The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#3 How to Choose the Right Country For You (7 Things to Think About)

May 09, 2023 Richelle - your Move Abroad Coach Episode 3

The world is your oyster... but the options are overwhelming!

How do you choose the right country to move to?
How do you figure out WHERE you even can move?!

In this episode, I'm going to break down the 7 things you need to look for when choosing a country to move to so you can choose the right starting country for your adventure!

We're also going to check in with what really matters most to us and do a little future self visualization to see what we really envision when it comes to our life abroad. 

Resources Mentioned:
--> Hop on the waitlist for the Move Abroad Escape Plan Bootcamp
--> Grab the Move Abroad Budget Calculator
---> Express VPN: My favorite VPN!

--> Join the Move Abroad Crash Course Here