Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

52. My BEST Productivity Hacks for CEO Moms with Babies at Home - Tips & Tricks For Getting Work Done with Baby #6!

Yael Bendahan

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Have you ever wondered if your business dreams would be put on hold the moment your baby arrived? Trust me, I've been there! With 6 kids, 2 born as a business owner - I'm here to tell you that it's absolutely possible to run your business with a baby, even if it looks a little different than before.

In this episode, I'm spilling all my secrets on how I'm getting back to business with a newborn. From categorizing tasks based on mental energy to mastering the art of working with a baby on your lap, I'm sharing my top hacks for balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood. 

Plus, I'll give you a sneak peek into how I'm setting up my business to run on autopilot, aiming for that sweet spot of 10-15K monthly recurring revenue without having to show up live.

What I'm dishing in this episode:

  • The "10-50-100 rule" I learned from my coach that helps me tackle tasks with a newborn
  • How I turn baby-wearing into a productivity powerhouse
  • My secret weapon for turning nap times into money-making hours
  • The one-handed hustle: surprising tasks I do while nursing
  • Why my phone is now my favorite business planning tool

If you're loving these tips, I want to hear from you! 

Screenshot this episode, share it on your Instagram stories, and tag me @yaelbendahan. Let me know which hack you're excited to try or share your own tip for getting work done with a baby. 

Mentioned in the episode:

My Maternity Leave Program - it's on presale now for just $97 as I build it out, but the price will go up soon. 

CEO Mom Academy - my signature course on how to sell out your signature service and run a 6-figure business in 20 hours a week or less

The September Sales Minimind - create your Q4 sales explosion AND sell your high-ticket offer at the same time! 

