Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

40. Spring Clean Your Business and Get More Momentum in Q2!

Yael Bendahan Episode 40

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Spring is in the air, and it's the perfect time to infuse your business with a fresh sense of renewal and possibility. In this episode, I'll be sharing some simple yet powerful ways to shake things up, fall back in love with what you do, and capitalize on that spring cleaning energy to create unstoppable momentum in Q2.

In this episode…

Get ready to discover how small shifts in your mindset and approach can make a big impact on your excitement and results. I'll be revealing the secrets to springing forward with renewed purpose and passion, so you can build a business that truly lights you up and supports your mom life.

What we talk about:

  • The daily practice that can help you feel grounded, centered, and ready to tackle anything (hint: it only takes a few minutes!)
  • The often-overlooked key to reigniting your enthusiasm for your offers (and how to know when it's time to make a change)
  • The fresh marketing approach that's helping me and my clients connect with our audiences in a whole new way (and how you can do the same)
  • How to tap into the collective energy of the season to create buzz, attract ideal leads, and stand out from the crowd
  • The simple yet effective way to weave themes of renewal and growth into your promotion plan (without feeling cheesy or cliché)

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀


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The Breath Channel (aff link) - https://yaelbendahan.com/breathchannel

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And creating this sort of thing is very, very seasonal. But it is a good way to attract people, you know, ideal leads into your world. I'm in a really fun, low cost or free way. And warm them up for your higher level packages. And having these affordable sort of intro little offers and courses and things like that. And challenges can expose you to new audiences. You can get in front of other people's audiences as well and share it with them. There are so many ways to sprinkle in references to spring cleaning fresh starts growth resets, right? All these juicy themes into your regular content and copy. And it's such a great way to tap into this collective energy of the season. And create some buzz. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the podcast. As always I'm here to dish up some real talk, impactful tips, feel building a business that lights you up and supports your mom life. And since it is Passover right now, I'm recording this a little bit late. You're going to be getting this episode a little late. I, again, didn't have as much time to batch as I would've liked before the holiday. Sometimes things work out with. And those they don't and this one did not particularly work out. So I recorded this in real time. On the holiday. We have these intermediate days. Do you have like regular holidays at. At the beginning of the end. And then we have like intermediate days in the middle, which are still part of the holiday, but not. With the same observances. So while I am completely offline for the actual holiday days, Just like I am for the Sabbath. These intermediate days are a little bit different and we do, we can do things like be on computers and phones and work if we won't do I thought this would be a really great. Opportunity. Talk about how to sprinkling your business and create more momentum and give your business a spring, refresh and capitalize on that spring cleaning energy. To give yourself that momentum in Q2, both in your, in yourself and your own mindset, but also. In your I'm looking at your income, right? How to create momentum in your income. And capitalizing on the spring energy. So before we dive in, I do want to share a couple things with you. First of all, I opened up a free telegram broadcast for a couple of weeks to share how I'm baby proofing my business for baby number six, by prepping it for more monthly recurring revenue. When I'm setting up in Q2 and what you can do to set your business up for summer, even if you're not having a baby like me, you can join it for free. I. I L bendin.com/ baby-proof just go over there. Sign up. It's super easy, quick little form. And you can hop right in. It is a free telegram broadcast for free. And it will be open for a limited time. You will be able to ask questions for a limited time as well, and I'll be already answering them. I've already answered a really great one. I shared what I did last time to maybe prove my business for my fifth baby. Who's now. Almost four, which has been in us. And I already got a great question about my prototype services and how they worked. I would love to heal to answer your questions about everything that's been going on behind the scenes in TIMI Al. And what is happening with this baby? This second thing that I'm really excited about. the momentum mini mind is still open. And if you want to get coached by me, any mastermind level for the next month. You can get it for less than the cost of one month of my mastermind. I've already dropped the first two modules about mindset and about messaging. And they're absolutely fire. I just wanted to share something super quick. That one of my clients said about the mindset module that made me just so touched. And I think I just wanted you to hear it from her directly. I think your coaching on mindset is one of your most powerful yet underrated skills. Because I love the way you do it because it's not like you honor where your person is, but you're like, Show them the possibility and then