Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

44. The Reality of Scaling Beyond 6-Figures

Yael Bendahan

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Are you approaching 6-figures with a completely booked out schedule and wondering how much more work it'll take to get to the multi-6-figure mark?

Or are you finding yourself plateaued at $10K months/6-figure years and trying to figure out your next best steps to hit your next revenue goal?

In today's episode, I get real about what it actually takes to level up from 6 to multi-6 figures in your biz. I spill the tea on the mindset stuff you MUST work on, why your current offers and marketing might not be cutting it anymore, and how to set yourself up for scalable growth. Plus, I share the inside scoop on how I hit $200K working just 2-4 hours a day (spoiler alert: you don't need a huge team!)

What we talked about:

  • Find out what you need to keep doing (and what to ditch) as you gear up to scale past $100K
  • Get the lowdown on the mindset shifts you've got to make to handle being more visible as you play bigger
  • Discover why your trusty offers and marketing strategies might need a serious glow-up to support your growth
  • Hear me bust the myth about needing a big team to crack multi-6 figures (I did it with just 2 part-time contractors!)

Ready to learn how to leverage your time and offers to scale to multi-6 figures without the burnout?

Join me for my free LEVERAGE 3-day program where I dish allll the details on the exact process I used to make it happen while working less than ever!

Head to yaelbendahan.com/leverage to snag your spot now. Can't wait to see you there!

