Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

38. 6 Pillars of a Profitable and Sustainable Business As a Mom

Yael Bendahan

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If you’re feeling burnt out on biz, or overwhelmed by the tasks that seem to multiply every time you sit down at your laptop, this episode is for you. I share the 6 pillars that make for a profitable AND sustainable business as a mom, including ways to hone your messaging, simplify your marketing and save 5-10 hours a WEEK! 

We talk about:

  • The most important way to think about your business as a CEO Mom
  • How to make your ideal clients feel like you’re literally in their head or a fly on their wall when you create content
  • The simple content system that served me through pregnancy, pandemics, a full-time baby at home with me and beyond
  • How to craft an offer suite that is set up for scaling and not just month-to-month
  • My MOMentum Marketing Method to plan your sales for the year (and the unique way I think about each offer I launch)
  • My favorite things to automate so I can dedicate time to personal touches in my sales process

You’re going to want to take notes when you listen to this one!

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I remember one time when I was still doing copywriting. I was writing launch emails for. A client of mine clients, they were actually partners. And they got so much feedback about their emails going oh my God, I feel like you're in my head. Are you in my life? Are you a fly on my wall? How do you know how. What I'm feeling and what I'm thinking. And that was like the best feedback I could have possibly gotten as a copywriter because it meant that my messaging landed. And how to create these, like you're in my mind moments, your content, you want to be thinking about the exact moments in their day, the thoughts, the questions, the feelings you ideal client has. And the easiest way to do is just put yourself in their shoes. And if you're not really sure about, if they're, if you were the, you used to be in their shoes maybe your ideal client is not former. You, maybe it's someone else. Then I would interview. Your favorite client and find out welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendehan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, Mom of 5, and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the podcast. I am really excited to talk about this. The six pillars of a profitable and sustainable business as a mom. And my goal for you is to walk away with some awareness of where your gaps might be. Where you might be missing some things. For business sustainability, especially because, as a mom, our business needs to sustain through so many different seasons and things are going to shift and things are gonna change. In every season, right? My business, when I had four kids, eight, nine years old. Under it was very different. I was able to hustle a lot more. I don't know if that was necessarily good for me. It wasn't good for me, honestly. But I was able to do that because all my kids went to bed by 7 30, 8 o'clock and I had the whole evening, in which to work. Whereas that business was very different from when I had a baby at home with me, for those for those. You know that, that first year of her life. I just, when I was home with Eliana I shifted my business model. I was primarily, I was not primarily, I was pretty much. Only in a group model. I had my group program. I had, I was doing group masterclasses, but that was pretty much like what I was doing. I had no one to one clients at that time. And I worked about two to four hours a day at most generally, because that's all I had. And two of those hours very often would be like in the evening after Eliana was in bed. I want you to, I want you to realize that If you are feeling a little bit burnt out by your business and you wake up, feeling you already feeling behind, you sit down at your laptop, you finally get all the kids off to school. You're mentally bombarded with 5 billion things that all feel urgent. And you're like, oh my God look at my to do list. It's like a mile long. You have client messages popping up in your notifications at all times of day or night. And you feel like you might actually explode if you take on one more client, but the problem is. You still haven't hit your monthly income goal. And you're like how do I do that? How do I hit this income goal? While still being able to like breathe and sleep and eat and take care of my family. And so I want you to I was thinking about these pillars of business and when I, my clients come to me with this kind of problem with I feel very overwhelmed. I feel like I just don't have enough time to take on more clients, but I really want to make more money. I generally find that it's there because they're missing one. Of these six things. And I know I have my CEO mom's method, which is like the overall right. The moms is mindset offers, marketing systems. That's the overall thing, but I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into this because I think that it's important. And I think I wanted to give some very specific examples. And that is why I actually wrote this as an email. And does an Instagram post and they have to delete it because the when I uploaded the carousel, it just didn't work. It just I know one of the, one of the slides just. Re posted three times instead of the last three slides. And it was just very annoying. I'm going to repost it again today and we'll see what happens, but I thought this would be a really good opportunity to To elaborate more on this topic, because if I did that in an email, the email would be basically a blog post. And we don't want a blog post as an email. We want to just get the point. And I know what we're saying. I want to dive into the six pillars of a profitable and sustainable business and also give some very specific examples of what I mean. In each pillar because there wasn't as much