Good Neighbor Podcast North Atlanta

EP #103: SalesSong Studio with Heather Remec

July 07, 2024
EP #103: SalesSong Studio with Heather Remec
Good Neighbor Podcast North Atlanta
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Good Neighbor Podcast North Atlanta
EP #103: SalesSong Studio with Heather Remec
Jul 07, 2024

What if understanding human psychology could revolutionize your marketing strategy?  Heather's journey is nothing short of inspiring—starting her career at 16 with a Fortune 500 company, only to pivot into psychology and biology before returning to her marketing roots. Her unique blend of marketing savvy and psychological insight offers listeners a fresh perspective on creating compelling and connected campaigns that truly resonate with audiences.

Heather not only shares her professional journey but also demystifies the digital marketing industry, highlighting the importance of expertise and quality in online offerings. We discuss common misconceptions and the value of working with true experts. Tune in for an episode rich with insights, especially beneficial for entrepreneurs and those passionate about digital marketing and the stories of women making a significant impact in their communities.

Show Notes Transcript

What if understanding human psychology could revolutionize your marketing strategy?  Heather's journey is nothing short of inspiring—starting her career at 16 with a Fortune 500 company, only to pivot into psychology and biology before returning to her marketing roots. Her unique blend of marketing savvy and psychological insight offers listeners a fresh perspective on creating compelling and connected campaigns that truly resonate with audiences.

Heather not only shares her professional journey but also demystifies the digital marketing industry, highlighting the importance of expertise and quality in online offerings. We discuss common misconceptions and the value of working with true experts. Tune in for an episode rich with insights, especially beneficial for entrepreneurs and those passionate about digital marketing and the stories of women making a significant impact in their communities.

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, North Atlanta, where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Stacey Risley. Hello friends and neighbors, Welcome to North Atlanta's Good Neighbor Podcast. Today we're here with Heather Remick, with Salesong Studio Digital Marketing Agency. Hi, Heather, how are you? Hi Stacey, I'm doing well today. How are you? I'm doing great. I'm so glad to have you on the show. We connected originally through LinkedIn, and so I've been eager to hear more about your business, and I'm so glad to have you here today. Well, thank you for the invitation. Well, so first let's just jump in and go ahead and tell our listeners about your business. Tell us about Salesong Studio.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I started in the online space of marketing about 10 years ago and I founded Salesong Studio, which is designed to help service-based businesses grow, and in digital marketing, we're doing that through an online presence. So we're running advertising, we're building out lead magnets, ways for people to connect websites, and then building social media platforms as well.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. Well, tell our listeners about your journey into this business.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I actually. This is a long story, but I landed a job at a Fortune 500 in marketing at 16 years old. So I started in marketing really early on and I was there for several years and you know, I felt a need to make a bigger impact. That's kind of the person that I am. So I actually resigned from that position and everybody thought I was crazy, because that was kind of a dream job, right, and I earned degrees in psychology and biology and I was a medical counselor for years and then in 2014, I stepped back into marketing again and what that did is it allowed me.

Speaker 2:

It was a great process that I didn't realize would add such benefit, because not only did I have the background in marketing, but I really had the opportunity to understand the way that people thought at a very, very foundational level. So, knowing that, on top of my marketing acumen from the past, I was really able to dive in and create some phenomenal campaigns and really touch base with the way that people think, because we'll build some bigger online launches. So oftentimes we're asking for a higher ticket you know purchase price from people that the business owner never meets. So it has to feel very connected and myself and the agency is really good at creating those connection points.

Speaker 1:

Wow, okay. So Fortune 500 at 16, that is, I would think, a dream job, and then I love that. You, you know, stepped back from that, I also have a dual degree in psychology, and so I hear you on that, and that does bring a whole new level of it levels you up as far as the business goes. I liked what you said about you understand how the way people think and and what they need and and are able to meet those needs. So hats off to you, congrats.

