Soup Sandwich

Echoes of Honor; Remembering the legacy of Tim Artibee

March 14, 2024 Brent Holbrook Season 1 Episode 9

As we gather around the microphone today, the absence of our brother-in-arms, Tim Artibee, hangs heavy in the air. Together with comrades Brent Holbrook, Tre Porter, Roy Thomas, Joseph Gates, and Charlie Cline, we embark on a poignant journey to celebrate Tim's life and service. We share laughter, tears, and the kind of stories that only those who've shared the depths of camaraderie can appreciate. From Tim's many roles including as Post Commander at VFW Post 3033 to his heartfelt funeral procession, we pay homage to a friend whose legacy resonates with the Department of Michigan VFW. As our final goodbye, we salute our friend with the "Sound of Freedom."

Navigating through the waves of grief, we're reminded of the indelible mark Tim left on veteran advocacy, rising through the ranks with the same honor and commitment he dedicated to his country. His story is one of inspiration. We honor not just the leader he was, but the advocate who stood at the forefront of change, and the void his departure has left in our community is a testament to the impact of his legacy.

Laughter becomes healing in this episode, reflecting on how humor can illuminate even the darkest corners of loss. Tim's memory reignites an importance to introduce a new tradition of signing our podcast banner, ensuring his spirit lives on in every chuckle and shared memory. Through personal anecdotes, including the loss of a twin brother, we discover how embracing a good laugh can sometimes be the most authentic way to keep the memories of those we've lost alive in our hearts. Join us as we honor our fallen comrade with the joy and respect he so richly deserves.

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Speaker 1:

War is a paradox and is the power to bring nations together to inspire heroism and sacrifice and to forge bonds of camaraderie that will span a lifetime. But it also has the power to tear families to shatter communities and to leave scars that will never fully yield. And for those who have served, the transition and back to civilian life can be one of the greatest challenges they will ever face. This is the typical life of military veterans a world that is both familiar and foreign to most of us. It is a world that is shaped by unique experiences, values and traditions of the military. And by the sacrifices and struggles of those who have served. But it's also a world that is constantly changing as new generations of veterans can new challenges, and new opportunities. Thank you for joining us at soup sandwich. Dig your fox hole, heat up your MRE, and spend some time with us. This podcast is designed solely for entertainment and occasionally informational purposes only and is to be regarded strictly as satire. Comprising of veterans, it delves into their thoughts and experiences in combat, as well as their perspectives on various aspects of daily life that may be unsettling for certain listeners. This podcast is not suitable for individuals under the age of eighteen. The views articulated in this podcast may not necessarily align with those of the national VFW. VFW Department of Michigan, or VFW Post thirty thirty three. Additionally, we kindly request that listeners refrain from pursuing legal action against the theaters or contributors of this podcast. In other words, please don't sue us.

Brent Holbrook:

Welcome back everybody to another episode of soup sandwich. Today is a unique episode for those of you who have been joining. You may have heard a familiar voice in Tim Arderby. Our post commander here at VFW post thirty thirty three. But today's today's gonna be a rough one. Unfortunately, about two weeks ago, we had a tragedy in our family, and Tim has sadly passed away. So today, to start out the podcast, we're gonna do a sound of freedom salute. I'm a count of three gentlemen. One, two, three.

Charlie Cline:

Sound of freedom.

Brent Holbrook:

The sound of freedom. Timmy.

Charlie Cline:

And rightfully so, Timmy's got his seat of honor at the table along with his open beard now, so he is smiling down on us at least. You know?

Brent Holbrook:

Absolutely. He's here with us in spirit? So as we progress through, what do we wanna talk about today?

Charlie Cline:

Let's do the introductions. You sit around the table.

Brent Holbrook:

Oh, yeah. Well, I'll start. My name is Brent Holbrook. Probably recognize my voice. I am the founder of the soup sandwich podcast and all around. Pretty cool guy. I'm the Court of Master of Close thirty thirty three, and they call me two parts. You'll probably understand why and a little why. It'll come out.

Charlie Cline:

We're just

Tre Porter:

Nobody recognizes your voice, Brett.

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

You know what?

Tre Porter:

They all they all recognize my voice, Trey Porter, best looking member of post thirty thirty

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

Next to Roy Thomas is he's pretty steady handsets as

Charlie Cline:

a guy.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Yeah. He practically yeah. He pretty much is. But I'll give it to him. Ryder's Group Vice President, Post Member for quite a few years now, couple years, three, four years now. And we miss Timmy. Absolutely luck.

Roy Thomas:

Hello everybody. I'm Roy Thomas. Lifetime member of the post. I don't have any other roles as I've, you know, just got back to the area and getting active with the post again and such but I'm sure that will come in time. But, yeah, no. Pleasure to be here. You know, it's bummer to look across the table and see an empty seat, you know, due to our departed Comrad, but, you know, we'll we'll do our best honor him and do him proud and I know he's he's smiling down, laughing and smoking the ilmen with us.

Joe Gates:

Joseph Gates, plus thirty three member, Briar Street member, Adigent, and our own tech nerd.

Charlie Cline:

Never changes with you. Does it? Nope. I'm very rich. I'm consistent. And once again, I'm easy to keep I'm trying to climb. Life member of of our post and president of our riders group.

Brent Holbrook:

So Definitely a tech nerd. We were talking the other day and he got really excited about spreadsheets.

Joe Gates:

I don't think excited about it.

Brent Holbrook:

You totally were. Don't fucking lie.

Charlie Cline:

I believe I smell on the space right now. You can tell he's getting

Roy Thomas:

that job. Excel format. Some guys want more. Some guys look at spreadsheets.

Joe Gates:

And the whiteface taken care of just fine. So

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. So as Brent alluded to earlier, We did lose Tim a couple of weeks ago. It was a motorcycle accident. Our group was out riding on Sunday. And by Monday afternoon, we had lost them. So a couple weeks ago, we were busy with funeral stuff along with the family. Obviously, the VFW helped. Played a large role in what Tim wanted for his funeral stuff. And we know he was he was probably pissed because of we couldn't host it in our post. Our maximum capacity is like a hundred and seventy three. Yeah. Clare, which is just north us about twenty minutes. They have two fifty or two seventy capacity. They're all

Tre Porter:

And we we were way aware of it.

Charlie Cline:

And they stopped counting yet. Over four twenty. Yeah. Wow. So they're thinking probably four hundred and forty to four fifty showed up for a funeral. And for the Ryers Group, thanks to City of Clare Police Department, Isabelle County Sheriff's Department, and Saginaw, Chipo Indian tried. The travel police gave us an escort from our VFW post all the way right to the clear VFW post.

Roy Thomas:

I don't know. That escort was top notch. Yeah. We Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

And I I blasted it on our our Ryers Group Facebook page thanking them for stepping up and helping us out. I mean, it was awesome. We had about about sixty bikes. We had some great videos. Actually, we made

Roy Thomas:

a tick tock. I think we made a lot

Charlie Cline:

of small balls, and we

Roy Thomas:

have, like, fifty seven. And there's, like, ten or fifteen in Claire already.

Charlie Cline:

Right. Call in. It was it was an awesome awesome tribute, an awesome ride, and, you know, it's awesome that all those different departments stepped up to help us out. And show the respect for the guy, you know. And and there was it wasn't wasn't just me. There was a lot of people that that were reaching out Justin, Gary Stoney out of our group. He was getting hold of the guy out the tribal, and then Cathy Ball, myself, and a couple of people had reached out to the sheriff's department. And then Trey, right, you you worked with clear. Yeah. So, I mean, it was an all hands on event for the rioters group on getting getting all those different departments involved in an it it made our, obviously, our ride safe, but it was it was cool because they knew we were gonna be just rolling. Mhmm. And then they were proud to as soon as we got up there, I went up and and saw the officers that cleared and then the travel guy that went all the way up Well, thank those guys and they said, absolutely, we would do it again in the heartbeat. Hope you don't have to. No. I mean, they No. They'll do it again in the heartbeat for us.

Roy Thomas:

What I really appreciate it on that ride was, you know, the fact that people just pulled over stop. Okay. Yeah. You know, there were a few that kept driving, you know, oblivious to what was going on, but I'd say ninety five percent of the vehicles Like, they pulled over, they stopped. There were some of them that got out to watch. Like, it was

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

was fantastic. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. The turnout, the honor, the respect that was shown, was awesome. I, you know, being on the honor guard, I had the honor of being part of his twenty one gun salute, that was humbling.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. But but I can't and I can't say enough, you know, from Scott Taylor. He's the post commander up in Harrison. He's now the new district commander for district eleven. Him reaching out all the time constantly helping anything I can do, then he's like, hey, I've got this. Let's do you know what I mean? He was he was running and gunning and same for John Watington and Bill Scott out of the Claire Post. Those guys did a phenomenal job not only offering up their post, but helping I mean, for three or four days ahead of time, they're helping set up and helping, you know, everything that needed to be done. Right. And then the auxilaries our auxiliary, our auxiliary absolutely killed it Yeah. With making sure that the food was taken care of and all those little things that that will easily get overlooked by us Absolutely. Those women just absolutely fucking killed it. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

I love the auxiliary noise aspect, man. They just a small point in behind the, you know, the scenes and just taking care of business. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. And our our our auxiliary I I I just can't can't say enough, you know, good stuff they did. Absolutely. Anything that we needed or thought of or forgot to think about, they thought about. I mean, that was incredible. So and it was it was huge to see them come together. Like, we should be. Right? We're all one we're all one team. We're all one family man, and it was it was impressive. So I want to I

Brent Holbrook:

wanna speak on his his legacy. I mean, You know, we had mentioned, what'd you say, they stopped counting at four hundred and twenty? Yeah. It was

Tre Porter:

like four twenty. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

So it was definitely more than standing room only. There were there wasn't room inside the building anymore.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

There's people standing there.

Brent Holbrook:

There was probably fifty hundred people standing outside. Saw that just go Yeah. Show.

Joe Gates:

Plus the ones we had on the live feed.

Brent Holbrook:

On the oil and

Joe Gates:

gas state.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Yeah. That's one, I guess, one thing I forgot that. All we actually was And tech tech over here had a had a great suggestion because our department commander and most of the people in department, they were gone to Washington see it, actually, on that Saturday, they laid a wreath at the the tomb of the unknown. Mhmm. So the Department of Commander and the senior and junior We're doing that. So Joe put up that live feed camera and then ran it just like we're doing right now, I just ran it on our our Facebook. Post an auxiliary page so that, you know, in in between or, you know, if they started and then they were three hours later, you know, and there was time they could at least bounce on and see. And I don't even know how many viewers around that. That was quite a few, I think.

Joe Gates:

Yeah. I wasn't paying into somebody, how many viewers was up there. I was making sure we're still running, like, every fan. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Because obviously, not everybody could make it for whatever reason, and that's that's totally fine.

Joe Gates:

And I had to run a hotspot from work. So I was like, if it drops, I wanna make sure I bring it back up. Right.

Brent Holbrook:

But but to speak on the amount of people that were there, speaks volumes as to what he did. So and I know, you know, when he introduced himself on some previous episodes, he's probably mentioned this. But let's just go through it real quick. He was our post commander. He was our district commander. He was the director for the state riders group. The whole state. The whole state. Yep. And and locally, he was also our our bar manager. So he he wore four hats minimum at any given time. And so that, you know, he was shaking hands at department level. He was shaking hands all over the state. It was hell of a guy. So his his legacy is gonna speak for itself.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. He was he was next. Like,

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Absolutely. One hundred percent.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, he was he was such an advocate for veterans. You know, on top of, you know, aside from, you know, being a a post commander or, you know, whatever, you know, a hat and bill you know, that he was tasked to, you know, he was ultimate, you know, veterans. Take care of veterans. You know, whatever services, whatever you need. If you just needed to come into that post and sit down and drink a beer, I mean he'd come in and sit right next to the bar with you, you know, from one on one to you know, group efforts, but, you know, the veteran community lost a huge, huge advocate you know, in in in the man that he was as far as like Trey said, I mean, as far as being the one. I mean, he was he was climbing. You know, the ladder of, you know, the ranks of of, you know, our our military organizations.

Charlie Cline:

Well, he was because he was actually he was actually running for Judge Advocate at the apartment.

Brent Holbrook:

And was it I'm here.

Roy Thomas:

He was he was going. Right on. Yeah. I I give it, you know, in a in a matter of no time, you know, obviously, you know He would have

Charlie Cline:

he would have been in that position probably two to three years, and you would have seen him as as the department.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, they said there. Was it

Roy Thomas:

was anyone who went right on the national? You know, while I'm in climbing those top brands? I mean, good. He was just that hungry and motivated guyanese partially didn't care for veterans that much that, you

Charlie Cline:

know Right.

Brent Holbrook:

And they did say that as as funeral. And I can't remember if it was either Matt David, our Department Chief of Staff, or if it

Charlie Cline:

was It

Brent Holbrook:

was it was been him?

Charlie Cline:

It was I think it was the I think it was John Griffith, the

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

It passed past deferment commander. Yeah. So it was one of those, but I I couldn't remember who, but one of them had said within the next five five years. He would he would be had been our department commander.

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

The next thing, I mean, you know, especially when you get up to those levels, I mean, they're hungry. You know, I was I was on, you know, I was department inspector for the State of Michigan from MLPH, military or or, you know, for several years. Know, I was a I was a post commander for, you know, a chapter up there in in Chassel, Michigan. But, you know, you get up to that national, you know, or non national, but you get that department level and it's it's thinner as far as, you know, personnel. You don't have, you know, a whole post or whatever. It's you know, it just gets thinner and

Charlie Cline:

and They would say the cream pieces to the top. Exactly. So it's the higher you go.

Roy Thomas:

More of the elite personnel at

Tre Porter:

the higher levels in the

Roy Thomas:

Right. And he was

Charlie Cline:

well on

Roy Thomas:

his way to the top.

Brent Holbrook:

That's why he should have all downhill. I'm used to

Tre Porter:

It might it might flood.

Charlie Cline:

No. But you're right though.

Roy Thomas:

I mean

Charlie Cline:

I mean, as as you start climbing the ranks, it gets fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer. Right? So and it takes a special person to be able

Roy Thomas:

to In his in his passion, he's he was, you know, in the drive that he had. I mean, they wouldn't have just grabbed a hold of him. You know, arm is wide open and, you know, took him right to the top. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

And I'm I don't I don't even think it was gonna be I think there was one guy running against him. But and this guy, I believe, has ran over the last couple of years and didn't win. I I sure Tim Tim had those votes that he needed. So because he didn't he didn't even really have the campaign. You know what I mean? I mean, because he wouldn't know that he visited Pulse and he did the things. You know, he didn't have this big board out in front of all the

Roy Thomas:

He did he did the little stuff. You know? He was Mhmm. He he was the guy that he wasn't the flashy, you know, looking me, looking me, looking me. I mean, he was he did the work behind the scenes. He did the work in front of the scenes. I mean, he just did whatever needed to be done.

Charlie Cline:

Mhmm. Yep.

Roy Thomas:

You know, and he he never took it, you know, personal. It wasn't ever well. You know, puffed his chest and shoulders, like,

Charlie Cline:

oh, I'm the commander. Or, you

Roy Thomas:

know, whatever. He was just, like, he was just still, you know, one of the guys. Right.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Humbled guy.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. That's And to be a true advocate like you had said, he was he was a hell of an advocate for absolutely. And to be a true advocate, you have to be, you know, humble.

Charlie Cline:

Well, and that's one of my things, you know, when I first started coming around the Pauliston after being there a few years, you know, he was like, you know, time for you to start stepping up for stuff, and I'll kinda show you the way. I'll show you the ins and outs. And he did that he was such a big advocate, not just our post, but VFW in general. We always put the VFW first Absolutely. Even before our post.

Tre Porter:

You know

Charlie Cline:

what I mean? Because it's all about the bigger mission. He taught me that. I mean, he was the guy that taught me how to do things in the VFWA. Right? And, of course, it was had a hard time getting it out. You know what I mean? Especially after going after Terry and Sensio. Not there. When you see that guy's best friend, I mean, they were driving all the time. And, I mean, they were doing stuff constant, you know, and then I had to go after Carrie. I was like, motherfucker. This is not gonna be good. Then I, like, kinda broke for a second. I was like, better make the short and sweet and I just kind of, you know Right. You know, I was like, man. But, yeah, he was he was definitely around here. Here's here's my best friend. And we were together for years three, four times a week for lunch and Mhmm. Riding all the time, I got him in the riding in the wintertime. It's the first time he saw me doing these, like, you're a crazy motherfucker. Well, you gotta use full shave. Fuck that ain't doing it. Well, guess what? Very next very next winter. I guess it was right, but but yep. I'm on a fucking island. I said, you write snowmobiles and stuff. What do you do? Yep. Yeah. What's the difference? And layer up.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

You know?

Brent Holbrook:

And, you know, and like he said, you know, he was molding you to being a leader. He called you out, you know, and and Did the same thing to me? That's why I'm the post quarter master. Tim is the only reason why I am the quarter master right now.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. I remember when I said, you know, well, once I became the the vice president of Ryder Group and I said, you know, I I just feel like it's time for me to start stepping up and doing more for the post, and then Tim's, like, clap his hands pointed at me. It's like, you're fucking right? Yeah. It's time for you to start doing more for the post.

Charlie Cline:

So Mhmm. Well, I've been should have the same discussion. Tim had it with me too. That's why I said it to you. You were asking me and, you know, think about doing this or doing this. And the first thing says how many hours a week can you give? Yeah. Because it depends on how many hours a week that you can honestly give. Depends on what positions are out there. You gotta wanna run four because if you've only got, like, two to four hours, these are not good for you. Right? And if you've got, you know, four to eight hours, then these ones are better suited. You've got eight plus, then these are the ones, you know, because it's there's a lot of meetings, there's a lot of coordination, there's a lot of nighttime phone calls. There's a lot of shit you're gonna you have to be at, not just meter for meaning or whatever, but you have to be to functions. Right? You know, I had a conversation with you on the Broward Group stuff, Madison. Here's a little one at a time slow, but some are done busy because there's a lot of things we gotta be at. Yep. That just

Brent Holbrook:

Right. So that's

Charlie Cline:

a good time to me. It's gonna be a good time, man. It's gonna be a great time. Yep. So, man, he did. He he instilled a lot of great qualities. We saw a great leader Mhmm. In in Tim. And and we've shed a lot of tears over the last few weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

I think I think a great leadership, you know, trade through him. Which, you know, I admire, you know, as as coming up to the ranks like Marine Corps being a leader. You know, I I still hear from, you know, some of my I still hear from some of my junior rings and stuff, you know, through these days, you know, how much they like they appreciated me, but you know, I think the thing with Tim is he was the he was the type of leader that, you know, led by example on and would get down, you know, get down get down the dirt with you. You know, he wasn't the guy to, you know, hey, I'm, you know, I'm the commander or I'm the squad leader, like, you get over there and do this and and just sit there and totally order people around like, you know, that guy, he wasn't willing to, you know, have you do something that he wasn't willing to do himself. Exactly. And, you know, to me, I mean, I appreciate that type of leadership and, you know, I'll follow something like that, you know, right into battle. One hundred times over.

Brent Holbrook:

Right. And that's that's what he said to me. You know, when I took over his quarter master was you know, I'll do it if I have to. But he was like, I would love to have somebody learn this job. You know? And, you know, if he didn't know a true leader as they do, if he didn't know, he would connect you with somebody who did. Alright. So who is his next phone call? Barry. He'd Department of Quartermaster Agenant. You know, he's that guy,

Tre Porter:


Brent Holbrook:

knows everything. Yeah. You know?

Charlie Cline:

So kind of his job.

Brent Holbrook:

He's been around a long time. And but, you know, one of the one of the things that I'll miss, and this was mentioned at his funeral too, but, you know, walking into the post, gotta do my shit, you know, open the door and

Charlie Cline:

What's that poker?

Brent Holbrook:

You know? That was a hooker.

Charlie Cline:

Sand at the end of the bar.

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. So That's what I'll miss.

Roy Thomas:

I would you know, every now and then, whenever I'm making out and about, you know, downtown or whatever, you know, and he'd be out down there, like, you know, the guy was three sixty. I mean, he was aware, you know, of what was going on. It's like as soon as, you know, I would walk in, like, there he is. Just standing there. Towering about the crowd, you know, and then he just locks eyes and he gets, you know, that shit eating grand, and he wants time to learn. He's like, like, doing a bear. You know, nice thing, you know, we're we're bullshitting, but, you know, he's gosh. Like, I was just full of life. Very opinionated, full of life.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Nothing

Roy Thomas:

wrong. Absolutely and I.

Charlie Cline:

No. Definitely gonna miss those times, man.

Tre Porter:

Yep. But, you know, like, Tim would want. We gotta You

Charlie Cline:

gotta move on and move forward. Push forward. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Move forward. Not move on.

Charlie Cline:

Move forward. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Damn. I mean, he he wouldn't wanna sit in here and dwell in, you know. He'd wanna sit in here, you know. Continuing to, you know, forge ahead and, you

Charlie Cline:

know, You don't say your bike just got stolen? Nope. Why are you sure?

Tre Porter:

That's the sound of freedom out there. The other sound of freedom.

Charlie Cline:

Seventy degrees period in Michigan today. So it's been bike's been flying everywhere.

Roy Thomas:

Listen then the bike's drive by is,

Charlie Cline:

like, Blue campus, San Diego.

Roy Thomas:

So airplanes flying.

Charlie Cline:

So I actually had talked about this. We were celebrating Tim up at our post over the course right after, you know, three, four days. Doesn't pass it. Right? You know, the day passed, you know, everybody is up to post and through the next three, four days. We everybody was up to post at night. Remembering, Tim, and one of the things that that I was gonna do at our last podcast was I was gonna get to the store and we have our AJ Sky lounge and soup sandwich. Podcast banner that I had made for here at the shop. And I have his I stuck his memorial sticker up there already. But the point was was to get a Sharpie and have everybody that comes up here and joins this podcast sign that sign. And I looked at Roy and I said, you know the worst thing is? I should've just left and gone to get in, so I didn't leave the office that day, stayed here like I did today, So I never got it. And then this is the next episode since that one, and we've already had Tim's passing. So that'll be a signature that I'll never have on that banner.

Tre Porter:

You got his memorial

Charlie Cline:

So here it is, boys. One at a time.

Tre Porter:

I was gonna say,

Charlie Cline:

one at a time to have it today. You know what I'm saying? At a time. I wasn't even letting that happen again. We've talked about,

Roy Thomas:

you know, pulling his autograph off, you know, some of the the other documents just needed up there, but it it will never be the original.

Tre Porter:

Right. Right.

Charlie Cline:

And I don't want it unless it's the I'd rather just have this memorial sticker up than that. Right. That's that's him.

Roy Thomas:

Completely understandable.

Charlie Cline:

So hit that lake right there that we can see. Anywhere you want white oil Sharpie. Alright. Cyber big.

Tre Porter:

Hey. Am I deciding what name?

Charlie Cline:

I'm sorry. I don't care what you put on the input US Army. You can put years of service.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, I don't

Charlie Cline:

know what you want.

Brent Holbrook:

You can draw a deck if you'd like.

Roy Thomas:

I wouldn't put army on there. I'd be a little ashamed of that. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Do whatever you wanna do, man. Just sign your John. Sign your John Hancock.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Fucking John Hancock.

Roy Thomas:

No. Everybody knows it's Kirby hand talk.

Charlie Cline:

Kirby hand talk. You bet you go next. We're gonna we're gonna go one at a time. I don't even put mine on there too. And I know this is, you know, not how our normal podcast go, but this is something that I didn't have done. And I'm gonna kick myself in the

Roy Thomas:

beginning to a new normal.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, like we've said, there's a reason why this podcast called soup sandwich.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. There

Brent Holbrook:

is no

Tre Porter:

trip order or anything like that. It's

Charlie Cline:

literally even though we wanna talk

Tre Porter:

about. Yeah.

Joe Gates:

Make it more authentic way.

Charlie Cline:

There's no agenda.

Joe Gates:

There's no meetings at work

Charlie Cline:

that have again. There's no stuff. Screw that. You say, you know, that's a big sign. Right? Like, you can it's all kinds of spaces you want to lay away in the next future. Might have to go grab a

Roy Thomas:

two parts.