time for that. And so I wanted to share that with you. Okay. Like I said, one of my clients comes to me with this problem. They're feeling very burnt out. They feel like either they're not attracting enough of the right clients or. They already have clients and their time is booked out and they're like, I cannot take on another client. I just can't. Or maybe like they just lost a client and they feel so much more spaciousness in their schedule. And they're like, I don't want to go back to that. I don't want to go back to I don't wanna go back to that, that feeling of. Of overwhelm and burnout and, and, but I also want to make more money, right? So there's always like this dichotomy of I want to make more money, but I don't want to work much twice as hard, three times as hard as I'm currently working. These six things are going to help you get to that point where you won't necessarily need to work more in order to make more. And I think that's really important. I think that it's I hate this and sounds so cliche. But, the idea of working smarter not harder is really true when we think that, oh, if I just work twice as much, if I do twice as much, I'll earn twice as much. And that is not necessarily the case. Because. We are not an hour hourly salaried worker that if we work more hours, you'll automatically get paid more. And even if we are an hourly. If we do have hourly packages, which I don't recommend at all, for many reasons you end up like maxing out your hours. Especially if you have a family, like you only have so many hours in the week, you literally cannot work more than a certain amount of hours. That's going to be different for each person, depending on the amount of child support that, not child support. That's. I'm like child child care that they have and support from their partner or external support nannies or cleaners or. Whatever right. It's going to be different for everyone, but you are going to max out at some point. You only have only so many hours in a week, in a month to work. And you don't want to be spending all your time working anyway. All right. Let's get started. And I'm just gonna say, I might randomly pause. Because I'm 30 weeks pregnant now, which is. Insane. And my baby is a very active baby. Thank God. I'm you know, every time he kicks. I'm just like, oh, hi, there you are. Hey buddy. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I just call it a heat most of the time, just because I have so many boys, I just assume. But. It's very distracting. Like it's gone to the point where the movement is very like it. You really feel it. And I'm feeling like actual limbs. Poking into random organs. And so I have to might pause for a bit and be like, Ooh, okay. And get back to business. This is very hard as someone with ADHD to keep going and, on whatever and focus on what I was doing when I suddenly get like a kick in like the ribs or like the lungs or something. It's really funny. Okay. So let's talk about the six pillars, the first pillar of a profitable and sustainable business as a mom is the foundational and grounded CEO mom mindset. I was talking about this on our welcome call for CMA the other day. What defines a CEO, mom? What does it mean to be a CEO? Mom? And I always talk about this, but. CEO, mom, and I don't mean CEO mom, as in wearing a power suit and high heels. With, an iPad and a phone and, And a headset and, five different people talking to her at once. That's not what I think when, That's not what I mean. Sorry. When I say CEO, mom. See your moms are moms who choose to run their businesses and think about their businesses and also think about their homes and their lives like a CEO. And that means. Delegation. That means, long-term thinking that means that means. Being able to bring in, bring in support. From a really grounded and feminine place to being open, to support and open to being coached or open to being helped. CEO moms are long-term thinkers. And that this kind of sums it all up. They make decisions around their offers, which clients they take on and how they're going to be working from a place of does this fit both my long and short term goals. And when you have this mindset. You're going to stop, throwing up random offers in the hope of bringing in a couple thousand dollars here or a couple thousand dollars there. And you're going to stay committed to your vision. As you sell your a hundred percent aligned offer to your dream clients. Hands down. That is what you stay committed to. And whatever it is, you choose to be committed to whether it's filling up a membership or Or booking out your one-to-one services or filling a mastermind. So an example of this of longterm thinking, this is, this has worked for me by the way. This is always ongoing. Work for me, because the way you can really see if you are. Thinking like a CEO. Is when things aren't just momentum and money flying everywhere, and everything's just working out perfectly for you. And your kids listen to you every single second of every day. And which never happens ever And then everyone goes to sleep on time and you are getting eight hours of sleep, which also very rarely happens for me. So that is not when your CEO comes out the most. It's when things are slower, when things are more challenging when things. I feel like, Ooh maybe, you're doing some, doing the work and you're like, oh, it's not going as fast as I thought it would go. So here's an example. So my CEO, my mastermind right now I have opened it up to four more people. I'm opening. I'm keeping it open for four more people or until the end of April at the founding member rate. And. I don't have former people in there right now. All right. And I'm, and if this is something that interests you and you want to do that, I'm really happy. I have the most amazing women in there. They're just like, they're just my dream clients. They are my literal dream clients. I love coaching them around everything, around their business, around their