Get It/Girl

Eight Books, Infinite Inspiration: A Literary Guide to Your Best Year Yet

January 28, 2024 Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg Season 2 Episode 3
Eight Books, Infinite Inspiration: A Literary Guide to Your Best Year Yet
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Eight Books, Infinite Inspiration: A Literary Guide to Your Best Year Yet
Jan 28, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg

🎙️ **Get IT Girl Podcast with Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg - Episode: "8 Books to Start Your Year"**

Embark on a literary journey with Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg as they delve into the world of inspiring reads to kickstart your year on the latest episode of Get IT Girl Podcast. In this special episode, the dynamic duo shares their top eight book recommendations across various genres, offering a perfect blend of motivation, introspection, and creativity.

1. Gratitude Journal: The Book for Daily Alignment

Uncover the transformative power of gratitude with the Gratitude Journal - a daily companion designed for alignment.

  • Explore the benefits of maintaining a gratitude journal for overall well-being.
  • Dive into journal prompts that guide you towards a positive mindset.

Where to Purchase:

  • White:

2.  Platform: The Art and Science of Personal Branding by Cynthia Johnson
Discover a roadmap for achieving your personal goals through the impactful read, "Platform."

  • Receive a summary of key takeaways.
  • Find out where to purchase this essential guide for personal development.

Where to Purchase: 

3. She Believed She Could: Show Up, Shine Bright, and Achieve Abundant Success by Allison Walsh

  • For Motivation When You're Burnt Out
  • A motivational pick-me-up for those challenging days.

Where to Purchase:

4. Self Love Poetry by Melody Godfred

  • For a New Perspective and Self-Love
  • Embrace self-love and gain a fresh perspective on life.

Where to Purchase:

5.  The Creative Act: A Way of Being  by Rick Rubin

  • For the Artist in You: "The Creative Path" by Rick Rubin*
  • Unleash your artistic potential with insights from the legendary Rick Rubin.

Where to Purchase: 

6.  Just Because by Matthew McConaughey

  • Fun for the whole family 
  • Dive into the lighter side of literature with this fun and engaging read.

Where to Purchase:

7. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

  • For a nostalgic tell all 
  • To remember that we are all human and can relate with each other

Where to Purchase: 

8.  COMING SOON: Keep Breathing: A Psychologist’s Intimate Journey Through Loss, Trauma, and Rediscovering Life  by Dr. Kate Truitt

  • Stay tuned for an upcoming release that focuses on mindfulness and well-being.
  • A true story of trauma and resilience 

Where to Purchase: 

Tune in to the Get IT Girl Podcast for an enriching discussion on these handpicked reads that promise to elevate your year. Whether you're seeking motivation, self-discovery, or simply a good time, Cynthia and Ashley have you covered.

Subscribe now and start your literary adventure with Get IT Girl Podcast!

🔗 Learn more and listen to all of the episodes at 

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg

Show Notes Transcript

🎙️ **Get IT Girl Podcast with Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg - Episode: "8 Books to Start Your Year"**

Embark on a literary journey with Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg as they delve into the world of inspiring reads to kickstart your year on the latest episode of Get IT Girl Podcast. In this special episode, the dynamic duo shares their top eight book recommendations across various genres, offering a perfect blend of motivation, introspection, and creativity.

1. Gratitude Journal: The Book for Daily Alignment

Uncover the transformative power of gratitude with the Gratitude Journal - a daily companion designed for alignment.

  • Explore the benefits of maintaining a gratitude journal for overall well-being.
  • Dive into journal prompts that guide you towards a positive mindset.

Where to Purchase:

  • White:

2.  Platform: The Art and Science of Personal Branding by Cynthia Johnson
Discover a roadmap for achieving your personal goals through the impactful read, "Platform."

  • Receive a summary of key takeaways.
  • Find out where to purchase this essential guide for personal development.

Where to Purchase: 

3. She Believed She Could: Show Up, Shine Bright, and Achieve Abundant Success by Allison Walsh

  • For Motivation When You're Burnt Out
  • A motivational pick-me-up for those challenging days.

