Embracing Biblical Truths: Challenges, Freedom, and Spiritual Growth with Prophet Nino Carrasquillo

June 28, 2024 Lesley Semidey
Embracing Biblical Truths: Challenges, Freedom, and Spiritual Growth with Prophet Nino Carrasquillo
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Embracing Biblical Truths: Challenges, Freedom, and Spiritual Growth with Prophet Nino Carrasquillo
Jun 28, 2024
Lesley Semidey

Prepare to be inspired as we welcome back Prophet Nino Carrasquillo to our Friday Hangout! Prophet Nino takes us through his transformative journey of embracing the often challenging and confrontational nature of biblical truths. You'll hear firsthand how surrendering to God's truth has not only changed his life but also how it impacts congregations everywhere. Through Nino's experiences, we uncover the powerful freedom found in responding to truth during sermons and the importance of delivering messages that resonate deeply with believers.

Our discussion delves into the essence of truth itself, exploring its limitations in standard definitions and highlighting Jesus Christ as the ultimate personification of truth. By examining scriptures such as John 14:6 and John 8:32, we underscore the undeniable reality that Jesus embodies the truth that sets us free. We also confront contemporary issues, including the worrying attempts to remove references to Jesus from modern Bibles, and emphasize the crucial need to recognize His role as the cornerstone of freedom and true life.

In the latter part of our conversation, we tackle the often-difficult process and consequences of embracing truth. We contrast the deceptive allure of quick success offered by the enemy with God's methodical and purposeful path to spiritual elevation. By drawing parallels with Jesus' temptation and Moses' leadership, we illustrate the demanding but rewarding nature of truth. Personal anecdotes from my travels as a preacher bring these lessons to life, showing how truth can challenge us but ultimately lead to profound spiritual growth. Join us in this episode for an eye-opening exploration of truth, its challenges, and its transformative power.

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Prepare to be inspired as we welcome back Prophet Nino Carrasquillo to our Friday Hangout! Prophet Nino takes us through his transformative journey of embracing the often challenging and confrontational nature of biblical truths. You'll hear firsthand how surrendering to God's truth has not only changed his life but also how it impacts congregations everywhere. Through Nino's experiences, we uncover the powerful freedom found in responding to truth during sermons and the importance of delivering messages that resonate deeply with believers.

Our discussion delves into the essence of truth itself, exploring its limitations in standard definitions and highlighting Jesus Christ as the ultimate personification of truth. By examining scriptures such as John 14:6 and John 8:32, we underscore the undeniable reality that Jesus embodies the truth that sets us free. We also confront contemporary issues, including the worrying attempts to remove references to Jesus from modern Bibles, and emphasize the crucial need to recognize His role as the cornerstone of freedom and true life.

In the latter part of our conversation, we tackle the often-difficult process and consequences of embracing truth. We contrast the deceptive allure of quick success offered by the enemy with God's methodical and purposeful path to spiritual elevation. By drawing parallels with Jesus' temptation and Moses' leadership, we illustrate the demanding but rewarding nature of truth. Personal anecdotes from my travels as a preacher bring these lessons to life, showing how truth can challenge us but ultimately lead to profound spiritual growth. Join us in this episode for an eye-opening exploration of truth, its challenges, and its transformative power.

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Speaker 1:

hello everybody, welcome to our channel. Again, says TV, and today we're doing a long girl's business, but it's gonna be in English, okay. So this is the.

Speaker 2:

Friday hangout.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hanging out on Friday hanging out on Friday with the people your host and Leslie and the CNA, and today we have a very special guest that has been in our channel before, but if you missed those episodes, we're gonna put the links down here so you can go see them. We have with us today the Prophet Nino Carrasquillo thank you for having me on your hangout Fridays.

Speaker 3:

You said yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Hangout Fridays.

Speaker 1:

But we thank you again for being in our podcast. Today we're going to be bringing you guys the intro to a class that we're going to do a couple of episodes in. It's going to be called the Cost of the Truth. Now, this is something that I'm going to give my mom a chance to explain how they came up with it, Because you know, she's the reason why.

Speaker 2:

No, it was because of many of our conversations. Nino has always brought a word that confronts you, know, and he always brings the truth and he establishes the truth like based on the Bible, like this is what it says, point blank. So a lot of people don't receive that well, and we've had so many conversations about that and that's why this came up the cost of the truth.

Speaker 1:

And Nino, just basically because I know you. What has gotten you to fall in love with the truth, like knowing that it causes you so much and that a lot of people don't take it well and everything, and it's really confrontal. What is something that has caused you to fall in love with it?

Speaker 3:

What's caused me to fall in love with the truth is the fact that at first we kind of don't like it. You know, I think, anybody who's confronted we use the word confronted a lot, right, I think, anybody that gets confronted with it.

Speaker 3:

The word confrontation gives us like a negative reaction, but I started to realize that I really wanted to serve God the right way. I really fell in love with him. And when they would preach these truths that weren't just confrontational but exposed, it was annoying. But then I realized wait a minute. The Bible says the father that loves chastise. You know, chastise when it's a confrontation. So I decided you know what, if he's going to be telling me these things, then let me step into it. When I did step into it it was life changing.

Speaker 3:

It's not. It's not. I'm not trying to present something magical, and it's not. I'm not trying to present something magical and mystical, no, it really. When you listen to God's truth and you say I'm going to step into this thing, it is life-changing. It changes your life and it's I'm talking those people who are looking for that rapid, you know move instead of that low, slow process. Sometimes we get go ahead and step into the truth and allow that truth to absorb you and you watch how quickly things begin to change and the manifestation of it. It's not long winded, it occurs and then you start really realizing wait a minute, I should have stepped in this a long time ago.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you know so that's how I fell in love with it. You know, it was just a love in surrendering, that's what I fell in love with it. It was just a love in surrendering, that's what. I'm going to call it With truth, you have to surrender to it.

Speaker 1:

If you're going to resist it.

Speaker 3:

the changes that a lot of the people that are listening to us and even us that are sitting here, the changes that you're craving for, will not take place until you allow truth to do what truth is capable of doing, and truth does not waste time.

Speaker 2:

It just doesn't. Yeah. And the Bible says it will set you free and it's an eye-opener it will set you free, Literally, that word said there in the Greek is make you free.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, so now watch. You're already stirring pot here, but the text literally says the truth will make you free. So when a preacher is preaching, literally that person who's listening was made free. So this is why the altar call becomes so important. Why? Because you felt the freedom in that preaching. Now do you want to stay free?

Speaker 4:

And if you say no?

Speaker 3:

you literally shut your own doors down. There's no one else you can blame it on. So, while that preaching is taking place, if they're speaking truth, it made them free. That person was free in the lapse of that time of preaching. So this is why that decision, after you've tasted that freedom in the midst of that preaching, becomes vital. Because you're deciding yeah, I tasted it, but I don't want it. Or you're deciding, I taste it and I want it I want more, yeah, yeah it's very we could use the chart.

Speaker 1:

It's very addictive exactly it really is and just because, like I know that, um, you've been to a lot of churches, you have been around the United States, you've been in Puerto Rico. When you speak your truth, or when you speak the truth not your truth, but the truth how do you go about it? First, you work your environment and see okay, how is it possible for me to get these people to understand that what I'm saying is not what Nino says, but what God sent me to say? How important is that part of the assignment for you.

Speaker 3:

You're saying how do I acquire the truth or how do I prepare for that?

Speaker 1:

you. You're saying how do I acquire the truthful?

Speaker 4:

how do?

