Bible Basics

Living by the Book Pt 1: Why Personal Bible Study Matters

Jacqueline Williams Adewole Season 2 Episode 26

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What if your personal Bible study could transform every aspect of your life? Join us, as we launch into an enlightening journey through the Living by the Book Bible Study Method, inspired by Dr. Howard Hendricks' transformative work. In this first episode of a captivating four-part series, we uncover the profound significance of personal Bible study, exploring five compelling reasons to engage in it. From renewing our minds and fostering spiritual growth to gaining discernment and understanding salvation, we delve into how regular Bible study can deepen our relationship with God. With key scriptures like Romans 12:2 and Hebrews 4:12 as our guides, this episode promises to equip you with the information needed understand the value of a fulfilling and impactful personal Bible study experience.

Making decisions based on God's truth and guidance is crucial for developing discernment and wisdom, especially in today's world. This episode highlights how personal Bible study can help us face life's challenges with spiritual maturity and transformed minds. We also share practical techniques to enrich your study sessions, making them more meaningful. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned believer, this series is designed to enrich your spiritual journey. Don't forget to share this episode with others who might benefit, and for our YouTube listeners, remember to like, subscribe, and leave your comments. Blessings of God's grace and peace to everyone.

Living by the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible, Howard G. Hendricks
(Note: As of this date, the Kindle version is only $1.99)

Past Episode: Brother Terence Brown: Bible Study Tips and Strategies

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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.


Greetings listeners. Today marks the beginning of an exciting new four-part series on the " Living by the Book Bible Study Method inspired by Dr Howard Hendricks' transformative book by that same name. For those of you who tuned into our previous episode, you'll remember Brother Terrence Brown's inspiring interview where he recommended this very approach. Now you might be saying I listen to sermons and participate in Bible study classes regularly. Why do I need to learn how to do Bible study? Well, stay tuned for part one of this series where we'll respond to that question. Whether you're a lifelong Christian or new to the faith, this series is for you. Well, welcome everyone. I'm your host, Jacqui Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast where, weekly, we break down the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks. Sermons and Bible classes are essential to our growth, but we're living in a time when we can explore the depths and riches of the Bible on our own, without waiting for someone else to feed us. We can fish for ourselves, and there are many benefits to doing just that, to studying on our own. Here are my top five. Number five study the Bible to renew our minds and be transformed. Romans 12: 2 urges us do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Regular Bible study renews our minds. Regular Bible study renews our minds, aligning our thoughts with God's truths leading to transformation in our attitudes and behaviors. The more we soak in Scripture, the more we'll be transformed. Number four study the Bible for spiritual growth and maturity. Studying the Bible on our own is like planting seeds in our spiritual garden. Each time we read, reflect, study and meditate on Scripture, we're nourishing our faith, allowing it to grow and flourish. Hebrews 5:14 says but solid food is for the mature who, by constant use, have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Likewise, P peter in 1 Peter 2:2 uses an analogy of milk to describe how the Bible will nourish us and grow us. As believers, Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. We should long for that sustenance so we can grow spiritually. Number three study the Bible to gain discernment. In a world filled with conflicting messages and values, discernment is critical. We need to be able to determine what is right and what is wrong in any situation. Hebrews 4:12 states For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Studying the Bible equips us to distinguish between truth and falsehood, guiding our decisions and actions. Number two study the Bible to understand salvation. The Bible is our primary source for understanding God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. John 3:16 in the New King James Version tells us For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. By studying scripture, we grasp the depth of God's love and the sacrifice of Jesus, which strengthens our faith and assurance of salvation. Of salvation and the number one reason why we should be studying the Bible. Study the Bible to know God. Think about any meaningful relationship in your life. It requires time, effort and communication. Our relationship with God is no different. When we study the Bible on our own, we're essentially having a one-on-one conversation with God. It's our opportunity to hear his voice directly, without any go-betweens. Jeremiah 29: 13 promises you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Isn't that incredible? God himself promises to reveal his presence to us when we earnestly seek him. This personal study becomes an intimate journey where God's words can directly influence our hearts and minds. Well, now that you heard my top five reasons for studying the Bible, let me share this one last verse with you, C olossians 3.16 3:16 Here Paul prays let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. This verse encourages us to let Christ's teachings live in our hearts and minds so richly that they flow from us to build up others in beautiful ways. This is what happens when we read and study the Bible for ourselves. But you also might be thinking I'm just a beginner. I don't have any real experience studying the Bible. But that's okay. We just need to work at it gradually and then you'll understand and retain more. Now are you excited and ready to jump into Bible study for yourself? I know I sure am.


Join us for the next three episodes where we'll delve into the living by the book Bible study method. This method breaks down Bible study into three simple, actionable steps Observation. Step two, interpretation, and step three, application. We'll explore that first step observation in the next episode. So you see, studying the Bible on our own will strengthen and enhance our relationship with God. We'll better understand our salvation and be able to share it with others.


Our decision-making won't be based on fear or societal pressures, but on His truth and guidance. It also helps us develop discernment and wisdom. We can face life's challenges with spiritual maturity and transformed minds Together. Let's go deeper into this technique that will transform our personal Bible study experience. If you found this episode helpful, informative or inspirational in any way, would you please share with someone you know who needs to hear it? You can do that by sharing the podcast website, bible-basics. org, or you can click on the share button right where you're listening now. For those of you listening on YouTube, go ahead and like, subscribe and leave us a comment. In closing, may the grace and peace of God be with you now and always.