I feel like you just do it through these subtle like thought shifts where you're like You might be thinking about it this way what if you think about it this way and all of a sudden it opens up like a whole new world of interacting and making decisions and you know how What is it like actions follow thoughts or something like I feel like that's the kind of methodology you use and I've just found it really Fruitful because there's no shame It's not like you're doing something wrong and you need to change your mindset or you're gonna fail here and here It's hey, you're amazing, probably already. And here's what could be possible for you, but you probably will have to believe different things if you're going to take different actions. So here's potential ways to approach that, but seriously, I love it so much. That's why I think your mindset master, you let 30 day mindset mastery course is one of your like most powerful offers truly. And going through this, mindset module again on this, I'm like, man, you're, Your stuff is so solid. And I really appreciate it. So that's how I want you to feel about your business. That's the kind of energy I want you to put your business with. What if I made a small shift in the way I thought, or the actions that I took, right? It's not about making these gigantic big changes. Oh my God, I'm terrible. I need to change everything. No. It's about small shifts. And so if this is something that interests you and you wanna be able to make those shifts in your business, And build your personal CEO, mom business roadmap. Go to alphabet. Ben dan.com/moneymind and join us. There is a payment plan and I would love to see you in there. Spring cleaning spring, refreshed Springs in your business. Can you believe it's already spring? I always joke that in Israel, especially like there's no such thing as spring really, it'd be, just have like a slightly warmer winter and then a slightly colder summer. But there's many about this energy around this time of year, because it is Passover. My sister was saying to me the other day that she feels like God created a lot of our. Practices and a lot of our holidays in this way, just to be able to like, get us to keep our, just upkeep our life. And there's a bunch of the things we were talking about, but she was saying, I feel like God just wanted us to clean her house once a year. And like he knew If we had a religious reason to do it, we would do it. Otherwise we just wouldn't and I made me laugh, but it's true. I do feel we've decluttered a lot of stuff as much as I would have liked, but I'm going to be continuing to do to declutter over the next eight weeks before the baby's born, because this is this is the time of, this is the time of pregnancy where I'm just like, Get rid of stuff, paint things like refresh everything. This is my energy right now. And I wanted to do the same with my business. And in this episode, I wanted to jam on a few simple ways to infuse your business with that springtime sense of renewal possibility, because let's be real as entrepreneurs. It is way too easy to get stuck in the same old routines and start feeling a little stale and a little bored and not as enthusiastic about promoting our stuff because we're like, oh, I feel like I've been talking about this or. I feel if people have heard all the same stuff and then we just get bored of ourselves. And so I just want to be able to create that feeling for you. Okay. Luckily spring is the perfect time to shake things up, fall back in love with what you do before we go into summer chill. I share this with my mastermind clients, and I feel like it'd be the perfect thing to share with you two. Okay. So the first thing I wanted to share was the idea of incorporating something for your nervous system into your daily routine. And. Aye. This is definitely something that. I feel I've needed to work on a lot. I've been in a very. Heightened state of. Everything. Anxiety and just like fear and everything. I'm in the past six months, but really in the past year, but definitely in the past six months where, since we've this war has started, it's already been, it's already been six months since this war here has started. And it's been six months since I found out I was pregnant. Like literally this happened one day after you found out I was pregnant. Next day was October 7th. And I. I have not been able to. Do what I want to do my business the same way, because. It's. Very hard to get stuff done. When you feel like you are. Under an existential threat. Now this is not something new for us here at Israel. We've had many wars before, but this feels. Bigger and this feels different. And so that combined with. Trying to keep things going as a mom, trying to keep things going. In my relationship. Trying to continue to run everything in the business. And yeah, and be able to hit my goals. For MRR for you know, for setting my business up. Four. This new baby. It's been a lot. And so I've been trying to think of different ways, you know, something new to do because I do journaling. Journaling is. It's so therapeutic for me, like. I came up with the best idea for. A free event. In my journaling just as I was kind of like doodling out my thoughts and what I wanted to do this year and that energy I wanted to put into this year and all that kind of stuff. Like. I have something really amazing coming. I have two really amazing things coming in may. So keep an eye out for that because, oh my gosh. But I. I just wanted something that was going to really, really be able to like a tool that was real to really calm me down. And, you know, as a mom of five, With four, very, you know, I was a four. I have four boys, one girl. They're