Speaker 1:

I prepare for that. So like, for example, when you get to a congregation, right, and you see, like, for example, the pastor is given a few you know like how they do a few messages before they even turn the part to you, like can, are you able to tell like, okay, this people is ready for what I'm going to bring them, or do I, like, do you go back and say I gotta get them ready, am I right?

Speaker 2:

yeah like. I guess, are you able to have the discernment of knowing okay, these people are ready for the truth.

Speaker 3:

I have to get them ready for the truth that I'm gonna bring no, the moment they invited me and I started seeking the Lord, the Lord then gives me the truth for that place. So I'm not focusing on whether they are, I'm focusing that. God is telling me this is the truth for that place. So they're the ones that have to do with that truth. What's necessary?

Speaker 4:

for that truth.

Speaker 3:

So it's not so much Now let me finish this it's not so much where they're at is where that truth wants. So it's not so much now let me finish this it's not so much where they're at is where that truth wants to take them. So now, one thing I do experience is the moment. The language is so important. It really tells where you're at. So there are times I go into places and, yeah, the word discernment is correct, leslie. There are times that I'm sitting there and just by how they're talking, you're able to know where they're at. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3:

It's not you judging them, it's just you know, in their languaging, where they're at. So you're saying to yourself I've had moments where, at least when I began, I've had moments where I said to myself, man, am I bringing the truth that's supposed to be for them? That was when I was a rookie at this, but nonetheless, I remember my apostle, my apostle, one time he was preaching and he didn't know that moment in my life and he said the following statement If God assigned for you a particular truth before you got that church, don't change it. So I understood that that truth belongs to them. They're going to be judged for what they do with that truth.

Speaker 3:

So I'll never change it based on, let's say, I see some immaturity or wow, they're really over here and God never speaks to where you're at. He speaks to where you're going. Come on, that's what he does. So he'll take Leslie where she's at right now and he's not bringing her a word for where she's at right now. He's bringing her a word for where she's going. So, leslie, see, he's speaking to her here, but he's talking about here. He's telling her about how she's going to be a preacher to the nations here. So that's the way he's worked it. Was I able to understand? I'm explaining the question there. Yeah, so I've learned that at the moment of praying and preparing, he gives me the word for that place, and I know, regardless of how I can see it, because the other thing is bro, that's a really good question.

Speaker 3:

It really is Another thing is that as humans, we could misjudge it. We can feel I know those of you who are going to listen to the preachers are going to say, oh, wow, we can feel that we're the last Coca-Cola in the desert and we're being very judgmental about being ready for this. No, they are. You're just going to legal trip at this moment Because if you saw God and God said I preached to them John 3.16, and you're saying, oh, let's say the opposite. No, they're too advanced for that. Not what you're going to do, not, you're talking what you want, not what he wanted. He wanted John 3.16.

Speaker 2:

It's you taking over, not letting God do what he wanted to do.

Speaker 3:

So we have to trust that when that pastor sought him out, sought God out and God like, for example, the pastor in Seattle. I was talking to you before the program started. You know, in the end of February I'm going to be in Seattle and this is. I haven't been in this pastor's church for over 18 years.

Speaker 2:

Wow. And the pastor comes out and says Nino.

Speaker 3:

Well, I was literally kneeling down. I said I told God, god, I want, I want a preacher who preaches the truth and carries it. And he says Nino immediately to the Lord said Prophet Nino, come on, that broke me, man, you know, because I realized God has seen that this, I've given this to this slave of mine and he'll bring it and carry it. So that broke me, you understand. So if that pastor I've given this to this slave of mine and he'll bring it and carry it. So that broke me, you understand. So if that pastor sought God and God put Titito's name on it, then God now prepares Titito for it. You preach. I don't know if this happened to you, but there's been a moment that I'm sitting down at home, nobody to preach to, and the Lord has me writing a particular message. So the message is being prepared for whatever what happens. Somebody then gives me a call and they'll tell me Prophet, your name came to my heart, we want you to preach. And literally, the messages for that church were already written before the invitation.

Speaker 3:

Literally the messages for that church were already written before the invitation, so again we're using the word message. But you understand, these are pages of truth. That's what this is pages of truth.

Speaker 2:

No, and that you say that you know that you're a man of God and you carry the truth. That is so noticeable, that like, because even my kids, likeo, was like 14, when, when we met, like we started, the angel must have been 12. And when we were going through our situation with jayden, she told me no, I want nino to pray for me, he's a man of god, like, so even my kids. I was like, wow, you know, you, you impressed, that is. That is that you can tell.

Speaker 1:

You can tell, thank you, and so let's, let's, let's dive right into it. I want to open up the, the, the like the. We already went through the introduction and everything, so I want to give you a chance to go through and, kind of like, start explaining, because I know we've gotten, you know, like a little bit over here, a little bit over there, but for those of you who don't know, nino actually prepared this classes.

Speaker 1:

So if you're here, that means that this message is for you, amen. So let me just tell you you're going to go ahead, you're going to scroll up a little bit, you're going to subscribe to this channel, you're going to subscribe to La Campanita the bell.

Speaker 3:

And you're going to be able to receive this message as soon as it comes out. So, nino, what is the truth here? Here's the thing we're talking about, truth. So I feel that the best thing for us to do is to give the definition of what is true. So the question is what is the definition of the word truth? So, when I looked up the word truth, the word truth means quality, is state of being true. Quality or state of being true? Now, I've never liked when the dictionary decides to use the very word I'm looking for to define the word. In other words, if I look up love and it says love, well, the definition of love is love.

Speaker 3:

You didn't define that thing for me so it kind of left me hanging there. When it says the quality or state of being true. But if you look further, the word truth goes on to say that truth is a fact, belief that is accepted as true. But some people believe that their lies are true. So this definition has me saying again it's a fact of belief that's accepted as true. A lot of people we know accept lies as their truth.

Speaker 3:

Exactly you know to them. Well, if it's a fact or something that's accepted as true, well, I believe my lie is to be true. Though they'll never say it's a lie, they believe it to be true.

Speaker 2:

You understand it sounds it's kind of tricky. Yeah, it is tricky at that moment.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know about you, but I cannot rely on the lie to be the truth. Okay, so what I do when I'm confronted with this type of definition, I go into the Bible definition of the word. I don't know if you know Webster the writer of Webster's Dictionary, originally was a Christian. And what he would do when he decided he was going to go ahead and put out a dictionary, he looked up the definition of all the Hebrew words and the Greek words for us to have some sort of understanding. What is the true definition of each word Interesting? I didn't know that Right. So that's, for example, the 1811 dictionary. That's, if you could, you could download that. It's a free dictionary, but he goes ahead and he uses. He decided, if we're going to find out what each word means, what better way than the Bible, who's nothing but truth? So he brings the truth of that Now Webster's dictionary. He comes out and he defines the word truth as the following Factuality.

Speaker 3:

He goes on to say faithfulness. He goes on to say firmness. He goes on to say reality and reliability. He's saying these are truth Again factuality, faithfulness, firmness, reality and reliability. Truth is something that I have to have reliability upon it. If it's a lie, you can't rely on it.

Speaker 3:

So he brought out to me the pure definition of truth. Okay, so we got the definition, but then comes Jesus. You see, I don't know about you, but whenever Jesus steps in, everything changes. I mean everything changes. You guys agree with me.

Speaker 3:

Yes, the moment Jesus steps into the room, I believe the moment he steps in the room, the room is lighter. Everybody has had an experience with the Holy Spirit steps in. It was a brightness Immediately. When Jesus steps in, everything changed. Now that's important. Why? Because Jesus came in in John 14, 6. And John wrote that. Jesus said to him I am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except by me. So watch what he's saying. He says I'm the way, the truth, the life. But John wrote in 8, in John, chapter 8, verse 32. He wrote the following then you will know the truth we were just talking about and the truth will set you free. We understood that I was talking to you guys early and I said the word set there means make you free, right, okay. So he wrote before he. Jesus said to him I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes unto the Father except by me. Before that.

