Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

46. The CEO MOMS Method for a Scalable & Sustainable Business

• Yael Bendahan

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When I first started out as a business mom, I was hustling hard to hit 6 figures, but I quickly realized that the strategies that got me there weren't sustainable for the long haul. I knew I needed to find a smarter way to scale without sacrificing precious time with my family.

Enter the CEO MOMS Method - my signature framework for building a business that supports your lifestyle, not the other way around. In this episode, I'm breaking down the four key pillars of the method (Mindset, Offers, Marketing, and Systems) and sharing the most common mistakes I see mom entrepreneurs making in each area. 

Tune in to discover:

- Why trying to "mindset" your way to millions without a solid strategy is a recipe for frustration (and what to do instead)

- The critical shifts you need to make in your offers and pricing as you scale to 6 and multi-6 figures 

- How to create a mom-friendly marketing plan that doesn't require you to be glued to your phone 24/7

- The simple systems tweaks that will help you avoid burnout and keep your business running like a well-oiled machine

If you're tired of piecing together strategies from a bunch of different gurus and want a proven roadmap for scaling your business in a way that actually works for YOUR life, this episode is a must-listen. Grab a notebook and get ready to have your mind blown! 🤯

Mentioned: Episode 29. Steal This Simple Strategy to Book Out Your 1:1 (And Create Income Overflow)


I'm opening up 6 spots in my CEO Mom Mastermind, and when you join by June 13, you'll get access to some incredible bonuses, including 1:1 mentorship calls with me and a completely new addition to the mastermind program that will help you create a conversion asset to sell out your high-ticket offers, completely hands-off!

Apply here (bonuses are featured on the application) and when you’re a good fit, I’ll send you a personalized Loom giving you an overview of the gaps I can spot in your business and a plan for exactly what we would do together to double your revenue without doubling your work hours!

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📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