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

We're currently in the middle of a mini mind. It's incredible. They're getting sales prompts every day. And we're literally building their sales explosion plan, according to my sales explosion method which is basically setting yourself up to make high ticket sales and then have an explosion of sales during your black Friday sale. And I, the only reason I'm doing these live calls is because my husband is still around on maternity leave. He's going back to work at the end of October, and then I'm done doing any extra live calls until the baby's a little bit older. I just do not have the capacity to do that. So any way you can deliver your work asynchronously the better. Things like Voxer or telegram coaching, being able to do reviews on your own time of your client's stuff and sending them a loom video, things like that. I'm doing coaching and telegram chats. And in slack rather than having to do a live hot seating all the time, that can make such a big difference Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello. Welcome back to the new season. Of raising your business. We're calling this new season. Cause I did take a break from podcast recording. After I had my baby and as I was just getting back into work very slowly but surely. I didn't have as many recorded in advance as I like to. I just took a break and I can see that people are still downloading and people are still listening to the episodes. So that is really awesome. But this is going to be. Are these new episodes are going to be. A little more. Off the court from. What I mean by that is. Much less editing it's going to be happening. They're probably going to be a little shorter. Because my time available has just become shortened. And. Today. I want to share with you. Which is really ironic because I'm currently holding my baby right now is. My tips and hacks for how I'm getting back to business with a baby. And what I've. I realized I really forgot what this was going to be. I really forgot what this is going to feel like. And I want you to understand. That. It is definitely possible. It is just going to feel different. And I want you to be able to have the confidence that you can run your business with your baby. You can. Continue to grow. You can continue to get work done. It's just going to look different than it did before you had a living, breathing, sleep disorder who needs to eat all the time and is really cute and cuddly and distracting. I can even tell you how many times I've gotten distracted from getting started working just because he's being so freaking cute. Like it's a good thing. It's a good reason for, not, for not getting back into work. I wanted to share my favorite tips and strategies for working with a baby. And this is it. Okay. The first thing I wanted to mention before we moved on was that we have a bunch of things coming down the pipeline. I have mentioned this in. A previous episode, I believe, but I decided to start building out a lot more of my backend sales. I've had a few funnels running that, when people come to the front end, they get upsold into things, but I really wanted to make it more of a very cohesive ecosystem. So that as soon as someone comes into my world, they will just continue to get exposed to my offers. One by one. Bit by bit without me having to sell them alive all the time. That is my goal. And I have over the past. Seven eight years of business. Created so much, so many things and I'm actually going to be sharing exactly how I'm doing this in my maternity leave planner. And I might be just creating a course around this as well. But I want you to keep an eye out. Number one, I'm going to put a link to the maternity leave program in the description currently is still on presale for$97. As soon as it. I officially launch it. It's going to definitely go up. It's going to be at least a few hundred dollars, if not more. This is their chance to hop in. I'm almost done with the basic training and I'm gonna be adding a lot of tools and templates and things like that to help you implement it. If you want to know how to number one, set up your business for maternity leave or set up your business, they can run better without you, because my goal. This is my goal. Okay. And I don't know if it's going to happen before the end of the year. I'm trying not to put pressure on myself, but my goal is to make sure that I have. At least 10 to 15 K in monthly recurring revenue. It does not require me to show up live at all. And that is my that's my goal. I'm real. And I'm really excited about that. I would like to be walking into every month with 10, 15 K cash without me having to do a single thing, not having to launch anything, having to sell anything, even not even having to get on a call. Now, this is not count my mastermind revenue or my momentum collective revenue, because that does require me to show up live. And I love those containers. I enjoy them so much, but I want to get my business to a point where I could take off. Three months without even thinking about it and just be like, yeah, I have money coming in because I have people coming into our world on a regular basis. And they're being shown everything that they can possibly buy for me and learn from me. So I'm really excited about this and I'm gonna be sharing a lot more about this in my maternity leave program. And so I'm going to drop the link in the description, so make sure to check it out. Okay. So the first hack that I have for running your business with a baby, and this goes for any mom, who's running your business early, anyone was running your business. Is what I learned from my coach, Julie, which is the 10 10 50, a hundred or 150 10 rule of tasks. And what is that? This is based on how much mental focus or how much brainpower a task will take. So a hundred tasks require your full brain power. 