Where to Purchase:

4. Self Love Poetry by Melody Godfred

  • For a New Perspective and Self-Love
  • Embrace self-love and gain a fresh perspective on life.

Where to Purchase:

5.  The Creative Act: A Way of Being  by Rick Rubin

  • For the Artist in You: "The Creative Path" by Rick Rubin*
  • Unleash your artistic potential with insights from the legendary Rick Rubin.

Where to Purchase: 

6.  Just Because by Matthew McConaughey

  • Fun for the whole family 
  • Dive into the lighter side of literature with this fun and engaging read.

Where to Purchase:

7. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

  • For a nostalgic tell all 
  • To remember that we are all human and can relate with each other

Where to Purchase: 

8.  COMING SOON: Keep Breathing: A Psychologist’s Intimate Journey Through Loss, Trauma, and Rediscovering Life  by Dr. Kate Truitt

  • Stay tuned for an upcoming release that focuses on mindfulness and well-being.
  • A true story of trauma and resilience 

Where to Purchase: 

Tune in to the Get IT Girl Podcast for an enriching discussion on these handpicked reads that promise to elevate your year. Whether you're seeking motivation, self-discovery, or simply a good time, Cynthia and Ashley have you covered.

Subscribe now and start your literary adventure with Get IT Girl Podcast!

🔗 Learn more and listen to all of the episodes at 

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg


Welcome to the Get it girl community where yes, you can have it all. We are redefining confidence and life, business health and happiness. If you are

Cynthia Johnson:

motivated, full of drive a go getter and looking for ways to achieve it all without losing yourself to the constant grind, this space is for you.


We're teaching you to take control of your life to boost confidence to feel good inside and out, which then spills into every aspect of your life. You show up better for yourself, your relationships, your career, your passions.

Cynthia Johnson:

We also focus a lot on bucket lists to help ignite that passion and adventure in you when it comes to differences in your life, to relationships, travel, food, and so much more.


So look in the mirror and say it loud and proud. Yes, you can have it all. Get

Cynthia Johnson:

it girl, we are changing the conversation around women and success from empowerment to celebration of achievement. Hi, everyone, welcome back to get a girl podcast. I am one of your co hosts Cynthia Johnson here with my lovely co host, Ashley leg.



Cynthia Johnson:

And today we're talking about books for 2024. Really, really exciting because both Ashley and I have books that we'd like to talk about. And then we have a list of books that really inspired us last year, and some that we're even going to reread in the new year. So start I will pass it to Ashley just talk about the incredible gratitude journal that she builds,


yes, that you helped me build. So that was definitely a passion project a couple of years ago. And we launched it and it's a part of our Get it girl brand. And we're super excited about it. It's so pretty. And we'll definitely link a link it below. But it's the exercising gratitude journal. Oop, there we go. And it comes in white, or mov and we love it. It's just I really wanted to do this because I was so passionate about finding a gratitude journal that really was easy with the prompts, but also inspired me to journal entry a little bit. So I'll break it down for you guys, but basically breaking like to when we talk about daily gratitude, I think it's so important because it helps you appreciate what you have, rather than focusing on what you don't. And that's what happens when you express gratitude, you start to notice the things around you that may be small or mundane, but they are just so important. And they add up to create the beautiful life that you have. And a lot of it has to do with mindset. So I feel like when we express daily gratitude, it is so powerful that it shifts so much in your life and you're attracting the energy that you're attracting is the energy that you're putting out. So I'm just going to show you kind of just a basic, and I know it's kind of hard to see on the screen. So I'll just explain it and we'll link up below. But basically, at the top of every page, there's a positive quote, and I just opened one right here. And the quote is, it's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. And so these quotes are there to inspire you every single day. And Cynthia and I actually worked really hard to place these quotes and to make sure that they were going to ignite something in you. And that's what the Get it girl brand is all about and the podcast, we want you guys to just chase whatever your heart desires and to feel like you can achieve whatever you're fighting for. And then it goes down to expressing three things that you're grateful for. And you don't have to overcomplicate this, this could be like the sun shining through the window, this could be like my warm cup of coffee, or waking up in my bed, my sanctuary next to my partner, they could be small things, they could be big things, whatever comes to mind, just jot them down and really think about how they make you feel not just like write them down, like what really are you grateful for? And then we go into daily intention. And that is just setting your daily intention. What do you want to focus on that day? How do you want the day to go? Are you going to wake up and say, I feel like crap, this day is going to suck? Or are you going to wake up and say, it's a beautiful day to be alive? Good things are coming. I got this. You choose which way you want to go. And if you go one way you're going to attract negative energy. If you go the other way, you're going to be open to positivity. So there's just so much power in setting your daily intention. Then we go on to practicing positive positive affirmations. One of my favorite positive affirmations is I am proud of my strong and able bodied and that is like one that I really repeated to myself when I was battling infertility. So that's one that really helped me get through. Do you have any Cynthia that you like positive affirmations that you've practiced before that make you feel, you know, hopeful and good and happy.

