Bible Basics

Unveiling the Old Testament's Structure: A Journey through Law, History, Poetry and Prophecy

Jacqueline Williams Adewole Season 1 Episode 5

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Imagine walking through an ancient library filled with scrolls that reveal the mysteries of the Old Testament. Ready to embark on this captivating journey with me? Together, we'll explore the four sections of the Old Testament – Law, History, Poetry, and Prophecy – unlocking the significance of each section and deepening our understanding of the Bible's structure.

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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.

Jacqui Adewole:

Have you ever wondered how the Old Testament is structured, how it's organized? Stay tuned for this episode of the Bible Basics Podcast, where we'll figure that out by taking a walk through a library of the Old Testament that shows these books of God's Word, from the Law section to History, Poetry and Prophets. We'll guide you through the organization of the Old Testament and reveal the significance of each section. So welcome everyone. I'm your host, Jacqui Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast, where weekly, we break down the basics of the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks. Here we are standing in a grand library surrounded by ancient murals, statues and shelves filled with scrolls. Each section of the library represents the four sections of the Old Testament Law, History, Poetry and Prophecy. Each scroll covers one of the 39 books of the Old Testament. We'll begin our tour at the Law section where we see a shelf adorned with five beautifully crafted scrolls. Notice the plaque also calls this section the Pentateuch, which is Greek for five scrolls. In the Jewish tradition, it's called the Torah. As you reach out, you can feel the texture of the parchment and see the intricate calligraphy of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These scrolls hold the accounts of creation, the fall of man, God revealing himself and the stories of Israel being chosen, redeemed and prepared to enter the Promised Land. Next, let's move over to the room that has a vividly painted mural across the back wall. The mural depicts the history of the nation of Israel that is contained in twelve scrolls. As we walk along the mural, we can touch the textured brushstrokes that bring to life the chronicles of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and others. These are stories of their triumphs and struggles from the possession of the Promised Land, a transition period in which judges ruled over the nation, the centralized monarchy and the division of Israel into northern and southern kingdoms. These twelve books also address the destruction and captivity of both kingdoms and concludes with Israel's return to their homeland, Jerusalem. Just around the corner, and through those beautifully stained glass double doors, is a serene garden. This is the third section, containing five scrolls of poetry and wisdom. The air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers. Here we can listen to the poetic hymns and prayers of the Psalms, the exploration of human suffering found in Job, the wise sayings of Proverbs, the profound reflections of Ecclesiastes and the passionate love song of Song of Solomon, also titled Song of Songs. These books focus on wisdom, worship, life, faith, relationships and, most importantly, the nature of God. Take a moment to absorb the spiritual truths contained within these scrolls.

Jacqui Adewole:

Now the final section of this library is the vast hall where statues of prophets come to life. As we walk among them, you can feel the weight of their messages. In this, the prophecy section, reach out and touch the stone sculptures that hold the five scrolls of the Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. Hear these prophetic voices echoing through the chamber, announcing God's Word, which included calling for repentance, restoration and hope. They also spoke of a new covenant and a new king on the throne, the coming Messiah. And just when we thought we'd seen the entire library, we noticed twelve towering pillars. Each of these represent one of the twelve Minor Prophets, whose books were just as significant, though shorter in length, than the major prophets. The key messages in the minor prophets revolved around God's judgment, calls for repentance and promises of restoration and hope. The need for spiritual renewal was another theme of the Minor Prophets. Wow, that was a lot.

Jacqui Adewole:

I feel like I need to go back again and again to read and study at my own pace the five books of law, the twelve books of history, five books of poetry and wisdom, and conclude with five major prophets and twelve minor prophets. Side note: One of my Bible teachers used to drill us on the number of books in each section of the Bible. For the Old Testament the five books of law, twelve books of history, five books of poetry, five books by the Major Prophets and twelve Minor Prophets. So at random times during class he'd start drumming on a desk and recite, recite with me five, twelve, five, five, twelve, five, twelve, five, five, twelve. Over and over again. He would drill that until we would wake up at night saying five, twelve, five, five, twelve. So that's the reason I will never forget that there are five books of law, twelve books of history, five books of poetry, five books by the Major Prophets and twelve Minor Prophets - five, twelve, five, five, twelve. I threw that in for free, but I promise you, if you do that you'll never forget how the Old Testament is structured.

Jacqui Adewole:

Understanding how the Old Testament is organized will help all of us better understand the story of the Bible itself, as well as how to navigate around the pages of this miraculous book. If you want to go deeper into navigation, i encourage you to check out the Bible Basics episode on that topic. I'll put the link in the show notes As we conclude this episode. I hope this walk through the library of the Old Testament helped you understand how the Old Testament is organized and the significance of each of its sections. I encourage you to continue exploring the Old Testament on your own. Dive into the fascinating stories of law, history, poetry, and wisdom and prophecies contained within its pages. By doing so, you'll gain a deeper understanding of God's unfolding plan and his interaction with humanity. Remember, the journey of understanding the Bible is a lifelong adventure and we are here at Bible Basics to guide you every step of the way. Thank you for listening. If this has been beneficial to you, please subscribe or follow and tell someone else about the Bible Basics Podcast, and we'll talk again soon.