The Wild Card Podcast

The Wild Cards Take Their Pick 9

Ron Blair, Jeff Curtis, and Jared Eaton Episode 293

Welcome to The Wild Card Podcast!  This is episode 293 of our attempt at this whole podcasting thing!! Today's episode features: Jared Eaton ruining everything (Again), Jeff Curtis keeping stats, and Ron Blair having a catcher's butt!! Throughout the episode, you'll hear the three of us discuss such varied topics as: the way this podcast is about HCP's production of The Producers, a mutinous Commercial, our favorite sports memories, getting healthier while thinking about sandwiches for the future, all three of us definitely agreeing, and occasionally we part from our tangents to take part in another Ultimate Wild Card Bracket Challenge! This week, Jared takes the guys through several brackets and forces them to make difficult choices such as: Best 80s song and which Movie Villain is best!!!  Thank you for joining us on this journey to wherever and we're sure that you'll never regret the choice to listen to our Ultimate podcast!

Please like/subscribe and leave comments below! Let us know your thoughts on any of our brackets, your favorite 80s songs, your favorite Movie Villain, where you disagree with us, which omission/overrule of Jared's offended you the most, positivity chains (encourage one another!), any future reports you'd like us to do, and if you are interested in being an official Deckhead!

P.S.  “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.”
~ –Napoleon Bonaparte

P.P.S. Stay Safe, Stay Wild, and Bite the Edge!