Cynthia Johnson:

For me, and I know, everyone's like different in how they approach this. But I always like to remind myself that my life and my existence is bigger than the problem I'm facing. And it gives me confidence to go into, though in the kind of work I do, I'm like, constantly helping solve problems. And so sometimes can be really stressful, it can be really stressful, but I just remind myself, it's, it's just this thing, and I, my life, their life is bigger than this problem, like the we can we can do this, like this is, this is not anything that we can't handle. And I just, I remind, just reminding yourself that you're, for me that today, you are the most important thing today. Like, there's, that's all you have. So yeah, that's kind of what I like to focus on.


I love that. And that's, I love the point that you made, that everyone approaches this differently. And that's what this gratitude journal is all about, too. It's it's catered to you and so you, you get out of it, what you put in, right, so the deeper you go, the more you get, and whatever you need to help you get through the day to day hustle. And also to make time for yourself, I feel like that's just like what you focus on. And I love that it's so good. And then that kind of segues into the next category is to write the goals you're focusing on, this could just be one simple thing for the day, or you could be reflecting back on your like 2420 24 intentions and, you know, kind of repeating this is what I want to focus on. And then there's a daily reflection, which is the journal entry aspect, which I love, because I found in a lot of gratitude journals, there's no space to write more. And so if you want to, I wanted to create that. So there is just one page on the back of the journal entry, where you can jot down something a little more and get a little deeper. And I wrote some prompts here, like what went right, what went wrong? What lessons did you learn? Are there any silver linings, let your thoughts flow. So every day has a different quote, but the same prompts. And then I also kind of dig deep into what gratitude is, what intentions are, what positive affirmations are to help, you know, just inspire you. But I just bought another one for the year because I like to start fresh. And honestly, it's just so nice. I daily gratitude saved my life when I was battling infertility and going through failed IVF transfers. This is what saved me because I started really, really appreciating what I had in that moment, rather than focusing on the baby that I didn't have in the moment. And then it helped me just be positive and hopeful really, that one day I was going to be become a mom. And so I've just practice continue to practice it. So I'm really excited to talk about that with you guys. If you don't have a gratitude journal, definitely check this one out exercising gratitude, we will link it below. So that's my baby. Now we're going to talk about Cynthia's baby her book. I mean, she is a published author, and has sold so many copies and has traveled the world talking about her book platform. So Cynthia, why don't you take it away? Thank

Cynthia Johnson:

you. Yeah, I, first of all, the gratitude journal is amazing. Because there's nothing in my book platform about personal, The Art and Science of Personal Branding. There's nothing that really the best place to start with my book is when you have something like a gratitude journal in place, because really, what I'm encouraging you to do you know, these books, they age out like you write it. And then a lot of what I'm talking about is digital, a lot of I'm talking about is like putting yourself out there in different ways. And those things can change. What never changes, though, is that the art of personal branding is really creating a mirror of your true self. And the hardest, most difficult piece of all of this is understanding what that really is because we're bombarded all the time with this noise, constant noise. And so the daily gratitude actually helps you figure out exactly what it is you care about what like not in what you care about day to day, there's a pattern. There's I don't know if you've noticed this, but you'll find a pattern in the way you talk to yourself, the way you talk about yourself. And that can be applied to your personal brand online and it really exposes your true essence to everyone else. And so opportunities come to you. I know we've all had those experiences where we're sitting, maybe in an office or job or whatever it is, and you're like, why do i Why do they keep asking you to do this thing. Seeing the game so much more than this thing? And nobody knows? Well, they don't know, because you're not telling them and, and it can be scary to to do that. And so starting with the gratitude journal is a great step one, once you get into personal branding, and you have an idea of what do I want? And maybe I don't know, what you want, start with what do I, what do I definitely don't want like, what, what is the thing that like, for me, I did not want to have to be anywhere. So that is an odd thing to think about. Because most you're saying, oh, I want to be a ballerina, or whatever those things are. Now I really just did not want to have to physically be anywhere consistently because it, it's hard on me. And so I thought, Okay, well, the internet is amazing. And I can do this for other people, because I can do it anywhere. So start with what I didn't want. Other people know very clearly what they do want and they start in that place, then I break it down into these, this sort of four pillars, the first one being, you can write this down, I have also a guide online, but you have your personal proof. So the personal proof is there really the things you have to do to make yourself feel like you are able to do the thing you want. So for instance, you don't have to go to art school to be an artist. Some people have to go to art school to be an artist, some people have to have that validation. And that's okay. And so you want to put those things down in your personal proof category, you'll usually find that you think there those are the most important things for but actually, they're just the most important things to you still important, but not the end all be all. Then you have your social proof, what have I done that lets the world know, hey, I can do this, whether it's a Job Internship and education, whatever those things are, put that in the list, then you have your recognition. Those are your like, awards, your degrees, the you know, where are you in, you know, publication, all the big the big stuff like I was in top 10, whatever. And then the last thing is like what is it that makes you different, like the fourth piece is the big heavy hitter, stuff like the the personal yet applicable. So for instance, if you are someone working in mental health, maybe you have a story that's unique to your journey, because these things are very important. You take that. And you hand it off to someone and you say, hey, three of my closest friends, maybe my mom circles, the three things on here that you think are most interesting about me. And you'll be very surprised to find out what those things are. And you want to, you want to then write a bio, set it aside. The second step is Google yourself. Deep Googling and make sure that everything on the internet about you is exactly what you want. Because the Internet if it knows what you tell it, so if you don't tell it anything, it's going to take from all these other places, and it's going to tell your story for you. And I know there's no, there's no dating, there's no job finding, there's no doing anything where someone doesn't Google you first or search you first or look you up and put yourself out there find a picture is my last hope. And then you can read the book for the rest is find a photo of yourself that you like. Because if you don't like it, you won't share it. And if you don't share it, it's useless. And I'll tell you that we still are human. And we still like to connect by understanding who people are and what they look like. So whether you use AI or professional photographer or your iPhone, it does not matter. But get a photo you like and put it out there and put it everywhere. It's your logo. It's everything about you. And so the why the how my story, sort of next steps and how you can grow from there. And we'll all be in this book. But I do encourage everyone if you are planning to go down this path of building your personal brand to start with gratitude, because it will guide you through the hardest part, which is the beginning. Like with anything, I think I love


that and I was actually listening to the Rachel Hollis podcast recently and she was talking about every successful like entrepreneur or someone who has a personal brand has to do with their mindset. And when you think about expressing daily gratitude, that's so true, because when you actually take the time to express gratitude, most likely your money mindset is moving towards a positive space or is in a positive space, right? And so that's going to influence how you approach your personal brand or how you approach your business in a positive way. So it's just like this positive cycle that keeps on giving, which I don't know if people sometimes realize like how important that deep inner work is first before everything else, because that's what's going to reflect your relationships, your business, your drive, it's everything. And when you're happy within, or at least working towards being happier within, it will pay off. So I love that how it's all connected. No,

Cynthia Johnson:

I, and I think you're, you're so right, especially as we move into the AI world, how we feel like that's the human intelligence, that is the future that is everything. So taking the time to understand yourself is, in my opinion, you know, going to really be the skill of the future. And


it's going to start

Cynthia Johnson:

Okay, that's exciting. Yeah.


