The Move Abroad Coach Podcast

#62 “I Chose This”: Releasing Victim Mentality So You Can Love Your Life Abroad

June 18, 2024

In this episode, we're diving deep into the power of choice and taking ownership of our decisions.

I'll share personal stories about how I once felt stuck and envious of others living their dreams while I was tied down by a job I didn't love and student loans. But then I realized I had the power to choose a different path.

While we can't control everything that happens to us, we can control our reactions and how we show up in tough situations. I'm here to encourage you to own your choices and make empowered decisions to create the life you truly want.

Ready to "choose" professional help making your dream life abroad a reality (see what I did there)? Tap this link and book a call with our team

Resources Mentioned:
Contact us for Coaching Options
Join the Move Abroad Crash Course
The Freedom Life Course

Love this Episode? What to Listen to Next:

  • #54 Choose Your Hard: Navigating the Discomfort You Know vs. the Discomfort You Don’t Know
  • #46 How to Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way So You Can Finally Move Abroad
  • #14 My First Year Abroad Was a Total Disaster (Here are 5 Things I Did Wrong)
  • #5 The 5 Biggest Excuses I Hear About Why You Can’t Move Abroad
  • #2 What If I Move Abroad and I HATE It??!