I know people who have scaled to seven figures with one offer. I know people who have scaled seven figures with a basic, like three. Level offers sweet. And then the people who have scaled seven figures with. 25 offers. Okay. And multi-six figures and whatever. All right. I really do believe that any business model could really work, but it really depends on why you're doing it and how strategic you are about it. All right. Because when you're creating an offer from inspiration and you're so excited to sell it. That's a very different energy than creating another offer because oh my God, what if I, I need to create options. I need to create things Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the podcast. Wow. When you listen to this on the day of this. On the day of this podcast going out, I'm going to beat 38 weeks pregnant. And that seems insane. I feel like time is as just flown. It's flown. Every pregnancy goes by faster. Every pregnancy goes by faster. And I'm just honestly, I'm shocked. I can't believe it's June. I can't believe we're already here. We're already giving in the middle of leverage my leverage event. And if you have not yet signed up for it, I'm going to be sharing the exact business model, the mindset and the strategy behind a multi six-figure business. Literally how I ran my business and multi-six figures with my baby home. And I always like to use this, that year as an example, because a lot of people are like, oh all your kids are in school now. So it's all very well for you. You have time to work. And I like to use that year, as I'm about to have not as much time to work. I'm about to have this baby. But I like to use that year as an example, especially because I, that was my first multi six figure year, and I worked less than I ever had before. And so for those of you who are like I have very limited time or, limited mine, Headspace. This, my daughter is home with me. I spent a lot of time with her. I was working between two and four hours a day. So about 16 hours a week at most. On average. Obviously there were periods that were a little busier and periods that are a little that were a little less, but. I just wanted you to like, see behind the scenes of that and how that actually worked. So if you're in, have not yet signed up for leverage make sure to do that. I'll drop a link in the chat because the replays will be up for a couple of weeks inside of the Facebook group and you can catch up. On all this stuff. Today, we're going to be talking about my CEO mom's method and how you can use it to apply to any business model. And how I personally applied it to myself because. I think it's really important to realize I created my CEO when I was method my framework along like a while ago. And what I really want you to see is that at the time I was using it to teach. The foundations of business. The, when I would talk about offers, I was saying about one signature productized service. But even with all that as my business grew, my CEO mom's method grew with me and then it just meant different things at different stages. And I'm actually going to be sharing I'm in a couple of weeks. Like my CEO, moms growth matrix at the different, exact different steps. To take at each stage in your business. To get to the next stage, right? So I'm going to talk about the stages of business. I was like, aligning with the stages of childhood development, which is really cool. I I love that because that's my, that's my jam. When you grow your business, I want you to see that the CEO I was at the can actually grow with you and you can actually apply this to any business model. Whatsoever. And what I'm going to be adding as a bonus to leverage is literally a training on three different types of business models, service-based and coaching consulting. Course-based to show you how you can literally hit a multi six figure a year. In 20 hours a week or less. Like with numbers and everything. And exactly what you're gonna spend your time on and exactly how much you're going to charge for things and exactly like everything it is. So in-depth. So literally how we can create between eight and 10 came on. Took 30 K months. Selling various things and not spending more than 20 hours a week on your business. All right. I'm really excited to share that as well. So make sure to jump into leverage. And before we dive in, I have an incredible opportunity for six special women who are so freaking ready to double their revenue without doubling their work hours to join my CEO, mom at mastermind. And this mastermind is for you. If you are done posting inspirational content that gets applause and likes and almost no inquiries. You're ready to think about your business with a longterm CEO, mom mindset, and create an offers. We that set up for longterm scalability and recurring revenue. Okay. We're all about that. Recurring revenue. You are looking for, hands-on getting down the trenches with you, support with your copy, your offers, your strategy, your content, your messaging. You really want that personalized support. You're tired of learning more and more information. Without someone to show you exactly where to implement the knowledge that you have. You might already be in implementation mode and you want a partner to walk alongside you and support as you implement. And as you have questions along the way and places where you might get stuck mindset wise or strategy wise, And you are ready to massively Uplevel alongside a group of women who are committed to big goals. Okay. They are going to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and take big action. Maintaining consistency in the sometimes unglamorous work that is going to lead to success. And if any of that describes you. And you are ready to scale beyond six figures in the next 12 months. This is the space for you. Because we. A hundred percent show up as that group, as that coach who holds space, the reality of motherhood, while also holding you to your bigger goals and your aspirations, that might seem crazy to other people, are just the beginning for you. So I have some special June bonuses in honor of my baby coming. So the first one is that when you apply and you're a good fit, for the mastermind, you will get a personalized loom video from me. To literally just map out where I can see the gaps that we can fill together. And your 12 month plan for exactly what we would do to double your revenue. without doubling your work hours. So literally it would be like, okay, here's what we would do. Here's the kind of offers you to put into your business. Like here's what we would charge. Really map out your plan. Because I want you to see the ROI. In your, I want you to see the ROI in this mastermind there. It's huge. Okay. In addition to that. You also get two bonus months in the program. Because I am going on maternity leave. So you get access immediately to everything. You guys, you get access to my product suite. You get access to our copy. Coach Jan, you get access to the community. Right away as soon as you join. And when you join soon when he joined the next couple of weeks we can even get that that we can really kick you off with your ROI revenue roadmap to hit the ground running. And so not only do you get these two bonus months, but you also get an extended 14 month payment plan. So again, You pay for 12 months. You get access for 14 and you also get to extend your payments out through 14 months instead of 12. In addition, we are introducing a new component into the CEO mom mastermind. This is. Just, oh my God. It's so good. My friend, Tara counterman is coming in as a co-coach inside of the mastermind. Where she is going to be giving you access to her entire curriculum. For how to build a pod funnel. And if you didn't know what a pod funnel is, I'm going to link in the description. A link to the blog post, where. Where she shares the power of a pod funnel. If you listen to her in real secrets of CEO moms, we talk about that as well. The basic idea is you're creating a podcast series. A shorter podcast series that essentially becomes a conversion tool to bring people