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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You can basically hit six figures by accident and don't come for me when I say this. Okay. I don't necessarily mean by accident, but it is not actually that complicated. To hit six figures in your business. You can do it with a very small audience. You're not need a big audience to hit six figures. You do not need multiple offers. You can do with one high ticket offers. You can do it completely. Referral-based right. Like basically build a six-figure business out of referrals and then be like I'm stuck now because I don't know how to scale referrals. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the podcast. Oh, my gosh. When this podcast goes live, I'm going to be exactly 36 weeks pregnant. So I'm really heading in to the home stretch of this pregnancy. And honestly, I. Actually have to write a post about this because it was very like mind blowing for me, but. The other night I literally just had, I just like burst into tears. My husband was out on a night shift. I was just lying in my bed and I just like suddenly realized oh my gosh. We are going to have a baby in a month. And you would think I'd be used to this. This is my sixth. Thank God. And everything seems great. Everything seems healthy. And I was like, oh my goodness, it's going to be a whole new person in our life, in our family. And I just burst out crying and I was like, this is, if I'm not ready, wait let me just get used to this first, which is it's so ironic. Because I've been talking about this for ages, but I think like it just really hit me. I am really, I am ready. I like. So it's funny because. I, I have everything I need, I think except for if it's a boy, I don't have any newborn clothes because all my boys were born in the winter and my one daughter was born in the summer. So if it's a girl, I have everything. If it's a boy, I have nothing for it to wear it. Cause all my boy newborn stuff is like, velvet and like warm, warm clothing. And we're going to be like in the thick of the summer when I had this baby. So that's just, it's so ironic because I have four boys and one girl, but there you go. So we'll see what happens. So in any case, I'm just feeling really. Whoa, like there's a lot and a lot of want to get done and a lot I want to, just accomplish. And then I'm nesting all over my house and I'm like, oh, we need to fix this. And we need to paint that. And and my husband's used to this. This is not, this is, We thank God we've been together. More than 15 years. He seen me in my last month of pregnancy. This is where I get start getting really last minute. Let's do all the things in this one month. So he humors me pretty much. He's a good man. I just wanted to share that because if you've experienced this before, or if you just had, you've had a baby before and you're like, oh my God, I'd be used to this. Every new baby is a whole new world. It's a whole just new. Reality. No matter how many children you have. I do have every confidence it's going to just slide right into our life. I'm really, I'm excited. I'm excited, but I'm also like, A little nervous and that's okay. Alright, after that whole long. Prologue. Today, we were talking about the reality of scaling past six figures. So you have to understand that what got you to six figures is not going necessarily going to get you past it, right? The whole idea of what got you here. Won't get you there. So let's talk about the things that you should take with you. The things that you should leave behind and the new skills you're going to need to build as you scale. And my goal is for you to walk away understanding exactly what it takes and what it means to go beyond six figures in your business. So let's dive in, but before we dive in, I want to share with you, I'm hosting my last free event before I go on maternity leave in a couple of weeks, and it is called leverage, and I'll be sharing the process that's created. Multi-six figure years for me. Even if you've been stuck right at six figures for way too long, working nap times and being a full-time mama. We're going to be covering the mindset of scaling past six figures. The offers, the strategy. This is going deep. And I'll be sharing my personal stories and my clients' stories along the way. So go to your L Ben han.com/leverage. It might be very simple because we're still in the middle of creating the opt-in page. But either way you'll get a forum, you can join and let's make this happen. I want you in, I want you. I want you coming in. I want you seeing it. I want you I want you in this program because this is my last free live event. I'm doing. Before this baby is born and I like, I want to make it like the best live event I've ever run. And the more people I can bring in the more impact I can make. And so if you have friends, who'd be interested in this other mom, friends who also, are getting close to six figures. I didn't really want a scale beyond that and want to know what is it going to take to make that happen? This is for you, so share with your friends. Join me and I cannot wait to see you there. All right. Scaling past six figures. I went from. Making about a hundred K in 20, 20 18, a 2019, sorry, 2019. I'm working, full-time hustling, burning out like crazy. Then I make 110 K the next year working only seven months out of the year. And that was when I realized that, you can work smarter, not harder. You don't need to be working full-time in order to make the money desire. And then 2021 was my first multi six figure year. I made about 200 K. I say, I make. I made about 200 K in sales, a little bit less in cash, but 200 K in sales. Pretty good. And I ended up. Working about two to four hours a day at most. About four days a week. And my daughter was home with me that entire year. Okay. She was home with me. She I wanted to keep her home. She was my baby, my first baby after four years. And she's also my first girly and I just really wanted to enjoy every minute. And I really did. So I want to share like the things that I learned about, hitting my first six figures, but then also hitting my, my first multi six figures. So the first point I want to make is that. You can basically hit six figures by accident and don't come for me when I say this. Okay. I don't necessarily mean by accident, but it is not actually that complicated. To hit six figures in your business. You can do it with a very small audience. You're not need a big audience to hit six figures. You do not need multiple offers. You can do with one high ticket offers. You can do it completely. Referral-based right. Like basically build a six-figure business out of referrals and then be like I'm stuck now because I