Yes, you're unique and special and beautiful. And you deserve to be seen and heard. So, no, that's a good one. I know. And on that note, we're gonna segue into some other books that aren't ours, that are also just as powerful and influential and just inspiring. And I have one here, she believes she could buy Allison Walsh, and she's actually been on our podcast, she's just an incredible human being that has really taken her personal experience, to help others shine. And I just admire her a lot. And I know Cynthia, you have a close relationship with her. So let's talk about her background and what her book is really geared towards.

Cynthia Johnson:

Allison is such a wild card, because you know, when you there's one thing to read a book and love it, but there's another thing to understand the person and I would, I would say I'm so blessed and lucky to have known Allison before because she truly lives what she writes. She brings people up with her. She comes she competes at the highest level, but at the same time, she's shows the people she worked with who they can be by expecting more of them in a way that is so positive and motivating and encouraging. And, you know, she's a former Miss Florida beauty queen and her the stereotype just doesn't fit here like this. She's really a very encouraging person in her story. And she had an eating disorder for many years. And she, she worked through it. And so when she, when she got into recovery, she started to work in the mental health and eating disorder. You know, she's a little bit of name disorders, but in the mental health, behavioral health space and really climbed the ladder helped build these massive companies and the sales teams, and now she's running like 120 person business development team for Charlie health, which is an adolescent mental health company. And in the meantime, she wrote a book so casual, oh, she


does it all. And she also wants everyone else to wait when she only has like

Cynthia Johnson:

three kids or whatever is totally normal. But she Yeah, she definitely puts her heart on her sleeve. And, you know, she's not here to tell you it was so easy. She just woke up like this. Like, that's not the story at all. And I find that very motivating when people are honest about the struggles they faced, as they kind of made their way towards success. I mean, she talks about not even be able to get out of bed and 2020 Like, it's, it's not that long ago. So talking about, we talked about the people who really know themselves and share deeply. She's on the list for sure. So


yes, so read her bio, get below as well. And also her podcast interview with us. She is incredible. Follow her on social, she just has so much to offer. And she's willingly doing that to help you climb that ladder to success too. So yay, Alison. And then we have a another podcast guests. We have so many people with books, which is incredible. And this is a different style. We have poetry from melody got Fred and she has a few books but we did interview her and you have 101 here self love, self love poetry and then I have the shift so that we have multiple, you know, copies of what she has done and her style is completely different and powerful and deep and expressive. So let's talk about this and be out what do you want to

Cynthia Johnson:

read one I'm gonna read I just open this page. Got it. Okay, and melody would love the same thing. So she separates the book left brain right brain and so I'm reading the left brain is doing less doesn't make you worth less. And if you do less, everything will still be okay. You'll just feel better. Like think You


feel like oh, my goodness, so hard to understand in the moment, but when you read a it's like, it's like a light bulb like, so

Cynthia Johnson:

easy. And then right brain I stopped feeling bruised when I stopped using myself as a punching bag.


Oh my goodness, this is like going back to daily gratitude and positive affirmations. How are you treating yourself like her poetry? Like I already have goosebumps, because it's like, just so relatable in my life and your life and, and everyone else is going to interpret it differently. And that's what's so beautiful about her poetry.

Cynthia Johnson:

Yeah. And she, you know, she, she's actually a lawyer. So she's a lawyer, she left her job and wanted to sell love poetry. And she, I think the really her her big pivotal moment. And this is like for people who want to take risks and like, live your dream, because once you figure out who you are scary part is you gotta make you gotta make changes. And, and she did, and she she wrote some poetry on a side sidewalk, and this is crazy, but Kim Kardashian took a picture of it, and shared it. And then next thing you know, she got three part books.