all. Like level 10 energy. Maybe I have one who was like maybe more of a level. Seven right. So I really just needed to be able to incorporate something that was going to give me that like, Calm grounded place. And that was breath work for me. I know it sounds so simple. But I will say that I I've done breathwork stuff before, but like, they were very, very long. Like just long practices, like for 45 minutes or half an hour, or even like an hour and a half, like sometimes. And I just didn't have the time for that. And I thought, okay, well, if I can't dedicate 45 minutes or half an hour to breathwork, then like, you know, what's the point, I guess this is not something that's going to work for me. But I did discover. Thanks to one of my coaches, Taylor Slingo. I discovered the breath channel membership. And it is. Really affordable. Yeah, these amazing guided breath work videos. They're like maybe like 10 to 13 minutes long at most. And they are categorized by like what you want to call cultivate. So if you need a confidence boost, if you need more clarity and focus, you just want to get more grounded. They've got you covered. Okay. And yeah, the best part about this is the practice are really, really short. They're sweet, easily. You can easily squeeze them into your mom's schedule a couple times a day, even. So I have a morning ones I do want like, as I'm falling asleep I even did one, you know, one, one night when I was. My kids were being really, really, really just difficult and had to transition to doing a coaching call. And I just felt like I was not in the mindset to do that. I did a kind of a go. Cleansing sort of like grounding. Like energy reset. And it just, it really worked. It was crazy. It really, really worked so. The thing is when we're crazy busy. Self care practices like breath work, or often the first thing to go out the window, but even carving out a few minutes to cater to yourself, center yourself, getting a good Headspace can be a game changer and it can actually set you up to be more productive, more present, more happy throughout your day. Okay. So I highly recommend it and I will drop the link. It's isn't, it is an affiliate link, but I think, I don't even know what the thing is. Like$10 a month. It's not anything crazy. I'll drop the link in the description so you can see it. And check it out because I really, really, really highly recommend it. Okay. So that is the first thing. I, if I, you know, working on your nervous system, working on something to ground yourself, center yourself, before you go into work, before you go into the day, the day has been amazing for me. And it's a really great way to refresh your mindset going into. You know, going into Q2. The next idea. And I had a spring clean your business. Is thinking about spring, cleaning your offers, right? So maybe I would love for you to like, kind of audit your offers. And, but we do this a lot with, I do this a lot with my clients kind of looking at your offers, me, like, what am I selling right now? Do I even want to sell this stuff? Like, what stuff am I still excited about selling? And what stuff am I just like, I just don't even want to, I don't even feel like it, it just the. Right. It doesn't feel good. And I just I really, really do believe that. I really do believe that. Sometimes we can get tired of things only because, you know, I know as someone with ADHD. I can get tired of things very, very easily, right. Because I just want something new, new, new, all the time. But. I really, really, really do think that. You can definitely. Definitely. Continue to sell the same thing, but you just might need a new angle. Right? So the first thing we do, we don't really look at your offers and be like, well, how did this feel now? Do I enjoy talking about these topics? Still? Do I enjoy. You know, cause, cause I'm starting to just get tired of talking about the same thing and you need a new way to talk about it or a new way to say it. Right. Maybe you maybe you're just like, I don't know. I just feel like really burnt out from one-to-one. I want to maybe do more of a, more of a group situation. Maybe you're tired of group. You want to just do a few deep dives with you know, with your, with your clients, right? So there are a lot of ways that you can like, kind of shift your office. If you feel like. Maybe even selling something. Only because you've been doing it for a very long time and not because you actually enjoy it. This is something to think about as well. Right. So I would like for you to like sit down and write out all of your offers. This is like a little exercise I want you to do so do this now. Okay. You can pause. We can come back to this later. I have done all of your offers. Okay. Their price points. And then I want you to also, and this is something that we talk about, we're going to be talking about in the momentum mini mind. And we talk about in my mastermind, you know, what, how can we create. You know, turn this into, not just one-off sort of things, but also can we turn this. And do something that will create more longterm revenue for us. Right? So maybe you have a certain topic, like talk about, and that just does better as a masterclass that just does better as a one week offer or whatever that is a mini mind. Right. And some in some topics could be just like, it's the topic of an entire mastermind. Or it could be a mini course or a larger course. Right. So. Look at your offers. See if they still feel aligned to you. Cross out any that you don't necessarily want to do. And we did this at the beginning of the year, but you can do this again. And then also write down all the things that you'd like to talk about, the things