Speaker 2:

It's a windy little journey sometimes that we take in order to get to where we're meant to be. And I don't know I've seen oftentimes it is it's different aspects of the people that we've become over time that we can pour into the thing that we're supposed to do in the future. So I was lucky enough to see that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at a young age too, you know to be able to is. I think a lot of people at that age are going to be intoxicated by the money aspect. You know and the already having or what a lot of people may think that that is the end goal is about the money that you're bringing in, you know initially, and so that's very I love you, heather. I love female entrepreneurs. Kind of stick together as women.

Speaker 2:

It's a beautiful series.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic. Well, so can you go ahead and clear up. Are there any myths or misconceptions about your industry that you would want to clear up with our listeners today?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, the industry in general. Some of the businesses that I work with are local businesses who offer services and things of that sort, and I work online with a lot of businesses that sell information as well. So there's a lot of myth in the online space around the quality of the products that people are investing in, and I only work with people who are true experts in their space. So I cherry pick the entrepreneurs that I work with from the online space to be sure that their fulfillment is as good as their marketing and sales. So sometimes you'll get that low quality, honestly, when it comes to fulfillment, but truly there are a lot of really amazing, amazing entrepreneurs that are doing phenomenal things.

Speaker 2:

When I first started in the online space, the reason I decided to do service-based businesses is because, when I was a counselor, I saw so many people who needed help that they couldn't access locally because they had a specific niche issue or niche problem. So I wanted to be a resolution around that and provide the bridge, more or less, between the people who needed help wherever they lived and the service-based businesses that could offer that help. So, like I said, local businesses are fantastic, as well as the greater online space, because it gives us an opportunity to connect with people who can really serve us well in growing our lives and businesses.

Speaker 1:

And so, when you say service-based businesses, what are the primarily? What types of businesses are you working with?

Speaker 2:

Most of the not all, but most of the businesses that I work with sell information services. Sometimes it's consulting, books, coaches, things of that sort. So we work with a lot of businesses like that, but they also offer services. So I've worked with businesses, even local businesses in Atlanta, that have maybe a front end that's tech and that's online, Maybe it has an app to it and then on the back end they are home health services or something to that effect. So there's a wide range of ways in which we support service-based businesses into getting the right leads for them and then them fulfill on the back end.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Well, that clears that up, Thank you. So let's veer away from work for just a minute and you can tell our listeners what are you doing for fun when you're not working.

Speaker 2:

I love to travel and I do it pretty often, and I love music, but, yeah, traveling has been fantastic. I have three daughters, so I love music, but, yeah, traveling has been fantastic. I have three daughters, so I love experiences, and I've had the opportunity, through this journey and as my business has grown, to be able to provide experiences to them as well. My youngest, 13 year old, is going to Mexico. My oldest is actually in Greece right now on a student travel program, so we've really integrated experiences into our lives in a big way over time and I've had the opportunity to do the same. So, outside of travel, like I said, I love music and concerts and fitness. I love to work out Hiking is really fun as well, so and just really good food and the experiences that Atlanta has to offer as well.

Speaker 1:

It's a beautiful city that has such amazing, amazing businesses and I really enjoy testing them out and seeing what sparks joy, yeah, so that all resonates with me too. I'm a big one for experiences over material possessions, I really and I hike as well. We have to get together, heather. I have two daughters, not three, but two. They're minor empty nesters though they're. They're 20, 23 and 21 now, so they've flown the coop, which is what we want for our children, right? Well, so we're going to shift gears again and get into a little something a little more serious, but I ask all my listeners or all my guests, rather, if they've experienced a life challenge or a hardship, that they can say, for having been through that experience and lived through it and come out on the other side, that they're better for it today. Do you have something like that you would like to share?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, I personally think that we can look at anything as a struggle or a catalyst. Right, and my big catalyst in actually starting my business was my mother's passing. So she had had terminal cancer, she had had pancreatic cancer, but we still thought we had some more time with her and an incident happened to where, all of a sudden, she more or less lost access to her airway. So she was in ICU for about two weeks and we didn't know whether or not she was responsive or could hear us in that effect and she ended up passing, which is a blessing in the end, because pancreatic cancer is is her having the opportunity to live her best weeks with family but not have to go through the end stages of that was a beautiful thing and it was a blessing in disguise.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, after her passing you know, being my mother, it was a bit of a struggle, but I started to realize how she was only 55.