Okay, I mean, I mean, use the right people for real, like,

Cynthia Johnson:

it'd become like a, like a, one of those people in the streets that like graffiti artists. But she did it. And so this looks beautiful, simple read, you can pick it up casually, it actually goes along with your gratitude journal. Like if you're stuck, just like flip open one of these pages. And I promise you, it'll help you get unstuck really quickly. So


I have two more that I was just like, going through and I was like, Okay, on the left side. If I work hard enough, I will finally get to where I'm going on the right side. If I rest gently enough, I will finally be president where I am. I know. So good. So good. And this next one was water can cause a flood. Water can put out a fire your thoughts, their water, choose them wisely. I have goosebumps like it's just it's a no show that she is so good. She really Oh, good. Okay, we're

Cynthia Johnson:

just this is lovely.


I know. So we will link Melody's posted well, and her podcast interview because she really did have some incredible gems that really influenced, you know, some of my thoughts moving into the new year and stuff and my intention. So she's really, really great. Alright, we have a couple more bucks I know some they are you can really dive actually, is because Cynthia prompted me to I

Cynthia Johnson:

don't know this person. But if you're out there listening.


I mean, we do all right. Yeah. Act away. Being by Rick Rubin. Yes.

Cynthia Johnson:

creative act. So notice the big pregnant belly. I'll cover it. I did not know. But that's actually what it is.


Certainly, I can relate right now.

Cynthia Johnson:

I can relate. So maybe this book got me pregnant. But So Rick Rubin is a music producer. He's produced everybody from the Beastie Boys to Kanye, Mac Miller. I mean, the list goes on and on. He's spans all different genres of music over lots of years. And he plays no instruments, and he does not mix music at all. And so he's this anomaly of a human being, who became kind of like a Buddha. And his, the creative act, a way of being is all about two things is, first, it's as an artist expression. So we're all artists. And he something that really resonated me is he says, the artists should never consider the audience first you consider the audience last, if at all, because the expression of who you are is what is what everyone is looking for. And I think so often, when we're showing up for work, or we're showing up on social media, whatever we're doing, we're thinking about how it's going to land. And that's not really the point. That's not our art is an expression that comes from us. And so he really talks about that, and it and it made sense to me, because we fall into this pattern of being like everyone else. Yeah. Which makes us uninteresting. Because we're thinking so much about the audience. And then he also talks about how to help artists. So he's he just says he acts like a mirror. So he listens. And he responds in a natural way, and then they're empowered by his, like expression and his responses. He has no idea how to play music like, and yet he's so respected as his musical genius. And I think that's amazing. Like, like you. He's like, I'm just I just really liked music.


What he really liked Something and look at everyone he connected with and accomplished. It's really It's mind blowing.

Cynthia Johnson:

It is it's it is truly mind blowing and also reinvented the way music is produced, it's normally done in like dingy studios with cigarette smoke and everything. And he decided, he's like I'm going to do, I'm going to go to Malibu, and I'm going to do an open floor plan. And I was like, lots of fresh air, and I'm not going to wear shoes. So he's just living his best


life, ice firms on his terms and

Cynthia Johnson:

helping and helping some of our like, most incredible artists and creators reach, like higher, like standards of art. And it goes back to that, like gratitude, that expression, right? It's like he helps them find who they are, so that they can confidently bring their art to the world without without overly considering what the world will think about it.


And I just thought was beautiful. Yes. Very good. All right, next book, The woman and me by Britney Spears all out book, the world by storm. And let's just say I was completely shocked by some of the things that were uncovered in there and that she put out into the universe after so many years. So I definitely think it was powerful, because you see someone on social media and may think something and may judge. And really, there's just a lot more to it. People are back with so many demons and things that you don't know what's going on. And it does shape who they are. So for her to put everything out there was very, very vulnerable and does explain a lot of what she's been through. And

Cynthia Johnson:

she was like maybe one of the most vulnerable people in history. That's why she was so she's so good on camera, and that's why her mental health or you know, or any issues that she's facing are so obvious because she just, she's exposed to the world. And I like kind of blown away just thinking, man, after all the we've put you through, he put a book out, are you crazy. I know rave is person. Sorry,


very brave, really

Cynthia Johnson:

brave. So. And I think it also reminds us that everybody at every level is deeply human and both valuable and someone who can hurt and be in pain. And we should be considered of that in our actions. So 100% 100%


