Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

43. The REAL Secrets of CEO Moms

Yael Bendahan

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In this very special episode, I introduce the Real Secrets of CEO Moms Audio Summit: 2024 edition! 

You can sign up for free to learn from 10 incredible multi-six and seven figure business moms as they share their real stories, challenges, and successes behind the scenes.
>>> yaelbendahan.com/realsecrets

What I talk about:

  • Why I created this audio summit and my background story as a mom entrepreneur 
  • How I went from $2K to $20K in 2 months
  • What's really working and not working anymore in the online business space
  • The commonalities I've noticed among successful CEO moms
  • My CEO MOMSMethod focusing on mindset, offers, marketing and systems to audit and grow your business from zero to multi-six figures
  • The special bonuses you get when you sign up!

Sign up now at yaelbendahan.com/realsecrets for free access to the audio interviews, $500 gift card, and custom business growth plan.

Don't miss this limited-time opportunity to learn the real secrets of CEO moms!

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind

I’m opening up 7 spots in my mastermind for moms who are ready to make $10K their new MINIMUM in their businesses this year without increasing their work hours, spending all of their time on social media, and without filling their calendar with sales calls. 

In the mastermind, we focus on building a scalable offer suite, a simplified content and marketing plan that creates money momentum throughout the year, AND stepping into the ultimate CEO Mom role in both your business and life by enlisting the right support to create more ease and flow in your schedule. 

When you join this round you get:

  • $500 off using your Real Secrets Gift Card (until June 10)
  • BONUS: FOUR 1:1 calls to use throughout our time together including a Kickoff call in June (value $3K)
  • BONUS: an extended payment plan (14 payments instead of 12)
  • BONUS: 2 extra months in the mastermind
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 6 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram (value $4K)

Read more about the mastermind here OR g

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

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💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

