On Centerline
A show by aviators, for aviators. Join the discussion with real aviators as we explore the trials and tribulations of flight training from the student and flight instructor perspectives. Listen to stories from pilots in all different stages of their careers to hear the challenges they faced, and how they overcame those challenges.
On Centerline
Pass your IFR Oral Exam - ACS Breakdown Part 4 - Systems
Sam Tarrel, The Northwest Aeronaut
Episode 31
Today we are diving into systems related to IFR flight. In today's episode we specifically discuss Anti-icing and De-icing systems, as well as Autopilot.
Youtube: www.youtube.com/northwestaeronaut
Instagram: @northwest_aeronaut
TikTok: nw_aeronaut
Website: www.northwestaeronautics.com
Music - Epidemic Sound: Go Higher - FLYIN
Vegas - Onda Norte