And oh, boy, it just made me appreciate. You know, my life as well. Just seeing what she's gone through. Like, yeah, she had everything she was in our generation, the biggest icon she was the girl like she was the one I was like, looking through every magazine, what is she wearing? What is she doing as a child like, I really idolized her, you know, and it just goes to show that there's the outside perspective. And then there's things that go on behind closed doors, and you just never know. So to be always be kind and empathetic to you know, people situations not to just take things at surface level either.

Cynthia Johnson:

Just out of that one on there for fun.


And then there's one day you added to our notes. I have not read by Matthew makhani. So I thought I got this

Cynthia Johnson:

for Christmas. Is it good? It's so good. So it's like, it's a gamble. Okay, just because it's finished doesn't mean I'm done. Like, it's simple. And it's so cute. Who knew Matthew McConaughey was a kids book? Right? Like author?


I need to get it okay. Yeah, I

Cynthia Johnson:

get it. It's since he was so adorable. And I was like, you know, he just shows you that there's people have so many sides to them. So


many sides, so many talents, so many interests. And that's so awesome. Just Keep sharing your gifts with the world because you're going to reach someone and create an impact somehow. Somebody Yeah.

Cynthia Johnson:

Put it out. There's the truth out


there. Get it, girl. Just do it. Do it. Do whatever you want. Okay, and then last but not least coming soon. Coming

Cynthia Johnson:

soon. the book that I came upon, that is releasing soon I got like a early reading copy. Oh, a book is about SOS written by a psychologist who's trauma focused. So she's helps people through trauma. And this is her personal story. My mind was literally blown. So she's a psychologist and the week that she was going to get married. She came home her fiance had Odede and died and they had to use the food and flowers from her wedding for his funeral. Woof. It's so intense. And she has, I mean, she teaches people how to do this. And she was like, I was like, like, here I am a psychologist. And it happened in my own home to the person I cared about the most. Again, this is one of those, like, expose yourself to the max and then talks about how she overcame it, what she did with it. And even now is, was almost putting her like career at risk, and in a little bit of ways, because she's admitting that, like, we're all fallible no matter what we think we know. And we don't know. 2024 is the area of expression. All of these authors here have really put their heart and soul and like made huge get girl transitional moments in their life where they said, No, I'm not doing this thing that doesn't suit me anymore. Her name is Dr. Kate truites. She's on Tik Tok and social media. And she has a huge following. But the book comes out in April. For anyone who has been through any like deep seated pain, I think it would, it's really helpful. Just a really helpful to hear her journey.


Oh, I can't wait. I'm adding that to my list. Yeah. Well, I'm excited about this episode, because one of my new year's intentions and resolutions is to with every romance book I read, because that is much. I read something educational, or you know, self love inspired or something, you know, that is a little deeper. And so I am excited about this, because I need to read Matthew McConaughey his book and this new book that you just thought I was going to get released, and even reread the ones we have, because books are just so powerful in the sense that they really do spark that creativity that thought it makes you open to other people's experiences and what their thoughts and beliefs are. And so I just feel like it's great in the sense to be even more inspired, moving forward.

Cynthia Johnson:

I agree. And if you're not a big reader, there's always audible. Yeah, that's a


very, very, very good point. Thank you guys so much for joining us for another episode of Get it girl. We are having so much fun. Recording episode after episode. I feel like 2024 is going to be a big year for us. And we're just so happy for you guys to be a part of our community.

Cynthia Johnson:

Absolutely. And we'll list all the books where you can buy them in the show notes. If you do like the show and you stumbled upon us, please subscribe and reach out anytime. Appreciate you guys. Thank


you happy read every week. We'll talk to you soon. Thank you for listening to the gadget girl podcast. If you're not already, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a new episode.

Cynthia Johnson:

Our number one goal is to connect, inspire and to build a movement where you never feel alone. See you in the next episode.