Speaker 3:

Jesus has said to you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. What, what would you? What happens when Jesus came in? He did not give us a definition of truth, he gave us a personification of truth.

Speaker 4:

You understand what I mean.

Speaker 3:

This wasn't about now definition. He was saying truth is not a definition, it's a person. I'm that person.

Speaker 2:

You know, now I was hearing that now they want to eliminate Jesus from the Bibles, the Bibles that now are going to be, you know, coming out, yeah, published. They're going to eliminate what's fasting, what's Jesus? Of course, because he's the truth.

Speaker 4:

He's going to make you free. Well, look at it further.

Speaker 3:

The way, literally the way to true life is by knowing truth personified. Right Again he says I am the way, the truth, the life. What he was saying is the way to true life is by knowing Jesus personified and you shall know the truth.

Speaker 4:

So it's about knowing him because he is true.

Speaker 3:

In Jesus there is not. Remember one time, the Lord, I was in prayer and the Lord put this in my spirit. This is in me. There is not even one drop of life, because truth is so pure that the moment you put in one drop of light, it stopped being true. Truth has to be truth, 100%. Otherwise, the moment you put in one drop, what happens with that one drop? Let me tell you something If we find out that one thing is a lie, we start questioning the rest.

Speaker 3:

It's not reliable. It's not reliable. You understand, it's not reliable. It is no longer faithful. It is no reliable. It is no longer faithful. It is no longer firm, it is no longer a reality. Because if he were to have lied about healing, then how do I know that he didn't lie about everything else? What is it that they say? One bad potato destroys the whole sack. So he makes sure that now he comes as personified truth. Now he's saying I'm 100%, if I can use the language, I'm 100% legit. There is no drop of a lie in me, so much so that he goes. He says the following he says, um, he says the following that he speaks about the devil.

Speaker 3:

He said the devil is the, what the father of lies yeah because whether he has one drop, said the devil, not one drop, or all full of love, he immediately constitutes him as the father. The father's a progenitor, it's from which everything comes from. We seem to forget that Jesus came from the father and everything he did, everything he was, everything he spoke, was from the father. We seem to forget that Several times in the scripture God says that he is the God of truth. So when you look at the Old Testament, God was already establishing himself as the God of truth. You can find that in Psalms 31.5, Psalms 104, Psalms 146.6, just to name a few, or Psalms 146.6. Just to name a few. Watch this Just as God is the God of truth, Jesus is truth personified. You with me, yeah, Okay. So this is why he then goes on to say while God says I am the God of truth, Jesus saying I am truth personified. Then Jesus speak. Who doesn't lie says the devil is the father of lies. He started it all Exactly yeah. So the, the jaga, the stain that's produced.

Speaker 3:

I remember I had one of my favorite teachers. He won't pass on the Lord. I remember he had a. It was like the size of that wall that we're looking at, where we got Leslie's book right and it was a white. You know, the black, the white back in the day. The whiteboard, yeah, the whiteboard.

Speaker 1:

I was still. I caught that at the end, but it's still in my time, you know.

Speaker 2:

I ain't that far out.

Speaker 3:

What are you trying to say, nita? I'm just saying, you know he was looking at me like, hey, when we sit in the class they were 48 students. I remember that class very well. The class was about teaching the biblical way. Right the whiteboard, and he takes his pen I mean his marker and he puts a dot on it and he turns around to us and he says, okay, what do you guys see?

Speaker 4:

so all of a sudden what would you say?

Speaker 3:

a what do you guys see? So all of a sudden, look at him.

Speaker 4:

What would you say Dot.

Speaker 3:

Go to you. What would you say? Dot. Go to Anjali. Dot. Every student said a dot and he says that's what the enemy does. He puts our attention on a dot, that whole white board. Nobody's saying I see a white board. The moment that that was placed there. Everybody's focusing on that one thing. Wow, come on that is the generation we're living in today. Mm-hmm, why do you think we have so much fake news?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

We no longer know what is true and what's a lie, so that one dot up against that white board is all we're really looking at. But with Jesus the white board is white, there's not a dot on it. So if now you put us yet again in the same predicament nothing on the board it'll say what are you looking at? A white board, white board, white board, white board. Hear me out. There are different types of lines. There's the lie itself. There's the omitting, which omitting is basically subtracting important details. That's a lot. Then there's addition. Addition is adding extra stuff which then ends up making it untrue. So if you take away from it, it's a lie. If you add to it, you it's a lie yeah, a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

I've heard a lot of the same things like oh, I didn't lie to you because I just didn't say anything.

Speaker 3:

That's omitting.

Speaker 2:

Or the white lie. Yeah, oh I said it's harmless, it's a white lie. So now we have a white lie and a black lie and whatever every other color.

Speaker 3:

And a lie is a lie, no matter how much you want to lie and say otherwise. So if I take away from it, I'm omitting, that means I'm lying. If I add to it, I'm adding, that means I'm lying. Okay, but I didn't come to talk about lies. But here's my point Now. Everyone knows my slogan. My slogan is you guys have been hearing me preach. I came to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me, god, thank you, because a lot of people usually say I love when you say you came to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No, I always say so.

Speaker 3:

Help me God, because he is the God of truth when I say that, the emphasis is me saying that statement is I come to give you purely, with no watered down, no extracted, everything as is. I've made sure that I've guarded it, I've made sure that I got it and I made sure that you're going to get it. Got it, got it, get it. That's my drive when I do that. So, when I'm saying that I'm already establishing up front. I'm going to speak some stuff, I think in the one we're going to do with Robert. Yeah, prophetic.

Speaker 1:

Transitions Right In Prophetic.

Speaker 3:

Transitions. That was my first time, yeah, so we're sitting like that's a prophetic transition, right in prophetic transitions. That was my first time deciding to now start saying what you're about to hear. If it offends you, it's never my intent. I Think any profit worth their weight in call. Never goes there with the intent to offend you. That should never be a prophet's. Oh no, I'm loving it. I'm going to tell them dude, you're terrible, Because prophets don't get joy out of putting you down.

Speaker 1:

That's one thing that I, personally, I've kind of felt heard about, because when I go to listen to a preacher, I don't want to get hurt by what they're saying.

Speaker 1:

I know it's going to confront me and I know it's going to have some truth to it. I got to, you know, like you were explaining, I got to live up to it or I got to let it, you know, but sometimes I feel like people just go straight to trying to hurt the congregation. People try to go, hurt the person. It's like I'm teaching you something new, I'm giving you new information. Act on this. No, they try to go straight to the heart, to the heart of it, and they try to let you know oh, if you did this, then you're basically going to hell. It lets you know like oh, if you did this, then you're basically going to hell.

Speaker 1:

Like, how do you like? I guess my question is how do you prevent that from happening? How do you try to like, let people know, like, hey, it's okay, you might have committed that mistake while you didn't know the truth, but here's how you need to know the truth and how you need to act on it. Now I don't know if you like know if I made myself clear. No, you did.