into your world. And basically generate leads and sales for your higher ticket services. From two K to 10 K and beyond. Without sales calls. So literally this converts people from just finding you to being completely sold on you. And booking a call or applying for your highest ticket offers. And Tara herself has sold her own 10 K offers like this, no sales call, just applications I'm in, ready to go. And so have her clients. And we are actually working together on building a pot funnel for me. And I wanted to give that access to my CEO on mastermind clients as well, because. A lot of them are service providers who are looking to create more leverage. And there aren't as many good. Funnels and lead generation funnels that work as well for service providers. As there are four coaches and course creators, who's in, of course, creators is relatively simple. But with services, you really you really want to number one pre-qualify people before they apply to work with you before they get on a call. And it makes things so much simpler when you can literally walk them through. Why your thing is important. Why they need you specifically your signature framework. All that kind of stuff. And that is what the pot of funnel is. So normally to get access to terror for a year and access to her pot funnel curriculum, it's six K like just alone. She is coming in. We are, she is contributing her pod funnel curriculum to the CEO, mom mastermind. And she's coming in as a coach and she'll be doing a monthly call. She will be answering questions about your pod funnel about your topics, about your content reviewing your pod funnel strategy and helping you build out that incredible asset for your business. I cannot stress how valuable this is. This is a. Multi five to six figure asset that you will be creating. And it is actually a perfect summer. Project, because it is mostly audio based, which means you don't need to show up with makeup or anything like that. You can come straight out of the pool record a podcast episode. Go back into the pool, but you could have your pod funnel mapped out and done and ready to go and deploy by the end of the summer. So I am so excited about this and this is a again, it's a huge, amazing inclusion. That is new for this mastermind cohort. And this is my favorite bonus fricking, ever. When you join. During this time period. And you're one of the next six women to join. You get four one-to-one calls to use with me throughout our time together. Including a kickoff call, which we can do as soon as you join. If you can, if you get in, now we can schedule that in right away. Get you. Just really get you onboarded kickoff your time in the mastermind. With with some major action steps that you can start taking action throughout the summer, and we will even tailor those actions to your summer, to your schedule. I just did this with one of my, one of my mastermind clients. And it was amazing because she now has a plan for exactly what you're going to spend your time on during the summer when she does have childcare which is very limited. But she's gonna be able to make the most of her summertime now because she has that plan. The goal of these four one-to-one calls, which are valued currently at$4,000. Okay. So 400 phone calls me is normally$4,000. And. The idea of this is that every few months we can really touch base, get really deep into your business, right? You you can get that really intense and focused coaching, personal coaching outside of our usual hot seats. And my clients and I have created 10 to 25 K in revenue within days and weeks after our call, based on what we go through on our call. In fact, on a reason intensive with a private client. I literally identified over$80,000 in in pipeline revenue that she can now tap into once she has her offers a little more organized. She literally has between 80 to a hundred thousand, to be honest now because she actually realized she wanted to raise the rates. That we even discussed. Once she really started building out her offer. So it is just so good. And these calls can be your insanely valuable when you make the most of them. And I'm offering you four of these. I do not normally do one-to-one calls with people who are not my one-to-one clients, but the next six women get these one-to-one calls. So they're also some amazing, painful bonuses. If you want to pay in full but either way, I want you to reach out to me. Check out the details in the description apply for the mastermind now. And I'm really excited to share this because I think that for the right women, this is going to be the perfect step for you. And I want you to be there. I want to be there with you. I want to walk alongside you and really partner with you on your scaling journey. So the CEO mastermind is enrolling for June. This is the last cohort, our million rolling. Before I go on maternity leave. So this is the time to get in. Get that extended payment plan. Get that instant access. Get that kickoff call. Get the bonus strategy call. And I cannot wait to see you in there and I cannot wait to see your application. Okay. So let's talk about the CEO moms method. All right. I created the com's method. A long time ago, but it was originally called something else. It was originally called the baby proof business method. And I and I called it like, I literally had like a cute little Venn diagram and it was said simple marketing, simple offers, simple systems. And I had mine set in the middle to tie it all in. But over time I realized that, it actually aligned really well with moms. And I didn't really want to keep it with the baby theme because I realized there were a lot of moms that I helped that weren't really having babies. They weren't at that place of having babies. And so it was okay for me to not. Not only speak to people who are having babies. And so it turned into the CEO moms method, which stands for mindset, offers, marketing and systems. And I really wanted to talk about these four different parts. And the mistakes people commonly make with each one and how I've been able to apply it to my own offers. And to my own to my own journey and where actually my offers come into this. As I support my clients because I just want my clients through these parts. In multiple different offers in multiple different ways. Okay. So mindset, let's talk about mindset. There are so many mistakes you will make about mindset. I really think it's really important to understand like the meaning of it. Mindset work. Does not necessarily mean. You're always high vibe and you're always like, oh, yay. And everything's perfect. And everything's amazing. That's not how life works. Okay. So some mistakes people make with mindset work is just sitting and doing hours and hours of journaling without really any purpose to it, without really using it to process anything. Just me being like, oh, I need to just journal my thoughts and then never really doing anything about that. Besides for that. Mindset, mistakes people make, can also be just saying affirmations to yourself that you don't even really believe, have you ever tried to be like, I am a river of abundance. I attract money wherever I go. I am the best coach and I'm a million dollar. And I'm not saying that can't work right. Because I have literally I, in the morning, every morning I look at myself, And I say, I am a million dollar coach. Okay. Literally every morning when I'm brushing my teeth. Or right after I brushed my teeth. And I say quietly to myself, I don't need to yell it. So the whole family can hear me. But I do say that because I really do believe like the more that you can align yourself with that thought, with that belief, with that opportunity, like the more you will be able to. Spot the opportunities that will get you closer to that goal. I, a hundred percent believe that. But just listening to affirmations or seeing information that you don't really believe, like what is really the point? What's the point? Another mistake people make with mindset is trying to just mindset your way and manifest your way to millions without backing it up with a strategy. It's