50 tasks require some brain power, 10 tasks. Require very little brainpower. So examples of a hundred tasks would be things like writing sales copy, strategizing a launch, creating a content plan, writing content or emails, doing taxes. Big picture thinking plenty a week, presenting a webinar, recording videos, getting on client calls, right? Those are a hundred tasks. You can not really do those while doing something else. Having an important conversation with your partner, that those are all a hundred tasks, 50 tasks are things that can be done while you're doing other things to an extent. So I'm vaccing with clients, grocery shopping, supervising homework, see like these things require brain power, but they don't need you a hundred percent focus on it with nothing bothering you. Okay. Outlining content once it's planned, this podcast episode was outlined on my phone really quickly and easily while I was nursing the baby and dealing with my kids. Okay. So that's an example of actually writing the content, actually recording this podcast is a hundred task, but outlining the content or outlining ideas for content is a 50 task engaging in social media. DM-ing having conversations with prospects. You can go in and out, you can dip in and out of your messages. Listening to training or podcasts. Those are all 50 tasks and 10 tasks are things that don't really require any mental energy. Exercising, showering, taking a walk, washing dishes, doing laundry, scrolling on social scheduling, social media, things like that. So I I teach to my clients inside of my programs that your mom academy. And when you know the different types of tasks, where you can put these tasks in your schedule. I know that I am not going to have to write sales copy. If I have my baby on my lap, I might be able to outline the sales copy, but I can't do that because he is just too distracting. I can not give a hundred percent of my mental focus to a task like that. When I'm with my babies, I will have to save that for when he's napping or after he goes to bed at night. So you need to know the different types of tasks you have in your business, and then you can assign these tasks to different parts of your day accordingly. And I go much deeper into this and to see your mom academy, I'll drop the link below as well. And the very very first module CEO mom academy, because that is the most important modules. How do you, okay. Here's. How you run your business. Here's how you sell it. Your signature offer. Here's how you have a six-figure business as a mom. In 20 hours a week or less amazing, but how are we actually going to fit in your tasks? This is the first step. So that is my first tip or hack. Make a list of all the tests you have in your business and figure out what type of tasks they are. They are a hundred tasks, 50 or 10, and then you can put them in the right time of day. Depending on what availability you have, what time you have available to focus a hundred percent. And what time are you going to be doing other things? And that's probably gonna be most of your time. So you have to. Set aside that hundred percent. Major focus time, whether that's daily, weekly, a few times a week. You have, send your baby to a babysitter for, a couple hours, three times a week. And you know that those are your. Hi. Hi. Hi, mental focus times. The second thing is also know what you can do with a baby on your lap, or distracted or one-handed. And I actually have this in my in my Instagram, on my, one of my highlights. I literally have. A baby proofing your business baby-proof business. Highlight. And I have a picture of me and my daughter, Eliana, who this was literally like four years ago. Business tasks. You can do with your baby on your lap. So I wrote you can send DMS, send voicemails to prospects or clients, take selfies for content, copy of your pre-written content and schedule it for social media. Or email, do a quick video or do an Instagram story, engage on social brainstorm, content ideas, and speak them into your phone. Brainstorm, offer ideas, flock to the bestie, right? So there's a whole bunch more here. And then also give a list of things that I couldn't do with my baby in my lap. And so go to my Instagram, the link is in the description again and go to the baby proof business. Highlight. And you will see over there. You'll see, like this isn't much more detail. I'm not going to go through the whole list now. But no, you actually can do the baby on your lap. I am personally right now. Holding my baby in my lap, while I record this podcast, he is sleeping. I have to feed them in about 15 minutes. We have to F I have to finish this podcast in 15 minutes. So that is stuff like, know what you can do. Like I know that if I could only record podcasts with when the baby was sleeping off of me in another room, I'd have very short amounts of time in order in which to do that because he will sleep for 45 minutes max at a time, he still does not know how to connect the sleep cycles. So this wearing him. And we'll talk about that in a minute. This enables me to wear him. I can juggle him back asleep if I feel that he's waking up and I can record this podcast here I am. Okay, so that is the next thing, right? So know what you can do with your baby on your lap. And this will be different for every person. Number three is having a routine, so obviously have your own routines and that's going to be your own thing, but get your baby into a routine. I love the easy method right of the activity sleep. Because it just helps me know what the baby needs and when, and I do like to I really do like to have a basic schedule for the day. And I literally mapped out a schedule yesterday in my notes app. And it's not going to be perfect. It's not going to be exact right. But I know, like for example, I feed him around seven o'clock in the morning. That's the start of his day on 8, 15, 8 30. I plan to leave my house to bring my daughter to school. So that's exactly when he needs to take his nap. So I know that his nap is either going to be while I'm wearing him in the baby carrier or maybe in the car seat slash stroller. So I know that's going to be a nap on the go. Then I have my morning routine. I come back to tidy up my kitchen. And then I will work with him. Either he'll be in the buggy or in the carrier. Whatever work I can get done before time comes, when we got from his nap and then I'm going to feed him again. And then his next nap I tried to do in