Fate Shifter

The Power of Guidance - Seeking Help in Times of Change

August 31, 2023 Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr Season 1 Episode 16
The Power of Guidance - Seeking Help in Times of Change
Fate Shifter
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Fate Shifter
The Power of Guidance - Seeking Help in Times of Change
Aug 31, 2023 Season 1 Episode 16
Esteban Baez & Martin Altherr

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez welcomes Martin Altherr, a certified therapist, coach, and mentor. 

They dive into the topic of change and how it affects our lives. From losing a job to navigating the current global transformation, many people struggle with embracing change. 

The episode discusses the importance of letting go and flowing with the current, rather than holding onto the past. Martin shares a powerful technique for dealing with change - taking two steps back and observing oneself without judgment. 

With a spotlight on the concept of the self-transformation code, which can help individuals break free from imprinted survival patterns and make empowered choices, they open up a powerful world of change. 

The episode concludes by emphasizing the value of seeking help and guidance from mentors and experts on the path to personal transformation. 

Join Esteban and Martin as they unravel the secrets to embracing change and creating a life aligned with your desires on this captivating episode of Fate Shifter.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

On this episode of Fate Shifter, Esteban Baez welcomes Martin Altherr, a certified therapist, coach, and mentor. 

They dive into the topic of change and how it affects our lives. From losing a job to navigating the current global transformation, many people struggle with embracing change. 

The episode discusses the importance of letting go and flowing with the current, rather than holding onto the past. Martin shares a powerful technique for dealing with change - taking two steps back and observing oneself without judgment. 

With a spotlight on the concept of the self-transformation code, which can help individuals break free from imprinted survival patterns and make empowered choices, they open up a powerful world of change. 

The episode concludes by emphasizing the value of seeking help and guidance from mentors and experts on the path to personal transformation. 

Join Esteban and Martin as they unravel the secrets to embracing change and creating a life aligned with your desires on this captivating episode of Fate Shifter.

Thanks for listening! For more just visit: https://linktr.ee/MartinAltherr

Esteban Baez
As a marketing expert, I have had the privilege of working with some of the "giants" in the industry. Among them are Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, and many more. When I heard about Martin Altherr and the impact of his method, I was highly skeptical.

It took me almost a year before I decided to engage in a discovery call with Martin. I would never have believed what happened next if I had not experienced it myself. I was as wrong as one can be with my assumption about Martin Altherr. He exceeded his promises manifold. I booked 12 sessions and they had such an impact on my finances, my career, my marriage, and my entire life...

I only wanted one thing. I wanted you to know that it is possible to shift your fate.

Martin Altherr
Martin's life took a turn when his young son fell ill with a severe disease. The experience of waiting for answers in the hospital was nerve-wracking for Martin and his family.

This experience led him to start exploring the fields of coaching, psychology, and therapy, eventually leading him to develop the Self-Transformation code to help his clients experiencing shifts in their fate and overcome obstacles in a short period of time.

Martin's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and his dedication to improving th...

Esteban Baez
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Fate Shifter podcast. My name is Esteban Baez and together with Martin Altherr, today we are going to be discussing what is the worst thing you can do in times of change. 

Hey, Martin, how are you today?

Martin Altherr
Hey, Esteban. I'm pumped today. I don't know what happened, but I feel like I'm an energetic firework today. I'm really in a high power today. Thank you. How are you doing?

Esteban Baez
I'm doing fantastic, man. I am ready to dive into today's topic because it has to do with a very important part of life, which is change. As we all know, that is something that we're all going to experience in life and that also tends to be a topic that we have a hard time dealing with as human beings, especially when change is not going in our favor. 

Like if we lose our job or lose customers or lose a loved one. So what is the worst thing we can do in times of change?

Martin Altherr
I mean, when we are in change, we are of course, immediately out of our comfort zone, right? We are totally out of it. And suddenly everything seems so scary, so frightening, and makes us insecure, even maybe our self-esteem goes down. 

