Regen Supply

"We don’t do crypto”: How InterOpera is using blockchain to transform green finance

Shihan Fang Season 1 Episode 3

InterOpera’s head of strategy Koh Hong Yi is a former officer at Singapore's Monetary Authority of Singapore. He jumped into crypto in 2022 just as the market was crashing, and is now doing work in... security tokens. 

In this episode, Hong Yi chats about:

- the difference between cryptocurrencies, digital payment tokens, and digital assets within Singapore's regulatory framework
- attending Cop27 after starting in the company for a month
- the regulatory status of digital green bonds and carbon credits, and the future of nature-based securities
- and InterOpera's newly launched carbon exchange, OperaX

This podcast is Part 3 in a series about carbon credits. Read the highlights from the interview on Medium.

Read more on Medium or follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.