Charlie Cline:

Might have to go grab a black one. Get down the grass. Parrotruppers are flying in. All right, Roy. Your neck Road boys up next.

Tre Porter:

You are gonna sign that.

Charlie Cline:

Right? Yeah. Okay. I said, I'm signed. I'll sign it last.

Brent Holbrook:

Everybody has to sign it. That's the new rule.

Charlie Cline:

Really can go well. No exceptions. That that Sherby's gonna hang right out the top of that sign. That way, he doesn't go nowhere. So when Shannon boys tonight, whoever shows up can walk up and sign her up. So, you know, it it it's humbling when You know, we get and I'm sure this happens. Doesn't matter if it's American Legion's and vets or any any type of organization, but tumbling when the day to day squabbles stuff at our post or anybody else's, you know, between the auxiliary and the and the pulse side And then when there's a tragedy like this, how everybody bands back together, and it it builds your pulse. Yeah. Tragedy, unfortunately, builds you stronger and brings people back together to where the little ship that we squabbled about

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

Who is the health cares

Brent Holbrook:

like You know, it puts it in this perspective. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

I mean, we're we're arguing and fighting over stupid shit Mhmm. For what? It's just not we're not accomplishing anything. We're just acting like little kids. Something like this happens and it actually makes you realize, like, it's supposed to be adults. Right.

Tre Porter:

That's who would do.

Charlie Cline:

Who would do? That we were supposed to

Tre Porter:

be a dog life.

Joe Gates:

It's naturally appreciated good. Mhmm. Without it, I think it was good all the time. He really wouldn't care.

Tre Porter:

Charlie is signing the thing now.

Roy Thomas:

You guys all put in your southbound area.

Brent Holbrook:

I gotta add to mine. You guys are all putting your dates of service and I didn't put I didn't put my dates either.

Charlie Cline:

Do what you wanna do. They said you can put on there whatever you want.

Roy Thomas:

I'll do it. Nothing.

Charlie Cline:

There was no. Ain't no rhyme and reason? No. Nothing. I don't make

Roy Thomas:

it uniform. That's what you're doing. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

You just don't need your signature if you wanted to play it. Branch? You wanna do whatever you wanna do?

Tre Porter:

I mean, you were in ninety eight. Goddamn. You're a young man. Very young. Very young.

Roy Thomas:

Ninety eight?

Tre Porter:

I mean, I went in a ninety seven. There's an end of ninety seven, but And now Brad's putting that putting his dates in.

Joe Gates:

I'm really really beginning of a thank you. I'm probably the youngest host member.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Thirty five. I'm younger than you.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, really?

Brent Holbrook:

I was

Tre Porter:

I was just sitting here thinking. As we're sitting here, and now Tim is not here.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. It makes you oldest five month thirty.

Tre Porter:

I'm the fucking oldest one here right now.

Charlie Cline:

Because we didn't. We always called Tim. Yeah. He was, like, eighty five. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

He said,

Joe Gates:

hey, he

Tre Porter:

said, hey. We've got the oldest one. And now Now it's me. Yeah. Okay. Jim Jim is, like, six months older than I am. So hopefully he areas, I'll be guessing there.

Roy Thomas:

Well, for now, the passing of the torch has belonged to you.

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Well, here's the only problem, though. You've already got the salt and pepper started in your hair.

Tre Porter:

Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I'm growing my hair now.

Charlie Cline:

It's called the silver fox, and I think the women like that. Makes us look distinctly I have I have had my beard going pretty up.

Joe Gates:

So my wife was telling me if she can't wait

Charlie Cline:

till I start getting

Joe Gates:

the the wipes in my hair like that.

Charlie Cline:

So when's your appointment to the hair salon?

Tre Porter:

I understand.

Joe Gates:

That's all authentic that way.

Charlie Cline:

Dude, same that'd be awesome.

Joe Gates:

Can figurine when it comes

Tre Porter:

to Yo.

Roy Thomas:

Can you grow

Brent Holbrook:

a beard?

Joe Gates:

No. Do you ever seen a Team America? My wife hates this thing now.

Charlie Cline:

Team America, though.

Joe Gates:

It's a it's a old I think it's it's old now. Probably, like, two thousand five or so. Are you the lawyer in that? Uh-huh. And they have a part and a tour of the the actors in there suddenly overseas. They, like, glue

Roy Thomas:


Charlie Cline:

This area that

Tre Porter:

was I did see that.

Brent Holbrook:

That's how my hands in.

Tre Porter:

I'll splash it that, man.

Joe Gates:

Oh, yeah.

Tre Porter:

You gotta just let it go, man. Let it grow.

Brent Holbrook:

Let it let it go.

Joe Gates:

Probably four or five months ago. And then I told her, I was like, no. It's gotta go. It's it's sort of an issue.

Charlie Cline:

It's because you're not putting condition and stuff on it.

Brent Holbrook:

So you'll forever look like you're still starting puberty.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

Yeah. We gotta get a beard on you, buddy.

Tre Porter:

You gotta get a beard on you?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Is

Joe Gates:

there a trucker on there? What's that? Get some miracle girl in there.

Roy Thomas:

A bunch of cheese

Charlie Cline:

and butter.

Tre Porter:

My fucking beard is not the greatest, you know.

Brent Holbrook:

Get your skin rolling. You'll just have to smear it all over your chin.

Tre Porter:

I just got I just got it fucking I just let it go. Just let it go.

Joe Gates:

It it gets to a point where, like, it just it feels so damn if you know

Charlie Cline:

what, honey. Because you're not putting conditioner in it.

Brent Holbrook:

Are you sure it's not crabs?

Joe Gates:

Definitely not crabs.

Charlie Cline:

It could

Tre Porter:

be it could be crab. Let let's talk about who your wife is.

Charlie Cline:

The hammer bro.

Tre Porter:

That's it. That was just a joke, Tammy. That was just a joke, Tammy.

Charlie Cline:

I'm a there's a few there's a few people listed it, and I know she's commented about the therapy side.

Brent Holbrook:

She's probably So you might have just married yourself at That was trade tab. That was totally trade.

Tre Porter:

It was totally a joke. To holy jail.

Charlie Cline:

And then when we were talking now

Joe Gates:

Well, he's always an nice oldest one.

Tre Porter:

He's about to kill me.

Roy Thomas:

So Wow. It was nice knowing you train. Damn. Me fucking Charlie. Stay one now.

Charlie Cline:

Stay over on this side. She can't get over here.

Tre Porter:

No problem. So you're safe on this side.

Charlie Cline:

You go to that side. She's got go for

Joe Gates:

the I got to go

Charlie Cline:

for the front door. Yeah. She's not big at all.

Joe Gates:

I tried getting to her. She didn't take it.

Tre Porter:

Oh, good.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, she says she hates you, Trey. Trey. That's my ass.

Tre Porter:

So she

Charlie Cline:

she's probably sitting in her auxiliary meeting right now. That's what the ladies and the men on the auxiliary are doing. So she probably got near by then. Yeah. And I would assume Rebecca Taylor's probably doing the same.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. They're probably laughing hysterically. You never know the other meetings, like, fuck is wrong with you, Earl's ass.

Charlie Cline:

Well, you know,

Tre Porter:

this is this is what we need. You know?

Brent Holbrook:

Absolutely. This

Tre Porter:

is what we need. A little bit of joke and then You know, when all that shit went down, Charlie was still cracking jokes, and I appreciated that. So if that ever happens to me, crack all the jokes that you want.

Roy Thomas:

Absolutely. Don't Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Well, the

Charlie Cline:

the day of this accident, right, we were all riding and then the day passed. Wasn't really cracking a lot of jokes. No. I mean, I could see what people are hurting, man. You try to bring a little bit of humor in it. Yeah. You could put a smile rather than a frown. Something brands that's

Tre Porter:

I I did. I That's how

Charlie Cline:

I that's how I deal with tragedy because I try to make light. Right. Yeah. But I take a joke, you know, just even if it's a joke about myself.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

I get somebody just to laugh for a second that day. Mhmm. Listen then.

Tre Porter:

So I had my twin brother passed away back in two thousand seventeen. From cancer. And we we do on his the day of his his departure's death, we do a toast in the family every year. And my my famous line is always take my drink and I'll say, we miss you buddy, better you than me. Oh, shit. I watched

Roy Thomas:

I watched that documentary, that little short film you guys made about all that.

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I feel like he would appreciate something like that, you know, when I say, better you than me. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

But I think that I mean, that's all

Charlie Cline:

of my speed. You know? Well, I know I know Tim always appreciated him where I would have some crazy off colored joke or some shit, you know. And he was just like, you're just you're not right, man. Something's wrong with

Tre Porter:

you, but he's laughing now.

Charlie Cline:

And he was like, I don't understand how you sleep at night.

Roy Thomas:

How does he humor is the best medicine?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Typically And

Brent Holbrook:

and we talked about this in the last episode. Believe it was the last one or either the one before that. But either way, we were talking about how, you know, the the dark humor we have is a coping mechanism because you know, in in the words of Charlie, I I think quote end by saying, you know, it's it's it's a coping mechanism to where so we don't feel it. Right? That over time will allow ourselves to feel it, and it just kinda eases us into, you know, Yes. So

Tre Porter:

Well, I don't, you know, I don't know about your guys' experience. But, you know, I lost a lot of people over there that I knew not particularly in my unit, but, you know, in the group that we were in at the fab I was at. You know, we lost quite a few people and people I knew and it was tough, you know Mhmm. Just like this, you know. But you've gotta move forward Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

There's no time when you're in a combat zone to sit inside. Yeah. You you gotta keep moving. You know?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. No.

Roy Thomas:

No. Not not not to sound cold and and, you know, like, dishearted, but, you know, you gotta you gotta tuck that, you know, down in a pocket and and deal with another time. Like, when you're over there in those situations, you

Charlie Cline:

gotta keep moving. You have a,

Roy Thomas:

you know, a bigger task, you know, ahead, you know, mission accomplishment first. And

Charlie Cline:

Well, when we would go to those services, you know, they'd be half hour long. Right? You know, traveling to get on and say something. Right? Rentals, the boots, the tags hanging.

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:


Charlie Cline:

You you you could get you the whole thing was half hour. It's about all you had and then took your back on patrol one hour later. Yeah. You're right back to work. Turn the back on ever. You never really got a shot at that totally been able to grieve with it so that it was, like, Denson, you know, knew so much about basketball or or baseball from sitting in a vehicle with guys bullshitting all the time. So you really get to know people well. Absolutely. You know, and and this is why, you know, Tim's tragedy or hurt so deep is because over the course or some of us might be five years, some might be two years, some might be twenty years that knew him. Here at the VFW just became such good friends with him. And then the way he is a or was a leader in everything that he did, everybody respected him so much. So it it hurt. Oh, yeah. Because Yeah. It wasn't, you know, and and when it's a sudden death. You know, it's not like we saw him whether away from a heart attack. Right. And kind of never recover or can't. It was just yeah. I mean, literally almost twenty four hours.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. At

Charlie Cline:

the time of the accident, he had passed. So, you know, we got up to the hospital that night. We came back from the right change because we were all wet, rolled up there. We only never got to see him again till we went back Monday morning. But we left the hospital, like, nine o'clock at night. Came back. He was back in the emergency room and stuff. He went to bed and I was here at, you know, five thirty in the morning. And I morning for work. Travis and Sensio calls. He's like, we gotta get up there. I'm like, what? And he goes, pick me up at the post seven. I said, okay. I got some my former coming in. Let me get him in and out, and then I'll be catch you right there. Grab him. We got up there and I started making phone calls. Once I talked to a son, I said, hey. And I tell you what, he there was probably a dozen maybe family members there. And kind of coming and going and also people. But we had thirty, maybe more, thirty five out of the riders group. Came up there. And then Scott from Harrison? Yeah. Scott Taylor brought down Aaron and the other his name is Bill. Came came down, just show their support. I obviously, Scott and Tim were good friends.

Tre Porter:

Mhmm. We

Joe Gates:

have detailed that waiting room.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. We actually had to take over just another half of a waiting room, like, down the hallway almost because we just had so many people there. And it was like, holy cow. But, you know, the way that everybody banded together, and cried together, and supported each other, you know, that's exactly what he wanted. Yeah. You know, what

Tre Porter:

I could tell you to bring up Travis and Ossensio's name, like, This is a guy that's never been in combat, never seen anything like this, and he was the first one on the scene. When this happened. And he's the one that pretty much saved him at that point. Mhmm. And I could be prouder of that kid. Couldn't be prouder of.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Now what was that?

Roy Thomas:

Like, you know, I had to talk with Travis the other night, you know, at the deputy hall, and you know, when I when I when I finally found out about it, you know, the first person I messaged with Charlie and I was like, you know, is is this is this for real? You know, kinda just like a shock, but, you know, then I heard back from Charlie and then you know, as as as I got to pull some, you know, chitchat and and learn a little more, I had to talk with Travis It was a few nights ago. Just one on one, you know, at WfW Hall. Somehow we got on the talk of, you know, just, you know, seeing and dealing with death and stuff like that. And You know, I I looked at him and and I just told him, like, hey, man. You know, like, you

Charlie Cline:

know, if you ever

Roy Thomas:

need anything, you ever need chat, you know, like, think we're here, like, you know you know, what what you saw and, you know, what you did was to vote. Yeah. You know, very heroic, but at the same time, you know, traumatic. Not traumatic. Yeah. Yeah.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

You know, like,

Roy Thomas:

Right. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

You know

Roy Thomas:

what I mean, unfortunately, you know, for for some of us that, you know, have have have been to, you know, foreign countries. I mean Mhmm. You know, we've seen that stuff a ton and it's almost like, you know, we're cold and hard to it. You know, but but for, you know, a civilian, essentially. And like, not in a drug drug or a bit civilian, you know, to have to do this, that's never had training, you know, to to be put in in in the thick of that, like,

Tre Porter:

he was

Roy Thomas:

pretty tough, you know. So, you

Tre Porter:

know, when when he rolled up, there were there were people there that saw it, and we're we're standing around. And Tim was face down in a ditch full of water. And they were, like, don't touch him. He was, like, are you out of your mind?

Charlie Cline:

It's gonna drown.

Tre Porter:

The fucking drown in this water. You gotta get them out of there. I mean, I I know that, you know, you gotta stabilize him and everything like that. But first things first, Yeah. Getting at like, what's

Brent Holbrook:

the most pressing pressing issue?

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I was just really I'm really proud of Travis. Like, I I think so much of him. I thought a lot of him before this, but now I think so much of him, like, and what he did. So, you know, I I've

Roy Thomas:

known Travis for a long time, and I went to school with him, I graduated with him. I mean, I you know, even middle school, you know, way back when, you know, over on the west side when, you know, they lived over there, like, used to wander over his house and do mischievous stuff. I

Charlie Cline:

You know, I Matt, do you have

Roy Thomas:

He was always, you know, just a cool cat, but I I've known him for a long, long time and, you know, to to see him grow through the years and he's raised, you know, some some absolute great children, you know, something for him to be very, very proud of. And, I mean, that guy is you know, just a just a top notch man, you know, a top notch person. And I have nothing but do you have more respect for him? You know, I feel formed during these times, you know, and I hope that he's doing good, you know, mentally.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Yeah. That's my concern too. And he will. He'll be fine.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. He's strong.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. He's a strong dude. And he'll be fine.

Charlie Cline:

First, just, like, first time is never easy?

Tre Porter:

No. It's nothing.

Charlie Cline:

You know? And and and he did such a phenomenal job because he knew I need to get him rolled over. And then we do first aid in CPR training in dryer's group. So every couple of years, we have Red Cross come in. We pay them. We go through the first aid CPI. Right? Just to make sure everybody kind of is on board. At least they have an idea We have all the kids and stuff on the bikes, and we do all the things. But for him to know what to do Yep. And be able to apply it. And we've all went through a basic kind of corwin's course in

Roy Thomas:

the imagery, self aid first. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

I mean, there's all these kind of different Right? But until you actually have to practice it or use it Right. You know, it's holy shit. Do I do it right? Do I by what I'm doing? But what he did, gotta breathe in again.

Roy Thomas:

Right. I mean, you get in those intense situations. You know, like, I remember

Charlie Cline:

some people lock up and freeze.

Roy Thomas:

Right. You know, I've seen it, you know, like in combat, you know, IEDs and all the, you know, the stuff that we took and stuff. I mean, you've seen guys just freeze up and they're like, hey, you know, move out of there. You know, you're trying to you know, put a pressure dressing out of buddy. And, I mean, you're getting covered and soaked and blood. And some guys are you know, they just they lose it. You know, they stand back. They're like, Yep. No, man. Yeah. So, I mean, for him to step up, you know, stay cool, calm, and collected. You know, remember those things, like, Those are those are great traits, you know. I

Tre Porter:

Yeah. That's why I said I was just really proud of driving and what he did.

Charlie Cline:

I mean, I really couldn't agree more.

Tre Porter:

Yep. And I told his father as much. Mhmm. But Travis is for listening. You've got some people around you that already put their arms around you, so if you need it.

Charlie Cline:

But yourself. Yep. So

Roy Thomas:

I love that relationship, you know, between him and Terry. Like

Tre Porter:

Yeah. It's

Charlie Cline:

I love seeing

Roy Thomas:

those I love seeing those guys in the close together.

Charlie Cline:

Really best friends. Yeah. She's awesome.

Roy Thomas:

I love that everywhere. You know, they they go to them.

Charlie Cline:

On the move slides.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, they go to the Here's everybody together. Booling.

Charlie Cline:

I mean, I love that relationship. Nope. They're actually booling with them.

Tre Porter:

Tomorrow. Tomorrow? Tomorrow.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Tomorrow's Thursday night. Yep. Yeah. My bowling night. With the boys. So and then Friday night darts with the boys. But, anyway, always busy.

Tre Porter:

That's a good thing, but that's a good thing.

Charlie Cline:

You know, that that's helped with my grieving process was helping with coordinating stuff for the funeral thing. You know, a lot of people reached out to me and I just said, okay, this is a guy that's doing the service get hold of the dentist. Okay. This is, you know, where do the flowers go? Okay. Get a hold of the guys and Claire. Right? Here's Bill Scott's number, you know. Okay. This is, you know, I'm just pointing people to where they need to go. So I wasn't involved in in every aspect because I didn't get the telephone game thing going on. So they his whole service was by far outstanding and there was just a lot of people that everything went into that had made it what it was and they never they never get enough accolades, especially in the time of tragedy. You know, they lost my pleasure to do my pleasure to do it. I I appreciate that. It was your pleasure, but you did an outstanding job. Yeah. And you just made it you just made it that much better. You know what I mean? I just don't ever get to hear that enough. So all those guys, Dennis, did a great job officiating.

Tre Porter:

So Yes. He did.

Charlie Cline:

The writers group Chaplin, Terry Coombs, to our post district and department chaplain. Correct. To that as well. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Dennis, when he showed up at the hospital. I didn't realize that he was the real deal. He showed up with his with his collar on, his shirt on, with his vest with his vest. Oh, man.

Joe Gates:

I didn't send him a message afterwards. Thinking for how how strong he'll keep his voice? Yeah. You can hear when he was talking.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Okay. But he did such an outstanding job with the family. You know, he asked me, you know, can I do a prayer with you right now since I've gotten here? So he did one with the family, then he came home, he did one with us. You know, with the friends and secondary family. Right? And then he stayed right to right to the second when when Tim passed away and did another prayer with a family there in his room. Yep. So and I I know he was there for the family the entire time and he was just an outstanding outstanding man.

Tre Porter:

I told preacher Like, I just could not believe that that he was able to go on there and do the things that he did. With the family and all of us and just I was really just floored by his Oh. Just stay strong and keep his bearing. Yeah. Yep. But I I guess that's what he

Charlie Cline:

does, what they do.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. That's what he does. I told him I gotta stop cussing around you.

Charlie Cline:

He probably said you better now. Yeah. That is what he said.

Tre Porter:

I said, I had no idea. I know we you know, we his name is Preacher, and we call him Preacher, but I didn't know that he really was.

Charlie Cline:

He's a refugee.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Mhmm. And I was like,

Charlie Cline:

that's that's why the very first thing he said he goes, who's when he joined that writer's group? And started kind of coming back around, I think, to the post because we have a rioters group, you know, so that's why the rioters group is so important in VFW. But First thing, he says, oh, who's the chaplain? Because I'd like to how do I become the chaplain? Right? Well, you have to be appointed blah blah blah. So it is this year. You know, but he's like, well, I'm an ordained minister. I'd love to be able to do, you know, all the blastocyt and all the stuff

Brent Holbrook:

before it

Charlie Cline:

didn't come from. So I think so I think. Don't call me on it. I think, like, originally, it was from around here. Right? Mid Michigan area. Then he went into the service, and then he became a cop. Police officer out in Washington State was there forever retired and he was in Missouri for a while. I think as another officer in the retired again, and then moved back this way. Okay. So There it or maybe

Tre Porter:

was Was Adam from out there wherever he lives

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

Sheppard to to our VFW post.

Charlie Cline:

I think because we have a Lions Group.

Tre Porter:

Oh, okay.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

You think I mean, retirement just to bring him back home, you know?

Tre Porter:

He retired twice. Yep. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

He was like He was one. He was family. Right? Yeah. More family here. So rather than you know, he's now retired and doesn't need doesn't need to live out there anymore, you know, because he doesn't really have a job Right. Being retired. So I think, yeah, families kinda love routing back to this area, I believe.

Tre Porter:

I'm just glad he's with us. That's kind of my point.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I'm

Tre Porter:

glad that he's

Charlie Cline:

with us. He brings a lot of calm and a lot of wisdom.

Tre Porter:

Yes, he does. Yes, he does.

Charlie Cline:

To us, you know.

Joe Gates:

Like you said on her birthday, he's like,

Charlie Cline:

it's a good year.

Joe Gates:

I'm sixty nine.

Charlie Cline:

That still has a humor. Else is great. But yeah.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. He's he's definitely a welcome part of this organization. So Hand's off to you, preacher. Hand's off to you and what you've done. So Absolutely.

Brent Holbrook:

So what else designed your mind?

Tre Porter:

I'm wondering when Brent is gonna buy motorcycle and become a part of the riders group. And

Brent Holbrook:

For the record, you don't have to have a motorcycle. And

Tre Porter:

Roy Thomas,

Brent Holbrook:

his crew.

Tre Porter:

Brent and Roy. What are what are we gonna You're gonna do this. If I buy

Brent Holbrook:

a motorcycle, it's probably gonna be a trich. Just gonna say it.

Tre Porter:

There you go. I don't blame you. I don't blame

Charlie Cline:

you. Fair.

Joe Gates:

I'm not qualified. I can't teach you for that one.

Tre Porter:

I don't think you need to get taught first.

Brent Holbrook:

In all seriousness, it's almost like a What's what's the process of getting your motorcycle endorsement? Because, like, I remember in

Joe Gates:

the class.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, I remember getting a a a chauffeur's license you literally looked at a pamphlet and then, like, ten questions. Poof, you're a chauffeur.

Tre Porter:


Joe Gates:

honestly, the the you know, I've been a bit distracted for five years for it. Honestly, when you get to the test for it, it's it's a common joke. We always tell people at the end of it to to pass that now you're qualified to ride around in a parking lot. But they've they've I guess, they've we we had a a conference last year, and a bunch was asking, like, what's preventing us from making this stuff a little more, not a difficult, but realistic. And I guess the state keeps pushing back. Like, no. All we need to isn't to change it.

Tre Porter:


Brent Holbrook:

So I've never ridden a bike, obviously. So when that time comes, and like I said, I'd I'd end up buying trig. The the last time I saw any kind of of those classes happen, they had just these cheap motorcycles that they would use. I I don't I don't know even how to drive, you know, on one of these cars right from

Joe Gates:

a very basic level.

Charlie Cline:

Okay. Alright.

Joe Gates:

Long as you shouldn't balance a bicycle, you'd be fine.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. You know how to ride a bicycle. Right? Yeah. Okay.

Charlie Cline:

Can you tell he's the opposite me of athletic specimen?

Tre Porter:

Yes. Yes. Yes. He is.

Joe Gates:

How close to I'm stronger. Yes. He's got no boss.

Charlie Cline:

He has one.

