Low Code/High Impact
In today’s fast-paced business world, companies are under constant pressure to innovate and stay ahead of their competition. That’s where low-code platforms come in. By enabling users to build custom apps without coding, these platforms are revolutionizing the way businesses operate.
Join us on Low Code/High Impact, a podcast hosted by Caspio, as we explore real-life examples of how organizations are using low code to build powerful apps enabling them to move faster, reduce costs, and create new revenue streams.
Low Code/High Impact
Scaling Scholarship Management Solutions With Low Code
In this episode of "Low Code/High Impact," join us as we sit down with Phumelele Tshabalala, Digital Marketing Manager at CareerWise, a South African company that offers bursary and scholarship services. We'll delve into how CareerWise has utilized Caspio over the past three years to digitize and scale their scholar management operations.
Discover the benefits of Caspio’s low-code platform, which led Phumelele to choose it for its security features, reputation and cost-effectiveness. We'll explore the three Caspio apps developed by CareerWise: an applicant tracking software for recruiting scholarship students, a comprehensive management portal and a higher education CRM software for managing student interactions and results. We’ll also discuss how these apps, which serve over 200,000 active students, supported remote operations during COVID-19 and CareerWise's plans to scale these solutions as SaaS offerings to other companies in the industry.
Watch on YouTube: https://casp.io/3V7D43B