mindset, around their launch plans around their messaging around getting through tougher situations or how to navigate difficult clients. It's just. That is like where my heart is. It is so wonderful. And I'm very committed to keeping that a space that is very safe because I've been in spaces. Where I did not feel that I trusted the space. I didn't feel necessarily safe in there. I did not feel safe to share things, that weren't working for me because I felt like I might be, it might be shared somewhere else or it might. Be used against me. And so this mastermind, my CEO, my mastermind is he very special place. And I'm very protective of this space. And so I'm not being like, okay, I got to fill a mastermind. It doesn't really matter who, let me just find people, for people who are willing to pay me five figures and let's just get them in so we can, raise the rate, which I am planning on doing in may. So the rate is going to be going up in may because I'm going to be diving in a little deeper with my clients and adding a little more one-to-one support. And I just feel I just feel like that makes sense. I just feel like that makes sense. And instead of being like, let me just find these random people. And or being like, oh I guess it doesn't work because I hadn't filled it up with my first 10 founding members yet. Which is fine. I'm staying very committed to the long game. I'm staying committed to honing in the messaging around this, to bring in those best fit people. Even if buying cycles are longer, the days I understand because people are more cautious with their money. And that makes sense. Especially in this economic climate, people want to be sure that they're making the right decision. About the investments that they make. And so instead of being like, okay I guess I'll just sell something else. Maybe I just won't. I won't think about the mastermind until the end of the year when I, when they're when their time runs out. I'm very focused on. How can I get clear and clear on the messaging around this container? To bring in the best people. And I'm in the best people ever, but I literally have the best clients. I want more of those. So that is my commitment. And I am thinking, okay, how do I make more money now? And how can I balance out cash injections with long-term monthly recurring revenue? I'm always thinking that's what I do. I'm a business owner, but I'm really committed to keeping the space and honing in the messaging around the space to be able to attract the right people in. And they're having people who applied for the mastermind who were really not a good fit. They were not the right. It plays in their business. Maybe I felt they weren't going to be a good culture fit. And I've said, I think maybe this isn't the best container for you and that's okay. And so if you are thinking like a CEO and you have that foundation like that. That grounded mindset. That is where your CEO is going to come out. Even though it might feel a little scary to say, no, we're going to get into that in the next part, in the messaging part. But you, you want. To protect your energy. And CEO's protect their energy. They think of it from a place of a long-term and not from the immediate, oh, how can I make a cash grab right now? So that is the first part. The second pillar is aligned to magnetic messaging. So when your messaging is not on point, When your messaging is not magnetic, when is not aligned to your ideal client. You were going to get cheerleaders in the DMS, telling you how inspiring you are. You'll probably get leads because it's constantly ghosting you. And it comes down to the actual sale, maybe a lot of engagement, but little to no sales. Of your offers. When your messaging is on point, you will stop attracting and taking on the clients that give you that sinking feeling of, oh, here goes nothing. And you know exactly what kind of clients, you've experienced this. I know you have. Because I know I've taken on clients where I knew in the back of my head. I'm like, this is not a good idea. I have feeling this person is going to give me a hard time and you know what, nine times out of 10, they did. Because my intuition was correct. But, I was not looking at it from this place of long-term like the CEO, my mindset, and my messaging was just attracting those types of people. And so I want you to take on clients that. Those highest level people who will happily pay you to solve their highest level problems who are coachable, who are open to feedback, who are who are understanding of boundaries, right? Those incredible people that you love working with. Think about your favorite client that you've ever had. You want more of those? And I encourage you to think about your favorite client that you've ever had when you're crafting your messaging for your offers. Here's a few ways to create more specific messaging in your content. And I, and one of my, one of my coaches, Taylor called this micro moments. Those things are like, oh my God, you're reading my mind. You're reading my mind moments. Where I remember one time I. I was when I was still doing copywriting. I was writing launch emails for. A client of mine clients, they were actually partners. And they got so much feedback about their emails going oh my God, I feel like you're in my head. Are you in my life? Are you a fly on my wall? How do you know how. What I'm feeling and what I'm thinking. And that really that was like the best feedback I could have possibly gotten as a copywriter because it meant that my messaging landed. And how to create these, like you're in my mind moments, your content, you want to be thinking about the exact moments in their day, the thoughts, the questions, the feelings you ideal client has. And the easiest way to do is just put yourself in their shoes. And if you're not really sure about, if they're, if you were the, you used to be in their shoes maybe your ideal client is not former. You, maybe it's someone else. Then I would interview. Your