that you'd like to share and see which of those your offers cover, or which could turn into offers that you might enjoy talking about. Right. So this can just really give you. You know, something new to share something new, to share with the people. And it can just give you some great stuff to go back to. In fact, sometimes I've done this with my offers and be like, oh my God, I have not sold this in a long time. And why have I not right. Like, I was thinking about summer. And then I was like, oh my gosh, I have an entire workshop about summer. Like I need to sell that again. And last year I sold it, I think a little bit too late. Like I did this, I think I did this back in 2020. Two. And then I resold it last year in 2023. But. I just didn't fit it into my promotion schedule early enough. And I was like, you know what, I need to do this like earlier in the summer. Right? Like maybe more. You know, may or June. And so I was like, Ooh, I should talk about this now. You know, like. Let me just incorporate that into my promotion plan. So I just think that this could be a really great opportunity for you to just sit and figure out. Which offers they'll feel aligned and which ones do not, which topics still feel aligned, which ones do not. And which you feel like, you know, oh my gosh, I completely forgot that I had an entire course about this. Or I had an entire program about this that I haven't sold in two years or whatever. Let's, let's put that into the promotion schedule. Right. So that could be. The next thing. Right. So offer. Auditing your offers and seeing what feels good and what feels like you can let it go. The next idea, which we discussed this in my mastermind call. And it was so good and we had a great conversation about it and we literally mapped out an entire promotion plan. And entire like new. Idea for a client easing this. But new marketing formats. Okay. The next idea to bring new, fresh spring energy to your business is experimenting with new marketing formats. So maybe you've been doing blog posts. You've been doing email newsletters or Even doing Instagram, carousels or Facebook posts. Or lives, right? So maybe adding in some short form video. I could be great for you, right. Or going live on Instagram instead of going live on Facebook and seeing how that goes. I just think like short form video is not for everyone, but I really do think that you can really, really hack it really well with B roll type videos. So instead of having to sit and do like talking heads and. And And Like, you know, actually having to sit and talk to the camera and fitting. All of your thoughts and all of your information into like one minute soundbites, which I find extremely difficult. As someone who likes to talk, that's why I have a podcast.. We having B role reels or tick talks, even that enable you to kind of just put some texts on a screen over some B roll and then have your amazing value of the caption with a call to action can just be a new way to get in front of new people. I just find that reels have been getting me so much reach You know, pairing value with a trending audio just does so, so, so well, and I just think that it's going to be really fantastic for you. You know, if that's something you have not really been doing, but it does not need to be real. It could be doing something else, trying something new can totally just reinvigorate your creativity. And your excitement for showing up and connecting with your audience does not have to be perfect. Just have fun with it. So this is actually something I've been playing with in my own business. So one way I have incorporated this. Is when I started creating my CMC newsletter, my CEO mom, confidential newsletter. I added a little meme section to the newsletter and. The reason I did this was. Number one. I just find that like, first of all, I don't know anyone who doesn't love memes. Second of all the kind of meme someone shares. Cause you're really, really good feeling for whether or not you guys would vibe. Okay. And I want the people in my audience to like read my names and be like, oh my God, I totally relate to her. I mean, it tends to be about business, about motherhood. About books and reading. Some nerdy stuff. I throw in some nerdy stuff that Harry Potter, Lord of the rings Outlander. Britain, whatever that is. But it's a really, really fun way to kind of bond with my audience, laugh about the same things. People are loving it. And actually, I kind of use it as almost like a. Bribe to get people to open my newsletters. Cause they know they're gonna open it. They're gonna open it. The names are all the way at the bottom. They scroll down to the bottom and they might see some stuff. That's just them that interest them on the way down. Okay. So I just find that it really has really, really helped me get a better open rate and also get more. More engagement. People have been just responding to my emails going, oh my God. I mean, And you're so on point this week. So it wasn't so good after Joseph and my husband. I always open your emails right away. In fact, one of my friends. And told me who she is. She does not have her own business. She's not entrepreneur, but she said, I always, I love your newsletters because I just get so much out of them. On a regular basis, I enjoy them. So, so much. And I get stuff, I guess, out of them, just for myself in my day-to-day life, not even for business purposes. So that made me feel really, really good. This is one of my friends from high school. What are my best friends from high school, we've been together. Together. We've been friends for, oh my God. I think like almost 20, I think 20 years. Which is, which feels crazy because I don't