This is a very special episode because it's not a traditional podcast episode. This is actually the intro to my real secrets of CEO moms. Audio summit 2024 edition. That is live this week, May 13th to 20th. You can sign up for it for free. And I am interviewing. 10 incredible multi-six and seven figure business moms. CEO moms. That's what it's about to really just ask them the hard questions to find out to learn from them, to find out. What's been going on for them in the online business space right now what's been working what hasn't been working the thoughts, the feelings, the challenges behind the scenes, the stuff that you don't necessarily see. From social media. Oh, my gosh, we have so much, we covered so much in these interviews. We talked about podcasting and using audio and creating funnels for service providers and scaling one-to-one coaching and setting up maternity leave and team-building and clock working your business. There's just so much good stuff in here. What I'm going to do is this is the introduction. Listen to this. This is where I share exactly why I created this audio summit. I did this back in 2022. It got rave reviews. And I wanted to bring it back one more time before I had my baby. So why it created the summit. A little more about what the commonalities that I've seen. What is working now? What isn't working now, what you need to really be focusing on. And a little bit about my CEO, moms method and framework. That can really help you figure out what your next best steps are. And you've got a bunch of really great. I've got a bunch of really great gifts for you, like bonus gifts when you sign up for the real secrets. Do not forget it is a hundred percent free. So just go to your El bandana. Anda and.com/real secrets. And you can sign up right over there. I cannot wait to hear what you think of these interviews. I think you're going to absolutely adore them. And I'd love to hear your feedback. So please, just, if you hear anything that sounds like, like you resonate with it, or if you are just. Really enjoying it, please. Tag me or tag the interview. We on social media, send me a DM. Let me know your thoughts. We honestly like. In our work. This is what we just get. This is the best part is just hearing. Is hearing from people is hearing feedback from people is hearing people's reactions and how they felt hearing us. And I think that you are going to honestly, Waddles news interviews again and again, I that's all it's you get access to it unlimited. This is, this does not go away after the 20th, you can sign up for free for one week and then it is going into the vault. It may become a paid product later, or it might become a bonus for something else. I don't know, but it is not going to be available for free for the foreseeable future. Let me know if you have any questions and I cannot wait to dive into the real secrets of CEO moms. Let's do this. Hello? Hello. Welcome to the real secrets of CEO moms. If we haven't met before I am yet. I am the host of this audio series. And I am just so excited to welcome you here to this incredible virtual event. I want to just introduce this series, tell you a little bit more about why. I created a, give you some background into my story. Why I'm so passionate about this. And my goal for you. With this audio series is to walk away with tactical and practical advice on building your business sustainably as a mama. But I also want you to feel renewed. I want you to feel inspired. And they want you to understand what's really happening behind the scenes. It all these moms businesses, whether they're making six or multi six or seven figures, The stuff that's really working the stuff that's really just not working anymore. And this is like literally what it is, the real secrets. The real story. I got deep. I ask them hard questions. This is not surface level. Let's just make you look like an expert interviews. They are. All experts. They are incredible experts in their fields, but I really wanted to make sure that this was a place where you can get full transparency. Regal listened in on real conversations between moms who are in the trenches, doing the thing, growing their businesses, having amazing success. But also, having challenges because that is the reality as business owners, as moms, as we're balancing it all. And so I wanted to give you that kind of background before we dove into the interviews. So again, if you have, we have not met before I am I am a mom of five, almost six. Now I'm pregnant with my sixth baby and I am due at the end of June, 2024. We're really, almost there. I am a business mentor for moms who want to build multi six-figure service-based or coaching based businesses in 20 hours a week or less. And I wanted to address some thoughts and fears. I've heard a lot of people. Stress out and being like, recession and inflation and. Online business and the online world is saturated and things aren't selling the way they used to anymore. And no one wants to buy high ticket. I've heard a lot of a lot of stuff from a lot of different people. Some people said the launches are going great. Some people say their launches are not working the same way they used to. There's a lot. There's a lot of opinions. There's a lot of thoughts. There's a lot. Peninnah. There's a lot of opinions. There's a lot of thoughts and people are like, what are you talking about? Everything's exactly the same. Some people are like, no, it's completely different. Some people who came onto the online space. In, the 2020s, 20, 21, when people started like losing their jobs and being like, oh, I'll become an entrepreneur. A lot of them are going back to jobs now because they don't feel secure as an entrepreneur. I just really wanted to just share what's really working. What's