favorite client and find out, okay, so a few questions to ask yourself, if you were a fly on the wall and they're in their house and their date, go through the day, what behaviors are they doing that, are not the things they should be doing? In other way to look at this, as, like a day in their life, look through a day in their life and you know how his day in their life look like without you, without the help that you can give them. And then how does it look like with you? So what things are they doing that you. Not that they're not the things they should be doing. So examples, maybe they're looking for jobs, they feel maybe this whole entrepreneur thing is not for them, or they're doing last minute client work at night because they're desperate to keep the clients, even though they're not their ideal clients. And they're always, those clients are always pushing boundaries, but I don't want to let go of that client because, then what am I going to do? What am I going to do next month? And these are just few examples that I pulled from my CEO mom academy messaging. This is, these are just examples of whatever the things that they are doing, that, they shouldn't be doing. Maybe it's, I don't know, starting YouTube channel, even though they haven't even booked out their one-to-one services yet. Or maybe it's Maybe it's. Going on Keto, even though they know it's not going to be sustainable for them because they're starving all the time and they don't even have time to be doing all that meal prep. And they're just, all I can think about is bread, right? If you're a health coach. Those are just a couple of examples. What are they doing that, they should not be doing right. And other another question is what are they believing that is untrue? Or maybe what are the, what are some current beliefs that they have that aren't serving them? Is that just aren't true, right? So maybe they believe that they just need more strategy when you know, they need more mindset. Work or, and maybe they're hustling more and, they actually need to lean back and focus on the, the 80, 20 rule, right? What does that 20% of what they're doing? That's giving them the 80% of their results and they think that they just need to do more and more in order to achieve the same, better results. And, that's not true. It's going to just burn them out. So what are some beliefs that your ideal clients have that are not serving them or that are not true? What are they buying or buying into? So what are they, what kinds of things are they buying in order to solve their problems that are not solving their problems? Or what ideas are they buying into? What are they being told? That is not true. So an example being like. All I need to do is be in the right energy and you will just attract the perfect clients, right? Like you don't need to work on that strategy. You don't need to work in the messaging. The important thing is to just be aligned energetically to your ideal clients. I don't know, maybe that works for some people. I don't deny that energetics is a big part. But it is not the only part. And you have to have a balance of energetics and strategy in order to grow a business. And so those are just some examples. They might think they might, or they might, you might be the energetics person and they're going all in on strategy and buying all these strategy courses. When you know that if they just did some better mindset work or energetic work they would just get a lot further, a lot faster. That's an example. And last of all, what are the things that should be focused on instead? So what should they be doing instead? What are you currently doing with your clients? What are you currently doing for yourself that, if they were doing these things. They would be so much further ahead. So these are some ways to create more specific messaging. In your content. And I would definitely I should've said this before, but maybe write this down, take some notes, rewind and write this down. And next time you're selling something, answer these questions and see what you and just see what feels good for you. Like what, which answers are coming up for you around this and and try inserting some of those into your content and see how it works. I'm really, I would love to hear how this works for you. Okay. That is the second part is the aligned magnetic messaging. The third part, the third pillar of a profitable and sustainable. Business as a mom. Irresistible offers that are set to scale. Right now, when I say irresistible offers. You really have to look at what are people really needing, right? Where people need now is not what they needed two years ago. It was not what they needed in 2020. It's not what they needed before 2020. I really see 2020 as a very pivotal. Shift in the industry because there was just a very certain kind of energies and thoughts and. And feelings people were having during that year. And then a lot of stuff that happened that year really shifted a lot. A lot more people came online. But, the online market became a lot more saturated. They people, a lot of people started, starting businesses. At online and maybe they're there. Maybe it went well, maybe it didn't right. And so London, a lot of people went back to work because that's when they realized they weren't cut out to really run a business. There was a lot of there were a lot of shifts that happened in the online space. And so you really need to know number one, what is going to attract your ideal clients, but also what makes sense for you and what can actually be scalable. So if you're selling. Hourly or short-term packages. And you find yourself having to remark at the same offer month after month, because you keep filling your time. Or if you start a month looking at your workload and realizing you cannot possibly take on any more clients, but you're still not hitting that five figure income that you were hoping for. You need a better offer suite that is both profitable financially and also