cause you have some coaches who were like, mindset is everything. It is the foundation of everything. I'm not going to lie. That is true. Okay. Is the foundation of everything? But it is not everything. And you do need to have, you do need to have the the strategy to back up your mindset. But if you don't have the right mindset in place, it is going to be hard to use to implement the strategy that you need to implement. That is true. Okay. But on the other hand using. Just trying to mind set your way to the money is not going to help. Okay. And. The last mistake I find that people really make with mindset is trying to push down or push away those intrusive and doubting thoughts instead of processing them. What I find is that. Doing mindset work every day. Does not mean. Does not mean that you were never going to have doubting thoughts and imposter syndrome and intrusive thoughts and self-sabotaging, actions. It doesn't mean that what it means is that you will. Have those thoughts and you will know how to process through them much quicker. Okay. You'll be able to just observe them from a place of detachment. Deal with them. And just move on and keep going. And keep doing what you're doing. Okay. And so that is, that was what I really believe mindset is. And so if you're trying to push things away, instead of processing them and dealing with them, all that happens is that, and I can tell you as an Enneagram three, who likes to push emotions down and push thoughts down and be like, I'm just not, I'll talk about that later. I think about that later, right? Scarlet O'Hara I'll think about it tomorrow, right? That's not that doesn't really work. Okay. It doesn't really work. So what does mindset really mean? Udemy is understanding your blocks and journaling through them instead of avoiding them. Okay. So understanding like what is coming up for you? And then really processing them through journaling through these actions.. So I don't mean sitting in journaling for hours and hours. Every single day. Moms don't have time to sit in journal for hours and hours every single day, but even giving yourself 20 minutes in the morning. To do that, to make that happen can be amazing for you. All right. The second thing it means is having repeatable mindset, rituals that are easy to fit into your day. So like for me, for example, my journaling doubled as content inspiration. I was drinking a whole bunch of stuff yesterday. I'm like, wow, look at all this stuff that's coming up. And if this stuff is coming up for me, I bet it comes up for my clients as well. I have so many content ideas now. All right. So if you're like, let me just sit and be like, let me just sit and see what comes to mind. What are the thoughts that I'm having? What are the thoughts that my clients are having. And really just using that time as well, to not just do your own mindset, work and process your own things, but also consider how you would help others process them as well. This can be really great for you. And I have like really the days I do the mindset work, I am like so much more intentional, so much more aware. I get so inspired to create all kinds of stuff. And to me like that is one of the ways that I can serve my clients. The one of the ways I can serve my clients at the highest level is processing my own shoes. So I can help them process theirs. Okay. It also means creating affirmations that are specially customized to you and to your own limiting beliefs. All right. Just standard affirmations on a random YouTube video or in a random Spotify playlist. Will not help you creating affirmations that are customized to you and your limiting beliefs and can address those. That is very different. And it also means setting new and higher standards for yourself and really aligning your actions accordingly. Okay. We that whole idea of oh, I need to align to a different level. Like the only way to do that is to continue. To do the work is to continue to envision yourself at a certain level to envision yourself. I know for me, I have, Making money is not as much of an issue for me as holding money. Cause I realized I had very little self-trust and how I can manage money. So for me, a lot of the work could be just visualizing. Certain amounts in my bank account and visualizing them staying in my bank account. You're staying in my savings accounts. Because that for me is more of the work of having the money and managing the money and being a good steward of the money feels to me more of an issue than making money. Okay. Because anyone can like really make money. You have to give value and get paid for it. It's not rocket science. But. The skill of holding money is is a very different skill. It's not one that we learn. It's one that we have to it's a really a learned skill. So I know that I have to work on myself, trust and trust in myself of Yes, I can make the money, but I can also manage it well, so I talk about a lot of these things inside of my non-Jew mindset makeover, right? In the mindset you're going to have when you're creating your first thing is your product as offer you're charging higher ticket for the first time, is very different than the mindset you're going to need to have. As you build out your first one to many program, I just start building out your visibility capacity and getting in front of more and more people. So the mindset work that we work on in CEO mom academy, which is my which is my foundational program for service providers and coaches who want to get started booking other one-to-one. That is going to be a very different mindset place than the people who are at the CLL mastermind level, who are in the place of yes, I've hit 10 K months before. Maybe not the way I wanted to. I want to do this in a more aligned way. It's very different. And the truth is my mindset makeover really addresses. People at all the stages. Okay. It's really cool. You want to think about, okay, so how. What mindsets do I need to have in order to get to my next stage? Because. They say like new level, new devil, very often it's new level, like same devil, right? The mindset work you're gonna have to do you might be doing the same mindset work, but it will be different thoughts coming up. So maybe you don't feel worthy of charging a certain amount, and then you're going to feel worthy of charging a certain amount. Then maybe you're not going to feel worthy of getting in front of that many people or being able to start that many people at a time. Maybe you're worried that you won't be able to serve that many people at a time. And that's another mindset work you're going to have to do that is the mindset piece and it is really important. To realize that whatever stage you are at doing the mindset work and having that foundation. Is crucial. It is going to underline everything else that you do. And without the right mindset. You're going to be a little bit self-sabotaging and you may not reach the goals and the, the. achievements that you want to, because you might be just holding yourself back and getting in your own way. Okay, so let's talk about offers. So here's some mistakes that people make with offers. So the first one is. Looking at other people's business models. And creating loads of offers like they do from a place of fear. If I don't create a lot of options and no one's going to want to work in the year, I have to give people. Like 500 different ways to work with me in case this one doesn't speak to them or that one doesn't speak to them. And. I really do believe that. And I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I said this in my leverage program and I'll say it again. I know people who have scaled to seven figures with one offer. I know people who have scaled seven figures with a basic, like three. Level offers sweet. And then the people who have scaled seven figures with. 25 offers. Okay. And multi-six figures and whatever. All right. I really do believe that any business model could really work, but it really depends on why you're doing it and how strategic you are about it. All right. Because when it comes to your offers, I'm going to