The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#30 My Experience Giving Birth Abroad (The Good the Bad and the Money)

November 13, 2023 Episode 30

I am so glad you are here and welcome back to The Move Abroad Coach Podcast. On episode 30 of today’s podcast, I am sharing the details of my birthing experience. In this episode, you will learn what I loved the most, what I did NOT like, and some personal opinions on giving birth abroad. 

Overall I do not regret it and am happy with the care level we all received during the labor and delivery. I am also excited to share what exactly everything ended up costing in the end (a nice surprise, too) and how it compares to the US healthcare system as well as the details of insurance coverage vs. no insurance coverage. 

Here's what we talk about in today's episode:

  • Noticeable cultural differences with giving birth abroad — were they good or bad?! 
  • The Plan vs. The Reality of the Situation
  • Chris was almost NOT allowed in the delivery room and we freaked out!
  • If I had to choose, would I give birth abroad again? 

Resources Mentioned:
Episode 18 — Why I'm Having My Baby Abroad (and Not In The USA)
The Average Cost of Birth in the USA
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