We are really afraid of that position and situation. And actually, here comes every time the picture of somebody who falls into the river and cannot swim. So he starts to do a lot of things and struggling and punching around, screaming and everything. 

And if you want to kind of save that person, you are in danger too when you swim towards that person, because this person will grab you and then you will drown together with that person if you don't take care. 

I know that because one day way back, I was doing the rescue swimmer license and we learned that we even had to hit somebody to lose his consciousness to save this person if it was urgent. 

And that is what actually happens when change happens in a person's life. Might it be that you lose your job? Might it be that you suddenly have less money? Might it be that you lose your partner? Might it be whatever... 

Actually, I would like also to say it in a positive way. Might it be that you suddenly have so much money that you don't know how to deal with? Might it be that you have suddenly so many women or men running after you and you don't know how to deal with it? It's also a change where you suddenly get into struggles in that moment when you come into an overwhelm.

Esteban Baez
Oh, wow, so dealing with either the abundance of life or the lack thereof. Right? So how do we deal and cope with this the most effective way so we don't get caught up in making things or the situation worse? How do we avoid that?

Martin Altherr
The easiest way and here is actually already the answer to the whole topic is to let go.
To let go in a situation where you are really struggling. 

And here comes another picture I have, especially nowadays, we have this situation, this global transformative situation, and many, many people are struggling exactly with this because that is such a huge change as a huge transformation. 

And this is something that really overwhelms them and they believe still, okay, when this is over, then we're going back to the old routine. And in 2020, they said, yeah, that's now. And in summer, when it's through, then we go back to the routine. 

Then it was 2021, summer, okay, when it goes back and it's over, then we go back to routine. We start to realize people have to create new opportunities. People have to come into a unique life situation to think about life in a different way. 

 I have a very, very good friend very close to me, and I see how he struggles a lot with this global change. He's living in another country other than Switzerland. He has not had the opportunity to come to Switzerland and to do business here because everything is more complicated. And his whole 20 years of efforts have started to melt down almost now to zero. 

So he's losing actually everything. And he still holds tight on what he has done in the last 20 years. And I tell him again and again, you have to let go. 

To give you a picture to understand it maybe even a bit better. What I mean with letting go, it's not just you have to let go and then everything is fine. No, I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about when you are in a river and you flow with the river and the flow is fast and you're afraid... what are you going to do, you check where you have maybe a branch where you can hold tight on just to not drown, right? 

And you hope when the river has no water anymore, then I'm going to stand up and I'm going to move forward. But it's a river, so that river will have water all the time and the flow will not stop. 

So the longer you hold, the less power you have. You will also get colder in the water, which means the power is going and going and going away. And with time for sure, you're going to drown. 

So what's going to happen if you let this branch go? You start to swim and float with the river, right? But now the next question is, how long can I swim? So when you turn on your back, you bow your back so you're actually floating without any effort. 

And you can just float because one thing the river every time promises to you is he will bring you to new shores. So when you flow now and when you are in, just let go of this branch and let yourself flow, not knowing what will come next, but let you flow and relax, it will bring you to a new shore where you can at least leave the river now. 

When you have left the river, then you can start to think, where am I now? What is this new situation and what can I do best with this new situation here where I am right now? And that is actually the recipe. The best recipe you should do when there is a change coming towards you, you let go. 

You should let the flow bring you to the new shore. Then you have to get out of the river and then look around you. What can you do now with the new situation? So that would be the best thing you could do.

Esteban Baez
So that's what you mean by letting go. It's kind of like going with the flow instead of resisting the situation. 

So you're basically just releasing and just kind of just going with the flow because that will take you to new shores. I really like that because many times we resist the change. Instead of trying to go with the flow and trying to observe and see, okay, what's the next opportunity that might show up?

 If I just go with this flow, if I just go with this change, that's powerful, Martin. 

So I have another question. How can the self-transformation code help us deal with this situation that constantly shows up because maybe it's not changing or maybe it's wanting change? 

