Get It/Girl

Tips for Fitness on the Fly

February 12, 2024 Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg Season 2 Episode 5
Tips for Fitness on the Fly
Get It/Girl
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Get It/Girl
Tips for Fitness on the Fly
Feb 12, 2024 Season 2 Episode 5
Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg

Fitness on the fly…

When you are super busy, it can be challenging to find time for movement and exercise. However, it is crucial to prioritize movement for your overall health and well-being. Here are some strategies to help you prioritize movement when you are busy:

1. Schedule it: Treat movement like any other important appointment or commitment. Set aside specific time slots in your calendar dedicated to exercise or physical activity. This will help you allocate time for movement and ensure it doesn't get overlooked.

2. Choose shorter workouts: If you can't spare an hour for exercise, opt for shorter, high-intensity workouts. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts can be as short as 10-20 minutes but still provide significant benefits. Look for workouts or apps that offer quick and effective routines.

3. Break it up: Instead of doing a single long workout, break it up into smaller chunks throughout the day. For example, you can do a 10-minute walk in the morning, a 10-minute stretching session during lunch break, and another 10-minute workout in the evening. This way, you accumulate movement and exercise throughout the day.

4. Incorporate movement into your routine: Find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to work if possible, or do some exercises while watching TV. Look for opportunities to move, even in small increments.

5. Prioritize active breaks: When you have a busy schedule, it's easy to get lost in work and forget to take breaks. However, taking short breaks to move and stretch is essential for your productivity and well-being. Set reminders to take regular breaks and use them to get up, stretch, and do some quick exercises.

6. Make it enjoyable: Find activities that you genuinely enjoy and look forward to. Whether it's dancing, hiking, cycling, or playing a sport, choosing activities you love will increase your motivation to prioritize movement even when you are busy.

7. Get support: Share your goal of prioritizing movement with friends, family, or colleagues. Having a support system can help hold you accountable and provide motivation. You can also find workout buddies or join fitness classes to make movement a social activity.

Remember, even small amounts of movement can make a significant difference in your overall health and well-being. Prioritizing movement, even when busy, is an investment in your long-term physical and mental health.

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg

Show Notes Transcript

Fitness on the fly…

When you are super busy, it can be challenging to find time for movement and exercise. However, it is crucial to prioritize movement for your overall health and well-being. Here are some strategies to help you prioritize movement when you are busy:

1. Schedule it: Treat movement like any other important appointment or commitment. Set aside specific time slots in your calendar dedicated to exercise or physical activity. This will help you allocate time for movement and ensure it doesn't get overlooked.

2. Choose shorter workouts: If you can't spare an hour for exercise, opt for shorter, high-intensity workouts. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts can be as short as 10-20 minutes but still provide significant benefits. Look for workouts or apps that offer quick and effective routines.

3. Break it up: Instead of doing a single long workout, break it up into smaller chunks throughout the day. For example, you can do a 10-minute walk in the morning, a 10-minute stretching session during lunch break, and another 10-minute workout in the evening. This way, you accumulate movement and exercise throughout the day.

4. Incorporate movement into your routine: Find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to work if possible, or do some exercises while watching TV. Look for opportunities to move, even in small increments.

5. Prioritize active breaks: When you have a busy schedule, it's easy to get lost in work and forget to take breaks. However, taking short breaks to move and stretch is essential for your productivity and well-being. Set reminders to take regular breaks and use them to get up, stretch, and do some quick exercises.

6. Make it enjoyable: Find activities that you genuinely enjoy and look forward to. Whether it's dancing, hiking, cycling, or playing a sport, choosing activities you love will increase your motivation to prioritize movement even when you are busy.

7. Get support: Share your goal of prioritizing movement with friends, family, or colleagues. Having a support system can help hold you accountable and provide motivation. You can also find workout buddies or join fitness classes to make movement a social activity.

Remember, even small amounts of movement can make a significant difference in your overall health and well-being. Prioritizing movement, even when busy, is an investment in your long-term physical and mental health.

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg


Welcome to the Get it girl community where yes, you can have it all. We are redefining confidence and life, business health and happiness. If you are

Cynthia Johnson:

motivated, full of drive a go getter and looking for ways to achieve it all without losing yourself to the constant grind, this space is for you.


We're teaching you to take control of your life to boost confidence to feel good inside and out, which then spills into every aspect of your life. You show up better for yourself, your relationships, your career, your passions.

Cynthia Johnson:

We also focus a lot on bucket lists to help ignite that passion and adventure in you when it comes to differences in your life, to relationships, travel, food, and so much more.


So look in the mirror and say it loud and proud. Yes, you can have it all. Get

Cynthia Johnson:

it girl. We are changing the conversation around women and success from empowerment to celebration of achievement.