the crib because that's, I try to at least have at least one nap a day in his crib. So he gets used to the idea of having a nap routine. So knowing your baby's routines and knowing when your babies are an average sleeping, eating during the day really helps you plan your day better. Obviously there's going to be. Babies. Aren't very unpredictable. He's only three months old now. He has absolutely not. Perfect. He's not feeling the exact same times every single day. Every single minute, but he isn't a decent routine. And that has really helped me be able to plan in advance, even just plan for the day. Or ahead of time when I can have appointments, if I'm going to do an appointment, let's say I have to, bring them to the doctor or I have to go somewhere. I know, I'll try to get that done during his morning nap while he's already in the car. Cedar is already, I'm already wearing him that way. I can just get it all out of the way. Get home, feed him, and then get into my morning routine and get work done. So I highly recommend. Having routines and I'm going to drop, I'm taking care of babies. I use her her strategies a lot. There's a couple places I look for routine ideas and it really just helps me just get him into his kind of. Let's just get him into the zone of being a baby who has a routine. And I have set a routine five. Virgilian times, but I will say is this, I have sleep trained all my babies. They have all eventually cried it out to learn how to fall asleep independently to a certain extent. But my last four, five babies, no. And last four babies. My first one took a lot. It was a little bit harder. He was very stubborn. And he had a very hard time, but my last four. Literally. At bed because they had a routine at bedtime. We did the same thing every night. Literally, since they were born, we had the same bedtime and routine. So because of that, we were able to. Put them to bed or put their, him or her to bed and they cried for on and off about an hour. And again, not screaming for an hour. I would never let my child scream for an hour without going in and intervening. But Yiddish we call it, kvetching just fussing, crying, stopping to cry, trying to put themselves to sleep. And it was just a really amazing thing to see. And by the next day they. Fuss a little bit. And that was it. They fuss a little bit. And they were, they went to sleep because they were already in the zone of going to bed because it already had that routine in place. It's the only thing that changes that they were falling asleep by themselves. But everything else, the same. And so they were conditioned to go to sleep. So I highly recommend routines for that reason. And also to actually get more done. The next tip or hack I have. And this might be a little bit late. If you already have a baby who's a few months old, but if you can get them to take a bottle, I. I had to get my baby a bottle from the beginning because because I had took time to, get my milk supply up and he was not nursing very well. Because his mouth was just too small to like latch on well, and he had to, he actually had to just grow before he could latch on properly. But so I had to basically nurse him, then I would pump, and then I would give him a bottle with the pump milk from the feeding before. And so we had to have a bottle from birth. Basically. I did not do this with all my children, but getting them take a bottle, it makes it so much simpler. I can, I've begun to tell you when I've had to have unavoidable appointments out of the house and don't want to bring the baby with me, the fact that I'm able to leave him at home with my husband or with someone and have them give them a bottle and know that he will take it is a game changer. And I give him a bottle at bedtime as well, just because I want him to get in the habit of doing it. So that if I cannot be around, he can get fed and that is. I really highly recommend it. Obviously. Maybe don't do it at the beginning, beginning. When they're about two weeks old or so. Start giving them a bottle. One bottle a day can make such a difference and it really will help free up your time. So you can have more than a. Three hour eating cycle to take time for yourself. My next tip is try to do asynchronous work as much as possible. So obviously this does not work for everything. But as an example, I currently have two main live programs. I have my momentum collective. I have one live call a month from the momentum collective, and we have my CEO, my mastermind, which we have at least two calls per month. But I'm not adding any more live calls to my calendar. After the September sales MoneyMind is over. We're currently in the middle of a mini mind. It's incredible. They're getting sales prompts every day. And we're literally building their sales explosion plan, according to my sales explosion method which is basically setting yourself up to make high ticket sales and then have an explosion of sales during your black Friday sale. And I, the only reason I'm doing these live calls is because my husband is still around on maternity leave. He's going back to work at the end of October, and then I'm done doing any extra live calls until the baby's a little bit older. I just do not have the capacity to do that. So any way you can deliver your work asynchronously the better. Things like Voxer or telegram coaching, being able to do reviews on your own time of your client's stuff and sending them a loom video, things like that. I'm doing coaching and telegram chats. And in slack rather than having to do a live hot seating all the time, that can make such a big difference. So if you are a copywriter or designer, I'm a social media manager, things like that. This is the perfect kind of things for you to do as the mom of a baby, because you can work on your own time. And you don't necessarily need to be on client calls all the time. And the more you can productize your services, the less likely it will be that you will need to get on sales calls to sell your services because people see exactly what they get is the, exactly how much it costs. They can apply. You can go back and forth on DMS or even on the phone quickly. And you can