talk about this. When we talk about what. Offer creation, the right kind of offer creation really means. Is. When you're creating an offer from inspiration and you're so excited to sell it. That's a very different energy than creating another offer because oh my God, what if I, I need to create options. I need to create things When I was in 2020 I had my primary product. I service that was my main offer in there. And I had my group coaching program. And I spent the rest of the year creating smaller offers and selling them literally, just to see. What people wanted. It was literally that. Okay. I launched my get clients bootcamp alongside my LinkedIn leads, mastery mini course. On black Friday when I first created that funnel, when I first sold it. And I literally, I had so many people by, by that LinkedIn. Program. Just to get the, get clients bootcamp, because everyone wanted to get clients. It was very, it was very simple thing. It was very easy to know. I experimented with my non. Blue mindset makeover and it turned out people freaking loved it and they had amazing. Results from it. So there's a very different, it's a very different energy than, oh my gosh. I have to create like loads of stuff. And I highly recommended that I'm going to talk about this when it comes to what it really means. I highly recommend if you're going to create multiple offers. Doing it in a strategic way. And I'll talk about what that means. Another mistake that people make is not charging enough for their higher touch. Average and services. Because when you are creating whatever it is, whatever your highest level offer is, whether that's a service, whether it's coaching or consulting. It needs to be something that is sustainable for you to deliver. And it's worth it for you to deliver. So if you have clients booking with you and your first instinct, when you see the book to use to sigh and be like, oh my God, Even this money does not feel like enough. It doesn't feel worth delivering this offer, then that's a good sign that you're probably not charging enough now. I'm not saying just inflate your prices for absolutely no reason. You want to pray strategically, not just, for. You know what the market is paying. Cause you to think about that as well. You have to think about that. What is a. An average thing, the market is paying and know where you fall on that spectrum. If you fall in the very very expert side of that spectrum. A hundred percent you should be charging. Absolutely premium. That is really important. And the last one is not having offers that work for their family schedule or lifestyle because someone told you. All right. I I have so many, I have so many little like soap boxes I can go on when it comes to all this stuff. I feel like each one of these is like its own like poster, its own email or something. I started off trying to build this million dollar social media agency. Because that was what my mentor was doing. And that was what she was like teaching us to do. She's this is the direction, this is the way to do it. Until I realized I was building a business. I didn't even want, it was stressful. It was so stressful. I did not enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it. I didn't want to deal with it. I didn't want to deal with contractors. I didn't want to deal with the balancing of all the things, offering all these different services. I just didn't feel like I just not feel like an agency was my calling, but I spent two years trying to build this. Because. That was what my mentors. I said to do. And that did not. Work for me to not work for my personality. Didn't work for my lifestyle is not work for the kind of thing I enjoy. And it was not simple. It was not a simple thing for me to do because of the level of. Management and juggling that I had to do. These are just some mistakes. Mistakes that people can. Make with their offers. Now, what does it really mean? What does having your, the right offers really mean in the CEO mom's method? So at my CEO mom academy level, this is more when you're making zero to three K a month. And your business. And you're like, I just want to be able to make money more consistently. Amazing. Creating a product ice signature offer. That makes you money consistently and leaves you room to create new offers from a place of abundance and inspiration. So that productized signature offer that you have. Is going to be your foundation. It's going to be your bread and butter. It's going to be how you can have the mental and emotional and space and creative space. To create other offers. Should you choose to from a place of inspiration and flow and oh my God, this would be so much fun to do. So if you are like I have, I don't know, five one-to-one consulting clients. Each of them were paying me two K a month. I am making 10 K a month. That's a great start. Amazing. Now you have space to be like, okay, now what can I create as a front end offer? What can I create maybe a short or shorter group program to add more leverage to my life. And that is going to give you so much freedom. It's going to give you the freedom to create whatever else you want. Or just stick with that productized signature service or signature offer. It doesn't really matter because either way. Number one, exactly how to sell it. You have your signature framework? We just talk about all the time, right? You ever think as your framework, you're selling from a signature framework, your marketing is simpler. Everything is simpler. And now you have the mental energy to dedicate to other things that you want to do. Or time with your family or whatever else you want to do. Okay. Now, when you are further along in your business, let's say you booked out with one 20. You're like, I don't want to take on any more one-to-one clients. I want to expand. So at that level, that's what more when you're gonna be joining my mastermind or my mind them collective. Is having a strategic offer suite that moves people from one offering to the next simply and easily. There's no cookie cutter strategy here. I can give you recommendations. I can give you best practices for offer suites. I can tell you about my own simplified offer suite. And I did share it and, It's relatively very simple. I have my cm on mastermind. That's my highest level that someone can work with me in a group setting, a group kind of a hybrid. One-to-one and group setting. I have my momentum collective, which is my mini mastermind. I have my CEO mom academy, which is my self study course. And then I have a bunch of other courses that are smaller, that are included in my overall product suite that I can sell, that I can bundle, that I can sell individually. If I choose to, I can great individual funnels for, and use them to move people towards my higher level offers. But I have my three main offers com academy. My momentum collective and my CEO, mom mastermind. And that for me works really well because people are going to either are going to make sense for one of those things. And I can always pull things out of those. Those programs and create more specific individual courses. I have my momentum marketing master class. I have my S my cash injection in bootcamp. I have my non woo mindset. That makeover. But that is not like my bread and butter. That's not like my offer suite that I. Kind of, I have to say rely on, but that's not my offers me that I build my plan around. I don't, I'm not like, okay. So if I sold. 10 spots in my mastermind and then five spots in momentum marketing masterclass or whatever. I see those bonus ones. It's like filling in as cash injections, little mini launches, cherry on top sort of stuff. What I really. Focus on selling are the things that will create the most longterm revenue. But that is me. And I want to help you think longterm in my mastermind, in my programs. And so we will map out what that actually looks for you. What kind of key retainers can we turn it? Can we create. Out of your existing offers out of your existing expertise. It would also, would it also really means is charging according to the value that you provide your dream clients. And