Bible Basics

Living by the Book Pt 4: Applying Romans 12:1-2 for Life Transformation

Jacqueline Williams Adewole Season 2 Episode 32

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Ever wondered how you can transform your Bible study from mere reading to a life-changing experience? Join us on the Bible Basics Podcast as we wrap up our insightful series on the inductive Bible study method. In this episode, "Living by the Book," we focus on the crucial application stage, drawing from Dr. Hendricks' wisdom and the powerful teachings of Romans 12:1-2. We promise you'll gain actionable steps to identify timeless biblical principles, personalize them, and seamlessly integrate them into your everyday life. This isn't just about knowing Scripture; it's about living it.

Move beyond just understanding God's Word to genuinely aligning your life with it inn this episode. We emphasize the transformative power of applying Scripture and ensure that your study leads to real, observable changes in how you live. Keep engaging with God's Word through continual observation, interpretation and application, and witness your life aligning more closely with Christ. Don't forget to share this journey with others—like, subscribe, and comment on our YouTube channel. Embrace the transformative blessing of God's grace and peace as you commit to living by His Word.



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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.


Greetings listeners. I want to start by thanking each of you for tuning in from all corners of the globe. Whether this is your first time joining us or you've been with us from the beginning, your presence is truly appreciated. Today we're wrapping up our enlightening series on the living by the book approach to Bible study. This is an inductive approach to studying any text in the Bible that includes three parts observation, interpretation and application. This episode is all about application, the crucial step where we take what we've learned from God's Word and make it a transformative part of our daily lives. We've already explored the first two steps observation, which is what do you see? And interpretation what does it mean? If you've missed those episodes, I highly recommend checking them out by clicking the links in the show notes. Now we're going to bring everything together and discover how to apply these insights in a way that genuinely transforms us. Let's dive in. Well, welcome everyone.


I'm your host, Jacqui Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast, where, weekly, we break down the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks. Before we start application, let me share an illustration that might hit home. Imagine someone who loves cooking, like me. They spend hours reading cookbooks, watching cooking shows, following amazing chefs on social media and even attending culinary classes. Their kitchen is stocked with the best ingredients and tools, but despite all this preparation, they never actually cook a meal. They know all the recipes and techniques, but they never put them into practice, so they never experienced the joy of tasting and sharing their creations.


The same can be said for Bible study. We might read the Bible, attend Bible study classes and absorb a lot of knowledge about the scriptures, but the real question is are we doing anything with that knowledge? Are we allowing it to transform our lives? Understanding the Bible is just the beginning. Experiencing true transformation comes from applying what we've learned. Dr Hendricks, the author of the Living by the Book, likes to say that quote the ultimate goal of Bible study is not to do something to the Bible, but to allow the Bible to do something to you. Unquote. Well, this is the heart of Romans 12: 1- 2, and our focus for today's episode. Let's discover how to move from knowledge to life-changing action. In the chapter on how to do application, Dr Hendricks includes many questions, actions and considerations for us to incorporate during this last step of Bible study. I'll just be covering the three overarching actions. They are first identifying the timeless principle from the passage. Timeless principle from the passage. Second, personalize the principles, which means reflect on how they apply to your own life or the life of others and, lastly, create practical steps to implement the principles.


Let's start by reading Romans 12: 1-2 together in the NIV. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will. And let's read it in New King James Version as well. That's the version a lot of people are familiar with. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


On interpretation, or what does the scripture passage mean? We concluded that Romans 12, 1 and 2 means that, in light of God's incredible mercy shown through Jesus, Christians are called to a life of total commitment to God. This involves a radical transformation of our mind and behavior. This transformation enables us to discern and fulfill God's perfect will in our daily lives. Now, with that passage and its meaning in mind, the first action in application is pulling out the timeless principles. This means asking what does this passage say that resonates with the overarching teachings of Scripture and addresses our contemporary needs, interests and problems. From there, Dr Hendricks encourages us to personalize the application of Scripture by asking what does this mean for me and others? This involves examining our lives in light of the passage, and the all-important final action is to identify specific actions to take, attitudes to change or sins to confess. The goal is to see tangible transformation in our behavior and character. Application should be done with reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength to live out the biblical truths.