Joe Gates:

He has always got one. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Okay. He does have one.

Charlie Cline:

He's half a man that

Tre Porter:

used to be. You know what? You don't wanna You know what, I think, Brent? I think you should fuck that dude up. I'm talking shit to you. You should go ahead and just

Joe Gates:

I'll meet him up. And when we didn't octagon at the post, I I decided,

Tre Porter:

oh, that's a great idea.

Joe Gates:

And then we can do, like, fifty fifty raffles. There we go.

Roy Thomas:

Yep. Like a ball in a ring type situation.

Charlie Cline:

It's a pewdiepie poodle sticks. Oh, yeah. Too.

Roy Thomas:

Hey. I wanna touch on a on a pretty honorable. Head to rollings. Thing, you know, that happened since, you know, this tragedy, and I I would like to touch on the Rider's group buying back a motorcycle. Yeah. Uh-huh.

Charlie Cline:

I wouldn't even cover that, did we? Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, that is that is I mean, that is just simply amazing.

Brent Holbrook:

You wanna you wanna tell that story real quick. So he he just he just turned it in, didn't he?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Well

Roy Thomas:

well, that last meeting that we had, the last pod gas. Like, he like, Charlie ran them around all day, and he just got that new motorcycle.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Yeah. So just recap. Tim had is what he called the old girl. It's a here at Softail. It's all painted up. Got helicopters. No.

Brent Holbrook:

It's p

Tre Porter:

o w n I a c.

Roy Thomas:

That is right on the front.

Charlie Cline:

Love that bike. Yeah. And So yeah. That's right. I did. I ran him around town. Got it treated in. So after after Tim's passing, we went out for rides the next day as a group just around town and Travis Exensio burned off his back. Tired. Yes. Doing burnouts and parking lots and stuff, you know, because we're riding around. So he called me and I picked him up to go get a new tire put on. Well, partly early at the tire, but they didn't have time, so we had to go down to the Honda Shop. Well, here's Tim's old girl sitting on the floor. And standing there and I go, you know, goddamn. It's just surreal. Right? Seeing those bikes sit there. So I sent a picture out to our group. Chat that we have. We said, yeah. Here's the bike, you know. So we we're riding around whatever. That about an hour later tray, pea bone,

Tre Porter:

big pop up. We're going back to that.

Charlie Cline:

God. You can finish from here. You're the guy that went in.

Tre Porter:

So I went into I got the message from from Charlie and said, hey, his bike's still over here. And I went into the VFW. Charlie was there, and he was having a meeting. And and then I went into I went over to Harley just to take a look at the bike and everything. And I talked to gal there She said, yeah. We got two people coming in to look at. I said, do not fucking sell this bike. And she was like, What do you want me to do? I've got two people coming to look at it now. I said, you know what? What do I need to put down on it to to fucking just hold it for a week till we can figure out what we're gonna do. And she was, like, five hundred dollars. I was, like, well, fine bet. Here's here's credit card, put the five hundred down and hold it at least for a week. Because after a week, if we decided as a group like, hey, we're not gonna do it, then I'll get my five hundred dollars.

Roy Thomas:

And buy you some time.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Buy you some time. Yep. So once we all got together, we were down at the green spot and we were, like,

Charlie Cline:

two hours later Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Two not even. I think it may be an hour later. That we were together anyways. Two hours later, we're back in that fucking Harley dealership. Yeah. But and we were talking about it. And there was Well, eight of us? Yeah. Like, maybe eight ten of us, something like that. And we were talking about his bike. It's down there. In a in Will William House. Like, I'll put it on a fucking credit card right now. I'll put it all on the credit cards. Right? Calm calm down, Phil. I get I get your passion, but let's talk about this. So we all decided to fucking just throw in on it. Yep. Everybody got somebody got five hundred, somebody got five hundred, somebody got a thousand, you know. And so we all went down and and and and about the

Charlie Cline:

old girl. About the old girl. And I tell you what, I I put appreciation post out to whole shot highly on our Facebook with us out front after we just purchased it. And how accommodating that they were Yeah. They obviously helped us out on the price when they brought it closer down to what he actually traded in for plus odds of them, so they did to it to get it out of showroom. And then, of course, you gotta pay taxes and all the all the bullshit. But yeah. They ended up. Rolling out with it that day.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Rolled out with it that day.

Charlie Cline:

And then

Joe Gates:

we're gonna put a dealer play on so we can write it up to the the referral service that we'll need you to.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. But we ended up trailing it up and having it at his at the memorial service. Yeah. Yeah. Which was awesome.

Tre Porter:

Because nobody wanted to ride it. I don't think nope. Nobody's written it. I mean, Shane

Charlie Cline:

Shane rode it on the trailer off the trailer couple times. Right. And I didn't. Right? I mean, I straddled it.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

I just wheeled it around when I backed it in. Right. Put it on her cover here at the shop.

Tre Porter:

I just love the fact that as a matter of fact, I got some more paperwork out in truck to that.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I'll put it in my desk with the other stuff.

Brent Holbrook:

So I think we should talk about what we're gonna do with that.

Charlie Cline:

But No. I I appreciate you saying that. I tell you what I I couldn't be more proud of this group as a whole, and you have no idea that how many great comments than they got from people that said, I can't believe that you guys would output your own money up to get the old girl back. Yeah. Like, I mean, they were blown away that we would do that Absolutely. For a guy now. So that just tells you one. We would probably do that for almost any member. You know, if they had their, you know, something they had just traded in or, you know Yeah. Whatever. But two, the kind of guy that Tim was. Yep. I mean, that was the That was his that was his baby. He loved that thing, and there's no better way to honor it than that we keep it in the family. Absolutely. Right? And that bike is not just owned by one person that's owned by a conglomerate at this point. I think thirteen or fourteen people have paid in.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. But also before him, it was a member of the post.

Charlie Cline:

Get a gas little bike.

Roy Thomas:

So, I mean, you know, they're deep buttered. Yeah. There's there's there's some history behind

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Yeah. Mhmm.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. That's what I had. Where two parts was going, it actually belongs at the post. So right now with the concept ideas, We're gonna build a display case, but it's gonna be like a high tie buyer. So it'll have plexiglass side, so you'll be able to see the bike, it'll be lit inside of it, it'll be on casters so it can get moved around. But the bike will be on display because it's a veteran's bike. Now just a post commander, a former member, whatever, a post, but it's military themed bike. Right. And how, you know, we we don't we don't have the space to have a jet or a tank or something sitting in front of the pulse of knowing somebody comes in and they see this bar built out of this bike, you know what I mean? Or a high top table built out of this it gets gonna be it'll be the the show piece of the post because it's got some history to it. Right? So it's not just It'll be a cool display piece. And then when we want to get it out for our bike night that we haul store, we want to take it out the Memorial Day, parade ride here in town like the Riders Group does. If there's a member out there that wants to ride it or maybe it's always gonna be the pee that rides, or the President rides in it every time. Yeah. Maybe it works out that way or however the group decides they want to do it. We just stay consistent with it every year and that's even a couple times it gets out other than maintenance stuff, you know. But I mean, I think that's I was so proud so proud of the group. And I I understand that day because it was, like, Tuesday. Who went and did it? Yeah. Right? I mean, it was

Roy Thomas:

Everything happened so fast. Yeah. Like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

Charlie Cline:

So I get so I get that there was some emotions. Right. Going on because it was, like, twenty four hours after he passed away, we bought the bike back, but it just goes to show that the group will put one, their money where their mouth is, but two, their heart in the right place. Right. Because none of us

Tre Porter:

would love

Roy Thomas:

That's their brotherhood.

Charlie Cline:

None of us Oh, yeah. None of us would wanna have seen that bike at another bike night with somebody else sitting on. Yeah. Absolutely. It would've it would've broke our fucking heart. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

But it it would have real Tim, sir. Now he knows that bike is safe forever. Yeah. Gonna be in his post. Mhmm. Yeah. We had this play case. You know what

Brent Holbrook:

I mean? Not just any Not just

Charlie Cline:

any Not just any

Brent Holbrook:

It's gonna be right now.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Some ran amity it. And and that's that it doesn't to it.

Roy Thomas:

Lays it down and totals it

Charlie Cline:

or whatever it is.

Tre Porter:

And that's why, you know, when I went in there, she said we got two people coming to look at. I was like, No fucking way. No.

Charlie Cline:

It's a fucking way.

Tre Porter:

No. Right. Yeah. No fucking way. No way. Alright. So So I went ahead and and

Charlie Cline:

Well, when I told lady Jen this bike was sitting here, she was like, well, there's only four thousand in the account. I got five hundred at home. I'll transfer another couple three thousand in the account, whatever we need, go buy it. And I'm like, hey, I'm at a meeting. Whether you're gonna have a meeting, can you come in and go, whoa, put five hundred down on it? I'm like, well, we got it anyways, but Yeah. You know, she just she was so happy that we ended up getting it.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I I didn't wanna change the subject real quick, but just a quick shout out to my buddy, Jimmy Huckabee. He's joining us right now from Oregon. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

He said there's no video.

Brent Holbrook:

So Well, yeah. There's no there's no live video.

Charlie Cline:

Because I can just do this. It could be.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. Hey.

Brent Holbrook:

There we go. What's up? Hey, Jimmy.

Charlie Cline:

We normally don't have video on. Yes. Thanks for tuning that button.

Brent Holbrook:

So my buddy, Jimmy, is actually gonna be here in a couple of weeks. He's gonna he's gonna he's actually my sponsor. I'll be confirmed in the Catholic church here at the Easter vigil, and he says, what's up? Yep. He's he's gonna be joining me here in a couple weeks. It'll be the first time I've seen that guy in twelve fucking years.

Tre Porter:

Oh, wow.

Brent Holbrook:

Last time I saw him, we were both stationed at the hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. And it's yeah. Twelve years, man.

Tre Porter:

So you're getting confirmed in the Catholic church. Yes, sir. What was the what what was the thing you did?

Charlie Cline:

Let me see if we can make Jimmy's man a little bit.

Tre Porter:

It looks like two weeks ago, May no. It was longer than two weeks ago, where you were you you missed our meeting. It was our last meeting we had. You were.

Brent Holbrook:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was on Sunday. So that was the right of the elect over at the cathedral in Sacramento.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Someone else will have to leave comments. That's right.

Brent Holbrook:

I shouldn't be able to say it. So yeah. So the the right of the elect is a group of people in the entire diocese of Saginaw. Who are are all joining the church. Okay. And so everybody got to go there and meet the the bishop, the bishop, Russ,

Joe Gates:

you know.

Brent Holbrook:

Shake his hand, talk to him a little bit, you know, get to know him, that kind of

Tre Porter:

thing. Okay.

Charlie Cline:

Must be full.

Tre Porter:

And then you get confirmed on that little. Yep. Parker. When do you get confirmed?

Brent Holbrook:

I get confirmed on March thirtieth. It's the Easter vigil. It's a candle light service at sacred heart here. Well, town.

Tre Porter:

Let me know. I I would come to that, Martin. Absolutely. If I can. I don't know. I'm able to

Brent Holbrook:

Everybody but you. Hopefully, you don't spontaneously combust with you. Okay.

Tre Porter:

I go there. I go there and support you. I'm all about people, though.

Brent Holbrook:

No. I got I got a Facebook event.

Tre Porter:

Bettering themselves one way or their other.

Brent Holbrook:

I'll shoot you an invite for the Facebook event I got going on. So but I'm coming there.

Tre Porter:

My daughter goes to sick Well,

Roy Thomas:

I would I would gladly come support you there, Brent, but I'll be heading out to California. California. April sixth. Two thousand and four.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Two four of you. So

Roy Thomas:

We got the twenty year battle of Remedy Union in California at greater heights.

Tre Porter:

Oh, shit. So we leave the twenty ninth

Roy Thomas:

to head out there.

Charlie Cline:

Taken a family Sure.

Roy Thomas:

To be a part of that. And so on

Charlie Cline:

and so

Brent Holbrook:

on. Yeah. Where's your oh, here it

Tre Porter:

is. Okay. Some of the boys just showed up. Is that true? That was the boys.

Brent Holbrook:

Is that true?

Charlie Cline:

That's probably true.

Tre Porter:

Justin Justin. I mean, that that that music was Sounds like Justin to me.

Charlie Cline:

Hey. Charlie. Hey.

Roy Thomas:

They said me further away at the sound is

Charlie Cline:

Oh, we gotta bring you on the sound.

Brent Holbrook:

I'm really the good looking

Charlie Cline:

ring over here that said the sound struggling for some reason.

Joe Gates:

I'm sitting in my best future. There you go.

Charlie Cline:

I don't know why I'm sounding corry plugged in.

Brent Holbrook:

I'm really the good looking one. I know Trey said that at the beginning, but let's just be honest.

Charlie Cline:

That Well

Brent Holbrook:

He's he's got a face for radio, just saying.

Tre Porter:

I don't I don't I don't disagree with you, buddy. I don't disagree. You are pretty fucking handsome.

Brent Holbrook:

Alright. Sexual chocolate just showed me

Roy Thomas:

she has. Then.

Charlie Cline:

Add a girl. Got Timmy seats here though.

Roy Thomas:

Well, time the ladies show up. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Was that you that pulled up? Just you? Yeah. Your wife was

Charlie Cline:

pretty his

Roy Thomas:

my Ramati brother over there, man.

Tre Porter:

If we

Charlie Cline:

can get

Tre Porter:

it. No. That's me.

Charlie Cline:

He need to get something to a whole lot. Hand handle something.

Tre Porter:

He was in

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Here's my fridge and son.

Tre Porter:

He was in Rustenburg. How was that Ramati?

Brent Holbrook:

We should get an actual, like I don't know. We'll figure that out. There's just for those of you listening, there's obviously a reason why this is called soup sandwich. I know I've said that once already, but still. The face for radio. Yeah. The face for radio right there.

Charlie Cline:

Everybody's gonna have to stare at Joel and enjoy their estimate.

Tre Porter:

Was talking about Ramati? There we go.

Brent Holbrook:

Roy was.

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah. That was in Ramati.

Brent Holbrook:

Where are

Charlie Cline:

you in Ramati? Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Before me and you were in bad dad together. I went with a Bravo company.

Roy Thomas:

So he was over in Johnson City.

Tre Porter:

I was in Ramati for three months. Yep. I have a new one in the Hopini and then I'll order Ramati.

Brent Holbrook:

I just saw Jimmy's post. He said I'm I'm coming to the Dark side of the Vatican. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

I want the squared

Roy Thomas:

vase soup sandwich. Yeah. Fantastic.

Charlie Cline:

Alright. Do you guys hear us better online now? I hope so.

Brent Holbrook:

I think so.

Charlie Cline:

We gotta get we gotta get something to hold the

Brent Holbrook:

phone up. Yeah. You know? Or or like a like a was saying, like, a legit, you know, webcam or something. We gotta figure all that shit out. We'll have to play with it.

Joe Gates:

I have

Tre Porter:

Soup sandwich, baby. Soup sandwich. Yep.

Charlie Cline:

Alright up here. Drop a little arm down. I don't have an officer home

Joe Gates:

no more so. You said, didn't mention stuff like that.

Charlie Cline:

We'll try to get it figured out.

Brent Holbrook:

There you go.

Charlie Cline:

And that says the sound quality is better, so good. Good. So yeah. You know, I think I think there was a fast fast team just deployed not too long ago and they had to evacuate an embassy. The embassy in Haiti? In Haiti. Port of Print? So they said it was Yeah. He raised raised that went. So that was that unit that I was with. That's what we that's what we did. That was one of the missions that that have fasted. So we went ahead and did either extra security on m p c's or or any high value target stuff or evacuation stuff. They were that. Actually, the fast team out of Naples was the one en route to Benghazi when they got turned around mid air. So yep. When that whole thing went down. So

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I've been I've been kinda paying attention to what was going on, J. D. So apparently, apparently, a thousand Kenyan police officers are headings of Haiti now from the United Nations. And I'm like, oh, shit.

Charlie Cline:

Talk about it earlier. You wanna

Tre Porter:

see that? I'm really thinking

Charlie Cline:

about signature from a guy that was a standout. That's still running. Mhmm. That's not signature.

Brent Holbrook:

He's saying bolt.

Charlie Cline:

Just Yep. So I've put up his I've put up that sticker. Is Memorial Street.

Brent Holbrook:

Since we got the I know we're having an issue with the sound, but since we got the video on, you wanna show that if we can.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Mine is, no. I got this flip camera. This flip.

Brent Holbrook:

Nice. Jimmy's Jimmy's fucking around.

Charlie Cline:

Must be from the navy. So this is that you're listening earlier. Here's the banner. If everybody comes up to podcast sign,

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

Did you do Skyloans and then it's got a super sandwich podcast logo on it? So James is signing right now. Jesus, how long does it take to sign? I think a mortgage over there.

Brent Holbrook:

He's he's trying to make sure he spells everything right now.

Joe Gates:

Sure. Good thing about that.

Charlie Cline:

It's gonna live forever. That's that's the bad. Good. Everybody live in

Brent Holbrook:

it for me.

Charlie Cline:

Living it for me. When do you get the call from department tomorrow? I'm gonna make sure that they point that you're away.

Brent Holbrook:


Charlie Cline:

So Alright. So getting the other volunteers coming out up.

Brent Holbrook:

Jimmy's signing in spirit and solidarity. Well, By the time you're gonna be here in a couple weeks, Jimmy, we might have another episode, you know, recording. So I have to see you'd be welcome to join us.

Tre Porter:

Welcome join and sign in person.

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

it? Yeah. We need a black marker too.

Charlie Cline:

That's on sign. I might have to go get one of these oil ones that are in black. Yep. Soon start sign to the bottom.

Tre Porter:

Right on. I'm gonna we run out

Charlie Cline:

of room. We run out of

Tre Porter:

room. I'm gonna miss, you know, our last podcast we were having a conversation about politics and everything like that. And I and really upset that. I'm not gonna be able to have that. I don't wanna say argument, debate. I wanna have I don't have I won't be able to have that debate that Tim.

Joe Gates:

I love it. That

Brent Holbrook:

factory guy.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Look. But Tim was so staunchly independent of my views.

Roy Thomas:

Kim was very red.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. He was he was very opposite of of my views.

Brent Holbrook:

So I'm very I like I like debates. I like to talk about politics and stuff on the limited debate. I'm I'm by no means an expert, but I like to share at least what my opinions are and I would consider myself a moderate red. I mean, there's there's some things that I would be Well, I find as we are living alone. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

And I think we all

Brent Holbrook:

Health care being one of them. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

I think we all are that way too.

Roy Thomas:

Well, we know you like pillow talk too, buddy.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I do.

Tre Porter:

Roy Roy knows. Roy knows.

Roy Thomas:


Tre Porter:

me. These navy guys.

Roy Thomas:

I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy.

Brent Holbrook:

I don't think Roy heard you, Joe.

Joe Gates:

Or they call it the the six degrees of

Tre Porter:

two parts. Really nice.

Charlie Cline:

I have a big one

Brent Holbrook:

that's doing for two parts, maybe. So these are greens. I know.

Charlie Cline:

I know.

Brent Holbrook:

I mean, Well, that's you. And I understand that they are part of the Navy, whether they'd like to admit it or not

Charlie Cline:

to mention the

Brent Holbrook:

thank you guys. No, ma'am. Fucking. First thing that every single one of those guys say, Should move support me. If I can get it original.

Roy Thomas:

The brains have the world's most expensive taxi service. United States Navy.

Brent Holbrook:

That I can't I can't argue on that. That's that's true.

Tre Porter:

But, you know,

Joe Gates:

someone someone loses the valet parking ticket. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Would drop you as off in the middle of the Pacific somewhere, and that's where you stay.

Tre Porter:

I mean, the Marines used

Charlie Cline:

We had enough sailers on the boat to kick us off.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. But, I mean, the the marines use navy boys as their sock. That's what they come in. Mhmm. A special sock. Yep. Big

Charlie Cline:

big gray sock.

Roy Thomas:

It's not special operative name.

Tre Porter:

Good old Roy Thomas. Look at look at him, bitch.

Brent Holbrook:

Jimmy, being Jimmy. Jimmy, before warning, I'll give you a two week head worn head start warning or whatever you wanna fucking call it. And two weeks with Jimmy again here, he's a very intellectual individual. Jesus Christ.

Charlie Cline:

So he's probably don't really need another one. Good.

Brent Holbrook:

Hey, tech is more intellectual than me.

Joe Gates:

I just keep it all in.

Charlie Cline:

Joe denser himself down to our level.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Wanna

Joe Gates:

find a knuckle driver like they said. Okay.

Tre Porter:

So when is he gonna be here? Two weeks?

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. So the the confirmation ceremonies on Saturday, so he'll be here the prior Wednesday until, like, the Tuesday following. So he'll be here for about a week. I'm What's he flying into? Grand Rapids.

Tre Porter:

Alright. Let me see.

Brent Holbrook:

So I got him flying into Grand Rapids, and we're gonna kinda do a tour of Michigan. He's never been to Michigan, so I'm just gonna kinda

Tre Porter:

Where is he from?

Brent Holbrook:

Oregon. Just north of the California line. Uh-huh.

Tre Porter:

We go we go corrupt this shit.

Roy Thomas:

Well, you just wait, Jimmy. He likes Oregon. My hope, Joe or my hope, Brent, don't bring you around.

Brent Holbrook:

He likes Oregon, but he's gonna

Tre Porter:

know pretty nice. He's he's red like that. I'm assuming I'm assuming that he's a he's a Catholic like you. Uh-oh.

Brent Holbrook:

You can Jimmy.

Charlie Cline:

What if I can

Brent Holbrook:

Hold on. I gotta read this comment. Jimmy's throwing shade at the marines. Hold on a second.

Charlie Cline:

We're gonna have to kill the video on that. My phone's not gonna make it.

Brent Holbrook:

Oh, okay.

Charlie Cline:

That's how to kill the video on it.

Brent Holbrook:

I'll turn it off. Jimmy says the marines took the ego from the air force, the anchor from the navy, and on seventh day when God rested, they took over the world and haven't given it back since.

Roy Thomas:

That's the truth. That's not shade.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. You said the marines.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. Jimmy is the man. He's the man.

Charlie Cline:

He's the man. We want Jimmy. Jimmy, how do you think about being the quarter master of our post? We're gonna send Breno your way.

Tre Porter:

And then God realized he fucked up and created the infantry. That's why

Brent Holbrook:

the sky is blue. Actually, I don't know how he turned it off and he's fucking iPhones and shit

Tre Porter:

doing pretty good, actually.

Roy Thomas:

Charlie, you were supposed to do a speech tonight thinking the auxiliary.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. A lot we're here.

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah. You just did it. You did it?

Charlie Cline:

We did it out here. But Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Listen. I

Charlie Cline:

was actually gonna go to the auxiliary meeting and tell them thank you for everything that they did.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. But if if the auxiliary so Tabitha, if you go back

Charlie Cline:

to early on this post, Yeah. You'll hear the deep appreciation. I don't know how

Brent Holbrook:

to turn it off

Roy Thomas:

for the auxiliary

Tre Porter:

and option here.

Roy Thomas:

We had a we had a discussion on that. How great the auxiliary was during this whole time and how you guys have

Brent Holbrook:


Roy Thomas:

not off. You know,

Charlie Cline:

still gonna kill me badly.

Roy Thomas:

From the shadows just took care of everything that needed to be taken care of and but I think that had everything, you know, situated and took care of the post like you guys always do.

Brent Holbrook:

Facebook live, I think, is video centric, so I don't think they're gonna have an option to turn off your video.

Roy Thomas:

You need to plug mine in Charlie?

Charlie Cline:

Well, right, but I'm the one who run-in the life. Yeah. I got it.

Joe Gates:

Well, we ended up before we turned the video off, because

Charlie Cline:

I got twenty two percent.

Roy Thomas:

Jimmy said challenge acceptance. Okay. So

Charlie Cline:

somebody else wants who's an administrator on them. Jill, I

Brent Holbrook:

think we're all admins, aren't we?

Charlie Cline:

So I just need some you know, I plug your phone in. I'll kill this live.

Brent Holbrook:

You've only got thirty two percent, so I'll be in the same boat as you are.

Charlie Cline:

K. We'll just keep rolling till the day. I'm at eighteen.

Roy Thomas:

I don't want to pass phone

Tre Porter:

with miss Christ.