now your dream clients are the ones who do not need to be convinced to work with you. they're not the ones you need to be convinced of your value. They're the ones who are genuinely excited and understand that you are worth the money and they have either have you on their vision board or they are just like, yes, she is the right person for me. She is my person to work with. So all of that is really important to remember when you're thinking about your pricing So number one, does my pricing reflect the longterm value of what I'm giving my clients, but also does it feel aligned to me? I'm never going to tell someone to arbitrarily, just raise their prices. Okay. And be like, yo, raise your prices. That's important, whatever. No, absolutely not. What I will say, though, is. I really do believe that, you should be charging according to the. Value that you bring. And you have to charge something that is going to be. Worth your while you have to feel really good about it. You have to feel that is worth the price that you are charging. That is really important because. When it comes to getting on a call or having a sales conversation. And when people say, how much does this cost, what's the investment. You knew veal. So aligned with that. So if I tell you, oh, you're charging 5k for that, you should be charging 15 K. You need to be able to get behind that personally. You need to, okay. So I just want you to realize that when it comes to, people like, do you oppose, like you probably need to raise your prices. That's not that post is not for you. It's not for you because you need someone who knows you, who knows your business, knows your personality, who can help you. Realign your mindset towards those higher price points, you have to feel really good about it. And. It's funny because as I was like, I was thinking about, when I raised the price point for my mastermind, I was like, really like thinking back and forth, like what feels right for me? I was going to charge something and I was like, you know what? I feel like I want the monthly rate to be lower. I want the extended payment plan to be smaller. And that's just, that was what I decided. And that's all really good to me. And I really do feel a thousand percent that when you joined the mastermind and you pay me. 14 K and full. Or the extended payment plan, which I think adds up to 15 K altogether. Depending on how long you're doing it for and whatever, but. You can, will make, you will only make that money back. You will. Double that money. You will five X. That money you will probably, you can probably 10 X that money with the skills, with the strategies, with the coaching that you will get inside of there. I know that I feel that so strongly. So you have to be very behind the prices as well as, as well. It cannot just be someone telling you to arbitrarily. You got to go, just go raise your price. Okay. So that's also really important. And other thing that I want you to think about, is. When it comes to your offers. You have to sell ones that make sense with your lifestyle and your capabilities. So you're, I know right now that any offer that requires me to be on multiple calls per week is not going to work for me because of the life that I have because of the family that I have because of the commitments that I already have in my life. I used to do VIP days, I'll do a full five hour five hour intensive, straight. It was amazing. It was great. I would say ablate that, and late at night and do it with clients. And one time I did it with someone who was in India or the Philippines or something. So they were ahead of me. But. When I did my first VIP day after I had my daughter, when she was about six weeks old, I realized that I could not offer this type of VIP day ever again. And that was when I figured out how to I literally was like how can I offer the same service? How can I offer the same level of service to my clients while. Keeping, you know what, while staying committed to my vision, I refuse to build a business that is going to make me sacrifice. Being present for my family. That is a non-negotiable for me. So whatever I do has to fit in to my schedule. And you know what, the moms that I work with feel the same way. And so I ended up doing now is now my VIP days are in two parts, their VIP intensives it's D day one is two and a half hours. Day two was two and a half hours. I can divide that into two different, two different evenings. So it works. And I usually do them about a week apart. Depending on the schedule, but about a week apart. So people have time to marinate. My clients tend to consider what we discussed in the first part. And we go back and forth a little bit in that time. Like going back and forth on over the document that we created together. And it's amazing. And I'll put a link to it. So you could see exactly how it works. So and that is where it came from. That was where this was inspired from. It was a divided. VIP day because I couldn't do the full day one anymore. Okay. That is when it comes to offers. Marketing right. Marketing is the last M right? So what are the kinds of mistakes you will make when it comes to marketing? They try to do too much and they overstretched themselves ended. I ended up, they ended up burning out and avoiding marketing entirely. If you've ever seen GRU saying you have to be omni-channel and I'm multi blah, blah, blah, and all over the place. And then everyone needs to see you everywhere. Yeah, they can do that because they have a gigantic team. You are not a guru yet. And so you try to take on too much. You're like I'm going to do a YouTube channel and also a podcast and also do Facebook, Instagram and Tik TOK. And you burn out. You may be, do it for a week or two, and then you're like, I can't anymore. They maybe do sporadic marketing. Another mistake they make is doing sporadic marketing when they have time in between clients, which perpetuates that feast and fan and cycle that so many freelancers and solopreneurs and and one-to-one coaches fall into, right? I have all my clients are booked out. There's no need for me to market anymore. No, you keep marketing. You keep marketing, you keep going, you get people onto a wait list. There are so many ways to continue marketing your services and continue to bring people into your world and continue nurturing them until they're ready to work with you while you are booked out. So in episode 29, which I will link in the description. Okay. I talk about, how does steal the simple strategy to book out your one-to-one and create income overflow? And this is literally a behind the scenes of an exact. Coaching session that I did with a client. And we literally talked about not just how to keep her one-to-one booked out, but also how to incorporate VIP intensives with a really super simple email funnel to build her a waitlist and also how to increase her monthly income and also sell people on working with her at her highest level without even having to get on a sales call at all. So that was a really cool. That was a really cool time. I loved that episode so much because he was very It was very simple. Okay. It was just very simple. And I just found that what ended up happening was like, she's been doing it and it's been beautiful to see. And she was able to, she is able to keep marketing in between even if she is booked out. If she, even if she doesn't have necessarily have spaces for our clients, for new clients, because she has a plan. And so very often many freelancers or solopreneurs will fall into that trap. That trap of. I don't need a market right now, or I'm too busy to market right now. And then that's where you get. The ups and downs that feast famine cycle. And. That's a problem, right? Because you wrap up with time with a client, you're like, oh gosh, I have to resell them. Maybe they resell. Maybe they don't. But either way now you're scrambling to fill that spot instead of doing it the entire time. And the last mistake people make is they try to market the way some guru or other does it without really thinking about what feels best to them and their ideal client. Just