Speaker 2:

Like correction, but with love. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Here's the thing If we have sat down, if any of us really have sat down and read the scripture the right way, the scripture highlights God. We're preaching too much the man's perspective and not the God in that man. You and I had a conversation a few days ago and I remember I left disturbed with that conversation because Leslie brought up the point of Abraham sacrificing his son.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna come through here and I was disturbed because at one point Leslie asked me you know, would you do that with your kids? And I'm I'm not going to lie to God. God knows when. How many times have we I love these you guys experiences. How many time? If I and I'm not going to lie to God, god knows when. How many times have we? I don't know if these of you have got experiences, but how many times if I pray something to God and when I pray what I'm praying is, god is basically saying follow me. I want you to finish your little tantrums and your little lies and get to me when you want to speak truth. God knows when we lie. Yeah, the Bible says that he knows what we're going to speak even before it comes out of our mouth. But as I was doing it, she left my spirit really saying man, I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't Welcome to the club I was very disturbed.

Speaker 3:

Here's where the spirit brought my attention. He says, nino, you're looking at that story from Abraham's perspective and that's not about Abraham, it's about me.

Speaker 3:

You see, abraham comes out and says me and the boy are going to return back. Abraham already knew either God is not going to kill him or God is going to resurrect him, one or the other. The God that vehemently says you can't kill a child was not going to kill a child. So what that story is not really what God ever put me in that predicament Is. God would take us out of any predicament, because the truth of the matter is not me sacrificing my son, it's him saying I know you love me because you didn't withhold this. Therefore, here's what I'm now. He begins to bless him in dimensions.

Speaker 3:

We look at the story way too much from the men in the Bible and not the God that's dealing with the men in the Bible. Come on, the moment we do that. We distort scripture, if you notice, unfortunately, listen to a lot of the preachers we're listening to today, and who are they focusing on? The men, david, the men, because they feel that you have to be listening to today. And who are they focusing on? The man, david the man, because they feel that you have to be. You'll be able to relate better to David, bro. I know David's problems, because I have problems. I want to know about the. That's who you have to preach to me. Whoa, I gotta behave.

Speaker 2:

That's the guy.

Speaker 3:

I want. So in the case of you, I'm going to give you guys a text. Oh my God, he blew me away. We all know. Remember the story when God had enough and the 12th plague. He now tells Moses. He tells Moses. He tells Moses All the first born in Israel Are going to die. He now tells Moses. He tells Moses. He told Moses, correct, thank you God. He tells Moses all the firstborn in Israel are going to die.

Speaker 3:

And he says and they're stopped. That means if they have cattle and they're fixing a example, they had a goat and the first one that was born was there that one's going to die too. Watch this, he says paint red paint on your doorpost and the angel of death will pass you by. We've heard this, right? Yes, we're all familiar with this. Watch what happens. Watch what happens. We all preach that. How come nobody has preached this part? The verse says the following Not even a dog's bark I mean not even a dog will move his tongue against you. I said, wait, wait. What does that even mean? Literally, that means that text the moving of the dog's tongue means not even a dog will bark at you. In the midst of this, the dog's tongue means not even a dog will bark at you in the midst of this. Now watch the dimension of how much God loves you. Not only is he slaying your enemy firstborn, not only is he putting red paint.

Speaker 2:

There was not even blood itself. It was. No, it wasn't blood, it was blood.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was blood. The dog, the cabrito, the cabrito, I said paint. Okay, well, they had blood, but it wasn't the blood of the dog, the cabrito, the cabrito, I said. Pain. Okay, well, they had blood, but it wasn't the blood of the lamb, it was himself. But watch this, while he's doing all of that and God gives the green light to the angel of death to move throughout that and killing it. God also commanded, literally told the dog don't you dare bark against Titito.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

He saw to the immense stuff and even the small details. Bro, that's a goddess in love with you, leslie. Now he's sitting on the dog. Your dog is not even going to bark at you that day. That's how well I'm going to protect you. What am I saying? I'm saying that because when a preacher comes up and is so in love with putting you down, that preacher does not understand the love of God. You can't become the dog that's barking at me, but you become the teacher that can teach me.

Speaker 2:

So if God loves you, that immensely.

Speaker 3:

Do I have the nerves to come out and insult you in preaching, just because?

Speaker 3:

I have a truth and all that matters is that truth. No, you're taking your power and you're moving it in dimensions that it wasn't intended to be designed. David when he approached I mean, when the prophet approached Nathan I think it was Prophet Nathan approached David about his sin you know how many people I've heard preach that. That David went up to King and says you know, he gave him that whole illustration. And he says that was you. That prophet wouldn't dare talk to a king like that. A king could easily annihilate you from the face of the earth period.

Speaker 3:

That prophet literally said it this way King, that was you, because there's a respect and a love that God has for us while we were yet sinners. How much more will we become his? So we can't come across and insult you just because I got truth. You're abusing authority, ma'am. You're abusing authority, sir. That's not the way this is, for God. So loved the world, he gave his only son. Then later on he comes out and says if I did not hold back on my only son, you don't think I'm going to give you everything else.

Speaker 2:

That's a God that's in love with you. And what I got from what we were talking about that day that I told Robert I was like Robert. I had to understand that God wants us to love him the way he's loved us. That's what he wants. That's what he wants from us. I cannot love Titito more than what I love God Bottom line.

Speaker 2:

That's it. And I was like I cannot stop my prayer time because I'm focused on oh, they have a problem or this one or that. No, let God deal with them. This is my prayer time. That's what I got from that. That's what I understood.

Speaker 3:

Each text is going to be God-centered. Every man in the Bible looking to go. If you read from Genesis to Revelation, they all in a failing. All of them, all of them. That's man in a revelation. They all end up failing. All of them, all of them. That's man in a nutshell. But God.

Speaker 4:

That's why I said, when Jesus steps in.

Speaker 3:

Everything changes In the Old Testament. God is stepping in. Everything changes In the New Testament. He sends his son Jesus. He steps in.

Speaker 3:

What do we have today? The Holy Spirit. He steps in, changes everything. Now, with that being said, as I was studying this, I found out that truth had three stages. Look what truth has. The three stages of truth Number one first, it's ridicule. When truth is heard for the first time, it's ridicule. You know what ridicule is? They mock it. It's the subject of someone or something that dismisses it and makes it seem like it's foolish. Literally, the root word of ridicule is laughed. It's laughed at.

Speaker 3:

When truth is heard for the first time it's laughed at no-transcript. They saw that what they were joking at is real. Now it's being oppressed. That word oppressed means to disapprove attempt from happening. You know what's the third stage of truth? It is accepted as self-evidence. In other words, truth is so truth that, though, when we ridicule it or we oppress it, when time passes on, it proves itself to be right, yep Now here's the thing If truth itself ends up being right, why does God have you and me in the picture of this?

Speaker 4:

we're not here to defend the truth.

Speaker 3:

You know what we're designed to do to bring the truth. That's our job. For us to try to sit there and defend the truth, it doesn't make no sense. Truth is going to be ridiculous. It's going to be opposed.

Speaker 1:

Then it itself will prove to be true it will let them know like, yeah, you can think about whatever you want to think about, but this is what I'm here.

Speaker 3:

It's gonna come down to? Yeah, the truth is saying that that wall is black. That wall is black, but that's not black. You kidding me? I'm trying to eliminate that wall, not me I'm. I'm the oppressive state. I'm trying to eliminate that wall. It's still a black wall so truth doesn't need defending truth needs somebody to declare it come on talk about it.

Speaker 1:

You know, talk about it don't hold back don't hold back, don't hold back, come on.