Charlie Cline:

What it does it does? Mhmm.

Joe Gates:

I do have a portable charger, but that's not gonna do anything as your hooked up. Right? I do have portable charger.

Charlie Cline:

Right. I mean, if you start charging your phone right now Yeah. Or maybe you'll get up to sixty percent.

Brent Holbrook:

Maybe sixty nine? Then and we'll

Charlie Cline:

then we'll kill it and yeah. Hopefully, time with the herd. You say if she wants to bring it to the ladies and gentlemen, they can listen to the beginning of the podcast where we were

Brent Holbrook:

thinking Yeah. Don't don't listen to the whole thing. And and

Charlie Cline:

doing doing the rest of stuff because yeah. It was that was one of the things I wanted to do, but that we did this. So Jodie got your box. I think your box is at the Exorbitant meeting. Isn't that?

Joe Gates:

That box. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

She's gonna be so mad.

Joe Gates:

No. She's not she's not sensitive. She's not like that.

Charlie Cline:

Six seconds away, so we're gonna see her comment here in a minute.

Roy Thomas:

Miss Jimmy, I've always said the marines have a best dressed uniform

Charlie Cline:

And the space doors.

Roy Thomas:

And the space doors I told my non alpha hogsmeere.

Charlie Cline:

She just showed up last fall load.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. The space let's be honest. The space course uniform. I mean, it looks kinda cool, but that shit came straight from star

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. There's no fucking way it came from anywhere else. Well, so what else is are we gonna have a debate? When I have a debate? I don't know. Feel like it tonight?

Tre Porter:

No. Maybe next one.

Roy Thomas:

Next one.

Charlie Cline:

Next one.

Tre Porter:

Tonight, it's all about Timmy.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, shoot.

Tre Porter:

Alright. It's all about Timmy.

Brent Holbrook:


Joe Gates:

I did a comment, but it didn't comment under my name. A minute under the soup sandwich podcast. The records have of this is, of course, I hit my box.

Tre Porter:

I love. It's like that's just another process.

Charlie Cline:

Don't enjoy this interview.

Tre Porter:

Good. She's gonna kill me right now.

Charlie Cline:

It's deleted.

Joe Gates:

We got my name up there.

Roy Thomas:

So Hulk Charlie's phoned him.

Charlie Cline:

I can.

Tre Porter:

But I

Charlie Cline:

think if I disconnect it, we're not gonna be running through the system for sound. Right. Which actually doesn't make sense considering that was over there and they said they had a hard time and it was plugged in here.

Joe Gates:

Because the mic is going through the mic on your phone.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, almost impossible. So we need to be plugged in there for that. Oh,

Brent Holbrook:

can y'all still hear us?

Charlie Cline:

Because I can do that. Just put someone on here then. Yeah.

Joe Gates:

Yeah. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Hey, comment. If you can still hear us.

Charlie Cline:

You have to read comments.

Brent Holbrook:

We promised we'll get this soup sandwich figured out.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Still here.

Roy Thomas:

Okay. So

Charlie Cline:

we get

Brent Holbrook:

there. We're

Charlie Cline:

running. Alright.

Tre Porter:

Does that mean we could turn the video back up?

Brent Holbrook:

It still isn't.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. It's just face

Roy Thomas:

It's just fight that.

Charlie Cline:

What we need to do is we need to we need to figure out a better way to actually hold it up so you can see everybody because we're sticking it between here and all you see is that.

Brent Holbrook:

That's why we have to get

Tre Porter:

a holder. They make

Charlie Cline:

Well, I

Tre Porter:

don't know what stands for phones or shit like that.

Joe Gates:

Well, I have them on desktops, the two parts are never ringing in. I feel it was set up. But

Roy Thomas:

Look at a shove. That's actually some of the gun.

Tre Porter:

Look at that handsome son of a bitch right there. This is Maua down outside

Charlie Cline:

of the potty potty.

Roy Thomas:

Some old popcorn. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Well, we got it. You got it. That was made Yeah. Sure. Last Thursday. Sorry about your loudest again. I know. Dan Baco. We might have You know what

Tre Porter:

we need is we need a we need a female perspective up here. Who's that? That that we got two ladies that are a part of the VFW Yeah. That are VFW members. Which is Christa.

Charlie Cline:

And that and that's Tim's niece. Yeah. Or Jeff's niece.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Kelly?

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. She's, like, a nurse practitioner?

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Yes. I don't know.

Tre Porter:


Brent Holbrook:

But she was we voted her in a couple months ago, and I haven't seen her since.

Charlie Cline:

No. She came to a cup meetings. We've voted her in, like, in October ish.

Brent Holbrook:

Did me?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. In October, November.

Tre Porter:

By the She

Charlie Cline:

she came to a couple of things

Roy Thomas:

and then she came to a couple of

Charlie Cline:

things and then she got really.

Tre Porter:

Me and Jeff were down in my hands at the same damn time.

Charlie Cline:

Me and

Tre Porter:

Jeff were down in Miami at the same time. And he was like, hey, are you in Miami? I was like, yeah. He was like, I know. He said, I just flew in yesterday I'm down to the keys now. I was like, shit. I came to Miami yesterday. We could've got together. So

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I don't know. You know what I mean? We're gonna go I mean, obviously, we've started that that transition. And it's awe inspiring at how much Tim did. Yeah. And, I mean, look at we're all scrambling, trying to fill And we got, like, eight people trying to fill Tim's shoes.

Brent Holbrook:


Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

he did it as one fucking person. Yeah. Like, I mean, how the hell?

Joe Gates:

And he was tracking

Tre Porter:

all time.

Charlie Cline:

And he

Brent Holbrook:

was tracking

Tre Porter:

all time soon. He's still

Brent Holbrook:

able to do it. He was

Charlie Cline:

still able to stay until three in the morning.

Roy Thomas:

That meeting was difficult.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. The last

Charlie Cline:

the most most weighting that was difficult. Oh, you

Brent Holbrook:

could you could feel the tension. In the air. You could just feel it.

Tre Porter:

But, you know, what does it look like? Perspective.

Charlie Cline:

You know what I mean?

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I mean, you're

Charlie Cline:

gonna be at an excellence meeting. Right? Yes.

Tre Porter:

So I'm

Charlie Cline:

gonna nominate you for a commander.

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah.

Roy Thomas:

I'm not gonna be receiving California. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

If I'll write a letter. For what? Come in?

Tre Porter:

Are you gonna paint a light?

Charlie Cline:

Which has to be it has to be

Brent Holbrook:

actually Yes. I know.

Charlie Cline:

I mean,

Tre Porter:

I will run for commander and I'll win. Right? But I need you to pay my child support for me. What? Because my wife is gonna divorce me. How

Charlie Cline:

much does she divorce you?

Tre Porter:

If I became the commander of the post?

Charlie Cline:

Well, yeah. What was your divorce?

Tre Porter:

Because I'm taking time away from our children, so on and so forth.

Charlie Cline:

You're gonna you'll do less as the commander than you will as the president of the Ryers group next

Tre Porter:

year. Maybe.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Don't tell my wife that. Roy. So just say VP. I didn't know.

Brent Holbrook:

Somebody now an EU for junior?

Joe Gates:

I did.

Brent Holbrook:

You did. Yeah. Okay.

Charlie Cline:

And he's already he's already accepted it. Right.

Brent Holbrook:

And Roy accepted it. But then somebody because Chris denominated me, and then there was a third person.

Tre Porter:

I got renominated for senior.

Brent Holbrook:

I'm talking about junior. Well, third person for junior.

Charlie Cline:

Joe's probably got the meeting message.

Joe Gates:

Yeah. Like, if if only someone uploaded these meeting minutes every week that I'm supposed to.

Brent Holbrook:

I looked the day afternoon wasn't there yet.

Joe Gates:

Forty eight hours of my well, I'll give myself was a a due date.

Charlie Cline:

So so the yep.

Tre Porter:

This might even Yeah. Better. Shell. Shim, listen. We've been talking about before you got here. I don't wanna kill that. Beards. Okay. But you said you you need to let your beer. You too, handsome Dan.

Charlie Cline:

I mean,

Tre Porter:

I've never done that. I'm good. I

Charlie Cline:

don't even let

Tre Porter:

it grow just a little bit. I just shaved my my shoes is already fucking bushy little bit like a fucking brother pad. Nope. And it felt like one too. Tack is gonna grow jade beer now. I can't do it. Tack's gonna grow his beer now.

Charlie Cline:

These are the girl's patches. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

So I tried to grow my beard out. It's just like I can't grow. I mean, I'm

Charlie Cline:

I'm trying

Roy Thomas:

to grow my hair. Ain't growing anymore, but I'm trying to go, like, long hair. I cannot That's what I mean. I cannot do, like, twelve

Charlie Cline:

minutes. Good.

Tre Porter:

Yep. You just need a little long. That's all. Just fill it in.

Roy Thomas:

I thought just trim

Charlie Cline:

it like this.

Brent Holbrook:

Tab tab says it's a bunch of men up here. You're damn right, tab.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. That's what that's why what led me to

Roy Thomas:


Tre Porter:

need to get some of our female members up here to get a female perspective. So we got Kelly and Krista.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. There you are on VFW members, but I think it's good to have spouses that served with us

Tre Porter:

That's true.

Charlie Cline:

Coming to talk too. I mean Yep.

Tre Porter:

You know what last one last time I really grew my shit. Yeah. Yeah. Phone. I mean, that about Oh, that was great. Right.

Charlie Cline:

I don't

Brent Holbrook:

make it about racially ambiguous. Right? There

Tre Porter:

you go. Right there. Fucking little it felt like a brutal pan. Yeah. You need to let it just let it grow

Roy Thomas:

to that. Right there. There you go.

Tre Porter:

My shit was just at that. Today, before I shaved it, you fucking fucking fucking fuck that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I just sold them

Tre Porter:

up that seven hundred down. I let mine go pretty long for me.

Joe Gates:

I saw this issue. Yeah. I was like, I was like, I

Charlie Cline:

took a look at the beard.

Roy Thomas:

Is that you?

Tre Porter:

Who do you know? I've actually had

Joe Gates:

It was an AI thing that did it. Okay. I sure did that happen. She's like, no. Yeah. No.

Charlie Cline:

She immediately shuts that shit down.

Tre Porter:

No. You're way hotter with that beer. Okay? So let it grow. Let it grow.

Joe Gates:

Well, if she says I can't touch her with it, then I have to cut

Brent Holbrook:

typical tech guy.

Tre Porter:

There you go. That's the one I'm talking about. Rick Ross. Rick. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Fucking eight. So Jimmy says, you should

Tre Porter:

join us as long as I could manage. It was it should like a motherfucker.

Charlie Cline:

And she should join join my group. It's the upper Kane Smith Lake militia. I'm the Lord high admin.

Brent Holbrook:

Oh, god. Jimmy. See how can Shut the fuck up, Jimmy.

Roy Thomas:

He needs about

Brent Holbrook:

He's he's messing around. He had jokes about this. He's in Columbus Falls, Oregon. So upper Columbus Lake Melisha. He's the Lord, hi, Anmirall, but he's also the only member. And he needs a book.

Tre Porter:

Tavada said, let it grow, let it grow.

Joe Gates:

What was she talking about me though?

Tre Porter:

Tabada, who are you talking about?

Charlie Cline:

Was she talking about his beard?

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joe Gates:

But I I she's got the music thing after it. So I think she's wanting you to to hear that with Nelson about

Roy Thomas:

letting her

Tre Porter:

let it grow.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, you know, just freaking dealing

Joe Gates:

with you.

Brent Holbrook:

Drug dealer here will let a lot of things grow if you let them.

Tre Porter:

There's a lot of Everything's gotta grow. That's what I mean. My my Let it all grow. Let it grow.

Joe Gates:

There's no stuff like

Roy Thomas:

her fur shaped.

Brent Holbrook:

Hey. You know, we we gotta we gotta drop some names here. So we're in AJ Sky lounge. Right.

Charlie Cline:

We're always at.

Brent Holbrook:

We're always at. We got business owner here, the Empire Collective.

Tre Porter:

Best weed in Michigan. Go ahead and get some.

Charlie Cline:

Get some.

Roy Thomas:

I need some slack.

Tre Porter:

I got too.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I need some swag too. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

I I'm still waiting on my swag.

Tre Porter:

Well, the fuckers. Listen. All you gotta do is let me give me give me give me a size, like, in a mess. So this

Joe Gates:

is what I had to do to get one from my wife

Brent Holbrook:

from home. Tapes says use your imagination.

Joe Gates:

Visual text message. They went to them at ten o'clock in the morning. With the size and stuff, so they never mind.

Tre Porter:

Yep. See? Gotta remind me when I'm at work. Because otherwise

Charlie Cline:

When are you ever at work?

Tre Porter:

I was here today. I came in at three thirty in the morning. I was still at work by ten o'clock. Ten ish.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Ten o'clock. Ten ish. Ten that means, like, seven

Tre Porter:

fifty I

Charlie Cline:

was out of there by one

Tre Porter:

I was out of there by one o'clock. I could still

Charlie Cline:

say it. What time

Tre Porter:

was it? I called you. Before when I called you. You was at home. Oh,

Charlie Cline:

where's the Listen.

Roy Thomas:

I I saw you on I was

Tre Porter:

out of there. I was out of there by one o'clock. As a matter of fact, I would think yeah. I was driving home. I was home by one. Yeah. I had to get out there. I need some wind therapy.

Charlie Cline:

I get you. I need it up to date too. Let me get it.

Brent Holbrook:

Is there a way to see, like, who's

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Because it just tells me there's four people watching. I don't know if you can see you. I don't think you can see who's watching.

Charlie Cline:

Should be able to because you can ban them. You kick people off if you don't want them out.

Tre Porter:

You can ban them. So Jimmy says, she'll show his for his gun.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. I'm looking for it. Hold on a minute. I gotta find it.

Tre Porter:

He's gotta find it in the secret folder.

Brent Holbrook:

Where it keeps dude. Dude legit looks like Forrest Gump on this picture.

Joe Gates:

Probably he's

Roy Thomas:

got his boyfriend's picture. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

That's that's what I'm saying, man.

Brent Holbrook:

You know, Tiffany has occasionally insinuated the fact that Jimmy and I have an inappropriate relationship.

Roy Thomas:

Who's Tiffany?

Brent Holbrook:

My fiancee with a Oh,

Roy Thomas:

oh, I

Charlie Cline:

what? I

Tre Porter:

didn't know. Damn.

Charlie Cline:

We thought you said Timothy. Trust me. That made more sense for a fiancee. That differently.

Brent Holbrook:

Tiffany, Tiffany. You are a peacocker.

Roy Thomas:

Didn't you have breakfast at Tiffany's?

Tre Porter:

Right. Did I

Charlie Cline:

This guy or me?

Tre Porter:

You. Yeah. Over his head. I I caught this. I caught the reference.

Joe Gates:

Understood. But

Tre Porter:

I did.

Roy Thomas:

It's a song.

Brent Holbrook:

What was a movie? I got a movie.

Tre Porter:

Was it a movie? Yeah. Movie and

Brent Holbrook:

a song. But Yeah. But Alright. This was this was Jimmy about what? Three months ago, jeez.

Roy Thomas:

I'm really used for it.

Charlie Cline:

Let's see it. Yeah. Let's see it.

Brent Holbrook:

Oh, jeez.

Tre Porter:

Holy shit.

Charlie Cline:

Shit. That is Forrest Gump.

Brent Holbrook:

He does look like Forrest Gump. Does he not?

Roy Thomas:

Jenny, she

Brent Holbrook:

lives in the desert in Oregon. No. It's This would've This

Tre Porter:

is pretty fucking impressive. Right. Let's say I'm pretty fucking I wish I could grow a beard like Great.

Brent Holbrook:

Race now. Right now, though, he looks like he's part of the fucking mafia.

Tre Porter:

Wait. What does he look like now? He also did Michael yesterday.

Charlie Cline:

Did you get it from here?

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. Hold shot. That's nice. I love the man.

Brent Holbrook:

Dude, you shaved it all off.

Charlie Cline:

That's bad. I see, you know, better like Can

Brent Holbrook:

it look like a mafia hitman?

Charlie Cline:

Sure. It does.

Tre Porter:

And it's in my house.

Charlie Cline:

I don't even look like the same. I'm gonna

Tre Porter:

show you what it used to look like. Jimmy, go ahead and grow that fucking beard back. This is what it used to look like.

Brent Holbrook:

He likes to go for the long hair and long beard kinda fucking duck dynasty. Yeah. But you gotta like, you gotta understand what it you jimmy that I knew in Maryland twelve years ago. Couldn't grow a beer. And do you

Roy Thomas:

have the harley shop paint it?

Joe Gates:

So I've got a hold.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Yeah. You have something. They couldn't get written about twelve years or so. This is twenty three, I sat

Tre Porter:

on the floor for a year.

Roy Thomas:

I'm pretty sure I know the guy.

Tre Porter:

Tim is talking about his branded bike right now.

Brent Holbrook:

Tim says maybe you can regardless of some of Tim's beard. They We'll do a beard transplant.

Tre Porter:

The order before the dealership at the Palmo. I hope I I really hope that Chem's wife is listening to this podcast right now.

Roy Thomas:

Okay. I got a really good buddy. He paints a whole bunch of Harley parts out of his pull barn. He does it for a stop.

Tre Porter:

Yep. He probably would Who? Maybe he went to them. I don't know where my Who? Honestly where my bike went to.

Roy Thomas:

Kim Smith.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, I thought you're talking about John Gates. Don't don't check if he's painting my stuff.

Roy Thomas:

Don't Tim paints a whole bunch of stuff for Harley. Where's his side gig? Yeah. He's right here in Montana?

Tre Porter:

Yep. Okay. I hear I know he was when I got when I bought my bike because they were he was backed up and he was actually out of town. But they he's an amazing painter. Yeah. Broy, make sure I get your number before we leave. I got a I got a project for you, boy. Me too, I need my fucking toilet pack painter. You have a tour back? Oh, when did they come here? I've been had it for a couple of weeks now. Oh, I got the mounting and all. I got everything up. Just got it.

Charlie Cline:

What's it? Yeah. Funeral is gonna charge you because the color match mine. John's playing mine for three fifty. Those in at the end of the month for three fifty. Painter? Yeah. Because I got that fucking stupid pearl black. Oh. So it's almost it's not like the vivid black. It's a little bit lighter, but it's got all that flaking stuff in

Joe Gates:

it. Mhmm.

Charlie Cline:

So you would have done it. Like, if you had, like, vivid black or probably like his, you know, like, three hundred bucks if paying it. And then if you wanna do all the custom shit, you have to go to

Tre Porter:

you think he'd be able to do mine at the same time, sure. So I can

Charlie Cline:

ask one. I'll ask her.

Tre Porter:

Go at the same time.

Charlie Cline:

Should I need one? Well, you got two.

Tre Porter:

You got two for one special.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I'll ask him. Well, I should I I got a hold end in January, and that's how I looked out. He has people that ship him hold bikes. And he honestly has paint jobs, man. He fucking stripes everything. Fucking pin stripes.

Tre Porter:

Then he

Charlie Cline:

Everything's hand painted, man. He don't just throw a detail, like, a little bit

Tre Porter:

of paint job on that bike. We auctioned off a wrap pulled off at midnight last year?

Charlie Cline:

No. That was Dean Myers' cusp of

Tre Porter:

Oh, yep.

Brent Holbrook:

Okay. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Now the shit that John does, which I don't have

Roy Thomas:

he does in late. I mean

Charlie Cline:

Right. Right. Let me see your phone when you're done. Yeah. But let me go to John's in Facebook. You don't mind? No. No. You got it. So I'll I'll hold some pictures. I

Roy Thomas:

mean, here's a there's a few painters here. Obviously, you guys have obviously, you think with painters time.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Just don't go into a saved picture as you mentioned. See if you took pictures. So you don't wanna they say they

Tre Porter:

can have it. They're gonna have it done a certain time.

Roy Thomas:

Asking you shall receive. So this is the this is the kind of stuff that John does.

Charlie Cline:

You go through there. He paint a shit. He he paint it off. Oh, sure.

Tre Porter:

He Why did you You had

Brent Holbrook:

to fuck it up in your tray?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I'd like to literally

Roy Thomas:

The big old green comes. He's got Yep.

Tre Porter:

Can I tell you can I tell you another thing I'm proud about this group for is I thought this something like this tragedy that has befallen on the group has the potential to really

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

tear us apart?

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

But I can tell you this. It has brought us together.

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

I wouldn't say it's been the exact opposite. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And it really brought us together. I was telling Preacher, right, like, day before, I think it was Friday, day before Tim's Tim's service. I was just in awe of everybody just without even at anybody saying anything. Everybody just knew what needed to be done and it got fucking done. Yep. Yep.

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

I was just like, wow. You know, I never thought they did you know, because of this, how everybody just came together. All hands on that, nope. There was no fighting. There was no bitching. Everybody just knew and just got it done.

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. And I will say, I'm appreciative of the people who were appreciative of that. And specifically on the role of the quarter master, you know, as most of you know, but for anybody listening that doesn't the quartermaster is basically the post accountant. They're responsible for the bank accounts. They're responsible for keeping the books the right way in a whole nine yards, plus some membership responsibilities. And No no less than no less than five times was I thanked for, you know, stepping up, you know. And I I felt like I was just doing my job, but I was appreciative of the fact that, hey, you know, because everybody says, you know, being quarter masters, a thankless job, you know, well, you

Tre Porter:

know, fucking is.

Brent Holbrook:

It is. It is. But I'm just thankful for that, you know, just kinda

Tre Porter:

but I don't know. Our our brothers and sisters really came together Yeah. Really have come together Yeah. Behind us. And I was I was worried. I was worried that that it was gonna tear us apart because Tim was such a It was all about the collective. Right. And but he was, like

Charlie Cline:

There's almost a woman that hold us together.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. He was, like, the glue. He was like the glue that I feel like held us together, but but I think you probably still lose that glue.

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

He still is that glue. And that that Oh, for sure. He will be. All you see me. He will forever be. In his, you know, go down he's going down in history. He's probably one of our best competitors we've ever had. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

A lot

Tre Porter:

of sports. And the way that people the way he brought people together, how much of an asshole he was no matter how much people disliked him and disliked the way he did things. Even me, I love the man. Fucking love them to death. Like my old flesh and blood, but I swear to god, sometimes I can just look at him and be like motherfuckers. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

I don't wanna kill you.

Tre Porter:

I I wanna kill And then at the same time, I'll go up and fucking just give a big old fucking hug. But I

Roy Thomas:

think I think, you know, at at certain levels of leadership and and you know, especially where we can all get along with different people in so many different opinions like, you know, we can all sit down. Not all of us are gonna agree. And we're gonna, you know, butt heads, but at the end of the day, we're gonna come together and we're gonna get shit done.

Charlie Cline:

Well, we all know as leaders.

Roy Thomas:

We have a common goal.

Charlie Cline:

I know I don't drink or not. I don't drink or they they instill in us a lot different probably same values, but differently than what the army does or even what the navy does, since that's who's represented at the table night. We're not there as a leader to make friends? No. We're there to conduct the business that needs to be done. We have to convey the point on how we have to do it. I do it through ours. Right? I'm I'm not there to be their dad. Right? Where there's things that we have to do. We I don't like them either. You know, but we have to get those done. And then from there, you know, that's have fun and that's do the things we're supposed to be doing. Right? But Right. You know, so when people thought Tim was being a fucking asshole. They didn't realize that this is something that he's we have to accomplish this. Right? Well, that's stupid. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Still have to do it. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. You don't

Roy Thomas:

think he wants to do it. There's a big deal of life

Charlie Cline:

ahead. Right. And and and people aren't always gonna get all the damn details. Because it's not in our pay period to get the details. Right. You know? I mean, we got a patrol order. We didn't argue what it was. We might not like it, but guess what we're gonna go do. That was an issue. We're gonna go get it done. Right.

Roy Thomas:

You know, I mean, I I know especially the Marine Corps and and and you can relate is, listen. I might have hated you as a person, but I have to respect you as your rank and your ability. You know? So if I'm a corporal and you're a sergeant or, you know, a staff or a gunny, I might hate your effing guts. What? I might think you're an absolute piece of shit.

