The Teacher Biz Podcast

58: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Business Owner

Heather O’Donnell

Who is going to purchase a product from me? 

Why am I putting myself out there like this? 

I am just a fraud.

Imposter syndrome is real, but so is your ability to overcome it! In this episode, Heather addresses the common feelings of imposter syndrome when starting a business. She offers strategies to overcome self-doubt, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the customers you aim to help rather than on your own insecurities. By directing attention to the specific problems and needs of your target audience, you can push through initial challenges and eventually gain confidence from the positive impact your work has on others!

Key Takeaways:

  • (03:05) Focusing on helping others instead of your own insecurities
  • (04:05) The point in business when imposter syndrome goes away
  • (05:15) Focusing on the person you are trying to serve
  • (09:55) Knowing you’re not alone; these feelings are normal 

FREE RESOURCE ALERT → If you're ready to start your own Teacher Biz, check out the Teacher Biz Starter Guide!

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