The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#52 Ask a Move Abroad Coach: Should I Travel For a Year With My Kids Before I Pick a Place?

April 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 52

It's time for another coaching podcast!

This time I'm bringing on Shannon Converse for a deep dive into the world of decision-making and finding balance as a digital nomad parent. Shannon is a member of the Move Abroad Crash Course, and after seeing her latest question in the Crash Course Facebook Group, I knew I needed to bring her in.

Shannon's at a crossroads, pondering whether to plant roots in one place overseas or take her family on a whirlwind adventure as digital nomads. With three kids in tow, she's seeking that delicate balance between consistent community and the freedom to travel anywhere anytime.

In this conversation, not only did we dive into which option is best for Shannon and her family, but we also got deep about prioritizing our own happiness and fulfillment as parents so we can better show up for our kids.

From fears over picking the "right" country, to travel FOMO, and anxiety over whether this lifestyle is good for kids, we cover a lot in this episode!

So grab a seat and tune in as we unravel the complexities of balancing family life, wanderlust, and the pursuit of happiness.

PS - Don't forget to hit that share button and spread the love to all your fellow nomadic souls out there! (Especially moms with kids who want to embark on the move)

Resources Mentioned:
Contact us for Coaching Options
Move Abroad Coach Crash Course
Converse Coaching Collective

Love this Episode? What to Listen to Next:

  • Episode 21: The Ultimate Leap: Relocating to Mexico with School-Aged Kids Ft. Michelle 
  • Episode 48: Ask a Move Abroad Coach: Finding Confidence to Leave Your Job, Start a Business, AND Move Abroad
  • Episode 29: Let’s Make Sure You Love It: How to Plan an International Scouting Trip
  • Episode 39: How to Travel the World For Free as a Pet Sitter