don't know how to scale referrals. It's possible, but it's one strategy. I wouldn't use it as your main strategy. You could do it with basically no website or a very basic website. You don't really need funnels and fancy sales pages for it. It can be very manual. It could be entirely one-to-one. It can be relatively simple. Okay. You are a service provider, you have high ticket service packages between five and 10 K and then all you need is, 10 to 20 clients at most in a year to hit your goal. And, one-to-one coaching as well, right? Let's say two K a month only eight or five clients. And you're basically you're crossing six figures, right? So what you'll find once you hit six figures or consistent five figure months, is that. You might be getting close to burnout a little bit, right? You might be realizing that you're working a lot more than you thought you wanted to work, or you were planning on working. Your, your time is just completely full. And maybe again, you've been relying on referrals and I really believe that relying on referrals is not a multi-six-figure strategy. Okay. It's not yours essentially putting your power in the hands of other people and that it's not. It should not be your only strategy at all. And you should build the, these skills of marketing and sales, because again, and I have clients who've come into my CMA and who've come into my CEO, my mastermind like this, like they literally built their business directly through referrals. It's really fantastic and everything, but what ended up happening was. They were like, I don't really know how to market myself because I never really had to. I just, I just passed it on, and what ended up happening? For these people is they had to like, basically learn how to market themselves from scratch. So I don't want you to do that. I want you to start building your marketing chops. At the three K mark, right? The 5k mark, because that is what you can really scale. It's those skills you can really scale and you don't want to be putting your power into the hands of other people. And you also want to, you're going to have a different mindset. Okay. There's going to be new mindset. Of. Going beyond that. I'm going to talk about that in a minute. But it's a very different idea. You are. When you're scaling to you and you're scaling when you're growing to six figures, I would say grow to six figures, scale beyond six figures. When you're growing to six figures. You're really like it's really, you really, you could be a one stop shop. Like you could be like a solopreneur maybe with one VA. Like you do not need to think about bigger things. You don't really need to think about. The systems all that much, especially if your stuff is very productized or especially if your stuff is very is just very it's all in your head, right? You may not have even created systems because it's all in your head and you haven't really outsourced anything. You don't really need to do that. You're not really thinking. Like a CEO as much. You're thinking more, just a solopreneur okay, I want to just sell this thing. I'll sell this thing. I'll have conversations. So there are some things you can want to take with you. All right. So the thing is relationship marketing is never really going to go away. I am not saying well, once you get to six figures, you're never going to have a conversation again. Okay. I actually think that it's really important that we keep that, that sort of. Beginner mindset of I never want, I never feel, and I never want anyone else to feel like they are above having conversations with people. And I just, I'm just too busy to talk to anybody. I don't have time to to have a DM conversation or whatever. That's not the point. Okay. That is not the point. Relationship marketing. Remains. It will remain whether you're making six figures, multi-six figures, you are never above having conversations with people who are interested in your offers. Okay. So I just want you to just keep that in mind, because that is something I really do want you to take with you. I want you to take that kind of beginner mindset to an extent where you're like if you're like I'm beyond that. Then it's gonna be very hard to stay in touch with your people. All right. That's really important. I really do believe that I don't do sales calls anymore, but I will continue to have conversations. I will continue to do market research and we'll continue to have market research conversations with people and calls because. This helps me stay in touch with what is going on, what people need, the, the value, the things that people value or whatever that is like that is what's going to help me market better to my people. Okay. So let's talk about the things that you're going to want to shift. As you go past six figures, the first thing is your mindset. Okay. You're going to have to build different mindset skills when you're scaling beyond six figures. You're going to be playing a bigger game. You're going to be thinking beyond just how can I bring in one, my next client and my next client, you want to think bigger. You're going to probably be thinking about leveraged offers, right? You're maybe thinking like, how can I fill a mastermind or how can I fill a group program? We're going to be setting more ambitious goals and just thinking bigger. And what I realized like for myself was that I was like, I was planning bigger for meat myself this year. And then I was like, I was getting stuck sometimes because. I find that kind of being pregnant and with everything that's been going on here in Israel and all over the world, honestly. I've I do. I have been getting stuck sometimes and like small thinking right. Of okay, what's the next thing I can do. Or what's this. I want to make X amount of money right now, but it's okay. But yes, I want to make X amount of money right now but also how can I turn X amount of money right now into longer term revenue into monthly recurring revenue? So thinking about. Setting bigger goals, thinking beyond just your next month, your next client. You're also going to be thinking about getting in front of more people, right? Because really to grow beyond six figures, like I said, you could get six figures with a tiny audience, but you cannot scale past six figures with a tiny audience. You're going to have to. Deal with the fact that you were going to be to get in front of new people on a regular basis. And getting in front of more people, it means that you're going to be open to more potential criticism. If you are a people pleaser like me and or in any grant three, like criticism feels like salt in your wounds. It's what people think I'm not perfect. How dare they? And you really are going to have to be open to number one, just like trolls