Work Punks

Charles Towers-Clark, the WEIRD CEO

Colin Newlyn, Paul Jansen, Ben Simpson Episode 10

 Special guest in this episode: Charles Towers-Clark, writer of "The WEIRD CEO" (and the CEO of the title). 
Artificial Intelligence has gone mainstream lately, with ChatGPT and other tools now firmly in the public eye. Years ago, Charles concluded that in order to prepare his company POD Group and its workforce for the advent of AI, a radical rethink of how work is organised was called for. And so he went about introducing concepts of autonomy and self management to his company. What it takes to do this well, he summarised in the menomonic WEIRD (Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence, Initiative, Responsibility and Development). 
In this Work Punks episode we quiz him on his learnings and what he - in hindsight - would have done differently. We touch upon a new definition of a company's assets, and why 'purpose' is so fundamental. We also delve into his current research, since leaving POD, and what AI might mean for our children's career choices. 
Work Punks are Colin Newlyn (Decrapify Work), Ben Simpson (VitalOrg) and Paul Jansen (Trust Works). 

Also available as a webcast at

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