The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#24 The Comfort Zone is Where Dreams Go to Die: How to Push Yourself Outside of What’s Comfortable

October 03, 2023 Episode 24

Humans aren’t wired to be happy, we are wired to be comfortable. Read that again, friends. On episode 24 of the Move Abroad Coach Podcast, I am talking all about the comfort zone and what is actually holding you back from making that next big move in your life vs. what you think is holding you back. I know this sounds silly, but sometimes we are the ones who talk ourselves out of what we want to do the most.

 As humans, we are all most settled in the comfort of what we know and are familiar with, but are you actually happy with that? Comfort is nice, but how excited are you for what is going on in your life? If you find yourself with the desire to make a change, don’t let anyone talk you out of that. I have some techniques and suggestions for you on today’s episode about ways you can get through this fear. What are you waiting for? Listen in now! 

Here's what we talk about in today's episode:

  • Yes, you are comfortable, but are you happy? Really think about that.
  • Breaking your routine and shaking things up can be scary, but settling is even scarier.
  • Acknowledge your minds fear, thank it, and then let that mess go.
  • Tips on how to not let your friends or family’s concerns prevent you from living your best life.

Resources Mentioned:
Freedom Life Course + Private Coaching Options
The Mountain Is You
Move Abroad Crash Course

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