Let's say that you want something to change, but it never does. It could be finances, it could be relationships, it could be anything. So we spoke about dealing with change, but how do we create change?

Martin Altherr
That's a very good question, especially how can the self-transformation code help you here. And how can the self-transformation code help you to achieve what you want to achieve? 

You actually said something very interesting. You said, how is that exactly if I want change? 

But here's the point. I often have clients coming to me saying I want the change. But then when we just move with our thoughts toward the change, suddenly they start to hold the branches because they are afraid of the new part. 

They are afraid of the new world they would like to explore, but they are afraid of it, so they don't want to get there. And why is that so? Because they are actually imprinted that this is the way you survive. 

And this imprint happens in your brainstem. So that is something you have observed between zero and seven or maybe eight years old from the environment that raised you. And you have this clear idea that's the way to survive. 

And just imagine leaving a logical imprinted way to survive. That's actually from a life and survival perspective insane. On the other hand, to look at the place to stay at the place where you're going to die is the same insane to stay there. 

But in the moment when you want the change, you see that this place is not feeding you or not giving you what you want, but you are the same time, the same afraid to go to the new place because you have no clue what's going to happen there. 

That's frightening. So you don't know anymore where You are going to survive. Now you have to make a decision and that's not going to happen because the brainstem, as we know, shoots the hormone cocktail to the frontal cortex. 

The frontal cortex is our brain's part that is for envisioning, making resolutions, making decisions, and having visions of where you want to go. And that is then set off. The brainstem just runs the routine on how he learned to survive. 

That's the reason why you don't let go. And there is the self-transformation code, so powerful because we access with the self-transformation code exactly this challenge which the brainstem is actually constantly running as a program. 

And we add here information and we transform this pattern, this paradigm, which is manifested in the brainstem into an open choice, into a free choice. And with this new free choice, of course, you still feel like it's an unknown area you're going to touch, but it's not anymore that frightening and the brainstem is not shooting in because now he lets you the freedom of choice. 

Now you can let go and you can still be a bit frightened from the new, but you are also excited for the new. 

And then you move to the new shores, as we were talking already before with that picture with the river. And then you start to create the new place, the new life, where you suddenly find enough fire, enough food, enough whatever you want to have then.

Esteban Baez
That's powerful. So basically we have to learn to go into the brainstem. That's something, and I think we've spoken about this in the past. In order to get access to the brainstem, it's best to do that with a coach or a therapist who knows how to take you there. Correct.

Martin Altherr
That's the only way. Because that's like if you would like to pull yourself out of a swamp, I mean, if you're in and you pull on your hair, you can pull as much as you want, nothing is happening because you don't have the arm outside of the swamp. 

You're in the swamp, right? 
So you need somebody to help you to get out of the swamp. And here's the same situation when it comes to the brain stem. That is the situation where you need somebody from the outside who knows exactly how to deal with it. 

And you said the best way is to learn about the brain stem. No, the best way is to go to somebody who knows everything about the brainstem and gives you the tools and gives you exercises and gives you all that you need, which is the self-transformation code to transform it, and it's done for you. 

So you don't need years of learning, years of expertise, years of getting in-depth knowledge about what helps you to transform. You go to somebody who just knows it, who has created a method that works, has proven over 20 years with thousands of people that it works, and then you have it done for you. 

Because I think in life, many people often believe they need all to do on their own. I have to heal on my own, I have to do this on my own, I have to do a business on my own, I have to do everything on my own, I don't take help from anybody. 

These are those people who take the longest time on their path, those who are clever, they got to ask the one who has done the path already and ask: "How do I do that?" 

Either that person says, you do it like this, like this, or like this, and then you follow that routine, or that person says, this has to be changed. I help you to change it. And then you have it changed, and then you move forward. 

And that is what you should do. You should get help from somebody who knows exactly what to do.

Esteban Baez
So there you have it, everyone...
You heard it directly from a certified therapist, and certified coach. Martin is all of them. He's a coach, a therapist, and a mentor. 