Charlie Cline:

But when but when we're

Roy Thomas:

a uniform, more standard information, I'm getting orders. I have to respect you

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

As your rank.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. I mean, not like he has a person or whatever else, it doesn't matter, but Right. Yeah. You're you're putting those leadership positions. That's the reason why people vote, especially the VFW people vote for you.

Tre Porter:

Right? Mhmm.

Charlie Cline:

It's not just time and grade. You know, or proficiency conduct marks or whatever else that gets you to that number to get your promotions.

Roy Thomas:

But you're not working off a cutting scoring, a POT score, and MCIs and all that.

Charlie Cline:

We we literally as a membership, vote you into our leadership. Right. So when I always agree, well, we're gonna follow the orders. So or the direction that you're gonna lead us in. Right? You know, and I I tried to bring those same things to the writer's group. And and that comes a lot from Tim. Right? Tim kind of has molded me to the way that the VFW does things. And he was a huge big inspiration. He taught me a lot. Really did because he was v f w first. Always. V f w first. Regardless if you like it or don't. These are the things that we need to be doing. We're not necessarily so tired to do that. Right? But these are the things that we should be doing. You know what I mean? To help support the VFW in general. Yeah. So

Tre Porter:

because his vehicle previously was a support as well.

Charlie Cline:

Right. So our our pulse is now we got to a hundred percent membership. Mhmm. And now with new members and stuff coming in, we've got to our hundred and two percent that national is now required. So our post I think has accomplished everything else for the Allstate program. And you have to look in the game,

Brent Holbrook:

but I'm pretty sure you

Charlie Cline:

and the All American programs. So once again, We're gonna be in all state and in all American post again this year. Right. So we we we accomplished all those goals.

Brent Holbrook:

I wanted to jump in real quick as Jimmy commented about the leadership thing. Are you reading it? Yeah. I'm reading it. There it is. Okay. Says general Eisenhower said a good leader gets other men to do what he wants done, not because they have to, but because they want to. As supreme commander of the allied forces during World War two, I think we should listen.

Roy Thomas:

But I think that and and that bounces back to what we talked about earlier as far as Tim leadership principle.

Tre Porter:

And that's funny that he says that what Tim always called himself.

Charlie Cline:

Supreme allied commander. He just

Roy Thomas:

When he goes back to that, know, and and and you go back to the styles of leadership and,

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

you have those guys that because they're in these ranks, you absolutely despise of them and hate their guts for who they are, but you have to, you know, listen them because of their rank, or you got these guys that you absolutely would run through a brick wall for and love to death no matter what rank they are, but they're just a great leader

Charlie Cline:

And a lot of that a lot of that comes from what I've always told people you have to be consistent and concise. Right? So everything you do always

Roy Thomas:

have to choose

Charlie Cline:

has to be consistent Yeah. And your decisions have to be we have the fourteen leadership traits.

Tre Porter:

Right. So

Charlie Cline:

you you

Roy Thomas:

tie back on.

Charlie Cline:

Right? We could hammer those out all the time. A lot of it sometimes is tagged as well. Yeah. So when you're gonna give the direction of your troops, your marines, your sailors, whatever, the

Tre Porter:

way you're doing

Charlie Cline:

that, the way that you could talk to them. You can you can either force it on the protocol. I'm I'm the commander. I'm the president. I'm the this. I'm the that. You're gonna do what I tell you to do. And they're gonna be like, yep, fucking asshole. No. They're they're gonna do it. But it but the way that you talk to people, you either get them just to straight up, believe it. And they're gonna they're gonna wanna go do it. It's gonna get done one or two ways, either you're gonna force them to go do it because they have to or two the way that you can present it, the way that you could talk to people, they wanna go do it. But I'd rather have people want to go do the right things than before ask them to go do the right thing.

Joe Gates:

You know what I mean? My phone Sorry

Brent Holbrook:

to interrupt you, Charlie. You're laughing because Jimmy also said president Biden said, oh, never mind. I can't remember.

Charlie Cline:

I don't think he knows what he said.

Tre Porter:

It's Boy. Boy. Oh, man.

Charlie Cline:

He reminds me of a Ruba. The only thing I thought about that before when he when he leaves his podium after a speech, he, like, Hings a sharp laugh takes about four steps. Kinda takes a side step to the right, looks around, and he spins back around, and then watch the opposite way to get on stage. He reminds me of her rude, but lancing off the corners of the chair. And then the thing's spinning and trying to figure out the next way to go and has no clue what it's doing.

Brent Holbrook:

You know, and they just calm that

Charlie Cline:

for the

Tre Porter:

rest of the

Charlie Cline:

rest of the rest of the rest of the rest of

Tre Porter:

the rest

Charlie Cline:

of it.

Brent Holbrook:

And this isn't, like, not a political thing or anything, but let's be honest. That man should not beat up there. No. And and and not not for political reasons because, you know, he's been in congress forever. Literally. But just his mental state. Well, you know, I think

Charlie Cline:

that was actually because they just the house and stuff just had hearings and stuff. And does the metal state with all his documents that they found at his houses over the years and he had stuff going all the way back, classified dad given us from Right. Way back. And when he was senator days, all the way through his vice president see it now. And we would've been screaming

Joe Gates:

at the beginning to work at home.

Charlie Cline:

And it was basically all the same thing for what they did to Trump. You know what I mean? Going through the place by documents. He had

Tre Porter:

one four

Charlie Cline:

year period, but he had, like, one point four million documents or something. Then there was something insane.

Brent Holbrook:

There was a kid who was

Charlie Cline:

court martial No, Biden.

Tre Porter:

Biden had one point four million documents.

Charlie Cline:

Something like that. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Get the fuck out of here.

Brent Holbrook:

Over the course of his over

Charlie Cline:

his whole career, from classified documents he's looked at? No. Classified documents in his houses Uh-huh. In everything that that they collected, and they just had the hearings on it yesterday.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. I know that.

Charlie Cline:

Right. Because the whatever justice system or Justice

Brent Holbrook:

system or counsel or something

Charlie Cline:

came out and goes, well, you know, nothing really was that take a deal. Done it out.

Roy Thomas:

They had

Charlie Cline:

to re they had to he had to they had to send stuff off to other departments to get them classified or if they were classified or whatever. I I didn't listen to the whole thing, but So essentially, they came up with he's a sitting presence. There's really nothing we can do.

Brent Holbrook:

He literally called him an elderly man who's memory was impaired?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

I mean, he didn't he didn't really know

Charlie Cline:

what he was taking because he's not in the capacity to know what he's taking, and I'm thinking to myself. He basically well, I was calling

Tre Porter:

He he did at the time. Right.

Charlie Cline:

When he now he took

Tre Porter:

these documents,

Charlie Cline:

But now, it's well, I don't have any you know, I don't know. I couldn't remember that.

Roy Thomas:

One one of the biggest craigs about, you know, these documents to where he must've you know, obviously, he was in a coherent enough state of mind is he had that ghost writer. Yeah. They put a book together with all these documents, and it's I mean, it's like a eight million dollar grossing book.

Charlie Cline:

And then and then the ghostwriter was deleting of stuff and Yeah. Getting rid of the evidence. That was one of the special prosecutors. It was, like Mhmm. Or whatever the special counsel guy was, like, well, we don't know really know how to delete it or didn't delete or, you know, they saved some stuff. But, yeah, he deleted other stuff and they're like, well, if he was basically getting rid of the evidence. Right? Why are we charging him with getting rid of the evidence? Like, we would anybody else if Right. If if cops busted into a house and he's like, burned looks like the Nazis throwing shit in the fireplace. The strikes they get you for destroying evidence. Right? Right.

Roy Thomas:

My main

Brent Holbrook:

weapon is

Charlie Cline:

in this.

Tre Porter:

No. They found various

Roy Thomas:

They found documents and it's garbage. They found documents. They found at the institute.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. It was some crazy. Like, mind you, one point four and one point seven million documents. I mean documents. So I'm talking it's gonna be pages. Right? So each page is gonna be considered back and even if it's a file.

Roy Thomas:

I'm not this

Charlie Cline:

It was some it was some insane number. It was some insane number.

Roy Thomas:

I'm not this crazy job supporter really with that one.

Charlie Cline:

It was insane. You go into it.

Roy Thomas:

Fair is fair. You know, they're hammering Trump right now. Trump, you know, of these documents at Mar a Lago. Mhmm. But, you know, then you got Biden with all this other stuff, you know. I mean, that's

Brent Holbrook:

that's the reason why a lot of times they try not to play politics because you set a precedent one way or the other, can you open yourself up? Leadership. You can't before we get too far, I wanna chunk what tech said, you know, we would have been fucking buried as as service members if if we had access to classified information and that shaven. We were Yeah. Fucking buried. Yep. And I remember I remember a guy a a sailor who was assigned to a submarine All he did was took a picture of himself at work to send to his family while they sent it to his family and come to find out he accidentally the background one of the machines in the background was a fucking classified machine. They sent his ass to eleven words.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, my god.

Brent Holbrook:

He had no ill intention or he wasn't fucking selling shit to the Russians. He just took a goddamn picture. And they said this has to love north. And, you know, not to dig up old past, but fucking Hillary Clinton, you know, all the

Charlie Cline:

fucking Yep.

Brent Holbrook:

Trump fucking Biden.

Tre Porter:

Oh, not Trump? Not just Trump. Biden. Trump's VP. What was it? Mike Pence? All of them. All of those Oh,

Roy Thomas:

I agree. All of them fuckers.

Brent Holbrook:

Anybody on Capitol Hill should not have any kind of access to that yet.

Tre Porter:

Well, the number of the the number of documents that Joe Biden had between twenty five and thirty.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, that was His His His my

Tre Porter:

twenty five And there

Charlie Cline:

was way more than that. Twenty five I I listened to some of the hearing.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

Those might have been the top secret ones. But they were sending out documents all over the place to get classified by all the different like, if this was an NSA Mhmm. Thing or CIA thing. Yeah. But we are insane. One point four No. It was it was insane number, dude.

Tre Porter:

Listen. Alright. Yes. One point four but Just imagine the Right.

Charlie Cline:

But spread over gold. Right. But spread over is eight fucking houses. But this Really, that's that's like taking a stack like this to each one of your places.

Tre Porter:

That's not even right here. This is ten thousand right here.

Charlie Cline:

I'm telling you it was when I heard it was way more than that. I listened to it. I listened to that special

Tre Porter:

Find that clip for me.

Charlie Cline:

So anyways, like, how was that faster? But you know, when I went to Africa in ninety eight, the Embassy Biden's happened. We have secret security clearances. Fasten two went into Darsalon Tanzanian. It was inairovia, and there was two bombings within, like, whatever, eight hours or something that they went up. So we have we have to have secret secret security clearances because we have to go on and gather documents. We gotta go on and gather laptops. We have to get computers. We have to get blah blah blah blah and secure the site. And then when whatever three letter digit shows up. It's typically state department kind of people that show up and they We have the we vault everything basically. We've all the vaulting. We've vaulted it. And then we stand security out this month, as well as the building and everything, and they come get that shit. Once they get that shit that we can leave, you know. But yeah. We there was all kinds of shit. We didn't obviously, we're not sitting there reading stuff, you know. I mean, We're just gathering them gathering all that all that. In denial documents whatever. Right? Mhmm. Got that hold of them. But Yeah. It's it's crazy. Could you imagine if the guy got caught, you know, in the midst of grabbing shit, ramps up and threw it in those freaking. We have we had a fly bag with all of our gear, you know. So some reason something got in there. That guy gets caught with it. Should he be the same thing? He'd be at eleven words, man. It was a total accident,

Joe Gates:

like, training exercise in California.

Brent Holbrook:

And these you gotta remember, and then these people are elected, they have done nothing for this country.

Tre Porter:

Nothing except mine in their own pockets.

Brent Holbrook:

Right. You know, when was the last time we had a we had a president who was you know, we had a president who was military veteran. I think it was George h w. It was the last military veteran president that we had. Right?

Roy Thomas:

You know what

Charlie Cline:

I'm saying?

Brent Holbrook:

Not that it's,

Tre Porter:

you know Yeah. Oh.

Charlie Cline:

I thought you were doing that for me.

Tre Porter:

No. I mean, I'm traveling. You say he was a he was a veteran.

Charlie Cline:

It was something insane.

Tre Porter:

It was Which is true. He was a veteran, but he was

Brent Holbrook:

GEORGE H. W. He was a fucking fighter pilot.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, the fuck he was in the National Guard. Yeah. The National Guard. He

Tre Porter:

was a tech

Brent Holbrook:

h w.

Charlie Cline:

Oh, it's dad.

Tre Porter:

Oh, it's

Brent Holbrook:

dad's dad's dad was Air

Tre Porter:

Force by the shit. He was Director CIA back.

Brent Holbrook:

Got you there. Yeah. World War two, he actually flew off of aircraft carriers in Lake, Michigan on training grounds.

Charlie Cline:

No. It was it was a lot more than thirty to fifty thousand documents. I can tell you that. It was it was an insane number. And, of course, I could be embellishing when I say one point four because I don't remember the exact number. But it was

Tre Porter:

I think it was probably more like one point four.

Charlie Cline:

Didn't say four point one?

Tre Porter:

No. One point four. Like One

Charlie Cline:

point one

Roy Thomas:

nine point four.

Charlie Cline:

One nine point four. I'll trust Wikipedia at fifty thousand before I'm gonna trust one point four

Tre Porter:

You could have twenty five to thirty documents. Not twenty five to thirty thousand. Twenty five to thirty.

Charlie Cline:

No. Twenty five to thirty documents.

Brent Holbrook:

Maybe it was total pages.

Tre Porter:

That's how

Joe Gates:

I was just gonna say that maybe he's talking to a hundred pages or so.

Roy Thomas:

Are you against the world trade? It's you against the world.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Fuck it. Right? Tapped them.

Charlie Cline:

Alright. What did she say? No.

Tre Porter:

She said it's you it's you against everyone else.

Brent Holbrook:

They usually Always.

Charlie Cline:

Always. That's not gonna change.

Tre Porter:

But, you know, like

Charlie Cline:

Brett. Right?

Roy Thomas:

What did they maybe do to what did they maybe do to Jimmy when he missed a year analysis?

Brent Holbrook:

They put him through a fucking n j p. Okay. You aren't gonna really tell the story, Jim? I'll tell the fucking story.

Charlie Cline:

You just basing a cop, man.

Brent Holbrook:

So he was at work.

Tre Porter:

He probably fucking fell asleep.

Brent Holbrook:

The way that they did the urinalysis, as you guys know, it's random and they'll fucking shoot you an email. Right? So that's what they did. Well,

Charlie Cline:

No. I didn't do that at the ring.

Roy Thomas:

No. Fuck no. They got a guy staring at your picture. You picked up.

Tre Porter:

No. No.

Brent Holbrook:

Not a But you got a hospital filled with ten thousand snail mail. That's hilarious. You know? But anyway, so that's

Tre Porter:

how it was in the morning.

Roy Thomas:

That's how it was kind of a thousand.

Brent Holbrook:

Anyway, they they put them on the list and they early in the morning to say, hey, you gotta go piss today. Alright. Cool. Well, as Carmen, you know, we're kinda fucking busy. So he forgets. Next morning, they come down and they fucking put him in front of a the Chiefs mess as an NJP. Right? They ended up taking him all the way to a fucking XOI executive officer inquiry before the executive officer put his in tire fucking jaded command on blast for doing something so fucking stupid. Because he offered to drop the minute that the issue was, you know, come up. But, no, they they drag him through this whole fucking process. Got NCIS involved in the fucking investigation. Has changed it to me too. His chain of command accused him of being on drugs, and he dropped a number of times, proved to him. He wasn't. NCIS gotten involved fucking yeah. I got all the way up

Tre Porter:

to the

Brent Holbrook:

executive officers before she was like, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Like, we're we're wasting our fucking time. And at the hospital, the executive officer was a colonel. An army colonel. Next hire, commanding officer was a two star admiral. He was that close. Right. But we're not. Mhmm.

Roy Thomas:

Damn, Jimmy. I'm sorry, Jimmy.

Charlie Cline:

I think we talked about it. That's the way they did with us. Right? We show up I I figured zero five's p t. Yeah. Zero six p t, so everybody's they get up. First thing you do, man, you grab bottled water. You hit it. Take a fucking league. Take a shit because your nose is gonna go run ten miles. Mhmm. You know? And then line up on a basketball court or out on the grinder. Parking lot, whatever.

Brent Holbrook:

There it is.

Charlie Cline:

And then they're like, then they go, oh, pissed test everybody being in the freaking duty room or day room, Some people call the duty. Some people call the day room. Being the guy, being in the day room in ten minutes. So then you're like, motherfucker. Right? Yo. You just took shit. A piss. Right?

Tre Porter:

Like, yeah.

Charlie Cline:

So you run back and you're getting your big old judge of water and shit and you gotta go up there and then, yeah, literally, y'all line up Yeah. When you gotta go take a piss. You'd walk over to the counter or table, they, you know, climb whatever, blah blah blah. So they okay. Here's your cup. Take your cup. You gotta sign some shit, and you gotta hold the cup above your head. Yep. And you gotta be in PT shorts, the go fasts, the shoes, and just

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. Your

Charlie Cline:

PT shirt. Walk in the freaking head like this. Couple over your head, then the old Peter Gazer right on your back, which is usually an officer. I always had an officer.

Tre Porter:

Really? No. Not an n c o. Nope. I don't have n c o. We'll

Roy Thomas:

have ring now and then depending on where you were in a training regimen, you feel like a NCO, sergeant, or staff sergeant? Oh, sergeant was an officer.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. You said officer. So you walk in there? So you stand at the figure at all.

Roy Thomas:

Some Buddha They definitely wanted

Tre Porter:

they definitely wanted to look you're caught there.

Charlie Cline:

Well, he can he can stay down the day room and see that. Yep. Oh, I'm sorry.

Tre Porter:

Charlie is still holding his hand over it. I am.

Charlie Cline:

And then you then you take it. You you have to sit on top of the ear hole. Then you take your freaking shirt. You gotta pull it up. Drop your shorts past your knees. Like, stay to the ground. Past your knees.

Joe Gates:

I don't think No. No. No.

Charlie Cline:

No. No. No.

Joe Gates:

Shaftor this stuff. They shift over the same way. They cheat the system.

Brent Holbrook:

I'm showing everybody a terminal in the land's comic.

Roy Thomas:

Can you

Charlie Cline:

take top off? And as soon as you take top off, then you steps right over your shoulder. Yep. The watch is good.

Roy Thomas:

You stay on your your business cut, man.

Charlie Cline:

Make sure your fingers don't get in it because people, you know, they do, like, the bleached under the nail Yeah. Some bullshit. Yeah. And we say if it touches your finger, you're doing it again. And we count this one as a foul. So you knew, like, I mean, they were all over your shit. And it's crazy because he might piss once a month. Those dots. So you wouldn't piss for a while, but then you

Brent Holbrook:

here's a terminal lens comic. Just pass it around.

Charlie Cline:

So in Greens, man, they didn't they didn't screw around. They didn't even there was no but, again, you guys have, like, day jobs when you're in the industry or like, I'd say, training for China because unless we're at war, we're on a mission, we're not we don't have a regular day job, you know, like a supply guy or somebody, you know? Or more more coming

Roy Thomas:

twenty miles from the field.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. You know

Charlie Cline:

what I mean? I mean, we were just sitting around the barracks. I remember a man just do something but I remember the first time

Tre Porter:

I had a good test while I was in the army. And I was in AIT Hold on.

Charlie Cline:

Live on Facebook.

Tre Porter:

When I was in AIT and and the drill sergeant, actually, like and I know the people listening can't see it, but

Roy Thomas:

He actually got down Hold on. Hold on.

Tre Porter:

Hold on. Hold on. Yeah. There you go.

Brent Holbrook:

I didn't feel like He

Tre Porter:

got down like this. Like, and watched this is the cup. Got down like this and watched me actually pissing the cup over, like Yeah. Damn. You're really fucking close? No.

Roy Thomas:

On the radar like Charlie saying, as you go up, you know, you got your cup up.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. That's that's what

Roy Thomas:

you take

Tre Porter:

it to.

Roy Thomas:

You said in the back of deck? You pull your shirt, like, up to your titties, and you I mean, you drop your your PT shorts. I mean, you drop them straight to your fucking ankles, and you're standing there. And next thing, you know, this guy's looking he's like this. He's literally, like, breathing on your neck Yep. As you're trying to piss and do a cup. Yep. That's why we call him pepper check. He's like,

Tre Porter:

He was Peter

Roy Thomas:

Giggly staring at your shit. So you weren't putting your fingers in there.

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

Like, you had to let her grab your shit and, like,

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

may have a stream stream stream

Brent Holbrook:

stream. As if as if somebody wants to fucking pissing their hand in their piss. Like, I don't get around a piss.

Roy Thomas:

That was very

Tre Porter:

if if there's a bleach on your fingers and you piss through your fingers on into the cup through the and got some of that bleach,

Charlie Cline:

you know, it'll it'll kill the test of testing.

Roy Thomas:

Well, back then, I mean, they had those they had those bladders that you could, like, tape your thigh and they ran up on the side and you could just, like, press buy moment and pull out some clean urine. Like, there were so much shit that I mean, they literally they would fucking stare

Charlie Cline:

at me. Shit. Now you're taken. Not when you take it, they actually fucking there's a, like, a temperature gauge. Uh-huh. Like that, it's always knows if

Roy Thomas:

Yep. So so when I first got in, when I first got in and I graduated SOI, there was a huge drug bust at two four. They're like, massive these fuckers. They had, like, drug rings in the fucking barracks.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

There was, like, a massive fucking drug boss. So, like, literally, like, whole fucking on the tombs from SOI, like, went straight to to four because they needed so many bodies because of this huge drug bust So I mean, dude, we were we were under the radar.

Brent Holbrook:

We're just using or were they just using No.

Roy Thomas:

They were, like, making shit in their fucking room and everything.

Brent Holbrook:

No matter why they don't allow hot plates in our fucking bearings.

Tre Porter:

Looking Joe Joe will fucking find a way. That's that's that's great.

Charlie Cline:

That is

Tre Porter:

a month Joe will find a fucking way. That is true.

Charlie Cline:

And I was I was wondering about the axials for something. Owning the storage storage units. I'm thinking to myself, who the fuck's cooking method and unit here? You know what I mean? Like, you never

Roy Thomas:

know. Well, did

Charlie Cline:

you see what are two people?

Roy Thomas:

Did you see it cut down a few years ago, I can't tell you, like, back when, but there was that huge bust out in the fifth Marines. For trafficking? They were trafficking fucking illegal aliens? Yeah. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

They didn't like They were just smuggling their cross border. Yeah. They're smuggling cross border.

Roy Thomas:

Those guys mail out automation. And also the next thing, you know, you do saw swarms, like, swotting a t f, just come up in the arrest of them all, like grain formation. Yep. Or, you know, there's

Charlie Cline:

a That's always the way they do it on our guys too. Right? They would you'd have company formation. Right? And everybody's lining up, and they'd call three four names right up front. And then also PMO come walking out of the office, go up and call them rank for them.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Question. You know, they say once a marine, always marine. Right. So you're marine for life.

Charlie Cline:

Those guys are One of it's

Brent Holbrook:

one of these fuckers do that.

Charlie Cline:

No. No.

Brent Holbrook:

No. Robert Marine again.

Roy Thomas:

Oh. Marine for life is an odder thing. You know what? You've successfully completed your term letter four years of twenty. You got out, like, legitimate honors, like, no bullshit. These guys know he's job boss and all this fucked up stuff. Like,

Charlie Cline:

they didn't live up to what a minute. Turn the

Joe Gates:

backpacks in.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, they're probably sitting in their VFW halls or whatever and maybe telling story, American legions or whatever. I don't know. You know, there was so much stolen valor you know, in the past twenty years, like, it was actually just got out of control.

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. We haven't seen We haven't seen

Tre Porter:

We had we had And if you like that up at our folks just the other day

Charlie Cline:

Oh, you're next year.

Tre Porter:

A couple weeks ago. A couple weeks ago. Fuckin' cotsucker. This this this is Kelly

Charlie Cline:

She was scheduled in for This guy rolled in with a Air Force veteran sweatshirt out, and he's like, I wanna join the Pauls for, like, sweet. And what his two forty?

