Get It/Girl

Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being the Best "Hype Woman"

February 04, 2024 Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg Season 2 Episode 4
Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being the Best "Hype Woman"
Get It/Girl
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Get It/Girl
Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being the Best "Hype Woman"
Feb 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4
Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg

Welcome to another empowering episode of "Get it Girl," where we dive deep into the world of self-discovery and personal growth. In this edition, we're tackling a common challenge that many of us face – imposter syndrome. Join us as we unpack valuable insights and practical tips to overcome those nagging doubts and step confidently into your true potential.

Our featured episode, "Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being the Best 'Hype Woman'," is all about embracing your strengths and celebrating your achievements. Hosted by Ashley Legg and Cynthia Johnson, this conversation is a vibrant mix of inspiration and practical advice, designed to boost your self-esteem and kick imposter syndrome to the curb.

Learn how to cultivate a mindset of authenticity, turn self-doubt into self-love, and become the ultimate "Hype Woman" for yourself and others. We'll be sharing personal stories, expert interviews, and actionable strategies to help you navigate the journey of self-empowerment.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, this episode will leave you feeling motivated, empowered, and ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Tune in to "Get it Girl" and let's unleash the confidence within you!

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to another empowering episode of "Get it Girl," where we dive deep into the world of self-discovery and personal growth. In this edition, we're tackling a common challenge that many of us face – imposter syndrome. Join us as we unpack valuable insights and practical tips to overcome those nagging doubts and step confidently into your true potential.

Our featured episode, "Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being the Best 'Hype Woman'," is all about embracing your strengths and celebrating your achievements. Hosted by Ashley Legg and Cynthia Johnson, this conversation is a vibrant mix of inspiration and practical advice, designed to boost your self-esteem and kick imposter syndrome to the curb.

Learn how to cultivate a mindset of authenticity, turn self-doubt into self-love, and become the ultimate "Hype Woman" for yourself and others. We'll be sharing personal stories, expert interviews, and actionable strategies to help you navigate the journey of self-empowerment.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, this episode will leave you feeling motivated, empowered, and ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Tune in to "Get it Girl" and let's unleash the confidence within you!

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg


Welcome to the Get it girl community where yes, you can have it all. We are redefining confidence and life, business health and happiness. If you are

Cynthia Johnson:

motivated, full of drive a go getter and looking for ways to achieve it all without losing yourself to the constant grind, this space is for you.


We're teaching you to take control of your life to boost confidence to feel good inside and out, which then spills into every aspect of your life. You show up better for yourself, your relationships, your career, your passions.

Cynthia Johnson:

We also focus a lot on bucket lists to help ignite that passion and adventure in you when it comes to differences in your life, to relationships, travel, food, and so much more.


So look in the mirror and say it loud and proud. Yes, you can have it all. Get

Cynthia Johnson:

it girl, we are changing the conversation around women and success from empowerment to celebration of achievement.


Welcome back to a another Get it girl episode. We are so excited about this episode because we are diving deep into the topic of imposter syndrome, which I know can affect a lot of people, including myself in the past. And I always have to stop myself and think don't be a victim of this because it's a waste of time. And so I'm joined here with my co host, Cynthia and the what do you think about about this in general, this topic,

Cynthia Johnson:

impostor syndrome, and my work comes up. A lot of so we work with personal branding clients. And you know, one of the things one of the things we always say is your brand is like a mirror, it reflects everything. And it also never smiles first, and when you aren't looking in that mirror and smiling at yourself and reminding yourself that you are you are the person that everyone says you are. You can't grow past that. And so for me, it's you know, I see these wonderful, incredibly gifted people struggle with it every day. In fact, the more successful people are like, they tend to have more imposter syndrome, I don't know. quality problem quality people get impostor syndrome. And when we're talking


about what this is just in case, we have listeners that don't know, it's just doubting your value, doubting yourself worth, it's taking your achievements and maybe giving credit to luck, or just because and not really zoning and I know it was your talents that got you there or your expertise. It's feeling like a fraud at times, it's just allowing it to take over and to ultimately be detrimental because it's could hold you back. And so no matter what your goal is you're chasing no matter where you are at in your profession, or, you know, even a hobby like impostor syndrome can come up. And I just feel like it's definitely something that you should be aware of. So that you can really shift whenever that does kind of haunt you. And you can use your weaknesses or your fears or your doubts as fuel for positivity or you know, just to help you move to the next level without being feeling stuck. And I know it can be scary. And it's definitely easier than said than done. And I actually have an example I wanted to share when I was going through infertility, and as a personal trainer and nutrition specialist. I felt like a fraud. I had impostor syndrome because syndrome, because I felt like how am I you know, helping people eat right nourish their body and helping people move their body for internal health and external health? How can I not conceive and carry a child full term. And so that was really scary for me because I was vulnerable about my journey while still in my profession. And I just had to be open about it at one point because it was a fear in my head like are people going to judge me they're not going to listen to me and forever for advice because I can't get pregnant or carry a child full term, I was having multiple miscarriages and just fail fertility treatments. But honestly, that was just a fear within and I noticed that real quickly. Like once I spoke about that, like infertility does not discriminate. And that was just like a personal doubt and fear that I needed to face head on and think gosh, I did because I know more now and knowledge is power. And yeah, but that was just I would say that's probably like a clear example of what I went through when I was facing imposter syndrome. That's