in general. People just being like, just genuine, genuinely horrible people, because there are people like that in the world. But also people giving honest criticism of whatever it is, your programs, your offers, your work. And being able to hold that. Hold that space for it and still hold the reality that you are excellent and that you are fantastic and you are amazing at what you do. And you can always improve because you are not God, right? You're not perfect. You never will be perfect, but you can always do better. And being able to hold those two things. Simultaneously is what is going to give you the the mindset of being able to really get in front of more people with more confidence, because you will be able to handle, he'll be able to handle that. You'll be able to handle the possibility of more. Negativity in your world in order to bring infinitely more positivity and more impact to your people. Another mindset you're gonna want to be thinking about is leadership, right? Because as you scale beyond six figures, you are going to want to outsource and hire. I'm not saying you need a gigantic team. I do not think you need a gigantic team to scale beyond six figures. I had two contractors at a time at the most, in my business. Okay. At the most. And. That's okay. And you do not need a job fungus team to hit multi-six figures. In fact, I don't even think you need a huge team to hit seven figures. I'll be honest, and he, huge is different for every person you might need, like one to three people at most. And your business and then bringing in bringing in contractors as needed. So I just wanna use my client Julie, as an example. So she really wanted to scale her fractional CFO. Business. And so what she realized was that. She really needed to stay in the strategy space. She wasn't really ready to outsource the strategy piece yet. But what she did do was bring on a, an employee to help her support her. Fractional CFO clients. With their bookkeeping so she could focus on the high level strategy. But still offer ongoing subscription services to keep it all under the same umbrella without actually adding to her workload. And even having people to just support her with the admin of her business so that she could just stay in her zone of genius, which was the. Financial strategy part that she just really enjoyed. That's a really cool thing as well to think about, okay. So I want to help my people with this thing, but what else do they need that I can potentially support them with that? Won't add more to my plate, right? So that was 8, 8, 8, and inspired higher as far as I'm concerned. And that was thinking like a leader that was thinking multi-six figures. And she is now at a multi six-figure run-rate she's at multiple five figure months in recurring revenue. And of course, there's the idea of working smarter, not harder and not just assuming that I'm going to have to work more and do more and be more in order to make more money. But believing that, if you feel that. If you feel that way, it could be because to get to six figures, you did this all manually and solo and you burned out a little bit, right? And that's understandable. It's understandable that you might feel that way because you might be like, well, obviously I filled up my schedule to hit six figures, so I probably have to double those work hours to multi six figures. That's not necessarily true. Okay. And we'll talk about how to work smarter, not harder. Now. Okay. When it comes to. When it comes to. The idea of working smarter, not harder. You might realize that you may have outgrown your offers. You may have outgrown your marketing. Okay. And that is okay. And I realized that I understood that and I. Basically. And this was how I felt a little bit, I've been selling one-to-one services and I was productizing my services and I was hitting multi five figure months with my product and services. But I really wanted to stay in my zone of genius. And so you might want to do things like offer, ad-on offers for upsells or down sells. You might be thinking about restructuring your offer suite. So like until now you've primarily sold one main offer. One, you. Let's say you're a one-to-one coach, so one-to-one coaching offer and you're like, okay. But what if I did a group program and what if I charge half of what I was charging for one-to-one coaching for this group program? But then I was able to just have one call a week for this program, create a, a curriculum out of what I've already done with my one-to-one clients. And be able to serve 10 people at a time. And I've 10 people in that program instead of having to bring on. Five more clients to add another 10 K in monthly recurring revenue. We have be thinking about restructuring. Your offer suite as well. And again and focusing on scalability and leverage, and I, and this is what I was, this is why. I'm creating this entire leverage event, because I really want you to focus on not just okay, how can I make more money right now? But also how can I make more money in a way that is scalable? How can I make more money in a way that aligns with my life, with my goals? Can I really just focus on, streams of audio, Audience streams of income that are not going to add hours and hours to my plate. So that is something to think about as well. You might be adding a lot more automation and I don't mean all these fancy funnels. You don't necessarily need fancy funnels. Like I really, I know people who. Honestly are, just have hit multi-six figures with consistent content. I'm doing a couple of live events, a quarter or one live event, a quarter. Selling really well, their Instagram stories, but. Maybe automating more things in the backend, maybe adding on. Upsell email sequences for people from your front end offers to your backend offers. I, for example, started doing workshops and I'm going to talk about that more next week. In my next week's podcast, which is going to be all about. What I exactly what I did to level up to my first six figures, I'm going to be giving an overview of it. I'm going to give you going a lot deeper into it in the leverage program, but. Really just thinking about. Okay. What. If I have my main offers, what makes sense to create as a front end to bring more people in. And then how can I save myself the time of manually trying to upsell each individual person? So creating upsell sequences that invite people in. So as an example whenever someone buys one of my low ticket workshops, they. They then get sent into a into a sequence. That sells them in to my CMA program or sells them into my mastermind if they're at that point. And you can even have them just self-select be like, where are you currently? Are you. Trying to hit your first five to 10 K