Speaker 3:

So Leslie's job when she wrote that book is to declare the truth, because that truth that she wrote is going to be ridiculed, it's going to be opposed, but when it's all said and done, it is what it is and nobody can say otherwise. But somebody has to declare it. The Bible says blessed are the feet of those who brings the good news. What's the good news? Truth? Your job is to declare it. It defends itself. If truth is a person personification, we already said yes, it was. It was a person. Jesus was ridiculed, opposed. When it's all said and done, this truth is true. And sorry. Now watch this. Do you know what the word heresy means? Heresy is something that's false, a lie. Do you know that a lie has three stages to come on? What are the three stages of the life? The first stage is it crawls. Gathea, that's not crawl right, uh-huh Crawls, okay. The second stage it walks. And the third stage it runs. Wow, now watch this.

Speaker 3:

When we look at the three stages of truth and we look at the three stages of a lie. While truth is being ridiculed, lies is crawling. While truth is being violently oppressed, lies is walking. While truth then proves itself to be right, false is already running. Come on, wow, wow. So when we look at the contrast of a lie and the truth, truth takes its time. Falsehood has to start moving fast because truth is coming and it has to run, it has to flee, and it also, at the same time, knows if I got to spread this, I got to do it fast. You ever notice? Jesus always took his time with the truth. Why? Because the chicken always has a better flavor when you put it in the oven, not the microwave. What are you saying? The truth of God?

Speaker 3:

is better, has a better flavor when it's stuck in the oven. We have microwave truth being spoken to us and the microwave is never going to bring the flavor that the oven can. Shadrach, meshach and.

Speaker 1:

Abednego weren't put in. The ingredients are not the same. The ingredients are never the same. When you have to put something in the microwave, it's being frozen. It's already been processed a long time ago.

Speaker 3:

But why was that?

Speaker 1:

created Because people want it fast and people don't care about Quality. People don't care about quality.

Speaker 2:

People want fast, yeah, the. Moment.

Speaker 3:

We prefer loss of quality for a faster saturation of our appetite.

Speaker 4:

You know, for a faster saturation of our appetite.

Speaker 2:

That's what we prefer. Oh, you ain't ready for this.

Speaker 1:

You ain't ready for this. It's kind of shaking me up, but we're good.

Speaker 3:

So no one likes the slow process, Nobody. I've asked people so do you like the pace in which God? No, nobody likes that pace. Pero God likes to take his time because it is in the process that your, it's in the process that your value goes up.

Speaker 2:

Mmm, yeah, mmm, it's in the process that your value goes up Mm, yeah, mm.

Speaker 3:

If you were to, that's one of the things we do wrong as Christians. Lord, take me out of this, but if I take you out of that, your value goes down.

Speaker 4:

You ain't going to learn nothing.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to get nothing out of me.

Speaker 3:

You notice that when the enemy went to tempt Jesus, the Bible says that immediately he took him to the top. That's how the enemy does. He works you immediately to get to the top, even if you're in ministry. It's supposed to be processed, not you were down here praying the next day. You're an apostle. Stop that, mm-hmm. It is a process. The enemy will take you immediately. God takes his time. This is why God will tell you, leslie, I'm going to make you an author, but he never tells you what is going to take place for you to end up being an author?

Speaker 3:

Yep, Because what would happen if he told you up front okay, I'm going to make you an author, but the enemy is going to come hard against you.

Speaker 1:

You're going to find that certain times in the book.

Speaker 3:

It's not something you're going to get all disappointed. You're going to find out that perhaps you don't have money. What do you end up saying to me Did I get somebody else? Remember the get somebody else mentality originated with Moses when God told him in the mountain you know, I want you oh well get somebody else. I'm slow of tongue, but God determined that it's you, so anything with purpose in the kingdom of God has to be processed. Anything, anything that only escalates your value.

Speaker 3:

You understand what I mean. I understand, yes, it's like the wine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the longer it is the better.

Speaker 3:

It is. Okay, so we spoke. Okay. So while truth is being ridiculed, falsehood is crawling. While truth is being violently oppressed, then falsehood is walking. When truth is accepted as self-evident, falsehood is running. But not once Jesus comes in, andevident falsehood is running. But now what Jesus comes in and he says I'm the way, While Jesus is saying I'm the way, truth is being ridiculed, Falsehood is a problem. While Jesus says I'm the truth, truth is being violently oppressed, Falsehood is un-walking. While Jesus says I'm the life, truth is being accepted as evidence and falsehood is running. He puts himself in the three stages also for you to understand how powerful he is. It is said that it's not truth that people cannot handle. It's the consequences that stems from that truth that gives us a problem.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you got to stop, Papa. You got to explain that right there. Explain that.

Speaker 3:

The movie the Officer and the Gentleman. Was it when Tom Cruise tells the actor I'm bad with movies. What is he doing? I want the. The truth. You can't handle the truth.

Speaker 2:

I know that that was in the courtroom, right, yeah people can handle the truth.

Speaker 3:

They can handle it. It's what truth demands once it's heard. Every truth demands an action. Every truth demands it. You can't just listen to truth. You've got to do something with that truth. And because truth demands that you do something with it, that's the side we don't want. So it's not that you can't handle that somebody says really you're living a sinful life.

Speaker 1:

It's not that you can't.

Speaker 3:

You can handle it because you know you're living a sinful life. It's how do you want to give up that sinful life now that you know that? I know, and we both know that you are living a sinful life? Well, that's work. We don't want that. So it's the consequences of truth that gives the people problem.

Speaker 3:

Israel understood the truth. They're walking through that wilderness. And here's the truth, the God of truth. A cloud by day, fire by night, fire by night. Cloud by day. That means you don't get the heat of the desert plus you get light Fire by night. Now you get the heat that's necessary because the desert are two extremes in the daytime and nighttime. In the daytime it's extremely hot, in the nighttime it's extremely cold. Now I'm going to give you heat plus illumination. Okay, heat is truth, just in this, this thing of cloud. And but notice what their problem was. They understood. True is the consequences of truth. It's too annoying, that's too difficult, it's too challenging. It makes you it, it makes you realize I know what I got to do, but do I really want to do it?

Speaker 2:

Do I want to go with reason or with feeling?

Speaker 3:

With feeling the podcast we just had. Do you want to go down that route?

Speaker 1:

Because truth doesn't want you to sit there and listen to it.

Speaker 3:

Just listen to it. No, that's the door, but you want it to be in the room. You got to pull out a seat. You got to hear it out, then you got to do something with it. It's the consequences of truth that's problematic.

Speaker 1:

And now that we're talking about the consequences of the truth and everything, I know that along the years you have mentioned like, oh, I used to be traveling, like from Sunday to Sunday preaching and preaching, and preaching.

Speaker 1:

But once the truth started confronting people, the calls started dousing. Can you tell me, maybe, about an experience that you had where you preach and the pastor of the church you know, like obviously we don't have to say no names or anything, but it wasn't taken the right way, and then they had to call you back and be like, oh you know, what you said actually happened. What you said is what's going on in the church right now.

Speaker 3:

I had. I've had, unfortunately, several situations. First, let me me answer that Truth is always a separator. Truth is going to separate you, whether you like it or not, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

For example, it separates life from darkness. Truth does that Good from evil. Truth does that Sheep from gold Justified from the guilty, holy from unholy Truth. Does that she from go yeah Justify from the guilty, holy from unholy Truth? Does that my biggest thing is when I remember when the Lord, I was now able to process thoughts and put things together and be able to do that, I thought as I studied the Bible I didn't. I never studied the Bible for a message. I studied the Bible to get messed up. I wanted the Spirit to mess me up, if this is the book of truth.

Speaker 3:

look at the Bible. If you ever study the trajectory of how we got the Bible that we have in front of our hands bloodshed, the massacres, the lives that were lost for us to have this book, would somebody?

Speaker 4:

give life and limb for a lie.

