Bible Basics

Obedience, Sin, and God's Sovereignty in I Samuel

Jacqueline Williams Adewole Season 3 Episode 2

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How did a shepherd boy rise to become one of Israel's greatest kings? Join us on the Bible Basics Podcast as we unlock the transformative narrative of 1 Samuel. Discover the rich tapestry of Israel's journey from a scattered group of tribes to a powerful unified monarchy. We dig into the lives of key figures such as Samuel, the last judge and prophet, whose anointing of Israel's first king sets the stage for monumental change; Saul, whose tragic disobedience marks his downfall; and David, the humble shepherd destined for greatness. You'll also hear about pivotal characters like the faithful Hannah, the aged priest Eli, and the loyal Jonathan.

This episode offers profound insights into themes of obedience, the ramifications of sin, and divine sovereignty, all while tying these lessons to the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. Reflect on how these ancient stories still resonate today, providing valuable lessons for modern spiritual journeys. Whether you're new to the Old Testament or a seasoned reader, our discussion aims to deepen your understanding and connect the past to the present. Tune in to uncover how the lessons from 1 Samuel can inspire and guide your faith today. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to continuing our exploration of the Old Testament together.


-      Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, 1 -2 Samuel, Herbert, Wolf  

-      Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Samuel , J. D. Greear and Heath A. Thomas

-      How to Read the Bible Book by Book, Fee, Gordon D.

-      The MacArthur Study Bible, MacArthur, John, Jr

-      The Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers


Related episodes:

Joshua, Judges  and Ruth: Faith, Obedience and Divine Promises

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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.


Greetings listeners. Welcome back to our journey through the Old Testament historical narratives. Today we're diving into the book of 1 Samuel. Today we're diving into the book of 1 Samuel. Imagine a nation on the verge of big change, moving from chaos toward hope. That's Israel in 1 Samuel. It's a book packed with action, leadership, struggles, battles and moments of divine intervention. Whether you're just starting your Bible journey or looking to deepen your understanding, 1 Samuel has some powerful lessons we can all connect with today. Well, welcome everyone.


I'm your host, J Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast. And this is the Bible Basics Podcast where, weekly, we break down the basics of the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks. In this episode we'll explore 1 Samuel, originally part of a larger book called Samuel in Hebrew manuscripts, later split into two by the Greek translation, called the Septuagint. This book is essential for understanding how Israel transformed from a group of tribes to a unified kingdom. We'll break down the backgrounds and main characters, dive into key themes like obedience and sin, and we'll also see how 1 Samuel points us toward Jesus. Now we'll start with some background. 1 Samuel begins with Samuel's birth and follows Israel's shift from judges to kings. Samuel, the last judge, anoints Saul as the first king, but Saul's disobedience cost him his crown and we'll see the rise of David, a young shepherd destined to be king. The book ends with Saul's tragic downfall in battle, with Saul's tragic downfall in battle. The book of 1 Samuel is built around three key men, the three men I just mentioned Samuel, saul and David.


Samuel 1 Samuel begins with the birth of Samuel, a prophet, priest and the last judge who anoints Saul as Israel's first king. He was instrumental in Israel's transition to a monarchy. Then there was Saul. He was Israel's first king, chosen by God but eventually rejected due to his disobedience. And then there was David, to his disobedience. And then there was David, who was anointed as Saul's successor. He rose from shepherd to prominence. The book ends with Saul's tragic death paving the way for David's kingship. Other important characters include Hannah, who was Samuel's faithful mother. There was Eli, the priest who raised and mentored Samuel, and Jonathan, saul's son and David's loyal friend.


Now for some historical context. The events of 1 Samuel span about 94 years from Samuel's birth to Saul's death, around 1105 to 1011 BC. During this time, the Philistines oppressed Israel, but the hilly terrain kept Israel from being completely conquered kept Israel from being completely conquered. Spiritually, israel was in a rough place. The priesthood was corrupt, judges were dishonest, idol worship was widespread and the Ark of the Covenant wasn't where it belonged. But with Samuel and David, we see a return to godliness. Key locations in this book include Shiloh, that was the residence of Eli, and the tabernacle where Samuel grew up, this, Gibeah, that was Saul's capital when he was king, and Bethlehem, which is David's birthplace.


Now here are three key themes and lessons out of the book of 1 Samuel. First is obedience to God. Second, the power of sin. And third, god's sovereignty.


Obedience to God Saul's failure to obey God's commands is a key theme. God's commands is a key theme. Saul's downfall shows that a partial or selective obedience to God leads to failure. True obedience requires wholehearted commitment to God's commands. The second theme is the power of sin. Sin has consequences, whether it's Eli's corrupt sons or Saul's disobedience, their actions impact not just themselves but the whole nation. The sin of Eli's sons, who were corrupt priests and we see this in 1 Samuel 2, not only led to their downfall. , but also contributed to the spiritual decline of the nation. This illustrates how personal sins can negatively impact those around us. Saul's disobedience to God, such as in 1 Samuel 15, when he failed to fully obey God's command to destroy the Amalekites this disobedience led to his rejection as king. This teaches that even seemingly small acts of disobedience can have long-lasting and severe effects on our lives. And the third theme and lesson is divine sovereignty. God's hand is evident throughout 1 Samuel. Despite human failures like Saul's and Eli's, god's purposes for Israel and the future coming of the Messiah were never thwarted. This demonstrates that God's sovereignty is not hindered by human shortcomings.


In God's choice of David, a simple shepherd, to be king, shows his ability to raise unlikely people to accomplish his purposes. This highlights God's authority in directing history and his power to work through anyone, regardless of status. Now, how does 1 Samuel point to Jesus? Well, there's Samuel as a Christ-like figure. Hmm, Samuel was a prophet, judge and priest roles that foreshadow Jesus, who fulfills them perfectly.


Let's look at Saul compared to Jesus. Saul's failures as a king highlights the need for a perfect king, a role which is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. And then there's David as a type of Christ, a role which is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. And then there's David as a type of Christ. David, born in Bethlehem and anointed by God, reflects Jesus, who would come from David's line to establish an eternal kingdom. The New Testament specifically calls Christ the quote seed of David, according to the flesh, and we find that in Romans 1:3, and quote the root and the offspring of David, unquote, that's in Revelation 22:16.


So, in conclusion, 1 Samuel shows us Israel's transformation from judges to monarchy and highlights key lessons about the importance of obedience and the destructive power of sin and God's control over history. Even more, it points to the coming of Jesus, the ultimate king. As you reflect on the book of 1 Samuel in today's episode, think about how these lessons might apply to your own life. Thanks for tuning in. I can't wait to continue our journey through the Old Testament together. Until next time, keep reading, keep seeking, keep learning and keep growing in your faith. Thank you so much for listening. So that we can spread God's Word further, please share, like, follow and subscribe.