know how I could be old enough to be friends with someone for 20 years because shouldn't, I. Wasn't I just born 20 years ago, but apparently not. So. Oh, I just find that, yeah, that, that really, really helped me. Create more of a personal vibe in my emails and it gave people more reason to open them. And it also. Is a very sort of sneaky way to see. To basically weed out the people who are not as Anne of green Gables would say kindred spirits. And if you have not read out of green Gables, The entire series. You should. I have no other word. Yeah. I mean, Again, kind of a geek kind of a nerd, whatever that is. I grew up with them. Me and my sisters and my mom like use the use the phrases from it. A lot. It's just so good. It's just so all written. And there's so many themes in there that really just resonate on a daily basis with us. And so highly recommend if you have not read it yet. Okay. So. The last idea sort of thing. It's not like there are so many ways you can create momentum. So many ways you can spring, clean your business. So many ways you can do this is to really lean into the springtime vibes and consider whipping up a special seasonal offer or challenge. So I was discussing this with my client, Catherine. And she has something called a closet edit, right. Where she basically goes into your closet and helps you edit out, you know, like all the clothes that no longer make you feel good about yourself. As fly lady would say, like they don't bless your home. They do, they don't bless your body. Bless your mindset or your confidence. And, and to, and replace them with a wardrobe that does, that makes you feel. Gorgeous and makes you excited to look into your closet every day. Right? And so. I was like thinking, I was like, this is like literally the best type of business. And I'm going to share it in a few minutes. I'll share it like how you can do this for any sort of business. Not just like a clothing related business or a fashion or styling related business, but. You can tap into that spring cleaning mindset with some fresh, low cost or free offers. Again, you can do a spring cleaning your business challenge. You can do a spring clean your website challenge. You could do a spring clean your email list challenge. But for a Kathryn, I was like, Ooh, why did you sort of like a, a closet edit challenge, right? Like almost like a spring, clean your closet. With tips. To just grow a list of warm leads to attract where people to her audience. And we, we, I'm not going to go to the details of this cause we're still working out the details. But. This is a really, really, really great opportunity for her to take advantage of this time of year when people are in this already in this decluttering mood to be like, oh my gosh, yes. I want a stylist to show me what makes sense to keep and what makes sense to give away or get rid of right. So you know, some other great ideas. I could be, you know, a sprint, you know, w. I guess that spring website refresh, you could be like, We're offering a spring website refresh. So like having special offers for spring. Spring, clean your systems, right? So had a refresh your systems and your business, and then maybe offering a done for you package for that. You know, there are so many ways I can off the top of my head. I can think of so many ways to use this in anything, right. Even like sprinkling your family's routines. If you're a mom coach or spring clean your self care or spring cleaning your mindset or, oh my God. Like the possibilities are endless. And creating this sort of thing is very, very seasonal. But it is a good way to attract people, you know, ideal leads into your world. I'm in a really fun, low cost or free way. And warm them up for your higher level packages. And having these affordable sort of intro little offers and courses and things like that. And challenges can expose you to new audiences. You can get in front of other people's audiences as well and share it with them. And. Obviously, I'm not saying you should stop selling your higher ticket stuff. I don't think you should ever stop selling your high ticket stuff, but there are so many ways to sprinkle in references to spring cleaning fresh starts growth resets, right? All these juicy themes into your regular content and copy. And it's such a great way to tap into this collective energy of the season. And create some buzz. The key is to have some fun with it. Let yourself get creative and you know, a pop of color to your branding or record a few videos outside in the gorgeous weather instead of inside of your house or. We're sharing some behind the scenes of you sprucing up your workspace, whatever it feels light and fresh to you and gives you that new energy vibe. Right? Because ultimately that is what this all about. We want to keep our business feeling fresh. And fun and enjoyable for us so we can go into it feeling great. Right? When we sit down to work, we feel excited to sit down to work and sometimes just changing up something small, shifting something really small. A new take on your offers. A new take on your marketing can make the difference. Okay. I want you to shake off the winter blahs. I want you to try new things. I want you to fall back in love with your business, and if you are really vibing with the spring refresh idea, you're going to love my baby proofing my business, telegram broadcast. Again, it is free. You can just head to you Al benda.com/ baby-proof to snag it. Let's keep this fresh energy flowing. I'll talk about all the ways. I'm introducing new stuff, pulling up old things. Can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at theelbendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.