scalable. Time-wise I want you to think about not just like what makes more sense for me, but how can I make this feel like a win or a no brainer for my ideal clients. So thinking about longer-term retainers with staff, Which means you can stack payment plans. And front end offers that are designed as entry points to your bigger packages instead of just randomly throwing out ideas. I really feel like. I personally love investing in people longterm because the longer I'm with a coach, the better she knows my business, the better coaching she can give me the coaching that a coach is going to give me. And a one hour session or even in six weeks is not, cause not, does not compare to what a coach can give me after working with me for six months, it doesn't compare. It's, she can give you strategies. You can give you ideas, but the more she knows me and the more she knows my business, the motion where she knows my messaging. The better she is going to be able. The more context she's going to have in order to give me the help that I need. And so I personally feel clients I'm signing with me longer term is better for them. It will save them a lot more money. It will save them pivoting on multiple times because they're working with different coaches. We're giving them different strategies. It will save them having to re-explain their business every three months with a new coach. So you can say, you can offer better deals for longer one-to-one coaching packages, right? So if you normally have a three month package and be like if you join for six months, let's say three months package you. For, I don't know, Sick.$5,000 for three months or two K a month, let's say then you might be like if you joined for six months, then you can get six months for, let's say 1750 a month instead of$2,000. Or if you joined for 12 months, you get it for 1500 a month because you're, because you're because you're starting for a year. That could be an example of making it more Making it make more sense for them. Cash flow wise and being able to stay in a container that makes sense for them, that will actually give them that feedback that will really help them. Another example could be if you do VIP days, right? Let's say, do one-off VIP days or intensives turning it into a longer retainer package. So turning into a longer consulting package. Maybe doing if you do consulting retainers or consulting VIP days, hold on. I'm just going to take a little sip of my coffee. You could have, okay four VIP days a year. With, a week or two of Voxer after each one or week or two of telegram whenever you choose to use. And if you buy four, right? So let's say your average VIP day is$3,500, let's say, So$3,500 times. Times four is$14,000. So let's, you can say if you buy for right. You get$2,000 off and and then it's$12,000 for the year, and then you can divide it into payment plans. You can have a payment plan. You. 6, 6, 6 months of two K each. Or or just, or 12, 12 months of one K each. So now you can stack payment plans. You can book, I don't know. Four to eight even VIP day, like long-term retainer clients 10 via long-term retainer clients. Imagine you're only working, let's say. 10. Days out of each month. It's not really a lot, like it's not a huge amount of time. You can turn those VIP days into longer retainer packages that could be more worthwhile for your clients and also more worthwhile for you because now you're stacking payment plans. You're not just having to resell, new clients all the time. You just have people staying in as, an ongoing consulting client, which could feel really nice. Also, if you do an intensive being like, okay how can I turn this into a more ongoing support? What can I do? Like maybe. You do an intensive and you're like if you want ongoing support, I'll apply a 50% of your intensive to your first month. And you get a monthly intensive with me, whatever, three months, six months, whatever it is. Plus Voxer coaching in between. And, your first and like your first intensive is like free kind of so I'm just going to, or I'll just count that first intensive towards your first month or whatever that is. So that could be a really cool idea as well. So how can I think longer term so we can stack more payment plans and create more more cashflow, more monthly recurring revenue. Another idea of course, obviously is incorporating group a group program or a mastermind once you have a bigger audience. If that makes sense for you and what you do, if. If it makes sense for you and what you do. It's not going to make sense for every business model. That could be a really cool idea as well. The fourth pillar. Is mom viable marketing and content? So if you're like, oh my God, content is my Waterloo. I just absolutely it's just, I have to, I'm always have to create it then. I don't even feel like it's lending. I'm just getting, I want you to create your ideal method. Without using chat GBT to spit out robotic and generic unleash your potential captions and without spending all of your time in social media. And I want you to find your ideal method to systemize and simplify your content planning and your writing and your recording. So you're not stuck to your phone mapping along with trending reels all day or writing and rewriting captions only to get three likes. And one of them is your mother and the other one's like your cousin, right? And I want you to create. Not just to be able to create regular content without feeling overwhelmed, but also to build. Evergreen pathways for people to find you whether or not you're showing up on social. And that's not always going to be it's again, it's not always going to be via social media. There's so many other ways to do this. So many other ways to get people to find you. If you search for my name and he looked at all the podcasts that I'm on. There are a lot. Okay. And some of them have, I have to actually have to email a bunch of them because some of them have outdated links. But. The point is there are so many