really not working anymore and be transparent about my own story in the past couple of years as well. My background. I started my business in 2016. Looking for ways to make money from home as a mom. So I was I was a mom of four boys at the time. My youngest was a little under one and my husband came to me. He said, Hey, listen, this one income household situation is not going to work anymore. We have too many kids. So I having. Dropped out of high school was like what do you want for me? Like how much money could I possibly make? And when I actually did the math, I realized that it would make no sense for me to go out to work because any money I could make from a minimum wage job with the amount of qualifications that I had, which was. Zero. I didn't even finish high school. Didn't go to college. Got married. And I was 18. Had my first. When I was 19. I know higher education, except for the fact that I've been reading. Obsessively all kinds of things since the age of four. So I have a lot of knowledge, but no official certifications, qualifications, degrees. And I was like, there's no point I'm not sending out my baby to basically break even. That's not why I had children. I want to be there for my children. My mom was a lawyer. My dad's a doctor. My mom was a lawyer. Very typical. And I. Aye. Always grew up with the story of my mother, quitting her job as a lawyer and staying home with us because that was what she, that was what she wanted. She wanted to she wanted to be home with her children. And. That was what I wanted for myself as well. And because I'm a re I'm originally from New York. So if you can hear my accent, I'm originally a new Yorker. Which is why I speak a little fast. You probably can't speed me up. So don't but I, my family moved to Israel when I was 12. And so I had a really hard time in high school, hence the dropping out, the culture was just too different and I just didn't do very well in school. And so I was just feeling very like inadequate. I'm like what can I do really? I tried a whole bunch of different things. I tried a photography for a few years. I did I did gift baskets. I did to cake decorating and I was selling cakes, which was really fun, but not very profitable. And when ended up happening was that. Aye. Started like Googling. What do you use? They're Googling work from home things. Moms, work from home. Jobs for moms, FA I was looking around for a job and, they were like, you could do freelance writing. You could do this, you could do that. And I actually found a job as a freelance writer for a company in Israel. I was making about$10 an hour. Writing extremely boring stuff. And. The cool part about it was that I was able to work from home. That was cool. I was like, I don't have to get re I don't have to send my baby out. I could be home with my baby. But I was just so bored. I went into the blogging space because I'm like I could start a mom blog. So I started a mom blog. I think the first business investment I made was the ebook start a mom blog by Susie Whitford. And I'm. And then I found Ruth Sukup. I did not buy her course. I was very tempted, but I did buy her book and I was just like in that, like mommy blogger space. And then after a while of doing this, I realize, you know what, this is not going to be a short-term income strategy here because it takes time to build up an audience, takes time to build up traffic. So my friend, Mike, who is a blogger recommended, shootable wanting you to become a virtual assistant for bloggers. Since you have all those skills. And so I said, Ooh, what a good idea to do bloggers really need assistance. She was like, huh. Totally. So I I got my first job as a virtual assistant working for$350 a month for five hours a week. I felt like a total tycoon. I was like, checking me out and making all this money. But it felt really cool. And I was like if I get two more clients like this, I'll be making like almost a part-time salary in Israel working like 15 hours a week. And part-time in Israel is not 15 hours. I'm like this is really great. So I ended up raising my rates. I started bringing on, just selling, more packages instead of instead of hourly work. But then over time I moved out of the blogging space into doing social media. I was doing social media for bloggers, Pinterest for bloggers. And then I realized that businesses, regular businesses actually paid more money. So I started working with actual businesses. Not that blogging is not an actual business, but started doing Facebook guy that discovered funnels and marketing strategy and launches. And that was where I discovered the click funnels and I discovered the digital the, create your laptop life community from, with my coach, Julie, who I'm in, who's still my coach. And I just loved this world of marketing so much. Okay. And what I really, what I realized was that I most enjoy coaching clients through the marketing and sales process. Like I was a copywriter. I primarily did strategy and copy, and I would outsource the design because design was not my forte. But I really enjoyed the coaching them through right. Coaching them through the emotions of the launching coaching, into the strategy of the launching. The strategy of the funnels, but that was my favorite. That was my favorite part. And I started offering paid masterclasses in 2019. The test if people would pay for my knowledge. Because I didn't really believe that people would pay me for information because I'd only really sold services up until then. And so I was just like, I don't know. Do people want to learn for me? That would be cool. I always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was like, eight or nine and I, my mom bought me a whiteboard and I used to bribe my sisters with gum to be my students. So I launched my first master class about LinkedIn lead generation and lo and behold, it was$97. I wanted 20 people in there. I got 20 people in there.