months, or are you already close to five? 10 K. And you're excited to scale beyond that. So for me, I would do that. And then I would move them, with an automation and active campaign into the right email sequence. So people who were still at that one, too. Three K trying to get to the first 5k, consistent mark, getting them to see the CMA sequence and then moving them. The people who are above that into the mastermind sequence. There are ways you can add in more automation that can, once you create it, once it will save you so much time on the back end. And that's a lot of what I've been doing this year behind the scenes as I've been preparing for my maternity leave. Okay. So you're gonna be thinking about scalability. We'll be thinking about automation. You might be restructuring your offer suite, and the last thing you're going to want to be thinking about as well. And like we spoke about this before. Is traffic. Okay. Really honestly, what I found has been, and this is me being honest here. What I found has been really my whatever kept me stuck at whatever. Plateau I was at was that I was not getting in front of enough new people. On a regular basis. So if you want to be able to scale your business beyond six figures, you have to have a plan to get in front of new people. And I always say this always right. It's you have to grow your audience. You have to nurture your audience. You have to sell to your audience. And if you continue nurturing and selling to your audience without growing it, eventually you will have sold everything you can possibly sell. And that's it. Like people, your people have seen everything like either I'm ready to join it or not. And now you're going to be plateauing. So making a point of having a way of getting in front of new people on a regular basis. Whatever you choose for that to be whether that's ads, whether that's a real strategy, whether that is. Live events every, every quarter to. To bring people in and having an affiliate army to get it out to more people, whether it's. Guesting another podcast, whether it's going as guest experts into other people's groups. I've had so many clients who have come to me into my highest level spaces for me going into other people's paid spaces and being a guest expert in there. Okay. Like quite a few people. It is not been, it is really been just like it's been uncanny because that is, when you are getting in front of other people's audiences, You're automatically creating, that know and trust because people are listening to you, trust the people who have promoted you. And they're like if she thinks she's great, then. She must be right. So having a plan to focus on, once you have your, your funnels or your front end offers or your freebies or whatever it is, you've got focusing on, how can I get more people into those funnels, into those automations, finding me coming into my world and you don't need to have these perfect funnels of while they come in here and then they go there and then if they don't buy that, then they go there and you could have that. And I definitely recommend building that out slowly. When you create, when you launch something. Seeing which emails got opened, the most thing, which emails got clicked on the most and using those to build your automation, your evergreen automation for your program. And then if you do a down sell afterwards, then just, have a down sell sequence. If people don't buy your program, like you can always do that. You can take the stuff you've been doing in real time. And then turning it evergreen and turning it into something that can sell for you. But. You have to get enough people in the front door in order to actually get people. To the backdoor, which I don't know, sounds starting sound vaguely dirty, but if you want to get them to, let's say you're writing people to a party, right? You have to bring it to invite people to the party. You have to invite people on a regular basis. If you have these, I don't know these parties that you're hosting every night, which I don't know why you would want to do that as an ambivert. I need my space. Then you want to get enough people like invited in, so how are you gonna invite these people? How are you gonna find these people? That's what you have to figure out. In short, if you learned nothing else from this episode, and this is a little bit of a fast one cause I'm very excited. I talk fast and I get very excited, but I want you to realize this. If as you near six figures, You're going to have to realize that what got you to six figures will probably not get you past it without completely burning out. Okay, you're going to have to find, something's gotta give, something's gonna need to change whether it's going to be your offers. Definitely. It's going to be your mindset. Maybe it's going to be your leadership mindset and an idea of outsourcing and hiring. Maybe it's going to be your offer suite. Maybe it will be your traffic strategy. Maybe it will be how much automation is you're incorporating. As you get to six figures, you're going to realize that you are going to need different stuff to get you past six figures consistently. That is really important. That is really important for you to realize. If you want to learn how I did this, you want to learn the strategy, the mindset, the reality, the stories behind scaling past six figures. Into a multi six figure business. I'm going to be sharing all that in my leverage three-day free program. It is going to be so good. I want you in there. I want your friends in there. I want every CEO, mom. That is starting to get closer to hitting six figures, or you're starting to, you notice starting to notice. You're like, wow, I'm starting to really hit those consistent 7, 8, 9, 10 K months. But I'm not really sure how to get beyond this. I'm not really sure. If I want to, I'm not really sure what it's going to take. This is for you. So go to your han.com. Slash leverage. And jump in. I want to see you there. I can't wait to see you there and I'll talk to you next week. As I share exactly what I did, where I was, where my head was at. As I leveled up to my first multi six figure year. All right. So I can't wait to share that with you and I can't wait to see you next week. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this. So shoot me a DM and Instagram. If you listen to this and let me know. Your thoughts, your questions. I wanna be able to answer your questions as well. So please make sure. To send them to me and Instagram, because the more information I have about what your questions are, the more valuable I can make this program for you. All right. So have a wonderful rest of your day. And I will see you next week. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.