because Alex, where mosey is creating these amazing short form videos with cool graphics and whatever does not mean that you are Alex Rosie, just because Mr. Beast has this insanely high production. Standard for his videos does not mean you need to be Mr. Beast. So you have to understand that you are you at your stage and you can mark it the way that speaks directly to your audience. What does marketing really mean? What does what do I really mean when, like, when it comes to marketing? Number one is showing up only where ideal clients actually are not to try to be omni-channel all over the place, whatever. I recommend having, again, one SEO based. Content. Platform, which is it could be a YouTube channel, a blog or a podcast essentially. And at least one to two social platforms and you can actually take your anchor content, write your bigger piece of content, like your P your podcast, your YouTube, whatever it is. And you can you can turn that into social media content, right? So I, and I like social media because that's a place where you can really engage. It's not as easy to engage. You can engage on YouTube comments for sure. But if you have a podcast or a blog, you can have blog again, blog comments as well. But I think social media is a great, greater place to like really engage your audience, go back and forth and really be able to start having those sales conversations. Especially if you want to do less sales calls, social media generally, messenger allows you to do that. I also recommend what it really means is having a mom viable marketing system that enables you to put in minimal effort. I'm just a few hours a week and speak directly to your ideal clients. And I'm actually speaking about that on day three of leverage, which as you're listening to this, it should be happening today. Join leverage. If you haven't already. What does that marketing system? I had a system that was so low tech, so simple. I literally used a Google sheet in Google docs. And that was literally it. And we've made Google sheet in my Google docs. I was showing up every single day posting at least twice a day. And it was simple for me. And I did this while pregnant during COVID with four little boys at home who had to all be on zoom school at different times throughout the day. And that was essentially a zoom traffic director. And I still was able to show up consistently. Okay. So you need to have a system that's a marketing system that makes sense for you. Another thing that it really means is marketing in a feel good way that works for you, your lifestyle, your personality, and your dream client audience. If I'm going to tell you to do a YouTube channel and And you just I just, I don't feel comfortable doing video. Right or I don't feel I'm, that there's, it just doesn't really speak to me or I really I don't really have the team to to edit videos. I'm gonna spend so much time doing the editing or whatever it is, then That is not going to make sense for you, so that's a really important thing to think about as well. What actually makes sense for you? What actually speaks to your ideal client? I've literally this week have had two different people. Tell me. Two different people who are ideal clients, where are they? Exactly the kind of CEO moms. I want to work with, tell me, oh my gosh, I love your pockets. Actually. I've had three people. Oh, my God. And it's been three. So three different people telling me I have been bingeing your podcast this week. And I, it's funny because I've seen my numbers go up and I'm like, who's listening to I'm getting like two. Two or three listens per episode, and I'm just getting all these old episodes coming up. I'm like, what is this? It was these people, right? And I've been doing this podcast for over a year, literally over a year. This has been like exactly 13 months, basically since I launched. And I was like wondering, I'm like, is this getting to the right people? Are people actually listening to it? Is it really, What is this even worth it? And I, now I know this has confirmed for me that my ideal client is exactly the type of content. That she likes to consume because podcasts are very simple and easy to consume for a busy CEO mom. And the last part, what it really means. This is an entire training in and of itself. Is having a grow, nurture and sell strategy. That's repeatable and doable. You always have to be growing your audience and getting in front of new people. You always have to be nurturing your existing audience to keep you top of mind. And and create that know like trust. And you always have to be selling to your audience. Otherwise you're not going to making any money. So you have to have a plan to be doing that on a regular basis over and over again, whether your growth is through ads, your growth is through bundles and collaborations are your growth is the organic reels. I don't really care. Okay. Whether you nurture it through a podcast or an email list. I highly recommend both, but definitely you want to have an email list? Maybe your existing content is growing and nurturing your audience. Maybe you just think God is growing your drink and selling. I like the, my content on Instagram to grow and nurture for me. And then I primarily tend to sell in my stories. But you have to have a plan. You'd have to know what you're going to sell. You have to know how you're going to sell it. Because. If you don't have a plan, it just never ends up happening. I know that for myself, if I just wait till the last minute to just be like, oh, what should I sell today? What'd I talk about today? It doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. Okay. Now of course, every once in a while, I'll just be really inspired to write a post. And actually have a post if I don't know if it's going to be up yet, but I do have a post. that is all about, what constitutes a high value clients, because I've had so many people. I say things like my best clients, the most highest value clients are the ones who never ask, who never messaged me, who never asked me for anything who never. And I'm just like, oh my God, seriously, those are your highest value clients. So you're basically shaming people into thinking they're not a good client, because then they're asking you questions. I'm like, no, ask me questions. Dang it. And I saw just one too many posts about that. And so I just, I had to write a post about it. And that went out today. I think it's a real right. I honestly, to me, I feel like for the most part, I like to have 90% of stuff scheduled down in advance and I leave room for that inspiration to come through in the meantime. And last but not least let's talk about systems and this is a longer podcast episode than normal, but I think it's important. Systems. So what mistakes do people make business owners make with systems? The first one is that they try to do everything themselves and end up burning out and cutting corners and they ended up like dropping balls and missing things. Okay. So now I will say this is important. Okay. You can automate, I'm going to talk about that in a minute. You can go on for a very decent amount of time as a complete solopreneur without help. I'm not saying that you can't. But when things start falling through the cracks, you really need to consider hiring your first person. And systemizing more stuff and automating more stuff. Okay. The other end of the spectrum. Okay. The other end of the spectrum is that they over-hire before they're ready. And ended up having to let people go or have way too many people to manage without the infrastructure to support it. And I spoke about this with my friend, Kelsey Kerslake in the real secrets of CEO, moms, audio series. We ended up. In. We were in a program that like, it was like, build your business for a multi, whatever your$3 million business or you're a multi-million dollar business. So you have to build a team for that multimillion dollar business. Now that's not how it works. Okay. And I've known so many people who have hired these entire big teams. Oh, I talked about this with Tatiana Hara as well, who hired these big