Speaker 3:

These people went through all of this. These are not the people. I'm not even talking. God now To protect that. The Tinsdale Bible, when you look at it in the museum, still has his blood when he was holding onto it while they were killing him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

All of this for a lie. Yeah, that man held onto it because he didn't want to let go of that. They were not going to take that out of his hand. So blood is on the pages. That's not even talking about the blood that Jesus shed for you. Remember that blood is life, blood is life. So Jesus shed his life. So then I'm able to say, since he says I am the truth, truth gave his life for us. My biggest deception was that I thought then, when I began to read the Bible and the Bible started changing my life, we did no, nobody puts it that way, but I'm gonna mess me up. It meant it really changed my perspective. It really what I thought was was not, and what I thought was not was it really. The Bible does that to you Because it's truth confronting you. I thought that when the time would come for me to go preach for the first time, the pastor was going to love me, for me to go preach for the first time.

Speaker 1:

the pastor was going to love me, Because here I come with the truth.

Speaker 3:

Go on, only to realize that's not the story. I remember one particular place where the pastor wanted to bring me in to talk about tithe. I don't know how to say tithe, papi, I don't know about tithe. I don't know how to speak Tithe, I don't know about tithe. In my whole 28 years of talking, of preaching, only two times I've spoken on tithe. One was a pastor in Seattle, not the one I'm going to. There's another pastor in Seattle that called me up and he says Nino, listen, I want to bring you in and I want you to talk about tithe. I said I literally told him Pastor, you got the wrong guy. I don't speak about tithe. He says oh, nino, god told me that it was you that you were going to bring a prophetic perspective about tithe. He said but you're a man of prayer. I usually used to tell people give me three days and I'll get back to you. He says I'll give you three days and you get back to me.

Speaker 3:

On the first day of me praying, the Lord made it real clear yeah, it's you I want there.

Speaker 4:

But this other pastor at another point in time wanted me to come in and talk about the tithe, so I said listen, I don't, I've only done one of these, but here's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to send you the material that I've prepared on that, review it and after you review it, if you like it and you agree with it, then bring me in. If you don't, just let me be. I like to to say leave me in my cave, okay, I said on this stuff. About a day later they called him. You know, yep, come on and we want, we want you here, come on and we want you here. I said, okay, I go there and I begin to. He wanted to bring me in for three days, the very first day when I go ahead and lay down everything that needs to be done, what happens, I leave. And he was about an hour 20 minutes away from me. As soon as I left I realized, oh, I left my Bible. So I said, let me go back and get my Bible. When I go back to get my Bible, he was on the pulpit and everybody was there.

Speaker 3:

And as I'm entering the hall, I'm here saying, no, everything he said is off. That is not what the Bible talks about, that is not. He went on and on about it. So I went to get my Bible. Man, so when I go there, the pick of my Bible, it was dead silent. You had to see the faces. Everybody was like I said I just came to pick my Bible. So I left On the ride back home. He gives me a call. He says listen, I would like to talk with you tomorrow. I said okay, listen, I would like to talk with you tomorrow. I said okay. So when he called me the following day, he called me up and said brother, I disagree with what you established. So I said, man, god, I sent you my notes. I literally sent you my notes. You told me you read them. Well, I really didn't have the time to do so.

Speaker 2:

Oh, come on.

Speaker 3:

I sent you my notes, but I can't continue your class Because when I was going in you were telling them that was off. There was nothing that I said there. If you want to, you and I, we can sit down together, because humility is not about who's right, but what is right. That's humility. Come on now so we'll sit down and well, I'll get back to you. I've heard from him ever since. What am I saying? I thought with bringing truth, I was going to be the apple of their eyes. They were going to love Nino or prophet Nino, because he brings the truth. No, it's not like that.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Jesus' ministry, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you guys have heard me throughout the years I don't. First of all, I don't think men could exaggerate God. I've said in preachers conferences, where you're talking about teaching preachers, I've said I would challenge as preachers is an immense one. Why? Because we're trying to express an infinite God. With finite language, with a limited mindset, we could never extract Him out enough. So we can't exaggerate God. We can't?

Speaker 4:

We just don't have that ability.

Speaker 3:

See these ones. So we have to be I realize that it's not, that's not the tale, that's not the story, it's not lovers of truth. Remember, truth is who Jesus. So when you say I'm a lover of truth, you're saying I'm a lover of Jesus, right. When you're saying I'm a lover of.

Speaker 3:

Jesus, you're saying you're a lover of truth, you can't separate the two. He said I am the way, the truth the life. So a lover of truth wants to bring Jesus into the picture. Exactly, I don't want to bring to you. Paul says I came the Word of God and the manifestation thereof. You understand. So you're not when you really start. Didn't think they nailed Jesus for speaking the truth? Yeah they didn't nail him because he he was arrogant.

Speaker 1:

They didn't nail him because he was doing miracles Like not even that.

Speaker 3:

Not even that because the Bible said a lot of people followed him because of the miracles Right, so that wasn't the problem with him. The problem they had with him is the truth.

Speaker 2:

Leaders were being confronted, yeah.

Speaker 3:

In the time of prayer, the Holy Ghost told me this Truth is expensive. Yeah, in the time of prayer, the Holy Ghost told me this Truth is expensive, la verdad cara.

Speaker 4:

La verdad cara.

Speaker 3:

Well, what was that word? Well, the word expensive means well. It says costly, it's dear, it's high price. Truth is costly. You start speaking truth. You end up. Go ahead and start off with 30 friends and keep speaking the truth and see how many friends you're going to end up with Within a year. Then there's the time of truth. Sometimes people want to hear Truth At a particular moment, usually El domingo time. People want to hear truth at a particular moment, usually in the mingle of the other culture, the days of service, sundays. But go ahead and speak truth just sitting at the table. They don't hear that. Then they should feel truth is confined to a time mm-hmm. That doesn't work that way.

Speaker 3:

Oh, come on, Jesus didn't stop being the truth or speaking the truth, when it was even the day of sabbatical, the day of rest. Mm-hmm, truth doesn't have an on and off button. Mm-hmm, you understand me?

Speaker 4:

I understand you yes, truth doesn't have an on and off.

Speaker 2:

Button. You understand me.

Speaker 3:

I understand you. Yes, Listen, my note's almost through here and I'm just putting some of the stuff that the Lord put in my time of prayer. The statements that I write is what the Lord gives me in time of prayer. One of the things he says to add or subtract from truth in our numerous means of communication is to lie. You know that If we multiply without God's truth that's what he told me If we multiply without God's truth, we're not adding, we're creating a division.

Speaker 1:

If we multiply without God's truth, we're not adding. Can you explain that a little bit?

Speaker 3:

If we multiply Without, without God's truth, we're not adding.

Speaker 2:

Could you explain that a little bit yeah?

Speaker 1:

Like I've never been that good at math.

Speaker 3:

So I used to think the people Leslie. If what I'm bringing is lies, doesn't the Bible say the truth will make you free? Well, if the truth makes you free, then I can say a lie brings you to captivity. So truth is freedom, lies captivity. If you're bringing lies to the temple, how are you going to set people free? Only truth makes them free. Come on, how are you going to set people free? Only truth makes them free. Come on, how, how is that even possible? So you got a gathering of people who are lovers of lies. Truth has to make you free.

Speaker 3:

You have to be able to taste it. I love this family, you guys know that, and I love how you guys love me. But if in my preachings, in my teachings, you're not tasting freedom, either I'm off or you guys are off. One or the other, because you have to feel that freedom when truth is being spoken.

Speaker 2:

I think the most titles that we know about preachings are Nino's the words and the title.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever preach the same messages in different churches, or do you always have a different message?