Speaker 2:

And I started to realize how incredibly short life truly is and how I needed to, or I wanted, I desired to take a look at the opportunities that lied ahead for me.

Speaker 2:

I had done a couple smaller, little kind of like testing you know businesses, some smaller things beforehand, but I really, really wanted to make a bigger impact and I decided that that was the time to do that. So that following year is when I launched actually no later that year my apologies is when I launched my agency and I began the foundation of, like I said, helping people and bridging that gap between people who needed help and the people who you know could provide that, and it was a beautiful thing because she also was in a space when she was going through her cancer where she needed help that wasn't in her local area, so it was a little bit of a nod to that as well. But again, I see there are so many things that happen with us inside of our journey and the true entrepreneurial spirit is taking a look at the value we can pull from things and really expand on that and see where we can provide others with resolution around maybe some of the struggles that we had gone through in the past.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful answer and that's a very good way of turning. I like what you said about. It can be a struggle or a catalyst, and beautiful story of turning something difficult into something that propels you forward. So thank you very much. You are so welcome. Thank you for sharing. Well, is there anything else you would like our listeners to know about your business?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So, like I said, we offer, you know, offers to service-based businesses and businesses online and, honestly, I would say, when it comes to marketing, a lot of people really struggle with their social media presence and they think that social media is kind of the you know, the resolution for everything that they need, and it is incredibly important. But I would say, you know, messaging and the way that we're building a brand and building a personality behind the brand really means a lot. So it's something that we provide to our clients in the greater realm of the marketing that we do. But as a service to your listeners, if they're building their social media presence, I would say to look at the culture and the movement that they're creating inside of that and bring in personality.

Speaker 2:

Don't be vanilla in social media. Really bring yourself to the table and you will grow much more quickly and you'll attract the people that you want to attract. So, when it comes to providing your audience with a service, I would say to do that, and that alone is a small but solid catalyst towards their growth when it comes to their own marketing and when it comes to what we do, if anyone would like to reach out to us, we offer a magnitude of opportunities around lead generation social media platforms, landing pages and websites and things of that sort. Most of our clients will start with us with a project and stay with us for many years. We help to scale them and even help them to sell at times.

Speaker 1:

Nice. Well, so, speaking of if anyone would like to reach out, if they want to reach out and learn more, what is the best way, Heather, for them to get in touch with you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so my social media handles generally, it's Instagram and Facebook are under my name Heather Remick R-E-M-E-C. That's a great way to follow me, engage with content. We put out a lot of content. It tends to be really valuable to businesses and if you wanted to visit my website to schedule a call, it's salessongco. And those are the two great ways to, like I said, interact, follow, learn more about marketing and what's actually working now, and then also connect with us in order to get access to whatever services your business may need.

Speaker 1:

Great Well, thank you so much for being here, Heather. It has been a pleasure and we're going to have to connect after to get together. I'm really going to love that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you as well, stacey. I appreciate this. This has been a great opportunity and I love the fact that we connected on LinkedIn for the purpose LinkedIn is made for, which is to make connections through businesses and, yeah, and provided friendship on top of that through businesses and provided friendship on top of that.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely I'm looking forward to it. Well, that's all for today's episode. Atlanta. I'm Stacey Risley with the Good Neighbor Podcast. Thanks for listening and for supporting the local businesses and nonprofits of our great community. Thanks for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast North Atlanta. To nominate your favorite local businesses, visit gnpnorthatlantacom. That's gnpnorthatlantacom.