Regen Supply

Faith-based business models: How Islamic values guides impact

Shihan Fang Season 4 Episode 1

Rather than heading down the academic rabbit hole in search of what lies ‘after growth’ (i.e. "post-growth" and "degrowth), I thought I’d tap on some ancient wisdom that’s been passed down the ages. 

In this series on faith-based business models, I speak to folks in the startup world who have successfully integrated their religious views into their everyday lives. This includes making business decisions based on religious ethics, in addition to seeking profits and growth. 

My guest for this podcast is Umar Munshi, Managing Partner at Hasan VC, a venture capital fund that invests in and supports startups that comply with halal standards. He’s got a preference for “camel startups” - check out his LinkedIn post to see if you qualify. 

In this episode, we talk about:
- Why buying a sports car as a fledging startup founder is a monumentally stupid idea
- Why Islamic finance offers a less predatory mode of financing for businesses
- What kinds of camel startups Munshi is looking for
- Applying the concept of justice in business
- How Islamic finance integrates philanthropy and charity in business-as-usual
- How Islam can be applied universally as an ethical framework

Read the written highlights on Medium here:

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