ways to create paths for people to discover you that are off of social media. And it does not necessarily need to be just through there. It could be through collabs, it could be through bundles or Stamets, it could be through SEO content like blogging or YouTube or podcasting. The most important thing is that we create, when I say calling mom Bible plan that you can actually implement. So I have a relatively simple content strategy. And I use this. In 2020 when I was pregnant, I used it in 2021 when I had a baby at home with me. So this is not like a thing that it only works. If you have hours and hours and hours a week, my civil conduct strategy was I have content pillars. Right? I know what I'm talking about. And then I have some sub topics. Below those content pillars, you. Let's say my content pillars are business modeling and and scaling marketing offer creation and and mindset, mindset and then personal, right? So like personal is like one. When one branch of that, and then I will know what my main call to action of the week is so what am I, what am I. What am I pushing towards that week? And I know this generally at the beginning of the month, right? So what am I going to pushing towards each week? I may be pushing to the same thing for a couple of weeks or three weeks in a row. I might. But it can 2020, I would, I was just like, I would just stipulate through different offers and every week was a different one. So it really is up to you to depend like how much you want to create or how much you want to sell. And I just add a topic that aligns with it. So as an example I might sell, I might be like, okay, I'm focusing on selling my CEO, my mastermind, and my topic this week is investing in yourself. So that's it's more of a mindset topic, but the mindset of investing in yourself and Y your best investment. Then I'll probably do a podcast episode about that topic, right? Y you're the best investment you can make ever make in your business. And then I will put out different content types relating to that topic with some fun training, audio real through and thrown it in. And when I meet what I mean by content types there's content pillars and content types, content pillars is like the topics you're talking about content types is the type of content you're creating. Is it educational content? Is it storytelling? Content? Is it Is it emote? Is it inspirational or aspirational content? Is it is it humorous content, right? Or like viral type content, like shareable. I will just circulate through those different content types around that topic. So I might do. POV real POV, you just invested in yourself. You don't, you just, you just invested in a coach for the year and now you feel Th a huge load is lifted off your shoulders because you've locked in support for the next 12 months, right? Like that could be bad, could be something and, throw a turning audio on there and boom. So like it's all really around. One main call to action and the general topic that aligns that call to action. And my podcast episode, my content will generally focus around there. I might throw something else in if I have a random, good idea. But it's, that's generally my idea and I would used to write it all out. I can a Google doc, I would just write it in a Google doc, like five posts for the week. I would add in a few like quotable quotes or, engagement posts, and then my VA would schedule them. And that was it. So it became very, it was just very simple. It was very simple. And and I want that simplicity for you and you might not ha you might not want the same exact content strategy that I have. That is fine. The goal is that you find the one that works for you and this, these, this podcast is now that I have a really good. A good podcast host and they have, my website is going up soon. We're going to be creating a podcast page. And we're going to be creative. We're turning, we're gonna be turning the podcast episodes into blog posts so that they are. You know that our SEO optimized so that we now can start getting more organic traffic without having to necessarily be on social media. That is that's something that I should have done ages ago and didn't, and now I'm doing it. All right. Again, you want to have, you want to have a mom viable marketing plan. It needs to be something that will work for you. All right. So maybe recording loads and loads of talking head reels is not necessarily gonna work for you, but you can create B roll reels. Where you're just documenting your life and documenting what you're doing in, eight to 10, second clips, and then putting on trending audios and having a great caption. And boom, so you have to find the one that works and makes sense for you. The fifth piece is your aligned and relaxed sales plan. So my question for you is, do you know exactly what you're selling and when do you ever approach a summer vacation or a holiday season? Really apprehensively wondering how you're going to deliver on your clients or what you just sold right before that vacation, when all your kids are home or. Even more how to keep sales flowing in. Even if you can't be as present, right? You need to have a solid sales system and a plan for the year. So you know exactly what you're going to promote when to hit your lead gen and your sales goals. So I call this my momentum marketing method. And I plan every launch and offer that I create with the long-term in mind. When I'm launching something smaller, I'm like what do I want people to ascend to after that? So example, i, when I launched my high ticket, low hassle workshop in 2020, I think it was in 2021. Yeah, I think it was spring 2021, which is crazy. So I was like, oh, I want to talk about high ticket offers. I think that, that's a big thing. People want to know how to do, like how to create it, how to create and sell a high ticket offer. And that was like, that was the foundation of my accelerator program at the time. So I created a one day workshop all about creating high