sell your services very often without even getting on a sales call. It makes it that simple. And I highly recommend productizing your services. I teach you all about doing this in CEO, mom academy. Like that is literally the entire theme is how to create your prototype signature service. For. High ticket, higher ticket service, and then sell it out in 20 hours a week or less and make six figures. That is the entire premise of CEO Mt. Academy. So if your services are productized, then you do not need to get on sales calls as much. And if you are a coach, then see if you can create telegram or Voxer only packages so that so that you can deliver coaching to your clients without having to be live on calls. I love Voxer coaching. I love telegram coaching and my clients get so much benefit from it. And I'm able to deliver it while holding my baby or what were on the house or doing laundry or whatever it is. Last two things. Okay. So last second to last is wearing the baby where the baby everyone's like, how do you get stuff done? I just did a bar mitzvah. I baked. A hundred and over 160 cupcakes, I made Halas. I made black and white cookies. I baked so much for this bar mitzvah. And plus obviously just getting stuff done around the house, laundry dishes cleaning things up. Where the baby. Okay. No, not obviously not all the time, but if your baby, for some reason is coming to the end of their Awake time and they're more fussy. It's a great time to have the baby. If you want to wear the baby for at least one nap a day. That really helps you get stuff done, especially when you have little other little kids in the evenings, I had to wear them a lot in the evenings when he was very little so I could get my daughter to bed without having to hear him crying the whole time. Cause otherwise he would just cry the whole time. Okay. Where the baby. I'm currently wearing him right now in my Babybjorn. It's amazing. I love it. And and he is and he is. He's just sitting here on my chest. And I have seven minutes, seven minutes left and I really have to wake them up. So it's amazing. I love it so much. And and it just, I love cuddling with him, they're so they're small for such a little amount of time, like time passes. So fast. And I enjoy it so much. Oh, my God and their head smells so good. Okay. Where the baby and you can work while you were the baby. You can get stuff in your house, somebody where the baby. So I highly recommend it. If your baby is a little more fussy or more of a Velcro baby. And then the last thing is fostering independence as much as possible. Now, this is easier said than done, but when independence, your baby is happy not being held. Either not being held or being able to go to sleep by herself. Now. I cannot brag. It might, maybe it does independent sleep. He does not sleep. Go to sleep independently yet. But I do prioritize, practicing putting him in his crib for one nap a day. And for the rest of the naps, either where him, or put him in the stroller once he's leaving, so I can rock him back to sleep. But something you can do without your hands is ideal. So I try to not have him, not be holding him for sleep. For every single nap of the day. But also just encouraging them to be able to be on their playmat for 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes at a time without you being there, or at least without you holding them I can sit next to him on the play mat. He loves having faces next to him and he is the sixth child. So he's gotten used to having someone talking to him at all times. It's a problem. It's a problem because I told my kids, I'm like, it's the summer now. And you're all around. And you're all holding them all the time, but you're going to go back to school. And then what am I going to do? And I tell the same thing to my husband. He's moving back to work in a couple of weeks and I'm like, then what are we going to do? I can't hold him all day. So I really try to put them down as much as possible. Whether he's for his tummy time or just like under his baby gyms, he can kick around. And honestly, I think he likes that sometimes like having a little break from being people, being all over him and on top of him and in general, but overall he loves his brothers and sister. He loves his daddy. Boy. Does he love his daddy? And he just really prefers to be held. So I tried to put him down as much as I can like to get them out of the habit of being held all the time. Oh, he's awake. You're so cute. Oh, my gosh. Okay. And they're so independent being independent in general and independent sleep. Trying to prioritize at least one again, once a day, putting them, having an appertain, putting them in their crib. And eventually once they get a little bit older, you can let them kind of fuss it out. And look her to fall asleep independently. I'm probably gonna be doing that within the next month or so. So I will keep you updated on how that's working, but the more you are in a good routine and the more they can do things independently, the easier it will be fatigue free to get back to whatever normal is or your new version of normal. Okay. Little man has. He's so cute. Okay. Little man has just notified me that work time is over and it is time for him to eat. So I'm going to be signing off now, but. Let me know which one of these hacks you liked, which one of these you were already doing, which w which hacks you have for getting stuff done with your baby. I would love to hear if you have any tips or tricks. I always love learning. I'm always happy to learn from people all the time. No matter what, I always think there's something new you can learn from everybody. No matter how many children they have. No matter how long I've been doing this. So please share your own tips and tricks for getting work done with baby. I can not wait to hear. And just if you're watching this and you're enjoying it. Just drop your biggest takeaway on Instagram. Stories, just screenshot this tag me, and I'm happy to have a conversation with you in the DMS. All about. Getting worked on with children, with babies, living your life as a CEO mom. All right. Have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.