$2,000. Delivering a masterclass for an hour and a half, and then doing a Q and a, and I was like, oh my God, the whole world opened up to me. I'm like, wow, this is something. something. I can actually do this and he will actually pay me for. So that was really exciting and it opened up my mind to the fact that like I didn't have to only sell services for the rest of my life. Okay, so that was really exciting. But then that was in I think June or July 2019. I was doing all kinds of things for my clients. I was trying to build a million dollar agency because the first mastermind I was in, that was the goal of the mastermind. It was like to build a million dollar agency. And so I was offering a menu, a long menu of services for my clients. I'm like, I'll build your funnels. We'll do your launch strategy. We'll run your launches. We'll make you make your website. We'll do your social media for you. We'll do your ads. And it was really burning me out because I was getting on discovery calls every night and my kids were still little so I could do that now I really can't anymore. My oldest is 14. He was. Eight at the time. And I find out I was pregnant with my fifth child in November 2019 and This was like I was excited about it. I was very excited about it. I had four kids I wanted more I wanted a lot more and but the thing was I realized that I recognize that my business model of overworking and not taking care of myself and offering all these things and trying to find contractors for everything and trying to manage all these this big team of people and being let down by contractors, like it was just not going to work for me. Okay. It was not going to work for me and it was not sustainable and it would probably not survive this baby. Okay. It would not survive the baby. First trimester. Felt like total crap. Excuse me. I was nauseous. I was tired. I could barely keep my eyes open. I couldn't do discovery calls. I made only 2, 000 in January, 2020. And I was honestly worried this pregnancy was going to kill my business. It did though. It killed the business, but in a good way. So I started feeling better in about February because I came out of my first trimester fog. I'm like, Oh, I'm feeling better now. I can dive back into things. I can re I can revamp things. I can fix things. And I got very focused. And I said, okay, what are the things that I like doing the most? What are the things I'm best at? And the answer to that was strategy. So funnel and launch strategy and copywriting. And so I decided to productize my services. I did not know that was what this was called at the time, by the way, but I said, okay, so my offers are a strategy intensive that is, specifically launch intensives, but they could also just build a basic strategy intensive, like a funnel intensive and launch. Copy. That's it. So I will write all the copy for your launch, you can upgrade and you can also get the social media copy. I'll do the sales page. I'll do all the emails. If you want to also do the social media and then someone else will have to do the design, but it's not going to be, I'm not organizing it, right? And I started showing up super consistently every day, talking about what I was doing, talking about my offers. Had a 15K cash month in February. Then a 20K cash month in March, which was when I launched my first group program ever. And what ended up happening was I only worked seven months out of 2020. Between being. In first semester and that being postpartum. And I'm taking out about a month for Passover because. Because that basically took a month to prepare for and and celebrate. Basically worked about seven months out of the year.$110,000 that year. I had made about the same the year before working like a maniac. Okay. Completely burned out. So I was like, Ooh, maybe I'm onto something here. I launched my baby proof business accelerator program, which is my first like official signature group program. I launched that in the late 2020. And realize that, I was on something here because I'd, baby-proof my business. I want to help other people do the same. So I had incredible clients in my programs. In 2021 and in 2022. I really focused on creating. A really good. Signature program and then just creating various pathways to that program. So instead of being like, okay, chorus, and then. Low ticket and this, I just created okay, this is my main landing pad where I want people to land. And how, what are different ways I can get people. Into that program. What are different ways I can draw them in. That was really fantastic. And I really just Honestly, I like the best clients. 20, 22 and 2023 more challenging for me because I did have some. Stuff that came up, family stuff. And also some. Mental health. Things and. I made also six figures. Those years. But not as much as I'd made in 2021, which was basically about 200 K. And what I realized were. The issues that I was having those years. We're more personal than recession related or inflation related. And I realized that. A lot of the stuff that was happening. In the online space was causing a lot of doubt. Okay. So between a lot of people coming into the online space in 20 20, 20, 21. And flooding the market. And then there was then there was chatty beauty. That came on the scene. And then there were these MRR courses, right? These oh my God. What. What are they called? Oh man. Master resell rights courses, that people are like, oh, just buy this course for$500, then sell it for$500 and then you can make your money back too. And you can make a hundred thousand dollars a month on Instagram. If you've guys have seen that. Yeah, I have so many thoughts