So listen to what he's saying. He's talking from experience. He's not just saying this just because he thinks this is his opinion. 

Martin, thank you for sharing that directly with the audience because I think a lot of us are stuck in that belief that I have to do everything myself. 

Like... I can heal myself, I can be my own therapist, I could be my own coach, I can be my own mentor. And I think that is really a big error in our thinking and in our beliefs.

Martin Altherr
Why do all the management levels who are from a higher rank level have a coach or a mentor? 

Why do really successful people on this planet have multiple mentors? 

I mean, myself, I have multiple mentors. I have about ten at hand right now. Over the last 20 years, I was working with a minimum of 30 to 40 mentors and was getting their knowledge, their information, everything, to move on, to move forward, and to build up what I have built up now in all these years. Right?

Esteban Baez
Yeah... That's awesome, man... 

Martin, here's the final question. What would you say to someone right now struggling with change in a closing statement? 

If there's one thing they can get out of today's message, what is the most important part that you would say to them when dealing with change or with creating change?

Martin Altherr
ake a perspective of observing. This means, that as long you are in the struggle, as long you put yourself with your mind into the challenge, so long you're struggling and fighting and running around and you have no clear thoughts. 

So the best thing you could do right now, actually you can just think like you stand up, and while standing, you say, okay, I let myself, my body, plus all the struggles this body experiences there, and I take a step backward and you do it physically. 

You take a step backward and you look at yourself and you look at your life and you look at how you interact with life and you just observe it from a point of no judgment. That is important. You should do that from a point of no judgment. 

You just look at yourself and you observe how you deal with things, how you do it, and already that will show you so many ways you are doing actually in a way you never would do. If you would observe yourself. 

And by observing yourself, you start to see them. And by seeing them and admitting that it's the truth, then you're already able to change at least this. And then from there, you can take the next steps. 

When it is a bigger step to do then get help. Find somebody who mentors you and coaches you or gives you healing, when healing is needed, and then you move on. 

So that is actually the best thing you could do right now, right at that moment when you say, come on, I'm such in a struggle, what shall I do? 

Stand up, let yourself there, take one or two steps backward, and observe yourself interacting with your reality and start to see what you're doing without any judgment, just seeing it, admitting to it that you are doing it. 

And then you have the possibility to make your own decision in the first steps. If you're unsure what you should do, then get help. If you're sure that's the right step, that's the best next step, do it. 

If you did the next step and it worked... Perfect! 
If you did the next step, it didn't work, get help. That's the way I do it. 

When I see something, I'm 100% sure that I saw the solution, I take the decision, and I go for it. 
If I realize, oops, it's not working. I go to a mentor and say: "Hey, listen, I did it that way. That's the best way I could do it. Didn't work, how can I do it?" 

And I get the tool, I get the solution, and I can move forward very fast in the blink of an eye, actually. 

And here it is also the thing with the self-transformation code, and that is why it's called self-transformation code. With time when you have gotten the treat of the self-transformation code, then with time, you know how to apply the self-transformation code to yourself in many situations of your life. 

Only in very difficult states which are very new and you have no clue about... 
there, you might then need again help. 

But the rest you can in fact then already solve by yourself. And that's why it's called self-transformation code.

Esteban Baez
Excellent, Martin. Thank you so much, man. This is very powerful because this is definitely going to help me when dealing with change. 

I love that technique of taking two steps back and then observing myself without judgment. That is awesome. I'm going to definitely do that. 

So those of you who are watching, thank you so much for watching or listening to this podcast. If you enjoyed today's message, please remember to visit martinaltherr.com. 

Also remember to like, share, and subscribe if you've enjoyed today's podcast. So thank you again for listening and watching and we'll catch you on the next episode.

Change can bring fear, insecurity, and danger
Let go, go with the flow, adapt
The Self-Transformation Code helps you overcome fear
Get help from someon who knows how to help
Creating change through observing and self-reflection
An excellent advice on dealing with change