teams ended up having to get rid of most of them because they weren't, they just didn't have the money to support it, or they didn't have the right management to manage it. That's you know those are two like different ends of the spectrum. But they're both very common mistakes that people make. And the last mistake. And there are a lot of mistakes. People can make those systems is that they have too many moving pieces in systems and project management softwares. And there isn't one specific place where they can go to manage their CEO life. I love systems. I love, I love air table. I love. Click up. I love notion. I love it. I love all these things I love. I love Google spreadsheets for God's sake. But on the other hand, Having your stuff in too many places is just going to make sure it's going to ensure that things fall through the cracks. So you have to have your kind of like your hub and have things connected to your hub. For me, that is mainly click up. I do use, I use notion to create like trainings. I'll use I'll use air table for For the more form kind of stuffing for managing my programs. So all my surveys and things go into air table. All of my my, my mastermind management, like my art and Jake, the intake forms, the. The weekly audit stuff that goes into air table. Cause it makes it really simple and really easy to to like to look at. But for the most part, I have a very, like I'm trying to minimize my tech stack as much as possible because otherwise it creates overwhelm and then things get missed. So what do the right systems really mean? So the first thing is automating and outsourcing in a smart way. So first, and I tell my clients do this exercise all the time, make a list of everything you do in your business, everything you do. No matter how big, no matter how small and you can do this, actually teach this in the I teach this in the curriculum of my momentum mini mind, where I didn't have an entire module just on systems by them by itself.. And what I like to do is do it by, by program and by platforms, they'll be like, okay for my mastermind, with all the things I need to do for my for my. Momentum collective or all the things I need to do for C U I'm academy. What are all the things I need to do? Okay. Fine. Now for my now for my email platform, what are all the things that I do for Instagram and all the things that I do. And I go from there. And then I'm like, okay now what kind of, for funnels for backend projects where all the things that I do on a regular basis. So knowing what you're doing on a regular basis, and then highlighting the things that only you can possibly do, and nobody else. And then working on little by little. Outsourcing or automating the rest of that list. Okay. What it also really means is hiring the people that you need without thinking that you need a huge team to hit multi-sectoral seven figures, you a hundred percent do not. I was hitting multi-six figures with a VA who is not even like full-time. Okay. And like a social media contractor. That was literally it. Okay. And the last thing that I think it really means is having simple systems. You have your marketing system, your sales system, financial system, any team system delivery system. So you have one place to go to keep track of everything if needed in one. Main hub again, for me, that is click up and I love it. Okay. I really think that there's so many ways that we tend to over-complicate things or we tend to like, think we're doing things the right way, because we see someone else doing that without realizing that they're doing it that way, because they went through the steps to get to that point where they could do it that way. They have the infrastructure to do it that way. They have the income to do it that way. They have the amount of offers that they need to do it that way. But you don't need to, you aren't need to build your unique business. You need to build your own methods, your own systems, your own services, and build your business. That is unique to you. Okay. And that's what I do with my clients. In my mastermind. So if you learn nothing else, I want you to remember that. Probably a lot of stuff that you're doing is stuff that is unnecessary. And I want, I would love for you to just take a look at what you're doing and be like, okay, so what am I doing on a regular basis that is bringing me clients and bring me money and what am I doing on a regular basis that doesn't really seem to be tracing back now. I'm not talking about things like SEO, which is going to be more of a longer-term strategy, a hundred percent. Okay. But things like I don't know. Doing tick talks and going, going viral and tick dock, but you'd notice that you only get five leads a month from Tik TOK. Maybe that's not the best place for you to be hanging out. I'm not saying ticktock is. It works for a lot of people. I'm not saying it wouldn't right. Or maybe YouTube, but it takes you hours and hours a week to produce every YouTube video. And you've been doing it for six months. You have not seen a single bit of traction from YouTube whatsoever. Not even a little bit, maybe that's not something you should be working on right now. Maybe SEO optimize your existing videos. And then let it go for now and focus on something else. Or maybe you notice that you're getting a lot of clients through referrals. Which is really great. So instead of saying oh shoot, and I have to add on another stream. Yes, I do think you need to have another stream of clients because just depending on referrals is not going to be the most valuable thing you could do. I really think it puts your, the power of your business in like in other people's hands. But on the other hand, maybe you can create an official referral program. Create these really fun incentives and make it like a game, make it fun for people to do this for you. Make it fun for people to refer you. So. There are so many ways you can really optimize what you're doing and leverage your time more. And that is what I want you to remember. All right. This your mom's method. Honestly, I'm going to be, I'm going to be dropping the podcast episode, I think next week about my growth matrix. How the CMR method applies at the beginning of your business. Up to seven figures. Okay. How you can apply and exactly what to do at each stage in order to get to the next stage. All right. But I really do think that when you look at your business through this lens and you're. And this really helps me with my client as well. Cause I'll be like where are their gaps? Is it their mindset? Maybe their mindset is the gap. Is it their offers? Are they offering the wrong offers or they try to do too many offers. Are there offers that align to their life? Maybe if they're marketing, maybe they're not marketing consistently. Maybe they're marketing in the wrong place. Maybe they don't really know what their messaging is. Maybe their systems, maybe the delivery of the delivery is making them stressed out. So they're avoiding marketing because they're stressed out about delivery. It really helps me help my clients more when viewed through this lens. And that is really, that is what I do inside my mastermind. It's what I do inside momentum collective. And of course we have his incredible June bonus for my mastermind. So I would love for you to get your application in. You will get a personalized loom video from me. If you're a good fit. Literally mapping out exactly the gaps that I can see based on your application and how we would work together to make this happen for you. How we work together to scale you beyond six figures in the next 12 months. Actually 14 months because we cause you get two extra months due to my maternity leave. I cannot wait to hear what you thought about this. Have these mistakes ever come up for you or have you. Look at, can you. hear me and be like, oh my gosh, I used to do that. And I learned my lesson. I would love to hear this from you. So hit me up on Instagram. Send me a DM. Let me know. Hey, like this episode and I cannot wait to be back with you next week. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.