about that. That's an entire episode in and of itself. But the fact remains that you still need a lot of marketing skills to sell this course and it's going to run its course eventually. And that is all I have to say about that. What I realized was. I knew that I was going through a lot emotionally, mentally behind the scenes. And I wanted to open up the curtain a little bit. And so I wanted to not only share this with. With, with my audience, but also to interview other successful moms about their real transparent journeys and challenges. And so I did the first real secrets of CEO moms. In 2022. And it got such an incredible response. People loved it. They loved the transparency and This is really why I created this. I. I recognize that. We all go through hard things, because between being a mom, being a business owner. We have this double challenge of being the CEO in our business. Being a parent. Thinking about our children about our home, but our family about our relationship. And still, having big dreams and big goals for our business, because we want to give that to our family. We want to give that to our kids. And I wanted to dig into real stories and real decisions, not just the highlight reels, not just the stuff on social media. And my goal was to really ask the hard questions that people wonder about. If you'll see in these interviews, I do not hold back. Like these women are experts, but I will ask the questions. I say this. As I said, this is a joke, but I meant it. I was like, listen, I'm going to just ask the question that people are thinking and. Don't want to say out loud. Or they don't have anyone to ask. So my goal with this was really to cut through the fake vulnerability like the very performative vulnerability that you can find online. And really just provide a peek behind the curtain of real business owners and their real journeys. These women who I interview are just the best. Okay. They are honest to goodness, the best people. Some of the best people I know have, I know a lot of people, but. They're there. They're the real deal. Okay. I know there's not a single person in this lineup that I do not, would not trust a hundred percent. With my business. With my strategy with my mindset, with whatever their expertise is. And. I wanted to give you the opportunity to hear from them. What's been working for them, what hasn't been working for them. Whereas you get really down to the meat of it, right? The real stuff. So I wanted to just talk a little bit about what's working now in the online space, because I've noticed a bunch of commonalities. In. Our discussions. And I wanted to just summarize it all. A little bit in here, I really believe that the business basics are still the same, they just need to be shifted slightly. I think that having the right CEO mindset is critical. Okay. Confidence will sell even the most average offer. I've seen people with huge amounts of confidence selling complete fluff. And doing very well with it. And I've seen people who are such experts at what they do, holding back, being hesitant and not. Selling out, right? Like they're just not doing it. And. I'm not saying that you should be confident and sell substandard things. You absolutely should not do that. But very often as women, we tend to undervalue ourselves. Or underestimate ourselves. And just hold back. And we will not promote ourselves the way that we really should. So that was really important. The second part. Okay. Is. Value right. Having an irresistible offer that you fully believe in and being able to showcase the value of that. People are still buying. And I actually had a client on a call today saying I, the people in my space, the people in my circles have been saying, oh, nobody's buying this. Nobody's buying that. And just being very negative instead of always just think back to you and you. You saying people are still buying things and that just makes me feel better and I'm like, good. Okay. Let's make you feel better because the fact is people are still buying things. I will say that I just saw someone very big in the industry. She has a much bigger audience than me. And she is selling a group coaching program for$5,000. On the same exact topic that I have a course on for$500. And I'm not saying that her thing, maybe your thing is much better than mine. I don't know. I'm not signing up for it. And$5,000. It's not crazy amount for a group coaching program. Okay. That being said. People are still going to buy it. People are still buying$10,000 offers. People are still buying$50,000 offers. Like I see it happening. I literally see it happening. How do we do that? How do we showcase the value? And so the first thing. Is knowing your ideal client, like the back of your hand. So doing market research, looking through sales conversations, It's single questions. People are asking you there. See what questions that you're getting asked from your existing clients, looking in Facebook groups of your ideal clients and seeing what is coming up in those groups. Know them inside and out because when you know them inside and out, you will know, and you will understand what they value. And what they will perceive as value and it may not be the same. As what you perceive as value because they, it's the idea of they want the The chocolate muffins and he put zucchini in it. They need the zucchini. They want the chocolate muffin, right? You need to know exactly what they would see as the value. All right. One thing to think about here. I. I was, I've been selling my mastermind. And a couple people said I don't I'm not really in that space right now. I don't really need to join the mastermind. I'm just more implementing I'm. I'm. Implementing stage right now. And I know as a coach that having a coach with you during