ticket offers. And then I pitched my group program at the end and I think it was. I think 10 people. I'm trying to remember. I think 10 people signed up for the workshop. I promoted it for a week or something. And it was like a, it was like a$47 workshop, 10 people sign up for that first live workshop that I did. I then sold it afterwards, like quite a few, like on evergreen. And then three of those people upgraded to my program, which was$7,500 at the time. So if you think about it, I had. I now had I sold, let's say, I told$47 times 10. So it's 470. So I made almost$23,000 in a week. Literally just from my small little masterclass that I'd done. I want to know what actually I want people to take afterwards, where do I want them going? Or what am I going to just offer them? They might have more than one thing. If I'm launching my, launching something, some, small, maybe I launched CMA. People might be like I don't think like CMA is where I am right now. My business is not really like my goal right now. I want maybe higher level support and then they might go for the mastermind or they're like, oh, I'm not quite ready for CMA. And I'd be like do you want my high ticket, low hassle? Of course, which I now have as an actual course, having a plan for audience growth, sales, upsells, and down-sells are going to create a beautifully aligned sales year. And another thing to remember is when it comes to your sales process, you want to know exactly what actions you want people to take. When it comes to your sales. So things like I'm going to have people DM me. I want people to apply. I'm gonna drive people to an application. I'm able to watch a video sales letter. I want people to just buy right straight off my stories or straight off my emails. So know what the sales process looks like before you. Before you start selling, right? So like what actions do you want them to take? So I know. Okay. So I want to drive people to the specific application for my mastermind, or maybe I want to drive people to a general application for coaching with me and then I'll, and then I will direct them to the offer. That makes the most sense. It's not just the, your overall year sales plan, but also what is your sales process and what feels good for you? And. I discussed, why I do or don't use sales calls? I don't do sales calls, so I will know. So maybe I'll have DMS. I'll have people DM me. I'll like assess whether they're a good fit for any of my stuff. Maybe I'll send them an application. So maybe I will have them look straight at the sales page. And then I'll just have him DME back or I'll DM them back. And and we'll go back and forth with any questions that they have. So know what your sales process looks like, know like what path, you want people to take one of the different pathways people can take towards your offer and have a plan for that. And I did this with my client. She was like, I'm not sure what to do intensive or this or that. What do I like, do I do. Do I do an intensive first, oh, on a sales call, do I offer an intensive and then offer and then offer my retainer or do I offer intensive first and not about my retainer? And then only share about the retainer afterwards. And we created a couple of different ways for people to find their way into the right offer and mapped out like their sales paths for them. And that was very helpful for her because now she knew exactly where to direct people, depending on where they found her or how they came in, how they came into her world. So that is the aligning relaxed sales plan and the last but not least of course. Is your smoothest silk time-saving systems, right? I've saved the best for last systems and automation. What are the most common times I found myself burnt out. I wasn't. I realized that I'd outgrown my systems and needed to put new ones in place. And if you haven't automated things like your client, onboarding your client, off-boarding welcome sequences, inviting people to work with you. When they come into your world. Client feedback, call reminders. I can go on. You might be spending five or 15 hours a week doing manual work that could be sent on autopilot. And I want you to think what you would do with five or 15 extra hours. Okay. Would you take on another client? Would you launch a new leverage offer? What have you been the originals? I know what I'd pick vampires when every single time. But I just really feel like, I feel like there's probably so many things that that could be automated that we don't realize can be automated. And so I highly recommend I highly recommend consulting with someone. We actually actually have a friend who is like an automate automation genius. And I'm actually planning on bringing her into my mastermind too, to share like all the different things that can be automated in your business.'cause this is just her zone. This is her zone of genius. And I want, I really want my clients be able to get access to that. All those systems as well. And there's only things you can automate, even within all these things, you can automate your your content. You can automate your offer selling. You can automate your marketing. You can automate your sales strategy. You can automate your sales process as well. Like they apply, they get. an automated email inviting them to watch a training or inviting them to book a call with you or inviting them to DMU or read the sales page. Or whatever. Or, maybe you can listen, listen to a podcast episode or something like that. While they wait for your response while they wait to be accepted or not. And then once you accept them, you can actually, I had this all set up. So I had someone amazing do this for me, where I would just switch them to accepted after I looked at their application in air table, and then it would automatically tag them in active campaign and then send them an acceptance sequence. Which was really cool. So they'd get congrats, you've been accepted and and, here's here are your next steps and then it