The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#26 The 5 Biggest Ways We Self-Sabotage When it Comes to Moving Abroad

October 16, 2023 Richelle - your Move Abroad Coach Episode 26

On episode 26 of the Move Abroad Coach Podcast, I am talking about self-sabotage and how as humans, we love to get in the way of our own dreams. It’s almost like we just cannot help it! It comes down to wanting to do something big, but then we get cold feet and revert to self-sabotage and undermining the decision that we once were so excited about.

In this episode, I am jumping into why we do this and how to navigate back to the excitement for this big leap in your life. You should be surrounding yourself with people who love and support you, so how do you find your way back to those people?! Listen now!

Here's what we talk about in today's episode:

  • Wait until the “perfect” time to move abroad (retired, too busy, or things “settle down”)
  • Confiding in people who would never do this, don’t support you, or don’t “get it”
  • You isolate yourself from people who are going through this, who could actually be a big help
  • Searching for jobs at home, while still searching for jobs abroad. Why?!
  • You’ve gotten hung up on a “roadblock”, yet are not seeking the resources to get through that

Resources Mentioned:
Move Abroad Crash Course
Freedom Life Course + Private Coaching
Episode 5 The 5 Biggest Excuses I Hear About Why You Can’t Move Abroad
Episode 17 — Help! I’ve Applied to 50 Jobs and Haven’t Heard Back From Any of Them with Move Abroad Coach Marta
Episode 24 — The Comfort Zone is Where Dreams Go to Die