are born and when you understood why.

These are the most important two, right? And when I understood why I'm born, spreading this news of the Self-Transformation Code, something completely transformative happened again to me because I suddenly had this power, this self-esteem, this confidence to step out into the light and say listen, this is for everyone, for everyone out there in the world. 

Everybody can use it. Everybody can shift his fate in his own life and make this experience. 

But there is the experience to make. 
And of course, the start is always the belief. 
Like: "Okay, I heard now your story. I understood now what you told me. Yes, it sounds logical, so I believe that what you tell me is true."

From here on we work together on it. Then you make the experience. And after making the experience, you don't need to believe me any word. Because you know what you know and you know what happened and you know what shifted in your life and you know that it in fact shifts your fate.

Esteban Baez
I like that. It made me think of these words knowing is believing and believing is knowing. You're blowing my mind here with this because it's really so simple. And I think we make it more complicated than it is.

Martin Altherr
The universe is freaking simple. If it would not be freaking simple, it would not work. But because we cannot believe that things can be freaking simple, we make with our beliefs what we believe is true.

 A very complicated thing. And guess what? We experience a very complicated thing because that is what we experience.

Because life is nothing else than a mirror of who we are. Life is just mirroring what we believe, what we feel, what we think, and what we take action upon. 

That's it... as simple as that. 

Life is what we think, what we feel, what we believe, and what we take action upon. And our beliefs are feared or remotely controlled by our brainstem, which stores experiences and then plays them out in certain situations when the brainstem believes we are in danger. 

And that can be very simple. Like you suddenly earned $1,000. You normally have only $10 a day in your pocket there is something wrong and the brainstem starts to work against you. 

You're going to spend it somewhere and it's lost and it's gone. Or suddenly bills are coming up, you don't even know where they are coming from. 

Suddenly you have to pay tax from two years ago or something. Suddenly you lose all that money again because your system does not believe that you have the possibility to have an abundant life as everybody else out there. 

And that is where I say you have to crack your code, you have to untangle your life map, and then you are free to live in abundance and manifest your genius.

Esteban Baez
Wow, that's powerful. Martin listen, for those of you listening or watching our podcast here, please go back and visit the videos where we talk about the brain stem, where we talk about systemic entanglement because all of these things are connected and they're going to help you have your breakthroughs. 

And by having breakthroughs, eventually, that's going to lead to your transformation where you will become a completely new version of yourself.

 And another thing I want to say is that you're probably going to need a mentor.

Someone to guide you through this process. So I highly, highly encourage you to consider Martin and his work. 

Martin, before we close this episode, are there any final words you want to say to our viewers and our listeners?

Martin Altherr

It takes a lot of discipline, really to put your attention on one thing and to keep it there. That's the main reason why most people struggle with reality creation tools because they cannot keep their attention on one spot. 

So if you're absolutely new to this, then start very simple with an exercise like closing your eyes, sitting somewhere very comfortable where you're not distracted, and then just focus on one thing. 

It might be your favorite car you have or the car you're currently driving. Or it can be a nice painting you have hanging on your wall. And you just look with closed eyes at your inner canvas. You look at it and by having your focus on it, you just explore it and you feel what kind of emotion and response you have to it. 

And there you just play with it to keep just your awareness and your attention on this spot for let's say 1 minute. If you can 1 minute, then one and a half minutes, if you can one and a half, then two minutes, if you can two minutes, then three minutes, and so on until you really are able to do the same simple thing, having like ten minutes, 100% full attention on it. 

And if you're able to do this, then you can start to be aware about your awareness means being attentive to your attention. 

And that is very simple as well. 

If you are somewhere in the queue, for example, at the gas oil station, start to observe what you're thinking. For example 

"Oh, that's an interesting tool this guy is buying." 
Or "Oh, there are chips in the corner, maybe I could buy them tomorrow." 
Or "Oh look behind me, this lady smells very good." 
Or "Oh, look at that, that's a cool car standing out there at the gas."

All that you're thinking... become aware of what you think and then ask yourself is all that what you are thinking aligned with what you want to achieve? 

If not, start to drop those thoughts and start to think about the steps and the things that are aligned with what you want to achieve. 

These two things, if you really constantly and disciplined proceed, I promise you, you don't need me actually anymore. Except there are in the brainstem some codes hidden that are constantly holding you back from doing it right.

Esteban Baez
That's powerful, man. Martin, thank you so much for those great and wonderful words that you spoke today and the explanation of everything. Man, this is really amazing for all of us that are seeking to have a transformation. 

So again, thank you, guys, so much for watching. Please remember to subscribe and like if this episode was something that blessed you. And also remember to visit martinaltherr.com for more information. 

Again, thank you guys for watching and we'll catch you on the next episode.

Repeated belief shapts knowing;new experiences change life
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