Tre Porter:

He said army. Tim's Tim's what?

Charlie Cline:

Ten stock and tell me he's like, well, you need the d two two d d two fourteen, blah blah blah. He's like, going to someone's car. So he goes, I guess this. So Jim's got him filling out, you know, the fucking thing, and he's like, hey, can you go scan this? Did I search scan it, crossed out social? Trey and shimmer up there. I didn't really look at it. I just stapled the shit together and these guys started looking at. And when I'm scanning it, I asked him, what what rank were you? You know what he said? It's f a f eight that I'm like, f eight. There goes red flag. I go. Yeah. I go.

Tre Porter:

He's like, oh, he ain't.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. Then he fixes it. I'm like, I'm shoot darts, you know. So I'm just flying out and then these guys are like, So they start looking at it. That says e one.

Tre Porter:

On his fucking d d two fourteen, it says e one. And that he served eighteen fucking years.

Charlie Cline:

So he went through

Roy Thomas:

an eight he changed.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. And the font wasn't even the same. Alright. You can tell

Tre Porter:

it was it was doctor

Charlie Cline:

We're healing. Yeah. Yeah. So then we call him on it. You could hear us out there talking about it. A bit of a fucked up d d two fourteen. Everybody's getting called in over

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Well, Tim was talking to him in the doorway in the office, and at this point, they had handed it to me. And I I didn't even realize he would stand there, but I had my hands. I'm looking at it. I was like, as famous fuck.

Tre Porter:

What the fuck was this guy thinking? Right.

Charlie Cline:

So then the fucking kid grabs the paperwork and the fucking locks out the door. And

Joe Gates:

Brent, what's the date for that? I could pull up on the cameras.

Charlie Cline:

Still be still be that was like a month ago. Sogie, lost him, lost him, lost him. So I was like, hey, man. That's fucking dude. Just turned out a fake dude to work team. He's like, what? I said, yeah. So where the guy goes, I didn't think he ever served. Because let me make a call. It calls the fuck guys' mouth.

Tre Porter:

And I was like, you

Charlie Cline:

know, was Johnny in the fucking world. You know, military or whatever. She's like, no. He did, like, a in high school, you have, like, young marines or ROTC Like, ROTC junior thing kinda thing, and he's like, he did that. And he was like, we just turned it and tried to turn it in fucking fake d a two fourteen up to the post.

Tre Porter:

Then the asshole shows back and he's in the post, like, two days later. No. The next day. It was next day

Charlie Cline:

because I talked to the mom. Just as I care, my mom has talked to you. And I'm like, alright. She was like, I'm so sorry by the line. You know, you guys calling the cops what you're doing? I said,

Brent Holbrook:

this is not something to call.

Charlie Cline:

I go I go. I know. She doesn't know.

Brent Holbrook:


Charlie Cline:

So she's like, well, you know, what are you guys gonna do? Whatever. And I said, just tell him he's not allowed back here. Yeah. And I said, probably because if any of us there here tonight and see him here, we'll probably beat him the death of the doorway. Yeah. Right. I mean, I mean, honestly, we don't come in in our house and try to give us about your bullshit. You know what I mean? You just you just not welcome here. And I don't actually mean we'd probably beat him to death, but aggressively he'd be thrown out the door. Right? Right. And not welcome. Well No. And then and then, yeah, the hearings shows back up, which is crazy.

Brent Holbrook:

I haven't heard that. You know, we're talking to you.

Tre Porter:

Well, he he showed up. I was there and somebody was like, think it was shovel like that. Fucking dude's

Roy Thomas:

back here.

Tre Porter:

I was like, fuck her over there. Well, the trailer was like, get him out of here immediately. Listen. I went over there. I said, listen, man. You are not welcome in this fucking place. And he was like, well, why? I was like, that fucking bogus two fourteen, you passed off to us.

Roy Thomas:

He was

Tre Porter:

like, what? No. I served. I was like, look, man, we've been in long enough. We've seen enough two fourteen. That shit is bullshit. You need to get the fuck out of here. And and then my wife called me. I was like, Justin was there. I was like, Justin, get this motherfucker right here. And and before Justin could get over to him, he was walking out the door. No.

Brent Holbrook:


Roy Thomas:

So let's go under that a little bit, you know, as far as

Tre Porter:

because I was just I was

Charlie Cline:

just going from here. You're stolen stolen valve stuff. That's why Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

So yeah. So let's go into that a little bit. You know, you you go back Let's let's designate VFW. VFW, veterans, and for wars. You know, the investment for that is is anybody that served in a in a foreign war. You know, world war one, world two, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, so on. You've had plenty of service members in the meantime, you know, that have that have served in the military, that never got an opportunity. Nothing on them. They serve peace time. To the American legions for.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

As you you know, as as we I mean, we've been war for twenty past twenty years. Some of you, most of the people, you know, that come in now applying or whatever. Yeah. They're they're they're gonna be eligible. But there's a distinction there. A lot of people don't know, you know, that the American Legion, the Vietnam are, like, legitimately different organizations as far as, like, qualifications.

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. And then you got the AmVets, which is just everybody.

Roy Thomas:

Well, that was definitely just a certain of DSL service organization. They're just like an organization which is full of, you know, veteran service officers to help veterans along the way.

Joe Gates:

Mhmm. Yep.

Roy Thomas:

Like, they don't have I mean, I might be wrong, but they don't have, like, a hall. Right. Right. They kinda

Charlie Cline:

just Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Do they?

Tre Porter:

I think

Brent Holbrook:

Stanton has

Roy Thomas:

Oh, really?

Charlie Cline:

Big wrappings.

Roy Thomas:

See, I

Tre Porter:

didn't have that. That's yep. Embeds? Yeah. Oh, did they?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. See,

Roy Thomas:

I didn't know that either.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. Because, actually, a couple years ago, when we were gonna leave, blessing the bikes involved when we hit the Reed City post, we them and they open up for us coming up, you know, visit for a bit, and then we were gonna add down the big rapids and have and vets and then

Tre Porter:

they're right there at the the almost downtown big rapids. Mhmm.

Brent Holbrook:

So let me ask you guys something here. Because I'll I'll kind of fill you in on the cor pulmon side. In in the manual of medicine, there's an entire chapter about enlistment physicals. Okay. And in that chapter, no joke. It's a hundred and fifty pages. Of medical diagnoses that disqualify you from service. Mhmm. And and all it is is a list. There's, like, you don't get a paragraph under each one

Tre Porter:

of them.

Brent Holbrook:

That's fucking the list. Alright? And when we we say, you know, that this is a small community because it is. Right? That your average American, maybe three percent of Americans even try

Tre Porter:

I think it is. One percent.

Brent Holbrook:

Well, yeah. Three percent try. Only one percent of that Three percent. Get in for medical reasons. Right? So I there's no excuse to fucking walk into our house and do the stolen valor bullshit. Yeah. But on the other hand, like, I feel I feel bad for some of these guys because

Charlie Cline:

they they wanted to do

Roy Thomas:

They want

Brent Holbrook:

so bad. And you know that they're they're fucking motivated, and they but for whatever reason, they can't get it. You know? So I just, you know Yeah.

Tre Porter:

I can't wonder about this. Bad newspeaker Bad newspeaker Bad newspeaker Bad newspeaker

Brent Holbrook:

you know, so I'm wondering, like and and I've talked to Jimmy about this, actually. Him and I tend to have some of these conversations, but you know, what would you guys say?

Charlie Cline:

Jesus, we're on the second part of this fucking statement. I didn't see parts. I didn't

Tre Porter:

see There are two parts.

Roy Thomas:

You're still looking to explain to them.

Tre Porter:

Boy, go ahead. Two parts. Go ahead.

Brent Holbrook:

So what would you guys say about, like, all of the support roles, like, you know, typewriter here?

Charlie Cline:

I'll have you typewriter.

Brent Holbrook:

All the support rules that are, you know, that do all that shit in the navy, you got fucking humans. They're admin pukes.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. People with disabilities, they don't get

Roy Thomas:

a whole month dedicated to their MOS field. Right.

Brent Holbrook:

It's it's literally, like, in cooks, maybe cooks. I think it's, like, four months. Not even four months, a monkos. Anyway, so that's the point is, you know, people with disabilities physical or mental or whatever filling in some of those non deployable Support role?

Charlie Cline:

Support role is always deployable. Yes. They never did that.

Roy Thomas:

So you know that the Marine Corps went up privatized? Cafeteria Services? Everywhere? Not sure everywhere, but I think across the board. Like, cloaks or they went private times?

Tre Porter:

Both services over the end. They had already had been doing that. If you're going like,

Charlie Cline:

if you're if you're back in Kentucky, if you're

Tre Porter:

in the states, you're you're on base. Most defects are ran by civilians. Sodexo was a big one. K for the army, it was KBR, KBR.

Roy Thomas:

So when we went back to Tampa, I don't think for a ten year battle or Ramadi anniversary, and and we went to, like, just touring and play the movie on nights at Tahoe. I'm like, it was Oscar Gillians. I was just

Charlie Cline:

like Yeah. I stood there for a minute. Alone?

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. I stood there for a minute, like, Well, I mean, that's right.

Charlie Cline:

You know? Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

I learned that.

Charlie Cline:

I didn't know that

Roy Thomas:

they were going they were privatizing the food services industry at the Marine Corps. So

Brent Holbrook:

So did I miss something

Charlie Cline:

that very well could just be man manpower? Sure. Because it's not enough people. Sure. So

Brent Holbrook:

What was TAB saying? What were you guys talking to Tab about?

Roy Thomas:

Wow. She actually she made a comment on the distinction between the BMW Hall American Lease bike what did the requirements to be in the BMW, which we kind of just touched them.

Charlie Cline:

Right. But so she says

Brent Holbrook:

there were some people who didn't know that. Right.

Joe Gates:

Yeah. She says clarify more for people, please. You can serve during the war, but never leave the states and not qualify for your stuff.

Brent Holbrook:

You don't have to bid. You haven't gone in the country.

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

just that it was crazy that some of the ladies in the auxiliary didn't understand this.

Charlie Cline:

So the way that Oh, wow. The the way that it works is we say boots on the ground, but you have to remember you have a sailor that probably never came off a ship.

Roy Thomas:

They were in

Charlie Cline:

the region. They're in, like, right. And as we all say so we can't say they can't Right. You're in theater.

Roy Thomas:

Yes. Right.

Charlie Cline:

So if you're in the region during the conflict for so long, a lot of, like, unforces expeditionary metals sometimes global warming. Air metals to sit certain things. You might be sitting just off the coast. While there's a conflict going on, you didn't have to actually go to it. Right? But you earned a distinctive medal for being right there with ready to go on. Wait. Yeah. Still to earn that medal in in order to be able to join. So granted it's it's not fair because, you know, you were still you might have been served on the state side in the exact same role you just happened to didn't be on the ship. Because, I mean, if you think about Air Force, you're probably not gonna have a lot of people in the Air Force qualified to be in the VFW.

Brent Holbrook:

Yes, sir. Less than AMAGRO or something like that.

Tre Porter:

Right. Right.

Charlie Cline:

But I mean, you're very they're small selected. Now they could be running the refuelers in the region. Right? So they might be six hundred miles away from the conflict. And they're just refueling planes. And they're flying back to Germany or Italy or whatever. They're taking back off and refueling and going back. Right. But they're they're supporting the mission in the theater of the conflict. So they would earn a a certain type of metal. So it's not just the combat action riveting or combat action badge or, you know, your your feet were actually in the sand. There's a lot of support roles or CIB. Which is which is great. Yeah. You're you're coming in a few batches. I would've listened to that. You have an extra batch. Just those things that that people military members can qualify to be ansel, like

Brent Holbrook:

So most of you guys yeah. Korea. Most of you guys have probably qualified because you guys got the Iraq or Afghanistan campaign medal. Right?

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Yeah. For a lot of guys were combat actions or

Tre Porter:

for me, Basically, what that means is is when we say Bhutan, right, you can be in a combat zone or region, but it's it's it it goes you to to qualify, you wouldn't have to have direct direct boots on ground or support thereof. If you're if you're in a in a unit that supports a combat, you mean it. Mhmm. And it's in in you're in that region, you you and you qualify for whatever badge, the combat badge, or or mental like the expeditionary or, you know, g what, the g what, which is the support you're you're in support of a combat conflict

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

Or can't pay Tomback, can't pay We

Charlie Cline:

can go back now.

Roy Thomas:

Quote qualify. Yeah. We can go back here now. I'm trying to fix it.

Brent Holbrook:

Yes. Mhmm.

Roy Thomas:

The navy. Yep.

Charlie Cline:

They were in support of

Roy Thomas:

they were a huge support of that from the firepower from the sea, so we could get Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Push the

Roy Thomas:

lane in basin.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

So even though they didn't have boots on the ground, their support from the sea, they are included

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

In that offensive.

Brent Holbrook:

And so and I was just gonna say that's how

Tre Porter:

I Okay.

Brent Holbrook:

That's how I qualified Okay. Was my g one expeditionary.

Charlie Cline:

You qualify for Azure plan? Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

And then I qualify I mean, I qualified two ways. The general expeditionary and my hazard thing.

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

But I just submitted my expeditionary

Charlie Cline:

analysis. Totally.

Brent Holbrook:

But, yeah, a lot of people don't realize that. I've caught a few people out in public, you know. I'll see, like, a sticker on there. I'm a few people or whatever. And I'll be like, hey, you know, you signed up for the VFW? No. I don't qualify. Did you ever receive imminent danger pay? Has your pay? Yep.

Tre Porter:

They said, oh, yeah. Yeah. Then qualify. You're qualified. Destination. Yeah. This is like oh, they

Charlie Cline:

just don't know.

Tre Porter:

When I got stationed in Egypt, when on MFO mission, it's a peacekeeping mission in Egypt. Now we're near really near a combat zone like Iraq or Afghanistan. But because of the region it's in, it still was we still received hazard duty pay or imminent danger pay. A lot of guys that I served with on that mission never went to combat, but they still qualify, yeah, you know, they still quote because that was a mission that was under either iraqi freedom or, you know, some campaign thereof. Right.

Charlie Cline:

Well, that's like we were talking about Korea. So right now, like, if you were in a military and you were flying from Germany to Japan, you got to layover in the rear and you switch planes as long as that's documented. Yep. Then I

Brent Holbrook:

think, yes, you

Charlie Cline:

qualify because that's still an ongoing war. An ongoing war.

Brent Holbrook:

I think it's thirty consecutive days in Korea or sixty non consecutive days.

Charlie Cline:

If you're a DD two fourteen says Korea at any point, all it's gonna say.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Really? Yep. Just because of, you know, with my generation, our generation, our qualifications for become members of the BMW are a little different Mhmm. From, like, guys like my grandfather served in World War two Mhmm. Or guys that served in Vietnam or guys that were part, you know, served directly on boots on ground during back in the fifties during the Korean war actually saw combat, you know, their qualifications are a little different than mine your charges. Right.

Charlie Cline:

Right. You

Tre Porter:

know, the Should we find a

Charlie Cline:

better way than you guys? Because we weren't when I was in ninety eight till two, Iraq had even really kicked stuff yet, but I was in the theater

Brent Holbrook:


Charlie Cline:

In fucking two thousand. Right.

Tre Porter:

You know

Charlie Cline:

what I mean? Doing doing stuff with my fasting. So that's how I got it.

Brent Holbrook:

Mhmm. Jimmy posted a comment here. He says, every role matters as long as you serve

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

I've read that for every combat event who serves in an active combat theater. It takes three support staff so he or she can do their job.

Tre Porter:

That's right.

Brent Holbrook:

He says, Hedi Lamar, the actress, didn't wear uniform during World War II, but she did design the Lamar torpedo, which was instrumental in her

Charlie Cline:

I I've said that forever. The men and women that are back home, making sure my pay was correct.

Joe Gates:


Charlie Cline:

Or making sure that our supplies got on the plane and were flying over. Mhmm. We're made we're way more than important than us actually out on the mission because if pay didn't hit right or it was fucked up and Jen couldn't pay the bills back home, Yeah. Actually You know what I mean? She's gonna

Tre Porter:

be, bitch. Let me describe.

Charlie Cline:

What do you mean? Or or

Brent Holbrook:

do you want me to do? You know what I mean?

Tre Porter:

What do you want

Joe Gates:

me to do? You wanted to talk to somebody, we had to call them. They couldn't get ahold of you guys.

Charlie Cline:

We yeah. We've talked about this on previous podcast where what what is it a detriment and pray? Is ex wife is

Brent Holbrook:

was sitting in

Charlie Cline:

Iraq right now. You know what I mean? And it was like, if I didn't check my email, when I checked my email. But if I didn't get a letter, I didn't get a letter, she could call me. So the only way for me to get in touch with her is either I gotta go do those other two things or I gotta pick up the phone and call. Yeah. Right? Other than that, I didn't have to worry about distraction on cell phones. Know, where Trey's ex wife sitting in a rack with a cell phone. She was like, yeah. She called me earlier today. This is like three podcasts ago. And I'm like, you know, that for me, for someone just be able to be back here and instantly be able to reach out to me. I think it would be a distraction.

Tre Porter:

We wouldn't

Charlie Cline:

be a distraction for the

Roy Thomas:

But most of them Absolutely.

Joe Gates:

Don't know when you'll get those phones and stuff like that.

Brent Holbrook:

As long as you

Joe Gates:

don't tell them, you're not they'll have that extra

Charlie Cline:

Oh, well, she has her personal cell phone over there.

Joe Gates:

Yeah. Oh, wow.

Tre Porter:

She was texting me today.

Brent Holbrook:

See what I'm saying? She's gonna remember. You gotta remember.

Roy Thomas:

Matter of fact Matter of fact,

Tre Porter:

she sent me my child support today.

Roy Thomas:

What did I bump up?

Tre Porter:

The legend? Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Well, what we got when we were in Iraq was they were lucky once a month, but we got they passed the SAT phone. It's not like Oh, yeah. This is all four. They passed it around the presume, but you got, like, two minutes max.

Tre Porter:

Oh, yeah. Oh, no.

Roy Thomas:

By the time it got connected now to him, you're like, hey. My dad, like, it's me. I'm going good. Like, I love you guys. See you later. That was it. Not a network phone call.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Sounds like the your guys' boot camp phone call you make. Yep. You're yelling. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

You have thirty seconds. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

And read the sheet, verbatim. Okay.

Tre Porter:

If you

Brent Holbrook:

didn't But,

Roy Thomas:

like, when you go back to the the whole combat horse

Tre Porter:

and you better sound like you mean

Charlie Cline:

it too.

Tre Porter:

I don't know.

Roy Thomas:

I don't know. This is the best place ever.

Charlie Cline:

Thank you for sending me here.

Tre Porter:

Like, I

Roy Thomas:

don't know, Harman, and you guys could chip on on this. But and and I'm it's probably very similar. But I know from Marine Corps, in order to get a combat action ribbon because there's no metal, just a ribbon that you had to, you know, have been reported or documented in legitimate firefight.

Brent Holbrook:

Does the ribbon look like a bullseye? It's like red, white,

Roy Thomas:

and it's red, blue, and blue, and blue, like, yellow. Yeah. Marine Corps. No. I don't know what these guys is.

Charlie Cline:

No. We call the

Brent Holbrook:

Joe we

Charlie Cline:

call the car.

Roy Thomas:

We call the car. Combat X.

Charlie Cline:

No. That's the purple heart. The purple hearts, the enemy. Marchmanship.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. Oh, hardcore enemy marksmanship. They got you.

Charlie Cline:

Good. What I really got you.

Roy Thomas:

But, yeah, in order to get combat action, you know, combat action, badge, like, you had to have engaged in actual combat. That's what qualifies you in the marine corps.

Charlie Cline:

I'm a

Roy Thomas:

church, same with army. I don't know what you guys call them, but, you know, so even though you were in theater, Like, you don't rate it. Like, you had to You

Charlie Cline:

actually didn't get bombed, mortar, shot at, or an idea?

Tre Porter:

Slow enough in your

Charlie Cline:

And that's the immediate area.

Brent Holbrook:

That's the thing. It's like, I I was saying I qualified for VFW two times over. I got my g one expeditionary because I was deployed as part of the surgical team. Right. And that surgical team followed around a team of navy seals that were doing some anti piracy, anti terrorism bullshit. But most of the time, we were only on ship, like, for three total weeks out of, maybe four out of, like, nine months. The rest of that time, we were in Jabouti Africa.

Joe Gates:


Brent Holbrook:

And at that point in time, Bocaheram was still a big deal, and so we got imminent danger pay because we were in Jabouti, because the Jabouti Jabouti, Jabouti, had previously taken rocket fire.

Roy Thomas:

And and so

Brent Holbrook:

and they were like, okay.

Roy Thomas:

It's all,

Brent Holbrook:

you know

Roy Thomas:

So would you say you were in Jaboukie? Jaboukie. You were in theater?

Brent Holbrook:

I was in Joe Boodie. In Jabouti. Yo booti.

Tre Porter:

Was that your marines saying? I'm in Jabouti navy guy.

Roy Thomas:

That could be slight. Yep. I mean so the you know, if you have w terms, like, you were in you were in theater. So, like, you Right. You rate and you qualify as we go there. And as you can break it down, like, you get into CIB or CER or whatever, like, then there's different, you know, or deals, but For VFW Hall purposes, like, if you were in theater, you rate the entitlement of membership.

Charlie Cline:

Membership of VW, where where an American Legion doesn't matter when or where you serve. Right? And what are a honorably Yes. Discharge, and I think you might be able to be, like, less than honorable Yeah. Other than Right? Or other than Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Some under honorable condition

Charlie Cline:

or something like that general under honorable. And then there's Well, there's a couple and and

Roy Thomas:

if you can even

Charlie Cline:

do that, you can even do that, the VFW as long as not at

Joe Gates:

this interval.

Roy Thomas:

And a lot of those other than interval falling or medical or deal

Brent Holbrook:

oh, yeah.

Roy Thomas:

You know, they got hurt. They got broken bones or or whatever.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. I'm not I'm not saying it's because you're an asshole.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

But you got in trouble. And there's, yeah, there's other reasons why you're getting out. But any any veteran at any time served honorably. Right? Mhmm. Not necessarily that's gonna

Tre Porter:

be easier.

Roy Thomas:

Essentially, the distinction is the BFW Hall is did you serve in, you know, a wartime zone in American Legion is peacetime?

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Yeah. Basically, I'm

Roy Thomas:

cutting dry.

Charlie Cline:

And there's the reason why I have a member

Tre Porter:

of both.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. So, you know, I'm a member of both too. I I love paid out for life for

Brent Holbrook:

the police.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. They're they're both great equally.

Charlie Cline:

You must It's like to live to a hundred and twenty years old way off that stupid fucking life. That one, like, eighteen hundred hours when I looked at it. Jesus. It was ridiculous.

Brent Holbrook:

I think I paid, like, thirteen hundred.

Charlie Cline:

And I'm sitting there thirteen hundred for what? Life membership at the American Legion. I'm sitting there looking at that and I'm like, okay.

Roy Thomas:

That's How

Charlie Cline:

much is in a year? It's thirty dollars a year, so I think. Okay. Eighteen, whatever it was, divided by thirty. I'm, like, hundred and nine years old. I'm like, okay. I'm thirty two. So okay. If I make seventy, I'm probably doing pretty fucking good. So I'm gonna be, like, another thirty eight years past that in order to get now. I'm good. I'll pay my I'll pay my annual

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Sorry about that.

Roy Thomas:

That's nuts.

Charlie Cline:

Seem ridiculous. It was, like, eighteen. Oh, I was, like, fifty two.

Brent Holbrook:

I just didn't receive a half. I I didn't care to look. You know, I I didn't during the day have you

Tre Porter:

even done any fall and I was

Roy Thomas:

Gosh. I wish I made that maybe money.

Charlie Cline:

I wish I was growing the dope that he's got in the closet because he's maybe more more money in trade. I don't know how to shit legally.

Brent Holbrook:

Fuck it. I was

Charlie Cline:

It's far below fifteen hundred bucks.

Joe Gates:

He said,

Tre Porter:

he's just making it rain on

Charlie Cline:

those old leaves. So that's a fucking American leaves.