Speaker 3:

My father in the faith. At one point I remember the first time this was when I was coming out the gate. At one point I remember the first time this was when I was coming out the gate I prepared a message for every individual church, as the Lord tells me to do, and I remember for the first time in my life I came to the place of. There was a particular message.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys remember my name, ain't Junior, or I call it, I am what I am says I am Okay, that message I was going to preach I would. I preach it one time and usually what I was doing with my message was I would preach it and it was done for into the archives in way. And I remember one particular time this was, like I would say, about the fourth of the six years of ministry in ministry. So we're talking messages that it was for you and that was it For you and that was it. And I remember now I was going to go out of place and the Lord put in my heart I am what I am since I am.

Speaker 2:

Right, I haven't heard that way. I need to hear that way.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, I will. So I am what I am. Since I am, I'm saying I've never repeated a message. Hear me, I'm saying I've never repeated that I'm making this moment a mean moment an ego trip mmm that's a lie creeping in, you know.

Speaker 3:

So I'm saying. But I know this voice. This is the same voice that tells me this is the message. So what I did, I called my father in the faith. When I called my father in the faith, my father in the faith, I had not told him what I was just going through. He goes Nino, listen, I was just praying for you, son. Listen, there's going to be times when you're going to have to preach that particular message you've already written.

Speaker 3:

He says a prophet for the nations. That message isn't just for them, it's for the nation of God. So if I preached it let's say you're a pastor and I preached it in your church and Robert and Leslie are pastors in another church God could easily tell me precept message here. He says so what do you call up for? I said, father, you already said I called up because I was struggling. He says yeah, no, do it. You know what I found out? You take that message, you preach it in five different places and it never comes out the same because it's catered to that congregation. So over here it might be speaking about, let's say, correction, over here celebrating. Over here it might be casting out. Wow, he caters it to them. And trust me when I tell you this there's no way underneath the sun that Nino is that intelligent. I don't have that ability. I'm being frank. It's transparent as I can possibly be here.

Speaker 3:

I don't have that ability, so the answer is there are moments that he says do it, Then there are moments where I believe with all of my heart and soul, and I know a lot of preachers have a problem with this one, but again, this is welcome to Friday, not Friday, right? There are times where the Lord is telling me to write a message and when I step into your church that's not the message.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, that would get me mad.

Speaker 4:

I'm not even kidding, that would get me mad, you're talking about this.

Speaker 2:

You're saying you lied. If it is wait a minute or not you lied, I heard wrong.

Speaker 3:

I heard wrong, exactly.

Speaker 1:

You said you make it about him. You said you make it about him. You said to make it about him. I'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

We don't want to get struck by lightning here, don't be provoking me, don't wake up Lightning on my head Right.

Speaker 3:

So now watch what happens, what literally happens Before that started happening to me. Everything in the kingdom begins with a word Todo. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God. Everything is a word.

Speaker 4:

God said let there be light.

Speaker 3:

Now there's light. Everything in the kingdom begins with a word. Unto us, a child is born. He prophesied about Jesus being born before he was born. Everything begins with a word. Everything I remember before that happened, lord had told me I remember, particularly because they used to go with a notebook. Maybe we shot it.

Speaker 4:

Knowing each other, you guys told me the notebook, the notebook has all my messages in it and then he has it in that sheet protector, because I realized in the beginning, when I was going, I would type it out and put it.

Speaker 3:

That was sweat, and it was me and you kidding. So I started that sheet protector Because I realized in the beginning, when I was going, I would type it out and put it and I would sweat and it would smear, and you're kidding. So I started putting sheet protectors on it. And I remember one time I went up there with my notebook and I said let's pray. As I said, let's pray, the people began to worship. Y una viejita le dice como gets up to the altar. And she says to my ear, right there, when I'm about. I'm saying let's pray, she says the Lord is telling me to let you know there's going to be times where what you prepared is not for that place and he will fill your mouth, do not worry. And then she went and sat down. So what happened? This particular place is the first time I'm going to go ahead and pray.

Speaker 3:

I felt I knew this was the message. Bro, I'm blank, literally. I was going to preach the message anyway, because that's it. No, no, I'm going to do that. The letters became all blurred. I'm talking on a paper. I'm talking wait. I'm literally saying praise the name of the Lord. Come on everybody, I'm going like this, I'm going. What's going on here? Couldn't see. All I see was blur. And I remember the legs, prophecy and right there the message was birth. Wow, you remember the last time we were at roll? Yeah, okay, you know the second message, the one on Saturday. Yeah, that was a birth, right there with the five yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was birth, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I remember that. Oh, yes, yes, we gave up ministry for serving. Yeah, that was birthright there and I can tell you over and over again at different places there's some particular churches, bro, that is guaranteed in the years. Let's say I've served them for five years. Four years have been the Lord right there on the spot. Wow, say this, and I love going there, because I don't know if you've heard me say this, but I said the second time, I said okay this is the first time that we are going to hear this message together.

Speaker 3:

That's me saying I don't know what's going to happen, here we go, so I've had that type of experience. Here we go, here we go, so I've had that type of experience Also. What I was saying was, if we are multiplying without truth, we're adding and we're not. I mean, we're not adding, we're dividing. Yeah, that's where we were at.

Speaker 4:

We have chosen to exhale truth and inhale lies.

Speaker 3:

So come on, tony, we're going to exhale truth. Get it out of me, but I'm going to inhale lies. We're going to exhale truth. Get it out of me, but I'm going to inhale lies. Listen to this. We must want truth to break us out, birth us in and bring us up. That's the evidence of truth. It'll break you out of something. It's going to birth you into something and bring you up to something. Truth does that. It was the rejecting of God's truth that nailed Jesus to the cross. In order to do this, legally, they had to lie.

Speaker 3:

Wow, To legally do it they had to lie A lot of the stuff we're doing today is legal lies, mm-hmm, like that is explained to us, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah every single thing that has come up with her. The subject was we were talking about.

Speaker 1:

The cuadro clinical like the diagnosis.

Speaker 2:

The way they diagnose people. Right Before they considered homosexuality to be a problem, a mental problem and whatever, whatever.

Speaker 3:

But then yeah they normalized it.

Speaker 2:

So now it's okay. And she explained to us not because you normalize something, it means that it's cured, it's not cured, you know. And then, since they normalized it and they made it okay, everybody accepts it. Now it's normal. You walk anywhere and you see. And she says that it obviously hasn't just happened with homosexuality.

Speaker 1:

And you see, and she says that it obviously hasn't just happened with homosexuality, it has happened with a lot of other diagnoses. Back in the times, it was something that you used to be able to get cared for.

Speaker 3:

You used to be able to get medicine for everything, and since you normalized it, you started looking at it like everybody's saying it's cool, everybody's saying it's okay, oh, okay, let's go ahead and rewrite everything, let's go ahead and make it something that you can't get judged for, exactly because, along to what we just saw, lies are going to crawl, walk and run yes if we didn't abort it, it's gonna end up end up crawling, it's going to end up walking, it's going to end up running. So it's a lot of catching up. You know, we spoke about people nowadays talking about that. They're cats, they're dogs. You want to live out a lie, but you don't want to live out the truth, because lies is our number one seller.

Speaker 3:

It is too flagrant to be ignored. Truth, set us free, so we understand that lies bring us into captivity. We prefer entertainment rather than the entrance of truth. What is entertainment? Let's look at the entertainment.

Speaker 4:

What is entertainment?

Speaker 3:

It's me giving you a script to be somebody you're not. It's a lie, come on. So in this movie you're going to be Superman. Well, it's a lie, but you're going to get paid for it, so it's lucrative, yeah, so much so that an actor will make more money lying than a preacher speaking the truth Como.