Cynthia Johnson:

such a like a great example because it is also something that was out of outside of your control. It's not something you could change and those are those are the hardest moments. So the most difficult moments of imposter syndrome because you are faced with a child linge that it does not have an end in sight and completely, like separates you from your identity a lot of ways, right? Because you're this is this business. And so I think was really vulnerable for you to share that. And, and a perfect example of exactly what impostor syndrome is, and how it is incredibly unavoidable.


It really is. And I just feel like first recognizing what it is, what impostor syndrome is, for you personally, how it's affecting you, you know, the first step is always kind of awareness, it's admitting you have a problem or admitting that this is happening. And then I would say, from there on, just focus on your strengths and your accomplishments, because it's so easy to zone in on your insecurities, or what you consider failures. But that's just really, truly a waste of time. You can, of course, learn and grow from that. But like, you're going to gain more if you're focusing more on your strengths and your accomplishments and like, really understanding your value and believing in that value that you're sharing with the world. Yes,

Cynthia Johnson:

exactly. And removing that fear of where you're going and really celebrating where you're at. Because tomorrow is not anybody's guarantee. So we definitely shouldn't be afraid of it ever being different than what we expected. Expect it to be an imposter syndrome is, you know, the invitation to be more than you think you are, in a lot of ways which you create fear. And


I feel like if you can challenge those negative thoughts and change them to positive affirmations, which goes back to our episode on books, and the gratitude journal, it can make a huge difference. Because you are creating that shift, you're shifting the mindset, you're changing the narrative, right? So if you're going to tell yourself, oh, I don't believe in myself, or I'm not good at this, no one cares, then that's what you're going to think it's going to drive your actions, it's going to welcome more negativity. Rather, if you shift that and say, Wow, I am serving this community, I'm providing value, I'm showing up, I'm changing lives. I'm putting my heart and soul into this and it's valuable, you are going to welcome positivity. So it's just such mindset is such a huge part of this. It's such a huge part of life, and it really can make a huge difference. Yeah,

Cynthia Johnson:

absolutely. There's some tips for when we face those situations, because again, it's not always in your control. So those, you know, type a people out there who want everything to be controlled. You know, it's not easy. So what happens when you find yourself in those situations where imposter syndrome is creeping up? I mean, what do you do Ashley,


I definitely focus on what I'm good at, and what I truly care about, and what is my passion and share that and I just stay true to myself. And I feel like I'm able to grow through what I go through. And I love that quote, because I feel like that really is a huge thing. So first, when you recognize imposter syndrome, you recognize what's happening. And then you focus on your strengths and your accomplishments and your passions and just continue to share those gifts with the world because you are going to reach the right person and the right community. And then I would say just embrace the failures and learn from them. Which is a very hard lesson in the moment, I would say for a lot of people. But it's so true. I feel like without the downfalls or without the hard days, or the hard moments or the hard lessons, you're not truly able to appreciate the good and the winds and the strengths. And so having both sides of the spectrum I think is good. I think if you stay in a place where you're you know, feel like you're failing having downfalls having self doubt, then you're not able to grow. But if you can take that and shift it and use it as an educational tool or a learning lesson, I feel like you can create positive change, which then reduces impostor syndrome. And so it's that positive cycle. I feel like that keeps on giving. If you truly are aware and I think that's another thing is just like being hyper aware, like, Oh, this is happening. This is creeping and I'm having doubts. Nope, I'm gonna stop this. Let's focus on their strengths. Let's learn from our lessons and let's just keep doing what we want to do because I truly do feel like if you have a gift, you need to share it and it doesn't need to be anything crazy. It could just be your magnifying personnel. already, like, share it, like we want to see it, we want to hear it. We want to hear from you and you truly are worth it. Just don't let that self doubt kill your dreams. Because it's so easy to just like let things pass or like, close that door. But what if you left that door open or even open it even wider? what the possibilities are just like so unless?

Cynthia Johnson:

Yes, I mean, just yes to all of it. I love to flip things on its head, like flip everything around. And I'm like, is this situation my dream moment? Or am I the dream moment for the situation like, you know, and even even if you don't believe it, like verbalizing it in my mind, never thinking those thoughts changes my emotional place and that time because it's such a ridiculous thought.