Brent Holbrook:

Hey. It's, you know actually, I am To meet Donaldson in pins. I made some money over there at the Legion the other night. I won I hit their fucking

Tre Porter:


Brent Holbrook:

tab for the top price. Two nights ago.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

What agent here on

Brent Holbrook:

top? Yeah.

Tre Porter:

I think

Charlie Cline:

I think we'll do it.

Brent Holbrook:

A hundred and ten.

Charlie Cline:

That was the top price for the pull tabs.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. For one of them. Yeah. Oh.

Charlie Cline:

Well, good. Congrats.

Brent Holbrook:

And you didn't.

Charlie Cline:

You didn't took you one hundred and forty together. Good job.

Brent Holbrook:

I totally am addicted again. Like, no. I'm not really addicted.

Tre Porter:

You better talk to Jesus boy.

Brent Holbrook:

But yeah. Like, I was playing the Emerald Dang here in

Charlie Cline:

a hundred and ten bucks. Mhmm. Exactly.

Tre Porter:

Okay. Jesus has a plan for you. Really? It's not game.

Brent Holbrook:

See, I I ever hated myself.

Roy Thomas:

Tell him, trade. Tell

Brent Holbrook:

him. Everything in moderation.

Tre Porter:

We're getting you confirmed. We're getting you confirmed.

Brent Holbrook:

Everything in moderation. Listen. Seriously,

Tre Porter:

I will be there for that. I do.

Charlie Cline:

I appreciate it.

Roy Thomas:

Man, I wish I could be there. I really do. I'm probably a long ways away, though, man. California.

Charlie Cline:

But I

Roy Thomas:

I I wish yeah. It's gonna be

Charlie Cline:

an awesome service because it's

Brent Holbrook:

it's gonna be an awesome service because it's it's so it starts at night. It's a candlelit service. Alright? So but it's it's all about the symbology of everything. So those of us who are being confirmed are being brought into, like, the light. Right? So it starts off with a little campfire upfront, and then we we're gonna be lighting candles as we go in. And then eventually, it'll sound

Tre Porter:

all yep.

Brent Holbrook:

It'll all light up, you know, on Missy's side. It's gonna be it's gonna be pretty cool. It's gonna be really awesome. So but

Joe Gates:

I'll smaller because

Brent Holbrook:

I got a noise. But yeah. Anyway Mhmm.

Joe Gates:

It's all smaller.

Brent Holbrook:

I'm looking forward to it. I've I've decided that my confirmation name is gonna be after Saint Joseph. So

Charlie Cline:

You'd pick your own? Yeah. Two parts. So wait. You can't

Roy Thomas:

you can't do two parts?

Brent Holbrook:

You only pick one.

Tre Porter:

Okay. One part. No.

Charlie Cline:

But what I'm saying is, can you confirmation a and b two parts? No. Not, like, two different names.

Brent Holbrook:

It has to be

Charlie Cline:

It has to be the Bible.

Brent Holbrook:

It has to be synced.

Joe Gates:

Oh, okay.

Charlie Cline:

Seventy two parts. Yes.

Tre Porter:

Seventy two

Charlie Cline:

parts part of that guy. Look it up. There's, like, state law.

Joe Gates:

I'm I'm sure I can make a

Brent Holbrook:

there's, like, a thousands of

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

Saints. So I guarantee you they'll probably be a saint. I was, like, an industry citizen.

Charlie Cline:

Jump on to Wikipedia and Saint two parts. And then that way, we're there. Like, also such a guy. He could be, like, well, Wikipedia says they're

Brent Holbrook:

the Saint two parts. Alright. Here it is. Listen. So Saint Clair of Asisti is the patron saying of indecisiveness.

Tre Porter:

There you go. So two parts.

Charlie Cline:

What are you gonna say, Trey? Oh, he's on the phone. What up? He's busy. He's busy. He's busy. He's busy. He's busy. No. Must be my retirement.

Roy Thomas:

So let's go back to Combat Medics.

Charlie Cline:

Double dogs.

Roy Thomas:

You guys are me. You guys are bad motherfucker stuff.

Brent Holbrook:

Look at me. Dogs. You're not

Roy Thomas:

I don't think you're gonna

Brent Holbrook:

I will not claim that. No. I don't. I

Roy Thomas:

But you're you're a medic?

Brent Holbrook:

I was I was a blue side medic. Yes.

Roy Thomas:

Oh, okay. I'll tell you combat combat and fight.

Brent Holbrook:

I was I was I was a little mixed in both.

Roy Thomas:

The utmost respect, like, those guys are bad mother fuck.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. They are.

Roy Thomas:

So they are amazing. They are hardcore. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

Is there Did you know that I

Roy Thomas:

got those guys?

Charlie Cline:

McCormick attached to us. They go through their corporate school. Then they get asked, maybe before, maybe after, I'm not quite sure.

Brent Holbrook:

It's a If they like school of the infantry. It's a it's another school of

Charlie Cline:

the military. But they get asked if they wanna do it. Then they have to go do this. Yeah. And then it's basically a a shortened version of SOI. Eighty four zero four when they have to learn how to hunt the gear and do the bullshit. And they have to meet meet RPT standards. A qualification.

Brent Holbrook:

We can choose to wear the Marine Corps uniform.

Roy Thomas:

Dude, there's times. So, you know, not to dress

Charlie Cline:

I had I had the corman. He had his corman, that fucking big square, fucking with a produce whatever. The fucking curve is the

Roy Thomas:

same. A fucking thing.

Charlie Cline:

So you So that's in an in an e word, the EGA, on the other side.

Roy Thomas:

And and and back And they absolutely fucking rate it. Oh, absolutely. One hundred percent, like, we had, you know, in our training our training up, we had this dock. I mean, gosh, just bad as motherfucker I knew. You know and, you know, Heights man. There's always somebody that's fallen out, like, some somebody's getting, you know, whatever. Her getting a silver bullet, whatever. But like this this guy, man,

Joe Gates:

asked his sister.

Roy Thomas:

He would grab wires, saw, or two zero three, or a mortar plate or

Charlie Cline:

whatever he's picking up.

Roy Thomas:

You would just grab that shitting off. Like, hey, man. We got a fucking get here. Let's go. So he's got

Charlie Cline:

his gear, plus all his medical shit. And then he's picking up

Brent Holbrook:

the insignia.

Charlie Cline:

Then he's picking up somebody else's shit. And up on it. And I tell you what, I had to guy back Washington when we when we were over and he was

Brent Holbrook:

he's confused.

Charlie Cline:

He was probably the

Roy Thomas:

the Yeah. And why's it now?

Charlie Cline:

The craziest dude I like Atlanta, Georgia. He runs. He was funny. He was funny as fuck. But I tell you what, he was the same way. We had a guy get shot and took his glasses off and ripped his nose. And he's sitting there and we're sitting outside of the five ton. Yeah. So it's that it's that it's saying the under his, like,

Roy Thomas:

a little snake run the staff.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yep. Yep. And he'd wear that and then he had the EGI and his other top.

Brent Holbrook:

He asked why our chevrons were, like, this

Charlie Cline:

upside down. Instead of because you guys are backwards.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. So

Charlie Cline:

anyways He's sitting there and he's sitting there because we cut off. Guys' name was shit. Guys' name was Robinson. And he was sitting outside of this five tunnel. He got the picture. He was like, what the fuck happened? He said, we took a ricochet off the wall. Fuck. It took his fucking bridge of his nose out, took glasses right off his face and shit. He's sitting there just laughing. He's he was talking Treyu says, I'm I'm a I'm a good shit talker. Back Washington was the king. Dude, I mean, he was like, dude. Well, the fuck are you got? No. You got three fucking nostrils because he had a big fucking chunk. And he's like, oh, shit. No. And he's like, he's laughing at this fucker sit

Roy Thomas:

without fucking skipping a beat.

Charlie Cline:

This fucker sit there, you just clean out the blood up and shit. He's holding it. We're all like, holy shit. He was just you can see him in the picture laughing. Well, like, you know, like, I mean, that was his humor. Like, it was so crazy.

Roy Thomas:

So we had loved that. He was a fucking combat doc. His name was Doc Bulls. I mean, one of the most legendary men I fucking knew. Know, he was he was an African American. That is motherfucker alive. He that motherfucker, like, you know, when we were on our

Charlie Cline:

done marine marine.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. But we're in the field. You know, we're out there, like, doing our ambush training or whatever. He would, like, just lean back, lay on his back, he would undo the buttons because when he came, he's doing his buttons, he'd pull his fucking ball sack out and just let him fucking lay there.

Charlie Cline:

This is the name of Justin.

Roy Thomas:

So, like You log by or whatever. You log by or whatever, and you look at him. He's like, what man? Just getting a suntan. Or what do you

Tre Porter:

ask me if

Roy Thomas:

you wanted to chill on some bubblegum? He was so fucked up.

Tre Porter:

No. Man.

Roy Thomas:

But do it, like, you would just lay there on his pack.

Tre Porter:

Our managers are the same type

Roy Thomas:

of majors.

Charlie Cline:


Tre Porter:

bunch of nutty and

Roy Thomas:

nutty burgers.

Charlie Cline:

But I I almost think they

Roy Thomas:

have to be just bigger than

Charlie Cline:

the company. The job they do

Tre Porter:

would have meant what they call oil checks. You know, after trainers, I'm making, you know, or medics aligners, I'll make sure if we're on the field for x amount of days and where everybody's dragging ass and fucking doc will come through just kinda look you over. My fucking just come up with just grabbing by

Roy Thomas:

the nuts. Every day.

Tre Porter:

It it's not that crappy. It's ever so gently. And just give you gentle squeeze just making sure you still have them. But I do motherfucker.

Charlie Cline:

So so their attitudes. Or exactly what we talked about earlier with tragedy. You have to have humor.

Roy Thomas:

Absolutely. So you have to have

Charlie Cline:

you know, when when Tim's tragedy happened. And I'm up at the post trying to make people laugh. Right? These are Mormon oramedics regardless whoever. Right? When when you're you're serving on those roles, you have to be that comedic relief. Mhmm. You have to have a little bit of a twist in your step to where when it needs to be serious, it's gotta be serious. But other times, you need to have that comedic relief. Right, to be able to, you know, get people's minds back going kind of the right way. You know what I mean? So I think you're hundred percent right. Those guys that served with us just like the guys that your your guys' semantics in the army. They were a different fucking breed of people.

Roy Thomas:

Absolutely. Mhmm. You know, and and, I mean, I let me I give those guys, you know, one hundred and ten percent, you know, boom, we got we got fucking destroyed in their ass. You know, one day we lost twelve marines. You know, it was they drove right into a fucking well placed ambush, and there was two fifty cows up on top of these two buildings. And as they fucking drove right between them, I mean, this some

Charlie Cline:

funnel of fire

Roy Thomas:

day fucking loaded them. You know? And the thing is is, you know, every fire fight, you know, what's what's the most common, you know, word that we heard was, dot up dot up. Mhmm. You know, and know, in combat, I mean, these ducks saw absolutely chaos and carnage.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

You know, and and through, you know, putting pressure dressings on and, you know, whatever, you

Charlie Cline:

know, it's pretty up a excessive every time they go to the next guy. Ready reassessment.

Roy Thomas:

But at the same time, and even know these docs knew that it was fatal. You know, they're like, hey, you're gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright. You're gonna be just comforting them until the end. You know, that that care and that compassion until the end.

Tre Porter:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Roy Thomas:

The even though the docs knew,

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

They were they were they were compassionate. They were caring.

Brent Holbrook:

We're not gonna fucking

Roy Thomas:

they were they were not black. We wanna talk. Well, you're gonna fucking die. I'm gonna move on. No. They they gave one hundred and ten percent every single fucking person. You know, we we lost thirty four marines in seven months. We had over two hundred and fifty fucking wounded. You know, in per squad, there's only, you know, getting near one doc. That's the long corpsman per per thirteen people.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Right?

Roy Thomas:

Those guys fucking saw

Brent Holbrook:

it all. Mhmm. And that Mhmm. Is why I wanna make this abundantly clear. Because I've had marine who's calling me doc. And to me, that title is earned for an eighty four zero four cor pulmon who went with the corps.

Charlie Cline:

I And I I I might just agree with that.

Brent Holbrook:

Because and you might and that's okay. I just wanna I mean,

Charlie Cline:

you just get off the strap. A softphone channel. That's right. That's right.

Brent Holbrook:

Hopefully. Good

Charlie Cline:

to hear it now.

Brent Holbrook:

I I saw some things in the hospital after they'd gotten back. So you have to think this is two or three days after the initial injury? Right, of the initial whatever happened. And I'm still kinda messed up for that. And so I feel that If you call me doc I so I don't know. I I don't feel like I earned that title. So Because I was never with the ring. So for us. And, again, they saw shit. I didn't at least to that degree. And I just, you know,

Charlie Cline:

every every corpsman of me is a deck.

Roy Thomas:


Charlie Cline:

If you served in a marine unit, we call you double deck. Bingo. So I think there's a distinction that probably Roy and I will have. But I don't when I when I would go up to get my teeth cleaned, there was garment that was still dark. Right? My corporal that served with us at three seven or at fast or whatever, he was he was double back. Right. And we called him double back. Gotcha. We called every other corner at the back. Right?

Roy Thomas:

You can see

Charlie Cline:

the thing. They earned

Roy Thomas:

the rank. We had we had the devil docs that patrolled with us Mhmm. And that were out with us with everything. But we also had the medical station. Like, I remember right there a combat outpost, you know, in Iraq, we had we had the medics out with us, you know, the docs that would treat us until a humbly come pick us up or or a or a or a Bradley or whatever Mhmm. And get us back Right. You know, to to the compound, to the phabia. Guess what was there? Mhmm. Navy doctors.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Yep.

Roy Thomas:

You know, further assessing you, further triage, getting you stable, prior prioritizing you, whatever needed be.

Charlie Cline:

Trees in here.

Roy Thomas:

Like, they got you there. Mhmm. And then and then and then that's where you guys come in. So you were very crucial, very valuable. You know, the the the docs, the demo docs, like, they were out on patrol and they were in the firefights and whatever. And they they kept us alive, stable, Soviet until we could get to you guys.

Tre Porter:

Mhmm. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

And then you guys took over. And but I mean, those guys

Charlie Cline:

You guys you guys still rank on for us, for backs. And then we have the devil docs that were actually out on mission with us. You know what I mean? So I I think it actually served with us. You didn't share with us? Right? But I mean

Roy Thomas:

When I still had the utmost responsibility. Yeah. There's no there's there's there's no you're less superior

Charlie Cline:

No. No. In what I and you still For me, you still rate it. Absolutely. Still rate the document. Absolutely.

Roy Thomas:

And I appreciate that.

Brent Holbrook:

And I'm never if you call me doc, I'm never gonna correct you. I'm just gonna leave it as Oh,

Charlie Cline:

we can't park

Roy Thomas:

a lot if you did. You're fucking two parts.

Brent Holbrook:

But You

Roy Thomas:

know what? You know what? Hey. There's parking lot fundraiser. Fighting in the parking lot.

Tre Porter:

But I was

Charlie Cline:

rear. He was actually rear.

Brent Holbrook:

So when

Roy Thomas:

I set up the dojo,

Tre Porter:

when I was in when I was in that wreck,

Joe Gates:

behind there. So we got high, so I can go round for a round for a round. Okay.

Tre Porter:

We got hit we got hit real hard one day. And Some of the guys I knew

Charlie Cline:

were at

Tre Porter:

this was in Scania, Irak. So we got hit real hard one day. The QRR app went out. They had their medic with them. And they as soon as they're rolling out the

Charlie Cline:

gate, to our our annual quick reaction for a

Tre Porter:

quick reaction.

Charlie Cline:

So just wanna make sure in case someone out there isn't listening that doesn't know what I mean. Yeah. We we we throw a lot of acronyms around, so we try to

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Try to help you

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. So, basically, it's a standby team. So if there's a situation happens, there's a quick reaction for us that goes out to reinforce.

Tre Porter:

And or the enemy, they knew our our protocols. So they knew a quick reaction for us is going out. So what did they do? They set up an ambush form. Mhmm. Some roadside bombs and and they hit him as soon as they were going heading out the gate, boom. And one of the guys that I knew and he was a big guy. He was a funny guy. And took his took his leg off, and the the medic was a female. And the guy kept asking her, like, Alright. Is my dick still there, my boss? Yeah. He he frees down and grabbed his shit and squeezed it to, like, you feel that? And he was like Yeah. Yeah. And you're like

Roy Thomas:

So so what's going on? Can I

Brent Holbrook:

I wanna throw something in here before I forget it? So I'm talking about the not feeling like I belong in that, you know, Harry. It's kinda weird because again, I never I never went to the eighty four zero four school, but when I was at Naval Health Canada, Hawaii, they assigned me to County O'Hay or Air Station. And so there were the units there that had their own embedded corpsman Mhmm. But my clinic dealt with headquarters, battalion, and a few other units. So it was kind of a weird, like, you know, mix of the two. Yeah. So it was just it was just really

Roy Thomas:

So going going on on trades or a deal, I was brought up by a hanger date. You know, in a firefight, Atlanta made a tray away. I was pretty fucked up. Department downstairs, put pressure dressings on, you know, and whatever. We got back to the sole Junction City was the Army Charlie Med. Like, the big the bigger base in the area. So, like, there's hurricane point where you're afraid he's in the and the Tigris

Tre Porter:

meet. Yeah. To meet. Yep.

Roy Thomas:

And then, like, we were down here, and on the other side of that was Junction City. So the ring we had hurricane point, we had state paid, and then we had combat outflows. And that was two four, the marines. Mhmm. And then just crossed was Junction City, and that was the army. So when I severely wounded, they took them to the army Charlie because they were more well equipped than, you know, our level two four Navy docs. And I remember, like, they took me there because I was I was fucked up. Mind you, I had I was blind, you know, because because the strap went through my left eye, but they put a pressure dressing across my whole fucking

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

I couldn't see. I I had no idea. I couldn't see it in a where it was, but I was still alert, and I remember they pulled me out of an Acema Hammer And they it must've been in the operating room at Junction City, you know, Charlie Med. And I just remember this female's voice and come to find out, like, later on, our battalion sergeant Major, like, he posted this post of, like, who this, you know, backlosing. But I remember it it just sticks out to me and she's like, you know, hey, I'm so and so I'm gonna cut all your clothes off, your your candies off. And I remember I was just like, No. No. You can't see my dick. Like, like, I don't know you're in the field, you know, like, I'm on nasty and shit like, I can't fucking see. Like, that was a shit run through my mind. Like, don't cut my shit off. You'll see my shit.

Brent Holbrook:

You know? Like, it was

Roy Thomas:

just it's fucked up, you know, here I am. Completely fucked up and blown up and, you know, I needed they put four fucking IDs in me for blood transfusion. Like, I was dead near fucking dead, but like here I am. I already remember this chick. Tell me they're gonna tell my kitties off and I'm just like, oh, you can't see my shit.

Tre Porter:

Damn. It's amazing, like, you know, when you're in that situation, like, the shit that comes out of your mouth. Shit you're thinking about. Right.

Roy Thomas:

You know what I mean? I mean, dude, we haven't. We we had field showers, you know, we didn't have running water. They motored our fucking base. So it was hit and miss, you know, whenever we got supplies. I mean, do we? We were at once about, like, logic show So you lost a fucking it was wet wipes, man.

Charlie Cline:

You lost you lost a man? Yeah. I just saw you had lazy accent. No. No response. I feel No. I knew that. Dude, I'm just messing with you. Don't drop it on the table.

Tre Porter:

Look at that. My grandmother had one of those

Charlie Cline:

Just messing with you, man.

Tre Porter:

He just took his eye out. He knows it.

Charlie Cline:

Here. Here. Let's let the fans, like,

Brent Holbrook:

It's like damn fucking arrogant. Pirates of the Caribbean. They do their own. This is designed.

Charlie Cline:

What I really This is a good one. I really Let's see how you put it. You know, it's

Roy Thomas:

like a cock.

Charlie Cline:

That's like a cat.

Brent Holbrook:

So think think of the right

Roy Thomas:

thing, Roy. I I mean, you took

Tre Porter:

a fucking grenade to the face. It he might as well took a fucking face.

Charlie Cline:

That's a

Brent Holbrook:

fucking That's

Tre Porter:

a dumbass

Roy Thomas:

man. Handsome man in the room. I'll I'll fight for that first position later. Yeah. Part of the fun. Part of

Charlie Cline:

the best.

Tre Porter:

This is good.

Charlie Cline:

You're a top notch kid.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. You are a top notch. And and I hope you are a top notch today.

Charlie Cline:

I hope you're not

Joe Gates:

saying anything is going to take you out back and Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

I hope you're bottom.

Roy Thomas:

I mean, young.

Brent Holbrook:

Your top notch, but Nice to be Bob.

Charlie Cline:

I'll do that one. Finish up, Timmy's beard tonight. I'll do this one. Okay. Thank you, though. So

Brent Holbrook:

so let me ask you guys something again because I haven't been with marine unit, but I have heard a story. So maybe you guys can give kind of a general idea on the other side of it, on your side of it. So I know of a foreman who was with one of the units there at county way. And he had been on a couple deployments with his guys. I don't really know exactly what, but there was this new marine who came to the unit and kind of had this, you know, holiers and bow attitude and walked in, called that back a pig in front of the rest of the rest of the unit. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Because, I mean, I could tell you the story that as as I heard it. So I mean, it's from your end.

Roy Thomas:

So as an infantryman, I mean, there's a there's a dinked, you know, reaction in the rainwater. You know, Pogo's person other than grounds.

Tre Porter:


Brent Holbrook:


Tre Porter:

I thought it was always thought it was a piece of garbage. No. Okay.

Roy Thomas:

So in a recall, like, a recall, we on the grout side is You know, we're we're the marine corps. You know, we do the dirty work, we go, and we fight, whatever. But so, like, the derogatory term that come up with Pogue is a person's other than a grunt. So, like, if you're anything other than a grunt, like, your second best you know, in the Marine Corps, like,

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

blah, blah, just that inner, you know, military banjo. So Mhmm. Or Ruth? I don't know that.

Tre Porter:

Rear Echelon motherfucker. Sure. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Here's the rear of the gear. So, you know, there there's just this and and per all, you know, ranks in in in military. I mean, you're gonna find that that inner banter and mind you, in the end, I mean, We wouldn't be able to do what we do without the support of Mhmm. The folks

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

You know, I mean, the the air support and the intelligence and so on. But it's just Right. You know, that that that banter amongst each other, you know, that we can riff each other, pick on each other

Charlie Cline:

So I'm still going on the pole.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. The Did you know how did he ever Does he get the did

Charlie Cline:

he get the definition?

Brent Holbrook:

No. I already knew what

Roy Thomas:

the definition was.

Brent Holbrook:

I just wanted to hear from a marine's perspective as to what might have happened, because I'll tell you the story that I heard after it had happened. Was, obviously, this this doc was decorative. He had been out on a couple of deployments with his unit, so he ain't some new fucking, you know, And so he's obviously respected. Right? And that's just new fucking guy. F and G. Just fucking shows up and just causes a grab hold out of nowhere. And and obviously, the rest of the well, the guys in the room were, like,

Roy Thomas:

do you think you are in there? It's a term up in here.

Brent Holbrook:

You know, they beat they beat the shit up. Well, I mean, not

Charlie Cline:

because they no. They probably berated them by far.

Brent Holbrook:

They they put them through some PT. Sure.

Charlie Cline:

Because you open your mouth and something you don't know about. That's that's dangerous.

Roy Thomas:

Listen, man. Like, if you're a boot, you don't get to come in fucking running all these terms.

Brent Holbrook:


Roy Thomas:

Like, you gotta earn your fucking plate. Right.

Charlie Cline:


Brent Holbrook:

so from what I understand, he came straight from, like, SLI.

Charlie Cline:

When we're when we're marines. We lost

Tre Porter:

some room

Charlie Cline:

a little bit different than other people. Right? So Absolutely. I I I get the attitude. I get the attention. Misplaced as as it was. Right. And I'm sure he got he got tuned in the right direction.

Tre Porter:

Mhmm. SOI leadership what?