would send them a whole bunch of sales emails as well. That's that could be automated, right? So once someone applies, all you need to do is decide yes or no. And you just send that press accepted and then you can have the emails go out. And then if you want, you can add that that personal touch by hopping into their DMS. But you know that a lot of the backend sales stuff, the sales emails and things. Like that are all going out to them on a, on a daily basis or however long your sales sequence is while still being able to have those personal conversations back and forth. And you can also, invite them in all the emails to have a conversation with you and to DMU as well. So there are so many things that can be automated and again, a CEO mom. And if you want to have a sustainable business and you want it to be. Profitable. Think about how much money you could charge for an hour of your time or a couple of hours of your time. And think about how much time you probably wasting on things that don't need you. So whether you decide to hire someone hire a VA to take care of these things, or you choose to. Automate it with literal automations or or, Zapier or whatever it is you're going to use. Then. It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that you free your time up. And and I really feel like the more that you automate on the back end, the more it gives you room. To create. That personal touch, because now you have time, you don't need to worry about sending all these, Multiple, multiple emails or checking in here, checking in there or whatever, like you all, is that you've accepted someone to your offer or you have you've gotten on a sales call with them or whatever, and now. Things are happening on the backend. That enable you to. Have that personal touch with them, have a call, send a present send them some. Warm, DMS, whatever that is to really create that personal connection, which I think is sorely missing these days. Especially with the rise of AI. I really feel that automation can be overdone, but when done right, automation can actually free up your times that you can give that personal touch, even when you feel like, oh my God, how can I possibly do that at scale? You can with automation. So those are the six things, the six pillars of a profitable and sustainable business as a mom. And to go through them again, we have your foundational and grounded CEO, mom mindset. You have your aligner magnetic messaging. You have your irresistible offers that are set the scale. We have your mom viable marketing and content. You have your line and relaxed sales plan and you have your smoothest silk time-saving systems. And we are going to be covering all six of these foundational pillars in my upcoming Q2 momentum mini mind. And this is going out on going to be going on Tuesday, April 9th. And so tomorrow night Wednesday, April 10th. Until then you can get$350 off of the momentum mini mighta, which makes it like almost a hundred dollars a week for mastermind level. Support for me. You're going to get mastermind level feedback and coaching for me. So you can get a peek into what it's like to be deeply supported by me as a mastermind client. So the mini mind is really just like a little preview of being a mastermind client with me. So you can try it out without the five figure investment and walking through these six incredible pillars that are really going to help you create that refresh in your business, look at your foundations and make sure you have these foundations in place and figure out where your biggest gaps are. So you can address those. In Q2, this is going to be the most potent. Minnie mind and blueprint to get major momentum this quarter. Are we going to be spending six weeks together in Q2 to make sure you're focusing the most high impact projects to move your business forward this year? I don't want you to wait to create momentum. The blueprint in this mini mind is designed to catapult you through Q2 with more speed, more strategy, and more precision than you could ever imagine. And there are limited spots for this. I can only take up a, start up to a certain number of people depending on. L's depends on the people as well. And I have a few spots already filled. I would love for you to jump in at the early bird pricing, but either way, even if you came in at the full pricing, which is still bananas. I really feel like it is incredibly worth it because not only do you get the actual curriculum, I'm going to give you these things in the blueprint. You're going to get, you're going to get my strategies. You're going to get templates. You're going to get. Swipes examples. Automation. Templates as well that you can plug into your business, but you're also going to get that mastermind level feedback. You're going to be able to submit things every week for me to have a look at just as if you're I was your mastermind coach. You're going to have a telegram chat where you can get coaching throughout the week. I'm in between calls in between content drops and I am just, is going to be so good. I'm so excited. There is a payment plan. There are a couple of payment plans, so I would love to see you in the moments of mini mind. And if you have any questions about it at all, please just DM me on Instagram. The link is going to be in the description, and I really hope to see you in there. So let me know, after you listen to this, which pillars you feel are maybe missing in your business, which ones do you think you could really focus on this quarter or this year? And. Do you have any questions about that? If you want to tag me and share, share a screenshot of this. I'm happy to have a conversation with you. The DMS. About your business and where you can most add profitability and sustainability to your business. As a busy mom. All right. Have a wonderful rest of your week and I'll see you next week. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at theelbendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.