Welcome to another episode of The Geddit girl Podcast. I'm one of your hosts Ashley leg. And this is a solo episode talking about my passion for fitness. And today we are talking about fitness on the fly. So I understand that so many of us are busy, it's hard to carve out the time, it's hard to find the time to prioritize movement and exercise. But it's so crucial to prioritize both of those things for your overall health and well being. So I wanted to share some strategies to help you make movement a priority and part of your daily routine. Even if you're crazy busy, like I am, you figure it out. But what it comes down to just that if you really want something badly you will make the time. So how bad do you want to achieve goals. So tip number one is to schedule your workouts, treat your workouts like an important an important appointment or meeting or commitment and set aside specific time slots in your calendar dedicated to exercise and your physical activity. And this will just help you allocate the time to make sure that you are getting that movement and and it doesn't get overlooked. For me personally, I love to set up my schedules in Google calendar as well as a physical calendar and I put my workouts on there so that I know okay, this is the time and that way, when I'm wrapping up parts of my workday, I know okay, I have like 15 minutes to get some pre workout in and then I need to head to the gym because my time is valuable and limited. And so it keeps me on a schedule. So I recommend you do the same and you can work out any time of the day that fits you and your schedule. So whether it's early in the morning, whether it's midday during lunch, whether it's later at nighttime, you just have to figure out what is going to work with you and not create some like added extra stress but like you can find a pack of window to schedule it. Tip number two is to choose shorter, more efficient workouts. So some people don't have the time to go to an hour workout class with driving time their driving time back or you might not have time to hit a full upper body pull day in the gym spending an hour plus at the gym. So find more efficient ways to work out with the use of the time that you have. And so HIIT workouts are a really good idea for people who want to get a good workout in in a shorter amount of time so it's high intensity interval training. And you can really jam pack a lot in 30 minutes if you are focusing on more of a hit style workout. But honestly any workout if you love Pilates, you could do 30 minutes of Pilates you just need to research and find alternatives for you. So I know there are a lot of people who have on demand workouts including myself. And so definitely research find the style of workout that you like and look at their programs because me personally, I definitely provide 30 minute workouts I provide 45 minute workouts, I provide workouts that are under 10 minutes. And so I give those options for people because I know everyone's time availability is different. I love my style of training. It is hit base where we mix strength, cardio, endurance, core balance, everything all in one workout. And I guide you in real time so they're pre recorded but I'm there with you in real time taking you through the workouts and offering modification so if you want to check that out, we will definitely link my on demand platform below my businesses like Dave fitness If you didn't know, but the website is on demand dot leg But there are other platforms out there. I know Allah yoga has aloe moves, they have a really good platform you could look at on YouTube, Sydney Cummings, she has a free workout. Those are just a couple examples. And you can just search and find one that really is going to work with you. And you have to really like the trainer, because that's what's going to motivate you. So it may be it may take some trial and error. But it's always good to explore those options. Number three tip is to break it up. So let's say you don't really have the time for a 30 minute workout or an hour workout, what you can do is you can break up movement into smaller chunks throughout your day. So let's say you do a 10 minute walk in the morning or a 10 minute stretch session on your lunch break, or a 10 minute hit workout at night, all of that movement adds up and it matters. So if you're overwhelmed committing to a 30 minute workout or an hour workout, start with 10 minutes. And then you can build from there, you can always start small, you don't have to go full force for any type of goal, it's actually better to start small and to build upon those habits, you'll gain more confidence in the process. And then you'll be able to challenge and up level from there. Tip number four is to incorporate movement into your routine. And I feel like this is definitely an old school tip. But honestly, it makes all the difference. So if you're super busy, and you are on the go a lot and you're working and hustling, just think about ways that you can add more movement. So for example, taking the stairs instead of the escalator or the elevator parking in the FAR part of a parking lots. That way, it allows you to walk further to your destination. You can also do some exercises while watching TV on your downtime, I have a walking pad that I can move under my standing desk, in my office or I can move it to the living room and you can walk while you're enjoying your downtime and TV. It all makes a difference. So I feel like if you just commit to incorporating more movement throughout the day, it could even be just stretching to relieve some stress and tension during a busy day. It just makes a big difference. And I feel like your body or I know your body will crave that movement, the more you start to introduce and introduce it, our bodies were meant and made to move. So if you have an able bodied, I encourage you to move it in some way. Tip number five is to prioritize active breaks. And so let's say you know that you have intense back to back meetings, but you have 20 minutes in between to use the restroom, maybe drink some water, and what have you just allowed for three minutes of stretching that is going to be there. So it's something that you have look forward to your know you're going to move and it's going to feel good and help you. You could also do like sometimes, if I am overwhelmed, like I will literally just hit like 10 squats or 10 Jumping jacks and that little boost of endorphins can really do a lot for mental clarity and it's just going to wake up your body. Tip number six is to make it enjoyable. So you have to find activities that you genuinely care about that you look forward to that are going to motivate you to show up for so whether it's Pilates or strength training, hit training, hiking, walking, all of that counts, you just have to figure out what really really ignites your fire. And that way you're excited to move and it's enjoyable, you'll prioritize it even more and it just makes it so much more fun. Tip number seven is to get support. So I think it's so important to share your goal and that doesn't mean you have to share it on social media, you can keep it to yourself, but maybe share with someone that you care about whether it's a loved one your partner, a best friend, a co worker, a family member, that way you just have someone to talk to when it comes to health and wellness because even though I feel like we are strong alone, we are stronger together. And it's just exciting when you have a support system, because then you can motivate each other you can inspire each other you can push each other in certain workout classes. If you can coordinate and do something with an accountability partner it just really does make such a huge difference. So I really hope that these top seven tips to prioritize Fitness on the fly Eyes are helpful for you. Really what it comes down to is just finding something that you love. That's going to encourage you to move your body and that's going to motivate you to make the time and over time, it's going to get better, it's going to get more enjoyable. It's not like it's always going to get easier because hopefully you're continuing to challenge yourself. But you do gain that confidence through whatever movement practice that you decide that okay, I want to do this for myself, for my mind for my body, you will gain more confidence in that area, which I think is a huge step to really creating a long term and sustainable exercise regimen. Movement is medicine. There are so many benefits to movement from endorphins, stress relief, to mental clarity to just relieving and reducing aches and pains. So I encourage you to find something that makes you happy that makes you feel good and to stick with it. I hope you guys really enjoyed this podcast and I can't wait to see you guys and talk with you guys in the next episode. Thank you for listening to the gadget girl podcast. If you're not already, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a new episode.

Cynthia Johnson:

Our number one goal is to connect, inspire and to build a movement where you never feel alone. See you in the next episode.