the implementation stage is probably the most important part, because what they're saying is I don't need to learn more stuff. I just need to implement what I know. Which makes sense. And I agree with them. So would they need to see is will the coach helped me implement and not just fill me up with more information. So now that gives me clarity. I'm like, okay. So my, my mastermind is. Designed for implementation. That's why we have less calls. We don't have a call every single week. You do get access to my product suite, but I do not tell you to go through the entire thing. I don't even want to go through the entire thing. It's there to tap in and out when you need it. But the goal is getting on calls, getting hot seats, implementation action steps. What are you going to do to move forward? Being able to check in. While you're implementing, being like I'm getting stuck on this, getting coached, getting feedback and moving forward. And I realized, okay, I haven't been highlighting that enough. So again, you really need to know what your ideal client will perceive. As valuable. And when you know what they perceive as valuable, you will be able to sell it to them. Assuming it's actually what you're selling. And other thing is your target audience. If you want to sell high ticket, your target audience needs to be in the place. To pay premium prices. And I do not mean that they need to have loads of money and be rolling in it. But again, people will pay for things that they value and it's not up to you to decide how people are going to find the money. Okay. It's really not. But I will say that I've had people tell me. Or tell my clients, oh, I don't, I'm sorry with this. That's just too expensive. I don't have the money for that. Then turn around and hire someone that was twice as expensive as they were. Twice as expensive. The difference was they saw the value in one place. They didn't see the value in another place. I see service providers are being instilled in huge demand. Even if there's a recession, even if there's inflation, even if there's all this stuff, people still do not have the expertise and they want someone to do it for them. Okay. So that is something I'm noticing, and that is still, people are still hiring service providers. People are still hiring help. Okay. Another thing when you're creating lower end offers, and this is really important. People think that when you create lower end offers, number one, they have to be for someone who's earlier on their business because it's lower ticket. And number two, that they can be, just a small little. Thing a PDF or whatever, or you're like, oh, I have to throw everything in the kitchen sink in there because there was a whole movement of tiny offers that had everything in the kitchen sink. And. The most important thing. Can you think about when you're creating a lower end or free offer? Is that it's not about how much is in them. It's about how much of a win you can get someone and your low ticket offers do not. Need. To be for someone who was early on in their business, it can be for your ideal client, but just giving your ideal client a small way. And in fact, you want it to be, if your ideal client is someone who is at a higher level, you want it to be for them. You don't want them to, you don't wanna be solving a, First grade problem. When you are speaking to high school seniors. What I've seen though is when you have people are creating these lower end offers or these high, these these free freebies or whatever low end offers, low ticket offers. Then. When they create one, that's not good when they create one that doesn't actually give me that when. When they create one that's broad and generic. What ends up happening? Is that. Now I'm going to. Literally be like, wow. I'm so unimpressed, I'm probably never buying anything more expensive for them. From them. Sorry. I'm just unimpressed. You can make, the whole idea of a lower ticket. Ticket offer. The whole idea of a lower ticket offer is to give people a taste of you, a taste of working with you, whatever that looks like. And when you're creating them. I want you to think, can I give someone a, when is this something that they would actually pay for? Or not regret paying for at the very least. And. How much of a wind can I get for someone with this? Am I just giving them basic generic advice that you could find on any Google search that you do? And is this speaking to my ideal client. Again, just because it costs. Under$50 does not mean. Does not mean that it needs to solve. A very basic problem. It can solve a high-level problem in a very small. Container. Are very earth are step of a higher level problem. Another thing that I noticed was that the marketing principles. Still remain. Building your relationships, building that know, trust your audience. Sharing expertise, having a process, having a signature framework. Your messaging is so crucial now because with chat GBT, And with AI. The market is flooded with mediocre content. Flooded. So having that honed in messaging, like I said back to knowing your ideal client, knowing exactly where your ideal client wants. And speaking directly to that, to their exact problems to what are they struggling with right now? What are they struggling with when they wake up in the morning? As they go through their day. Knowing that, and having something that makes you stand out as unique, which having a signature framework is the best way to shortcut that process. Is going to be key. And the truth is quality is going to win over quantity. It will, right? I would rather you create three excellent posts per week. Then create seven days of really crappy slash mediocre posts. Okay, because. As long as you're creating the right kind of content to attract new people into your