Charlie Cline:

Truly different. So that was so let's

Roy Thomas:

see your your AIT, whatever they

Charlie Cline:

call you. Yeah. How how long does that?

Tre Porter:

You know, everybody's in Army, everybody's

Charlie Cline:

in everything is different.

Tre Porter:

All different.

Charlie Cline:

It's what?

Tre Porter:

AFT just advanced individual trainings. Whatever. Whatever. You see the job.

Roy Thomas:

So Like, jeez. I thought I feel like

Tre Porter:

If country was No.

Brent Holbrook:

For us, we're on the cross family. That's what we talked to this guy. Two of your weapons, one handed, but I was a guy. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

For me, Arduar say, a massive training. Okay. But for but

Joe Gates:

but, like,

Roy Thomas:

monthly, it's

Joe Gates:

in the Victor training. I was, like, twenty

Tre Porter:

That's what I did.

Roy Thomas:

I never fucking knew that. How how long is specifically,

Joe Gates:

it was, like, twenty two, twenty four weeks. I'm,

Brent Holbrook:

like Yeah.

Tre Porter:

Specific training is a computer. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Right? Yeah.

Tre Porter:

But there is no idea. Basic training.

Charlie Cline:

So one one

Tre Porter:

basic training was the same for everybody Those are in combat skills.

Roy Thomas:

So as you go on for your AIT for your comp, what is your AIT for Inventory. Inventory. How

Tre Porter:

many weeks? For arbitrary shit. Thanks. Isn't it? No. Hell no.

Roy Thomas:

A so it's still called AIC, please. It's not like it's not like different tree schoolers. He says six feet across the board.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Six feet, whatever you're in

Roy Thomas:

the west.

Tre Porter:

Yep. Basic with AIC together. Oh, shit.

Joe Gates:

In the industry. But yeah. No.

Tre Porter:

When I went through Yeah. I went through basic. That was eight basic was just under sixteen weeks, like, fourteen weeks, actually. And then when I went to AIT, it was with basically for infantry. It was going through basic all over again except with some advanced, you know, training, and that was sixteen weeks. Listen, basic is eight weeks. Was eight weeks when you went in. That's basic. Eight weeks, two months. And then you had another

Charlie Cline:

many weeks learning inventory stuff.

Tre Porter:

Yeah. Another well, I hosted yeah. For hosted. Yeah. But I was I was splitting. So that's why I think I my shit was so much was was much longer.

Charlie Cline:

So for us, and the Marines, and I'll let So my role is after me. That's right. He does that.

Tre Porter:

I'm just so it's twelve weeks total

Charlie Cline:

with basic and

Tre Porter:

advanced and hold on. Ten weeks of basic and then twelve weeks of AIT. So it's all together. They do it all together. Hosted. Once I stopped unit training Yeah. But I was I was split up. I had my basic Yeah. Was was separate from my AIT. Yeah. So they've increased basic training from eight weeks to ten months now.

Charlie Cline:

So we do in the range. It's thirteen weeks for your basic. And then school of inventory, I think, for the old three eleven's, which is the basic inventory, and it's six. Maybe eight? Because I was I was all through fifty one, so I was a anti tank assignment. So we shot the shoulder firing missiles. Not like the eighty fours when we're in the smaws, the dragons, the javelins. How how how long does s y? It's a six or eight weeks. Oh, gosh.

Roy Thomas:

It was, like, eight weeks or so.

Charlie Cline:

Okay. So it might be eight weeks. So you did you did thirteen you did thirteen weeks of boot camp? Mhmm. Then you did and I would Google it, but my phones over the life. And then you went to SMI in in the basic course, which I don't I'd say basic course, but the regular o three eleven's. That was eight weeks. And then if you got a secondary MOS, like I was an intake assault manager, your machine got a borderman, You stayed an extra four weeks after that to learn that specialty weapon. So you did thirteen weeks boot camp, eight weeks o three eleven. And then if you got a secondary in the west, you stayed again at that same school for an extra four weeks.

Brent Holbrook:

Seoul. You guys have

Roy Thomas:

They've changed it. It it was nine weeks. Now they changed it to fourteen weeks. For what? For the infantry and marine course

Charlie Cline:

So that's why that's why I went to fourteen weeks. Yeah? Okay. Were guessing, so you do thirteen to boot camp. You do fourteen for o three elevens, regular infantrymen. And then if you did it, you got a specialty, which they got rid the fifty ones, they don't have those anymore. So it'd be thirty ones machine gunners, forty ones mortarmen. You would probably still stay another four weeks? On top of that. Yeah. On on top of that fourteen. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

To learn

Charlie Cline:

on your So that So yeah. So then after I got done with a fifty one school which was the Javelin slash dragon ever phasing them out Yep. Or the small guns. That I went to my fast. Or it was my supreme court security force at school, and then So yeah. We ended up I ended up in fucking school for essentially, like

Roy Thomas:

So when we went through a little

Charlie Cline:

camping Right.

Roy Thomas:

When we drew his like, an eight nine week course. Yeah. Now it's fourteen weeks. So so essentially, you were, you know, eight weeks, and then you had another, you know, four months on top of the or, you know, four weeks top of that for your your fifty one training.

Brent Holbrook:

So so my training was pretty straightforward. Comparison to you guys because I sold them on. Who was eight weeks and then immediately followed by about fourteen to maybe sixteen weeks, of course, school, depending on a few things. So by the time I for me, specifically, I started boot camp first week of January. And then I didn't get to my first actual duty station, which was the hospital in Virginia. I didn't get there until halfway through June. So but based on what you guys are saying, you guys are doing fucking you know.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Basically This is this is where all the branches so different. Right? And even though these guys are inventory stuff Yep. Just the way the Army does it compared to the Marine Corps does it, it's it's so different. Mhmm. You know, and it's always hard for at least me to try to keep up with these guys or AITs. But he calls his AIT too where we call ours smoke of entry. So if you're if you're what we call a pole, get a drink, alright, don't care for your supply of truck pressure.

Roy Thomas:

How do you think

Charlie Cline:

and I'm in guy yeah. Anybody other than inventory, They do what it's called MCT, at least back in my name. MCT. Yeah. And that was, like, a two week or three week course because everybody every marine is a basic rifleman. Mhmm. So don't care if you sit behind a desk. You're gonna go through a extremely shortened version of infantry school. Because every marine is a rifleman.

Roy Thomas:

Because through boot camp, you learn you qualified on the range yet, you know, two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, you know, whatever.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. So they they do a very short condensed. And then from there, they take off and go to their primary school Mhmm. Be it, admin stuff, cook stuff, supply stuff, whatever.

Roy Thomas:

So, you know, as as to to dig deeper into Charlie, you know, as he was an o three fifty one. So he was an o three was his infantry. You know, like I was an o three eleven, which is your basic rifleman like you get in seven twenty two. He went further on. He learned a specialty you know, as a fifty one, there's forty one with Sheen Gunner, you know, and there's different specialties. But, you know, to go on to his, you know what? Obviously, in all the military, you got, you know, acronyms. So Charlie was a fleet anti terrorism, like task force, fast. They they would come in on, you know, like, helicopters just like the stuff in Haiti. They needed to hurry up and get those people in the embassy out. Mhmm. So they would call on a fast company. You know, which they did extensive training on Hilo operations and extractions. They come in, they would drop down, they would get those people, get them in the birds, and get them out. So there's once you get into, you know, the MOSs, like, there's, you know, different

Charlie Cline:

There's a there's a there's a crazy different different gamut. I'm sure the interview's probably got the same. Right. You know, so, you know, if

Roy Thomas:

you're gonna be bunch of different occupational specialties.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. I mean, we were there for anything from riot control to if we did a humanitarian drop. Yeah. And that plane comes in, we're gonna have to have security out because they don't want a whole bunch of star for people rushing the plane and just stealing everything off it, you know? Or there was an empty extraction

Roy Thomas:

I mean, I I was reporter. I was a legal company, so I did everything from fast roping to spy insertion extractions

Charlie Cline:

and stuff that we did.

Roy Thomas:

All the same stuff you did as a fast company.

Charlie Cline:

But ours was we just had to be there, like, on the spot, you know. So I had pager back in the day. We'd be Jen and I'd be in the apartment sleeping. Pager go off. Yep. Go back. I had two sets of gear. I had a a seabag packed with all set of kvies and all my stuff. I had a flight bag with all my gear in it. And then another set of everything the same. I wore every day. I had to have one set of everything packed, ready to go. The only thing we had to do is the armers had to come in and open up the armory for us to draw m p fives or shotguns or breadas or m sixteen or m fours. In our shotguns. We'd grab all of our shit out of the airway, go right across the freaking road to the Naval Air Station Northland, and then on the plane. You know, we had and we got timed on, and we did a lot of drills where they would just time on, because the navy navy would have to send a crew over. And we had guys that were just bringing shit down, but we're all running with the armory. So there's always an extra stand by platoon that could get into our rooms. Grab our sets of gear. Mhmm. About we had, like, our own squad room that all of our shit was in the closet. That stuff that was the gold the gold bags. Right? And we would just grab our shit on the plane. It didn't matter if we were in civilian clothes. Know, get a drier shit. And your

Brent Holbrook:

job was to get your ass there.

Charlie Cline:

That's because you didn't get the fuck out of the plane and that that plane started taxiing. So there was a navy pilots and all the crew Then we had our the guys palletizing stuff, and we had motor tea guys putting on these on that that plane, you know. And then once the taxi, then our drill was over. Until that plane actually took off one day. We're gonna wait in Africa. We had no idea, you know. It was your first time. Yeah. So that was my very first drill man. I literally I literally got to my unit, like, on the third or something of August. It was embassy bound until, like, how the seventh or eighth of and maybe GOOST, I was Googled it, but or, you know, I'm I'm up maybe I have a couple days, but Anyways, the the the average seat mottings went off like on the it'd have been like August fifth, maybe of ninety eight. So we would have gone right that day and or that night because I have some time differences, you know.

Roy Thomas:

So August seventh nineteen ninety eight?

Charlie Cline:

August seventh. Yeah. So I think I got to my unit very beginning of August. And within, like, two or three days, I mean, I literally just got issued all my weapons, my weapons cards, and we were gone. Yeah. Within just a couple days. I'm sitting on the plane of the guys like, oh, it's just a drill. No big deal.

Roy Thomas:

More than two hundred and twenty people were killed in nearly simultaneous attacks truck bomb attacks

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

In two capital east African cities.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Nairobi, Kenya, and then there's a lot of times the name was the other one. So that fast counteen. Tien

Roy Thomas:

tien tien

Charlie Cline:

tsin tsin tsin tsin tsin tsin tsin tsin

Roy Thomas:

tsin. So when we first got to fleet in o four or o one, Yeah. In o one, we were immediately tasked with QRF, quick react force. And, like, just like you said, we had our our bag. Our pet was ready to go. Mhmm. Because at that time with us in California, like, the near because because after nine eleven, It was, you know, target points in the United States. Like, what were the hotspots? What were the destinations to be targeted. And for us, it was the Golden Gate Bridge. So we were on a QRF, you know, because everything was still high alert. We did so many drills. Like, you know, they like, you'd you'd get, like, a page, you know, two o'clock in the morning. We'd be up. Grab our pack. Be staged on the parade deck, you know, within, like, fifteen minutes. In order to you know, get a truck, get a bird, whatever you needed, you know, to head to whatever destination. For us, it was Golden Gate Bridge because that was a targeted a high profile target. Right. You know? But it was yeah. Like, we we were that's all we did. You know, for months was trained for, you know, the the QRF.

Charlie Cline:

Well, that was that was crazy because this is my first one. Right? So we're sitting on the on the fucking plane. You know, all of our ships get loaded out by the name of these, they they sent over their trucks and all their people. And we just had guys in the back throwing shit down, you know, load them up overall in the air because there was always a team. There's always a team that's basically on duty Yep. You know, so you could only go so far from base. You know, you can't go down to Virginia Beach. You know, you had to stay within a twenty minute, fifteen minute radius of camp Allen is where we're at. But anyways, yeah, that pager went off. We roll in. So I don't you know, it's probably just a drill, you know. That's what the guys are telling me. That fucking plane starts taxi and taxi and and that's kinda like where the drill would end.

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

And and and then the guys that have been doing forever. Right? They've been on the they've been on the team for two years. All of a sudden, you know. Yep. We'll be started turning around. Okay? Yeah. We're turning around, you know, and of course, the legendary plants, again, we'll fucking windows Mhmm. Right? So you're just feeling what the plane's doing, you know? Okay. Yep. Yep.

Brent Holbrook:

Now I'm just saying you feel everything.

Charlie Cline:

And all of a sudden, it was, like, and I look I look around and he's fucking guy's eyeballs. What about fucking, like, Royce, take around out of the fucking head. You know what I mean? These guys are going, what the fuck? Also, the plane takes off. And I see people just like, what the fuck? And, of course, we go as of a tune. So you got twenty four marines, plus you got your your staff sergeant, and you got two officers. Mhmm. Typically, first lieutenant, captain in our corner. Right? Couple of these. Couple of piles full of shit. Our bags and then food and stuff like that, water, blah blah blah. We take off about half hour of the flight. Everybody's kinda kinda starting to calm down. You know, because we realized we're going somewhere. Captain calls us back to big old pallet of MREs and constantine wired. Sure. You know, it's all loaded up. And then he goes, k boys, this where we're going. This was this was happening. Rod mission. Right? Like, this is what we're doing. So, you know, and then and he we laid out. We had plenty of time. I mean, he had to freaking eighteen hour flight over there, you know. So, I mean, we had plenty of time to we knew what we're doing. Staff sergeant's like, hey. Everybody hit the rack as much as he can. We're gonna wake him about two hours before. We hit him around, and we we're never gonna have another brief. So as soon as we hit the ground, everybody's right back on the page. You know what I'm saying? Mhmm. And that was pretty pretty crazy, man.

Joe Gates:

Hold a day.

Brent Holbrook:

Sorry, Jim. Haven't been paying attention to the comments?

Roy Thomas:

I I let him know, like, we are. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. My phones on do not disturb because it's past my bedtime ladies and gentlemen.

Roy Thomas:

So I remember I remember we pulled out

Charlie Cline:

at all you can.

Roy Thomas:

We pulled out of California. We flew to Bangor, Maine. We spent, like, a few hours in Maine Bendor. To transfer. Then we flew from Main Main to Rhine Mine, Germany

Tre Porter:

in there.

Roy Thomas:

You know, we spent an extra amount of time in Germany, and then we flew from, you know, Rhine Mine into Klee. And I remember when we first landed in Kuwait, and he's up on that plane and

Charlie Cline:

just, like, the heated city and the heat.

Tre Porter:

Oh. Oh.

Roy Thomas:

It was just, like, the first

Charlie Cline:

of the world.

Roy Thomas:

It just, like, just tucked away right out of your sails. You're like, oh,

Charlie Cline:

like, holy.

Tre Porter:

That's why they sent you to coin.

Charlie Cline:

So you could get used

Tre Porter:

to it.

Roy Thomas:

No way.

Charlie Cline:

Aggle me before you get in. Right.

Tre Porter:

You know what I mean?

Brent Holbrook:

Because I'm gonna get inside of your over.

Charlie Cline:

So love you though. Love you too, man. Saturday. You're right.

Joe Gates:

And then,

Charlie Cline:

ma'am, back to my daughter. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

There was no. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

And then and then we went from

Tre Porter:

Queen to Honey, you

Brent Holbrook:

know? Yeah. These actual chocolate is leaving the building.

Roy Thomas:

We're losing

Brent Holbrook:

Wait. Wait. That's a camera. What's that? We live with the camera. Think of mine, peace, love, air, Greece.

Tre Porter:

Why did you you didn't fly right into robotics?

Roy Thomas:

No. We drove up to Ramati.

Tre Porter:

You flew in the bag then

Roy Thomas:

and then We didn't even find the bag then. We we because they couldn't get a slice or So we convoyed from Kuwait, Ollie in the remodeling.

Tre Porter:

Whoa. That was a long trip.

Roy Thomas:

That was a long trip. Yeah. Yeah. For for whatever reason, they couldn't get us flights. Oh. So, like And and they needed us there, like, hey, Zach, because we replaced the eighty second. So they're like, hey, sucks. We can't give flights. You're you're fucking driving.

Tre Porter:

So they

Roy Thomas:

piled us into you know, I think I think the worst decision was from five times to seven times. That was the fucking worst. Five times were big enough to jump off anyway. But then when you had to jump out of a I don't think you. Did you even have to jump out of a seven time ago? Dude, Five times are far enough off the ground, but those seven times are, like, another, you know, four or five feet high Oh, jeez. And you know, jumping out of him as an o three. Like, you got a pack in m sixteen.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. You got a hundred pounds When

Roy Thomas:

they stop, you got a discount, you got a jump out the fucking bag. So, I mean, you're, you know, seven, eight, nine feet off the fucking ground. All of a sudden, you're laying on the ground with sixty pounds a year.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

Mhmm. That's fucking horrible.

Tre Porter:

Damn. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

I wanted to share a couple of things that Jimmy was posting. I know he's still listening. So sorry, Jim. I I didn't see these, but He's talking about Donald Duck Ballard. I already know about him. He's a corporation that received the medal of honor back in Vietnam. Except So let's see.

Roy Thomas:


Brent Holbrook:

You're just a foreman until the marine bestows the title of dock. After that, it's official. You're wearing? We've

Charlie Cline:

already told you that. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. So let's see. He gave his story of when a marine a wounded marine at the hospital but still the title on him. We were talking about theogue story, and he was telling me he says here that had him ring call him a squid because he didn't know. He was a courtman. So sorry, doc can give him a hug.

Roy Thomas:

And here's the thing. A legitimate doc, somebody tries to come to fucking square like a doc, They have every fucking right to square them away.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Mhmm. Like, there

Tre Porter:

there No

Roy Thomas:

one advantage butts bought it like a dot. They didn't straighten my mother her out.

Charlie Cline:

They're they're they're fucking ringing. Absolutely. Those devil docs.

Roy Thomas:

Devil docs are legitimately fucking ringing.

Charlie Cline:

And it's hard calling. It's crazy how we protect them as much as possible. Ourselves. Mhmm.

Roy Thomas:

I would I would fucking protect our dogs through thick and thin. They're they're fucking marines, man.

Charlie Cline:


Roy Thomas:

They did everything we did without a weapon. And they humbled us, they hugged us, they slept in a few with us, they did all the fucking training with us, they went to combat with us without a weapon, like hardcore.

Brent Holbrook:

And I don't think it's funny, like, like, in

Joe Gates:

the guy from a with a hacksaw.

Roy Thomas:

The hacksaw rig.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Or that or what does that

Brent Holbrook:

He was an he was an army medic, but, yeah, he

Joe Gates:

probably, like, seventy five, seventy six people. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. That's the thing.

Charlie Cline:

I mean

Roy Thomas:

Same thing.

Brent Holbrook:

Fucking document. So he

Roy Thomas:

What? This isn't doing?

Charlie Cline:

Did I Sure. Still got the life?

Roy Thomas:

Where they lose it. No. It's it's dead right now. Yeah.

Charlie Cline:

It's back. Alright. Sorry. Alright. Well, let's wrap it up. I guess I can't live real quick.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. It's dead.

Charlie Cline:

Hold on. Hold on, bud. Alright. Should be back on now. You guys got that six second delay. I had to just jump off every quick. My phone's been on this the whole time. So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we're gonna get we're gonna get ready to wrap up. We'll get ready to wrap up tonight.

Roy Thomas:

You're looking at the roof.

Joe Gates:

Oh, roofs on fire.

Charlie Cline:

There we go.

Tre Porter:

Down roof. Down roof.

Charlie Cline:

Alright. Well, we appreciate everybody listening. It looks like they got we got six people in. We don't even know who they all are, but my wife

Roy Thomas:

is one

Tre Porter:

of them.

Charlie Cline:

Alright. Awesome, man.

Tre Porter:

I was just checking on you.

Charlie Cline:

You can make You make

Tre Porter:

sure you're here.

Brent Holbrook:

You see

Roy Thomas:

who's sexier than me? Nobody knows you. Well, my and he lives right down the road.

Tre Porter:

Hey. Nobody's sexier than this guy.

Roy Thomas:

I'm sitting there down to your house.

Joe Gates:

The thing went to my apartment. Oh.

Charlie Cline:

Yep. Hopefully, your wife ain't listening. She's in Florida though. Yeah. She's in Florida.

Tre Porter:

She doesn't count. We're only married when I'm in Florida.

Charlie Cline:

Well, I'm not aware of that. Wait a minute.

Tre Porter:

Okay. I was just kidding.

Roy Thomas:

You're kidding.

Tre Porter:

Just can't.

Joe Gates:

Can't right to look at that out.

Brent Holbrook:


Charlie Cline:

Alright. So we're gonna be we're gonna wrap it up tonight. We're already Yep. Three hours and twenty minutes in. So you know, we we appreciate everybody.

Brent Holbrook:

We had a great turnout tonight.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah.

Tre Porter:

And I I I I love this group. I gotta tell you.

Roy Thomas:

Yeah. I love everything.

Charlie Cline:

We appreciate you listening tonight. Thanks of Gladys, California. Yeah.

Roy Thomas:

And Jimmy, we appreciate you, Tabitha. We appreciate everyone of our listeners. Like, we appreciate you guys. One hundred percent.

Charlie Cline:

And hopefully, we'll be back in the next couple weeks. We'll make sure that we try to post a little bit ahead of time. Yep. And we'll try to coordinate it when Jimmy's in town. We'd love to have him up here and need him to sign this banner. Yeah. That'd be great. So it's always cool. Always gonna have new new people up here talking about different things. So, you know, we kind of apologize for the cyber beginning of this, but we're gonna miss the big sexy up here. And it's big sexy. Probably not not gonna change for Yeah. The time, man.

Tre Porter:


Roy Thomas:

No, ma'am. That's a that's a huge void, you know, that we're getting around.

Charlie Cline:

It's it's good therapy for us to remember and talk and do the things that's what we have to do. So

Joe Gates:

Especially with one another.

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Well, that's that's huge. And that's why just like Tracy said earlier, man, I'm proud of this group. Ryers group that we got to be deputy was about fucking right. Appreciate, you know, Roy was on the ride with us. Not not a member of the Raptors group, but it was able to able to come in and and ride in that, participate. See, Chris is on, Chris Deere. How are you? So we definitely need to get you up here to the lounge one of these nights when we do this podcast or whatever.

Roy Thomas:

Oh, there's Krista?

Charlie Cline:

Yeah. Yeah. She just popped in.

Roy Thomas:

So Hey, Krista.

Charlie Cline:

How are you?

Tre Porter:

We were talking about you earlier, Ebertsons.

Charlie Cline:

Uber. Yeah. And then she's talking to Justin Bieber. It'd be nice to have you up here. We've had tabs up. We've had trays' wife up. Maybe I'll try to get old lady, Jen, up here one of these nights. Hey.

Roy Thomas:

Her sister, Courtney

Tre Porter:


Charlie Cline:

So You're up here? Yeah. She was she's Yeah. No. We love everybody listening. Yeah. We we appreciate the comments.

Roy Thomas:

Any bet. Yeah.

Brent Holbrook:

Yep. Well, you gotta remember comments interactions of any type help to push this out to other people. So that's just the way social media works. So the more you comment, the more you share, all that good shit, you know, the more it'll get out. So

Tre Porter:

Good shit.

Brent Holbrook:


Joe Gates:

It'll tell me somebody.

Brent Holbrook:

Yeah. Maybe it'll help somebody. So but alright. Shall we say good night

Charlie Cline:

and been everybody to do? We will. Appreciate it, guys. Appreciate you all. Yep. Until next time.

Roy Thomas:

Until next time, guys. Love you guys.

Brent Holbrook:

Until next time.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us at Soup Sandwich, a podcast that explores the complex and compelling world of veterans in the United States. Through interviews with veterans themselves, military experts and advocates, will dive deep into issues that matter most to this community, from mental health and employment to the history of the US military. This a future of military service and everything in between. Whether you're a veteran yourself, a spouse or family member of a veteran, or simply interested in learning more about this community. This podcast is for you. So come with us on a journey into the heart of the veteran experience and discover the stories, struggles and triumphs that have shaped our nation's brave after they've returned home.