Speaker 2:

Si me dicen como yo lo repito Go ahead, man.

Speaker 3:

If an actor I'm going to change the language a little bit. If an actor gets paid for lying, the anointed one gets paid less for speaking the truth. How is that possible? Wow, we love this stuff. We love it. And I understand. Again I understand. I remember when my wife, Evie, Shout out to Evie yeah, Love you.

Speaker 4:

Baby Evie's the best my wife.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Shout out to Evie. Yeah, Love you baby. Evie's the best, my wife.

Speaker 3:

Evie yes, she's the best I remember. When we started realizing that we were interested in each other, I put this on the table of my life. This is what I told her. Okay, I'm interested in somebody that's willing to tell me the truth and accept when I speak the truth to them, even if it hurts, because I'd rather be hurt by your truth than to be destroyed by your lies. Hurt me with the truth. You're being truthful. I'd rather that's just me. Truth is so good to the people when it defends their view, but the moment truth exposes them, the ones that used to love you now hate you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

While it's defending your view. You love that truth the moment you expect it exposes you that truth at the moment it exposes you. Every service, if we're talking the truth, every service we go to something about us is supposed to be exposed, If truth is being spoken.

Speaker 1:

It's really special how, when you say things like that one, I tend to send messages to my family every morning. You know, like two minute, three minute. You know like voice, and I always tell them what I'm teaching you today or what I'm sharing with you today confronted me first, like, touched me first, like I went through it first and now I am understanding what I went through and what is happening to me, so I'm gonna share with you. I always tell them I was like I'm, really I'm, I mix the Bible, like the characters in the Bible which this Tuesday in the on your on your class, you were talking about Noah and then you talked about Like I was like, oh yeah, that happens to me. Like I can tell you the story in the Bible, I can tell you everything, like I can narrate everything, but I always tend to miss up, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the characters so it's really important for me to like, yeah, the characters in the business no-transcript.

Speaker 3:

In your statement. I've always had a problem when, back in the day, you guys I don't know how long, but you've been in the United for years now right, the what. You've been a Christian for forever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't mean it's going to be 25. So yeah, I've been like 24 years in church.

Speaker 1:

Since I've been alive, I don't remember. I don't remember a time I wasn't a Christian and the director over there, how long you been in.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

All in diapers, yeah, okay, all babies.

Speaker 3:

You guys must remember Preacher saying I'm just a messenger. I'm just a messenger, dude. That's so wrong Because Jesus says that he's the truth. I'm not a messenger, dude. That's so wrong Because Jesus says that he's the truth. I'm not a messenger, I am this truth. I'm speaking. Come on, you can't get up on an altar and preach something that you yourself, it's not you.

Speaker 4:

It hasn't gone back to you?

Speaker 3:

It can't. This is why Jesus himself was that truth, so he's able to speak this truth, because he himself is that church. Remember one time in a time. I remember one time I prayed, I was in a 30-day fast and again my father-in-law was having a leadership conference and he says, son, I want you to come to this. I'm on day 15 of this thing and you know you don't look good when you fast, bro. Day 15 of this thing, and you know you don't look good when you fast, bro, you just don't.

Speaker 4:

This is why you kind of Not you, but me, I don't look good.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you're a pretty boy, no matter what. So that's the thing. So what?

Speaker 4:

happens bro.

Speaker 3:

I tell him, father, you know? He says son, I feel in my spirit you need to go. So when I went there, there was an apostle, and the apostle, he, doesn't know me from home. My father didn't tell him anything about myself. I go in and sit towards his back and in the midst of his preaching he comes over to me and says man, god, the Lord, gave me a word for you. So I bow my head immediately. He says the Lord is telling me you're asking him for revelation. He doesn't give revelation, he makes you become that revelation. Oh, God.

Speaker 3:

He said you're asking me to give you revelation. God doesn't give you revelation. God demands that you become that revelation, then you can speak it.

Speaker 3:

And he's saying you're becoming that revelation. Wow, so I'm not a messenger, I'm carrying this, this is who I am. So I dare not speak on something that I myself don't live. I won't, because that's hypocritical. Wow, I do not cross that line. The Lord told me Nino, have you ever noticed the altars? I said yes, lord. He said the following Our altars were not made high so that people can get a better view of us. So I said so, lord. What is it made for? It's made high because you have a higher truth to impart. So the reason for the altar is you have a higher truth. So let everyone see it. People don't. I don't need to be up there if I'm down here, because you can hear me right, but why does one sit there? Because you're supposed to look like the truth that you're speaking.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Nino, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for you, for coming in here. I know that it's gonna be four parts, but thank you for this first one. I bless you, I bless your family. I am thankful for you. I am thankful for your lessons. I can't wait for the next one. I know that it going to be as powerful and even more powerful than this one. If you made it all the way over here, please make sure you are part of this conversation, make sure you comment, make sure you like us, you follow us on Instagram and Facebook, youtube, subscribe to our channel. If this blessed you today, let us know which part blessed you. That way, nino knows, because he reads the comments. He lets you know. This is what happens If you guys made it over here. Please give us follow, give us a like, make sure that you stay in tune, because there's a lot more coming and there's a lot more from where that came from.

Speaker 2:

If this blesses anyone, please share it. Keep the blessing going.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, since you guys are looking at that camera there In the stream live that I do. I do a stream every Thursday. I didn't take this moment to promote it.

Speaker 2:

We announced it anyway. We talk about it Well. There's one of the things I moment to promote it. We announced it anyway.

Speaker 3:

We talk about it Well there's one of the things I say towards the end. First of all, when you study algorithm, algorithms is what tells you about how you're doing and stuff like that. The subscription have dropped, people subscribing have dropped, but the sharing has increased and at one point I wasn't too crazy about that. For example, in my streaming I would love for people to subscribe to, but you know what Sharing is powerful. And in the streaming that I do in AA 5.0, one of the things I say Paul on his burro took the gospel.

Speaker 3:

Everywhere you can outdo him by just pressing a button, because nowadays for example, the streamers that I've been doing, I've literally had people from Pakistan, people from Europe, people from Spain that are writing. I would never be able to reach these people, but by people pressing the share button you're taking the message out. And isn't that one of the responsibilities of the saints of God? To take the gospel of Jesus Christ out there. So if you like today's subscription, all you got to do. Do they prefer subscription? If you subscribe, who wouldn't? But you know what, if you're going to choose between subscribing and sharing, share it, because somebody needs to hear this, Somebody needs to understand the purity of truth and if you do your job, they might be able to reach 1,000. But yours might add another 200. That's 1,200. And somebody else's 100. That's a thousand two hundred and somebody else's a hundred. That's a thousand three hundred.

Speaker 3:

You see, you're taking the gospel message out there. I know that a lot of you that heard this you said, oh my God, my mother needs to hear this. Then share it with them and tell them to share it with somebody else, and that's how the gospel of Jesus Christ begins to be promoted. People need to start wanting the pure truth of God. Listen, he's coming. That's the truth. Nobody's talking anymore. He's coming back. So share this message because it'll change their life. If it touches you, it'll touch the ones you love.

Speaker 2:

It will make them free. Yeah, it will make them free. So you guys already know the Hangout of.

Speaker 1:

Fridays, it will make them free. Yeah, it will make them free. So you guys already know the hangout of Fridays, el hangout de los viernes, la semana que viene, corillo, y hasta la próxima, feliciones.

The Cost of the Truth
The Personification of Truth
Embracing God's Truth
The Process of Embracing Truth
Confronting Truth's Consequences