world. They will tell the difference between the quality and the. Not quality stuff. My thing is your framework is my CEO mom's method. And I talk about this in my CEO. Mom's growth matrix training. Which you have a chance to get access to when you fill out your next right thing, assessment, The link. is going to be the bottom of every single one of the episodes. My CEO moms' method focuses on a mindset. The offers, the marketing and the systems and mic your mom's growth roadmap. I actually show you exactly what to do within the, your mindset, with your offers, with your marketing and with your systems at every stage of your business from zero to multi six figures. And I really encourage you to audit your business, look at these and say number one, where am I exactly? What stage am I in business? Which means what are my next steps? And. Am I missing anything in these four areas? And this is what I do. I work with my clients through these four areas and I help them audit this. And I help them make the shifts. Maybe the shifts and their positioning and their messaging and their offers. To thrive, even in times that feel a little more uncertain. I guide them, my clients to re-establish the CEO mindset and get clear on their path forward. And if you want access to this free training, my CEO mom's growth matrix, then fill out the next right thing assessment again, the link is at the bottom of every single one of the episodes here. And I'm going to share exactly what to do at each stage from zero to multi-six figures to hit your next level. I want to know where you're at in your business. I want to know what your problems are. I'm trying to put together like the best content for the rest of 20, 24. And since I am having a baby in a few weeks I'm trying to batch out as much of it as I can. So I really want to see where you need support. What questions you have, where are you currently, already a business? What your next goals are? Where are you looking for support in your business? So when you fill out the assessment, not only do you get access to my free training, But you were also going to receive a custom plan. For your business based on where you currently are, I will be able to see based on your answers, what stage you're at in your business. And I'm going to send you a PDF where you can literally get a checklist of your next best steps, as well. As of course the training itself. where I share exactly what to do at each stage from zero to multi-six figures to hit your next level. This is included as a bonus, and I highly recommend you watch it because it's going to give you exactly what you need. No matter where you are in your business. Before we wrap this up. I have. A special bonus for you. So everyone who signs up for this real secrets of CEO, moms. Got a$500 gift card to use towards any of my programs. That are a thousand dollars and above. And. It's a good deal. I've got quite, I've got quite a few and they're really excellent. So if you have any questions, of course, please just shoot me an email. Our contact information is going to be below as well. I cannot wait for you to hear the incredible. Interviews. With these incredible women who I admire so very much. And I cannot wait for you to hear them and give us your feedback. And last but not least. I've also opened my last seven spots in the CEO mom mastermind to be onboarded. Before I go on maternity leave This mastermind is for CEO moms. You want 10 K months to be their new minimum, In a way that feels aligned with their mom life without being on social media all the time, without creating millions of new offers every single month Without filling up all their time with sales calls. and who are ready to build a business that is simplified leveraged and leased plenty of room and time for rest. With their loved We do this. by creating a strategic offer suite that brings in high-level clients adds in leverage streams of income and brings new people into your world on a regular basis, as well as incorporating the energetic and mindset work to relax your nervous system, create that CEO mindset, bring support into your business and your life and create that feeling of ease. I want this for you. and due to baby coming, you get some really special bonuses. First of all, you can get$500 off with your gift card that you got included with the real secrets. Secondly, you get a special extended payment plan and two extra months in the mastermind. So you're paying for 12 and getting 14. And this is the first time I'm ever offering this. The people who joined before June 10th. Get for one-to-one calls to your deemed to meet throughout your time in the program, including a kickoff call before baby's born to make sure that you start off right. I come in with a plan and get your ROI roadmap mapped out so that you know exactly what to do in the next 12 to 14 months to make your money back and more. After one-to-one calls with me, my clients have created and sold 10 K packages within 24 hours. For accessing their investment in their one-to-one intensives by bringing in clients within 48 hours launched paid bundles that generated over$80,000 and so much more. I cannot stress how valuable these calls can be. And when you joined before June 10th, you get access to those four one-to-one calls throughout your time in the mastermind. So get your application in. This is not a commitment. It is simply. Away from me to see where you currently are in business. So I can see how I can best support you, whether that's in the mastermind or something else. And I can't wait to see your application and fully support you in 2024 and beyond. Oh, and of course you can use your$500 gift card towards the mastermind as well. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on the real secrets of cm moms.