With this process in mind, I went to Romans 12:1- 2, and identified four principles, along with personalization and practical steps to implement each of these four principles that there's only one interpretation, but many applications Yours. The principles you identify may be different from mine, so the first one I identified is wholehearted dedication to God. This principle underscores the importance of dedicating every aspect of our lives to God's service. To personalize this, we might reflect on how we can dedicate our daily actions, decisions and habits to God. This involves offering not just your possessions time and energy but also your body, mind. Just your possessions, time and energy, but also your body, mind and attitudes. In terms of practical steps, try this. Start your day with a prayer of dedication. Say Lord, I offer myself to you today. Use me for your purposes. Or you can set specific goals for how you can serve God through your actions, whether at work, home, church or in your community. For example, if you notice a colleague at work struggling, offering your body as a living sacrifice might mean taking time to listen and help them. Even if it's inconvenient, it's a way of showing God's love through your actions.


So the next principle I identified is resist conformity to worldly standards. This principle speaks to the pressure we face daily to conform to societal norms that may conflict with our Christian values, whether it's materialism, unethical practices or compromising our beliefs. This principle urges us to stand firm in our faith. To personalize this, consider areas in your life where you might be conforming to the world's standards rather than God's. Are there habits, relationships or pursuits that lead you away from your faith? Identify these areas and think about how you can align them with Christian values. In terms of practical steps, put this principle into action by identifying one worldly influence in your life. Maybe it's a TV show, a social media habit or a negative relationship. Take steps to reduce its input. Replace it with something that nurtures your faith, like listening to Christian music, reading faith-based books or joining a Bible study. Here's an example of this principle in practice. For instance, if you're invited to an event for a friend or family member that conflicts with your values, nonconformity might mean politely and respectfully declining.


My third principle is to pursue continuous transformation. My third principle is to pursue continuous transformation. This principle highlights the need for ongoing personal and spiritual growth. A way to personalize this principle would be to consider practical ways to renew your mind daily. Reflect on the influences you allow into your mind and how you can cultivate a mindset focused on God's truth. Here are suggestions for practical action steps. Set aside 15 minutes each morning to read the Bible and meditate on a verse. Write it down and carry it with you throughout the day. Also, choose one new spiritual discipline to practice regularly, such as journaling, fasting or meditating on God's Word. Starting a gratitude journal where you note down things you're thankful for each day can help focus your mind on God's goodness and renew your perspective.


The last principle we'll look at out of Romans 12: 1-2 is to seek and discern God's will. This principle encourages us to actively seek God's guidance in our lives, making decisions that reflect His perfect plan for us. It speaks to the need for discernment and wisdom in navigating life's complexities. To personalize this principle, reflect on the decisions and choices you face daily. Are you seeking God's guidance in these areas? In terms of practical steps, when faced with a decision, pause to pray and ask for God's guidance. Make it a habit to consult the Bible and seek advice from trusted Christian friends or mentors advice from trusted Christian friends or mentors. Keep a journal of your prayers and how you sense God leading you so you can look back and see his faithfulness. For example, if you're faced with a major life decision like a job change or a move, seeking God's will could involve spending extra time in prayer, fasting and discussing the decision with trusted spiritual advisors. This helps to ensure your choices align with God's perfect plan for your life.


By committing to principles from Romans 12:1- 2, we will have a clear path for transforming our faith into action. It's about more than just understanding. It's about living out these truths in our everyday lives. When we seek to truly apply God's word, we open ourselves up to his transformative power. Now let's take a moment to reflect on the journey we've been through in this series. For our scripture passage, romans 12: 1- 2, we did observation, where we asked what do I see? And interpretation, where we ask and answer what does it mean? And now application, or what are practical steps to put this into action? Remember, applying God's Word is an ongoing process and it's okay to take one step at a time. Going process and it's okay to take one step at a time.


With this in mind, let's move into a time of prayer to help us commit to these principles in our daily lives. The Bible is God's instruction manual for life and living. It's real, true and effective and we need God's power and his help to apply its principles. So let's ask God to help us. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your word and the principles you've given us from Romans 12: 1-2. Help us to have wholehearted dedication to you, to resist conforming to this world, to pursue continuous transformation and to seek and discern your will in all we do. Guide us in making practical changes that honor you. In Jesus' name. We pray Amen, listeners.


That brings us to the end of our series on the Living by the Book approach to Bible study. I hope you found it insightful and empowering. Remember the goal of studying the Bible is to transform our lives to reflect Christ more each day. The application step is about moving from knowledge to action, ensuring that Bible study leads to a life that reflects the teachings of Scripture. So keep observing, interpreting and applying God's Word. If you found this episode helpful, informative or inspirational in any way, would you please share with someone you know who needs to hear it? You can do that by sharing the podcast website bible-basicsorg, or you can click on the share button right where you're listening. Now, for those of you listening on YouTube, go ahead and like, subscribe and leave us a comment. In closing, may the grace and peace of God be with you now and always.