And I feel like that's the get a girl moment like I can always rely on you to bring the Get it girl moment. And because that's a glamorize your life, or what's the word that I see a lot on social media, romanticize your life, romanticize everything, because why not? Why not? We're all so serious. And I get at times you have to be, but like, have fun with that. Have fun with your strengths, have fun with how you show up on social media, like smile, do the things that make you happy. And that's literally going to bring that out and others. Like an example of this too, is like I swear I used to when I was a reporter, I used to take jumping photos were like jump up in the air. You can't look at those without like smiling or like if and I would tell people just try it. Just try to jump in a photo. Like you can't help but smile and giggle because it's like childish, it's fun. It's like out of the comfort zone. And so just do more things like that. And I feel like you're gonna be more confident in yourself and kind of take off some of that extra pressure that we all put on ourselves because of society and everything else.

Cynthia Johnson:

The jumping is putting things into motion, right, like move, move, moving, like getting out of your head. And that's always been my issue with mindfulness. Like I don't want to be mind I want to I want to forget my mind is there and just being the experience of things, which I understand is also what the point is. And then jumping, just having these those weird. I mean, nobody's in control when they're jumping. You can't control like, you can't control the jump, like the


ridiculous. It's so much fun. I'm like, maybe I'd do that my kids tonight. Let's just jump around and have fun. And just yeah, you you can't help but smile. So everyone that's listening, take five minutes, to jump to dance, to just let it all out. Because I feel like that's another thing is just like the tension and stress we put on ourselves.

Cynthia Johnson:

I just picture you at work like I'm not supposed to be here. And you're just like jumping.


Love it? Oh, yes. So our last point is to create your support network. And I feel like that can have a huge impact. If you face impostor syndrome, because if you are expressing your feelings, if you are talking to people, maybe in the same field, as you get who get it, you guys can, you know, have conversations about what you're going through what you're struggling with the fears and doubts you have. And you never know what kind of insight you're going to get from someone else. And I feel like people can be so positive and uplifting if you let them and give you some like good constructive criticism or just support in general. And I feel like that can help people when you're out of crossroads of you know, doubting your worth and your value. Because I guarantee that if someone supports you, and they love you, and they're listening to you, they're seeing things about you that you're bringing to the table that you're not even recognizing or don't even think it's a big deal. And it could be a huge deal to them. I feel like Cindy and I, you and I have a good relationship in that way. Like there's so many times where I doubted my next step in my business or not growing enough or not doing enough. And there's so many times we're like, girlfriend, have you looked at your resume, like we could go down the list of everything that you've accomplished. Like, you need to be proud you are doing this, you built this, like celebrate it, don't worry about like what's not happening at the moment, like live in the moment and celebrate everything that you've achieved. When you have your support system. You're going to grow because you're going to start recognizing, wow, okay, I am doing something right. I

Cynthia Johnson:

think you're right. When I reach out to you. I'm like, Oh, this is happening or whatever. And you're like, No, you got this in my mind. Again, I'm really big framer. Like I have to frame everything. Like Well, this is one of the best people I know. So really there My name is Lola like, or have you reached out to me like, you'd better take my opinion seriously, because I like the best person. Again, you're right. It's like perspective of why, why am I putting so much energy into what these mystery people think of me in this situation and my abilities and then putting roadblocks in front of me because of it. And you need people in your life who remove those roadblocks and remind you of who you are. Because you're not your job. You're not yours, you know what I mean? You're you're, you are just a, like, a whole bunch of energy inside of a body. You don't have to do anything. Exactly. It's already good.


Right? So bottom line here is get out of your own way. Do you be you share your gifts with the world because you are worth it, you are valuable, and you are powerful. And so we just want to share that message that no matter what you're facing, you still deserve to share your gifts with the world. And we want to hear it and I'm just so happy that you guys listen to this episode because I feel inspired or motivated just by talking about this because it's definitely something that still creeps in every once in a while. But you have the power to shift that mindset. Yes.

Cynthia Johnson:

If you need a hype woman, or women feel free to reach out and just say hey, I'm looking for a hype woman. And we will we will give you the hype you need whatever you need to feel better. Because sometimes that's all we need is just a little reminder that we're great because you You are great. You're amazing. You're doing exactly what you should be doing and you belong.


Yes, you sure do. And fun side note before we leave Cynthia and I we were hype girls for a former circus Variety Show in Las Vegas that had traveling shows in Miami. Yes, we could tell you guys lots of stories. But like literally our title titles were hype girls, and they just wanted us to be out in the front in the crowd by the stage hyping everyone up and so it's just so funny because full circle here we are doing the same thing not only for each other but for our ghetto girl community. And I just think that is so beautiful because it just shows that we never gave up in that moment and we're still doing what we love to do and you can do

Cynthia Johnson:

that's beautiful. Well, the hype so


much hype so much hype. Well thank you guys for listening. Please subscribe so you never miss our episodes. We are working really hard to launch an episode every week and that is our goal. And we're just having a lot of fun with that. So please subscribe please leave us a review. It definitely helps us out and we can't wait to talk with you guys soon. Thank you for listening to the gadget girl podcast. If you're not already, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a new episode.

Cynthia Johnson:

Our number one goal is to connect, inspire and to build a movement where you never feel alone. See you in the next episode.